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Structure and function of a paramyxovirus fusion protein   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Paramyxoviruses initiate infection by attaching to cell surface receptors and fusing viral and cell membranes. Viral attachment proteins, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), hemagglutinin (HA), or glycoprotein (G), bind receptors while fusion (F) proteins direct membrane fusion. Because paramyxovirus fusion is pH independent, virus entry occurs at host cell plasma membranes. Paramyxovirus fusion also usually requires co-expression of both the attachment protein and the fusion (F) protein. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) has assumed increased importance as a prototype paramyxovirus because crystal structures of both the NDV F protein and the attachment protein (HN) have been determined. Furthermore, analysis of structure and function of both viral glycoproteins by mutation, reactivity of antibody, and peptides have defined domains of the NDV F protein important for virus fusion. These domains include the fusion peptide, the cytoplasmic domain, as well as heptad repeat (HR) domains. Peptides with sequences from HR domains inhibit fusion, and characterization of the mechanism of this inhibition provides evidence for conformational changes in the F protein upon activation of fusion. Both proteolytic cleavage of the F protein and interactions with the attachment protein are required for fusion activation in most systems. Subsequent steps in membrane merger directed by F protein are poorly understood.  相似文献   

Paramyxoviruses initiate infection by attaching to cell surface receptors and fusing viral and cell membranes. Viral attachment proteins, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), hemagglutinin (HA), or glycoprotein (G), bind receptors while fusion (F) proteins direct membrane fusion. Because paramyxovirus fusion is pH independent, virus entry occurs at host cell plasma membranes. Paramyxovirus fusion also usually requires co-expression of both the attachment protein and the fusion (F) protein. Newcastle disease virus (NDV) has assumed increased importance as a prototype paramyxovirus because crystal structures of both the NDV F protein and the attachment protein (HN) have been determined. Furthermore, analysis of structure and function of both viral glycoproteins by mutation, reactivity of antibody, and peptides have defined domains of the NDV F protein important for virus fusion. These domains include the fusion peptide, the cytoplasmic domain, as well as heptad repeat (HR) domains. Peptides with sequences from HR domains inhibit fusion, and characterization of the mechanism of this inhibition provides evidence for conformational changes in the F protein upon activation of fusion. Both proteolytic cleavage of the F protein and interactions with the attachment protein are required for fusion activation in most systems. Subsequent steps in membrane merger directed by F protein are poorly understood.  相似文献   

The role of residues in the conserved hydrophobic N-terminal fusion peptide of the paramyxovirus fusion (F) protein in causing cell-cell fusion was examined. Mutations were introduced into the cDNA encoding the simian virus 5 (SV5) F protein, the altered F proteins were expressed by using an eukaryotic vector, and their ability to mediate syncytium formation was determined. The mutant F proteins contained both single- and multiple-amino-acid substitutions, and they exhibited a variety of intracellular transport properties and fusion phenotypes. The data indicate that many substitutions in the conserved amino acids of the simian virus 5 F fusion peptide can be tolerated without loss of biological activity. Mutant F proteins which were not transported to the cell surface did not cause cell-cell fusion, but all of the mutants which were transported to the cell surface were fusion competent, exhibiting fusion properties similar to or better than those of the wild-type F protein. Mutant F proteins containing glycine-to-alanine substitutions had altered intracellular transport characteristics, yet they exhibited a great increase in fusion activity. The potential structural implications of this substitution and the possible importance of these glycine residues in maintaining appropriate levels of fusion activity are discussed.  相似文献   



Oral infection of infant macaques with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is a useful animal model to test interventions to reduce postnatal HIV transmission via breast-feeding. We previously demonstrated that immunization of infant rhesus macaques with either modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing SIV Gag, Pol and Env, or live-attenuated SIVmac1A11 resulted in lower viremia and longer survival compared to unimmunized controls after oral challenge with virulent SIVmac251 (Van Rompay et al., J. Virology 77:179–190, 2003). Here we evaluate the impact of these vaccines on oral transmission and evolution of SIV envelope variants.


Limiting dilution analysis of SIV RNA followed by heteroduplex mobility assays of the V1–V2 envelope (env) region revealed two major env variants in the uncloned SIVmac251 inoculum. Plasma sampled from all infants 1 week after challenge contained heterogeneous SIV env populations including one or both of the most common env variants in the virus inoculum; no consistent differences in patterns of env variants were found between vaccinated and unvaccinated infants. However, SIV env variant populations diverged in most vaccinated monkeys 3 to 5 months after challenge, in association with the development of neutralizing antibodies.


These patterns of viral envelope diversity, immune responses and disease course in SIV-infected infant macaques are similar to observations in HIV-infected children, and underscore the relevance of this pediatric animal model. The results also support the concept that neonatal immunization with HIV vaccines might modulate disease progression in infants infected with HIV by breast-feeding.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirinae envelope glycoproteins constitute a premier model to dissect how specific and dynamic interactions in multisubunit membrane protein complexes can control deep-seated conformational rearrangements. However, individual residues that determine reciprocal specificity of the viral attachment and fusion (F) proteins have not been identified. We have developed an assay based on a pair of canine distemper virus (CDV) F proteins (strains Onderstepoort (ODP) and Lederle) that share approximately 95% identity but differ in their ability to form functional complexes with the measles virus (MV) attachment protein (H). Characterization of CDV F chimeras and mutagenesis reveals four residues in CDV F-ODP (positions 164, 219, 233, and 317) required for productive interaction with MV H. Mutating these residues to the Lederle type disrupts triggering of F-ODP by MV H without affecting functionality when co-expressed with CDV H. Co-immunoprecipitation shows a stronger physical interaction of F-ODP than F-Lederle with MV H. Mutagenesis of MV F highlights the MV residues homologous to CDV F residues 233 and 317 as determinants for physical glycoprotein interaction and fusion activity under homotypic conditions. In assay reversal, the introduction of sections of the CDV H stalk into MV H shows a five-residue fragment (residues 110-114) to mediate specificity for CDV F-Lederle. All of the MV H stalk chimeras are surface-expressed, show hemadsorption activity, and trigger MV F. Combining the five-residue H chimera with the CDV F-ODP quadruple mutant partially restores activity, indicating that the residues identified in either glycoprotein contribute interdependently to the formation of functional complexes. Their localization in structural models of F and H suggests that placement in particular of F residue 233 in close proximity to the 110-114 region of H is structurally conceivable.  相似文献   

SER virus, a paramyxovirus closely related to simian virus 5, induces no syncytium formation. The SER virus F protein has a long cytoplasmic tail (CT), and truncation or mutations of the CT result in enhanced syncytium formation (S. Seth, A. Vincent, and R. W. Compans, J. Virol. 77:167-178, 2003; S. Tong, M. Li, A. Vincent, R. W. Compans, E. Fritsch, R. Beier, C. Klenk, M. Ohuchi, and H.-D. Klenk, Virology 301:322-333, 2002). We hypothesized that the presence of the long CT serves to stabilize the metastable conformation of the F protein. We observed that the hemifusion, cytoplasmic content mixing, and syncytium formation ability of the wild-type SER virus F coexpressed with the SER virus hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein was enhanced, both qualitatively and quantitatively, at elevated temperatures. We also observed enhanced hemifusion, content mixing, and syncytium formation in SER virus F- and HN-expressing cells at reduced pH conditions ranging between 4.8 and 6.2. We have obtained evidence that in contrast to other paramyxoviruses, entry of SER virus into cells occurs by a low-pH-dependent process, indicating that the conversion to the fusion-active state for SER virus F is triggered by exposure to reduced pH.  相似文献   

During paramyxovirus entry into a host cell, receptor engagement by a specialized binding protein triggers conformational changes in the adjacent fusion protein (F), leading to fusion between the viral and cell membranes. According to the existing paradigm of paramyxovirus membrane fusion, the initial activation of F by the receptor binding protein sets off a spring-loaded mechanism whereby the F protein progresses independently through the subsequent steps in the fusion process, ending in membrane merger. For human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3), the receptor binding protein (hemagglutinin-neuraminidase [HN]) has three functions: receptor binding, receptor cleaving, and activating F. We report that continuous receptor engagement by HN activates F to advance through the series of structural rearrangements required for fusion. In contrast to the prevailing model, the role of HN-receptor engagement in the fusion process is required beyond an initiating step, i.e., it is still required even after the insertion of the fusion peptide into the target cell membrane, enabling F to mediate membrane merger. We also report that for Nipah virus, whose receptor binding protein has no receptor-cleaving activity, the continuous stimulation of the F protein by a receptor-engaged binding protein is key for fusion. We suggest a general model for paramyxovirus fusion activation in which receptor engagement plays an active role in F activation, and the continued engagement of the receptor binding protein is essential to F protein function until the onset of membrane merger. This model has broad implications for the mechanism of paramyxovirus fusion and for strategies to prevent viral entry.  相似文献   

SER virus, a paramyxovirus that is closely related to simian virus 5 (SV5), is unusual in that it fails to induce syncytium formation. The SER virus F protein has an unusually long cytoplasmic tail (CT), and it was previously observed that truncations or specific mutations of this domain result in enhanced syncytium formation. In addition to the long CT, the SER F protein has nine amino acid differences from the F protein of SV5. We previously observed only a partial suppression of fusion in a chimeric SV5 F protein with a CT derived from SER virus, indicating that these other amino acid differences between the SER and SV5 F proteins also play a role in regulating the fusion phenotype. To examine the effects of individual amino acid differences, we mutated the nine SER residues individually to the respective residues of the SV5 F protein. We found that most of the mutants were expressed well and were transported to the cell surface at levels comparable to that of the wild-type SER F protein. Many of the mutants showed enhanced lipid mixing, calcein transfer, and syncytium formation even in the presence of the long SER F protein CT. Some mutants, such as the I310 M, T438S, M489I, T516V, and N529K mutants, also showed fusion at lower temperatures of 32, 25, and 18 degrees C. The residue Asn529 plays a critical role in the suppression of fusion activity, as the mutation of this residue to lysine caused a marked enhancement of fusion. The effect of the N529K mutation on the enhancement of fusion by a previously described mutant, L539,548A, as well as by chimeric SV5/SER F proteins was also dramatic. These results indicate that activation to a fusogenic conformation is dependent on the interplay of residues in the ectodomain, the transmembrane domain, and the CT domain of paramyxovirus F proteins.  相似文献   

The fusion (F) and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) glycoproteins of the paramyxovirus simian virus 5 (SV5) were expressed individually or coexpressed in CV-1 cells by using SV40-based vectors and recombinant vaccinia viruses. The extent of detectable fusion in a syncytium formation assay was found to be affected by the expression system used. In addition, when HN was coexpressed with F, it was found that the expression vector system influenced the contribution of HN in forming syncytia. The abilities of the SV5, human parainfluenza virus type 3, and Newcastle disease virus F glycoproteins to cause fusion, when expressed alone or coexpressed with HN, were directly compared by using the SV40-based vector system in CV-1 cells. The F proteins exhibited various degrees of fusion activity independent of HN expression, but the formation of syncytia could be enhanced to different extents by the coexpression of the homotypic HN protein.  相似文献   

N-linked glycans not only orchestrate the folding and intracellular transport of viral glycoproteins but also modulate their function. We have characterized the three glycans attached to fusion (F) proteins of the morbilliviruses canine distemper virus and measles virus. The individual Morbillivirus glycans have similar functional properties: the glycan at position 68 is essential for protein transport, and those at positions 36 and 75 modulate fusion (numbering according to the Newcastle disease virus [NDV] F protein sequence). Based on the crystal structure of the NDV F protein, we then predicted the locations of the Morbillivirus glycans: the glycan at position 36 is located in the F protein head, and those at positions 68 and 75 are located near the neck-stalk interface. NDV position 36 is not occupied by a glycan; the only glycan in that F protein head also has a fusion control function and grows from residue 366, located only 6 A from residue 36. We then exchanged the glycan at position 36 with the glycan at position 366 and showed functional complementation. Thus, structural information about the F proteins of Paramyxoviridae coupled with functional analysis disclosed a location in the protein head into which fusion-modulating glycans independently evolved.  相似文献   

Structural features of paramyxovirus F protein required for fusion initiation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
On the basis of the coordinates of the related Newcastle disease virus (NDV) F protein, Valine-94, a determinant of measles virus (MV) cytopathicity, is predicted to lie in a cylindrical cavity with 10 A diameter located at the F neck. A 16-residue domain around V94 is functionally interchangeable between NDV and MV F, supporting our homology model. Features of the cavity are conserved within the Paramyxovirinae. A hydrophobic base and a hydrophilic residue at the rim are required for surface expression. Small residue substitutions predicted to open the cavity were found to disrupt transport or limit fusogenicity of transport-competent mutants but can be compensated for by simultaneous insertion of larger residues at the opposing wall. Variants containing histidine substitutions mediate fusion at pH 8.5, while at pH 7.2 fusion is blocked, suggesting that functionality requires low charge in the cavity. These results indicate that specific structural features of the cavity are essential for paramyxovirus fusion initiation.  相似文献   

Paramyxoviruses enter host cells by fusing the viral envelope with a host cell membrane. Fusion is mediated by the viral fusion (F) protein, and it undergoes large irreversible conformational changes to cause membrane merger. The C terminus of PIV5 F contains a membrane-proximal 7-residue external region (MPER), followed by the transmembrane (TM) domain and a 20-residue cytoplasmic tail. To study the sequence requirements of the F protein C terminus for fusion, we constructed chimeras containing the ectodomain of parainfluenza virus 5 F (PIV5 F) and either the MPER, the TM domain, or the cytoplasmic tail of the F proteins of the paramyxoviruses measles virus, mumps virus, Newcastle disease virus, human parainfluenza virus 3, and Nipah virus. The chimeras were expressed, and their ability to cause cell fusion was analyzed. The chimeric proteins were variably expressed at the cell surface. We found that chimeras containing the ectodomain of PIV5 F with the C terminus of other paramyxoviruses were unable to cause cell fusion. Fusion could be restored by decreasing the activation energy of refolding through introduction of a destabilizing mutation (S443P). Replacing individual regions, singly or doubly, in the chimeras with native PIV5 F sequences restored fusion to various degrees, but it did not have an additive effect in restoring activity. Thus, the F protein C terminus may be a specific structure that only functions with its cognate ectodomain. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of MPER indicates that it has a regulatory role in fusion since both hyperfusogenic and hypofusogenic mutations were found.  相似文献   

Many viral fusion-mediating glycoproteins couple alpha-helical bundle formation to membrane merger, but have different methods for fusion activation. To study paramyxovirus-mediated fusion, we mutated the SV5 fusion (F) protein at conserved residues L447 and I449, which are adjacent to heptad repeat (HR) B and bind to a prominent cavity in the HRA trimeric coiled coil in the fusogenic six-helix bundle (6HB) structure. These analyses on residues L447 and I449, both in intact F protein and in 6HB, suggest a metamorphic region around these residues with dual structural roles. Mutation of L447 and I449 to aliphatic residues destabilizes the 6HB structure and attenuates fusion activity. Mutation of L447 and I449 to aromatic residues also destabilizes the 6HB structure despite promoting hyperactive fusion, indicating that 6HB stability alone does not dictate fusogenicity. Thus, residues L447 and I449 adjacent to HRB in paramyxovirus F have distinct roles in fusion activation and 6HB formation, suggesting this region is involved in a conformational switch.  相似文献   

Paramyxovirus might adopt a molecular mechanism of membrane fusion similar to that of other class I viruses in which the heptad repeat (HR) regions of fusion protein (F) HR1 and HR2 form a six-helix bundle structure inducing membrane fusion. In this study, we examined the structure and function of HR1 and HR2 from the avian paramyxovirus-2 (APMV-2) F protein. The study showed that APMV-2 HR1 and HR2 formed a stable six-helix bundle. Only a soluble APMV-2 HR2 peptide showed potent and specific virus-cell fusion inhibition activity. Cross-inhibiting activity with APMV-1 (Newcastle disease virus, NDV) was not found. A possible mechanism of membrane fusion inhibition by the paramyxovirus HR2 peptide is discussed.  相似文献   

The cell fusion activity of most paramyxoviruses requires coexpression of a fusion protein (F) and a hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein (HN) which are derived from the same virus type. To define the domain of the HN protein which interacts with the F protein in a type-specific manner a series of chimeric HN proteins between two different paramyxoviruses, Sendai virus (SN) and human parainfluenza virus type 3 (PI3), was constructed and coexpressed with the SN-F protein by using the vaccinia virus T7 RNA polymerase transient-expression system. Quantitative assays were used to evaluate cell surface expression as well as fusion-promoting activities of the chimeric HN molecules. A chimeric HN protein [SN(140)] containing 140 N-terminal amino acids derived from SN-HN and the remainder (432 amino acids) derived from PI3-HN was found to promote cell fusion with the SN-F protein. In contrast, a second chimeric HN with 137 amino acids from SN-HN at the N terminus could not promote fusion with SN-F, even though the protein was expressed on the cell surface. A construct in which the PI3-HN cytoplasmic tail and transmembrane domain were substituted for those of SN in the SN(140) chimera still maintained the ability to promote cell fusion. These results indicate that a region including only 82 amino acids in the extracellular domain, adjacent to the transmembrane domain of the SN-HN protein, is important for interaction with the SN-F protein and promotion of cell fusion.  相似文献   

SER virus is closely related to the paramyxovirus simian virus 5 (SV5) but is defective in syncytium formation. The SER virus F protein has a long cytoplasmic tail (CT) domain that has been shown to inhibit membrane fusion, and this inhibitory effect could be eliminated by truncation of the C-terminal sequence (S. Tong, M. Li, A. Vincent, R. W. Compans, E. Fritsch, R. Beier, C. Klenk, M. Ohuchi, and H.-D. Klenk, Virology 301:322-333, 2002). To study the sequence requirements for regulation of fusion, codons for SER virus F protein residues spanning amino acids 535 to 542 and 548 were mutated singly to alanines, and the two leucine residues at positions 539 and 548 were mutated doubly to alanines. We found that leu-539 and leu-548 in the CT domain played a critical role in the inhibition of fusion, as mutation of the two leucines singly to alanines partially rescued fusion, and the double mutation L539, 548A completely rescued syncytium formation. Mutation of charged residues to alanines had little effect on the suppression of fusion activity, whereas the mutation of serine residues to alanines enhanced fusion activity significantly. The L539, 548A mutant also showed extensive syncytium formation when expressed without the SER virus HN protein. By constructing a chimeric SV5-SER virus F CT protein, we also found that the inhibitory effect of the long CT of the SER virus F protein could be partially transferred to the SV5 F protein. These results demonstrate that an elongated CT of a paramyxovirus F protein interferes with membrane fusion in a sequence-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Paramyxoviruses, including the childhood pathogen human parainfluenza virus type 3, enter host cells by fusion of the viral and target cell membranes. This fusion results from the concerted action of its two envelope glycoproteins, the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and the fusion protein (F). The receptor-bound HN triggers F to undergo conformational changes that render it competent to mediate fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. We proposed that, if the fusion process could be activated prematurely before the virion reaches the target host cell, infection could be prevented. We identified a small molecule that inhibits paramyxovirus entry into target cells and prevents infection. We show here that this compound works by an interaction with HN that results in F-activation prior to receptor binding. The fusion process is thereby prematurely activated, preventing fusion of the viral membrane with target cells and precluding viral entry. This first evidence that activation of a paramyxovirus F can be specifically induced before the virus contacts its target cell suggests a new strategy with broad implications for the design of antiviral agents.  相似文献   

To engineer a targeting envelope for gene and oncolytic vector delivery, we characterized and modified the envelope proteins of Tupaia paramyxovirus (TPMV), a relative of the morbilli- and henipaviruses that neither infects humans nor has cross-reactive relatives that infect humans. We completed the TPMV genomic sequence and noted that the predicted fusion (F) protein cleavage-activation site is not preceded by a canonical furin cleavage sequence. Coexpression of the TPMV F and hemagglutinin (H) proteins induced fusion of Tupaia baby fibroblasts but not of human cells, a finding consistent with the restricted TPMV host range. To identify the factors restricting fusion of non-Tupaia cells, we initially analyzed F protein cleavage. Even without an oligo- or monobasic protease cleavage sequence, TPMV F was cleaved in F1 and F2 subunits in human cells. Edman degradation of the F1 subunit yielded the sequence IFWGAIIA, placing the conserved phenylalanine in position 2, a novelty for paramyxoviruses but not the cause of fusion restriction. We then verified whether the lack of a TPMV H receptor limits fusion. Toward this end, we displayed a single-chain antibody (scFv) specific for the designated receptor human carcinoembryonic antigen on the TPMV H ectodomain. The H-scFv hybrid protein coexpressed with TPMV F mediated fusion of cells expressing the designated receptor, proving that the lack of a receptor limits fusion and that TPMV H can be retargeted. Targeting competence and the absence of antibodies in humans define the TPMV envelope as a module to be adapted for ferrying ribonucleocapsids of oncolytic viruses and gene delivery vectors.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic fusion peptides (FPs) are the most highly conserved regions of class I viral fusion-mediating glycoproteins (vFGPs). FPs often contain conserved glycine residues thought to be critical for forming structures that destabilize target membranes. Unexpectedly, a mutation of glycine residues in the FP of the fusion (F) protein from the paramyxovirus simian parainfluenza virus 5 (SV5) resulted in mutant F proteins with hyperactive fusion phenotypes (C. M. Horvath and R. A. Lamb, J. Virol. 66:2443-2455, 1992). Here, we constructed G3A and G7A mutations into the F proteins of SV5 (W3A and WR isolates), Newcastle disease virus (NDV), and human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3). All of the mutant F proteins, except NDV G7A, caused increased cell-cell fusion despite having slight to moderate reductions in cell surface expression compared to those of wild-type F proteins. The G3A and G7A mutations cause SV5 WR F, but not NDV F or HPIV3 F, to be triggered to cause fusion in the absence of coexpression of its homotypic receptor-binding protein hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN), suggesting that NDV and HPIV3 F have stricter requirements for homotypic HN for fusion activation. Dye transfer assays show that the G3A and G7A mutations decrease the energy required to activate F at a step in the fusion cascade preceding prehairpin intermediate formation and hemifusion. Conserved glycine residues in the FP of paramyxovirus F appear to have a primary role in regulating the activation of the metastable native form of F. Glycine residues in the FPs of other class I vFGPs may also regulate fusion activation.  相似文献   

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