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Wang YY  Chen M  Li B 《遗传》2012,34(8):977-984
剂量补偿机制(Dosage compensation mechanism)是雌性和雄性X染色体表达平衡的关键,保证两性间由X染色体编码的蛋白质或其他酶类物质在数量上达到平衡。不同生物的剂量补偿机制各不相同,迄今研究表明剂量补偿机制主要有以下3种模式:通过雄性的单个X染色体表达加倍;通过雌性的一条X染色体失活;通过雌性的两个X染色体的表达减半来达到平衡。对剂量补偿的研究有助于揭示X连锁基因的调控机理、性染色体的进化和分化过程,以及解释性染色体畸变的机理,因此,文章将对这种重要的调控机制研究现状及进展进行简要论述。  相似文献   

Summary The case of a sibship of 4, 2 members of which present aneuploïdy (45,X and 47,XX,21+) is reported. The paternal grandfather and grandmother are first cousins and there is a large number of centromeric associations in the father.  相似文献   

Summary In the present investigation we test the hypothesis that deficiencies in the X chromosome affect sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequencies in human fibroblast cell lines. Our results show increased mean SCE frequencies in cell lines with abnormalities of the X chromosome: 45,X; 46,X,del(X) (q13), 46,X,del(X)(p11), and 46,X,i(Xq); control cell lines were 46,XX. In only one abnormal line [46,X,del(X)(p11)] was the increase not significant after correcting for multiple comparisons. If SCE formation is replication-dependent, the increased SCE frequencies might merely reflect the prolonged cell cycle we reported previously in cell lines with X chromosome abnormalities (Simpson and LeBeau 1981). Other explanations for differences between cell lines are possible, e.g., that deleted loci on the X chromosome affect cellular uptake of bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU). However, specific mechanisms were not explored directly.  相似文献   

The case of a sibship of 4, 2 members of which present aneuplo?dy (45,X and 47,XX,21+) is reported. The paternal grandfather and grandmother are first cousins and there is a large number of centromeric associations in the father.  相似文献   

Many mechanisms may account for immune-mediated pathology after viral infections. Although several means have been hypothesized to play a role in disease, a widely accepted mechanism for viral-induced autoimmunity is molecular mimicry. It is thought that damage could result from an immune response to similar regions shared between virus and the host. Using computer-aided analysis, many sequence homologies have been identified between virus and host antigens. Using peptides corresponding to these regions, immunologic cross-reactivity has been found. In some cases, monoclonal antibodies to peptides of these regions have been shown to directly induce or augment disease in animal models. Using this approach to identify similar regions, it is possible to associate a known autoantigen with an infectious agent in autoimmune diseases in which there is no known etiologic agent. Conversely, it would also be possible to associate a known viral constituent with an unknown host antigen. Furthermore, identification of disease-inducing regions of autoantigens or viral proteins may lead to immunotherapeutic approaches to establish tolerance or anergy to such disease-inducing regions.  相似文献   

Primary amenorrhoea is defined as the absence of menstruation in phenotypic women aged 16 years or older, if secondary sexual characteristics are present. X chromosome abnormalities probably comprise about one half of all cases, including Turner syndrome and X chromosome rearrangements. Conventional banding cytogenetic methods might miss the accurate detection of structural chromosome abnormalities. The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and multicolor FISH techniques are required to interpret specific chromosomal rearrangement. As far as we know, we report the first case with chromosome mosaicism for monosomy X and terminal deletion of Xq26 with duplication of Xp11-->pter. In spite of the fact that a 45,X karyotype was detected in 46% of lymphocytes, she was tall and her secondary sexual characteristics were moderately developed, including breast, pubic and axillary hair stages. Cytogenetic and FISH analyses should be considered for patients presenting primary amenorrhoea even if there are no other clinical features suggestive of chromosome abnormality.  相似文献   

The autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) is characterized by early-onset lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, immune cytopenias, and an increased risk for B cell lymphomas. Most ALPS patients harbor mutations in the FAS gene, which regulates lymphocyte apoptosis. These are commonly missense mutations affecting the intracellular region of the protein and have a dominant-negative effect on the signaling pathway. However, analysis of a large cohort of ALPS patients revealed that ~30% have mutations affecting the extracellular region of FAS, and among these, 70% are nonsense, splice site, or insertions/deletions with frameshift for which no dominant-negative effect would be expected. We evaluated the latter patients to understand the mechanism(s) by which these mutations disrupted the FAS pathway and resulted in clinical disease. We demonstrated that most extracellular-region FAS mutations induce low FAS expression due to nonsense-mediated RNA decay or protein instability, resulting in defective death-inducing signaling complex formation and impaired apoptosis, although to a lesser extent as compared with intracellular mutations. The apoptosis defect could be corrected by FAS overexpression in vitro. Our findings define haploinsufficiency as a common disease mechanism in ALPS patients with extracellular FAS mutations.  相似文献   

自身免疫病是机体免疫功能紊乱而导致组织器官受损的一类疾病,包括类风湿关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症、自身免疫性肝炎等。糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂是治疗自身免疫病的常用药物,但长期使用会产生代谢紊乱、免疫低下、继发感染等副作用。随着肠道菌群与自身免疫病相关研究的进展,益生菌干预自身免疫病成为一大研究热点。研究证实,益生菌缓解自身免疫病安全有效,有望成为辅助疗法甚至替代疗法。本文就益生菌缓解类风湿关节炎、系统性红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症、自身免疫性肝炎等的作用及相关机制进行综述。  相似文献   

This study reports on a cytogenetic finding in a bone marrow examination of a 47-year-old male patient treated in the Hematology and Blood Transfusion Service of the Hospital de Base in S?o José do Rio Preto, S?o Paulo State, Brazil. The only alteration found at diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) subtype refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB-2) was clonal monosomy of chromosome 21. The patient evolved to acute myeloid leukemia type M2 and died nine months after diagnosis. Clonal monosomy of chromosome 21, as the only cytogenetic abnormality in MDS, has only been reported three times previously. This uncommon cytogenetic abnormality in MDS has been associated with a poor clinical course, although more data will be needed to determine if this prognosis is invariable.  相似文献   

There are few natural animal model systems to study autoimmune disease caused by infectious agents; however, Trypanosoma cruzi infection of the mouse offers an excellent model for the induction of autoimmunity and its consequences. In this article Klaus Petty and Harvey Eisen explain that it is probably during the acute phase of the infection that the stage is set for the long-term pathology.  相似文献   

The development of chimeric antigen receptor(CAR)-based therapeutic interventions represented a breakthrough in cancer treatment. Following the success of the CAR-T-cell strategy, this novel therapeutic approach has been applied to other diseases,including autoimmune diseases. Using CAR-T cells to deplete pathological immune cells(i.e., B cells, autoreactive B or T cells,and accessory antigen-presenting cells(APCs)) has resulted in favorable outcomes in diseases characterized by excessive autoan...  相似文献   

Genetic mapping: X chromosome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Starting with the male chiasma distribution for chromosome 2, a significantly better fit is obtained to lod scores for the X chromosome if terminalization of distal chiasmata is assumed. The linkage data are not consistent with a uniform distribution of chiasmata, absence of terminalization, or restriction of terminalization to the distal band. As information about the genetic map of the X chromosome increases, the map will be freed from assumptions about chiasma distribution. At present, however, even fragmentary data on the male are useful to construct a genetic map that, by converting physical assignments to equivalent genetic recombinations, has no inconsistencies between genetic and physical map orders.  相似文献   

Neonatal splenocytes, neonatal thymocytes, or phenotypically mature adult thymocytes, transferred from normal BALB/c mice to syngeneic athymic nu/nu (or SCID) mice, led to autoimmune oophoritis and autoimmune gastritis, with corresponding serum autoantibodies, in the recipients. The overall disease incidence was 73%; the pathology ranged from mild to severe, with complete loss of ovarian follicles and gastric parietal cells. CD4+ neonatal spleen cells and CD4+ CD8- adult thymocytes were required for autoimmune disease induction. Adult spleen cells did not elicit disease, but they prevented disease when co-transferred with neonatal spleen cells. However, in confirmation of an earlier report by Sakaguchi et al., (J. Exp. Med. 161:72, 1985), a subset of adult splenic T cells expressing a low level of CD5 molecules elicited similar autoimmune diseases. Thus, self-reactive T cells responsible for autoimmune disease of the stomach and ovary are not effectively deleted in the thymus, and they exist in the peripheral lymphoid organs of normal mice. We conclude that the functional expression of the self-reactive T cells is ontogenetically regulated; whereas T cells in the neonatal mice readily elicited autoimmune diseases in nu/nu recipients, regulatory cells may render self-reactive T cells in the normal adults unresponsive.  相似文献   

Scheinberg P 《Cytotherapy》2003,5(3):243-251
The use of intensive immunosuppressive treatment coupled with BM stem-cell transplantation (SCT) to treat human autoimmune diseases (AID) follows anecdotal observations of responses of AID to allogeneic SCT and an extensive background of experience with SCT in animals with AID. In the last decade, numerous clinical trials have been initiated to explore a potential benefit of (mainly autologous) SCT in advanced and debilitating cases of rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosis and multiple sclerosis. In this review the etiology of AID and the experimental basis of SCT is presented, together with recent clinical results of SCT for AID. While much has been learned about the risks and benefits of SCT in AID, the underlying mechanisms regulating remission and relapse of AID after treatment remain largely unknown.  相似文献   

Cell therapy, pioneered for the treatment of malignancies in the form of bone marrow transplantation, has subsequently been tested and successfully employed in autoimmune diseases. Autologous haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has become a curative option for conditions with very poor prognosis such as severe forms of scleroderma, multiple sclerosis, and lupus, in which targeted therapies have little or no effect. The refinement of the conditioning regimens has virtually eliminated transplant-related mortality, thus making HSCT a relatively safe choice. Although HSCT remains a nonspecific approach, the knowledge gained in this field has led to the identification of new avenues. In fact, it has become evident that the therapeutic efficacy of HSCT cannot merely be the consequence of a high-dose immuno-suppression, but rather the result of a resetting of the abnormal immune regulation underlying autoimmune conditions. The identification of professional and nonprofessional immunosuppressive cells and their biological properties is generating a huge interest for their clinical exploitation. Regulatory T cells, found abnormal in several autoimmune diseases, have been proposed as central to achieve long-term remissions. Mesenchymal stem cells of bone marrow origin have more recently been shown not only to be able to differentiate into multiple tissues, but also to exert a potent antiproliferative effect that results in the inhibition of immune responses and prolonged survival of haemopoietic stem cells. All of these potential resources clearly need to be investigated at the preclinical level but support a great deal of enthusiasm for cell therapy of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes are important in the pathogenesis of many autoimmune diseases. Blocking co-stimulatory signals for T-cell activation has been widely used as an approach to treating autoimmunity, but it has encountered limited clinical success. Some agonistic monoclonal antibodies to co-stimulatory molecules greatly enhance immune responses mediated by T cells, such as antiviral, anti-tumor and alloresponses. Surprisingly, recent studies have demonstrated that these agonists have profound therapeutic effects on autoimmune diseases by potentially depleting autoreactive lymphocytes or by inhibiting their function. These findings imply that signaling through co-stimulatory molecules can have diametric outcomes in modulating immune responses, thereby providing a novel approach to the treatment of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

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