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Two complete humeri of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis have been recovered from Oligocene deposits in the Fayum Province of Egypt. These new specimens support previous interpretations of the locomotor adaptations of this species and indicate that A. zeuxis was a robust, slowly moving arboreal quadruped. While the previously described distal articular region of the humerus is virtually identical with the same region in many extant ceboids and the Miocene hominoid Pliopithecus vindobonensis, the more proximal parts of the humerus show many primitive "prosimianlike" features not found the limbs of extant anthropoids. The primitive features include the absence of a distinct deltoid plane, a broad shallow bicipital groove, a large brachialis flange, and an entepicondylar foramen. In most features, the humerus of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis is more primitive than the hypothetical last common ancestor of extant cercopithecoids and hominoids based on neontological comparisons. This supports other lines of evidence indicating that the hominoids from the Egyptian Oligocene are morphologically ancestral to both Old World monkeys and apes.  相似文献   

The species Proconsul (Xenopithecus) hamiltoni was based on two weathered molars in a maxillary fragment from the Erageleit beds, Lothidok, Turkana District, Kenya. New fossils from Lothidok show a unique suite of features indicating generic distinction of this taxon from other known large early catarrhines. A new generic diagnosis is given. The new genus, although still poorly known, may be the first Oligocene hominoid from East Africa. It retains many primitive features, but the few derived ones hint that it may be related to the Afropithecus group.  相似文献   

Recently discovered cranial fossils from the Oligocene deposits of the Fayum depression in Egypt provide many details of the facial morphology of Aegyptopithecus zeuxis. Similar features are found in the Miocene hominoid Afropithecus turkanensis. Their presence is the first good evidence of a strong phenetic link between the Oligocene and Miocene hominoids of Africa. A comparison of trait lists emphasizes the similarities of the two fossil species, and leads us to conclude that the two fossil genera share many primitive facial features. In addition, we studied facial morphology using finite-element scaling analysis and found that the two genera show similarities in morphological integration, or the way in which biological landmarks relate to one another in three dimensions to define the form of the organism. Size differences between the two genera are much greater than the relatively minor shape differences. Analysis of variability in landmark location among the four Aegyptopithecus specimens indicates that variability within the sample is not different from that found within two samples of modern macaques. We propose that the shape differences found among the four Aegyptopithecus specimens simply reflect individual variation in facial characteristics, and that the similarities in facial morphology between Aegyptopithecus and Afropithecus probably represent a complex of primitive facial features retained over millions of years.  相似文献   

云南元谋雷老发现的古猿牙齿化石   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
姜础  肖林 《人类学学报》1993,12(2):97-102

A new species of fossil hominoid is described from the middle Miocene deposits at Pa?alar, Turkey. It is the less common of the two Pa?alar species discussed by Martin and Andrews (1993), making up approximately 10% of the individuals in the Pa?alar hominoid sample according to analyses of the minimum number of individuals. To the diagnostic features of I(1) described by Alpagut et al. (1990) and Martin and Andrews (1993) can now be added further diagnostic features of all the anterior teeth, as well as both upper premolars and P(3). These include discrete, nonmetric features and metric differences at all the noted tooth positions. Attempts to distinguish the upper and lower molars of the two species have so far been unsuccessful, with the possible exception of M(3). The morphology of the new species is similar in most respects to that of Kenyapithecus wickeri from Fort Ternan, especially concerning maxillary morphology. They share robust and moderately deep maxillary alveolar processes, a restricted maxillary sinus with an elevated and uncomplicated floor, lacking the compartmentalization evident to varying degrees in many other taxa, and a zygomatic process that originates and turns laterally fairly high above the alveolar margin. There are also a number of distinctive similarities in the dentition, particularly for I(1), C(1), P(4) and P(3). The I(1) morphology in particular, with greatly hypertrophied lingual marginal ridges bounding a uniformly thickened basal crown area, is distinctive among Miocene hominoids. All of these similarities serve to reinforce the differences noted by others between the derived morphology of K. wickeri and the more primitive morphology of Equatorius africanus from Maboko and Kipsaramon. The new species differs from K. wickeri in morphological details of most of the anterior and premolar teeth that are known for both species, despite the general morphological similarity, and in the size of I(1) versus I(2). One striking feature of the new species is a relatively large incisive fossa, although it cannot be determined if this is associated with an open palatine fenestra, as in many early Miocene hominoids, or a minimally overlapping palate and nasoalveolar clivus, as in some middle and late Miocene hominoids.  相似文献   

New primate fossils have been recovered from the late Oligocene (Colhuehuapian) localities of Gaiman and Sacanana in Patagonian Argentina. The new fossils are provisionally allocated to Dolichocebus gaimanensis and Tremacebus harringtoni, the only primates previously described from these localities. These new dental remains are more primitive than the teeth of any previously known platyrrhines, living or fossil, and conform extremely well with the hypothetical ancestral morphotype for New World monkeys suggested by several authors. They are also very similar to the teeth of Oligocene catarrhines from Egypt such as Aegyptopithecus zeuxis.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Four genera of extinct ringtail possums have been reported from Australian Oligocene to Miocene sediments since 1987. The genus Marlu was described from two species, M. kutjamarpensis and M. praecursor (Woodburne, Tedford and Archer), from the Miocene Kutjamarpu Local Fauna (Leaf Locality) and late Oligocene Wadikali Local Fauna respectively, of northern South Australia. New fossil material referable to this genus has been collected from the Leaf Locality and the Oligocene to Miocene Riversleigh World Heritage Area in northwest Queensland. Three new species, Marlu karya sp. nov. from middle Miocene Riversleigh local faunas and Marlu syke sp. nov. and Marlu ampelos sp. nov. from the Leaf Locality as well as early to middle Miocene Riversleigh local faunas are described. A revision and rediagnosis of the genus and published species are made following the re-examination of referred material in conjunction with the new material. Marlu is characterized by simple dentition and synapomorphies with extant pseudocheirids such as a conjoined postmetacristid and preentocristid on m1 and the loss of the entostylid ridge. New material from middle Miocene Riversleigh deposits has been referred to M. kutjamarpensis , extending the known distribution and age of that species. Re-examination of M. praecursor has revealed the presence of a small m1 entostylid ridge, contributing further to differences between M. praecursor and all other Marlu species and raising the possibility that Marlu is paraphyletic. The new material does not contradict a sister group relationship between ' Marlu ' (excluding M. praecursor ) and the Pliocene–Pleistocene genus Pseudokoala. Homology of the pseudocheirid m1 protostylid identified in species of Paljara , Pildra and Marlu with that observed in extant species is reconsidered. The 'protostylid' of the extinct genera is herein described as the buccal stylid.  相似文献   

We describe a new stem group representative of Pici (woodpeckers, honeyguides, barbets, and allies) from the early Oligocene (Rupelian) of the Czech Republic. The holotype of Picavus litencicensis, gen. et sp. nov. is a postcranial skeleton with well-preserved feather remains. The new species is distinguished from crown group Pici in several plesiomorphic features and is assigned to the new taxon Picavidae, fam. nov. The absence of an elongated accessory trochlea for the reversed fourth toe shows P. litencicensis to be the most basal representative of Pici, and concerning the morphology of the distal tarsometatarsus the species represents a morphological link between Pici and their sister taxon, the Galbulae. Like all other early Oligocene piciform birds, P. litencicensis is a tiny bird, the size of the smallest extant Pici. Because all Palaeogene Pici were found in Europe and some of these are outside the crown group, an Old World origin of Pici is likely. With definitive crown group representatives of Pici being unknown before the late Oligocene/early Miocene, the fossil record does not support earlier molecular calibrations, which resulted in a late Cretaceous divergence of crown group Pici.  相似文献   

The ecology of oligocene African anthropoidea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
African anthropoids are first recorded in Early Oligocene deposits of the Fayum Province, Egypt. Six genera and nine species are recognized. Estimated body weights for these taxa are based on the regression equation log 10(B) = 2.86log 10(L) + 1.37, whereB is the bodyweight in grams, and Lis the M 2 length in millimeters. The equation is derived from 106 species of living primates. Fayum species range in body weight from about 600 g (Apidium moustafai)to about 6000 g (Aegyptopithecus zeuxis).A similar range of body weight is found among extant Cebidae. The Fayum primates are larger than any extant insectivorous primates;this fact probably rules out a predominantly insectivorous diet. Extant frugivorous hominoids can be separated from folivorous hominoids on the basis of molar morphology. Folivorous apes (gorilla and siamang) have proportionately more shearing on their molars than do frugivorous species. Based on the hominoid analogy, the molar morphology of the Fayum species is consistent with a frugivorous diet. Parapithecus grangeristands apart from other Fayum species in having better developed molar shearing, possibly indicating that it had more fiber in its diet. Terrestrial species of Old World monkeys tend to have significantly higher molar crowns than do more arboreal species. This difference may relate to an increased amount of grit in the diet of the more terrestrial species, selecting for greater resistance to wear. Oligocene primates have molar crown heights consistent with a primarily arboreal mode of existence. However, the particularly high molar crowns of Parapithecus grangerisuggest that this species may have foraged on the ground to a considerable degree. Other evidence is advanced suggesting that Apidiummay have had a diurnal activity pattern.  相似文献   

The fossil sample attributed to the late Miocene hominoid taxon Ouranopithecus macedoniensis is characterized by a high degree of dental metric variation. As a result, some researchers support a multiple-species taxonomy for this sample. Other researchers do not think that the sample variation is too great to be accommodated within one species. This study examines variation and sexual dimorphism in mandibular canine and postcanine dental metrics of an Ouranopithecus sample. Bootstrapping (resampling with replacement) of extant hominoid dental metric data is performed to test the hypothesis that the coefficients of variation (CV) and the indices of sexual dimorphism (ISD) of the fossil sample are not significantly different from those of modern great apes. Variation and sexual dimorphism in Ouranopithecus M(1) dimensions were statistically different from those of all extant ape samples; however, most of the dental metrics of Ouranopithecus were neither more variable nor more sexually dimorphic than those of Gorilla and Pongo. Similarly high levels of mandibular molar variation are known to characterize other fossil hominoid species. The Ouranopithecus specimens are morphologically homogeneous and it is probable that all but one specimen included in this study are from a single population. It is unlikely that the sample includes specimens of two sympatric large-bodied hominoid species. For these reasons, a single-species hypothesis is not rejected for the Ouranopithecus macedoniensis material. Correlations between mandibular first molar tooth size dimorphism and body size dimorphism indicate that O. macedoniensis and other extinct hominoids were more sexually size dimorphic than any living great apes, which suggests that social behaviors and life history profiles of these species may have been different from those of living species.  相似文献   

Saint Jacques is a classic Oligocene fossil locality in China, which was first investigated by P. Teilhard de Chardin and E. Licent in 1923. All the fossil mammals previously reported from the area are Oligocene in age. Here we report some new material of the hyracodontid Ardynia from two lower horizons in the Saint Jacques area. These new specimens represent two species: Ardynia praecoxMatthew and Granger, 1923 and A. ordosensis n. sp. A right lower jaw of Ardynia praecox with complete i1-c shows that i2 is the largest. The new species, Ardynia ordosensis, is characterized by a moderately hypsodont M1 with a pillar-like “crista” and the metaloph connecting the ectoloph distal to the metacone, characters that are more similar to those of A. altidentata than to any other species in Ardynia. The stratum bearing Ergilian Ardynia extends the deposits at Saint Jacques down to the upper Eocene. In combination with early Oligocene microfossils from the strata overlying the upper Eocene Ardynia-bearing layers, it is reasonable to conclude that the Saint Jacques section may bracket, or likely document, the Eocene–Oligocene transition.  相似文献   

蒙古中部地区的三达河组(HsandaGolFormation)是亚洲渐新世陆相地层的经典地层之一。三达河组的沉积岩层现被分成两个岩性段:上部早渐新世晚期-?晚渐新世山地段(ShandMember)和下部早渐新世早期塔塔尔段(TatalMember);两岩段间有时夹有KharKhoroo玄武岩层(BryantandMcKenna,1995;MengandMcKenna,1998)。该玄武岩层的时代用40Ar/39Ar法被确定为距今31.5Ma(Hcketal.,1999,他们称其为BasaltI)。三达河组中产有丰富的哺乳动物化石,特别是啮齿类化石(MatthewandGranger,1923;Kowalski,1974;RussellandZhai,1987;Hcketal.,1999)。近年来,本文的后一作者在三达河组中又采集到一批啮齿类化石,其中包括松鼠和山河狸2科的化石。本文是对这两类化石新材料的记述。现生的松鼠科分异很大,而且大多数都分布在亚洲。然而,松鼠科化石在古近纪时在北美和欧洲却很丰富。在北美出现于晚始新世,在渐新世时已明显分异;在欧洲出现于早渐新世,在中新世时分异很大。相反,亚洲古近纪的松鼠化石却发现得很少,标本也很破碎。已报道的只有3件标本。2件产自党河下游地区:Bohlin(1946)报道的晚渐新世的Sciurussp.,标本只是2枚单个臼齿(M3和m2);王伴月、邱占祥(2004)报道的早渐新世的党河鲜松鼠(Oligosciurusdangheensis),标本只是一段带m1~2的下颌骨。还有一件是Minjin(2004)报道的蒙古渐新世的三达河克热姆鼠(Kheremhsandgoliensis),标本也只是一段带m1~3的下颌骨。本文报道的松鼠化石产自蒙古国的巴彦洪戈尔省的塔石盖贝(TashgainBel)地点的三达河组上部山地段,时代为早渐新世晚期-?晚渐新世。这批松鼠化石标本包括1件具P3~M3的上颌骨(PC369)和2段下颌骨(PC3610和PC3611)。这是亚洲古近纪目前已知的最好的一批松鼠化石标本,代表松鼠科Kherem属的一新种:亚洲克热姆鼠(Kheremasiaticasp.nov.)。其主要特征是颊齿较大,较宽;下内尖的高度和下次尖的大小从m1到m3变化不大,彼此相近;下内脊较明显;下内尖较明显,与下后边脊间有浅沟分开等。K.asiatica的形态特征表明,Kherem属应归入北美的Cedromurinae亚科。新的发现表明,亚洲渐新世的松鼠已发生了分异,至少可分为3支。以Kherem为代表的一支,与北美早期的cedromurines有较近的系统关系。它可能是由类似于北美Oligospermophilus的种类演化并迁徙到亚洲来的。现生的山河狸只有一种(Aplodontiarufa),仅生活在北美西部沿海地区。但从始新世到中新世,山河狸却遍布全北区。它们在北美较繁盛,分异大,但在亚洲发现得很少。在亚洲渐新世地层中虽曾报道过3属4种山河狸化石,但材料都很少(Prosciurusordosicus和P.?shantungensis均只有一枚单个的牙)。山河狸化石在蒙古渐新世地层的新发现表明,亚洲渐新世的山河狸化石比已知的要丰富。本文描述的山河狸化石分别采自蒙古南戈壁省Shunkt地点的山地段和前杭爱省UlaanKhongil(=TatalGol)地点的塔塔尔段。它们代表原松鼠属的3类:蒙古原松鼠(新种)(Prosciurusmongoliensissp.nov.)、蒙古原松鼠(相似种)(P.cf.P.mongoliensis)和小原松鼠(新种)(P.pisinnussp.nov.)。蒙古原松鼠的主要特征是下颊齿的下中附尖与下后附尖脊连,下中尖发育较弱,下外中脊弱或无;p4无下前边尖和下前齿带;m1具从下外脊伸向下次脊的小刺;m2和m3的下后脊II较发育;下次脊在p4和m1后弯,与下后边脊连,在m2和m3横向,伸达下外脊等。蒙古原松鼠(相似种)与蒙古原松鼠的区别是:颊齿尺寸较小,p4具明显的下外中脊,p4和m1的下次脊弯曲度较缓,m1缺从下外脊伸向下次脊的小刺,m2~3的下后脊II较短等。小原松鼠的主要特征是:个体较小;齿冠较低;下臼齿的下中附尖孤立;下颊齿的下次脊横向、较低,与下外脊连,下中尖和下外中脊均较明显,下次尖明显向前颊侧延伸,具明显的齿带等。蒙古渐新世啮齿类化石的新发现表明,亚洲渐新世的松鼠和山河狸与北美的关系要比与欧洲的近。  相似文献   

本文记述的是在云南禄丰石灰坝古猿化石产地与古猿共生的一种中国兔猴化石。这类化石以下颌骨和牙齿较纤细,牙齿的颊侧齿带较发育,牙齿狭长,齿尖锐利和臼齿咬合面的三角凹较大,下次小尖向后延伸而使下内尖和下次小尖之间有较大间隔;上臼齿的颊舌径较小等特征区别于中国兔猴厚齿种(Sinoadapis carnosus Wu and Pan.)根据以上的形态特征,作者把它订为中国兔猴一新种:中国兔猴石灰坝种Sinoadapis shihuibaensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Micropithecus clarki, from Miocene sediments of Napak, Uganda, is the smallest known hominoid primate, living or fossil. In facial morphology it is very similar to extant gibbons. Dentally, it is most similar to the small apes from the Miocene of Kenya, Dendropithecus and Limnopithecus. All of the apes from the early Miocene of East Africa seem to represent a single phyletic group that could be easily derived from the Oligocene apes known from the Fayum of Egypt. Pliopithecus from the Miocene of Europe is more closely allied with the Oligocene radiation than with the later East African radiation.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of medium-sized fossil primate, Myanmarpithecus yarshensis, is described from the lastest middle Eocene sediments of Pondaung, central Myanmar (Burma). The specimens consist of right maxillary fragments with P(4)-M(3)and a left mandibular corpus with C-P(3)and M(2-3). To date, three purported anthropoids have been discovered from the Pondaung Formation: Pondaungia and Amphipithecus (Amphipithecidae) and Bahinia (Eosimiidae). Myanmarpithecus differs from these other Pondaung primates in having cingular hypocones on upper molars and in lacking paraconids on M(2-3). Although Myanmarpithecus resembles some utahiin omomyines in superficial aspects of the morphology of M(2-3)(i.e., mesiodistally compressed molar trigonid and enamel crenulation), the morphological analysis of upper molars and lower premolars indicates that it is neither an omomyoid nor an adapoid but is more derived than fossil prosimians (such as adapoids, omomyoids, and tarsiers) and more anthropoid-like. On the other hand, it is more primitive (prosimian-like) than early anthropoids from the late Eocene/early Oligocene of the Fayum, Egypt. Myanmarpithecus is likely to be an early, primitive anthropoid ("protoanthropoid").  相似文献   

Forty-one isolated large hominoid teeth, as well as most of the mandibular and three maxillary teeth associated with a partial skeleton, were recovered from middle Miocene Muruyur sediments near Kipsaramon in the Tugen Hills, Baringo District, Kenya. The isolated teeth were collected as surface finds and the skeleton was excavated in situ at locality BPRP#122 dated between 15.58 Ma and 15.36 Ma. The majority of the teeth recovered at BPRP#122 are referable to a minimum of five individuals of the hominoid Equatorius africanus. Three of the teeth, however, are provisionally assigned to Nyanzapithecus sp. The new hominoids from Kipsaramon add to an increasing inventory of specimens that suggest greater large hominoid taxonomic diversity from the middle Miocene of Kenya than was previously recognized. It is suggested that there are two large-bodied hominoid species present at Mabako, only one of which is assignable to Equatorius.  相似文献   

Morotopithecus bishopi and Afropithecus turkanensis are two large-bodied hominoid primates from early Miocene deposits of eastern Africa. Researchers have used both cranial and postcranial characters to distinguish these two species. Unfortunately, of the fossil material attributed to each, only the face, palate, and upper dentition are preserved well enough in both species for direct comparisons. There are currently no known directly comparable postcranial elements. In this study, we reevaluated dental characters argued to distinguish the type specimens of Morotopithecus from Afropithecus: relative size of the upper premolars and M3. Exact randomization methods were used to address two questions. First, is it possible to find the degree of dental-size difference observed between Morotopithecus (UMP 62-11) and Afropithecus (KNM-WK 16999) within extant African hominoids? Second, what is the probability of observing the levels of difference found between the fossils among pairs of extant individuals? Metric differences in relative premolar and M3 size were calculated between all possible pairs within the extant sample and the observed difference of the fossil pair was then compared to the resulting distribution of extant pairs. The observed size differences for all comparisons in the fossil teeth were well within the variation observed in the extant African hominoid samples (p>0.05). In light of these results and other currently available cranial evidence, we suggest that the type specimens of Morotopithecus and Afropithecus are not different enough to support taxonomic distinction.  相似文献   

We describe a new anseriform bird from the late Oligocene of Saint-André, Marseille, in southern France. Saintandrea chenoides, gen. et sp. nov. is the first avian species reported from the locality, which is well known for its mammalian fossils. The new species belongs to the extinct Romainvilliinae and represents the latest occurrence of the taxon, which was before only known from the late Eocene and early Oligocene of Europe. S. chenoides is also the largest species of Romainvilliinae and increases the known morphological diversity of the taxon. The identification of a goose-sized representative of the Romainvilliinae in the late Oligocene of Europe raises the possibility that some of the large late Paleogene or early Neogene Anseriformes with uncertain phylogenetic affinities also belong to this taxon.  相似文献   

The global warming trend of the latest Oligocene was interrupted by several cooling events associated with Antarctic glaciations. These cooling events affected surface water productivity and plankton assemblages. Well-preserved radiolarians were obtained from upper Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199 Sites 1218 and 1219 in the equatorial Pacific, and 110 radiolarian species were identified.Four episodes of significant radiolarian faunal changes were identified: middle late Oligocene (27.5 to 27.3 Ma), latest Oligocene (24.4 Ma), earliest Miocene (23.3 Ma), and middle early Miocene (21.6 Ma). These four episodes approximately coincide with increases and decreases of biogenic silica accumulation rates and increases in δ18O values coded as “Oi” and “Mi” events. These data indicate that Antarctic glaciations were associated with change of siliceous sedimentation patterns and faunal changes in the equatorial Pacific.Radiolarian fauna was divided into three assemblages based on variations in radiolarian productivity, species richness and the composition of dominant species: a late Oligocene assemblage (27.6 to 24.4 Ma), a transitional assemblage (24.4 to 23.3 Ma) and an early Miocene assemblage (23.3 to 21.2 Ma). The late Oligocene assemblage is characterized by relatively high productivity, low species richness and four dominant species of Tholospyris anthophora, Stichocorys subligata, Lophocyrtis nomas and Lithelius spp. The transitional assemblage represents relatively low values of productivity and species richness, and consists of three dominant species of T. anthophora, S. subligata and L. nomas. The characteristics of the early Miocene assemblage are relatively low productivity, but high species richness. The two dominant species present in this assemblage are T. anthophora and Cyrtocapsella tetrapera. The most significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is marked at the boundary between the transitional/early Miocene assemblages.We also reviewed changes in other microfossil assemblages in the low latitudes during the late Oligocene through early Miocene. The microfossil assemblages of major groups show sequential changes near the Oligocene/Miocene (O/M) boundary (23.8 Ma). Many extinction events and some first occurrences of calcareous nannofossils and many occurrences of radiolarians are found from about 24.8 to 23.3 Ma, and first occurrences of planktic foraminifers and diatoms followed from 23.2 through 22 Ma. Hence, the O/M boundary is identified as a significant level for microfossil evolutions.  相似文献   

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