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Summary In a mature, even aged stand of mixed chaparral, Rhus laurina (facultative resprouter) had consistently higher water potentials and deeper roots than Ceanothus spinosus (facultative resprouter) and Ceanothus megacarpus (obligate seeder). For two years following a wildfire, the same stand of chaparral had resprouts with higher survivorships, predawn water potentials, stomatal conductances, photosynthetic rates and shoot elongation rates than seedlings. Supplemental irrigation of seedlings during summer months removed differences between resprouts and seedlings suggesting that the cause of such differences was limited water availability to the shoot tissues of seedlings. After two years of postfire regrowth, mean seedling survivorship for the obligate seeder (C. megacarpus) was 42%, whereas seedling survivorship for facultative resprouters was only 18% (C. spinosus) and 0.01% (R. laurina). Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that lack of resprouting ability among obligate seeders is offset by an enhanced ability to establish seedlings after wildfire, allowing obligate seeders to maintain themselves in mixed populations through many fire cycles.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the tissue water relations among resprouts and seedlings of three chaparral species during the first summer drought after wildfire. Two of the species, Rhus laurina and Ceanothus spinosus recover after fire by a combination of resprouting and seedling establishment (facultative resprouters), whereas a third species, Ceanothus megacarpus recovers by seedling establishment alone (obligate seeder). Our objectives were to document any differences in tissue water characteristics that might arise between resprouts and seedlings and to test the hypothesis that seedlings of obligate seeders develop more drought tolerant characteristics of their tissues than seedlings of facultative resprouters. We found that resprouts had much higher predawn values of water potential, osmotic potential, and turgor potentials than seedlings. Predawn turgor potentials of resprouts were 1.5 MPa through July and August when turgor potentials for seedlings remained near 0 MPa. During summer months, midday water potentials were 2 to 3 MPa higher for resprouts than seedlings and midday conductances of resprouts were two to five fold greater than those of seedlings. Even though resprouts did not experience severe water stress like seedlings, their tissue water characteristics, as determined by pressure-volume curve analyses, were similar by the peak of the drought in August. Further-more, the tissue water characteristics of seedlings from the obligate seeder, C. megacarpus, were similar to those of facultative resprouters — R. laurina, and C. spinosus. We attribute the observed differences in plant water status between resprouts and seedlings to differences in rooting depths and access to soil moisture reserves during summer drought. We conclude that the higher growth rates, photosynthetic performance, and survivorship of postfire resprouts are primarily a result of higher water availability to resprouting tissues during summer months. It appears that the greater seedling survivorship during summer drought observed for the obligate seeder, C. megacarpus, is not associated with more favorable tissue water characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the interactions among prefire shrub abundance, soil moisture, and plant and animal species on postfire seedling establishment in mixed chparral in southern California. Postfire germination and survival of seedlings in a stand dominated by a facultative seeder (Adenostoma fasciculatum) and by an obligate seeder (Ceanothus greggii) were monitored for 2 years. Relative to prefire abundance, germination of C. greggii was higher than that of A. fasciculatum. Survival during the first year was also higher in C. greggii than in A. fasciculatum. During the second year, however, mortality of C. greggii was greater than that of A. fasciculatum, mostly due to a psyllid infection. Germination of A. fasciculatum was negatively related to prefire shrub abundance. C. greggii germination was not associated with prefire shrub abundance. Seedling mortality of both species was very strongly related to the depletion of soil moisture the first few months after germination. A. fasciculatum was more sensitive than C. greggii to the drying of the soil, especially in the upper levels. C. greggii seedlings had longer roots, greater root/shoot biomass ratios, higher water potentials, and a later peak in seasonal growth activity compared to A. fasciculatum. Herbs promoted greater survival of A. fasciculatum. Our results indicate that the obligate seeder species, C. greggii, is better adapted to establish seedling in chaparral by producing greater relative germination and greater seedling survival than the facultative seeder species A. fasciculatum. The greater adaptability of C. greggii to the physical environment is counteracted by interspecific interference by plant and animal interactions which tend to favor A. fasciculatum over C. greggii.  相似文献   

Summary Laurel Sumac (Rhus laurina) is a dominant member of the coastal chaparral community of southern California that survives periodic burning by wildfires by resprouting from a lignotuber (root crown). We investigated the physiological basis for resprouting by comparing shoot elongation, leaf nitrogen content, tissue water status, leaf conductance to water vapor diffusion, and photosynthetic rates of post-fire R. laurina to those of adjacent unburned shrubs. Resprouts had higher rates of shoot elongation, leaf conductance, and photosynthesis than mature, unburned shrubs. Leaf nitrogen contents were elevated in burned shrubs even though their leaves developed interveinal chlorosis. A comparison of soil water potential to predawn water potential indicated that roots of R. laurina remain active below 2 m during the first summer drought after wildfire. Our results support the hypothesis that lignotubers not only contain dormant buds that develop into aerial shoots after wildfire but they also supply nutrient resources that enhance shoot elongation. Because R. laurina is relatively sensitive to drought, yet very successful in its rapid recovery after fire, maintaining an active root system after shoot removal may be the primary function of the massive lignotuber formed by this species.  相似文献   

Where plant species vie for limited resources, disturbances might preclude competition by releasing a flush of nutrients, or by reducing biomass and thereby diminishing the consumption of resources. However, if new seedlings colonize in clumps, they may still deplete resources within the local aggregations, which may then reduce their growth and survivorship. We investigated competition among seedlings in a burned area by examining the relationship between the performance of newly established shrub seedlings of Ceanothus impressus and (1) the proximity and (2) the identity of their near neighbors. We also investigated the relationship between neighbor proximity and the availability of water. Both survivorship and growth of C. impressus were positively associated with increasing distance to near neighbors, in a manner consistent with resource competition. The availability of water (as determined by pre-dawn xylem pressure potentials) tended to be greater when neighbors were farther away, providing evidence that water was a resource for which plants were competing. This conclusion is reinforced by the finding that the effects of neighbors were stronger in drought years, suggesting that yearly variation in the availability of an important resource (water) can affect the strength of competitive interactions. This suggests that after disturbances, when some resources are apparently abundant on a large scale, competition may be important in determining the small scale patterns of seedling growth and survival.  相似文献   

Abstract. Demographic structure of 12 chaparral sites unburned for 56 to 120 years was investigated. All sites were dominated by vigorous shrub populations and, although there was colonization by seedlings of woodland tree species in several stands, successional replacement of chaparral was not imminent. Although successional changes in community composition were evident, there was no indication of a decline in species diversity. Non-sprouting species of Ceanothus suffered the greatest mortality at most, but not all, sites. Sprouting shrubs, such as Quercus and Heteromeles had very little mortality, even in stands more than a century old. All postfire resprouting species had multiple stems of different ages indicating these shrubs were capable of continuously regenerating their canopy from basal sprouts. Ceanothus populations were highly clumped and there was a significant correlation across all sites between variance/mean ratio and percentage mortality. As Ceanothus populations thinned, they became less clumped. In mixed chaparral stands, Quercus and Heteromeles were significantly taller than associated Ceanothus shrubs and overtopped the Ceanothus; at two sites, the density of live Quercus per plot was correlated with the density of dead Ceanothus. Thus, mortality of Ceanothus stems is likely related to both intra and interspecific interations. Seedling recruitment was observed for most shrub species that regenerate after fire by resprouting; seedling and sapling densities ranging from 1000–36 500 ha-1 were recorded for Quercus dumosa, Rhamnus crocea, Prunus ilicifolia, Heteromeles arbutifolia and Cercocarpus betuloides. For all but the last species, seedlings and saplings were most abundant beneath the canopy cover and not in gaps. Across all sites, recruitment was significantly correlated with depth and bio-mass of the litter layer. Cercocarpus betuloides was present in several stands, but seedling establishment was found only in one very open, disturbed stand. Regardless of stand age, taxa such as Adenostoma, Arctostaphylos and Ceanothus, which recruit seedlings after fire, had no significant seedling production.  相似文献   

The effects of soil water potential on photosynthesis and transpiration of whole Zygophyllum dumosum Boiss. shrubs were examined with a field IRGA system during a rainless summer. Daily photosynthesis and transpiration activities were not notably different on a unit phyllode area basis among shrubs at naturally differing soil water potentials. Irrigation of shrubs caused phyllodes to increase significantly in water content and new leaflets to appear. Leaflets had three times as many stomata per unit area (23000 stomata cm-2) as phyllodes (7100 stomata cm-2) but photosynthesis and transpiration rates were not measurably different between irrigated and non-irrigated shrubs on a unit area basis. This finding suggests that sufficient soil moisture will lead to increased carbon uptake of the entire shrub simply because the total area of photosynthesizing tissue increases. Gas exchange rates appear to be controlled solely by atmospheric conditions under the stresses of summer.  相似文献   

The performance of planted seedlings in drylands is affected by seedling morphological and physiological traits. Recent studies support a positive relationship between seedling size and field performance. However, exceptions to this paradigm suggest that this relationship may be dependent on species and degree of stress. To test the hypothesis that small seedlings would be favored under harsh semi-arid conditions over large seedlings, we produced seedlings of five Mediterranean woody species (Pistacia lentiscus, Quercus coccifera, Rhamnus lycioides, Rhamnus alaternus and Tetraclinis articulata) under contrasted fertilization regimes, and evaluated their performance after planting in a semi-arid area. Seedlings were cultivated under full sunlight and received either slow release fertilizer or bi-weekly applications of complete nutrient solution, diluted fertirrigation, or nutrient solutions containing no nitrogen or no phosphorus. Fertilization had a strong effect on nutrient status, above and belowground biomass accumulation, and biomass allocation patterns. Root: shoot ratio was higher in nitrogen- and phosphorus-deficient seedlings than in seedlings receiving complete nutrient solution or slow-release fertilizer. One year after planting, seedling survival was negatively correlated with plant size for all species. The effect of nutritional regime on field survival decreased over the 2 following years. Our results show that nutrient-deprived seedlings are more likely to establish under semi-arid conditions than well-fertilized seedlings, suggesting that morphological and functional characteristics associated with nutrient deficiency may outbalance the scarcity of nutrient reserves in seedling tissues.  相似文献   

Effects of mild and severe soil drought on the water status of needles, chlorophyll a fluorescence, shoot electrical admittance, and concentrations of photosynthetic pigments in needles of seedlings of Picea abies (L.) Karst. were examined under controlled greenhouse conditions. Drought stress reduced shoot admittance linearly with a decrease in shoot water potential (w) and increase in water deficit (WD) and led to a decrease in concentrations of chlorophyll a, b and carotenoids. Severe water stress (shoot w=–2.4 MPa) had a negative effect on chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters including PSII activity (Fv/Fm), and the vitality index (Rfd). Variations in these parameters suggest an inhibition of the photosynthetic electron transport in spruce needles. Water stress led to a decrease in the mobility of electrolytes in tissues, which was reflected by decreased shoot electrical admittance. After re-watering for 21 days the WD in needles decreased and the shoot water potential increased. In the re-watered plants, the chloroplast function was restored and chlorophyll a fluorescence returned to a similar level as in the control plants. This improved hydraulic adjustment in the seedlings triggered a positive effect on ion flow in the tissues and increased shoot electrical admittance. We conclude that the shoot electrical admittance and photosynthetic electron transport in leaves are closely linked to changes in water status and their decrease is among the initial responses of seedlings to water stress.  相似文献   

Seedlings of two cultivars of maize (Zea mays L.) differing in their drought sensitivity were exposed to osmotic stress (0.3 M sorbitol, −1.4 MPa) for 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h during their heterotrophic stage of development. Alterations in their antioxidant pools combined with the activities of enzymes involved in defence against oxidative stress were investigated. Significant activation of antioxidative defence mechanisms correlated with drought-induced oxidative stress tolerance, and this phenomenon was shown to be characteristic of the drought-tolerant cv. Nova. Activities of some ROS-scavenging enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were already enhanced significantly 4 h after the start of drought exposure in the drought-tolerant cv. Nova. Furthermore, a significant increase in the ascorbate pool was observed in this cultivar. On the other hand, in the drought-sensitive cv. Ankora only SOD and POD activities and the thiol pool were increased. No changes in APX activity or the level of ascorbate were recorded in cv. Ankora. Studies of root cell viability indicated that marked oxidative damage appeared only in cv. Ankora. These results, together with our previous observations, confirmed the higher ability of cv. Nova to tolerate drought stress and cope effectively with oxidative damage.  相似文献   

 We followed the colonization frequency of ectomycorrhizal (EM), vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM), and dark septate (DS) fungi in 1- to 5-month-old bishop pine seedlings reestablishing after a wildfire. Seedlings were collected on a monthly basis at either a VAM-dominated chaparral scrub site or an EM-dominated forest site, both of which were burned. In both vegetation types, fully developed EM were observed from the third month after germination. EM fungi observed on the seedlings from the scrub site were limited to Rhizopogon subcaerulescens, R. ochraceorubens and Suillus pungens. Seedlings from the forest were colonized by a greater variety of EM fungi including Amanita spp., Russula brevipes and a member of the Cantharellaceae. VAM structures (vesicles, arbuscules or hyphal coils) were observed in the seedling root systems beginning 1 month after germination at the scrub site and 3 months after germination at the forest site. Seedlings from the scrub site consistently had more frequent VAM fungal colonization than those from the forest site through the fifth month after germination. DS fungi were observed in most seedlings from both the scrub and forest sites beginning in the first month post-germination. We propose that these fungi survived as a resident inoculum in the soils and did not disperse into the sites after the fire. Accepted: 14 February 1998  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted in order to understand the adaptation responses to different water and N conditions, and further explore if additional N supply could improve the water-use efficiency (WUE) and adaptability of Sophora davidii seedlings under dry conditions. Two-month-old seedlings were subjected to a completely random design with three water (80, 40 and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh:184 mg N kg−1 soil) regimes. Drought stress dramatically decreased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, root length, and biomass production. An increase in below-ground biomass was observed indicating a higher root/shoot ratio (R/S) under drought stress conditions, and drought further decreased relative water content (RWC) and WUE. On the other hand, S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were inconsistent with the various N supply levels. Low N supply (Nl) increased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass production, but decreased root length. In contrast, high N supply (Nh) decreased or had little effect on these growth characteristics. N supply increased leaf percentages, but decreased fine root percentages. In addition, Nl rather than the other two N treatments increased leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf/fine root mass ratio (L/FR), R/S and RWC under severe drought stress (20% FC), even though these parameters could increase with the Nh treatment under well-watered condition (80% FC). Moreover, Nl also increased WUE under three water conditions, but Nh had little effect on WUE under drought stress conditions (40% FC and 20% FC). The results suggested that water and N co-limited the growth of S. davidii seedlings, and the seedlings exhibited great positive responses to Nl in this study. Appropriate or low N supply, therefore, would be recommended to stimulate growth, enhance WUE, alleviate drought stress, and consequently contribute to S. davidii seedling establishment under dry condition, but excess N supply should be avoided.  相似文献   

Zigadenusfremontii is often a striking component of the flora following firein the chaparral. Like other geophytes, it produces large numbers of flowers inthe first spring after a burn. Although these plants are most conspicuous intheearly postfire environment, the question that remains is, how do they persistinthe interval between fires? To address this we investigated differences in thegrowth and reproduction of Z. fremontii in burned andunburned chaparral. We monitored marked individuals for nine years at threesites: two that were burned in 1990 and one in the same area that was inunburned mature chaparral. We measured leaf area, and production of flowers andfruits. We also conducted seed experiments in the field to determine the ratesand timing of germination. We found that reproduction occurs only in theimmediate postfireperiod: flowering and production of fruits and seeds in the first yearfollowingfire, and seedling establishment by year 3. There was a cost of reproduction;plants that flowered (in the burn area) had negative growth rates the followingyear. In contrast, plants in unburned chaparral, which did not flower, hadpositive growth rates over the same period. Moreover, plants that produced themost flowers had the lowest growth rates. In the unburned chaparral site,plantswere not dormant as predicted from previous literature; instead they producedleaves nearly every year. In most years the average leaf area per plant wasgreater than that in the burned sites. Our results indicate that postfirereproduction depends on growth and carbohydrate storage in the inter-fireperiod. We also suggest that this species is relatively long-lived for aherbaceous perennial.  相似文献   

Over a period of seven years (1977–1983) the proline content and its responses to climatic changes were investigated in plants — especially Mesembryanthemaceae — in the southern Namib Desert (South Africa). Among 95 species in 26 families, 61 had detectable amounts of proline. In several of these species the proline content increased considerably in years with insufficient rainfall but decreased when the rainfall was abundant again. When individuals of the same species were grown at different sites, water availability in the soil determined their proline content. Many of the investigated species showed a clear diurnal fluctuation in their proline content with a remarkable proline accumulation during times of highest evaporative demand. In general, the higher the proline content the more pronounced were the changes, indicating that in these species-predominantly annual plants — proline was most probably involved in drought tolerance. The observation that proline accumulation and degradation reacted sensitively to changing climatic conditions over many years confirmed the correlation of proline synthesis to increasing water stress as postulated by the results of laboratory experiments with Mesembryanthemaceae.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - DW dry weight - WC water content Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hubert Ziegler on the occassion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Small shrubs ofCeanothus thyrsiflorus were grown in 19-1 pots irrigated under natural conditions in a chaparral region of Southern California and then subjected to soil drying. Characteristics of leaf gas exchange, leaf water potential, and concentrations of the stress hormone abscisic acid in the xylem sap, ABAxyl, were determined at various stages of drought. Diurnal changes in conductance were strongly correlated with leaf net photosynthesis rate, which provides an effective, integrative predictor of above-ground climate effects on conductance. In drought conditions, ABAxyl concentration increased. Increases in the concentration range of 50–500 nmol/l appeared to induce stomatal closure, restricting water loss and carbon dioxide uptake. When the momentary water potential is related to ABAxyl, ABA appeared to increase significantly only after a threshold of approximately –1.5 MPa was exceeded. At less negative water potentials, large variation in ABAxyl in the 50–1000 nmol/l range occurred for all water-potential values, because ABAxyl remains relatively constant over diurnal courses as water potentials decrease and then recover. When the water potential became more negative than –1.5 MPa, ABAxyl concentrations occurred between approximately 500 and 10 000 nmol/l and even greater in isolated cases. An approximately linear relationship is recognizable between ABAxyl and momentary water potential in this range because in plants under drought conditions, ABAxyl increases during the course of the day as water potential decreases. Increases in ABAxyl in the high concentration range were associated with relatively minor additional restrictions in gas exchange, but they might contribute to improved water use efficiency and explain diurnal changes in the potential for stomatal opening that have been observed in Mediterranean sclerophyllous species. When we examined long-term seasonal change in the response of irrigated plants, changes in average daily temperature greater than 10°C occurred (also associated with shifts in relative humidity and radiation input), which apparently led to small changes in predawn water potential in the –0.1 to –0.7 MPa range. Increases in ABAxyl occurred that were in turn negatively correlated with daily maximum leaf conductance. Thus, chaparral shrubs under non-drought conditions seem to sense even small changes in environmental conditions, in our opinion most probably due to initial drying of the uppermost soil and synthesis of ABA in the shallow roots. The results support the hypothesis that information of photosynthesis rate and predawn water potential may be used as primary variables to predict canopy conductance of Mediterranean sclerophyll shrub vegetation.  相似文献   

Tolerance and avoidance mechanisms to drought stress were studied in 6-month-old plants of Newhall orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) and Ellendale tangor (orange × mandarin hybrid) (Citrus sinensis (L) Osbeck × Citrus reticulata Blanco) during a drought/rewatering cycle under controlled conditions. Drought stress did not promote osmotic adjustment, while elastic adjustment (tissue elasticity increase) was noted in stressed orange and tangor plants. Both citrus plants showed a parallel decrease in leaf conductance (g1) and leaf water potential (Ψ1) under water stress. Tangor plants had a more efficient water conservative strategy than orange, based on the characteristics of canopy architecture (lower canopy area and a more closed canopy with leaves nearly vertically oriented) together with a significant decrease in cuticular transpiration rates (TRc) under stress.  相似文献   

While stomatal closure usually limits photosynthesis during drought, our previous results suggest that drought-related decreases in foliar nitrogen concentration (NL) limit photosynthesis during recovery from drought in prairie grasses. Here we estimate the importance of decreases in NL to decreased photosynthetic capacity (PScap) during drought and a subsequent recovery period in three perennial C4 prairie grasses. PScap (O2 evolution at light and CO2 saturation) decreased 69 to 78% during drought in these grasses, and full recovery of PScap required 8 to 12 days, until younger leaves were expanded or older leaves were repaired, depending on species. Decreases in NL explained 38 to 51% of the loss of PScap during drought and accounted for 51 to 69% of the total loss of PScap integrated over the post-drought recovery period. N-related loss of PScap appeared to result more from decreases in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (, and other soluble photosynthetic enzymes, than from decreases in thylakoid N-containing compounds. Decreases in quantum yield of O2 evolution and Fv/Fm (variable-to-maximum fluorescence of dark-adapted leaves) during drought were small, so we assumed that little damage to photsystem II (PSII) and thylakoid membrane function occurred. Further, F0 (minimum F) decreased or remained unchanged, dark F0 was greater than light F0, and decreases in photochemical quenching (the fraction of oxidized PSII) were reversed within 1–3 days after drought. Therefore, prolonged increases in non-photochemical quenching (qn; thermal dissipation of excess light energy) during and after drought were indicative of protective downregulation and were likely associated with disproportionate loss of soluble photosynthetic proteins during drought. In support of this, post-drought recovery of qn paralleled recovery of NL and PScap. Thus, in C4 prairie grasses, loss of PScap during drought is largely the result of decreases in shoot NL and of associated protective downregulation, decreasing carbon assimilation for 1–2 weeks after drought.  相似文献   

Marod  Dokrak  Kutintara  Utis  Tanaka  Hiroshi  Nakashizuka  Tohru 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(1):41-57
Seed production and seedling dynamics were studied for 6 years(1992–1997) with particular emphasis on the effects of the drought andfire in a natural tropical seasonal forest at Mae Klong Watershed ResearchStation, Kantchanaburi, western Thailand. The number of seed produced andemerged seedlings varied greatly among years and species. Most tree speciesproduced very few seeds in 1994 and many in 1995 and 1996, particularly,Shorea siamensis Miq. which displayed the most seedinghabit. Some seedlings, Shorea, Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb.,and Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn. f., emerged at theendof the dry season (late April, after the first rain but when soils still have alow soil moisture content), while the majority of seedlings emerged at thebeginning of the rainy season. After a fire disturbed the plot in April 1996,many species increased their seedling emergences, especially Berryaammonilla. Seedlings of most species less than a year old showed arelatively low mortality in the rainy season, but those ofPterocarpusmacrocarpus Kurz had high mortality. The mean survival rate for allseedling species in this forest was quite low (24.1% y–1), anddifferent values existed for the rainy and the dry season (11.5, and 6.1%month–1, respectively). This suggests that different specieshave adaptations related to the season of seedling emergence and resistance todrought in this tropical seasonal forest community. The traits of tree speciesare classified in terms of their traits in the early stages of regeneration;seed and/or seedling bank, resprouting, and drought resistance. Most specieshave adapted to fire and/or drought by resprouting, seed bank, and/or seedlingbank, although the few species which occur mainly in mesic evergreen forestshave less adapted to these environments. The demographic variations in seed andseedling stages may contribute to the coexistence of these species in thisspecies-rich dry tropical forest.  相似文献   

在年降雨量不足40 mm的敦煌市,对我国不同地区育成的56份糜子品种,采用反复干旱法进行了苗期抗旱性鉴定,利用反复干旱存活率和抗旱性综合评价值D的聚类结果筛选出一级抗旱品种4份,分别是陇糜5号、吉3、蒙粳糜1号和蒙粳糜7号;配对t测验显示:反复干旱胁迫后糜子苗高、植株含水量、单株叶面积、生物学产量分别降低了16.097 cm、0.393 g/株、10.358 cm2/株、0.075 g/株,差异达到了极显著水平,而根长、相对生长率反向增加了0.555 cm、3.213%;主成分分析中,植株含水量、生物学产量、单株叶面积3个指标在第1主成分中起决定作用(系数均≥0.881),且与两种抗旱评价参数值相关性均达到了极显著水平,因此,确定植株含水量、生物学产量、单株叶面积作为糜子苗期抗旱性鉴定1级指标。  相似文献   

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