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There are two ways to label a DNA molecular; by the ends or all along the molecule. End labeling can be performed at the 3′- or 5′-end. Labeling at the 3′ end is performed by filling 3′-end recessed ends with a mixture or labeled and unlabeled dNTPs using Klenow or T4 DNA polymerases. Both reactions are template dependent. Terminal deoxynucleotide transferase incorporates dNTPs at the 3′ end of any kind of DNA molecule or RNA. Labels incorporated at the 3′-end of the DNA molecule prevent any further extension or ligation to any other molecule, but this can be overcome by labeling the 5′-end of the desired DNA molecule. 5′-end labeling is performed by enzymatic methods (T4 polynucleotide kinase exchange and forward reactions), by chemical modification of sensitized oligonucleotides with phosphoroamidite, or by combined methods. Probe cleanup is recommended when high background problems occur, but caution should be taken not to damage the attached probe with harsh chemicals or by light exposure.  相似文献   

We developed a post-embedding immunogold labeling procedure for the ultrastructural localization of the HTLV-I gag proteins p19 and p24 by the use of monoclonal antibodies (MAb). Both antigens were shown to withstand fixation with 1% glutaraldehyde. In addition, p19 antigenicity was found not to be affected by post-fixation with 1% osmium tetroxide. The choice of resin played a decisive role in the retention of antigenicity. P19 was preserved in Lowicryl K4M as well as in LR White, whereas p24 was preserved only in Lowicryl. Both p19 and p24 were found to be localized on the HTLV-I virions themselves, whereas no positive immunostaining could be observed on the infected cells. In Lowicryl-embedded samples, in which both antigens had been preserved, a double immunogold labeling procedure was performed that allowed the co-localization of p19 and p24 on the same section. In osmicated LR White-embedded samples the quality of ultrastructural preservation of HTLV-I virions was found to be comparable to results obtained with the traditional glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide-epoxy resin processing.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to assess long-term toxicological effects of a rare earth. Male Wistar rats were administrated orally with La(NO3)3 at doses of 0.1, 0.2, 2.0, 10, and 20 mg/kg body wt, resp., for 3-6 months. Urine was collected at 1, 2, and 3 months and serum samples were taken after 6 months. Numerous low-M(r) metabolites in rats serum and rats urine, including creatinine, citrate, glucose, ketone bodies, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), and various amino acids, were identified on 400- and 500-MHz 1H NMR spectra. La3+-induced renal and liver damage is characterized by an increase in the amounts of the excreted ketone bodies, amino acids, lactate, ethanol, succinate, TMAO, dimethylamine, and taurine and a decrease in citrate, glucose, urea, and allantoin. Information on the molecular basis of the long-term toxicity of La(NO>3)3 was derived from the abnormal patterns of metabolite excretions. An assay of some biochemical indexes and analysis of some enzymes in plasma supported NMR results.  相似文献   

Rapid in vitro labeling procedures for two-dimensional gel fingerprinting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flavins may be separated in a linear gradient of pH and ionic strength, established between 0.1 m sodium acetate, pH 3.8, 0.5 m NaCl, and 0.1 m acetic acid, 1 m NaCl, on Bio-Gel P-150 coupled with riboflavin-binding apoprotein from hen egg white.  相似文献   

Complexes formed by binding 125I- or 3H-labeled neuropeptides to one of the two binding sites of their specific antibodies allowed specific and sensitive labeling of various peptidergic neurons, which could be detected by classical autoradiographic methods. To visualize two neuronal antigens on the same material at both light and electron microscopic level, we used a new technique of double immunocytochemical labeling, combining immunoperoxidase and radioimmunocytochemistry. The main steps of the process included: (a) indirect labeling of the first antigen by its specific antibody and by a peroxidase-labeled Fab immunoglobulin fragment directed against the primary antibody; (b) direct labeling of the second antigen by a radiolabeled peptide-antibody complex; (c) revealing of the first label in the presence of peroxidase substrate; and (d) revealing of the second label by autoradiographic treatment of tissue sections. Compared with other known techniques of double immunostaining, this technique offers major advantages for combined visualization of two neuronal antigens at the electron microscopic level: (a) two neuron types can be labeled by a pre-embedding approach, allowing highly sensitive detection of neuronal antigens throughout the 50-microns thickness of vibratome sections; (b) two primary antibodies obtained in the same species can be used to label the two antigens without any risk of crossreactions between the two successive labelings; and (c) the two labels can easily be differentiated, even when they are co-localized within the same neuron structures. Application of this double immunostaining technique is illustrated by data obtained in rat hypothalamus concerning the relationships among a variety of identified neurons and the co-localization of different neuropeptides within the same neuron system.  相似文献   

A protocol for the quantitative incorporation of both selenomethionine and selenocysteine into recombinant proteins overexpressed in Escherichia coli is described. This methodology is based on the use of a suitable cysteine auxotrophic strain and a minimal medium supplemented with selenium-labeled methionine and cysteine. The proteins chosen for these studies are the cathelin-like motif of protegrin-3 and a nucleoside-diphosphate kinase. Analysis of the purified proteins by electrospray mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography revealed that both cysteine and methionine residues were isomorphously replaced by selenocysteine and selenomethionine. Moreover, selenocysteines allowed the formation of unstrained and stable diselenide bridges in place of the canonical disulfide bonds. In addition, we showed that NDP kinase contains a selenocysteine adduct on Cys122. This novel selenium double-labeling method is proposed as a general approach to increase the efficiency of the MAD technique used for phase determination in protein crystallography.  相似文献   

Freeze-drying allows double nonradioactive ISH and antigenic labeling.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because tissue freeze-drying is an excellent way to preserve antigenic conformation, we have tested the feasibility of this technique to reveal nonradioactive in situ hybridization (ISH) of tissue mRNA. We have compared mRNA detection after different methods of tissue preservation, freeze-drying, cryosectioning, and formaldehyde or methanol fixation. Our results show that nonradioactive ISH is more sensitive for tissues preserved by freeze-drying than for other tissue preparations. We have demonstrated that freeze-drying allows combination of ISH and immunohistochemistry for simultaneous detection of mRNA and antigen because with this technique of tissue preservation ISH does not affect the sensitivity or the amount of the detected antigens. This work underscores the fact that tissue freeze-drying is an easy, convenient, and reliable technique for both ISH and immunohistochemistry and achieves excellent structural conditions for nonradioactive detection.  相似文献   

Concatenation of hybridization probe with DNA target is crucial for highly localized detection of targeted sequences and might also be used in various gene-therapy applications. Several approaches based on the attachment of a circular oligonucleotide to designated DNA sites have been proposed. Recently, earring-like probes provide a true topological linkage between a probe and the target, thus allowing the DNA labeling by essentially immobile tags. The latest development in this direction takes advantage of oligonucleotide uptake by supercoiled DNA and is an important step forward.  相似文献   

Analysis of data from experiments using double labeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frequently as a result of experiments in which two isotopes are used one is left with a sequence of samples, the ratio of labeling in each sample, and the problem of analyzing the ratios. Suppose that the experiments are designed so that one expects uniform labeling except for one or two special groups of samples. The problem, then, is to find these groups. Because of the variability in the count rate from sample to sample, the variance of the ratios differs from sample to sample making statistical analysis difficult. Furthermore, there is significant serial correlation in the sample disintegrations per minute for each of the isotopes. We have found that the serial correlation in the labeling ratio is small and of questionable significance in controls but becomes significant when there is a subsequence of samples in which the labeling ratio differs from that in the remainder of the gel. We examine the analysis of variance as a test for significant deviations in the labeling ratio and suggest a method for plotting deviations of labeling ratio from the average background labeling ratio. Finally, we develop a method of estimating the mean labeling ratio from the regression of disintegrations per minute of one isotope on those of the other isotope. This provides another way of plotting deviations in labeling ratio in terms of the residuals around the line of regression.  相似文献   

In employing fixed frozen ultrathin sections as substrates for immunoferritin labeling of intracellular antigens, we have found that conventional glutaraldehyde fixation sometimes permits very little specific staining of the sections, either because it inactivates certain protein antigens, or because it renders them inaccessible to the antibody stains. We have developed several fixation procedures that are chemically milder and allow a uniform but less extensive cross- linking of the specimen. With these procedures and precautions in the handling of the more fragile frozen sections, excellent structural preservation and specific immunoferritin labeling has been achieved with several systems.  相似文献   

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are proved to be unique fluorescent labels providing excellent possibilities for high-throughput detection and diagnostics. To explore in full QDs’ advantages in brightness, photostability, large Stokes shift, and tunability by size fluorescence emission, they should be rendered stable in biological fluids and tagged with the target-specific capture molecules. Ideal QD-based nanoprobes should not exceed 15 nm in diameter and should contain on their surface multiple copies of homogeneously oriented highly active affinity molecules, for example, antibodies (Abs). Direct conjugation of QDs with the Abs through cross-linking of QDs’ amines with the sulfhydryl groups issued from the reduced Abs’ disulfide bonds is the common technique. However, this procedure often generates conjugates in which the number of functionally active Abs on the surface of QDs does not always conform to expectations and is often low. Here we have developed an advanced procedure with the optimized critical steps of Ab reduction, affinity purification, and QD–Ab conjugation. We succeeded in reducing the Abs in such a way that the reduction reaction yields highly functional, partially cleaved, 75-kDa heavy–light Ab fragments. Affinity purification of these Ab fragments followed by their tagging with the QDs generates QD–Ab conjugates with largely improved functionality compared with those produced according to the standard procedures. The developed approach can be extended to conjugation of any type of Ab with different semiconductor, noble metal, or magnetic nanocrystals.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation and radiomimetic drugs such as bleomycin, calichieamycin, neocarzinostatin chromophore, and other synthetic agents can produce both single and double strand breaks in DNA. The ability to study the structure-activity relationships of single and double-strand break repair, lethality, and mutagenesis in vivo is complicated by the numerous types and sites of DNA cleavage products that can be induced by such agents. The ability to "cage" such breaks in DNA might help to further such studies and additionally afford a mechanism for activating and deactivating nucleic acid based drugs and probes. The major type of single strand break induced by ionizing radiation is a 3'- and 5'-phosphate terminated single nucleotide gap. Previously, a caged strand break of this type had been developed that was designed to produce the 5'-phosphate directly upon irradiation with 366 nm light, and the 3'-phosphate by a subsequent beta-elimination reaction [Ordoukhanian, P., and Taylor, J.-S. (1995) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 9570]. Unfortunately, the release of the 3'-phosphate group was quite slow at pH 7. To circumvent this problem, a second caged strand break has been developed that produces the 3'-phosphate directly upon irradiation, and the 5'-phosphate by a subsequent beta-elimination reaction. When this caged strand break was used in tandem with the previous caged strand break, 5'- and 3'-phosphate terminated gaps could be directly produced by irradiation with 366 nm light. These caged single strand breaks were also incorporated in tandem into hairpin substrates to demonstrate that they could be used to cage double strand breaks. These caged single strand breaks should be generally useful for generating site-specific DNA single and double strand breaks and gaps, using wavelengths and doses of light that are nondetrimental to biological systems. Because the position of the single strand break can be varied, it should now be possible to examine the effect of the sequence context and cleavage pattern of single and double strand breaks on the lethality and mutagenicity of this important class of DNA damage.  相似文献   

A double label procedure with57Co and58Co has been developed for detailed in vivo studies of erythrocyte survival. A well-type Ge detector is used in the measurements. The activities necessary for these experiments are very low, and the associated dose received by the test persons can be neglected.  相似文献   

High mobility group (HMG) proteins are nuclear proteins believed to significantly affect DNA interactions by altering nucleic acid flexibility. Group B (HMGB) proteins contain HMG box domains known to bind to the DNA minor groove without sequence specificity, slightly intercalating base pairs and inducing a strong bend in the DNA helical axis. A dual-beam optical tweezers system is used to extend double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the absence as well as presence of a single box derivative of human HMGB2 [HMGB2(box A)] and a double box derivative of rat HMGB1 [HMGB1(box A+box B)]. The single box domain is observed to reduce the persistence length of the double helix, generating sharp DNA bends with an average bending angle of 99 ± 9° and, at very high concentrations, stabilizing dsDNA against denaturation. The double box protein contains two consecutive HMG box domains joined by a flexible tether. This protein also reduces the DNA persistence length, induces an average bending angle of 77 ± 7°, and stabilizes dsDNA at significantly lower concentrations. These results suggest that single and double box proteins increase DNA flexibility and stability, albeit both effects are achieved at much lower protein concentrations for the double box. In addition, at low concentrations, the single box protein can alter DNA flexibility without stabilizing dsDNA, whereas stabilization at higher concentrations is likely achieved through a cooperative binding mode.  相似文献   

H R Petty  W Dereski 《Biochemistry》1985,24(15):4141-4148
A fluorescein- and lactoperoxidase-conjugated ferritin-anti-ferritin immune complex has been prepared for cell surface labeling experiments on immune recognition and effector function. Lactoperoxidase (LPO) has been covalently coupled to affinity-purified anti-ferritin antibodies with p-benzoquinone by a modified version of the method of Ternynck and Avrameas [Ternynck, T., & Avrameas, S. (1976) Ann. Immunol. (Paris) 127C, 197]. The conjugate is a heterodimer of Mr230 000 with linkages to either or both of the heavy and light chains of the antibody, as judged by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in the absence and presence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The conjugate retains antibody-binding activity as measured by a quantitative precipitin assay. When incorporated into immune complexes, the modified antibody also retains Fc receptor recognition ability as determined by erythrocyte-antibody rosette inhibition assays. Electron microscopy demonstrated that the antigen, ferritin, was monodisperse with complete apoprotein sheaths surrounding the core. Ferritin-anti-ferritin-LPO complexes were formed in 4-fold antigen excess. Complexes were verified by fluorescence and electron microscopy. Immune complexes were masked with "cold" iodine by use of the endogenous LPO activity. The complexes bound to cells at 4 degrees C as shown by electron microscopy and fluorescence video/intensification microscopy. The LPO delivered to the cell surface in this fashion can be utilized to iodinate the surface with 125I. Under saturation conditions, the labeling with local LPO delivery followed by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography is identical with labeling with free LPO. Labeling has also been conducted under conditions of substrate deficit.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

From a single double helix to paired double helices and back   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The propagation of our genomes during cell proliferation depends on the movement of sister DNA molecules produced by DNA replication to opposite sides of the cell before it divides. This feat is achieved by microtubules in eukaryotic cells but it has long remained a mystery how cells ensure that sister DNAs attach to microtubules with opposite orientations, known as amphitelic attachment. It is currently thought that sister chromatid cohesion has a crucial role. By resisting the forces exerted by microtubules, sister chromatid cohesion gives rise to tension that is thought essential for stabilizing kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Efficient amphitelic attachment is therefore achieved by an error correction mechanism that selectively eliminates connections that do not give rise to tension. Cohesion between sister chromatids is mediated by a multisubunit complex called cohesin which forms a gigantic ring structure. It has been proposed that sister DNAs are held together owing to their becoming entrapped within a single cohesin ring. Cohesion between sister chromatids is destroyed at the metaphase to anaphase transition by proteolytic cleavage of cohesin's Scc1 subunit by a thiol protease called separase, which severs the ring and thereby releases sister DNAs.  相似文献   

Double labeling of cell populations with radioactive thymidine yields two types of differently labeled nuclei. Their numbers and the number of unlabeled nuclei can be used to estimate doubling times, T, and S-phase lengths, S. As of yet, such estimations have been performed either for stationary populations in which proliferation and losses are in balance, or for exponentially growing populations in which all cells have the same cycle duration. We calculate S and T for the more general type of cell population with arbitrarily distributed frequencies of cycle durations. The calculations do not require more mathematical or computational effort. We obtain three main results: (i) The estimation of T and S does not require explicit knowledge of the frequency distribution of cycle durations; (ii) in particular, equivalent estimates for T and S are obtained for both types of growing cell populations without losses, one with arbitrarily distributed cycle durations and one with the same cycle duration for all cells; and (iii) for small labeling indices, the estimate for S from the general model approaches the S-phase length of a stationary population and the estimate for T from the general model approaches the generation time of a stationary population, multiplied by the constant factor 1n(2). These relationships are valuable tools for reinterpreting results derived under the assumption of stationarity, which are considerably easier to obtain.  相似文献   

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