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Bioelectricity and epimorphic regeneration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
All cells have electric potentials across their membranes, but is there really compelling evidence to think that such potentials are used as instructional cues in developmental biology? Numerous reports indicate that, in fact, steady, weak bioelectric fields are observed throughout biology and function during diverse biological processes, including development. Bioelectric fields, generated upon amputation, are also likely to play a key role during vertebrate regeneration by providing the instructive cues needed to direct migrating cells to form a wound epithelium, a structure unique to regenerating animals. However, mechanistic insight is still sorely lacking in the field. What are the genes required for bioelectric‐dependent cell migration during regeneration? The power of genetics combined with the use of zebrafish offers the best opportunity for unbiased identification of the molecular players in bioelectricity. BioEssays 29:1133–1137, 2007. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle has received much attention with regard to developmental origin, control of cell differentiation and regeneration. In this article, early landmarks in skeletal muscle research are reviewed and recent findings on myogenesis are addressed with particular focus on novel regulatory molecules including miRNAs, as well as on the topographical heterogeneity of skeletal muscle origin. The latter has developed into a central theme of keen interest in the past years, particularly since overlaps in genetic and embryological background between head muscle subsets and heart muscle have been described. As embryonic myogenesis and regenerating myofibers employ common molecules, the heterogeneity in embryonic sources from which skeletal muscle groups in the vertebrate body take origin is closely reflected by differences in the susceptibility to particular muscle dystrophies as well as their regeneration potential. In the regeneration chapter of this review the progress that has been made in the field of muscle stem cell biology, with special focus on the satellite cells, is outlined. Satellite cells are considered the most promising source of muscle stem cells possessing a high regenerative potential. We shall discuss recent insights into the heterogeneous nature of these satellite cells not just in terms of their expression profile but also their regeneration potential. Latest findings about the motility of the satellite cell shall also be discussed. Furthermore, we shall outline the impact of an improved understanding of muscle stem cells within their environment, and of satellite cells in particular, on efficient stem cell replacement therapies for muscular dystrophies, putting embryological findings and stem cell approaches into context.  相似文献   

miRNA是一类具有调节功能的非编码小分子RNA,参与调节多种细胞功能。涡虫具有强大的再生能力,逐渐成为干细胞功能和再生研究的良好的动物模型。本文对miRNA在动物再生中的功能,尤其是miRNA与涡虫再生的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

Insect legs develop from small regions of the embryonic thorax. In most insects they differentiate in the embryo, forming functional larval legs, which grow and moult through larval life. In Drosophila the presumptive legs invaginate to form imaginal discs, which grow through larval life but only differentiate in the pupal stage. Analysis of the structures formed after amputation, grafting and wounding experiments on larval legs and on mature and immature imaginal discs suggests that the same organization of positional information and cellular behaviour is involved in the response of tahe developing leg to disturbance at early stages (termed 'regulation') and at later stages (termed 'regeneration'). The results suggest that developing legs form pattern in accordance with positional information specified in two dimensions within the epidermis, along polar coordinates. A continuous sequence of positional values runs around the circumference and an independent sequence runs down the leg. Two rules govern cellular behaviour after a disturbance. The shortest intercalation rule: interaction between cells with different positional values provokes local growth, producing cells with intermediate values (by the shortest route in the case of the circumferential values). The distalization rule: if intercalated cells have positional values identical to those of adjacent pre-existing cells then the new cells adopt a more distal value. These rules will produce a complete distal regenerate from a complete circumference and may produce a symmetrical regenerate from a symmetrical wound surface. This regenerate may taper (converge) or widen (diverge) and branch into two distal tips, depending on the extent of the original wound and the way in which it heals. The polar coordinate model provides a simple and unified interpretation, in terms of only local interactions, of a wide range of experimentally produced and naturally occurring insect (and crustacean and amphibian) limbs showing regeneration of missing structures, duplication of structures, and the formation of complete, tapering or branching supernumeraries. It is not yet clear what molecular mechanisms could underlie a polar map of positional information, nor how such a map could be initially established at a particular site in the early embryo.  相似文献   

王颖  叶波平  华子春 《生命科学》2013,(12):1153-1160
补体系统是机体免疫防御机制的重要组成部分,参与免疫识别和防御。近年来,系统研究发现补体除免疫调节外,还具有参与生殖发育、成骨、组织和器官再生等重要生理机能的作用。多项研究报道了补体活化和各种肝损伤/再生的关系,对此进行综述,以期促进对补体多样性功能的了解。  相似文献   

Nogo and axon regeneration   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Nogo-A is one of several neurite growth inhibitory components present in oligodendrocytes and CNS myelin membranes. Nogo has a crucial role in restricting axonal regeneration and compensatory fibre growth in the injured adult mammalian CNS. Recent studies have shown that in vivo applications of Nogo neutralizing antibodies, peptides blocking the Nogo receptor subunit NgR, or blockers of the postreceptor components Rho-A and ROCK induce long-distance axonal regeneration and compensatory sprouting, accompanied by an impressive enhancement of functional recovery, in the rat and mouse spinal cord.  相似文献   

Liver regeneration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy is a very complex and well-orchestrated phenomenon. It is carried out by the participation of all mature liver cell types. The process is associated with signaling cascades involving growth factors, cytokines, matrix remodeling, and several feedbacks of stimulation and inhibition of growth related signals. Liver manages to restore any lost mass and adjust its size to that of the organism, while at the same time providing full support for body homeostasis during the entire regenerative process. In situations when hepatocytes or biliary cells are blocked from regeneration, these cell types can function as facultative stem cells for each other.  相似文献   

森林更新与空间异质性   总被引:64,自引:4,他引:64  
森林更换是一个重要的生态学过程,一直是森林生态系统动态研究中的主要领域之一。森林更新受物理环境、自然干扰、人为干扰、更新树种特性、树种对干扰的反应等因素及其相互作用的影响。这些生物和非生物的因素随空间和时间而不断变化,构成了森林的空间异质性和时间异质性,使森林更新具有空间和时间上的变化特点,表现在异质性的格局和过程中。探索森林更新与空间异质性的内在规律,可揭示空间格局对更新的生态学过程的潜在作用机制。本文主要综述了近年来有关森林更新与空间异质性研究的主要内容和一些观点,分析了更新中空间异质性的来源,着重评述了空间异质性的生境及更新树种的反应、小尺度的空间异质性与更新动态、林分中光有效性的空间异质性与更新格局以及土壤和更新的空间异质性尺度的关联性等方面的研究。  相似文献   

The plasmin and plasminogen activator proteases of the plasma fibrinolytic system were investigated as potential blood-borne mediators of the proliferative activation of hepatocytes by partial hepatectomy. Partial (68%) liver resection, as well as proliferatively activating the remaining hepatocytes, rapidly (by 30 minutes) doubled the level (or activity) of circulating plasminogen activator but later (2 hours) greatly depressed this level. This later depression of the activity of circulating plasminogen activator lasted for eight to ten hours before returning to the normal level two to four hours before the hepatocytes in the liver remnant began to synthesize DNA. This sequence of changes in the fibrinolytic potential was not abolished by prior thyroparathyroidectomy which is known to inhibit the initiation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis and to prevent the secretion of the calcium homeostatic hormones, another early systemic consequence of partial liver resection. Since the early rise in plasminogen activator activity did not cause the appearance of active (free) circulating plasmin, and since the injection of large doses of the fibrinolytic and protease inhibitors, EACA and Trasylol®, during this early, post-operative period of hyperfibrinolytic potential did not prevent hepatocytes from initiating DNA synthesis, it is unlikely that either plasmin or its activator protease are blood-borne initiators of hepatocyte proliferative development.  相似文献   

Striated muscle tissue and endoderm can be isolated from the anthomedusa Podocoryne carnea. The isolates are uncontaminated by other cell types and can be cultivated in artificial seawater for months without undergoing autonomous regeneration. However, if the endoderm is combined with collagenase-treated striated muscle, a regeneration process is initiated which leads to the formation of the sexual and feeding organ (manubrium) of the medusa. The original endoderm and striated muscle are replaced in the regenerate by at least seven new cell types, including gametes. Labeling experiments with [3H]thymidine and experiments in which mitosis is inhibited in either the striated muscle or the endoderm with mitomycin C demonstrate that the striated muscle is able to transdifferentiate into all the cell types found in the regenerate. With the possible exception of ectodermal smooth muscle this statement is also valid for the endoderm.  相似文献   

白内障摘除联合人工晶状体植入术是目前治疗白内障的唯一有效措施。然而,人工晶状体作为替代材料,仍然存在一些如屈光调节力差以及术后眩光等未能克服的缺陷。寻找更理想的晶状体替代物及低等两栖类动物(如蝾螈)强大的晶状体再生能力,为晶状体再生的研究提供了原动力和依据。近年来,人们已探索出将胚胎干细胞/诱导的多能干细胞在体外诱导分化为类晶状体样结构的培养方法,为白内障的治疗开辟了新的思路。晶状体再生的研究为探索晶状体正常发育机制及晶状体疾病的发生和防治提供了新的平台。晶状体再生的成功也将为白内障的防治带来里程碑性的突破。本文拟总结晶状体正常发育过程及其调控机制,回顾国内外对晶状体体内再生能力的研究成果,并对目前人们探索利用胚胎干细胞和诱导的多能干细胞再造晶状体的研究进展作一概述,希望对干细胞与晶状体再生的后续相关研究提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Retinal stem cells and regeneration   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The optic vesicle gives rise to several very different epithelial tissues, including the neural retina, the pigmented epithelium, the iris, the ciliary epithelium of the ciliary body and the optic stalk. Retinal regeneration can arise from several different cellular sources; in some species, the process involves interconversion, or transdifferentiation, among cells of the different tissue types. Therefore, prior to a discussion of retinal regeneration, we will briefly discuss current knowledge about the influence of signaling molecules in cell fate determination in ocular tissues. Next, we will detail the evidence for neurogenesis in the mature retina. Lastly, we will describe various types of regenerative phenomena that occur in the retina, from complete regeneration of functional retina in fish and amphibians, to the more limited neuronal production that occurs in avian and mammalian retinas.  相似文献   

It is posited that the initiating event of amphibian regeneration of a limb, is retrodifferentiation* of what are to become the developing cells of the blastema. These cells reiterate a larval or premetamorphic ontogenic repertoire, induced by elevated levels of prolactin with adequate innervation. Subsequent redifferentiation of the blastema cells occurs, controlled by thyroxine and innervation.This temporal displacement of cellular morphologic characters in regeneration should be looked upon as a function of the ability to reiterate larval characters and subsequently metamorphose. If correct, this would explain why amphibians which metamorphose only once, lose the ability to postmetamorphically regenerate. An exception to this,Xenopus laevis, an anuran which can epimorphically regenerate, to some extent, will be discussed.[/p]  相似文献   

Mammals are generally considered to be poor regenerators, yet there are a handful of mammalian models that display a robust ability to regenerate. One such system is the regenerating tips of digits in both humans and mice. In vitro studies of regenerating fetal human and mouse digit tips display both anatomical and molecular similarities, indicating that the mouse digit is a clinically relevant model. At the same time, genetic studies on mouse digit tip regeneration have identified signaling pathways required for the regeneration response that parallel those known to be important for regeneration in lower vertebrates. In addition, recent studies establish that digit tip regeneration involves the formation of a blastema that shares similarities with the amphibian blastema, thus establishing a conceptual bridge between clinical application and basic research in regeneration. In this review we discuss how the study of endogenous regenerating mammalian systems is enhancing our understanding of regenerative mechanisms and helping to shed light on the development of therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 84:265–280, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Macrophages and nerve regeneration.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macrophages are not only phagocytic cells but also secrete a plethora of growth factors that are potentially important for regeneration. This review will examine the emerging evidence of a likely contribution by macrophages to axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

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