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2009年4月至2010年1月,对西藏南部羊卓雍错的水鸟资源状况进行了调查。采用定点观察的方法,沿湖选择了24个观察点,分别在繁殖前期、中期和后期,以及秋季和冬季进行了6次调查。采用核密度分析(Kernel analysis)的方法,对两只卫星跟踪斑头雁(Anser indicus)的活动区进行了分析。调查期间,记录到水鸟32种31044只,隶属于6目10科。雁鸭类和鸥类分别占水鸟总数73.9%和19.1%,主要是斑头雁、赤嘴潜鸭(Rhodonessa rufina)、赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)、棕头鸥(Larus brunnicephalus)等。水鸟多样性较高的季节是春秋迁徙季节。羊卓雍错夏季主要的繁殖种群是斑头雁和棕头鸥,也有少量黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)的繁殖个体;冬季主要物种是赤嘴潜鸭,经常聚集在融化的冰面上。春季斑头雁的数量增加趋势较为明显;进入繁殖期后,斑头雁处于孵卵阶段,繁殖种群的数量达到2000余只;繁殖后期,斑头雁换羽结束,成鸟带领幼鸟在鸟岛附近的湖边取食,此时观察到斑头雁的数量又有明显的增加;秋季斑头雁的南迁致使种群数量呈下降趋势;冬季许多斑头雁从北方如青海湖等地迁来越冬使得种群数量有所增加,多分布于湖西浪卡子县城附近的沼泽湿地和湖南部的绒波臧布河流的入口处。卫星跟踪结果表明,羊卓雍错是青海湖繁殖的斑头雁重要的越冬地之一,湖西部沼泽湿地和湖南部的河流入口处是其主要活动区域,而且该湖与雅鲁藏布江河谷之间通过斑头雁的往来移动存在着联系,因而是西藏南部禽流感监测的重要地点。  相似文献   

西雅鲁藏布江中游地区斑头雁越冬种群数量和分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河流域是斑头雁重要的越冬区。1992年冬季在流域范围内13个县市共发现斑头雁10081只。斑头雁越冬分布区海拔高度为3500-4000米,内均有大面积流动的水面。斑头雁在农田里采食收割时遗落的谷物,中午在水面上、沙滩上戏嬉休息,在河叉及水库的浅水区过夜。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河流域是斑头雁重要的越冬区。1992年冬季在流域范围内13个县市共发现斑头雁10081只。斑头雁越冬分布区海拔高度为3500─4000米,内均有大面积流动的水面。斑头雁在农田里采食收割时遗落的谷物,中午在水面上、沙滩上戏嬉休息,在河叉及水库的浅水区过夜。  相似文献   

<正>斑头雁(Anserindicus)主要繁殖于中国西部的青藏高原、蒙古高原西部,少部分繁殖于哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、巴基斯坦以及印度北部地区,越冬于中国西南部、印度次大陆及东南亚地区(Joost et al. 2010)。根据越冬地的隔离性,可将斑头雁分为4个独立的越冬种群,即印度次大陆越冬种群、缅甸越冬种群、西藏越冬种群以及云贵高原越冬种群(刘冬平等2010,Takekawa et al. 2013,Joost et al. 2014,Liu et al. 2014)。  相似文献   

西藏黑颈鹤的保护与研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏是黑颈鹤Grus nigricollis主要的繁殖地和越冬地.每年在西藏繁殖的黑颈鹤数量在4000只以上,越冬的数量达6000多只.目前西藏保护黑颈鹤为主体的国家级自然保护区有两个,即西藏色林错黑颈鹤繁殖栖息地自然保护区(8936.3 km2 )和西藏雅鲁藏布江中游河谷黑颈鹤越冬栖息地自然保护区(6143.5 km2),这两个保护区在黑颈鹤的保护工作中处于重要的地位.本文记述了20世纪80年代以来我国学者对分布在西藏的黑颈鹤研究和保护的成果及其进展,包括黑颈鹤在西藏的地理分布、种群生态、生境现状以及保护管理现状,并对目前黑颈鹤保护所面临的问题提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

2019年4至6月,采用定点观察法和样方法研究甘肃盐池湾国家级自然保护区斑头雁(Anser indicus)巢址选择。研究期间共发现斑头雁巢332个,斑头雁在繁殖期有3种营巢生境,即浅水沼泽、湖心小岛以及山崖,其巢址类型有草垛巢、地面巢和山崖裸岩巢3种。浅水沼泽、湖心小岛以及山崖3种营巢生境中窝卵数分别为(4.7±2.7)枚(n=204)、(4.2±1.9)枚(n=108)及(3.1±0.6)枚(n=20),孵化成功率分别为48.65%(n=199)、45.27%(n=148)及24.00%(n=25),繁殖成功率分别为66.67%(n=42)、74.28%(n=35)及36.36%(n=11)。主成分分析显示,影响浅水沼泽生境中斑头雁巢址选择的主要环境因素依次为水源因素、隐蔽因素、干扰因素和食物因素;影响湖心小岛生境中斑头雁巢址选择的主要环境因素依次为隐蔽因素、食物因素、干扰因素;影响山崖生境中斑头雁巢址选择的主要环境因素依次为地形因素、食物及水源因素、干扰因素。本研究表明,斑头雁在不同营巢生境中,巢址选择的最主要环境因素并不相同,主要依赖生境特征及周围环境因素特征。  相似文献   

青海湖鸟岛斑头雁种群对H5N1亚型禽流感病毒的免疫状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑头雁(Anser indicus)是2005年青海湖H5N1型高致病性禽流感的主要被感染物种。为了解斑头雁目前对H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)免疫状况,2008年春季,在青海湖鸟岛采集该种群弃卵(68枚)和巢卵(125枚),以血凝抑制试验(HI)检测抗H5N1亚型禽流感病毒的卵黄母源抗体(IgY)。根据测试结果推断,在高致病性禽流感暴发3年后,青海湖鸟岛繁殖的斑头雁种群有26.5%~35.2%的繁殖对可能已经获得了对H5N1型禽流感病毒的免疫能力。另外,以斑头雁巢密度和抗体效价进行相关分析发现,斑头雁母源抗体水平与斑头雁巢密度正相关(r=0.736, P=0.000),表明高密度繁殖群内的母源抗体传递更具有适应性意义。  相似文献   

云贵高原黑颈鹤的种群数量和分布   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
云贵高原有黑颈鹤的两个越冬区:(1)云南西部;(2)云南东北部和贵州西北部。这两个地区的黑颈鹤数量占全球种群的1/4至1/3。国际鹤类基金会与云南省林业厅于2001/2002年冬季在云贵高原联合对黑颈鹤进行了一次同步计数,本次调查覆盖了17个已知或潜在的黑颈鹤越冬地点,其中15个地点有黑颈鹤分布。在2002年1月18日和19日,分别记录到3261和3182只黑颈鹤。本调查还统计了灰鹤、斑头雁和赤麻鸭,数量分别为:灰鹤804和1158只;斑头雁1759和2978只;赤麻鸭3442和5444只。与1991/1992年冬季进行的调查结果相比,黑颈鹤在这一地区的数量增加了90%以上。  相似文献   

为了解贵州省石阡鸳鸯湖国家湿地公园越冬鸳鸯Aix galericulata的种群密度、日行为特征及人为干扰对其的影响,于2017年10月—2018年3月,采用直接计数法对鸳鸯数量、性比及人为干扰下的种群密度进行了22次调查。越冬中期,种群数量稳定在755只±17只,性比为1.14∶1,各条河沟的数量之间的差异具有高度统计学意义(X^2=84.041,df=5,P<0.01),即大河、小河与坝坎为鸳鸯分布及活动的主要区域;种群密度与人为干扰次数呈极显著负相关(R=-0.799,n=90,P<0.01),在人为干扰次数为1次±1次的区域,种群密度为42只/hm^2±3只/hm^2~53只/hm^2±14只/hm^2,当人为干扰次数达到7次±3次时,几乎没有鸳鸯活动。同时采用瞬时扫描法对鸳鸯的8种越冬行为进行了34 d(442 h)的观察,共记录各行为136 933次。取食、休息和修整为鸳鸯的主要行为;除了修整,鸳鸯在保育区与非保育区的各行为时间分配差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01);越冬日行为节律极具规律性,取食高峰在07∶00—08∶00、14∶00—15∶00和17∶00—18∶00;休息高峰在13∶00—14∶00和15∶00—16∶00;飞行高峰在06∶00—07∶00(飞回湖区)和18∶00—19∶00(飞往夜栖地);修整在各时间段发生均较为频繁。  相似文献   

该研究分析了1985—2011年鄱阳湖国家级自然保护区东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)越冬种群数量的年际变化趋势,探究了越冬地气候条件对其种群数量变化的影响。结果表明,1985—2011年,保护区东方白鹳种群数量为(1 340±178)只,呈显著线性增长趋势,但年际波动较大。种群数量与越冬当年11月份的平均最低气温显著正相关(r=0.554,P=0.003,n=27),越冬初期较低的温度可能影响东方白鹳选择鄱阳湖作为长期越冬地的决策,而增加对长江中、下游其他湿地的利用。同时,越冬地气候条件对种群数量的影响存在显著的时滞效应。越冬初期以及越冬后期的气温变量与2~9年后的种群数量显著正相关。尤其是越冬初期10月份的气温变量与2~5年后的种群数量变化极显著相关,越冬后期2月和3月的气温变量分别与8年后和3年后的种数数量极显著正相关。多元线性回归分析结果表明,2年前的10月平均最高温度、2年前的3月平均最高气温、4年前的10月平均最高温度、4年前的3月平均气温是东方白鹳种群数量变化的显著预测变量,共同解释了种群数量年际变化的79.2%(R2=0.792,F=20.901,df=26,P=0.000)。越冬初期和末期可能是个体迁飞后补充能量和迁飞前积累能量的关键阶段,适宜的气温有利于成体的能量积累和幼体的存活,且东方白鹳性成熟年龄为2~6年,因此,越冬地气候条件对其种群增长的影响将会在2年后体现。  相似文献   

Since 2002, H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses have caused mortality in numerous species of wild birds; this is atypical for avian influenza virus (AIV) infections in these avian species, especially for species within the order Anseriformes. Although these infections document the susceptibility of wild birds to H5N1 HPAI viruses and the spillover of these viruses from infected domestic birds to wild birds, it is unknown whether H5N1 HPAI viruses can persist in free-living avian populations. In a previous study, we established that wood ducks (Aix sponsa) are highly susceptible to infection with H5N1 HPAI viruses. To quantify this susceptibility and further evaluate the likelihood of H5N1 HPAI viral maintenance in a wild bird population, we determined the concentration of virus required to produce infection in wood ducks. To accomplish this, 25 wood ducks were inoculated intranasally at 12-16 wk of age with decreasing concentrations of a H5N1 HPAI virus (A/Whooper Swan/Mongolia/244/05 [H5N1]). The median infectious dose and the lethal dose of H5N1 HPAI virus in wood ducks were very low (10(0.95) and 10(1.71) median embryo infectious dose [EID(50)]/ml, respectively) and less than that of chickens (10(2.80) and 10(2.80) EID(50)/ml). These results confirm that wood ducks are highly susceptible to infection with H5N1 HPAI virus. The data from this study, combined with what is known experimentally about H5N1 HPAI virus infection in wood ducks and viral persistence in aquatic environments, suggest that the wood duck would represent a sensitive indicator species for H5N1 HPAI. Results also suggest that the potential for decreased transmission efficiency associated with reduced viral shedding (especially from the cloaca) and a loss of environmental fitness (in water), may be offset by the ability of this virus to be transmitted through a very low infectious dose.  相似文献   



Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viruses have had devastating effects on poultry industries worldwide, and there is concern about the potential for HPAI outbreaks in the poultry industry in Great Britain (GB). Critical to the potential for HPAI to spread between poultry premises are the connections made between farms by movements related to human activity. Movement records of catching teams and slaughterhouse vehicles were obtained from a large catching company, and these data were used in a simulation model of HPAI spread between farms serviced by the catching company, and surrounding (geographic) areas. The spread of HPAI through real-time movements was modelled, with the addition of spread via company personnel and local transmission.


The model predicted that although large outbreaks are rare, they may occur, with long distances between infected premises. Final outbreak size was most sensitive to the probability of spread via slaughterhouse-linked movements whereas the probability of onward spread beyond an index premises was most sensitive to the frequency of company personnel movements.


Results obtained from this study show that, whilst there is the possibility that HPAI virus will jump from one cluster of farms to another, movements made by catching teams connected fewer poultry premises in an outbreak situation than slaughterhouses and company personnel. The potential connection of a large number of infected farms, however, highlights the importance of retaining up-to-date data on poultry premises so that control measures can be effectively prioritised in an outbreak situation.  相似文献   

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) has been prevalent in Indonesia since 2003 causing major losses to poultry production and human deaths. Live bird markets are considered high risk areas due to the density of large numbers of mixed poultry species of unknown disease status. Understanding trader knowledge and perceptions of HPAI and biosecurity is critical to reducing transmission risk and controlling the disease. An interview-administered survey was conducted at 17 live bird markets on the islands of Bali and Lombok in 2008 and 2009. A total of 413 live poultry traders were interviewed. Respondents were mostly male (89%) with a mean age of 45 years (range: 19–81). The main source of AI information was TV (78%), although personal communication was also identified to be an important source, particularly among female traders (60%) and respondents from Bali (43%). More than half (58%) of live poultry traders interviewed knew that infected birds can transmit HPAI viruses but were generally unaware that viruses can be introduced to markets by fomites. Cleaning cages and disposing of sick and dead birds were recognized as the most important steps to prevent the spread of disease by respondents. Two thirds (n = 277) of respondents were unwilling to report sudden or suspicious bird deaths to authorities. Bali vendors perceive biosecurity to be of higher importance than Lombok vendors and are more willing to improve biosecurity within markets than traders in Lombok. Collectors and traders selling large numbers (>214) of poultry, or selling both chickens and ducks, have better knowledge of HPAI transmission and prevention than vendors or traders selling smaller quantities or only one species of poultry. Education was strongly associated with better knowledge but did not influence positive reporting behavior. Our study reveals that most live poultry traders have limited knowledge of HPAI transmission and prevention and are generally reluctant to report bird deaths. Greater efforts are needed to engage local government, market managers and traders in education and awareness programs, regulatory measures and incentive mechanisms. Understanding and evaluating the social responses to such an integrated approach could lead to more effective HPAI prevention and control.  相似文献   

Wild birds in the Orders Anseriformes and Charadriiformes are the natural reservoirs for avian influenza (AI) viruses. Although they are often infected with multiple AI viruses, the significance and extent of acquired immunity in these populations is not understood. Pre-existing immunity to AI virus has been shown to modulate the outcome of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus infection in multiple domestic avian species, but few studies have addressed this effect in wild birds. In this study, the effect of pre-exposure to homosubtypic (homologous hemagglutinin) and heterosubtypic (heterologous hemagglutinin) low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) viruses on the outcome of a H5N1 HPAI virus infection in wood ducks (Aix sponsa) was evaluated. Pre-exposure of wood ducks to different LPAI viruses did not prevent infection with H5N1 HPAI virus, but did increase survival associated with H5N1 HPAI virus infection. The magnitude of this effect on the outcome of the H5N1 HPAI virus infection varied between different LPAI viruses, and was associated both with efficiency of LPAI viral replication in wood ducks and the development of a detectable humoral immune response. These observations suggest that in naturally occurring outbreaks of H5N1 HPAI, birds with pre-existing immunity to homologous hemagglutinin or neuraminidase subtypes of AI virus may either survive H5N1 HPAI virus infection or live longer than naïve birds and, consequently, could pose a greater risk for contributing to viral transmission and dissemination. The mechanisms responsible for this protection and/or the duration of this immunity remain unknown. The results of this study are important for surveillance efforts and help clarify epidemiological data from outbreaks of H5N1 HPAI virus in wild bird populations.  相似文献   

Species functional traits can influence pathogen transmission processes, and consequently affect species' host status, pathogen diversity, and community-level infection risk. We here investigated, for 143 European waterbird species, effects of functional traits on host status and pathogen diversity (subtype richness) for avian influenza virus at species level. We then explored the association between functional diversity and HPAI H5Nx occurrence at the community level for 2016/17 and 2021/22 epidemics in Europe. We found that both host status and subtype richness were shaped by several traits, such as diet guild and dispersal ability, and that the community-weighted means of these traits were also correlated with community-level risk of H5Nx occurrence. Moreover, functional divergence was negatively associated with H5Nx occurrence, indicating that functional diversity can reduce infection risk. Our findings highlight the value of integrating trait-based ecology into the framework of diversity–disease relationship, and provide new insights for HPAI prediction and prevention.  相似文献   

The spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 remains a threat for both wild and domestic bird populations, while low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) strains have been reported to induce partial immunity to HPAI in poultry and some wild birds inoculated with both HPAI and LPAI strains. Here, based on the reported data and experiments, we develop a two-strain avian influenza model to examine the extent to which this partial immunity observed at the individual level can affect the outcome of the outbreaks among migratory birds in the wild at the population level during different seasons. We find a distinct mitigating effect of LPAI on the death toll induced by HPAI strain, and this effect is particularly important for populations previously exposed to and recovered from LPAI. We further investigate the effect of the dominant mode of transmission of an HPAI strain on the outcome of the epidemic. Four combinations of contact based direct transmission and indirect fecal-to-oral (or environmental) routes are examined. For a given infection peak of HPAI, indirect fecal-to-oral transmission of HPAI can lead to a higher death toll than that associated with direct transmission. The mitigating effect of LPAI can, in turn, be dependent on the route of infection of HPAI.  相似文献   

A unique pattern of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 outbreaks has emerged along the Central Asia Flyway, where infection of wild birds has been reported with steady frequency since 2005. We assessed the potential for two hosts of HPAI H5N1, the bar-headed goose (Anser indicus) and ruddy shelduck (Tadorna tadorna), to act as agents for virus dispersal along this 'thoroughfare'. We used an eco-virological approach to compare the migration of 141 birds marked with GPS satellite transmitters during 2005-2010 with: 1) the spatio-temporal patterns of poultry and wild bird outbreaks of HPAI H5N1, and 2) the trajectory of the virus in the outbreak region based on phylogeographic mapping. We found that biweekly utilization distributions (UDs) for 19.2% of bar-headed geese and 46.2% of ruddy shelduck were significantly associated with outbreaks. Ruddy shelduck showed highest correlation with poultry outbreaks owing to their wintering distribution in South Asia, where there is considerable opportunity for HPAI H5N1 spillover from poultry. Both species showed correlation with wild bird outbreaks during the spring migration, suggesting they may be involved in the northward movement of the virus. However, phylogeographic mapping of HPAI H5N1 clades 2.2 and 2.3 did not support dissemination of the virus in a northern direction along the migration corridor. In particular, two subclades (2.2.1 and 2.3.2) moved in a strictly southern direction in contrast to our spatio-temporal analysis of bird migration. Our attempt to reconcile the disciplines of wild bird ecology and HPAI H5N1 virology highlights prospects offered by both approaches as well as their limitations.  相似文献   

In February 2006, a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus was isolated from Common Pochards (Aythia ferina) in the Dombes region of France, an important migrating and wintering waterfowl area. Thereafter, HPAI H5N1 virus was isolated from 39 swab pools collected from dead waterfowl found in the Dombes, but only from three pooled samples collected outside of this area but located on the same migration flyway. A single turkey farm was infected in the Dombes. The epizootic lasted 2 mo and was restricted to the Dombes area. Virus-positive pools were detected in 20 of 1,200 ponds and infected Mute Swans (Cygnus olor) represented 82% of the virus-positive pools. Other infected species included Common Pochard (n=4), Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea, n=1), Eurasian Buzzard (Buteo buteo, n=1), and Greylag Goose (Anser anser, n=1). Despite intensive monitoring during and after the outbreak, HPAI H5N1 virus was not isolated from healthy wild birds. Our results are consistent with an HPAI H5N1-virus introduction into the Dombes via migrating ducks. These birds could have been pushed west by a severe cold spell in central Europe where the virus had already been detected. The Mute Swan served as an excellent epidemiologic sentinel during this outbreak; swans appear to be highly sensitive to infection with these viruses and swan mortality was easy to detect. During the outbreak, the mortality rates for wild birds remained moderate and the virus affected a limited number of species.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) H5N1 poses a serious threat to domestic animals. Despite the large number of studies on influenza A virus in waterbirds, little is still known about the transmission dynamics, including prevalence, behavior, and spread of these viruses in the wild waterbird population. From January to April 2006, the HPAI H5N1 virus was confirmed in 82 dead wild waterbirds at the shores of Lake Constance. In this study, we present simple mathematical models to examine this outbreak and to investigate the transmission dynamics of HPAI in wild waterbirds. The population dynamics model of wintering birds was best represented by a sinusoidal function. This model was considered the most adequate to represent the susceptible compartment of the SIR model. The three transmission models predict a basic reproduction ratio (R 0) with value of approximately 1.6, indicating a small epidemic, which ended with the migration of susceptible wild waterbirds at the end of the winter. With this study, we quantify for the first time the transmission of HPAI H5N1 virus at Lake Constance during the outbreak of winter 2005–2006. It is a step toward the improvement of the knowledge of transmission of the virus among wild waterbirds.  相似文献   

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