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Storage and Release of Noradrenaline in Hypothalamic Synaptosomes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract: The noradrenaline storage capacity of vesicles in hypothalamic synaptosomes was measured by incubating them with [3H]noradrenaline under saturating conditions. The normal noradrenaline content is 52% of storage capacity. Incubation or superfusion with 50 mm -potassium causes calcium-dependent release from the vesicles. Such release reduces not only the vesicular content, but also the noradrenaline storage capacity. This suggests that after exocytosis vesicles cannot refill with noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Isolated rat cerebral cortical synaptosomes made anoxic by addition of cyanide developed an inhibition of the Ca2+-dependent release of glutamate 2 min after the addition of the metabolic inhibitor when the intrasynaptosomal ATP/ADP ratio decreased below 1.7. In contrast, cyanide induced a continuous efflux of glutamate through a Ca2+-independent pathway that accounted for the release of 25% of total intrasynaptosomal glutamate in 5 min. The results suggest that a Ca2+-independent release of glutamate could be implicated in the neurotoxic action of this amino acid during anoxia.  相似文献   

We have studied the morphological changes induced by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) treatment on pure cholinergic synaptosomes from Torpedo electric organ. These changes were studied by both ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture techniques. We found that after a treatment with TPA, a redistribution of synaptic vesicles inside the nerve endings and exocytotic images could be observed. Also, TPA, under conditions that induced the acetylcholine release, did not change the density of intramembrane particles at the synaptosomal protoplasmic hemimembrane leaflet. Similar results were found when calcium was not present in the extrasynaptosomal medium, and our results suggest that acetylcholine release induced by phorbol ester is probably mediated by exocytosis of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Abstract: The release of acetylcholine (ACh) and ATP from pure cholinergic synaptosomes isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo was studied in the same perfused sample. A presynaptic ATP release was demonstrated either by depolarization with KCl or after the action of a venom extracted from the annelid Glycera convoluta (GV). The release of ATP exhibited similar kinetics to that of ACh release and was therefore probably closely related to the latter. The ACh/ATP ratio in perfusates after KCl depolarization was 45; this was much higher than the ACh/ATP ratio in cholinergic synaptic vesicles, which was 5. The ACh/ATP ratio released after the action of GV was also higher than that of synaptic vesicles. These differences are discussed. The stoichiometry of ACh and ATP release is not consistent with the view that the whole synaptic vesicle content is released by exocytosis after KCl depolarization, as is the case for chromatin cells in the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Abstract: Release-regulating heterocarriers exist on brain nerve endings. We have investigated in this study the mechanisms involved in the neurotransmitter release evoked by GABA heterocarrier activation. GABA increased the basal release of [3H]acetylcholine and [3H]noradrenaline from rat hippocampal synaptosomes and of [3H]dopamine from striatal synaptosomes. These GABA effects, insensitive to GABA receptor antagonists, were prevented by inhibiting GABA uptake but not by blocking noradrenaline, choline, or dopamine transport. Lack of extracellular Ca2+ or addition of tetrodotoxin selectively abolished the GABA-evoked release of [3H]noradrenaline, leaving unaffected that of [3H]acetylcholine or [3H]dopamine. 1,2-Bis(2-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM) or vesamicol attenuated the release of [3H]acetylcholine elicited by GABA. Reserpine, but not BAPTA-AM, prevented the effect of GABA on [3H]dopamine release. Autoreceptor activation inhibited the GABA-evoked release of [3H]noradrenaline but not that of [3H]acetylcholine or [3H]dopamine. It is concluded that (a) the release of [3H]noradrenaline consequent to activation of GABA heterocarriers sited on noradrenergic terminals meets the criteria of a conventional exocytotic process, (b) the extracellular [Ca2+]-independent releases of [3H]acetylcholine and [3H]dopamine appear to occur from vesicles possibly through involvement of intraterminal Ca2+, and (c) autoreceptor activation only affects heterocarrier-mediated vesicular release linked to entry of extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Polyvalent cations and hypertonic shrinking of presynaptic endings lead to calcium-independent exocytosis in various synapses. In the present study we have investigated the contribution of integrins to this phenomenon. It was found that hypertonic shrinking, polyvalent cations ruthenium red and gadolinium results in dose-dependent calcium-independent neurotransmitter release in rat brain synaptosomes. The exocytotic mechanism of neurotransmitter release induced by 300 microM gadolinium was additionally verified by the fluorescent dye FM2-10. We found that 200 microM of RGDS peptide, an inhibitor of integrins, decreased polyvalent gadolinium-induced [3H]D: -aspartate release by 26%. This compound had no effect upon hypertonicity-induced release. The peptide RGES, a negative control for RGDS; genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases; and citrate, an inhibitor of lanthanides-induced aggregation were ineffective in both cases. Therefore, we have shown that integrins did not influence hypertonicity-evoked [3H]D: -aspartate release, but partially mediated that evoked by gadolinium ions.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine Turnover and Compartmentation in Rat Brain Synaptosomes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract: The turnover of acetylcholine (ACh) in rat brain synaptosomes and its compartmentation in the labile bound and stable bound pools were investigated. The P2 fraction from rat brain was subjected to three sequential incubations, each terminated by centrifugation followed by determination of ACh concentrations by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS): (1) Depletion phase: Incubation of synaptosomes at 37°C for 10 min in Na+-free buffer containing 35 mM-KCl reduced the content of both labile bound and stable bound ACh by 40%. (2) Synthesis phase: Incubation at 37°C with 2 μ M -[2H4]choline resulted in accumulation of labeled and unlabeled ACh in both compartments. Addition of an anticholinesterase had little effect on stable bound ACh but greatly increased the content of labile bound ACh. This excess accumulated ACh was probably due to inhibition of intracellular acetylcholinesterase (AChE), because negligible uptake of ACh from the medium was observed. The effects on ACh synthesis of altered cation concentrations and metabolic inhibitors were examined. (3) Release phase: The tissue was incubated in the presence of 35 mM-KCl, 40 μM-paraoxon, and 20 μM-hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) (to inhibit further synthesis of ACh). Measurements of the compartmental localization of ACh at several time points indicated that ACh was being released from the labile bound fraction. In support of this conclusion, 20 mM-Mg2+ reduced ACh release and increased the labile bound ACh concentration.  相似文献   

The rapid kinetics of spontaneous and evoked [3H]acetylcholine efflux from synaptosomes was investigated using the technique of rapid superfusion. Synaptosomes were isolated from whole rat brain and the intraterminal pool of acetylcholine was radiolabeled by preincubation with [3H]choline. Synaptosomes were retained within the superfusion system on filter disks and superfused with Krebs-bicarbonate buffer, pH 7.4, at flow rates of 0.3-0.5 ml/s. These experimental conditions provided a mixing half-life of 119 ms and efficiency of superfusion of greater than 85%. The kinetics of tritium efflux was followed on the second and subsecond time scales by collection of serial 4.8-s and 50-ms samples for a total of 67.2 and 1.0 s, respectively. Superfusion for 48 s with isoosmotic Krebs buffer containing 10, 20, 30, 50, 75, and 100 mM potassium ion stimulated concentration-dependent tritium release. All of potassium-evoked release, but only 17% of spontaneous release, was calcium-dependent. Kinetic analysis of net (total minus spontaneous) potassium-stimulated release revealed a single calcium-dependent component of release that fit a single exponential function with a half-life of 12.7 s. Analysis of the area under the tritium efflux curves observed on the millisecond time scale revealed that 0.111, 0.550, and 0.614% net tritium release was evoked by superfusion for 750 ms with isoosmotic buffer containing 20, 50, and 100 mM KCl, respectively. Consistent with the results observed on the second time scale, a small fraction of spontaneous release and all of potassium-evoked release observed on the millisecond time scale were calcium-dependent. These data indicate that the technique of rapid superfusion can be utilized for the direct investigation of spontaneous and evoked [3H]acetylcholine release, as well as the factors that regulate this release from brain synaptosomes on the second and millisecond time scales.  相似文献   

The effect of phorbol esters and so the involvement of Ca2+/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C;PKC) in the release of acetylcholine (ACh) was studied using Torpedo electric organ synaptosomes. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), a known activator of PKC, induced neurotransmitter release in a concentration-dependent manner and increased the potassium-evoked release of ACh. The effect of TPA was shown to be independent of the extrasynaptosomal calcium concentration. TPA-induced ACh release was reversed by H-7, an inhibitor of PKC activity. This drug showed no effect on potassium-evoked ACh release. Botulinum toxin, a strong blocker of potassium-induced ACh release in that synaptosomal preparation, showed no inhibitory effect on the TPA-induced ACh release. Our results suggest that activation of PKC potentiates the release of an ACh pool that is not releasable by potassium depolarization, independently of the extracellular calcium concentration.  相似文献   

Calmodulin binding proteins (CBPs) have been identified using a gel overlay technique for fractions isolated from Torpedo electromotor nerve endings. Different fractions possessed characteristic patterns of CBPs. Synaptosomes showed five major CBPs--Mr 220,000, 160,000, 125,000, 55,000, and 51,000. Polypeptides of Mr 55,000 and 51,000 were found in the cytoplasm and the others are membrane-associated. The Triton X-100-insoluble cytoskeleton of synaptosomes was isolated in the presence or absence of calcium. The major CBPs had Mr of 19,000, 18,000, and 16,000. In the presence of calcium, no other CBPs were seen. In the absence of calcium, an Mr 160,000 polypeptide was present in the Triton cytoskeleton. Synaptic vesicles showed CBPs of Mr 160,000, 25,000, and 20,000. Membrane fragments enriched in acetylcholine receptors contained two major CBPs, Mr 160,000 and 125,000, together with a less prominent protein at Mr 26,000. A protein of Mr similar to that of fodrin was present in synaptosomes and acetylcholine receptor membrane fragments, but only in small amounts relative to the other polypeptides observed. The heavy and light chains of clathrin-coated vesicles from pig brain did not bind calmodulin, although strong labelling of an Mr 47,000 polypeptide was found. Results showed that calelectrin does not bind calmodulin. The possible identity of the calmodulin binding proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Adenosine, a putative inhibitory transmitter or modulator in the brain, is rapidly transported by rat cerebral cortical synaptosomes. The uptake may represent a facilitated diffusion process, which is saturable and temperature-dependent. In this study, the uptake process was very rapid, reaching completion within 60 s of incubation at 37°C, and had an apparent Km value of 0.9μM and a Vmax value of 5.26 pmol/mg protein/ 30 s. Over 70% of the adenosine taken up remained unchanged, whereas 14% was metabolized to inosine. Twelve percent of the adenosine was converted to nucleotides. Rapid uptake of adenosine into rat cerebral cortical synaptosomes was partially inhibited by replacing Na+ with choline chloride in the medium. Ca2+ ion is important for the uptake process, as inhibition of adenosine uptake occurs in the presence of either Co2- or EGTA. Rapid uptake of adenosine is apparently mediated by a nucleoside carrier, a conclusion based on its inhibition by a variety of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides. Uptake was inhibited by dipyridamole, hexobendine, papaverine, flurazepam, and morphine. Over 60% of the adenosine taken up by the rapid uptake system (30 s) was released by depolarizing agents. In contrast, only 30% of the adenosine taken up during a 15-min incubation period was released under the same conditions. [3H]Adenosine was the predominant purine released in the presence or absence of depolarizing agents. The basal and KCl-evoked release mechanisms were found to be at least partially Ca2+-dependent, however, the release of adenosine by veratridine was increased in the presence of EGTA. This finding is in agreement with the reported Ca2+-independent release of ATP from brain synaptosomes. The present findings suggest that there are at least two functional pools of adenosine in synaptosomes. Adenosine taken up by different uptake systems may be destined for different uses (metabolism or release) in the neuron.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of ouabain and dihydroouabain on Na+-K+ ATPase, 86Rb uptake and the release of [14C]ACh (acetylcholine) from synaptosomal preparations of guinea pigs was compared. At low concentrations of glycoside (<50 μm ) there was a good correlation between the potency of ouabain and of dihydroouabain in inhibiting Na+-K+ ATPase and in causing the release of [l4C]ACh in a nondepolarising medium. Ouabain (200 μM) increased the release of [14C]ACh evoked by 25 mm -KCl, but not that evoked by 100μm -veratrine. The enhancement of release was independent of the presence of calcium. It was observed that in addition to [14C]ACh release, choline efflux was also stimulated by ouabain, independently of the presence of Ca2+. Experiments with hemicholinium-3 showed that the ouabain-induced increase in choline efflux was not due to an inhibition of reuptake. The effect of ouabain on intrasynaptosomal K+ concentration was measured in order to investigate the degree of depolarisation it caused. The decrease in K+ was found to be similar in magnitude and time course to that caused by veratrine. It was shown that ouabain-induced depolarisation caused an increased efflux of another positive ion (dibenzyldimethylammonium chloride) and retention of a negatively charged ion (chloride), as would be expected from the operation of the electrochemical potential gradient changing as a result of depolarisation. It is suggested that ouabain acts to stimulate ACh release from synaptosomes as follows: following blockage of the Na+-K+ ATPase there is rapid depolarisation which, if Ca2+ is present, provokes the normal Ca2+-dependent transmitter release process to occur. In addition, depolarisation accelerates the leakage of positive ions down their electrochemical potential gradient, but causes a retention of negative ions. Such an action does not depend on the presence of Ca2+, nor is it specific to transmitters.  相似文献   

An HPLC assay with fluorometric detection has been developed that is sensitive enough to measure simultaneously endogenous levels of tryptophan, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) inside synaptosomes as well as that released into the incubation medium. Using this assay, we have observed that tryptophan is rapidly taken up by synaptosomes and turned over to 5-HIAA without a concurrent release of 5-HT. Exogenous 5-HT is also rapidly taken up, and, within 20-30 min, 80% of the 5-HT is deaminated. Veratridine induces release of both tryptophan and 5-HT from synaptosomes. Changes in the disposition of exogenous tryptophan or 5-HT can be completely accounted for by uptake or by stoichiometric changes in metabolites. This assay method should be valuable in the study of 5-HT pools and in the determination of from which pool 5-HT release occurs.  相似文献   

Toxic peptides II-9.2.2 and II-10, purified from Centruroides noxius venom, bear highly homologous N-terminal amino acid sequences, and both toxins are lethal to mice. However, only toxin II-10 is active on the voltage-clamped squid axon, selectively decreasing the voltage-dependent Na+ current. Here, we have tested toxins II-9 and II-10 on synaptosomes from mouse brain: both toxins increased the release of gamma-[3H]aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA). Their effect was completely blocked by tetrodotoxin or by the absence of external Na+. Also, both toxins increased Na+ permeability in isolated nerve terminals. Besides the observation that toxin II-9 is active on synaptosomes, the effect of toxin II-10 in this preparation is opposite to that observed in the squid axon. Thus, our results reflect functional differences between the populations of Na+ channels in mouse brain synaptosomes and in the squid axon. The release of GABA evoked by these toxins from synaptosomes required external Ca2+ and was blocked by Ca2+ channel blockers (verapamil and Co2+). This latter observation is in sharp contrast to the releasing action of veratrine, which evoked release even in the absence of external Ca2+. Furthermore, the action of both C. noxius toxins was potentiated by veratrine, a result suggesting they have different mechanisms of action. Among drugs that release neurotransmitters by increasing Na+ permeability, it is noteworthy that scorpion toxins are the only ones yet reported to have a strict requirement for external Ca2+.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Ca2(+)-dependent release of glutamate from guinea-pig cerebrocortical synaptosomes evoked by KCl or 4-aminopyridine are investigated using a continuous fluorimetric assay. Release by both agents is biphasic, with a rapid phase complete within 2 s followed by a more extensive slow phase with a half-maximal release in 52 s for KCl-evoked release and greater than 120 s for 4-aminopyridine-evoked release. The two phases of glutamate release may reflect a dual localization of releasable vesicles at the active zone and in the bulk cytoplasm. Decreasing depolarization depresses the extent rather than increasing the time for half-maximal Ca2(+)-dependent release. Both the fast and the slow phases of glutamate release require external Ca2+ and cytoplasmic ATP. KCl depolarization produces a transient "spike" of cytoplasmic free Ca2+ [( Ca2+]c), which recovers to a plateau; the major component of glutamate release occurs during this plateau. Predepolarization in the absence of added external Ca2+, to inhibit transient Ca2+ channels, does not affect the subsequent glutamate release evoked by Ca2+ readdition. Thus, release involves primarily noninactivating Ca2+ channels. For a given increase in [Ca2+]c, KCl and 4-aminopyridine cause equal release of glutamate, while ionomycin releases much less glutamate. This lowered efficiency is not due to ATP depletion. It is concluded that glutamate exocytosis is evoked by localized Ca2+ entering through noninactivating voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels and that nonlocalized Ca2+ entry with ionomycin is inefficient.  相似文献   

Abstract: α-Latrotoxin (α-LT), the major component of black widow spider venom, is a high-molecular-weight protein that acts presynaptically by stimulating the release of stored neurotransmitters. The purified toxin was iodinated to high specific radioactivity by the Bolton-Hunter procedure, without appreciable loss of biological activity. By the use of the 125I-toxin, specific receptors were revealed in synaptosome fractions isolated from various regions of the rat brain, but not in nonneural tissues. The density of α-LT receptors [which are probably composed of, or include, membrane protein(s)] varies between 0.6 and 0.88 pmol/mg of synaptosome protein, their affinity is very high ( K A of the order of 1010 M −1), their association rate is fast, and their dissociation rate slow. They might belong to a single, homogeneous class. This last conclusion, however, is still uncertain, because results suggesting a possible heterogeneity were obtained by studying the dissociation of the toxin from synaptosomes incubated in high-salt buffer. Experiments in which the binding of α-LT and its dopamine release activity in striatal synaptosomes were investigated in parallel in a variety of experimental conditions support the hypothesis that occupation of the high-affinity receptors is the initial step in the α-LT activation of the presynaptic response.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied the action of H2O2 on the exocytosis of glutamate by cerebrocortical synaptosomes. The treatment of synaptosomes with H2O2 (50–150 µ M ) for a few minutes results in a long-lasting depression of the Ca2+-dependent exocytosis of glutamate, induced by KCl or by the K+-channel inhibitor 4-aminopyridine. The energy state of synaptosomes, as judged by the level of phosphocreatine and the ATP/ADP ratio, was not affected by H2O2, although a transient decrease was observed after the treatment. H2O2 did not promote peroxidation, as judged by the formation of malondialdehyde. In indo-1-loaded synaptosomes, the treatment with H2O2 did not modify significantly the KCl-induced increase of [Ca2+]i. H2O2 inhibited exocytosis also when the latter was induced by increasing [Ca2+]i with the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. The effects of H2O2 were unchanged in the presence of superoxide dismutase and the presence of the Fe3+ chelator deferoxamine. These results appear to indicate that H2O2, apparently without damaging the synaptosomes, induces a long-lasting inhibition of the exocytosis of glutamate by acting directly on the exocytotic process.  相似文献   

Guinea pig brain cortex synaptosomes and neurosecretory PC12 cells were loaded with [3H]3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine ([3H]DA, [3H]dopamine) and then exposed to leptinotoxin-h (LPTx) (purified and partially purified preparations, obtained from the hemolymph of Leptinotarsa haldemani). In a Ca2+-containing Ringer medium the toxin induced prompt and massive release of the neurotransmitter. Half-maximal effects were obtained at concentrations estimated of approximately 3 X 10(-11) M for synaptosomes, and 1.5 X 10(-10) M for PC12 cells. Release responses in the two experimental systems investigated were dependent to different extents on the Ca2+ concentration in the medium. In synaptosomes clear, although slow, release of [3H]DA was elicited by the toxin even in Ca2+-free, EGTA-containing medium, provided that high (in the 10(-10) M range) concentrations were used; near-maximal responses were observed at 10(-5)M Ca2+. In contrast, the toxin-induced release from PC12 cells was appreciable only at 3 X 10(-5) M Ca2+, and was maximal at 2 X 10(-4) M and above. In both synaptosomes and PC12 cells Sr2+ and Ba2+ could substitute for Ca2+; Co2+ was inhibitory, whereas Mn2+ failed to modify the release induced by the toxin in Ca2+-containing medium. Organic blockers of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (verapamil and nitrendipine) and calmodulin blocking drugs (trifluoperazine and calmidazolium) failed to inhibit the toxin-induced release of [3H]DA. LPTx induced profound morphological effects. Synaptosomes treated in the Ca2+-containing medium exhibited fusion of synaptic vesicles, formation of numerous infoldings and large cisternae, and alterations of mitochondria. In the Ca2+-free medium the effects were similar, except that their appearance was delayed, and mitochondria were well preserved. Swelling was observed in PC12 cells, accompanied by enlargement of the Golgi area, accumulation of multivesicular bodies, mitochondrial alterations, and decreased number of secretion granules (Ca2+-containing medium). Morphometric analyses revealed a good correlation between the decrease of both synaptic vesicles (synaptosomes) and neurosecretory granules (PC12 cells), and the release of [3H]DA measured biochemically. This is a good indication that the release effect of the toxin is due to stimulation of exocytosis. Taken as a whole, these results confirm the similarity of the effects of LPTx with alpha-latrotoxin of the black widow spider venom, mentioned in the companion article. However, differences in effect and target specificity suggest that the two toxins are specific to separate binding sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper was to determine whether the release of glutamate from putative "glutamergic" terminals in the cerebellum is influenced by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In a group of preliminary experiments, we present biochemical evidence in favour of a neurotransmitter role of glutamate in the cerebellum: (1) endogenous glutamate was released from depolarized cerebellar synaptosomal preparations in a Ca2+-dependent away; (2) [14C]glutamate was synthesized from [14C]glutamine in cerebellar synaptosomes, and the newly synthesized [14C]glutamate was released released in a Ca2+-dependent way; (3) the elevation of cyclic GMP elicited by depolarization of cerebellar slices in the presence of Ca2+ was partly reversed by the glutamate antagonist glutamic acid diethyl ester, which probably prevented the interaction of endogenously released glutamate with postsynaptic receptors. GABA and muscimol at low concentrations (2--20 micrometers) potentiated the depolarization-induced release of D-[3H]aspartate (a glutamate analogue which labels the glutamate "reuptake pool") from cerebellar synaptosomes. The effect was concentration dependent and was largely prevented by two GABA antagonists, bicuculline and picrotoxin. The stimulation of D-[3H]aspartate release evoked by muscimol was linearly related to the logarithm of K+ concentration in the depolarizing medium. GABA did not affect the overall release of endogenous glutamate, but potentiated, in a picrotoxin-sensitive manner, the depolarization-evoked release of [14C]glutamate previously synthesized from [14C]glutamine. Since nerve endings are the major site of glutamate synthesis from glutamine, GABA and muscimol appear to exert their stimulatory effect at the level of "glutamergic" nerve terminals, probably after interacting with presynaptic GABA receptors. The possible functional significance of these findings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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