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The integrin alphaLbeta2 mediates leukocyte adhesion and migration that are required for a functional immune system. It is known that inside-out signaling triggers alphaLbeta2 conformational changes, which affect its ligand-binding affinity. At least three alphaLbeta2 affinity states (low, intermediate, and high) were described. The cytosolic protein talin connects alphaLbeta2 to the actin filament. The talin head domain is also known to activate alphaLbeta2 ligand binding. However, it remains to be determined whether talin promotes an intermediate or high affinity alphaLbeta2. In this study using transfectants and T cells, we showed that talin induced an intermediate affinity alphaLbeta2 that adhered constitutively to its ligand intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 but not ICAM-3. Adhesion to ICAM-3 was induced when an additional exogenous activating agent was included. Similar profiles were observed with soluble ICAMs. In addition, the intermediate affinity alphaLbeta2 induced by talin allowed adhesion and migration of T cells on immobilized ICAMs.  相似文献   

The integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (alpha(L)beta(2)), which is known for its ability to mediate firm adhesion and migration, can also contribute to tethering and rolling in shear flow. The alpha(L) I domain can be mutationally locked with disulfide bonds into two distinct conformations, open and closed, which have high and low affinity for the ligand intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), respectively. The wild type I domain exists primarily in the lower energy closed conformation. We have measured for the first time the effect of conformational change on adhesive behavior in shear flow. We show that wild type and locked open I domains, expressed in alpha(L)beta(2) heterodimers or as isolated domains on the cell surface, mediate rolling adhesion and firm adhesion, respectively. alpha(L)beta(2) is thus poised for the conversion of rolling to firm adhesion upon integrin activation in vivo. Isolated I domains are surprisingly more effective than alpha(L)beta(2) in interactions in shear flow, which may in part be a consequence of the presence of alpha(L)beta(2) in a bent conformation. Furthermore, the force exerted on the C-terminal alpha-helix appears to stabilize the open conformation of the wild type isolated I domain and contribute to its robustness in supporting rolling. An allosteric small molecule antagonist of alpha(L)beta(2) inhibits both rolling adhesion and firm adhesion, which has important implications for its mode of action in vivo.  相似文献   

Nascent actin requires interactions with the highly conserved and essential eukaryotic chaperonin-containing TCP-1 (CCT) for its correct folding to the native state in vivo. Biochemical and structural analysis of the interaction between actin and CCT has been studied extensively but the underlying energetics and kinetics of the CCT-dependent actin folding process are not understood. We investigated the unfolding and folding pathways of actin, using stopped flow fluorescence and biochemical techniques. By using very low concentrations of actin, taking account of temperature and ATP concentration dependences we were able to determine accurately the activation energy of unfolding to a stable intermediate, I(3). Use of the fluorescent calcium chelator Quin-2 and consideration of the ATP concentration dependence on the unfolding rate has allowed the intrinsic kinetics to be linked to the accepted reaction scheme for actin denaturation. A free energy of -28.7(+/-0.2) kJ mol(-1) was determined for the loss of ATP from Ca-free G-actin, in good agreement with previous studies. Understanding the K(eq) value for this step then allowed the temperature dependence of the unfolding reaction of co-factor-free actin to be evaluated, yielding an activation energy for the unfolding of G-actin of 81.3(+/-3.3) kJ mol(-1). By chemical coupling of the extrinsic probe, Alexa Fluor 488 to cysteine 374 of native alpha-actin, we were able to follow the binding and folding of I(3) by CCT, observing for the first time, in vitro re-folding of EDTA-denatured G-actin. The high value of the activation energy between native actin and a non-native folding intermediate (I(3)) is characteristic of a partially folded, molten globule state expected to contain partial secondary structure.  相似文献   

M de Chateau  S Chen  A Salas  T A Springer 《Biochemistry》2001,40(46):13972-13979
We studied interactions in shear flow of cells bearing integrins alpha4beta1 or alpha4beta7 with VCAM-1 and MAdCAM-1 substrates in different divalent cations. Interestingly, Ca(2+) was essential for tethering in flow and rolling interactions through both alpha4 integrins. Mg(2+) promoted firm adhesion of alpha4beta7-expressing cells on MAdCAM-1 but with much lower tethering efficiency in shear flow. The k(off) degrees of 1.28 s(-1) and resistance of the receptor-ligand bond to force (estimated as a bond interaction distance or sigma) for transient tethers on MAdCAM-1 were similar to values for E- and P-selectins. By contrast to results in Ca(2+) or Ca(2+) + Mg(2+), in Mg(2+) the alpha4beta7-MAdCAM-1 k(off) degrees decreased 20-fold to 0.046 s(-1), and the bond was weaker, providing an explanation for the finding of firm adhesion under these conditions. Shear enhanced tethering to MAdCAM-1, thereby contributing to the stability of rolling. Comparisons to selectins demonstrate that the kinetic and mechanical properties of the alpha4beta7 integrin are well suited to its intermediate position in adhesion cascades, in which it bridges rapid rolling through selectins to firm adhesion through beta2 integrins.  相似文献   

Under conditions of starvation, populations of the amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum aggregate are mediated by chemical excitation waves of cAMP. Two types of waves can be observed, either spiral or circular-shaped ones. We investigate transitions from rotating spirals to circular shaped waves (target patterns). Two different experiments demonstrating this phenomenon are presented. In the first case a continuous transition from the spiral type pattern to target waves was observed at the later stages of aggregation. In the second case the transition was induced by annihilation of waves by a spatially homogeneous cAMP pulse. Instead of the originally present spiral waves, oscillating spots bearing target patterns emerged. On the basis of a model for Dictyostelium aggregation, we provide a theoretical explanation for such transitions. It is shown that cell density can be an effective bifurcation parameter. Under certain conditions, the system is shifted from the excitable to the oscillatory state while the frequency of oscillations is proportional to the square root of the cell density. Thus, the regions with the highest cell density during the early stages of the spatial rearrangement of the cells become pacemakers and produce target patterns. The analytic results were confirmed in numerical simulations of the model.  相似文献   

Some amino acid substitutions in phage P22 coat protein cause a temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) phenotype. In vivo, these tsf amino acid substitutions cause coat protein to aggregate and form intracellular inclusion bodies when folded at high temperatures, but at low temperatures the proteins fold properly. Here the effects of tsf amino acid substitutions on folding and unfolding kinetics and the stability of coat protein in vitro have been investigated to determine how the substitutions change the ability of coat protein to fold properly. The equilibrium unfolding transitions of the tsf variants were best fit to a three-state model, N if I if U, where all species concerned were monomeric, a result confirmed by velocity sedimentation analytical ultracentrifugation. The primary effect of the tsf amino acid substitutions on the equilibrium unfolding pathway was to decrease the stability (DeltaG) and the solvent accessibility (m-value) of the N if I transition. The kinetics of folding and unfolding of the tsf coat proteins were investigated using tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) at 222 nm. The tsf amino acid substitutions increased the rate of unfolding by 8-14-fold, with little effect on the rate of folding, when monitored by tryptophan fluorescence. In contrast, when folding or unfolding reactions were monitored by CD, the reactions were too fast to be observed. The tsf coat proteins are natural substrates for the molecular chaperones, GroEL/S. When native tsf coat protein monomers were incubated with GroEL, they bound efficiently, indicating that a folding intermediate was significantly populated even without denaturant. Thus, the tsf coat proteins aggregate in vivo because of an increased propensity to populate this unfolding intermediate.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion mediated by the CD11/CD18 integrins and their ligands, the ICAMs, is required for many leukocyte functions. In resting cells the integrins are nonadhesive, but when activated they become adhesive for their ligands. Previous findings have shown that a peptide derived from the first Ig domain of ICAM-2 (P1) binds to LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) and Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) and activates leukocyte aggregation. Because its mechanism of action has remained poorly understood, we have now studied the peptide-induced ligand binding in detail. Here we show that P1 was able to induce CD11/CD18-dependent adhesion of human T lymphocytes to immobilized, purified ICAM-1, -2, and -3. The optimal peptide concentration was 150 micrograms/ml, whereas concentrations higher than 400 micrograms/ml did not have any stimulatory effect. The increase in adhesion was detectable within 10 min of treatment with the peptide; it was dependent on energy, divalent cations, temperature, and an intact cytoskeleton but was unaffected by protein kinase C and protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Peptide treatment resulted in strong stimulation of the binding of soluble, recombinant ICAMs to T lymphocytes, showing that the integrin affinity toward its ligands was increased. Importantly, soluble ICAM-2Fc was also able to induce T lymphocyte adhesion to purified ICAM-1, -2, and -3, and it was a more potent stimulatory molecule than ICAM-1Fc or ICAM-3Fc.  相似文献   

Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins are associated with desiccation tolerance in resurrection plants and in plant seeds, and the recent discovery of a dehydration-induced Group 3 LEA-like gene in the nematode Aphelenchus avenae suggests a similar association in anhydrobiotic animals. Despite their importance, little is known about the structure of Group 3 LEA proteins, although computer modeling and secondary structure algorithms predict a largely alpha-helical monomer that forms coiled coil oligomers. We have therefore investigated the structure of the nematode protein, AavLEA1, in the first such analysis of a well characterized Group 3 LEA-like protein. Immunoblotting and subunit cross-linking experiments demonstrate limited oligomerization of AavLEA1, but analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration show that the vast majority of the protein is monomeric. Moreover, CD, fluorescence emission, and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy indicate an unstructured conformation for the nematode protein. Therefore, in solution, no evidence was found to support structure predictions; instead, AavLEA1 seems to be natively unfolded with a high degree of hydration and low compactness. Such proteins can, however, be induced to fold into more rigid structures by partner molecules or by altered physiological conditions. Because AavLEA1 is associated with desiccation stress, its Fourier transform-infrared spectrum in the dehydrated state was examined. A dramatic but reversible increase in alpha-helix and, possibly, coiled coil formation was observed on drying, indicating that computer predictions of secondary structure may be correct for the solid state. This unusual finding offers the possibility that structural shifts in Group 3 LEA proteins occur on dehydration, perhaps consistent with their role in anhydrobiosis.  相似文献   

The integrin VLA-2 was previously found to bind to either collagen alone, or collagen plus laminin, but the mechanism for this cell- specific functional difference was unknown. Here we transfected VLA-2 alpha 2 subunit cDNA into K562 cells and obtained VLA-2 (called Form-O) which bound to neither collagen nor laminin. We then used a Matrigel selection procedure to enrich for a minor subpopulation of K562 cells stably expressing a form of VLA-2 (Form-C) that bound to collagen but not laminin. In contrast, the same alpha 2 cDNA transfected into RD cells yielded VLA-2 (Form-CL) which bound to both collagen and laminin. These Form-O, -C, and -CL activities were stably expressed during extended cell culture, and could not be qualitatively altered by adding phorbol esters or by exchaning the resident divalent cations. However, addition of stimulatory anti-beta 1 antibodies (TS2/16, A-1A5) rapidly converted VLA-2 Form-O and Form-C into Form-CL. Anti-beta 1 antibody stimulation of VLA-2 activity was observed not only on whole cells, but also with solubilized receptors. These results suggest (a) that the ligand binding specificity of VLA-2 can be determined by its cellular environment, rather than by variations in the primary sequence of the alpha 2 subunit, (b) that stably inactive or partly active VLA-2 can be rapidly converted to a fully active form through conformational changes initiated at a nonligand binding site on the beta 1 subunit, and (c) that the mechanisms for VLA-2 stimulation by phorbol ester and by antibody are quite distinct, because the latter does not require an intact cell.  相似文献   

The serine proteinase inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1), binds to the adhesion protein vitronectin with high affinity at a site that is located directly adjacent to the vitronectin RGD integrin binding sequence. The binding of PAI-1 to vitronectin sterically blocks integrin access to this site and completely inhibits the binding of purified integrins to vitronectin; however, its inhibition of endothelial and smooth muscle cell adhesion to vitronectin is at most 50-75%. Because PAI-1 binds vitronectin with approximately 10-100-fold higher affinity than purified integrins, we have analyzed the mechanism whereby these cells are able to overcome this obstacle. Our studies exclude proteolytic removal of PAI-1 from vitronectin as the mechanism, and show instead that cell adhesion in the presence of PAI-1 is dependent on integrin-cytoskeleton engagement. Disrupting endothelial or smooth muscle cell actin polymerization and/or focal adhesion assembly reduces cell adhesion to vitronectin in the presence of PAI-1 to levels similar to that observed for the binding of purified integrins to vitronectin. Furthermore, endothelial cell, but not smooth muscle cell adhesion to vitronectin in the presence of PAI-1 requires both polymerized microtubules and actin, further demonstrating the importance of the cytoskeleton for integrin-mediated adhesion. Finally, we show that cell adhesion in the presence of PAI-1 leads to colocalization of PAI-1 with the integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 at the cell-matrix interface.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of conformational change at the beta(7) I-like/hybrid domain interface on regulating the transition between rolling and firm adhesion by integrin alpha(4)beta(7). An N-glycosylation site was introduced into the I-like/hybrid domain interface to act as a wedge and to stabilize the open conformation of this interface and hence the open conformation of the alpha(4) beta(7) headpiece. Wild-type alpha(4)beta(7) mediates rolling adhesion in Ca(2+) and Ca(2+)/Mg(2+) but firm adhesion in Mg(2+) and Mn(2+). Stabilizing the open headpiece resulted in firm adhesion in all divalent cations. The interaction between metal binding sites in the I-like domain and the interface with the hybrid domain was examined in double mutants. Changes at these two sites can either counterbalance one another or be additive, emphasizing mutuality and the importance of multiple interfaces in integrin regulation. A double mutant with counterbalancing deactivating ligand-induced metal ion binding site (LIMBS) and activating wedge mutations could still be activated by Mn(2+), confirming the importance of the adjacent to metal ion-dependent adhesion site (ADMIDAS) in integrin activation by Mn(2+). Overall, the results demonstrate the importance of headpiece allostery in the conversion of rolling to firm adhesion.  相似文献   

An in vitro model system is described for studying the problem of loss of steroid sensitivity in breast cancer cells. Growth of cloned oestrogen-sensitive human breast cancer cells in the long-term absence of steroid gives rise to a population of oestrogen-insensitive cells. In ZR-75-1 cells, the effect is clonal but occurs at high frequency suggesting a mechanism affecting a wide proportion of the cell population synchronously. This does not involve any reduction in oestrogen receptor number. Furthermore, there is no coordinated loss of oestrogen-sensitive molecular markers, showing that oestrogen receptors remain not only present but functional. These growth changes are not accompanied by any loss of growth inhibition by antioestrogen. Although steroid deprivation does not result in loss of oestrogen-sensitive markers, this does not hold true for other steroids. There was a reduction in progestin, androgen and glucocorticoid regulation on transfected LTRs. Loss of steroid-sensitive growth was accompanied by changes in response to exogenous growth factors and altered endogenous growth factor mRNA production. Steroid-deprived T-47-D cells acquire sensitivity to stimulation by TGFβ and have raised TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 mRNA levels. ZR-75-1 cells are growth inhibited by TGFβ and have reduced TGFβ1mRNA levels. In MCF-7 cells, increased IGFII mRNA, following transfection, can result in an increased basal cell growth rate in the absence of steroid. These findings are discussed in relation to possible autocrine mechanisms in the loss of steroid sensitivity of breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

The affinities for hyaluronic acid of newly synthesized proteoglycan from post-confluent rabbit chondrocyte cultures and purified bovine proteoglycan monomer were compared. In mixtures prepared at pH 6.8 the newly synthesized proteoglycan had the lower affinity; however, in mixtures incubated at pH 8.5 for 24 h before addition of hyaluronic acid, the newly synthesized proteoglycan exhibited a markedly higher affinity than the bovine monomer. The results suggest that proteoglycan secreted without associated link protein [Plaas, Sandy & Muir (1983) Biochem. J. 214, 855-864] has a low affinity for hyaluronate and that this may be increased during subsequent extracellular processing.  相似文献   

TrfA is the only plasmid-encoded protein required for RK2 replication. We report here the construction and characterization of an RK2-based vector in which trfA is expressed from the inducible promoter Pm. The resulting construct, pJBSD1, was found to replicate in Escherichia coli DH5a (recA(-)) only in the presence of a Pm inducer. In two tested E. coli recA(+) strains pJBSD1 could replicate in the absence of inducer, but a replication inducer-dependent phenotype was obtained in these strains by introducing a mutation known to reduce the trfA expression level. The plasmid construct could be used as a conditional suicide vector system for targeted chromosomal integration via homologous recombination. This feature may potentially be used for many types of studies in microbial molecular biology.  相似文献   

The idea that enzyme catalysis involves special factors such as coherent fluctuations, quantum mechanical tunnelling and non-equilibrium solvation (NES) effects has gained popularity in recent years. It has also been suggested that transition state theory (TST) cannot be used in studies of enzyme catalysis. The present work uses reliable state of the art simulation approaches to examine the above ideas. We start by demonstrating that we are able to simulate any of the present catalytic proposals using the empirical valence bond (EVB) potential energy surfaces, the dispersed polaron model and the quantized classical path (QCP) approach, as well as the approximate vibronic method. These approaches do not treat the catalytic effects by phenomenological treatments and thus can be considered as first principles approaches (at least their ability to compare enzymatic reaction to the corresponding solution reactions). This work will consider the lipoxygenase reaction, and to lesser extent other enzymes, for specific demonstration. It will be pointed out that our study of the lipoxygenase reaction reproduces the very large observed isotope effect and the observed rate constant while obtaining no catalytic contribution from nuclear quantum mechanical (NQM) effects. Furthermore, it will be clarified that our studies established that the NQM effect decreases rather than increases when the donor-acceptor distance is compressed. The consequences of these findings in terms of the temperature dependence of the kinetic isotope effect and in terms of different catalytic proposals will be discussed. This paper will also consider briefly the dynamical effects and conclude that such effects do not contribute in a significant way to enzyme catalysis. Furthermore, it will be pointed out that, in contrast to recent suggestions, NES effects are not dynamical effects and should therefore be part of the activation free energy rather than the transmission factor. In view of findings of the present work and our earlier works, it seems that TST provides a quantitative tool for studies of enzyme catalysis and that the key open questions are related to the nature of the factors that lead to transition state stabilization.  相似文献   

We have recombinantly expressed a soluble form of human alpha(2)beta(1) integrin that lacks the membrane-anchoring transmembrane domains as well as the cytoplasmic tails of both integrin subunits. This soluble alpha(2)beta(1) integrin binds to its collagen ligands the same way as the wild-type alpha(2)beta(1) integrin. Furthermore, like the wild-type form, it can be activated by manganese ions and an integrin-activating antibody. However, it does not bind to rhodocytin, a postulated agonist of alpha(2)beta(1) integrin from the snake venom of Calloselasma rhodostoma, which elicits platelet aggregation. Taking advantage of the recombinantly expressed, soluble alpha(2)beta(1) integrin, an inhibition assay was established in which samples can be tested for their capability to inhibit binding of soluble alpha(2)beta(1) integrin to immobilized collagen. Thus, by scrutinizing the C. rhodostoma snake venom in this protein-protein interaction assay, we found a component of the snake venom that inhibits the interaction of soluble alpha(2)beta(1) integrin to type I collagen efficiently. N-terminal sequences identified this inhibitor as rhodocetin, a recently published antagonist of collagen-induced platelet aggregation. We could demonstrate that its inhibitory effect bases on its strong and specific binding to alpha(2)beta(1) integrin, proving that rhodocetin is a disintegrin. Standing apart from the growing group of RGD-dependent snake venom disintegrins, rhodocetin interacts with alpha(2)beta(1) integrin in an RGD-independent manner. Furthermore, its native conformation, which is stabilized by disulfide bridges, is indispensibly required for its inhibitory activity. Rhodocetin does not contain any major collagenous structure despite its high affinity to alpha(2)beta(1) integrin, which binds to collagenous molecules much more avidly than to noncollagenous ligands, such as laminin. Blocking alpha(2)beta(1) integrin as the major collagen receptor on platelets, rhodocetin is responsible for hampering collagen-induced, alpha(2)beta(1) integrin-mediated platelet activation, leading to hemorrhages and bleeding disorders of the snakebite victim. Moreover, having a widespread tissue distribution, alpha(2)beta(1) integrin also mediates cell adhesion, spreading, and migration. We showed that rhodocetin is able to inhibit alpha(2)beta(1) integrin-mediated adhesion of fibrosarcoma cells to type I collagen completely.  相似文献   

Cevik MÖ  Erden A 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39863
The proboscis extension reflex (PER) is triggered when insects' gustatory receptors contact appetitive stimuli, so it provides a behavioral readout for perceptual encoding of tastants. Research on the experience dependent modulation of PER in Drosophila has been hindered by the difficulty of obtaining reliable measures of memory-driven change in PER probability in the background of larger changes induced by physiological state. In this study, we showed that the course of PER habituation can be predicted by the degree of sucrose responsiveness in Drosophila. We assessed early response parameters, including the number of proboscis extensions and labellar movements in the first five trials, the trial to start responding, and the trial to make the first stop to quantify responsiveness, which predicted the upcoming pattern of both the short-term and 1 hour memory of PER habituation for individual flies. The cAMP signaling pathway mutant rutabaga displayed deficits in attunement of perceptual salience of sucrose to physiological demands and stimulus-driven sensitization.  相似文献   

M Kamber 《Cellular immunology》1986,102(1):177-186
Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) at concentrations of 2 X 10(-10) to 2 X 10(-7) M was able to sustain proliferation of the interleukin 2 (IL-2)-dependent murine T-cell line CTLL-K. This line, which died within 24 hr without exogenously added IL-2, survived for at least 96 hr and completed two to three cycles of replication in the presence of an optimal dose of PMA. PMA did not increase proliferation induced by saturating amounts of IL-2, but it mimicked IL-2 activity when no IL-2 or only suboptimal doses of IL-2 were present. This effect was completely independent of any residual IL-2 activity and was not mediated by the endogenous production of IL-2. The finding that stimulation of CTLL-K cells with 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-glycerol or 1,2-dioctanoyl-glycerol rather than with PMA was not sufficient to induce any proliferation suggests that diacylglycerols and phorbol esters have qualitatively different effects on protein kinase C activity. Falsely positive results could occur when IL-2-dependent T-cell lines were used as indicator cells for IL-2, since evidence is presented that PMA-responsive cells could emerge spontaneously from T-cell clones that originally were not responsive or only weakly influenced by PMA.  相似文献   

Na+-K+-Dependent ATPase [EC] was preincubated with ATP in the presence of a high concentration of MgCl2, and the phosphorylated intermediate, EP, was formed by adding a high concentration of NaCl. The following results showed that EP was converted from an ADP-sensitive to an ADP-insensitive form by a single turnover of the ATPase reaction. 1. After initiating the reaction by adding NaCl, almost all the EP was at first sensitive to added ADP, but its sensitivity to ADP decreased with increase in the time interval between the additions of NaCl and of ADP. 2. Both in the presence and absence of KCl, the time course of the replacement of ADP-sensitive EP by ADP-insensitive EP coincided with the time course of the decomposition of EP after addition of EDTA.  相似文献   

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