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The urge of captive birds to migrate manifests itself in seasonally occurring restlessness, termed “Zugunruhe.” Key insights into migration and an endogenous basis of behavior are based on Zugunruhe of migrants but have scarcely been tested in nonmigratory birds. We recorded Zugunruhe of African stonechats, small passerine birds that defend year-round territories and have diverged from northern migrants at least 1 million years ago. We demonstrate that Zugunruhe is a regular feature of their endogenous program, one that is precisely timed by photoperiod. These results extend ideas of programs for periodic movement to include nonmigratory birds. Such programs could be activated when movements become necessary, in line with observed fast changes and high flexibility of migration. Attention to Zugunruhe of resident birds promises new insights into diverse and dynamic migration systems and enhances predictions of avian responses to global change.  相似文献   

In captivity, migratory birds show increased activity during the time that they would normally migrate. The phenology and intensity of such ‘migratory restlessness’ has been shown to mirror species- and population-specific migration patterns observed in the wild and has consequently been used as a proxy for the motivation to migrate. Many studies doing so, however, were aiming to explain among-individual variation in migratory behaviour or traits, and not species- or population-specific traits. These studies thus assumed that, also at the level of the individual, migratory restlessness is an accurate proxy for the motivation to migrate. We tested this assumption for the first time and found that it holds; individuals showing very little migratory restlessness remained at stopover for longer than one night, whereas most individuals showing more restlessness departed sooner. This finding validates the use of migratory restlessness as a proxy for the motivation to migrate, thereby justifying the conclusions made in a large body of research on avian migration.  相似文献   

On the ecology of wintering Dippers(Cinclus cinclus) in northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Wintering Dippers were studied in the coastal region of the province Västerbotten in northern Sweden with special emphasis on winter movements, winter site-tenacity and population dynamics. In three different streams the number of wintering Dippers varied markedly during the winter, with maximum numbers in mid-winter (December–January). Sex and age ratio also varied during the winter. and adult birds outnumbered and juvenile birds during most of the winter. The wintering Dippers showed a good site-tenacity and about 17 % of the birds returned to the same stream the following season. Two long-distance recoveries and one control of a Dipper banded in Finland might indicate the origin of the wintering Dippers as well as the migratory routes of the species in northern Scandinavia, all in consistence with earlier studies of the migration of the species. Body-weight and wing-length data corresponded well with earlier investigations in southern Scandinavia.It is suggested that the structure of the wintering Dipper population can be explained by a mechanism of dominance-influenced migration proposed byGauthreaux (1978).
Zur Winterökologie der Wasseramsel(Cinclus cinclus) in Nordschweden
Zusammenfassung 1975–1979 wurden Wasseramseln in drei verschiedenen Flüssen im Küstenbereich der Provinz Västerbotten untersucht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wanderungen, Ortstreue und Populationsstruktur im Winter.Die Anzahl der Wasseramseln zeigte klare jahreszeitliche Unterschiede mit einem Maximum in den Monaten Dezember und Januar. Die Geschlechter- und Altersverteilungen variierten deutlich während des Winters; und Altvögel überwogen vor allem am Ende des Winters gegenüber und Jungvögeln. Die überwinterten Wasseramseln zeigten eine ausgeprägte Ortstreue; ca. 17 % der Vögel kehrten im folgenden Jahre zu den gleichen Flüssen zurück.Zwei Wiederfunde von Wasseramseln, die im Untersuchungsgebiet beringt worden waren, aus Norwegen und eine Kontrolle aus Finnland deuten auf Herkunft und Zugwege der in Nordschweden überwinternden Wasseramseln hin. Diese Wiederfunde stimmen mit den Untersuchungen vonAndersson &Wester (1976) überein.Die Körpergewichte und Flügellängen zeigten gute Übereinstimmung mit Untersuchungen in Südschweden (Andersson &Wester 1971, 1972).Es wird vorgeschlagen, die Populationsstruktur überwinternder Wasseramseln anhand eines Modells der dominance-influenced migration (Gauthreaux 1978) zu erklären.

URSULA MUNRO  JOHN A. MUNRO 《Ibis》1998,140(4):599-604
The Yellow-faced Honeyeater Lichenostomus chrysops is a diurnal migrant which covers short to moderate distances in eastern Australia. Recordings of locomotor activity of nine wild-caught Yellow-faced Honeyeaters kept under a simulated natural photoperiod in the laboratory over a period of 13 months showed that these birds exhibit a distinct seasonal pattern in hopping activity. Two major seasonal peaks of enhanced activity were observed. The first occurred during the time of autumn migration in March to July, while a second peak from September to December coincided roughly with spring migration. Daily activity patterns of Yellow-faced Honeyeaters showed two major peaks. The first peak ranged from the early morning hours to approximately early afternoon, while a second smaller peak was observed in the late afternoon. During their migratory periods in spring and autumn, the morning as well as the afternoon peaks were considerably higher than in months when Yellow-faced Honeyeaters do not migrate.  相似文献   

The lesion of nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) has no effect on normal short calls in the bramble finch, but affects significantly the temporal and acoustic features of learned long calls. It causes the principal frequency of basic sound in monotone long calls to increase 500 cents, and to lose two upper partials. The lesion of RA not only results in the increased sound length of loud-sound and shortened coda of variable-tone long calls by 13.4%–22.1% and 21.2%–24.2% on average, respectively, but also makes the frequency rising coefficient (FRC) of even order partial tone in loud-sound drop 18.5%–25.8% on an average, and the step-up rate decrease 22.7% –24.0% on an average with the increase of frequencies. These results show that the control of temporal and frequency features of learned calls by RA matches to each other. Moreover, the lesion of bilateral RA can confuse the vocal pattern, and the produced long call has the character of both the mono- and variable-tone long calls. The prelude shows rising frequency, and the loud sound is monotone sound.  相似文献   

The lesion of nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA) has no effect on normal short calls in the bramble finch, but affects significantly the temporal and acoustic features of learned long calls. It causes the principal frequency of basic sound in monotone long calls to increase 500 cents, and to lose two upper partials. The lesion of RA not only results in the increased sound length of loud-sound and shortened coda of variable-tone long calls by 13.4%–22.1% and 21.2%–24.2% on average, respectively, but also makes the frequency rising coefficient (FRC) of even order partial tone in loud-sound drop 18.5%–25.8% on an average, and the step-up rate decrease 22.7% –24.0% on an average with the increase of frequencies. These results show that the control of temporal and frequency features of learned calls by RA matches to each other. Moreover, the lesion of bilateral RA can confuse the vocal pattern, and the produced long call has the character of both the mono- and variable-tone long calls. The prelude shows rising frequency, and the loud sound is monotone sound.  相似文献   

During spring and autumn migrations, 468 fecal samples from 57 different species of migratory birds were collected in Sweden. In total, Yersinia spp. were isolated from 12.8% of collected samples. The most commonly found species was Yersinia enterocolitica, which was isolated from 5.6% of all collected samples, followed by Y. intermedia (3.8%), Y. frederiksenii (3.0%), Y. kristensenii (0.9%), Y. pseudotuberculosis (0.6%), and Y. rohdei (0.4%). The pathogenic, virF-positive Y. pseudotuberculosis strains were recovered from three thrushes. These strains belonged to the same bioserotype, 1/O:2, but had two different profiles as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis with NotI and SpeI enzymes. In addition, 10 Y. enterocolitica strains, all from barnacle geese, belonged to bioserotype 3/O:3, which is associated with human disease. Two of the strains were pathogenic, carrying the virF gene on their plasmids. All pathogenic Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica strains were recovered during the spring, and as the birds were caught during active migration they likely became infected at an earlier stage of the migration, thus potentially transporting these bacterial pathogens over long geographical distances.  相似文献   

An Appalachian-oak forest in a small montane watershed was sampled to calibrate and test an existing forest dynamics simulation model. Indices developed in earlier studies by Whittaker were used to estimate the response of different tree species to soil moisture. As is the case in many forest modeling applications, neither detailed environmental data at a micro-spatial scale nor quantitative historical stand data were available for the study.A protocol of both model parameter estimation and simulation output evaluation is developed. The method involves simulation experiments under which the model parameters are allowed to vary systematically with respect to environmental control variables, allowing one to generate a field of potential simulation results that can be searched for patterns shared by the observed data. The degree to which common patterns emerge provides a measure of model sensitivity to patterns at the scale of interest. This protocol can provide an appraisal of the appropriateness of a simulation model to the system of interest and can be used to assess the performance of the model in future applications. Nomenclature: Little, E.B. 1971. Atlas of United States trees. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

根据对2009年6月至2010年5月在东海北部采集到的720尾大管鞭虾胃含物的分析,对不同季节、性别、个体大小以及发育条件下大管鞭虾的摄食习性进行了研究.结果表明: 东海大管鞭虾的饵料生物共有43种(包含未鉴定种),甲壳类、有孔虫类和多毛类为其主要的摄食群类,在食物中所占的数量百分比分别为34.7%、29.4%和12.4%.大管鞭虾的饵料组成具有明显的季节波动,春季以有孔虫、藻类和无脊椎卵为主要食物;夏、秋季以有孔虫、鱼类和多毛类为主要食物;冬季则以多毛类和有孔虫类为主要食物.其摄食强度在春季和夏季较高,秋季较低.不同甲长的个体食性变化显著,小于24 mm的个体主食有孔虫类和藻类,24 mm以上的个体主食有多毛类和十足类;随着性腺发育雌性个体摄食等级呈现减弱的趋势,表明大管鞭虾摄食活动受到繁殖周期的影响.不同性别和不同季节大管鞭虾的食物重叠指数均较高,与栖息环境饵料资源的波动有关.大管鞭虾的营养级为2.67,属低级肉食性动物.  相似文献   

Pitch canker caused by Fusarium circinatum was recently reported on Pinus spp. in Spain. In this study, a collection of 157 isolates of F. circinatum obtained from different geographical origins and hosts in northern Spain were identified and characterized by cultural and morphological features, PCR-RFLPs of the histone H3 gene, IGS region, and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene (TEF). Mating types were determined by multiplex PCR and sexual compatibility was performed under laboratory conditions. Both mating types were present in Spain and were able to form the teleomorph Gibberella circinata. Morphological differences between mating types, not previously reported, were observed: MAT-1 isolates showed clear, coiled, sterile hyphae characteristic of F. circinatum, whereas MAT-2 isolates presented sterile hyphae but not coiled. Virulence of representative isolates was tested on seven to eight-month-old P. nigra, P. pinaster and P. sylvestris seedlings. All isolates tested were pathogenic to these pine species, MAT-1 isolates being more virulent than MAT-2 isolates.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin-ABO association. Data from northern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We report a study on anhydrobiotic survival in the eutardigrades Richtersius coronifer and Ramazzottius oberhaeuseri. In each of these species, we investigated the anhydrobiotic survival of two populations, one from Sweden and one from Italy. We found that anhydrobiotic survival was similar in the Swedish and the Italian populations in both species, indicating no divergence with respect to anhydrobiotic capacity. Body size had a strong effect on the probability to recover from anhydrobiosis, but the effect was in opposite direction in the two tardigrade species. Ramazzottius oberhaeuseri had a considerable higher overall survival (66%) than R. coronifer (40%). This result is in line with earlier studies that found R. oberhaeuseri to have a very high water-retentive capacity.  相似文献   

Strongyloides venezuelensis is a parasitic nematode that has been used as a model to study human and animal strongyloidiasis. In this study, we compared the sensitivity between traditional methodologies and PCR assay to characterize the dynamics of S. venezuelensis infection and its migration route in Lewis rats subcutaneously infected with 4000 L3. The dynamics of the infection was determined by counting the number of eggs and by detecting parasite deoxyribonucleic acid in faeces samples. Both techniques similarly detected the infection at day 6 after larvae inoculation. However, PCR performed with the genus primer showed higher sensitivity during the recovery phase. Histological analysis and PCR assay were then used to follow parasite tissue migration. S. venezuelensis migration route included the muscular fibers below the skin, the pulmonary alveoli and the small intestine vilosities. The sensitivity of these two techniques to detect parasite’s presence in these tissues was statistically similar.  相似文献   

Sulfur cycling in a forested Sphagnum bog in northern Minnesota   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The mass balance and internal cycle of sulfur within a small forested,Sphagnum bog in northern Minnesota are presented here based on a 4-year record of hydrologic inputs and outputs (precipitation, throughfall, streamflow, upland runoff) and a 3-year measurement of plant growth and sulfur uptake. Concentrations and accumulation rates of inorganic and organic sulfur species were measured in porewater. The bog is a large sink for sulfur, retaining 37% of the total sulfur input. Because of the relatively large export of organic S (21% of inputs), retention efficiency for total-S (organic S + SO 4 = ; 37%) is less than that for SO 4 = (58%). There is a dynamic cycle of oxidation and reduction within the bog. Annual oxidation and recycling of S is equal to total inputs in the center of the bog. Plants receive 47% of their uptake requirement from atmospheric deposition, 5% from retranslocation from foliage, and the remainder from sulfur remineralized from peat. Mineralization is most intense in the aerobic zone above the water table. Inorganic sulfur species comprise <5% of the total sulfur burden within the peat.  相似文献   

In northern Sweden two field experiments with the reforestation techniques soil scarification, ploughing, burning and grass herbicidal treatment were performed. Small rodents were trapped regularly on the managed plots and their stomachs were examined microscopically for diet composition. Both bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus and field voles Microtus agrestis were common on the reforestation areas while only a small number of grey-sided voles Clethrionomys rufocanus were taken. All three species underwent a population cycle during the studies. The management techniques generally resulted in small and irregular effects on the food selection. The most pronounced changes were lower intake of grasses by M. agrestis after herbicidal treatment and of filamentous tree lichens by C. glareolus after most treatments.
Both bank voles and field voles ate predominantly forbs in the summer half of the year, whereas the field voles took also a considerable amount of grass. As a complement to green vegetable-matter bank voles ate berries and fungi in summer-autumn and tree lichens at other times of the year, but seeds and animals food only in very small amounts. Ail three species consumed large quantities of dwarf-shrubs in autumn and especially in winter. Considerable amounts of bark were eaten by field voles and a smaller proportion by bank voles in autumn-winter.
Both for bank and field voles there were indications of worsening food conditions as the population cycle went on, There were, for example, an increase in grass and bark intake in field voles and a decrease in seeds and berries for the hank vole.  相似文献   

A Gyr Falcon Falco rusticolus population in Northern Sweden (66°N, 17°E) was monitored from 1996 to 2002 in relation to its predator–prey interactions with its main and alternative prey species. Ptarmigan species Lagopus spp., and especially Rock Ptarmigan L. mutus , were the Gyr Falcons' most important prey and constituted more than 90% of the prey biomass. A 21-fold difference in ptarmigan abundance was found across Falcon breeding territories. However, this great variation in prey availability corresponded to only about a 10% shift in Gyr Falcon diet across territories, suggesting that the Falcons were reluctant or unable to compensate for declining ptarmigan availability by using alternative prey categories. Gyr Falcons did not respond functionally to microtine rodent abundance. Their diets were unaffected by a peak in the microtine rodent population cycle when Norwegian Lemmings Lemmus lemmus occurred in high numbers in the study area. Gyr Falcons responded numerically to their prey in two ways. First, there was a reproductive response with a significant relationship between the number of chicks fledged and the number of ptarmigan in the breeding territories. Secondly, although the Gyr Falcons did not utilize microtines as prey, there was a relationship between the microtine rodent abundance and the number of pairs that attempted to breed each year. This could be a result of an indirect community interaction, assuming that other predators switched from ptarmigan to microtines as prey, which could have had a positive effect on the breeding performance of the Gyr Falcons. The Gyr Falcons acted as true specialist predators, and their narrow food niche probably reflected a general lack of suitable alternative prey in the study area.  相似文献   

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