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Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are serious pests of carrot (Daucus carota L.) worldwide. While soil treatment with nematicides is the primary means for managing nematodes in carrot, there is a need to identify and introduce host plant resistance for crop improvement. This study was conducted to determine the inheritance of resistance to root-galling and reproduction by M. javanica (Treub) Chitwood in a selection (BR-1252) of carrot variety Brasilia. F2, F3, F4, and BC1 progenies from the cross BR-1252×B6274 (a susceptible inbred line) were screened in pot tests for reaction to M. javanica. The observed reactions based on galling and egg production on fibrous roots gave segregation patterns in all tests that were consistent with relatively simply inherited dominant resistance. Field testing in progress indicates that this resistance is very effective against both M. javanica and M. incognita. A single gene model fits the observed data acceptably well in F3 generations. However, the range of 3% to 51% susceptible plants in segregating F3 families and 1% to 47% in segregating F4 families is much wider than the 25% expected with a single-gene model, and linked duplicate factors in the coupling phase could also explain the observed segregation patterns. The variation in percentage susceptibility among these families did not clearly cluster into three expected categories (25% S, 20.25% S, and 0.25% S for a 10-cM linkage distance, or 25% S, 16% S and 1% S for 20 cM), but it did tend to occur over the same range. Thus a 10-cM to 20-cM-linked duplicate factor model cannot be dismissed at this time. Egg production data in the F2, F3, and F4 families provided evidence for slightly lower resistance expression in the heterozygous condition. Thus, while overall expressed in a dominant fashion, the resistance does exhibit some allelic dosage response. Received: 14 June 1999 / Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

In order to assess the efficiency of male gametophytic selection (MGS) for crop improvement, pollen selection for tolerance to herbicide was applied in maize. The experiment was designed to test the parallel reactivity to Alachlor of pollen and plants grown in controlled conditions or in the field, the response to pollen selection in the sporophytic progeny, the response to a second cycle of MGS, and the transmission of the selected trait to the following generations. The results demonstrated that pollen assay can be used to predict Alachlor tolerance under field conditions and to monitor the response to selection. A positive response to selection applied to pollen in the sporophytic progeny was obtained in diverse genetic backgrounds, indicating that the technique can be generally included in standard breeding programs; the analysis of the data produced in a second selection cycle indicated that the selected trait is maintained in the next generation.  相似文献   

 Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) causes considerable damage to maize (Zea mays L.) in Europe. The objective of the present study was to determine the genetic basis of resistance to SCMV in European maize germplasm and to compare it with that of U.S. inbred Pa405. Three resistant European inbreds D21, D32, and FAP1360A were crossed with four susceptible inbreds F7, KW1292, D408, and D145 to produce four F2 populations and three backcrosses to the susceptible parent. Screening for SCMV resistance in parental inbreds and segregating generations was done in two field trials as well as under greenhouse conditions. RFLP markers umc85, bnl6.29, umc10, umc44, and SSR marker phi075 were used in F2 populations or F3 lines to locate the resistance gene(s) in the maize genome. Segregation in the F2 and backcross generations fitted to different gene models depending on the environmental conditions and the genotype of the susceptible parent. In the field tests, resistance in the three resistant European inbreds seems to be controlled by two to three genes. Under greenhouse conditions, susceptibility to SCMV in D32 appears to be governed by one dominant and one recessive gene. Allelism tests indicated the presence of a common dominant gene (denoted as Scm1) in all three resistant European inbreds and Pa405. Marker analyses mapped two dominant genes: Scm1 on chromosome 6S and Scm2 on chromosome 3. Received: 17 November 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

 In order to compare the potential of enzyme and DNA markers to investigate genetic diversity within and among populations, ten maize populations were characterized for (1) 20 isozyme loci and (2) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for 35 probe-enzyme combinations. Each population was represented by a sample of at least 30 individuals. The average number of alleles detected per locus was clearly higher for RFLPs (6.3) than for isozymes (2.4). Similarly, total diversity was higher for RFLPs (0.60) than for isozymes (0.23). This difference is consistent with observations on inbred-line collections and can be related to the fact that many variations at the DNA level do not change the amino-acid composition or the global charge of proteins. By contrast, the magnitude of population differentiation, relative to the total diversity, was similar for isozymes (23%) and RFLPs (22%). This suggests that the isozyme and RFLP loci considered in this study are subject to similar evolutionary forces, and that both are mostly neutral. However, RFLPs proved clearly superior to isozymes both to (1) identify the origin of a given individual and (2) reveal a relevant genetic structure among populations. The higher polymorphism observed for RFLP loci and the greater number of these loci contributed to the superior discriminative ability of the RFLP data. Received: 1 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

An essentially derived variety largely retains the characteristics of a parental or ancestral variety. A consensus has not been reached regarding the threshold for declaring essential derivation in maize (Zea mays L.), partly because benchmark data are lacking. Our objective in this study, commissioned by the American Seed Trade Association, was to determine the range of parental contribution among maize inbreds developed without and with selection. Seed companies in North America contributed existing proprietary data on the molecular marker similarity of 100 or more families, developed without selection from F2 populations, with each of their parents. The companies also sent us seed samples of elite inbreds, developed with selection from F2 populations, for analysis using 60 RFLP marker loci and 20 SSR marker loci. Among the families developed without selection, the average parental contribution was close to the expected value of 0.50 for F2 populations. Specific families received up to 79% of their alleles from one parent. Although selection tended to increase the frequency of such transgressive segregants, it did not necessarily increase the maximum parental contribution in an F2 population. Parental contributions were consistent between the elite inbreds and their early-generation families. We conclude that inbreds with 70% to nearly 80% of their genome derived from one parent can be obtained from an F2 population. Further empirical data would be valuable particularly for backcross populations, which were not available in this study. Received: 21 June 2000 / Accepted: 28 July 2000  相似文献   

Dynamic gene action at QTLs for resistance to Setosphaeria turcica in maize   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Cultivars with quantitative resistance are widely used to control Setosphaeria turcica (Luttrell) Leonard & Suggs, the causal organism of northern corn leaf blight (NCLB). Here the effectiveness of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for NCLB resistance was investigated over the course of host plant development in inoculated field trials. A population of 194–256 F2:3 lines derived from a cross between a susceptible Italian (Lo951) and a highly resistant African inbred line (CML202) was tested in three environments in Kenya. The traits assessed were the incubation period (IP), the percentage disease severity (DS 1 to 5, taken biweekly), and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). Considering all resistance traits and environments, a total of 19 putative QTLs were detected by composite interval mapping using a linkage map with 110 RFLP markers. In the combined analysis across environments, nine QTLs were significant (LOD >3.0) for DS 3, recorded around flowering time, explaining 71% of the genotypic variance. Four of these nine QTLs displayed significant (P<0.05) QTL×environment (QTL×E) interaction. Most QTLs were already significant in the juvenile stage (IP) and became less effective after flowering. Across environments, three QTLs conditioned adult-plant resistance, in the sense that they were only significant after flowering. Six QTL alleles on chromosomes 2, 4, 5, 8, and 9 of CML202 should be useful for marker-assisted backcrossing. Received: 24 August 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   

 Bicellular pollen with one vegetative nucleus and one diploid arrested generative cell (”monospermic” pollen) was induced by trifluralin treatment of diploid maize plants at 7–9 days before flowering. The arrested generative cell (seemingly a diploid sperm cell) fused with the central cell of diploid plants and produced shriveled endosperm resembling that of a 2n×4n cross in maize. Dual pollination experiments with a purple embryo marker revealed single fertilization events in which the union of one sperm cell with the egg occurs but there is no union of a second sperm cell with the central cell. Singly fertilized ovules survived at least 4 days. Furthermore, many viable triploid plants were obtained. This technique therefore appears to have the potential for manipulating ploidy level in crops and may become useful in investigating fertilization mechanisms of angiosperms. Received: 1 October 1996 / Revision accepted: 8 January 1997  相似文献   

We exploited the AFLP technique to saturate a RFLP linkage map derived from a maize mapping population. By using two restriction enzyme, EcoRI and PstI, differing in methylation sensitivity, both in combination with MseI, we detected 1568 bands of which 340 where polymorphic. These were added to the exitsing RFLP marker data to study the effects of incorporation of AFLPs produced by different restriction-enzyme combinations upon genetic maps. Addition of the AFLP data resulted in greater genome coverage, both through linking previously separate groups and the extension of other groups. The increase of the total map length was mainly caused by the addition of markers to telomeric regions, where RFLP markers were poorly represented. The percentage of informative loci was significantly different between the EcoRI and PstI assays. There was also evidence that PstI AFLP markers were more randomly distributed across chromosomes and chromosome regions, while EcoRI AFLP markers clustered mainly at centomeric regions. The more-random ditsribution of PstI AFLP markers on the genetic map reported here may reflect a preferential localisation of the markers in the hypomethylated telomeric regions of the chromosomes. Received: 22 December 1998 / Accepted: 25 March 1999  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus (Link:Fr.) infection and aflatoxin contamination of maize (Zea mays L.) grain are an extremely serious problem. Maize genotypes resistant to A. flavus attack are needed. Maize breeders and plant pathologists must identify resistance sources and incorporate resistance into adapted breeding material. Maize population GT-MAS:gk has been released for use as a resistance source. In this study, we surveyed the genetic variation in this population and made the breeders/plant pathologists aware of the heterogeneous nature in this maize population by using RAPD analysis and correlated the RAPD marker association with the resistance to A. flavus and aflatoxin production. Of 40 RAPD primers, only 15 gave sufficient numbers of reproducible and readily scored polymorphic bands suggesting that this population was highly homogeneous. However, genetic distances, ranging from 0.08 to 0.28 and averaging 0.17, suggest that there is variation within the population. Cluster analysis distinguished three major polymorphic groups. Laboratory bioassay revealed that group I contained the most resistant individuals, i.e., those with less aflatoxin production. Group II had the least resistance, and group III was intermediate. This study showed that the maize population GT-MAS:gk is heterogeneous and individuals are different in resistance to A. flavus and aflatoxin production. Resistance should be confirmed through progeny testing before further development. The RAPD marker OPX-04, which may be associated with the resistance trait, has been cloned and further characterization will be pursued. Received: 10 May 2000 / Accepted: 12 January 2001  相似文献   

 Commercial maize (Zea mays L.) in the USA has a restricted genetic base as newer hybrids are largely produced from crosses among elite inbred lines representing a small sample (predominantly about 6- to 8-base inbreds) of the Stiff stalk and Lancaster genetic backgrounds. Thus, expansion of genetic diversity in maize has been a continuous challenge to breeders. Tropical germplasm has been viewed as a useable source of diversity, although the integration of tropical germplasm into existing inbred line and hybrid development is laborious. The present study is an evaluation of the potential of tropical germplasm for temperate maize improvement. All possible single-, three-way-, and double-cross hybrids among three largely temperate and three temperate-adapted, all-tropical inbred lines were evaluated in yield-trial tests. Single-cross hybrids containing as much as 50–60% tropical germplasm produced 8.0 t ha-1 of grain yield, equivalent to the mean yield of the commercial check hybrids. On the other hand, three-way and double-cross hybrids with the highest mean yield contained lower amounts of tropical germplasm, 10–19% and 34–44%, respectively. Overall, hybrids containing 10–60% tropical germplasm yielded within the range of the commercial hybrid checks. Hybrids with more than 60% tropical germplasm had significantly lower yields, and 100% tropical hybrids yielded the least among all hybrids evaluated. The results indicate that inbred lines containing tropical germplasm are not only a useful source to expand the genetic diversity of commercial maize hybrids, but they, also are competitive in crosses with temperate materials, producing high-yielding hybrids. These experimental hybrids exhibited good standability (comparable to the commercial check hybrids) but contained 1–2% higher grain moisture, leading to delayed maturity. Recurrent selection procedures are being conducted on derivatives of these materials to extract lines with superior yield, good standability, and reduced grain moisture which can be used for commercial exploitation. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Artificial selection results in phenotypic evolution. Maize (Zea mays L. ssp. mays) was domesticated from its wild progenitor teosinte (Zea mays subspecies parviglumis) through a single domestication event in southern Mexico between 6000 and 9000 years ago. This domestication event resulted in the original maize landrace varieties. The landraces provided the genetic material for modern plant breeders to select improved varieties and inbred lines by enhancing traits controlling agricultural productivity and performance. Artificial selection during domestication and crop improvement involved selection of specific alleles at genes controlling key morphological and agronomic traits, resulting in reduced genetic diversity relative to unselected genes. SCOPE: This review is a summary of research on the identification and characterization by population genetics approaches of genes affected by artificial selection in maize. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of DNA sequence diversity at a large number of genes in a sample of teosintes and maize inbred lines indicated that approx. 2 % of maize genes exhibit evidence of artificial selection. The remaining genes give evidence of a population bottleneck associated with domestication and crop improvement. In a second study to efficiently identify selected genes, the genes with zero sequence diversity in maize inbreds were chosen as potential targets of selection and sequenced in diverse maize landraces and teosintes, resulting in about half of candidate genes exhibiting evidence for artificial selection. Extended gene sequencing demonstrated a low false-positive rate in the approach. The selected genes have functions consistent with agronomic selection for plant growth, nutritional quality and maturity. Large-scale screening for artificial selection allows identification of genes of potential agronomic importance even when gene function and the phenotype of interest are unknown. These approaches should also be applicable to other domesticated species if specific demographic conditions during domestication exist.  相似文献   

Grain yield is a complex trait, strongly influenced by the environment: severe losses can be caused by drought, a stress common in most maize-growing areas, including temperate climatic zones. Accordingly, drought tolerance is one of the main components of yield stability, and its improvement is a major challenge to breeders. The aim of the present work was the identification, in maize genotypes adapted to temperate areas, of genomic segments responsible for the expression of drought tolerance of yield components: ear length, ear weight, kernel weight, kernel number and 50-kernel weight. A linkage analysis between the expression of these traits and molecular markers was performed on a recombinant inbred population of 142 families, obtained by repeated selfing of the F1 between lines B73 and H99. The population, genotyped at 173 loci (RFLPs, microsatellites and AFLPs), was evaluated in well-watered and water-stressed conditions. A drought tolerance index was calculated as the ratio between the mean value of the trait in the two environments. For the traits measured, a highly positive correlation was found over the two water regimes, and more than 50% of the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detected were the same in both; moreover, the direction of the allelic contribution was always consistent, the allele increasing the trait value being mostly from line B73. Several QTLs were common to two or more traits. For the tolerance index, however, most of the QTLs were specific for a single component and different from those controlling the basic traits; in addition, a large proportion of the alleles increasing tolerance were provided by line H99. The data suggest that drought tolerance for yield components is largely associated with genetic and physiological factors independent from those determining the traits per se. The implications of these results for developing an efficient strategy of marker-assisted selection for drought tolerance are discussed. Received: 19 October 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

 Pure fractions of maize (Zea mays L.) microspores at various densities were exposed to defined media containing different concentrations of maltose and sucrose. In general, lower carbohydrate concentrations (60, 90 g/l) yielded higher frequencies of embryo-like structures than a high concentration (120 g/l). Optimum cell density seemed to depend on the genotype, but densities above 80,000 microspores/ml led to reduced embryogenesis in all genotypes tested. Direct comparison of maltose and sucrose as carbohydrate source in the induction medium clearly demonstrated the superiority of maltose with regard to the regeneration frequency. For two out of three genotypes tested, maltose also enhanced the formation of embryo-like structures. The time of embryo transfer to callus induction media had a significant effect on regeneration frequency. Received: 26 September 1997 / Revision received: 5 November 1998 / Accepted 24 March 1999  相似文献   

We exploited the AFLP®1(AFLP® is a registered trademark of Keygene, N.V.) technique to map and characterise quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield and two grain-related traits of a maize segregating population. Two maize elite inbred lines were crossed to produce 229 F2 individuals which were genotyped with 66 RFLP and 246 AFLP marker loci. By selfing the F2 plants 229 F3 lines were produced and subsequently crossed to two inbred testers (T1 and T2). Each series of testcrosses was evaluated in field trials for grain yield, dry matter concentration, and test weight. The efficiency of generating AFLP markers was substantially higher relative to RFLP markers in the same population, and the speed at which they were generated showed a great potential for application in marker-assisted selection. AFLP markers covered linkage group regions left uncovered by RFLPs; in particular at telomeric regions, previously almost devoided of markers. This increase of genome coverage afforded by the inclusion of the AFLPs revealed new QTL locations for all the traits investigated and allowed us to map telomeric QTLs with higher precision. The present study has also provided an opportunity to compare simple (SIM) and composite interval mapping (CIM) for QTL analysis. Our results indicated that the method of CIM employed in this study has greater power in the detection of QTLs, and provided more precise and accurate estimates of QTL positions and effects than SIM. For all traits and both testers we detected a total of 36 QTLs, of which only two were in common between testers. This suggested that the choice of a tester for identifying QTL alleles for use in improving an inbred is critical and that the expression of QTL alleles identified may be tester-specific.  相似文献   

Summary Many plants resistant to methomyl (Lannate), an insecticide which selectively damages maize with the Texas (T) type of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS-T), were obtained by in vitro selection and also without selection. The selection procedure used 0.6–0.7mM methomyl and callus from CMS-T versions of several field and sweet corn genotypes (W182BN, Wf9, P39, MDM1, SW1 and hybrids of SW1, IL766A1, IL766A2, and 442 with W182BN-N). Addition of 1 mM methomyl to the regeneration medium greatly reduced recovery of methomyl-sensitive escapes. Resistance was linked with reversion to male fertility and maternally inherited. Most progeny of resistant plants exhibited stable maternally inherited resistance for two generations in field tests. First-generation progeny of seven culture-derived plants segregated for resistance and sensitivity; this suggests that ears of these seven regenerants were cytoplasmically chimeral. Resistance to methomyl was associated with resistance to T toxin from Helminthosporium maydis race T and with changes in mitochondrial physiology. Prolonged culture (14–16 months versus 6–8 months) increased the frequency of resistance among both selected and non-selected regenerants. Little or no resistance was found among regenerants from certain genotypes. Selection with methomyl may be useful for production of improved sweet corn lines and as a source of mitochondrial mutants. This system is also convenient for studies of the effects of nuclear background and of culture and selection systems on the generation of cytoplasmic mutants.  相似文献   

 Anion-exchange FPLC has been used to resolve the isoforms of glutamine synthetase (GS, EC from Zea mays mesophyll (MC) and bundle sheath cells (BSC). Two different isoforms were detected in both types of photosynthetic cells. The predominantly active isoform was GS1 (61%) in MC and GS2 (67%) in BSC. The relative contribution of GS1 and GS2 to the overall GS activity in BSC in maize here reported resembles the proportion described for most C3 plants. Differences among these isoforms in terms of their susceptibility to phosphinothricin (PPT), an analogue of glutamate and known inhibitor of GS, were found. The GS1 isoenzyme from MC was the most sensitive form, being inhibited by 50% at approximately 2.0 μM DL-PPT, whereas the GS2 from BSC presented the highest tolerance to the inhibitor (I50=30 μM). The transferase-to-semibiosynthetic activity ratio for the MC isoforms, which was higher than the ratio for the BSC isoforms, and the differences shown by the isoforms in susceptibility to PPT predict important differences in the biochemical properties and regulation of GS isoenzymes. In this regard, the cytoplasmic isoenzymes, and especially the one in MC, due to its relatively high contribution to mesophyll cell GS activity, could play a vital role in nitrogen metabolism in maize. Received: 1 December 1999 / Revised: 7 February 2000 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine if genes controlling the reaction to the herbicide acetochlor in maize (Zea mays L.) are active during both the haploid and the diploid phases of the life cycle and if pollen selection can be utilized for improving sporophytic resistance. Pollen of eight inbred lines, previously characterized through sporophytic analysis for the level of tolerance to acetochlor, showed a differential reaction to the herbicide forin vitro tube length; moreover, such pollen reactions proved to be significantly correlated (r =0.786*,df=6) with those of the sporophytes producing the pollen. Pollen analysis of two inbred lines (i.e. Mo17, tolerant, and B79, susceptible) and their single cross showed that thein vitro pollen-tube length reaction of the hybrid was intermediate between those of two parents. An experiment on pollen selection was then performed by growing tassels of Mo17xB79 in the presence of the herbicide. Pollen obtained from treated tassels showed a greater tolerance to acetochlor, assessed asin vitro tube length reaction, than pollen obtained from control tassels. Moreover, the backcross [B79 (Mo17xB79)] sporophytic population obtained using pollen from the treated tassels was more tolerant (as indicated by the fresh weight of plants grown in the presence of the herbicide) than was the control backcross population. The two populations did not differ when grown without the herbicide. These findings indicate that genes controlling the reaction to acetochlor in maize have haplodiploid expression; consequently, pollen selection can be applied for improving plant tolerance.  相似文献   

 The inheritance of resistance to southern rust (caused by Puccinia polysora Underw.) was investigated in two F2:3 populations derived from crossing two temperate-adapted, 100% tropical maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines (1416-1 and 1497-2) to a susceptible Corn Belt Dent hybrid, B73Ht×Mo17Ht. The inbred lines possess high levels of resistance to southern rust and may be unique sources of resistance genes. Heritability for resistance was estimated as 30% and 50% in the two populations from regression of F2:3 family mean scores on F2 parent scores, and as 65% and 75% from variances among F2:3 families on a single-plot basis. RFLP loci on three chromosomal regions previously known to possess genes for resistance to either southern rust or common rust (P. sorghi Schw.) were used to localize genes affecting resistance to southern rust in selected genotypes of both populations, and to estimate their genetic effects. A single locus on 10S, bnl3.04, was associated with 82–83% of the variation among field resistance scores of selected F2:3 families in the two populations. Loci on chromosomes 3 (umc26) and 4 (umc31) were significantly associated with resistance in the 1497-2 population, each accounting for 13–15% of the phenotypic variation for F2:3 field scores. Multiple-marker locus models, including loci from chromosomes 3, 4, and 10 and their epistatic interactions, accounted for 96–99% of the variation in F2:3 field scores. Similar results were obtained for resistance measured by counting pustules on juvenile plants in the greenhouse. An attempt was made to determine if the major gene for resistance from 1416-1 was allelic to Rpp9, which is also located on 10S. Testcross families from the cross (1416-1×B37Rpp9)×B14AHt were evaluated for resistance to southern rust in Mexico. Neither source of resistance was completely effective in this environment, preventing determination of allelism of the two genes; however, both sources of resistance had better partial resistance to southern rust than did B14AHt. Received: 6 May 1997/Accepted: 19 September 1997  相似文献   

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