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Tree species composition (diameter at breast height (dbh) 10 cm) was studied in primary, selectively logged and heavily burnt forests in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The number of trees, tree species, and the Fishers's- diversity index were determined for the first 15 years (burnt forest) and 25 years (selectively logged forest) after disturbance. Additionally the population structure of six common and typical Macaranga pioneer tree species was compared through time between selectively logged, burnt and primary forest. Both selectively logged and burnt forest showed a significant reduction in number of trees and tree species per surface area directly after disturbance. Fire especially affected dominant tree species, while for selective logging the opposite was observed. In selectively logged forest the number of trees, tree species and the Fishers's- index reached pre-disturbance levels within c. 15 years. For burnt forest, only the number of trees recovered to pre-disturbance levels. The number of tree species stayed constant after disturbance, while the Fishers's- index decreased. The six studied Macaranga pioneer tree species seedlings were present in all forest types. Their density seems to be unrelated to light levels in the forest understorey but strongly related to the number of mature parent trees. Their sapling densities were strongly related to light levels in the forest understorey. The studied Macaranga species formed an important part of both under- and over-storey in burnt forest 15 years after disturbance, while they were almost absent in the understorey and only moderately common in the overstorey of selectively logged forest.  相似文献   

The indicator value (IV) of Macaranga and Mallotus species (Euphorbiaceae) for different types of disturbance in lowland dipterocarp forest was assessed by counting and identifying all individuals of species of these genera taller than 30 cm in 45 (10 m×300 m) plots at nine locations. Twelve Macaranga and nine Mallotus species were found. The main forest disturbance types (primary forest, secondary forest, selectively logged forest, forest burned once, and repeatedly burned forest used for shifting-cultivation) each had their own set of indicator species. The level of disturbance in the forest types was assessed by measuring nine forest structural parameters. The occurrence of Macaranga and Mallotus species was closely related to the level of disturbance in a forest. Most Macaranga species were characteristic of high disturbance levels, while most Mallotus species preferred intermediate to low levels of disturbance. However, both genera had species at both disturbance extremes. Using multiple regression analysis, combinations of Macaranga and Mallotus species were formed and used to predict the separate forest structural parameters and the general level of disturbance of a forest. The Macaranga and Mallotus species could be grouped into (1) primary forest ‘remnant’ species; (2) generalist pioneer species; and (3) high disturbance pioneer species.  相似文献   

To elucidate whether dipterocarp species, dominant late-successional species of tropical forests in Southeast Asia, actually have a disadvantage when planted on open site in terms of their photosynthetic characteristics, we investigated photosynthesis in dipterocarp seedlings planted in the open on degraded sandy soils in southern Thailand. These species were compared with seedlings of Acacia mangium Willd., a fast-growing tropical leguminous tree, which is often planted on degraded open site in Southeast Asia. The dipterocarp seedlings had an irradiance-saturated net photosynthetic rate (P N), stomatal conductance (g s), carboxylation efficiency, and photosynthetic capacity comparable to or superior to those of A. mangium. In particular, seedlings of Dipterocarpus obtusifolius Teijsm. ex Miq. showed an irradian-ce-saturated P N of 21 μmol m−2 s−1, a value higher than any previously reported for a dipterocarp species, accompanied by high g s (0.7 mol m−2 s−1) and high photosynthetic capacity. Thus dipterocarp species do not necessarily have a disadvantage in terms of their photosynthetic characteristics on open sites with degraded sandy soils.  相似文献   

We compared forest gardens, or tembawang, in twoareas in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, to patches of primary forest in terms ofsuccessional stage, mode of dispersal and characteristics of human use ofnon-planted tree species. This information was acquired for 144 tree speciesinventoried in six tembawang forest gardens and two intactnatural forest patches, through interviews at the site and a survey of theliterature. In particular older tembawang were found tohave practically the same proportions of species of different successionalstages and modes of dispersal as natural forests, thus emphasising the potentialof tembawang in conserving tree species. Non-planted treespecies of tembawang and natural forests also havepractically indistinguishable spectra of human uses, indicating that themanagement of these tembawang does not significantlydiscriminate between species with certain uses. However, we also identified twoaspects that should be taken into account in considering the conservation roleof tembawang. The floras of the two study areas showedsignificant regional differentiation, implying that efficient conservation inWest Kalimantan needs to have a rather dense network. We also found that latesuccessional species and animal-dispersed species oftembawang were more commonly geographically widespread thanspecies of the same ecological characteristics found in natural forests. Thus,even if tembawang are similar to natural forests in termsof numbers of species with different ecological characteristics, the compositionof non-planted tree species in tembawang is not a randomsample from natural forest, but overrepresents species that are easily dispersedand/or established.  相似文献   

Survivorship and growth of seedlings of four dipterocarp species (Dipterocarpus actangulus, D. globosus, Dryobalanops aromatica, Dryobalanops lanceolata) were studied for 2.5 years in a mixed dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Predispersal seed predation rates were larger forD. globosus (75%) thanD. lanceolata (27–34%) andD. aromatica (18–26%). Less than 20% of the twoDryobalanops seeds were damaged by vertebrates after seed dispersal. During the period from seed dispersal to the time when the seedlings had shed cotyledons, more dispersed seeds died in the twoDipterocarpus (ca 90%) than the twoDryobalanops (ca 60–70%). The major mortality factors during this period were uprooted and seed/seedling predation by insects or vertebrates. After the seedlings shed cotyledons, all species showed constant mortality rates of 34, 15–16, 17 and 6%/year forD. actangulus, D. lanceolata, D. aromatica andD. globosus, respectively, in the forest understorey. Mortality was lower in less shaded conditions than in more shaded ones forD. aromatica andD. actangulus, but not significantly different forD. lanceolata andD. globosus. A majority of dead seedlings were killed by fallen branches or were found standing with wilted leaves, probably due to water stress. No significant correlation was found between seed/seedling mortality and distance from mother trees or the initial density of seeds/seedings for all species. The mean leaf production was positively correlated with the estimated diffuse light factor of their habitats for each species.  相似文献   

Based on microhistological analyses of faecal material, we compared the early dry season diets of greater one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis, swamp deer Cervus duvauceli and hog deer Axis porcinus, which inhabit the same alluvial grassland habitat complex in lowland Nepal. Their diets were quite similar, both at the forage category level and within subcategories of graminoids and woody plants. Early successional tall grasses, especially Saccharum spontaneum, were the dominant food of all three species, underlining the key role of the threatened alluvial floodplains in large mammal conservation in South Asia. The two deer species ate significantly more graminoids (>66.5%) than did rhino (45.5%), and although they did not differ in proportions of graminoids, swamp deer ate significantly more late successional tall grasses (Narenga porphyrocoma and Themeda spp.) and short grasses (mainly Imperata cylindrica) than hog deer. The two deer consumed almost equal proportions of woody browse (ca. 10%), significantly less than that of rhino (33.0%). The prediction of the Jarman–Bell hypothesis, that large-bodied herbivores are less selective and subsist on lower quality graminoids than smaller ruminants, was not supported by the data. Based on this and previous studies in the same area we propose a conceptual model where the larger megaherbivores (rhino and elephant Elephas maximus) facilitate the smaller swamp deer and hog deer during the monsoonal growing season, while the smaller and more selective deer species outcompete the larger during the dry season when food is more limited. Owing to the all-year sprouting ability of S. spontaneum, facilitation may occur also in the dry season with low numbers of megaherbivores, thus accentuating competitive exclusion at higher deer densities.  相似文献   

把杉木林改造成乡土阔叶林,不仅能提供高价值木材,而且能够提升生态系统服务功能,是我国目前改造退化针叶林最常见的经营模式之一,但这些改变对其林下植物物种组成和多样性的影响及机制我们尚知之甚少。以南亚热带杉木林采伐迹地上重新种植的杉木林、红锥林和米老排林为研究对象,调查研究其灌木层和草本层植物物种组成和多样性,结果表明:(1)和杉木林相比,改造后的红锥林和米老排林灌木层的植物物种丰富度和多样性均呈极显著降低(P<0.01),但其草本层植物只有物种丰富度极显著降低(P<0.01),多样性均无显著变化(P>0.05);(2)主成分分析(PCA)表明改造后的林分灌木层和草本层的植物物种组成发生明显的变化,冗余分析(RDA)确定导致林分灌木层植物物种组成发生变化的主要原因是杉木林改造成红锥林和米老排林后的冠层透光率、土壤碳氮比、土壤含水量和凋落物碳氮比的显著变化,而冠层透光率和土壤碳氮比的显著变化是导致其林下草本层植物物种组成发生明显变异的主要因子;(3)方差分解结果显示微地形、乔木特性和土壤理化性质的独立效应对灌木层和草本层植物物种组成的影响高于它们的交互效应。该研究为科学经营管理人工林和提高人工林生态系统多功能性提供科学依据。  相似文献   

夏莹莹  郝丙青  江泽鹏  刘凯  毛子军 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3507-3518
为揭示广西油茶林植物多样性的区域变化规律,以广西7个区域具代表性的油茶林为研究对象,采用典型抽样法,对油茶林林下植被进行了调查,并对比分析了群落物种组成、结构特征和物种多样性。结果表明:(1)油茶林林下植被灌草层科数、属数、种数最多的是三江县油茶林(SJ)、较少的是巴马县油茶林(BM)和来宾市油茶林(LB);除巴马县油茶林(BM)灌木层优势种为共有种,其他区域油茶林的灌木层、草本层优势种均为交叉种。(2)多样性指数方面灌木层仅Margalef指数差异显著,草本层Margalef指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数差异显著。(3)通过回归分析,纬度与灌木层(单一种数量)、草本层(科数、属数、种数、单一种数量)以及总数量(属数、种数)、年均温度与草本层(科数、属数、种数、单一种数量)、有效积温与草本层(属数、种数、单一种数量)、年均降雨量与灌木层单一种数量之间的趋势模拟呈二次曲线关系。(4)不同区域油茶林物种相似性不高,通过相似系数矩阵进行聚类分析三江县油茶林(SJ)、贺州市八步区油茶林(HZ)、岑溪市软枝油茶种子园油茶林(CX)、南宁市油茶林(NN)为一类,凤山县油...  相似文献   

为了研究人工湿地处理中碳/氮水平的废水时植物种类及多样性对系统甲烷释放及功能基因丰度的影响,我们构建了实验尺度的人工湿地微宇宙实验系统。选取千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria L.)和海寿花(Pontederia cordata L.)2种人工湿地常用、景观效果好的植物,在系统中配置了单种处理和两物种混种处理。结果表明:千屈菜与海寿花混种系统的甲烷释放强度(8.78 mg CH_4 m~(-2) d~(-1))高于两物种单种系统的平均值(6.97 mg CH_4 m~(-2) d~(-1))(P0.001),同甲烷释放一样,混种系统的mcrA基因绝对丰度(977541.6 copies/g dw soil)也高于两物种单种系统的平均值(585146.8 copies/g dw soil),但混种系统的pmoA基因绝对丰度(326956.6 copies/g dw soil)低于两物种单种系统的平均值(1043616.0 copies/g dw soil)(P0.001)。此外,混种系统的微生物量、植物生物量高于两物种单种系统的平均值(P0.01),但出水铵态氮浓度低于两物种单种系统的平均值(P0.05),出水总有机碳浓度和硝态氮浓度在单混种系统间无显著差异(P0.05)。千屈菜单种系统和海寿花单种系统间的甲烷释放强度、pmoA基因绝对丰度、微生物量、植物生物量和出水铵态氮浓度存在显著差异(P0.05),但mcrA基因绝对丰度、出水总有机碳和硝态氮浓度无显著差异(P0.05)。为了达到人工湿地的高净化效率,需要将千屈菜与海寿花混合种植,但混合种植强化甲烷释放。通过植物种类和丰富度对各指标变异的解释度(ω~2)分析发现,植物种类对甲烷释放、pmoA基因绝对丰度、出水铵态氮的影响大于植物丰富度,但对mcrA基因绝对丰度的影响小于植物丰富度。  相似文献   

Traveset  Anna  Bermejo  Teresa  Willson  Mary 《Plant Ecology》2001,155(1):29-34
Theidea that fecal material accompanying vertebrate-dispersed seeds at depositionsites plays an important role in enhancing seed germination and seedlingsurvival has, surprisingly, little empirical support. The present studyattemptsto experimentally test this hypothesis. We examined the effect that manurecomposition from brown bears (Ursus arctos), importantseeddispersers of Rubus spectabilis and Vacciniumovalifolium/alaskaense in the temperate rainforests of SoutheastAlaska, has on seedling emergence and growth of these two fleshy-fruitedspeciesin their natural habitat. The seeds of Rubus spectabilisshowed a significantly higher germination rate in manure composed of animalmaterial (mainly deer hair and bones) than in manure consisting of either fruitpulp or vegetation fiber and than in controls (potting soil with no manureadded). The final number of germinated Rubus seeds wassimilar between the animal material and the fruit pulp treatments, perhaps dueto similar water retention capacities, but was significantly higher than in thevegetation fiber treatment and the control. The germination patterns ofVaccinium seeds, in contrast, appeared to be unaffected bythe composition of manure in which they were embedded. Seedlings of bothspeciesgrew faster, and in the case of Rubus produced moreleaves,when manure consisted of animal material. A principal constituent of bone iscalcium phosphate, which may provide important minerals to growing plants.Manure containing vegetation fiber also enhanced seedling growth compared tomanure with fruit pulp or the control. For Rubus, manurewith fruit pulp did not affect seedling length significantly, although thenumber of leaves per seedling was greater in this treatment than in thecontrol. We conclude that the influence of frugivores on the final fate of seedsof fleshy-fruited plants appears to depend not only upon commonly consideredfactors such as distance of dispersal, treatment in the digestive tract, andlocation of deposition, but also on what material the dispersed seeds areembedded in, i.e., on what other food frugivores have consumed along with thefruits.  相似文献   

Monitoring of ecological restoration treatments often focuses on changes in community structure and function. We suggest that long-term changes in community composition also need to be explicitly considered when evaluating the success of restoration treatments. In 1992, we initiated an experiment in a ponderosa pine-bunchgrass ecosystem to evaluate responses to restoration treatments: (a) thinning the overstory vegetation (‘thinning’), (b) thinning plus forest floor manipulation with periodic prescribed burning (‘composite’), and (c) untreated ‘control.’ Treatments were further stratified by forest patch type: presettlement tree clumps (trees that established prior to the onset of fire exclusion in 1876), patches of retained postsettlement trees, patches where all postsettlement trees were removed, and remnant grass openings. Species richness did not differ among treatments for 10 years, but was highest in the composite treatment in 11th and 12th year after initial treatment. Community composition diverged among treatments 5 years after initial treatment, and compositional changes were greatest in the composite treatment. Species richness and composition differed among patch types prior to treatment. Remnant grass patches were the most diverse and presettlement patches were the least diverse. Following treatment, species richness in the postsettlement removed and retained patches, gradually approached levels found in remnant grass patches. Compositional differences among patch types changed a little by 2005. Species richness at the 2 m2 scale increased only where the overstory was thinned and the understory was burned. However, these changes may not be detectable for many years, and can vary temporally in response to events such as severe droughts. Nonnative species establishment may be reduced by scheduling longer burn intervals or by refraining from burning where fuel loads are not hazardous, though these options may hinder goals of increasing diversity. Restoring species diversity and community composition continues to be more difficult than restoring ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf water potentials, osmotic properties and structural characteristics were examined in the Australian tropical rainforest tree species, Castanospermum australe. These features were compared for individuals growing in the understorey and canopy of the undisturbed forest and in an open pasture from which the forest had been cleared. Leaf water potentials during the day declined to significantly lower values in the open-grown and canopy trees than in the understorey trees. During most of the day the opengrown tree experienced the lowest water potentials. These differences were paralleled by significant differences in tissue osmotic properties. The tissue osmotic potential at full hydration was lowest in the open-grown tree (-1.80 MPa), intermediate in the canopy trees (-1.38 MPa), and highest in the understorey trees (-0.80 MPa). As a result, the degree to which high and positive turgor pressures were maintained as water potentials declined was highest in the open-grown tree, intermediate in the canopy trees, and lowest in the understorey trees. The differences in tissue osmotic properties between individuals in the three crown positions were paralleled, in turn, by differences in leaf structual characteristics. Relative to leaves of the canopy and open-grown trees, leaves of the understorey trees had significantly larger epidermal cells with thinner cell walls, larger specific leaf areas and turgid weight: dry weight ratios, and a higher proportion of intercellular air space.Abbreviations 1 Leaf tissue water potential - min Lowest value of 1 during the day ( noon) - P=0 1 zero turgor - R Relative water content - P Tissue turgor pressure - Tissue osmotic potential - 0 at full hydration  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in phytoplankton biomass and species diversity in a shallow, eutrophic Danish lake are described and related to different disturbance events acting on the phytoplankton community.Both the spring diatom maximum and the summer bloom of the filamentous blue-green alga, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs, coincided with low values of phytoplankton species diversity and equitability. Diatom collapse was mainly due to internal modifications as nutrient depletion (Si, P) caused by rapid growth of phytoplankton, and increased grazing activity from zooplankton. A large population of Daphnia longispina O.F. Müller in June effectively removed smaller algal competitors, thus favouring the development of a huge summer bloom (140 mm3 l–1) of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. Heavy rainfall and storms in late July increased the loss of Apahnizomenon by out-flow and disturbed the stratification of the lake. These events caused a marked decline in phytoplankton biomass but had no effect on species diversity. A second storm period in late August circulated the lake completely and was followed by a rapid increase in phytoplankton diversity, and a change in the phytoplankton community structure from dominance of large, slow-growing K-selected species (Aphanizomenon) to small, fast-growing r-selected species (cryptomonads).  相似文献   

In the hymenopteran parasitoid Venturia canescens, asexual (obligate thelytoky not induced by Wolbachia bacteria) and sexual (arrhenotokous) wasps coexist in field conditions despite the demographic cost incurred due to the production of males by sexual females. Arrhenotoky predominates in field conditions, whereas populations in indoor conditions (mills, granaries) are exclusively thelytokous. These differences in the relative abundance of the two modes of reproduction between environments suggest that the individuals of each reproductive mode may have developed strategies adapted to the conditions prevailing in each kind of habitat. The two environments contrast in temperature variability and in the spatial heterogeneity of host availability. In this study, we considered the combined effect of temperature and host availability on host patch exploitation by thelytokous and arrhenotokous V. canescens. As expected, arrhenotokous females were more sensitive to temperature changes. If the temperature decreased before foraging, they remained longer and exploited patches more thoroughly. This is consistent with the expected behaviour of parasitoids in response to signs of unfavourable conditions that entail increasing risk of time limitation or a reduced probability of attaining further patches. Both arrhenotokous and thelytokous females increased patch exploitation with host availability. However, unexpectedly, we found no difference in the way the two types of wasp responded to differences in host availability. Differences in the strategies adopted under different environmental conditions may indicate divergence of niche-specific life history traits between the two modes of reproduction. Niche displacement may partly account for the coexistence of these two modes of reproduction at a geographical scale.  相似文献   

与物种多样性有关的长白落叶松人工林生物量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙玉军  马炜  刘艳红 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3329-3338
对不同龄组长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)人工林群落的物种多样性和生物量及二者关系研究分析。结果表明:1)随林龄增大,群落物种组成结构和多样性特征发生了很大变化。物种更迭现象明显,春榆等阔叶树重要值上升,长白落叶松优势地位逐渐下降,植被类型向针阔混交林演替。群落Sorensen相似性指数降低,Shannon-Winner多样性指数呈"S"型曲线增长,Pielou均匀度指数呈反"S"型曲线下降,Margalef丰富度指数呈单峰曲线增长趋势;2)随林龄增大,群落生物量"S"型曲线增长趋势明显,分配序列为:乔木层木质物残体层灌木层草本层,占群落生物量比例分别为82.41%、15.10%、1.69%和0.81%。长白落叶松生物量占据主导地位,但所占比例持续下降,属于衰退型种群,而春榆等阔叶树比例上升。林下植被层中,草本的主导地位逐渐丧失,灌木取而代之,生物量所占比例明显升高。地表木质物残体生物量比例缓慢下降;3)群落中物种多样性测度指标与生物量之间单调线性增长的关系明显,Shannon多样性指数较之Pielou均匀度指数更适合作群落生物量度量指标,生物量与Margalef丰富度指数无明显相关性。  相似文献   

In the humid warm-temperate zone of southwestern Japan, old-growthforests have been seriously fragmented to small remnants due to traditionalagriculture and coppicing as well as recent rapid plantation with conifers.Assemblages of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Disteniidae and Cerambycidae) werecompared among old-growth forests, second-growth forests and conifer plantationsusing collision traps baited with chemical attractants. Species richness oflongicorn beetles was poorer in second-growth forests and conifer plantationsthan in old-growth forests. It was proved by multidimensional scaling(MDS) that the beetle assemblages of old-growth forests were distinct from thoseof conifer plantations, while those of second-growth forests were intermediatebetween them. Further analysis showed that a number of species, including manyPidonia spp., were specific to or closely associated withold-growth forests, and the results were largely supported by the indicatorvalue (IndVal) approach. It is likely that many of such old-growth forestspecies in the larval and pupal stages require large broad-leaved trees standingor fallen with thick bark. At the same time, the flower-visiting adults wouldplay an important role in pollinating various herbaceous and woody plants.Regional forest management for the conservation of insect biodiversity is alsodiscussed.  相似文献   

席守鸿  明安刚  谭玲  何江  覃林 《广西植物》2024,44(7):1232-1244
营造乡土树种人工林和桉树人工林是我国南亚热带森林经营的常见模式。为探究土壤真菌群落多样性及功能对乡土树种和桉树人工林的响应特征与机制,该研究以南亚热带4个乡土树种人工林[马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、火力楠(Michelia macclurei)、米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)]和外来树种尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis)人工林为对象,基于各林分土壤(0~20 cm)真菌18S rRNA高通量测序数据,利用FUNGuild数据库,比较分析乡土树种与尾巨桉人工林土壤真菌群落多样性和功能类群的差异特性及影响的主导土壤环境因子。结果表明:(1)5个研究林分的土壤真菌优势门均为子囊菌门和担子菌门,但不同乡土树种林分与尾巨桉林的土壤真菌优势目存在差异。(2)尾巨桉林土壤真菌群落α多样性高于乡土树种人工林,其群落组成结构也与乡土树种人工林存在显著差异(P<0.05)。(3)4个乡土树种人工林土壤的腐生营养型的相对丰度高于尾巨桉林,并且火力楠林和米老排林土壤丛枝菌根真菌的相对丰度明显高于尾巨桉林,尾巨桉林土壤共生营养型以及外生菌根真菌和木材腐生菌的相对丰度明显高于乡土树种人工林。(4)pH是导致尾巨桉林与乡土树种人工林土壤真菌群落多样性和功能类群差异的主要土壤环境因子。综上认为,在南亚热带地区将尾巨桉林改建成火力楠林或米老排林可提高土壤养分水平,提升土壤生态功能。  相似文献   

Cleavitt  Natalie 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(2):205-216
Factors that set the altitudinal limits of plants have been relatively well explored for many land plant groups, but not for bryophytes. Bryophytes typically represent a significant portion of alpine floras with many species specific to highland systems. Differences between highland and lowland bryophytes have been underinvestigated. In the present study spanning three growing seasons, a subalpine and a lowland moss were both reciprocally planted as apical fragments and transplanted as adults between sites at 1400 m and 2000 m in the Front Ranges of the Rocky Mountains, Alberta. The lowland species, Mnium spinulosum, was less tolerant of conditions at 2000 m than the subalpine species, M. arizonicum, was to conditions at 1400 m. In particular, M. spinulosum had lower establishment from both apical fragments and spores at higher elevation sites. Both species had significantly lower establishment during the abnormally cold growing season of 1999, but fragments of M. arizonicum were better able to adjust their investment in establishment. The effect of a dominant feather moss, Hylocomium splendens, on establishment and transplant health was tested for M. arizonicum. Establishment of M. arizonicum was lower in Hylocomium mats than on bare humus regardless of site elevation suggesting allelopathy; however, stem survival in adult transplants was higher in Hylocomium mats than in Mnium dominated microsites at the higher elevation suggesting facilitation. Competition, rather than a lack of physiological plasticity, probably determines the lower elevation limit of the subalpine moss, while poor establishment ability at low temperatures accounts for the upper elevation limit of the montane moss. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

赖水发  余正良  陈上权  刘红  曾治高 《生态学报》2020,40(21):8005-8013
赣江发源于武夷山脉南段西麓的高山岭间,该区域独特的地理环境和气候特征蕴育了丰富的生物多样性。然而关于该区域两栖动物群落组成和物种多样性调查非常匮乏,不利于赣江源头两栖动物物种多样性的保护。于2016年4—9月期间在江西赣江源区域采用样线法调查了两栖动物的资源状况、群落组成及物种多样性特征,比较了它们在山地森林区、丘陵森林与农田区和盆地农田区3类栖息地之间的差异性。结果表明:赣江源区域分布有8科23种两栖动物,新增记录3个物种,包括尖舌浮蛙、寒露林蛙和九龙棘蛙,泽陆蛙和饰纹姬蛙为优势种。赣江源区域的两栖动物群落组成和物种多样性存在显著的季节间差异和栖息地间差异;两栖动物季节性繁殖是造成前者差异的主要因素,而土地利用类型、栖息地特征、空间距离、生活习性的物种特性等因素成就了后者差异的出现。因此,春、夏季一般有比秋季见到更高的两栖动物物种丰富度和多样性;山地森林区的两栖动物物种丰富度和多样性最高,盆地农田区次之,丘陵森林与农田区的最低。山地森林区应成为赣江源区域两栖动物多样性保护的优先区域。国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物虎纹蛙,在3类栖息地中均有分布,且在盆地农田区和山地森林区能见到更多个体,但农...  相似文献   

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