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The distance that animals leap depends on their take-off angle and velocity. The velocity is generated solely by mechanical work during the push-off phase of standing-start leaps. Gibbons are capable of exceptional leaping performance, crossing gaps in the forest canopy exceeding 10 m, yet possess none of the adaptations possessed by specialist leapers synonymous with maximizing mechanical work. To understand this impressive performance, we recorded leaps of the gibbons exceeding 3.7 m. Gibbons perform more mass-specific work (35.4 J kg(-1)) than reported for any other species to date, accelerating to 8.3 ms(-1) in a single movement and redefining our estimates of work performance by animals. This energy (enough for a 3.5 m vertical leap) is 60 per cent higher than that achieved by galagos, which are renowned for their remarkable leaping performance. The gibbons' unusual morphology facilitates a division of labour among the hind limbs, forelimbs and trunk, resulting in modest power requirements compared with more specialized leapers.  相似文献   

Bipedalism is rare in primates and has evolved in two distantly related groups: hominoids and indrids. Although copious data are available on the mechanics of bipedal locomotion in hominoids and vertical clinging and leaping (VCL) in indrids, no research has addressed the unique mode of bipedal locomotion exhibited by select indrid primates. Propithecus verreauxi is a highly specialized indrid vertical clinger and leaper that uses a peculiar form of bipedalism on the ground. The objectives of this study were to describe the bipedal gait of Propithecus , to assess the influence of VCL specializations on the kinematic patterns and propulsion mechanisms used by Propithecus during bipedalism, and to compare Propithecus bipedalism with the bipedal gaits of other primates capable of using bipedalism. Video was collected of five adult P. verreauxi moving bipedally in a seminatural setting at the Duke University Primate Center. Duty factor, footfall patterns, joint angles and center of mass movement were quantified in the sagittal plane for 73 steps. Propithecus uses a bipedal gallop, a gait unique to Propithecus . The kinematic similarities (e.g. large hip and knee angular excursions and preparatory countermovements) between bipedal galloping and VCL lead us to suggest that Propithecus takes advantage of specializations for VCL to conserve energy during bipedal galloping. Propithecus also walks bipedally at slower speeds. When Propithecus walks, it utilizes a relatively compliant gait similar to that of other primate facultative bipeds ( Pan , Hylobates ). During bipedal walking, energy conservation may be sacrificed for increased balance and reduced joint loads.  相似文献   

The striking variation in limb proportions within the genus Homo during the Pleistocene has important implications for understanding biomechanics in the later evolution of human bipedalism, because longer limbs and limb segments may increase bending moments about bones and joints. This research tested the hypothesis that long lower limbs and tibiae bring about increases in A-P bending forces on the lower limb during the stance phase of human walking. High-speed 3-D video data, force plates, and motion analysis software were used to analyze the walking gait of 27 modern human subjects. Limb length, as well as absolute and relative tibia length, were tested for associations with a number of kinetic and kinematic variables. Results show that individuals with longer limbs do incur greater bending moments along the lower limb during the first half of stance phase. During the second half of stance, individuals moderate bending moments through a complex of compensatory mechanisms, including keeping the knee in a more extended position. Neither absolute nor relative tibia length had any effect on the kinetic or kinematic variables tested. If these patterns apply to fossil Homo, groups with relatively long limbs (e.g. H. ergaster or early H. sapiens) may have experienced elevated bending forces along the lower limb during walking compared to those with relatively shorter limbs (e.g. the Neandertals). These increased forces could have led to greater reinforcement of joints and diaphyses. These results must be considered when formulating explanations for variation in limb morphology among Pleistocene hominins.  相似文献   

Several features that appear to differentiate the walking gaits of most primates from those of most other mammals (the prevalence of diagonal-sequence footfalls, high degrees of humeral protraction, and low forelimb vs. hindlimb peak vertical forces) are believed to have evolved in response to requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports by early primates that had developed clawless grasping hands and feet. This putative relationship between anatomy, behavior, and ecology is tested here by examining gait mechanics in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a primate that has sharp claws and reduced pedal grasping, and that spends much of its time clinging on large trunks. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected on three male Callithrix jacchus as they walked across a force platform attached to the ground or to raised horizontal poles. The vast majority of all walking gaits were lateral-sequence. For all steps, the humerus was retracted (<90 degrees relative to a horizontal axis) or held in a neutral (90 degrees ) position at forelimb touchdown. Peak vertical forces on the forelimb were always higher than those on the hindlimb. These three features of the walking gaits of C. jacchus separate it from any other primate studied (including other callitrichids). The walking gaits of C. jacchus are mechanically more similar to those of small, nonprimate mammals. The results of this study support previous models that suggest that the unusual suite of features that typify the walking gaits of most primates are adaptations to the requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports. These data, along with data from other primates and marsupials, suggest that primate postcranial and locomotor characteristics are part of a basal adaptation for walking on thin branches.  相似文献   

One trait that distinguishes the walking gaits of most primates from those of most mammalian nonprimates is the distribution of weight between the forelimbs and hindlimbs. Nonprimate mammals generally experience higher vertical peak substrate reaction forces on the forelimb than on the hindlimb. Primates, in contrast, generally experience higher vertical peak substrate reaction forces on the hindlimb than on the forelimb. It is currently unclear whether this unusual pattern of force distribution characterizes other primate gaits as well. The available kinetic data for galloping primates are limited and present an ambiguous picture about peak-force distribution among the limbs. The present study investigates whether the pattern of forelimb-to-hindlimb force distribution seen during walking in primates is also displayed during galloping. Six species of primates were video-recorded during walking and galloping across a runway or horizontal pole instrumented with a force-plate. The results show that while the force differences between forelimb and hindlimb are not significantly different from zero during galloping, the pattern of force distribution is generally the same during walking and galloping for most primate species. These patterns and statistical results are similar to data collected during walking on the ground. The pattern of limb differentiation exhibited by primates during walking and galloping stands in contrast to the pattern seen in most nonprimate mammals, in which forelimb forces are significantly higher. The data reported here and by Demes et al. ([1994] J. Hum. Evol. 26:353-374) suggest that a relative reduction of forelimb vertical peak forces is part of an overall difference in locomotor mechanics between most primates and most nonprimate mammals during both walking and galloping.  相似文献   

The large body mass and exclusively arboreal lifestyle of Sumatran orangutans identify them as a key species in understanding the dynamic between primates and their environment. Increased knowledge of primate locomotor ecology, coupled with recent developments in the standardization of positional mode classifications (Hunt et al. [1996] Primates 37:363-387), opened the way for sophisticated multivariate statistical approaches, clarifying complex associations between multiple influences on locomotion. In this study we present a log-linear modelling approach used to identify key associations between orangutan locomotion, canopy level, support use, and contextual behavior. Log-linear modelling is particularly appropriate because it is designed for categorical data, provides a systematic method for testing alternative hypotheses regarding interactions between variables, and allows interactions to be ranked numerically in terms of relative importance. Support diameter and type were found to have the strongest associations with locomotor repertoire, suggesting that orangutans have evolved distinct locomotor modes to solve a variety of complex habitat problems. However, height in the canopy and contextual behavior do not directly influence locomotion: instead, their effect is modified by support type and support diameter, respectively. Contrary to classic predictions, age-sex category has only limited influence on orangutan support use and locomotion, perhaps reflecting the presence of arboreal pathways which individuals of all age-sex categories follow. Effects are primarily related to a tendency for adult, parous females to adopt a more cautious approach to locomotion than adult males and immature subjects.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Did the anatomical and locomotor specializations of primates evolve in response to requirements of locomotion and foraging on thin branches? Laboratory...  相似文献   

This study provides a morphometric data set of body segments that are biomechanically relevant for locomotion in two ecomorphs of adult male anoles, namely, the trunk‐ground Anolis sagrei and the trunk‐crown Anolis carolinensis. For each species, 10 segments were characterized, and for each segment, length, mass, location of the center of mass, and radius of gyration were measured or calculated, respectively. The radii of gyration were computed from the moments of inertia by using the double swing pendulum method. The trunk‐ground A. sagrei has relatively longer and stockier hindlimbs and forelimbs with smaller body than A. carolinensis. These differences between the two ecomorphs demonstrated a clear relationship between morphology and performance, particularly in the context of predator avoidance behavior, such as running or jumping in A. sagrei and crypsis in A. carolinensis. Our results provide new perspectives on the mechanism of adaptive radiation as the limbs of the two species appear to scale via linear factors and, therefore, may also provide explanations for the mechanism of evolutionary changes of structures within an ecological context. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies have shown that adult desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) have a swim motor programme, and early field reports describe swimming by bands of hoppers if their route of march is obstructed by a channel of water. However, it is not known whether unconstrained adult locusts will enter water ‘voluntarily’. We found in the laboratory that not only will locusts readily enter water, but that they frequently submerge themselves completely under the water, and cross a water barrier by walking along the bottom. They can stay submerged for up to approximately 9 min, but there is no evidence for significant gas exchange with the water. So far as we are aware the demonstration of this capability for underwater locomotion is a novel finding in this well-studied insect.  相似文献   

The unique slow-climbing quadrupedalism of Asian lorises has been the subject of numerous studies; however, qualitative observations of more rapid locomotion have occasionally been reported. Field studies of the red slender loris have revealed the habitual use of unexpectedly high-speed locomotion by the so-called "sloth of the primate world." Novel video footage permitted the first quantitative kinematic analysis of rapid quadrupedalism in wild lorises. Observations revealed that this previously unexplored behavior is far from infrequent, with 26% of red slender loris locomotor activity being dedicated to high-velocity arboreal quadrupedalism. This locomotor pattern may represent a primitive retention of the rapid, scrambling quadrupedalism that is observed in other strepsirhines, or it may constitute a more recent specialization of this smallest loris taxon.  相似文献   

What morphological and functional factors allow for the unique and characteristic upright striding walk of the hominin lineage? Predictive models of locomotion that arise from considering mechanisms of energy loss indicate that collision-like losses at the transition between stance limbs are important determinants of bipedal gait. Theoretical predictions argue that these collisional losses can be reduced by having “functional extra legs” which are physically the heel and the toe part of a single anatomical foot. The ideal spacing for these “functional legs” are up to a quarter of a stride length, depending on the model employed. We evaluate the foot in the context of the dynamics of a bipedal system and compare predictions of optimal foot size against empirical data from modern humans, the Laetoli footprint trackways, and chimpanzees walking bipedally. The dynamics-based modeling approach provides substantial insight into how, and why, walking works as it does, even though current models are too simple to make predictions at a level adequate to anticipate specific morphology except at the most general level.  相似文献   

This study examined the locomotor behavior of wild Bornean orangutans (P. p. wurmbii) in an area of disturbed peat swamp forest (Sabangau Catchment, Indonesia) in relation to the height in the canopy, age-sex class, behavior (feeding or traveling), and the number of supports used to bear body mass. Backward elimination log-linear modeling was employed to expose the main influences on orangutan locomotion. Our results showed that the most important distinctions with regard to locomotion were between suspensory and compressive, or, orthograde (vertical trunk) and pronograde (horizontal trunk) behavior. Whether orangutans were traveling or feeding had the most important influence on locomotion whereby compressive locomotion had a strong association with feeding, suspensory locomotion had a strong association with travel in the peripheral strata using multiple supports, whereas vertical climb/descent and oscillation showed a strong association with travel on single supports in the core stratum. In contrast to theoretical predictions on positional behavior and body size, age-sex category had a limited influence on locomotion. The study revealed that torso orthograde suspension dominates orangutan locomotion, concurring with previous studies in dipterocarp forest. But, orangutans in the Sabangau exhibited substantially higher frequencies of oscillatory locomotion than observed at other sites, suggesting this behavior confers particular benefits for traversing the highly compliant arboreal environment typical of disturbed peat swamp forest. In addition, torso pronograde suspensory locomotion was observed at much lower levels than in the Sumatran species. Together these results highlight the necessity for further examination of differences between species, which control for habitat.  相似文献   

In arboreal animals such as the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus Miller, 1777), leaping is the most frequent strategy for predator avoidance. The aim of this study was to characterise the locomotor adaptation in response to the structural constraint of the habitat (i.e., position of the landing substrate). Thus, we characterised the push-off phase by inducing the lemurs to leap up to a range of heights from horizontal to their own individual highest performance. Using uniplanar high-frequency cineradiographs collected in a sagittal plane, the relative contributions of the centre of mass (CoM) velocity vector magnitude and orientation to leaping performance were evaluated. The kinematics of the push-off phase showed that for low landing heights, leaping performance was essentially due to hip and knee extensions. Higher leaps seemed to be related to an increase in ankle contribution. At all leaping heights, the proximal-to-distal sequence of the hind limb joints controlled the orientation and magnitude of the M. murinus CoM velocity vector while pushing off. Finally, the analysis of the velocity vector at the onset of take-off suggested that the optimal solution for predator avoidance was to leap for horizontal distance and not for vertical distance.  相似文献   

As is common in biological invasions, the rate at which cane toads (Rhinella marina) have spread across tropical Australia has accelerated through time. Individuals at the invasion front travel further than range-core conspecifics and exhibit distinctive morphologies that may facilitate rapid dispersal. However, the links between these morphological changes and locomotor performance have not been clearly documented. We used raceway trials and high-speed videography to document locomotor traits (e.g. hop distances, heights, velocities, and angles of take-off and landing) of toads from range-core and invasion-front populations. Locomotor performance varied geographically, and this variation in performance was linked to morphological features that have evolved during the toads'' Australian invasion. Geographical variation in morphology and locomotor ability was evident not only in wild-caught animals, but also in individuals that had been raised under standardized conditions in captivity. Our data thus support the hypothesis that the cane toad''s invasion across Australia has generated rapid evolutionary shifts in dispersal-relevant performance traits, and that these differences in performance are linked to concurrent shifts in morphological traits.  相似文献   

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