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The territorial system of kob antelopes in the Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, was studied from March 1993 until April 1997. Whereas size and shape of territories remained constant between 1993 and 1994, the number of territories decreased from 1994 onwards. A decline of the population density probably led to the decline in territory numbers and also to variations in size and shape of the remaining territories. The decline of kob numbers is the result of heavy poaching in the study area. Whereas a lekking system was present in the study area prior to 1975 when the population density was approximately 14.4 kobs/km2, males switched to the resource defence territorial system present today after the population density decreased to 12.5/km2 in 1993 and finally to 2.3/km2 in 1997. Compared to other research areas with higher population densities, territories in the Comoé National Park are larger, almost all adult males are capable to defend a territory, fights over territories are rare and loss of territory tenureship is almost exclusively due to the death of the territorial male. We suggest that those differences can all be related to the low population density in the study area.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. As herbivory often elicits systemic changes in plant traits, indirect interactions via induced plant responses may be a pervasive feature structuring herbivore communities. Although the importance of this phenomenon has been emphasised for herbivorous insects, it is unknown if and how induced responses contribute to the organisation of other major phytoparasitic taxa. 2. Survey and experimental field studies were used to investigate the role of plants in linking the dynamics of foliar‐feeding insects and root‐feeding nematodes on tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. 3. Plant‐mediated interactions between insects and nematodes could largely be differentiated by insect feeding guild, with positive insect–nematode interactions predominating with leaf‐chewing insects (caterpillars) and negative interactions occurring with sap‐feeding insects (aphids). For example, insect defoliation was positively correlated with the abundance of root‐feeding nematodes, but aphids and nematodes were negatively correlated. Experimental field manipulations of foliar insect and nematode root herbivory also tended to support this outcome. 4. Overall, these results suggest that plants indirectly link the dynamics of divergent consumer taxa in spatially distinct ecosystems. This lends support to the growing perception that plants play a critical role in propagating indirect effects among a diverse assemblage of consumers.  相似文献   

An extraordinary collection of 22 immature skeletons from Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, has provided a rare opportunity to establish the timing of dental eruption and its correlation with skeletal fusion and morphometrics in wild chimpanzees of known chronological ages. Comparison of the immature Taï chimpanzees Pan troglodytes verus with adults from the same population show that sex differences in skeletal maturation apparently appear during the Juvenile II stage, about age 8. A few skeletons from other chimpanzee field sites conform to the dental and skeletal growth in Taï chimpanzees. The tempo of wild chimpanzee growth contrasts sharply with the rate demonstrated for captive individuals. Captive chimpanzees may mature as much as 3 years earlier. The ability to link physical development with field observations of immature chimpanzees increases our understanding of their life-history stages. These data provide an improved dataset for comparing the rates of growth among chimpanzees, Homo sapiens and fossil hominids.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition has rarely been demonstrated in field studies. For it to occur a resource must be in limited supply and potential competitors must be concurrently active in time and space. We studied the availability of plant litter during the course of the year and the activity and distribution of macro‐detritivores (termites, diplopods and earthworms) in two habitats in a Guinea savanna (Côte d'Ivoire), to test whether interspecific competition might be important. Plant litter was limited during the rainy season in the savanna, but was never limited in the gallery forest. The termite Macrotermes bellicosus, the dominant macro‐detritivore in this area, and other detritivorous termites (e.g. Microtermes spp., Ancistrotermes spp., Odontotermes spp.) were active all year round with a peak during the rainy season, when diplopods and earthworms were also active. In the savanna at the beginning of the rainy season when food became limiting, other detritivorous termite species were more active in the absence of M. bellicosus than in its presence. This complementary activity pattern of M. bellicosus and other termites indicates that interspecific competition among detritivorous termites may be occurring. However, the spatio‐temporal distribution of diplopods and earthworms suggests that interspecific competition with M. bellicosus is of minor importance.  相似文献   

Aphelenchoides besseyi is a plant-parasitic nematode (PPN) in the family Aphelenchoididae capable of infecting more than 200 plant species. A. besseyi is also a species complex with strains exhibiting varying pathogenicity to plants. We present the genome and annotations of six Aphelenchoides species, four of which belonged to the A. besseyi species complex. Most Aphelenchoides genomes have a size of 44.7–47.4 Mb and are among the smallest in clade IV, with the exception of A. fujianensis, which has a size of 143.8 Mb and is one of the largest. Phylogenomic analysis successfully delimited the species complex into A. oryzae and A. pseudobesseyi and revealed a reduction of transposon elements in the last common ancestor of Aphelenchoides. Synteny analyses between reference genomes indicated that three chromosomes in A. besseyi were derived from fission and fusion events. A systematic identification of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) genes across 27 representative nematodes allowed us to identify two major episodes of acquisition corresponding to the last common ancestor of clade IV or major PPNs, respectively. These genes were mostly lost and differentially retained between clades or strains. Most HGT events were acquired from bacteria, followed by fungi, and also from plants; plant HGT was especially prevalent in Bursaphelenchus mucronatus. Our results comprehensively improve the understanding of HGT in nematodes.  相似文献   

近年来随着地下生态学的发展,生态学家们逐渐重视生物入侵导致的地下生物多样性及其相关生态系统功能的改变.为探究加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)入侵对土壤线虫的影响,我们在杭州湾地区选取镇海、平湖、慈溪、奉贤、海盐和杭州6个研究地点,比较外来种加拿大一枝黄花群落与土著种芦苇(Phragmites a...  相似文献   

Six cultivars of banana grown widely in Malappuram district of Kerala were evaluated for the diversity of plant parasitic nematodes in their respective rhizosphere. The genotypes evaluated include Nendran, Poovan (Mysore), Njali poovan, Mysore poovan, Chenkadali and Ponnan. The study aims on a comparative analysis of rhizosphere of different banana varieties for the occurrence of plant parasitic nematodes, diversity, frequency of occurrence and to determine the most vulnerable type of banana variety. Cobb’s decanting and sieving method was used to isolate nematodes from soil. Thirty three samples randomly collected from different blocks of Malappuram district are subjected to analysis and a ten species of nematodes were reported. Among the six varieties analysed both Nendran and Mysore Poovan variety seems to be more susceptible to phytoparasitic nematodes. With respect to eight blocks of Malappuram district, Helicotylenchus sp. shows highest prominence value followed by Radopholus similis, reniform nematode and Meloidogyne incognita.  相似文献   

The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique was used for the identification of natural trypanosome infections in Glossina longipalpis (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Côte d'Ivoire. A total number of 139 flies were examined microscopically for the presence of trypanosomes. Out of them 50 were detected positive and were subsequently prepared for the PCR using primers specific for Trypanosoma (Nannomonas) congolense of Savannah, Riverine-Forest, Kilifi, and Tsavo types, T. (N.) simiae, T. (Duttonella) vivax and Trypanozoon. Almost 90% of the infections detected by the PCR were attributed to Nannomonas, especially T. congolense Savannah and Riverine-Forest types, with many infections in which both of these two types were present T. simiae and T. vivax were also detected in some flies. The sequence specificity of the PCR products was confirmed by hybridization with parasite-type specific DNA probes. Differences between parasitological and PCR results are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of slow-release urea on soil nematode community structure was investigated in a soybean field in northeast China.Three treatments,no urea (CK),conventional urea (U) and slow-release urea (SRU),were arranged in a completely random design.The results show that the abundance of total nematodes was significantly higher in SRU than in CK and U.Significant differences in the abundance of bacterivores with colonizer-persister (cp) values 2-3,fungivores with cp 2 and herbivores with cp 3 were found among different treatments.Forty-one genera were identified,of which Acrobeloides,Aphelenchus and Heterodera were dominant.Soil nematode guilds and genera exhibited different responses to slow-release urea.The most trophic groups and genera had greater abundances in SRU than in CK and U.Slow-release urea had a positive effect on soil nematode community structure.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of hunting on monkey species in the Taï National Park and adjacent forests in Côte d'Ivoire. The average wild meat consumption per capita per year was assessed from market surveys and interviews. We determined that the amount of primate wild meat being extracted in the Taï National Park and surrounding forests was 249 t in 1999. Hunting pressure was the highest on the larger primate species such as red colobus, Procolobus badius, black and white colobus, Colobus polykomos, and the sooty mangabey, Cercocebus torquatus atys. Estimates of population densities were based on line transect surveys. The maximum annual production of each species was calculated using the Robinson and Redford model (1991) and assuming unhunted conditions. Comparing current harvest levels with the maximum sustainable yield suggests that harvest of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus badius) is sustainable, whereas current off‐take of the black and white colobus (Colobus polykomos), the sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys), diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana), and Campbell's monkeys (Cercopithecus campbelli) exceeds sustainability by up to three times.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) nut‐cracking behavior represents one of the most complex forms of tool‐use known among nonhuman animals. Given the close phylogenetic relationship between these apes and humans, investigating how such complex behavior develops in immatures can reveal the evolutionary roots of the cognitive processes that enabled the evolution of outstanding technological skills in our lineage. In this study, we investigated whether maternal behavior directly enhanced nut‐cracking skills in immature individuals. We analyzed the behavior of 11 immatures and their mothers (N = 8) during nut‐cracking activity, spanning over three consecutive nut‐cracking seasons in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire. We used generalized linear mixed models to (a) obtain values of maternal scaffolding (defined as provision of learning opportunities) and active nut‐sharing behavior of each mother according to the age of their offspring, and their average nut‐cracking efficiency; (b) to test whether these variables enhanced immatures’ nut‐cracking skills; and (c) to test whether immatures’ features (age, sex, and begging behavior) influenced maternal behavior as observed in our videos. Although the predicted values of maternal scaffolding and active nut‐sharing did not obviously affect immatures’ skills, they were positively influenced by the average maternal efficiency and by sharing hammers with their mothers. In addition, our observations showed that mothers were more likely to share nuts with their sons than with their daughters, and the more their offspring begged. Concurrently, male immatures were also found to beg more often than females. Our results add evidence on the ontogenetic pathway leading to the full acquisition of nut‐cracking in wild chimpanzees and on the effect that maternal behavior can have in promoting the acquisition of this complex tool‐use behavior. Moreover, our study strengthens the importance of naturalistic observations to understand complex skill acquisition. Finally, we suggest future avenues for investigating the maternal influence on learning.  相似文献   

The ionic composition of 38 mineral springs in the province of Granada (Spain), and the distribution of 45 species of nematodes belonging to orders Monhysterida, Araeolaimida, Chromadorida and Enoplida were examined. Water chemistry is used to make two diagrams representing anionic and cationic composition. Diagrams for anionic composition (given the greater variance seen in the springs considered) are used to illustrate the distribution of individual species. The results obtained from species distribution and the correlation between species made it possible to group species which could be associated with springs where each of the anions considered predominated. A greater number of species groups was found to inhabit springs in which chloride concentrations was less than 50% of the total concentration of anions.  相似文献   

The burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne) and the banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are major pests of banana (Musa spp.) in the Lake Victoria basin region of Uganda. Among biological options to control the two pests is the use of non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl.: Fries endophytes of banana. We investigated the ability of endophytic F. oxysporum isolates Emb2.4o and V5w2 to control the banana weevil and the burrowing nematode, alone and in combination. Plant colonization by the endophytes was determined by inoculating their chemical-resistant mutants separately and in combination, onto banana roots. Plant growth promotion was determined by measuring plant height, girth, number of live roots and fresh root weight at harvest, and control of the nematode and weevil was determined by challenging endophyte-inoculated plants with the pests 8 weeks after endophyte inoculation. Endophytic root colonization was highest in plants inoculated with both endophytes, compared with those inoculated with only one of the endophytes. Root colonization was better for isolate V5w2 than Emb2.4o. Dually inoculated plants showed a significant increase in height, girth, fresh root weight and number of functional roots following nematode challenge. Nematode numbers in roots were reduced 12 weeks after challenge of 8-week-old endophyte-inoculated plants. Significant reductions in weevil damage were observed in the rhizome periphery, inner and outer rhizomes, compared with endophyte non-inoculated controls. We conclude that dual inoculation of bananas with endophytic isolates Emb2.4o and V5w2 increases root colonization by the endophytes, reduces nematode numbers and weevil damage, and enhances plant growth in the presence of nematode infestation.  相似文献   

Companion plants grown as ‘trap crops’ or ‘intercrops’ can be used to reduce insect infestations in field crops. The ways in which such reductions are achieved are being described currently using either a chemical approach, based on the ‘push‐pull strategy’, or a biological approach, based on the ‘appropriate/inappropriate landing theory’. The chemical approach suggests that insect numbers are reduced by chemicals from the intercrop ‘repelling’ insects from the main crop, and by chemicals from the trap‐crop ‘attracting’ insects away from the main crop. This approach is based on the assumptions that (1) plants release detectable amounts of volatile chemicals, and (2) insects ‘respond’ while still some distance away from the emitting plant. We discuss whether the above assumptions can be justified using the ‘appropriate/inappropriate landing theory’. Our tenet is that specialist insects respond only to the volatile chemicals released by their host plants and that these are released in such small quantities that, even with a heightened response to such chemicals, specialist insects can only detect them when a few metres from the emitting plant. We can find no robust evidence in the literature that plant chemicals ‘attract’ insects from more than 5 m and believe that ‘trap crops’ function simply as ‘interception barriers’. We can also find no evidence that insects are ‘repelled’ from landing on non‐host plants. Instead, we believe that ‘intercrops’ disrupt host‐plant finding by providing insects with a choice of host (appropriate) and non‐host (inappropriate) plant leaves on which to land, as our research has shown that, for intercropping to be effective, insects must land on the non‐host plants. Work is needed to determine whether non‐host plants are repellent (chemical approach) or ‘non‐stimulating’ (biological approach) to insects.  相似文献   

Up to the latest versions of the German renewable energy act (EEG), there had been a constant growth of new biogas plants (BGPs). After reaching a stagnation in the last years, today the focus has shifted to improving the existing BGPs. Assuming that most plants have not reached the technical end of life, the question arises on how an operation can be realized beyond the initial EEG support period of 20 years. In addition, new legal and economic conditions require the implementation of adjustments, that is, “repowering measures.” Based on a method review, a plant‐specific model approach is presented to assess repowering measures for a wide range of BGPs differing in capacity, substrate mixture and agricultural structures. The techno‐economic model includes different performance indicators like levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and temporal aspects like technical progress. Using a data set for BGPs in the state of Baden‐Wuerttemberg (Germany), results are illustrated for the different model modules and three repowering scenarios of an extended operation period of ten years. The scenarios regard different options to meet the requirements of the current EEG, namely the flexibilization and restrictions on energy crops, in comparison with a reference case. While in repowering scenarios, the number of plants decreases between 54% and 69% and the overall power capacity changes between ?48% and 13% until 2035. The results further show a reduction potential in the specific area demand and GHG emission up to 12% and 24%, respectively. Technical progress, additional revenues and capacity premiums are shown to be an important factor for efficient substrate utilization, low LCOE and thereby the enabling of an extended operation period. The scenario results indicate that the agricultural areas for energy crop cultivation and the amount of manure used in BGPs will be reduced considerably, inducing new chances and challenges in the future.  相似文献   

寄生性和捕食性天敌昆虫成虫普遍存在通过取食蜜粉源植物补充营养的行为,这可不同程度地促进天敌昆虫性成熟、延长其寿命、提高其生殖力或寄生率,以及搜寻寄主效率和子代雌性比率,从而显著提高天敌昆虫在生物防治中的控害能力和效果。蜜粉源植物花的结构及植物对天敌昆虫产生的嗅觉、视觉信号和花蜜花粉对天敌昆虫产生的味觉信号又显著影响天敌昆虫选择蜜粉源植物的行为和结果。但是,蜜粉源植物也可成为害虫的补充营养植物,从而提高害虫的为害能力。因此,需深入研究不同蜜粉源植物对天敌昆虫及害虫的作用,趋利避害,才可能应用蜜粉源植物成功调控天敌与害虫的益害比,实现害虫的可持续控制。  相似文献   

For the production of therapeutic proteins in plants, the presence of β1,2‐xylose and core α1,3‐fucose on plants’ N‐glycan structures has been debated for their antigenic activity. In this study, RNA interference (RNAi) technology was used to down‐regulate the endogenous N‐acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GNTI) expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. One glyco‐engineered line (NbGNTI‐RNAi) showed a strong reduction of plant‐specific N‐glycans, with the result that as much as 90.9% of the total N‐glycans were of high‐mannose type. Therefore, this NbGNTI‐RNAi would be a promising system for the production of therapeutic glycoproteins in plants. The NbGNTI‐RNAi plant was cross‐pollinated with transgenic N. benthamiana expressing human glucocerebrosidase (GC). The recombinant GC, which has been used for enzyme replacement therapy in patients with Gaucher's disease, requires terminal mannose for its therapeutic efficacy. The N‐glycan structures that were presented on all of the four occupied N‐glycosylation sites of recombinant GC in NbGNTI‐RNAi plants (GCgnt1) showed that the majority (ranging from 73.3% up to 85.5%) of the N‐glycans had mannose‐type structures lacking potential immunogenic β1,2‐xylose and α1,3‐fucose epitopes. Moreover, GCgnt1 could be taken up into the macrophage cells via mannose receptors, and distributed and taken up into the liver and spleen, the target organs in the treatment of Gaucher's disease. Notably, the NbGNTI‐RNAi line, producing GC, was stable and the NbGNTI‐RNAi plants were viable and did not show any obvious phenotype. Therefore, it would provide a robust tool for the production of GC with customized N‐glycan structures.  相似文献   

4种寄主植物对烟粉虱发育、存活及繁殖的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在实验室条件下[温度(26±1)℃,相对湿度(75±5)%,光照L∶D=14∶10],对烟粉虱[Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)]在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑等4种寄主植物上的发育、存活、繁殖力及若虫个体形态进行了研究。结果表明:烟粉虱在上述4种寄主植物上从卵至成虫的发育历期分别为:17.63、25.70、23.15、20.32 d,存活率为:62.63%、58.48%、43.69%、52.45%。烟粉虱在烟草、假连翘、一品红、扶桑上的单雌产卵量分别为337.80、307.40、157.00、57.20粒,种群增长指数(I)分别为117.95、107.86、37.86、16.24。  相似文献   

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