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Urtica dioica (“stinging nettle”) includes both dioecious and monoecious forms. In most sexually dimorphic angiosperm species, the genetic mechanisms of sex determination are completely unknown. The few species that include both monoecious and dioecious forms provide an unusual opportunity to examine the genetic mechanisms that underlie the separation of sexual functions, through crossing experiments and analysis of progeny segregation. Our focus is on the genetic mechanisms distinguishing monoecious and dioecious forms of U. dioica. A complicated picture of sex determination in this species has resulted from crosses between dioecious and monoecious subspecies, as well as between dioecious and monoecious forms of the same subspecies. Most significant is evidence for a maternal influence on sex determination and for the possibility of gynodioecy as an intermediate stage in the evolutionary pathway to dioecy. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

A sonication-assisted, Agrobacterium-mediated, co-cultivation technique was used in an attempt to increase the transformation efficiency of flax. Hypocotyls and cotyledons excised from about 10-day-old flax seedlings grown in vitro were placed into a 10 mM MgSO4 solution, and inoculated with an A. tumefaciens vector bearing the mgfp5-ER gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter. The explants were subjected to pulses of ultrasound delivered by a sonicator apparatus (35 kHz) for 0–150 s and co-cultivated for 2 h at 27°C. The dried hypocotyls and cotyledons were grown on a selective MS medium to promote shoot regeneration. An electron microscopic study showed that the sonication treatment resulted in thousands of microwounds on and below the surface of the explants. A stereo microscope Leica MZ 12 equipped with a GFP adaptor was used to assess the infection and transformation of plant tissues in real time. After only 48 h and for at least 30 days after bacteria elimination, signs of transgene expression could be seen as a bright fluorescence. Our results show that treatment with ultrasound facilitates an enhanced uptake of plasmid DNA into the cells of flax hypocotyls and cotyledons and that its efficiency depends on the duration of the treatment and the frequency used. SAAT could be a promising tool for enhancing transformation efficiency in flax.  相似文献   

Floral organ identity B class genes are generally recognized as being required for development of petals and stamens in angiosperm flowers. Spinach flowers are distinguished in their complete absence of petals in both sexes, and the absence of a developed stamen whorl in female flowers. As such, we hypothesized that differential expression of B class floral identity genes is integral to the sexual dimorphism in spinach flowers. We isolated two spinach orthologs of Arabidopsis B class genes by 3 and 5 RACE. Homology assignments were tested by comparisons of percent amino acid identities, searches for diagnostic consensus amino acid residues, conserved motifs, and phylogenetic groupings. In situ hybridization studies demonstrate that both spinach B class genes are expressed throughout the male floral meristem in early stages, and continue to be expressed in sepal primordia in reduced amounts at later stages of development. They are also highly expressed in the third whorl primordia when they arise and continue to be expressed in these tissues through the development of mature anthers. In contrast, neither gene can be detected in any stage in female flowers by in situ analyses, although northern blot experiments indicate low levels of SpAP3 within the inflorescence. The early, strong expressions of both B class floral identity genes in male floral primordia and their absence in female flowers demonstrate that B class gene expression precedes the origination of third whorl primordia (stamen) in males and is associated with the establishment of sexual floral dimorphism as it initiates in the first (sepal) whorl. These observations suggest that regulation of B class floral identity genes has a role in the development of sexual dimorphism and dioecy in spinach rather than being a secondary result of organ abortion.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at Edited by G. Jürgens  相似文献   

Previously it was shown that the Arabidopsis apyrase genes AtAPY1 and AtAPY2 are crucial for male fertility because mutant pollen (apy1-1; apy2-1) with T-DNA insertions in both genes could not germinate (Steinebrunner et al. (2003) Plant Physiol. 131: 1638–1647). In this study, pollen germination was restored and apyrase T-DNA double knockouts (DKO) apy1-1/apy1-1; apy2-1/apy2-1 were generated by complementation with AtAPY2 under the control of a pollen-specific promoter. The DKO phenotype displayed developmental defects including the lack of functional root and shoot meristems. In cotyledons, morphogenetic and patterning abnormalities were apparent, e.g., unlobed pavement cells and stomatal clusters. Another set of lines was created which carried either AtAPY1 or AtAPY2 under a dexamethasone-(DEX)-inducible promoter as an additional transgene to the pollen-specific gene construct. Application of DEX did not reverse the DKO phenotype to wild-type, but some inducible lines exhibited less severe defects even in the absence of the inducer, probably due to some background expression. However, even these DKO mutants were seedling-lethal and shared other defects regarding cell division, cell expansion and stomatal patterning. Taken together, the defects in the DKO mutants demonstrate that AtAPY1 and AtAPY2 are essential for normal plant development.  相似文献   

Lin X  Minamisawa N  Takechi K  Zhang W  Sato H  Takio S  Tsukaya H  Takano H 《Planta》2008,228(4):601-608
ANGUSTIFOLIA (AN), a plant homolog of C-terminal binding protein, controls the polar elongation of leaf cells and the trichome-branching pattern in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present study, degenerate PCR was used to isolate an ortholog of AN, referred to as LgAN, from larch (Larix gmelinii). The LgAN cDNA is predicted to encode a protein of 646 amino acids that shows striking sequence similarity to AN proteins from other plants. The predicted amino acid sequence has a conserved NAD-dependent 2-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (D2-HDH) motif and a plant AN-specific LxCxE/D motif at its N-terminus, as well as a plant-specific long C-terminal region. The LgAN gene is a single-copy gene that is expressed in all larch tissues. Expression of the LgAN cDNA rescued the leaf width and trichome-branching pattern defects in the angustifolia-1 (an-1) mutant of Arabidopsis, showing that the LgAN gene has effects complementary to those of AN. These results suggest that the LgAN gene has the same function as the AN gene.  相似文献   

Logistic regression analysis was used to analyse sex allocation in a population of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex balzani occurring in a pasture in southern Brazil. The field sample consisted of 151 fungus-garden chambers (18 queenright and 133 queenless), belonging to 50 nests with three vertically stacked chambers per nest on average. Taking nest chamber as the unit of analysis, seven predictor variables were considered: sampling date, chamber depth, chamber volume, weight of fungus garden, presence of a queen, number of large workers, and number of small to medium workers. The population-level numerical proportion of females was 0.548 and the inferred proportional energetic investment in females 0.672. The former was not significantly different from 0.5 (P=0.168), but the latter was (P=0.0003). The proportional investment in females per fungus garden increased with the number of large workers present (P=0.0002) and decreased with the dry weight of the fungus garden (P=0.012). This implies that resource acquisition through foraging is likely to be a major proximate determinant of sex allocation. The negative correlation between female bias and fungus garden weight might be due to developing adult females requiring more food than males, but this hypothesis could not be confirmed by direct statistical evidence.  相似文献   

Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

The AP1/FUL clade of MADS box genes have undergone multiple duplication events among angiosperm species. While initially identified as having floral meristem identity and floral organ identity function in Arabidopsis, the role of AP1 homologs does not appear to be universally conserved even among eudicots. In comparison, the role of FRUITFULL has not been extensively explored in non-model species. We report on the isolation of three AP1/FUL genes from cultivated spinach, Spinacia oleracea L. Two genes, designated SpAPETALA1-1 (SpAP1-1) and SpAPETALA1-2 (SpAP1-2), cluster as paralogous genes within the Caryophyllales AP1 clade. They are highly differentiated in the 3′, carboxyl-end encoding region of the gene following the third amphipathic alpha-helix region, while still retaining some elements of a signature AP1 carboxyl motifs. In situ hybridization studies also demonstrate that the two paralogs have evolved different temporal and spatial expression patterns, and that neither gene is expressed in the developing sepal whorl, suggesting that the AP1 floral organ identity function is not conserved in spinach. The spinach FRUITFULL homolog, SpFRUITFULL (SpFUL), has retained the conserved motif and groups with Caryophyllales FRUITFULL homologs. SpFUL is expressed in leaf as well as in floral tissue, and shows strong expression late in flower development, particularly in the tapetal layer in males, and in the endothecium layer and stigma, in the females. The combined evidence of high rates of non-synonymous substitutions and differential expression patterns supports a scenario in which the AP1 homologs in the spinach AP1/FUL gene family have experienced rapid evolution following duplication. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sexual diversity expressed by Curcurbitaceae species is a primary example of developmental plasticity in plants. Ethylene, which promotes femaleness (carpel development), plays a key role in sex determination. We sought to determine the critical location for ethylene perception in developing floral primodia. The dominant negative Arabidopsis ethylene response mutant gene, etr1-1, was introduced into melon (Cucumis melo L.) plants under control of the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter, or floral-targeted Apetela3 (AP3) and Crabs Claw (CRC) promoters, which in Arabidopsis, promote expression in petal and stamen, and carpel and nectary primordia, respectively. Based on effects of exogenous ethylene, it was predicted that inhibition of ethylene perception by carpel primordia would inhibit carpel development. Constitutive expression of etr1-1 caused several phenotypes associated with ethylene insensitivity, verifying that etr1-1 inhibits ethylene perception in the heterologous melon system. Carpel-bearing bud production was essentially abolished in 35S::etr1-1 melons, providing direct demonstration of the requirement for ethylene perception for carpel development. CRC::etr1-1 plants, however, showed enhanced femaleness as manifested by earlier and increased number of carpel-bearing buds, and production of female (rather than bisexual) buds. Despite increased carpel-bearing bud formation, a greater proportion of the CRC::etr1-1 carpel-bearing buds aborted before anthesis. AP3::etr1-1 plants showed increased maleness by nearly exclusive staminate flower production, and poorly developed carpels in the rare bisexual flowers. These results indicate that ethylene perception by the stamen (or petal) primordia plays a critical role in promoting carpel development at the time of sex determination, while ethylene perception by the carpel is important for maturation of carpel-bearing flowers to anthesis.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the xlnR xylanolytic activator of the heterologous fungus Aspergillus niger was incorporated into the Penicillium canescens genome. Integration of the xlnR gene resulted in the increase in a number of activities, i.e. endoxylanase, β-xylosidase, α-L-arabinofuranosidase, α-galactosidase, and feruloyl esterase, compared to the host P. canescens PCA 10 strain, while β-galactosidase, β-glucosidase, endoglucanase, and CMCase activities remained constant. Two different expression constructs were developed. The first consisted of the nucleotide sequence containing the mature P. canescens phytase gene under control of the axhA promoter region gene encoding A. niger (1,4)-β-D-arabinoxylan-arabinofuranohydrolase. The second construct combined the P. canescens phytase gene and the bgaS promoter region encoding homologous β-galactosidase. Both expression cassettes were transformed into P. canescens host strain containing xlnR. Phytase synthesis was observed only for strains with the bgaS promoter on arabinose-containing culture media. In conclusion, the bgaS and axhA promoters were regulated by different inducers and activators in the P. canescens strain containing a structural tandem of the axhA promoter and the gene of the xlnR xylanolytic activator.  相似文献   

Jung JH  Park CM 《Planta》2007,225(6):1327-1338
The miR166/165 group and its target genes regulate diverse aspects of plant development, including apical and lateral meristem formation, leaf polarity, and vascular development. We demonstrate here that MIR166/165 genes are dynamically controlled in regulating shoot apical meristem (SAM) and floral development in parallel to the WUSCHEL (WUS)-CLAVATA (CLV) pathway. Although miR166 and miR165 cleave same target mRNAs, individual MIR166/165 genes exhibit distinct expression domains in different plant tissues. The MIR166/165 expression is also temporarily regulated. Consistent with the dynamic expression patterns, an array of alterations in SAM activities and floral architectures was observed in the miR166/165-overproducing plants. In addition, when a MIR166a-overexpressing mutant was genetically crossed with mutants defective in the WUS-CLV pathway, the resultant crosses exhibited additive phenotypic effects, suggesting that the miR166/165-mediated signal exerts its role via a distinct signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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