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In situ grazing measurements using fluorescent particles of0.5, 2.4 and 6.3 µm diameter in eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht(The Netherlands) showed that Anuraeopsis fissa, a small rotifer,filtered the smallest, bacteria-sized particles as efficientlyor more efficiently than the larger particles. In contrast,three other rotifer species ( Brachionus angularis, Filinia longisetaand Pompholyx sulcata) filtered the bacteria-sized particlesless efficiently than the larger particles. Both Keratella cochlearisand Conochilus unicornis only ingested the bacteria-sized particles. Anuraeopsis fissa had a higher uptake of fluorescent bacteria-sizedparticles than K.cochlearis, both in 1 µm filtrate oflake water and in lake water. Within both species, uptake didnot differ between juveniles and adults. When cultured on threedifferent size fractions of lake water (1, 3 and 15 µmfiltrate) in July, all rotifer species declined in numbers onthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, while A.fissa and B.angularisincreased in numbers on the 15 µm filtrate. The high abundanceof small bacteria in the lake water could not support rotiferpopulations. It is concluded that bacteria are not a suitablefood source of high quality for A.fissa because its populationdoes not grow even though the bacterial concentration was higherthan its estimated threshold food concentration. In August,when individually cultured, the mortality was high for all species,but especially for F.longiseta. The lifespan of K.cochleariswas reduced in the 1 and 3 µm filtrates of lake water,compared with in the 15 µm filtrate. The lifespan of A.fissawas similar in all filtrates, but reproduction was reduced inthe 1 and 3 µm filtrates, as in Keratella. On the 15 µmfiltrate, their ages at first reproduction and growth ratesdid not differ. Individuals of A.fissa older than 4 days showeda higher survival in the 15 µm filtrate than in the othertwo filtrates, as did K.cochlearis throughout its life. Hence,bacteria seem to be a more important food source for youngerindividuals of A.fissa than of K.cochlearis. 相似文献
A large variety of physiological and taxonomic groups have the ability to use nitrogen oxides as alternative electron acceptors. Brucella spp. is an alpha-proteobacteriaceae that induces a persistent disease in some mammals. Recent work has revealed that a denitrifying gene cluster is important in the interaction of Brucella neotomoae with its host. 相似文献
1. After observing that juvenile roach fed intensively on cyanobacteria and that cyanobacteria were densely colonized by heterotrophic bacteria, we tested whether the bacteria are used by underyearling roach and the extent to which they contribute to the energy requirements of the fish. 2. We radiolabelled attached bacteria in a natural cyanobacterial suspension, fed the fish with these particles, and estimated their assimilation by roach. Biomass of attached bacteria on cyanobacteria increased with the proportion of the cyanobacterium Microcystis in total cyanobacteria. Biomass-specific thymidine incorporation of attached bacteria was higher than that of free bacteria. 3. In feeding experiments, we detected assimilation of bacterial biomass into muscle tissue of underyearling roach. Fish consumed Microcystis to a lesser extent compared with Aphanizomenon but assimilation of attached bacteria was higher when roach fed on Microcystis because of the higher biomass of epibacteria on this cyanobacterium. However, biomass of attached bacteria was too low to be an important food source for underyearling roach. 4. We conclude that assimilation of epibacteria from cyanobacteria cannot explain the success of roach in eutrophic lakes. 相似文献
Plant pathogenic bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and viroids are difficult to control, and preventive measures are essential to minimize the losses they cause each year in different crops. In this context, rapid and accurate methods for detection and diagnosis of these plant pathogens are required to apply treatments, undertake agronomic measures or proceed with eradication practices, particularly for quarantine pathogens. In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the number of protocols based on nucleic-acid tools being those based on PCR or RT-PCR now routinely applied worldwide. Nucleic acid extraction is still necessary in many cases and in practice inhibition problems are decreasing the theoretical sensitivity of molecular detection. For these reasons, integrated protocols that include the use of molecular techniques as screening methods, followed by confirmation by other techniques supported by different biological principles are advisable. Overall, molecular techniques based on different types of PCR amplification and very especially on real-time PCR are leading to high throughput, faster and more accurate detection methods for the most severe plant pathogens, with important benefits for agriculture. Other technologies, such as isothermal amplification, microarrays, etc. have great potential, but their practical development in plant pathology is still underway. Despite these advances, there are some unsolved problems concerning the detection of many plant pathogens due to their low titre in the plants, their uneven distribution, the existence of latent infections and the lack of validated sampling protocols. Research based on genomic advances and innovative detection methods as well as better knowledge of the pathogens' lifecycle, will facilitate their early and accurate detection, thus improving the sanitary status of cultivated plants in the near future. 相似文献
正There are ten major characteristics that are used to differentiate cancer from normal cells and tissue (Hanahan and Weinberg, 2011); detection of bacterial species associated with cancer cells is not included among these characteristics,and at first glance this might seem to be irrelevant. The 相似文献
Viruses can influence the genetic diversity of prokaryotes in various ways. They can affect the community composition of prokaryotes by 'killing the winner' and keeping in check competitive dominants. This may sustain species richness and the amount of information encoded in genomes. Viruses can also transfer (viral and host) genes between species. Such mechanisms have probably influenced the speciation of prokaryotes. Whole-genome sequencing has clearly revealed the importance of (virus-mediated) gene transfer. However, its significance for the ecological performance of aquatic microbial communities is only poorly studied, although the few available reports indicate a large potential. Here, we present data supporting the hypothesis that viral genes and viral activity generate genetic variability of prokaryotes and are a driving force for ecological functioning and evolutionary change. 相似文献
Summary Every one of eleven different strains randomly selected from 10 different randomly selected genera have shown the same high
frequency of occurrence of colony mutants as did almost all strains of Acetobacter (previously considered outstanding in this respect). Correlation of other properties with such mutant colony forms was not
specifically studied, but in 4 strains correlation was noticed, suggesting its presence in the others, as was so often found
in Acetobacter.
It is suggested from this, that a similar study of strains of other genera might reveal a similarly high frequency of occurrence
of mutants, most so-called pure cultures being thus probably mixtures of different cells with different properties. Also the
proportion of each cell-type in the culture may vary from predominance to extinction according to the biochemical and other
tests applied for the purpose of the ‘characterization’ of the species for taxonomic purposes.
If the classification of such varying mixtures is considered of doubtful use, then it seems to follow that ‘species’ of bacteria
are virtually unclassifiable, and that even the conception of a genus should be on a broader basis than is often the case
at present. 相似文献
Transmission of nosocomial pathogens has been linked to transient colonization of health care workers, medical devices and other constituents of patients’ environment. In this paper we present our findings concerning the presence of pathogenic bacteria on wheelchairs, and the possibility that wheelchairs constitute a reservoir of these bacteria and a means of spreading them. In this work we examined four wheelchairs, each from a different location: the internal medicine ward, the emergency department, the general surgery ward and wheelchair stockpile of the transportation unit of the hospital. The samples were collected and cultured on different media. Bacterial identification and antimicrobial sensitivity testing were carried out using accepted practices in the microbiology laboratory. We found that wheelchairs are contaminated with several pathogenic bacteria, among them antibiotic-resistant strains such as MRSA, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumanni etc. Since there is no specific guideline protocol that deals with disinfection and cleaning frequency of wheelchairs in hospitals, we suggest each hospital to write one. 相似文献
Nutrition fuels any activity performed by an organism and has been shown to affect its ability to withstand pathogens and parasites. Furthermore, animals over a wide range of taxa have been shown to exhibit a choice of foods and nutrients that are beneficial to their fitness. Saprophagous animals most often feed on microorganisms growing on dead organic matter rather than the organic matter itself. Various yeast species play an important role in both larval and adult nutrition of saprophagous Drosophila melanogaster. We hypothesised the dietary microbial species to affect life‐history traits of D. melanogaster, including the ability to fend offparasitoids, and larvae to prefer to devour those yeast species beneficial to their development and immunocompetence. Particular yeast species known to be associated with D. melanogaster could be shown to have a substantial influence on various larval and adult fitness traits including the ability to encapsulate eggs of the parasitoid wasp Asobara tabida. It also turned out that larvae chose to devour those yeast species which supported their ability to encapsulate parasitoid eggs. Which yeast species was preferred and had a beneficial impact on encapsulation ability, was subject to inter‐individual variability within the investigated population, hinting at the existence of an adaptive heritable variability regarding individual choice and salubriousness of food. The results suggest that the dietary microbial species of saprophagous insects may influence the resistance against parasitoid attacks and thus the outcome of the interaction between a saprophagous host and its parasitoids. 相似文献
One of the reasons suggested to explain the dominance of blue-greens in eutrophic lakes is that they are not used as food by zooplankton; and even when ingested, they are poorly utilized. An increase in herbivores might be the expected result of biomanipulation of the aquatic food chain. This attempt at controlling the algae population is, however, destined to fail if zooplankton do not also utilize blue-greens as food. In this respect, a series of in-lake experimental results indicates that after the food chain has been biomanipulated, there is a decrease in blue-green density in periods when there is an increase in herbivores. Is this only an accidental result or are the two facts interrelated; in other words, can the decrease in the density of blue-greens be attributed to the increased use of them by zooplankton herbivores? The suitability of blue-greens as food for zooplankton has been widely investigated by many authors with contrasting and inconclusive results. Two main factors seem to play important role in determining their suitability as food: the biochemical properties of the different species, or even different strains of the same species; and the shape and size of the colonies. In particular, biochemical properties can result in toxic effects on zooplankton, while size and shape may strongly interfere with filtering, thus reducing the possibility of gathering food. 相似文献
Why did punishment and the use of reputation evolve in humans? According to one family of theories, they evolved to support the maintenance of cooperative group norms; according to another, they evolved to enhance personal gains from cooperation. Current behavioral data are consistent with both hypotheses (and both selection pressures could have shaped human cooperative psychology). However, these hypotheses lead to sharply divergent behavioral predictions in circumstances that have not yet been tested. Here we report results testing these rival predictions. In every test where social exchange theory and group norm maintenance theory made different predictions, subject behavior violated the predictions of group norm maintenance theory and matched those of social exchange theory. Subjects do not direct punishment toward those with reputations for norm violation per se; instead, they use reputation self-beneficially, as a cue to lower the risk that they personally will experience losses from defection. More tellingly, subjects direct their cooperative efforts preferentially towards defectors they have punished and away from those they haven’t punished; they avoid expending punitive effort on reforming defectors who only pose a risk to others. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that the psychology of punishment evolved to uphold group norms. The circumstances in which punishment is deployed and withheld–its circuit logic–support the hypothesis that it is generated by psychological mechanisms that evolved to benefit the punisher, by allowing him to bargain for better treatment. 相似文献
Surface-penetrating phytopathogenic fungi frequently form appressoria. These are specialised infection structures pivotal to fungal ingress into the host. Recently, we demonstrated that one member of a family of cutinases in Magnaporthe grisea is involved in surface sensing, mediating appressorium differentiation and penetration peg formation and hence facilitates host penetration. Cutinase2 serves as an upstream activator of cAMP/PKA and DAG/PKC signalling cascades and is essential for full virulence. Here, we speculate on the role of rice blast hydrophobins as surface interactors facilitating fungal cutinase activity.Key words: rice blast fungus, appressorium, cutinase, hydrophobin, penetration, surface sensing, signalling 相似文献
Recently, aquatic and terrestrial ecologists have put forward several hypotheses regarding similarities and differences in food-web structure and function among these ecosystem types. Although many of these hypotheses explore why strong top-down effects and trophic cascades might be less common in terrestrial than in aquatic ecosystems, there is little theoretical or empirical evidence available to support or refute these hypotheses. Many unanswered questions remain about potential differences across ecosystem types: progress will require empirical studies designed within a broader context that allows for more direct comparisons. 相似文献
The cell surface calcium receptor (Ca2+ receptor) is a particularly difficult receptor to study because its primary physiological ligand, Ca2+, affects numerous biological processes both within and outside of cells. Because of this, distinguishing effects of extracellular Ca2+ mediated by the Ca2+ receptor from those mediated by other mechanisms is challenging. Certain pharmacological approaches, however, when combined with appropriate experimental designs, can be used to more confidently identify cellular responses regulated by the Ca2+ receptor and select those that might be targeted therapeutically. The Ca2+ receptor on parathyroid cells, because it is the primary mechanism regulating secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), is one such target. Calcimimetic compounds, which active this Ca2+ receptor and lower circulating levels of PTH, have been developed for treating hyperparathyroidism. The converse pharmaceutical approach, involving calcilytic compounds that block parathyroid cell Ca2+ receptors and stimulate PTH secretion thereby providing an anabolic therapy for osteoporosis, still awaits clinical validation. Although Ca2+ receptors are expressed throughout the body and in many tissues that are not intimately involved in systemic Ca2+ homeostasis, their physiological and/or pathological significance remains speculative and their value as therapeutic targets is unknown. 相似文献