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Pear bud metabolism: seasonal changes in glucose utilization   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Utilization of glucose, uracil and valine by flower and leaf buds of seedling pear trees (Pyrus calleryana Decne.) from the time of flower bud initiation to flowering was investigated. A very high rate of glucose utilization through the pentose phosphate pathway was observed throughout the development of buds. There was no difference in the type of glucose metabolism between flower and leaf buds except immediately before flowering, when the metabolism in flower buds was shifted toward the glycolytic pathway. Such a shift did not occur in leaf buds. The incorporation of uracil and valine into the nucleic acid and protein fraction of buds, respectively, was high throughout bud development, perhaps indicating a high rate of turnover in the resting buds. Incorporation of both compounds decreased when buds started to expand prior to flowering.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) evades healthy immune responses during infection, and this evasion may allow HCMV to establish latency in the host. The human vasculature has been recognized as a site of HCMV infection and may also be a site of latent HCMV infection. As the interface between circulating cells and underlying parenchymal cells, the vascular endothelium provides signals for local reaction of inflammatory cells. We propose that HCMV down-regulates expression of the proinflammatory chemokine RANTES from the infected endothelium, which may result in reduced recruitment of mononuclear cells to the site of infection. Abortive HCMV infection of primary endothelial cells with the clinical isolate HCMV 4010, under conditions in which viral gene expression could not occur, induced high levels of RANTES expression. Replicative HCMV infection, however, induced cells in parallel cultures to express significantly lower levels of RANTES. Expression of the chemokines interleukin 8 and MCP-1 by endothelial cells was found to be unaffected by replicative HCMV infection and thus may not play an important role during early HCMV infection of the endothelium. HCMV may regulate RANTES expression from endothelial cells as a mechanism to evade the local immune response to infection.  相似文献   

Human A431 carcinoma cell line is known to have 30 fold amplified epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) gene. We have studied the effect of steroid hormone dexamethasone (DEX) and protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX) on the expression of EGF-R gene in this cell line. DEX treatment and protein synthesis inhibition by CHX treatment cause a rapid 3 to 4 fold increase in the level of EGF-R mRNA and combined treatment of the above two agents have less than additive effect. It appears that mRNA for EGF-R accumulate within the cell during protein synthesis inhibition and upon removal of CHX, gets translated into EGF-R specific protein as judged by immuno-dot assay. We did not observe the phenomenon of super induction nor much of an additive effect under condition of combined DEX and CHX treatment.Abbreviations EGF-R Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor - DEX Dexamethasone - CHX Cycloheximide  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts utilize both glucose and glutamine as energy sources. The utilization of glutamine by fibroblasts is regulated by glucose, and vice versa. This conclusion is supported by the following observations: (1) essentially identical growth rates were observed in Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM)3 in which the glucose concentration was either 5.5 mM or was maintained between 25 and 40 micrometer, (2) the total glutamine utilization by fibroblasts increase at least 30% in medium with 25 micrometer to 70 micrometer glucose compared to medium with 5.5 mM glucose, while the rate of glutamine-1 or 5-14C oxidation to CO2 increased 5-fold as the glucose concentration was decreased to zero, (3) 2 mM glutamine inhibited glucose-6-14C oxidation by 88% and stimulated glucose-1-14C by 77% in log phase cells and (4) glutamine oxidation in normal medium contributed approximately 30% of the energy requirement of human diploid fibroblasts.  相似文献   

In recently isolated human lymphocytes, no effect of insulin on (U-14C) glucose incorporation into CO2, triglycerides and glycogen, was found over a wide range of insulin concentration. The rates of glucose oxidation, synthesis of triglycerides and synthesis of glycogen are much lower than those observed in chicken and rat adipocytes. The authors discard the possibility of using the human lymphocyte as an instrument in the study of the insulin action on normal and altered human physiology.  相似文献   

We previously reported that infection decreases hepatic glucose uptake when glucose is given as a constant peripheral glucose infusion (8 mg. kg(-1) x min(-1)). This impairment persisted despite greater hyperinsulinemia in the infected group. In a normal setting, hepatic glucose uptake can be further enhanced if glucose is given gastrointestinally. Thus the aim of this study was to determine whether hepatic glucose uptake is impaired during an infection when glucose is given gastrointestinally. Thirty-six hours before study, a sham (SH, n = 7) or Escherichia coli-containing (2 x 10(9) organisms/kg; INF; n = 7) fibrin clot was placed in the peritoneal cavity of chronically catheterized dogs. After the 36 h, a glucose bolus (150 mg/kg) followed by a continuous infusion (8 mg. kg(-1). min(-1)) of glucose was given intraduodenally to conscious dogs for 240 min. Tracer ([3-(3)H]glucose and [U-(14)C]glucose) and arterial-venous difference techniques were used to assess hepatic and intestinal glucose metabolism. Infection increased hepatic blood flow (35 +/- 5 vs. 47+/-3 ml x g(-1) x min(-1); SH vs. INF) and basal glucose rate of appearance (2.1+/-0.2 vs. 3.3+/-0.1 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1)). Arterial insulin concentrations increased similarly in SH and INF during the last hour of glucose infusion (38+/-8 vs. 46+/-20 microU/ml), and arterial glucagon concentrations fell (62+/-14 to 30+/-3 vs. 624+/-191 to 208+/-97 pg/ml). Net intestinal glucose absorption was decreased in INF, attenuating the increase in blood glucose caused by the glucose load. Despite this, net hepatic glucose uptake (1.6+/-0.8 vs. 2.4+/- 0.9 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1); SH vs. INF) and consequently tracer-determined glycogen synthesis (1.3+/-0.3 vs. 1.0+/-0.3 mg. kg(-1) x min(-1)) were similar between groups. In summary, infection impairs net glucose absorption, but not net hepatic glucose uptake or glycogen deposition, when glucose is given intraduodenally.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection induces disruption of the host cell's cytoskeleton (CSK). This disruption is accompanied by three transient phases of actin depolymerization that occur at 20 min, 5 to 10 h and 48 to 72 h post infection (pi). During the 20 min peak of actin depolymerization, the level of cellular polysomes associated with the CSK was reduced, due to release of ribosomes from CSK-associated polysomes. Cellular mRNAs previously existing in these polysomes, however, remained associated with the CSK. Also during this period, nuclear to cytoplasmic transport of host cellular mRNA as well as the association of newly synthesized mRNA with the CSK was temporarily delayed. By 60 min pi, ribosomes, preexisting host cellular mRNA, and newly synthesized mRNAs (host and viral) had reestablished a distribution in the infected cell comparable to that of uninfected cells. Sedimentation profiles of soluble and CSK fractions at various times throughout the viral infection indicated that, although the amount of polysomes associated with the CSK at 20 min pi was reduced, essentially all HCMV and all host cell polysomes present were associated with the CSK. The majority of HCMV DNA hybridizable poly(A)+ RNAs were associated with the CSK throughout the viral infection. These early events appear to correlate with a transient interruption of host cellular mRNA translation early in infection and may represent a process whereby HCMV gene expression becomes competitive with that of the host cell.  相似文献   

Fundamental cellular operations, including DNA synthesis and the generation of ATP, require iron. Viruses hijack cells in order to replicate, and efficient replication needs an iron-replete host. Some viruses selectively infect iron-acquiring cells by binding to transferrin receptor 1 during cell entry. Other viruses alter the expression of proteins involved in iron homeostasis, such as HFE and hepcidin. In HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus infections, iron overload is associated with poor prognosis and could be partly caused by the viruses themselves. Understanding how iron metabolism and viral infection interact might suggest new methods to control disease.  相似文献   

Regulation of mitochondrial structure and function is a central component of infection with viruses, including human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), as a virus means to modulate cellular metabolism and immune responses. Here, we link the activity of the mitochondrial deacetylase SIRT3 and global mitochondrial acetylation status to host antiviral responses via regulation of both mitochondrial structural integrity and metabolism during HCMV infection. We establish that SIRT3 deacetylase activity is necessary for suppressing virus production, and that SIRT3 maintains mitochondrial pH and membrane potential during infection. By defining the temporal dynamics of SIRT3-substrate interactions during infection, and overlaying acetylome and proteome information, we find altered SIRT3 associations with the mitochondrial fusion factor OPA1 and acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 (ACAA2), concomitant with changes in their acetylation levels. Using mutagenesis, microscopy, and virology assays, we determine OPA1 regulates mitochondrial morphology of infected cells and inhibits HCMV production. OPA1 acetylation status modulates these functions, and we establish K834 as a site regulated by SIRT3. Control of SIRT3 protein levels or enzymatic activity is sufficient for regulating mitochondrial filamentous structure. Lastly, we establish a virus restriction function for ACAA2, an enzyme involved in fatty acid beta-oxidation. Altogether, we highlight SIRT3 activity as a regulatory hub for mitochondrial acetylation and morphology during HCMV infection and point to global acetylation as a reflection of mitochondrial health.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection causes a rapid, progressive disruption of the host cell cytoskeleton that correlates with actin depolymerization. Whole-mount (3D) electron microscopy was used to analyze the cytoskeleton of uninfected and HCMV-infected human lung fibroblast cells. Within 2 min of HCMV infection, localized areas of cytoskeletal disruption were observed. Disruption extended throughout the cytoplasm during the ensuing 45 to 90 min of infection and resulted in generalized cytoskeletal disorganization. Actin depolymerization occurred, as indicated by an increase in DNase I inhibition and alteration in the fluorescence pattern with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin. Thus, actin appears to be the primary cytoskeletal target involved during HCMV infection. Fractionation of the virus seed inoculum showed that development of DNase I inhibitory activity in infected cells was associated only with the virus-containing fractions. Cytochalasin B treatment at early times of HCMV infection stimulated progeny virus production. This study demonstrates that rapid cytoskeletal disruption occurs during early periods of HCMV infection and indicates that actin depolymerization facilitates viral infectivity.  相似文献   

The antibody-secreting murine hybridoma, CC9C10, was grown in batch culture in a medium containing 20 mM glucose and 2 mM glutamine. After 2 days of exponential growth, the glutamine content of the medium was completely depleted, whereas the glucose content was reduced to 60% of the original concentration. The glucose and glutamine metabolism was analyzed at midexponential phase by use of radioactively labelled substrates. Glycolysis accounted for the metabolism of most of the glucose utilized (> 96%) with flux through the pentose phosphate pathway (3.6%) and the TCA cycle (0.6%) accounting for the remainder. Glutamine was partially oxidised via glutaminolysis to alanine (55%), aspartate (3%), glutamate (4%), lactate (9%), and CO2 (22%). Calculation of the theoretical ATP production from these pathways indicated that glucose could provide 59% and glutamine 41% of the energy requirement of the cells. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mutual effect of glucose and glutamine on their utilization by tumour cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interactions between glucose and glutamine metabolisms have been studied in a line of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells and the results obtained are compared with those recently published for ascites Lettré cells. In contrast with Lettré cells, in the less malignant line used in this work, glucose did not modify glutaminolytic flux and glutamine changed the rate of glucose consumption. It is concluded that the biochemical behaviour of the cells could be correlated to the degree of malignancy.  相似文献   

Viruses rely on the metabolic network of the host cell to provide energy and macromolecular precursors to fuel viral replication. Here we used mass spectrometry to examine the impact of two related herpesviruses, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), on the metabolism of fibroblast and epithelial host cells. Each virus triggered strong metabolic changes that were conserved across different host cell types. The metabolic effects of the two viruses were, however, largely distinct. HCMV but not HSV-1 increased glycolytic flux. HCMV profoundly increased TCA compound levels and flow of two carbon units required for TCA cycle turning and fatty acid synthesis. HSV-1 increased anapleurotic influx to the TCA cycle through pyruvate carboxylase, feeding pyrimidine biosynthesis. Thus, these two related herpesviruses drive diverse host cells to execute distinct, virus-specific metabolic programs. Current drugs target nucleotide metabolism for treatment of both viruses. Although our results confirm that this is a robust target for HSV-1, therapeutic interventions at other points in metabolism might prove more effective for treatment of HCMV.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus UL111A gene is expressed during latent and productive infections, and it codes for homologs of interleukin-10 (IL-10). We examined whether viral IL-10 expressed during latency altered differentiation of latently infected myeloid progenitors. In comparison to infection with parental virus or mock infection, latent infection with a virus in which the gene encoding viral IL-10 has been deleted upregulated cytokines associated with dendritic cell (DC) formation and increased the proportion of myeloid DCs. These data demonstrate that viral IL-10 restricts the ability of latently infected myeloid progenitors to differentiate into DCs and identifies an immunomodulatory role for viral IL-10 which may limit the host's ability to clear latent virus.  相似文献   

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is extensively taken up in gut and liver in healthy humans. To determine whether glucocorticosteroids alter splanchnic glutamine metabolism, the effect of prednisone was assessed in healthy volunteers using isotope tracer methods. Two groups of healthy adults received 5-h intravenous infusions of l-[1-(14)C]leucine and l-[(2)H(5)]glutamine, along with q. 20 min oral sips of tracer doses of l-[1-(13)C]glutamine in the fasting state, either 1) at baseline (control group; n = 6) or 2) after a 6-day course of 0.8 mg.kg(-1).day(-1) prednisone (prednisone group; n = 8). Leucine and glutamine appearance rates (Ra) were determined from plasma [1-(14)C]ketoisocaproate and [(2)H(5)]glutamine, respectively, and leucine and glutamine oxidation from breath (14)CO(2) and (13)CO(2), respectively. Splanchnic glutamine extraction was estimated by the fraction of orally administered [(13)C]glutamine that failed to appear into systemic blood. Prednisone treatment 1) did not affect leucine Ra or leucine oxidation; 2) increased plasma glutamine Ra, mostly owing to enhanced glutamine de novo synthesis (medians +/- interquartiles, 412 +/- 61 vs. 280 +/- 190 mumol.kg(-1).h(-1), P = 0.003); and 3) increased the fraction of orally administered glutamine undergoing extraction in the splanchnic territory (means +/- SE 64 +/- 6 vs. 42 +/- 12%, P < 0.05), without any change in the fraction of glutamine oxidized (means +/- SE, 75 +/- 4 vs. 77 +/- 4%, not significant). We conclude that high-dose glucocorticosteroids increase in splanchnic bed the glutamine requirements. The role of such changes in patients receiving chronic corticoid treatment for inflammatory diseases or suffering from severe illness remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Changes in the antigenic pattern of cytomegalovirus occurring during the course of infection were studied in two renal transplant patients. The virus was isolated several times from each patient. After two to five passages in vitro, the immune precipitate formed either with guinea-pig antiserum raised to Davis reference strain, or with human serum taken from the same patient during the acute phase of the infection, was analysed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Isolates from each patient showed a slightly different antigenic pattern with both human and experimental antisera. These differences possibly reflect modulation of the expression of proteins during the course of viral infection in the patients and during adaptation to cell culture in vitro.  相似文献   

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