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Russian apple R12740-7A is the designation for an accession grown from seed collected in Russia, which was found to be highly resistant to apple scab. The resistance has historically been attributed to a naturally pyramided complex involving three major genes: one race-nonspecific gene, Vr, conditioning resistance to all known races, plus two race-specific genes. The race-nonspecific gene was identified as an independently segregating gene by Dayton and Williams (1968) and is referred to in this paper as Vr-DW. The first researchers to study the scab resistance gene complex in Russian apple never described the phenotype conditioned by the race-nonspecific gene. Later, Aldwinckle et al. (1976) associated the name Vr with a scab resistance gene conditioning distinctive stellate necrotic reactions, which we refer to as Vr-A in order to distinguish it from Vr-DW. We show that the segregation ratios in progenies from the scab differential hosts 2 and 4 that are derived from Russian apple, crossed with susceptible cultivars were consistent with a single gene conditioning resistance in each host. The genes have been named Vh2 and Vh4, respectively. Resistant segregants from host 2 showed stellate necrotic reactions, while those from host 4 showed hypersensitive reactions. Both the phenotypes and the genetic maps for the genes in the respective hosts were very similar to those of the genes previously named Vr-A and Vx, respectively, in an F1 family of Russian apple. We showed that race 2 of V. inaequalis isolated from host 2 was able to infect resistant descendants of the non-differential accession PRI 442-23 as well as host 2. The descendants of PRI 442-23 were expected to carry the race-nonspecific Vr-DW gene, but in fact carry Vr-A. We conclude that the Vh2 gene in host 2 and Vr-A are the same, and that the Vh4 gene in host 4 and Vx are the same. However, a major finding of this study is that the latter gene mapped to linkage group 2 of apple instead of linkage group 10 as suggested from previous research. With the two race-specific genes from Russian apple defined now, we discuss the nature of the race-nonspecific Vr-DW gene in this accession. We also report the identification of a new scab resistance gene, VT57, from either Golden Delicious or Red Dougherty, which conditions chlorotic resistance reactions and is linked to Vh2.  相似文献   

Large-scale marker-assisted selection requires highly reproducible, consistent and simple markers. The use of genetic markers is important in woody plant breeding in general, and in apple in particular, because of the high level of heterozygosity present in Malus species. We present here the transformation of two RAPD markers, which we found previously to be linked to the major scab resistance gene Vf, into more reliable and reproducible markers that can be applied directly to apple breeding. We give an example of how the use of such markers can speed up selection for the introduction of scab resistance genes into the same plant, reducing labour and avoiding time-consuming test crosses. We discuss the nature and relationship of the scab resistance gene Vf to the one present in Nova Easygro, thought to be Vr.  相似文献   

A detailed genetic map has been constructed in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) in the region of the v f gene. This gene confers resistance to the apple scab fungus Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wint. Linkage data on four RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers and the isoenzyme marker PGM-1, previously reported to be linked to the v f gene, are integrated using two populations segregating for resistance to apple scab. Two new RAPD markers linked to v f (identified by bulked segregant analysis) and a third marker previously reported as being present in several cultivars containing v f are also placed on the map. The map around v f now contains eight genetic markers spread over approximately 28 cM, with markers on both sides of the resistance gene. The study indicates that RAPD markers in the region of crab apple DNA introgressed with resistance are often transportable between apple clones carrying resistance from the same source. Analysis of co-segregation of the resistance classes 3A (weakly resistant) and 3B (weakly susceptible) with the linked set of genetic markers demonstrates that progeny of both classes carry the resistance gene.This work was supported in part by grants from the New Zealand Foundation for Research Science and Technology (FoRST) Programme 94-HRT-07-366 and ENZA New Zealand (International)  相似文献   

The Pi20(t) gene was determined to confer a broad-spectrum resistance against diverse blast pathotypes (races) in China based on inoculation experiments utilizing 160 Chinese Magnaporthe oryzae (formerly Magnaporthe grisea) isolates, among which isolate 98095 can specifically differentiate the Pi20(t) gene present in cv. IR24. Two flanking and three co-segregating simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for Pi20(t), located near the centromere region of chromosome 12, were identified using 526 extremely susceptible F2 plants derived from a cross of Asominori, an extremely susceptible cultivar, with resistant cultivar IR24. The SSR OSR32 was mapped at a distance of 0.2 cM from Pi20(t), and the SSR RM28050 was mapped to the other side of Pi20(t) at a distance of 0.4 cM. The other three SSR markers, RM1337, RM5364 and RM7102, co-segregated with Pi20(t). RM1337 and RM5364 were found to be reliable markers of resistance conditioned by Pi20(t) in a wide range of elite rice germplasm in China. As such, they are useful tags in marker-assisted rice breeding programs aimed at incorporating Pi20(t) into advanced rice breeding lines and, ultimately, at obtaining a durable and broad spectrum of resistance to M. oryaze. Wei Li and Cailin Lei contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Our objective was to develop a rapid and accurate procedure to genotype common bean plants for the bc-1 2 allele, which conditions resistance to bean common mosaic and bean common mosaic necrosis viruses. A segregating F2 population was derived from the cross between pinto bean breeding lines P94207-43 (bc-1 2//bc-1 2) and P94207-189 (bc-1//bc-1). A quantitative PCR assay based on the detection of fluorescent labeled amplicons was developed to distinguish between homozygous (bc-1 2//bc-1 2), heterozygous (bc-1 2//bc-1) and null (bc-1//bc-1) F2 genotypes. Remnant F1 plants were used as a comparative reference sample. PCR results among this sample fit a normal distribution, and 99% and 95% confidence intervals for heterozygotes were determined. F2 plants for which no amplification was detected were classified as null (bc-1//bc-1) genotypes. F2 plants that fell within the confidence intervals for heterozygotes were classified as heterozygotes (bc-1 2//bc-1), while plants that fell outside the right tail of the heterozygote confidence intervals were classified as homozygotes (bc-1 2//bc-1 2). F2 plants were also genotyped for the bc-1 2 allele by performing F3 family progeny tests for virus resistance. Agreement between the two methods for genotyping plants was 100% (59/59) when PCR genotyping was based on a 99% heterozygote confidence interval, and 98.3% (58/59) when based on a 95% heterozygote confidence interval. This assay will accelerate breeding for virus resistance in bean by facilitating discrimination among plants that are heterozygous or homozygous for the bc-1 2 allele. The experimental design may be generally applicable towards developing other assays for the codominant interpretation of dominant markers in diploid plants.  相似文献   

Hessian fly [Mayetiola destructor (Say)] is one of the major insect pests of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) worldwide. Hessian fly (Hf)-resistance genes H16 and H17 were reported to condition resistance to Hf biotype L that is prevalent in many wheat-growing areas of eastern USA, and both of them were previously assigned to wheat chromosome 5A by their linkage to H9. The objectives in this study were to (1) map H16 and H17 independent of their linkage with H9 and (2) identify DNA markers that co-segregate with H16 or H17, and that are useful for selection of these genes in segregating populations and to combine these genes with other Hf-resistance genes in wheat cultivars. Contrary to previously reported locations, H16 and H17 did not show linkage with the molecular markers on chromosome 5A. Instead, both of them are linked with the molecular markers on the short arm of chromosome 1A (1AS). The simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker Xpsp2999 and EST-derived SSR (eSSR) marker Xwem6b are two flanking markers that are linked to H16 at genetic distances of 3.7 and 5.5 cM, respectively. Similarly, H17 is located between markers Xpsp2999 and Xwem6b at genetic distances of 6.2 and 5.1 cM, respectively. Five other SSR and eSSR markers including Xcfa2153, Xbarc263, Xwem3a, Xwmc329, and Xwmc24 were also linked to H16 and H17 at close genetic distances. These closely linked molecular markers should be useful for pyramiding H16 and H17 with other Hessian fly resistance genes in a single wheat genotype. In addition, using Chinese Spring deletion line bin mapping we positioned all of the linked markers and the Hf-resistance genes (H16 and H17) to the distal 14% of chromosome 1AS, where Hf-resistance genes H9, H10, and H11 are located. Our results together with previous studies suggest that Hf-resistance genes H9, H10, H11, H16, and H17 along with the pathogen resistance genes Pm3 and Lr10 appear to occupy a resistance gene cluster in the distal region of chromosome 1AS in wheat. Contribution from Purdue Univ. Agric. Res. Programs Journal Article No. 2007-18105.  相似文献   

Rice blast, caused by the fungal pathogen Pyricularia grisea, is a serious disease affecting rice-growing regions around the world. Current methods for identification of blast-resistant germplasm and progeny typically utilize phenotypic screening. However, phenotypic screens are influenced by environmental conditions and the presence of one resistance gene can sometimes phenotypically mask other genes conferring resistance to the same blast race. Pi-z is a dominant gene located on the short arm of chromosome 6 that confers complete resistance to five races of blast. Using sequence data found in public databases and degenerate primer pairs based on the P-loop, nucleotide binding sites and kinase domain motifs of previously cloned resistance genes, we have developed PCR-based DNA markers that cosegregate with the gene. These markers are polymorphic in a wide range of germplasm, including the narrow crosses characteristic of applied rice-breeding programs. They can now be used as a low cost, high-throughput alternative to conventional phenotypic screening for direct detection of blast resistance genes, allowing rapid introgression of genes into susceptible varieties as well as the incorporation of multiple genes into individual lines for more-durable blast resistance.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Communicated by D. Mackill  相似文献   

The mdr1 gene, first member of the human multidrug-resistance gene family, is a major gene involved in cellular resistance to several drugs used in anticancer chemotherapy. Its product, the drug-excreting P-glycoprotein, shows a bipartite structure formed by two similar adjacent halves. According to one hypothesis, the fusion of two related ancestral genes during evolution could have resulted in this structure. The DNA sequence analysis of the introns located in the region connecting the two halves of the human mdr1 gene revealed a highly conserved poly(CA) · poly (TG) sequence in intron 15 and repeated sequences of the Alu family in introns 14 and 17. These repeated sequences most likely represent molecular fossils of ancient DNA elements which were involved in such a recombination event. Correspondence to: M. Pauly  相似文献   

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