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To explore the residue interactions in the glycophorin A dimerization motif, an alanine scan double mutant analysis at the helix-helix interface was carried out. These data reveal a combination of additive and coupled effects. The majority of the double mutants are found to be equally or slightly more stable than would be predicted by the sum of the energetic cost of the single-point mutants. The proximity of the mutated sites is not related to the presence of coupling between those sites. Previous studies reveal that a single face of the glycophorin A monomer contains a specific glycine-containing motif (GxxxG) that is thought to be a driving force for the association of transmembrane helices. Double mutant cycles suggest that the relationship of the GxxxG motif to the remainder of the helix-helix interface is complex. Sequences containing mutations that abolish the GxxxG motif retain an ability to dimerize, while a sequence containing a GxxxG motif appears unable to form dimers. The energetic effects of weakly coupled and additive double mutants can be explained by changes in van der Waals interactions at the dimer interface. These results emphasize the fact that the sequence context of the dimer interface modulates the strength of the glycophorin A GxxxG-mediated transmembrane dimerization reaction.  相似文献   

Both experimental and statistical searches for specific motifs that mediate transmembrane helix-helix interactions showed that two glycine residues separated by three intervening residues (GxxxG) provide a framework for specific interactions. Further work suggested that other motifs of small residues can mediate the interaction of transmembrane domains, so that the AxxxA-motif could also drive strong interactions of alpha-helices in soluble proteins. Thus, all these data indicate that a motif of two small residues in a distance of four might be enough to provide a framework for transmembrane helix-helix interaction. To test whether GxxxG is equivalent to (small)xxx(small), we investigated the effect of a substitution of either of the two Gly residues in the glycophorin A GxxxG-motif by Ala or Ser using the recently developed GALLEX system. The results of this mutational study demonstrate that, while a replacement of either of the two Gly by Ala strongly disrupts GpA homo-dimerization, the mutation to Ser partly stabilizes a dimeric structure. We suggest that the Ser residue can form a hydrogen bond with a backbone carbonyl group of the adjacent helix stabilizing a preformed homo-dimer. While (small)xxx(small) serves as a useful clue, the context of adjacent side-chains is essential for stable helix interaction, so each case must be tested.  相似文献   

Mottamal M  Zhang J  Lazaridis T 《Proteins》2006,62(4):996-1009
Using an implicit membrane model (IMM1), we examine whether the structure of the transmembrane domain of Glycophorin A (GpA) could be predicted based on energetic considerations alone. The energetics of native GpA shows that van der Waals interactions make the largest contribution to stability. Although specific electrostatic interactions are stabilizing, the overall electrostatic contribution is close to zero. The GXXXG motif contributes significantly to stability, but residues outside this motif contribute almost twice as much. To generate non-native states a global conformational search was done on two segments of GpA: an 18-residue peptide (GpA74-91) that is embedded in the membrane and a 29-residue peptide (GpA70-98) that has additional polar residues flanking the transmembrane region. Simulated annealing was done on a large number of conformations generated from parallel, antiparallel, left- and right-handed starting structures by rotating each helix at 20 degrees intervals around its helical axis. Several crossing points along the helix dimer were considered. For 18-residue parallel topology, an ensemble of native-like structures was found at the lowest effective energy region; the effective energy is lowest for a right-handed structure with an RMSD of 1.0 A from the solid-state NMR structure with correct orientation of the helices. For the 29-residue peptide, the effective energies of several left-handed structures were lower than that of the native, right-handed structure. This could be due to deficiencies in modeling the interactions between charged sidechains and/or omission of the sidechain entropy contribution to the free energy. For 18-residue antiparallel topology, both IMM1 and a Generalized Born model give effective energies that are lower than that of the native structure. In contrast, the Poisson-Boltzmann solvation model gives lower effective energy for the parallel topology, largely because the electrostatic solvation energy is more favorable for the parallel structure. IMM1 seems to underestimate the solvation free energy advantage when the CO and NH dipoles just outside the membrane are parallel. This highlights the importance of electrostatic interactions even when these are not obvious by looking at the structures.  相似文献   

Side-to-side associations of transmembrane alpha-helices are integral components of the structure and function of helical membrane proteins. A fundamental unknown in the understanding of the chemical principles driving the lateral interactions between transmembrane alpha-helices is the balance of forces arising from the polypeptide sequence versus the hydrophobic solvent. To begin to address this question, a consideration of basic thermodynamic principles has been applied to assess the experimental free energy change associated with transmembrane helix dimerization in micelles. This analysis demonstrates the ability to partition the apparent free energy of transmembrane helix-helix association into two components. The first component is a statistical energy term, which arises from the fact that there are an unequal number of reactants and products. The second component is a standard state free energy change, which informs on the molecular details of the transmembrane helix self-association reaction. The advantage of separating these two energy terms arises from the fact that extrapolation to the standard state free energy change normalizes the statistical energy term so that it applies equivalently in all experimental systems. Accompanying experimental results for the glycophorin A transmembrane alpha-helix dimer measured in micelles are well described by these theoretical components assuming an ideal-dilute solution.  相似文献   

The driving forces behind the folding processes of integral membrane proteins after insertion into the bilayer, is currently under debate. The M2 protein from the influenza A virus is an ideal system to study lateral association of transmembrane helices. Its proton selective channel is essential for virus functioning and a target of the drug amantadine. A 25 residue transmembrane fragment of M2, M2TM, forms a four-helix bundle in vivo and in various detergents and phospholipid bilayers. Presented here are the energetic consequences for mutations made to the helix/helix interfaces of the M2TM tetramer. Analytical ultracentrifugation has been used to determine the effect of ten single-site mutations, to either alanine or phenylalanine, on the oligomeric state and the free energy of M2TM in the absence and the presence of amantadine. It was expected that many of these mutations would perturb the M2TM stability and tetrameric integrity. Interestingly, none of the mutations destabilize tetramerization. This finding suggests that M2 sacrifices stability to preserve its functions, which require rapid and specific interchange between distinct conformations involved in gating and proton conduction. Mutations might therefore restrict the full range of conformations by stabilizing a given native or non-native conformational state. In order to assess one specific conformation of the tetramer, we measured the binding of amantadine to the resting state of the channel, and examined the overall free energy of assembly of the amantadine bound tetramer. All of the mutations destabilized amantadine binding or were isoenergetic. We also find that large to small residue changes destabilize the amantadine bound tetramer whereas mutations to side-chains of similar volume stabilize this conformation. A structural model of the amantadine bound state of M2TM was generated using a novel protocol that optimizes a structure for an ensemble of neutral and disruptive mutations. The model structure is consistent with the mutational data.  相似文献   

BNIP3 is a mitochondrial 19-kDa proapoptotic protein, a member of the Bcl-2 family. It has a single COOH-terminal transmembrane (TM) alpha-helical domain, which is required for membrane targeting, proapoptotic activity, hetero- and homo-dimerization in membrane. The role and the molecular details of association of TM helices of BNIP3 are yet to be established. Here, we present a molecular modeling study of helix interactions in its membrane domain. The approach combines Monte Carlo conformational search in an implicit hydrophobic slab followed by molecular dynamics simulations in a hydrated full-atom lipid bilayer. The former technique was used for exhaustive sampling of the peptides' conformational space and for generation of putative "native-like" structures of the dimer. The latter ones were taken as realistic starting points to assess stability and dynamic behavior of the complex in explicit lipid-water surrounding. As a result, several groups of tightly packed right-handed structures of the dimer were proposed. They have almost similar helix-helix interface, which includes the motif A(176)xxxG(180)xxxG(184) and agrees well with previous mutagenesis data and preliminary NMR analysis. Molecular dynamics simulations of these structures reveal perfect adaptation of most of them to heterogeneous membrane environment. A remarkable feature of the predicted dimeric structures is the occurrence of a cluster of H-bonded histidine 173 and serines 168 and 172 on the helix interface, near the N-terminus. Because of specific polar interactions between the monomers, this part of the dimer has no such dense packing as the C-terminal one, thus allowing penetration of water from the extramembrane side into the membrane interior. We propose that the ionization state of His(173) can mediate structural and dynamic properties of the dimer. This, in turn, may be related to pH-dependent proapoptotic activity of BNIP3, which is triggering on by acidosis appearing under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Polar residues are capable of mediating the association of membrane-embedded helices through the formation of side-chain/side-chain inter-helical hydrogen bonds. However, the extent to which native van der Waals packing of the residues surrounding the polar locus can enhance, or interfere with, the interaction of polar residues has not yet been studied. We examined the propensities of four polar residues (aspartic acid, asparagine, glutamic acid, and glutamine) to promote self-association of transmembrane (TM) domains in several biologically derived sequence environments, including (i). four naturally occurring TM domains that contain a Glu or Gln residue (Tnf5/CD40 ligand, C79a/Ig-alpha, C79b/Ig-beta, and Fut3/alpha-fucosyltransferase); and (ii). variants of bacteriophage M13 major coat protein TM segment with Asp and Asn at interfacial and non-interfacial positions. Self-association was quantified by the TOXCAT assay, which measures TM helix self-oligomerization in the Escherichia coli inner membrane. While an appropriately placed polar residue was found in several cases to significantly stabilize TM helix-helix interactions through the formation of an interhelical hydrogen bond, in other cases the strongly polar residues did not enhance the association of the two helices. Overall, these results suggest that an innate structural mechanism may operate to control non-specific association of membrane-embedded polar residues.  相似文献   

Chen Z  Xu Y 《Proteins》2006,62(2):539-552
The energetics and stability of the packing of transmembrane helices were investigated by Monte Carlo simulations with the replica-exchange method. The helices were modeled with a united atom representation, and the CHARMM19 force field was employed. Based on known experimental structures of membrane proteins, an implicit knowledge-based potential was developed to describe the helix-membrane interactions at the residue level, whose validity was tested through prediction of the orientations when single helices were inserted into a membrane. Two systems were studied in this article, namely the glycophorin A dimer, and helices A and B of Bacteriorhodopsin. For the glycophorin A dimer, the most stable structure (0.5 A away from the experimental structure) is mainly stabilized by the favorable helix-helix interactions, and has the most population regardless of the helix-membrane interaction. However, for helices A and B of Bacteriorhodopsin, it was found that the packing determined by helix-helix interactions is nonspecific, and a native-like structure (0.2 A from the experimental one) can be identified from several structural analogs as the most stable one only after applying the membrane potential. Our results suggest that the contribution from the helix-membrane interaction could be critical in the correct packing of transmembrane helices in the membrane.  相似文献   

Metcalf DG  Law PB  DeGrado WF 《Proteins》2007,67(2):375-384
We present a molecular modeling protocol that selects modeled protein structures based on experimental mutagenesis results. The computed effect of a point mutation should be consistent with its experimental effect for correct models; mutations that do not affect protein stability and function should not affect the computed energy of a correct model while destabilizing mutations should have unfavorable computed energies. On the other hand, an incorrect model will likely display computed energies that are inconsistent with experimental results. We added terms to our energy function which penalize models that are inconsistent with experimental results. This creates a selective advantage for models that are consistent with experimental results in the Monte Carlo simulated annealing protocol we use to search conformational space. We calibrated our protocol to predict the structure of transmembrane helix dimers using glycophorin A as a model system. Inclusion of mutational data in this protocol compensates for the limitations of our force field and the limitations of our conformational search. We demonstrate an application of this structure prediction protocol by modeling the transmembrane region of the BNIP3 apoptosis factor.  相似文献   

K G Fleming  D M Engelman 《Proteins》2001,45(4):313-317
Biological membrane fusion involves a highly precise and ordered set of protein-protein interactions. Synaptobrevin is a key player in this process. Mutagenesis studies of its single transmembrane segment suggest that it dimerizes in a sequence specific manner. Using the computational methods developed for the successful structure prediction of the glycophorin A transmembrane dimer, we have calculated a structural model for the synaptobrevin dimer. Our computational search yields a well-populated cluster of right-handed structures consistent with the experimentally determined dimerization motif. The three-dimensional structure contains an interface formed primarily by leucine and isoleucine side-chain atoms and has no interhelical hydrogen bonds. The model is the first three-dimensional picture of the synaptobrevin transmembrane dimer and provides a basis for further focused experimentation on its structure and association thermodynamics.  相似文献   

A theoretical approach for estimating association free energies of alpha-helices in nonpolar media has been developed. The parameters of energy functions have been derived from DeltaDeltaG values of mutants in water-soluble proteins and partitioning of organic solutes between water and nonpolar solvents. The proposed approach was verified successfully against three sets of published data: (1) dissociation constants of alpha-helical oligomers formed by 27 hydrophobic peptides; (2) stabilities of 22 bacteriorhodopsin mutants, and (3) protein-ligand binding affinities in aqueous solution. It has been found that coalescence of helices is driven exclusively by van der Waals interactions and H-bonds, whereas the principal destabilizing contributions are represented by side-chain conformational entropy and transfer energy of atoms from a detergent or lipid to the protein interior. Electrostatic interactions of alpha-helices were relatively weak but important for reproducing the experimental data. Immobilization free energy, which originates from restricting rotational and translational rigid-body movements of molecules during their association, was found to be less than 1 kcal/mole. The energetics of amino acid substitutions in bacteriorhodopsin was complicated by specific binding of lipid and water molecules to cavities created in certain mutants.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins often contain proline residues in their alpha-helical transmembrane (TM) fragments, which may strongly influence their folding and association. Pro-scanning mutagenesis of the helical domain of glycophorin A (GpA) showed that replacement of the residues located at the center abrogates helix packing while substitution of the residues forming the ending helical turns allows dimer formation. Synthetic TM peptides revealed that a point mutation of one of the residues of the dimerization motif (L75P) located at the N-terminal helical turn of the GpA TM fragment, adopts a secondary structure and oligomeric state similar to the wild-type sequence in detergents. In addition, both glycosylation mapping in biological membranes and molecular dynamics showed that the presence of a proline residue at the lipid/water interface has as an effect the extension of the helical end. Thus, helix packing can be an important factor that determines appearance of proline in TM helices. Membrane proteins might accumulate proline residues at the two ends of their TM segments in order to modulate the exposition of key amino acid residues at the interface for molecular recognition events while allowing stable association and native folding.  相似文献   

The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing as indicated by mutational studies and functional reconstitution of peptide mimics. Here, we demonstrate that mutations of a GxxxG motif or of Ile residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics as determined by deuterium/hydrogen-exchange kinetics. Thus, the backbone dynamics of these helices may be linked to their fusogenicity which is consistent with the known over-representation of Gly and Ile in viral fusogen transmembrane helices. The transmembrane domains of membrane fusogenic proteins are known to contribute to lipid bilayer mixing. Our present results demonstrate that mutations of certain residues, that were previously shown to compromise the fusogenicity of the Vesicular Stomatitis virus G-protein transmembrane helix, reduce its backbone dynamics. Thus, the data suggest a relationship between sequence, backbone dynamics, and fusogenicity of transmembrane segments of viral fusogenic proteins.  相似文献   

EmrE is a multidrug transporter that utilises the proton gradient across bacterial cell membranes to pump hydrophobic cationic toxins out of the cell. The structure of EmrE is very unusual, because it is an asymmetric homodimer containing eight alpha-helices, six of which form the substrate-binding chamber and translocation pathway. Despite this structural information, the precise oligomeric order of EmrE in both the detergent-solubilised state and in vivo is unclear, although it must contain an even number of subunits to satisfy substrate-binding data. We have studied the oligomeric state of EmrE, purified in a functional form in dodecylmaltoside, by high-resolution size-exclusion chromatography (hrSEC) and by analytical ultracentrifugation. The data from equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation were analysed using a measured density increment for the EmrE-lipid-detergent complex, which showed that the purified EmrE was predominantly a dimer. This value was consistent with the apparent mass for the EmrE-lipid-detergent complex (137 kDa) determined by hrSEC. EmrE was purified under different conditions using minimal concentrations of dodecylmaltoside, which would have maintained the structure of any putative higher oligomeric states: this EmrE preparation had an apparent mass of 206 kDa by hrSEC and equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation showed unequivocally that EmrE was a dimer, although it was associated with a much larger mass of phospholipid. In addition, the effect of the substrate tetraphenylphosphonium on the oligomeric state was also analysed for both preparations of EmrE; velocity analytical ultracentrifugation showed that the substrate had no effect on the oligomeric state. Therefore, in the detergent dodecylmaltoside and under conditions where the protein is fully competent for substrate binding, EmrE is dimeric and there is no evidence from our data to suggest higher oligomeric states. These observations are discussed in relation to the recently published structures of EmrE from two- and three-dimensional crystals.  相似文献   

We describe an effective procedure for modeling the structures of simple transmembrane helix homo-oligomers. The method differs from many previous approaches in that the only structural constraint we use to help select the correct model is the oligomerization state of the protein. The method involves the following steps: (1) perform 100-250 independent Monte Carlo energy minimizations of helix pairs to produce a large collection of well-packed structures; (2) filter the minimized structures to find those that are consistent with the expected symmetry of the oligomer; (3) cluster the structures that pass the symmetry filter; and (4) select a representative of the most populous cluster as the final prediction. We applied the method to the transmembrane helices of five proteins and compare our results to the available experimental data. Our predictions of glycophorin A, neu, the M2 channel and phospholamban resulted in a single model for each protein that agreed with the experimental results. In the case of erbB-2, however, we obtained three structurally distinct clusters of approximately equal sizes, so it was not possible to identify a clearly favored structure. This may reflect a real heterogeneity of packing modes for erbB-2, which is known to interact with different receptor subunits. Our method should be useful for obtaining structural models of transmembrane domains, improving our understanding of structure/function relationships for particular membrane proteins.  相似文献   

HIV‐1 Vpu is an 81‐residue protein with a single N‐terminal transmembrane (TM) helical segment that is involved in the release of new virions from host cell membranes. Vpu and its TM segment form ion channels in phospholipid bilayers, presumably by oligomerization of TM helices into a pore‐like structure. We describe measurements that provide new constraints on the oligomerization state and supramolecular structure of residues 1–40 of Vpu (Vpu1–40), including analytical ultracentrifugation measurements to investigate oligomerization in detergent micelles, photo‐induced crosslinking experiments to investigate oligomerization in bilayers, and solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements to obtain constraints on intermolecular contacts between and orientations of TM helices in bilayers. From these data, we develop molecular models for Vpu TM oligomers. The data indicate that a variety of oligomers coexist in phospholipid bilayers, so that a unique supramolecular structure can not be defined. Nonetheless, since oligomers of various sizes have similar intermolecular contacts and orientations, molecular models developed from our data are most likely representative of Vpu TM oligomers that exist in host cell membranes.  相似文献   

The monomer-dimer equilibrium of the glycophorin A (GpA) transmembrane (TM) fragment has been used as a model system to investigate the amino acid sequence requirements that permit an appropriate helix-helix packing in a membrane-mimetic environment. In particular, we have focused on a region of the helix where no crucial residues for packing have been yet reported. Various deletion and replacement mutants in the C-terminal region of the TM fragment showed that the distance between the dimerization motif and the flanking charged residues from the cytoplasmic side of the protein is important for helix packing. Furthermore, selected GpA mutants have been used to illustrate the rearrangement of TM fragments that takes place when leucine repeats are introduced in such protein segments. We also show that secondary structure of GpA derivatives was independent from dimerization, in agreement with the two-stage model for membrane protein folding and oligomerization.  相似文献   

The fusion of a vesicle to a target membrane is mediated by temporally and spatially regulated interactions within a set of evolutionarily conserved proteins. Integral to proper fusion is the interaction between proteins originating on both vesicle and target membranes to form a protein bridge between the two membranes, known as the SNARE complex. This protein complex includes the single-pass transmembrane helix proteins: syntaxin and synaptobrevin. Experimental data and amino acid sequence analysis suggest that an interface of interaction is conserved between the transmembrane regions of the two proteins. However, conflicting reports have been presented on the role of the synaptobrevin transmembrane domain in mediating important protein-protein interactions. To address this question, a thermodynamic study was carried out to determine quantitatively the self-association propensities of the transmembrane domains of synaptobrevin and syntaxin. Our results show that the transmembrane domain of synaptobrevin has only a modest ability to self-associate, whereas the transmembrane domain of syntaxin is able to form stable homodimers. Nevertheless, by a single amino acid substitution, synaptobrevin can be driven to dimerize with the same affinity as syntaxin. Furthermore, crosslinking studies show that dimerization of synaptobrevin is promoted by oxidizing agents. Despite the presence of a conserved cysteine residue in the same location as in synaptobrevin, syntaxin dimerization is not promoted by oxidization. This analysis suggests that subtle yet distinct differences are present between the two transmembrane dimer interfaces. A syntaxin/synaptobrevin heterodimer is able to form under oxidizing conditions, and we propose that the interface of interaction for the heterodimer may resemble the homodimer interface formed by the synaptobrevin transmembrane domain. Computational analysis of the transmembrane sequences of syntaxin and synaptobrevin reveal structural models that correlate with the experimental data. These data may provide insight into the role of transmembrane segments in the mechanism of vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

带3蛋白C端和血型糖蛋白A相互作用及其抗原相关性的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
采用高效液相色谱法分离鉴定了红细胞膜蛋白质跨膜域的亲水性肽链,结果显示血型糖蛋白A(GPA)Lys101~Asp130与带3蛋白有相关性.为进行深入研究,采用RT-PCR方法从K562细胞中扩增了410 bp的GPA基因,分别克隆到酵母双杂交BD端表达质粒和杆状病毒转移载体上.同时,以含有带3蛋白全长基因的质粒为模板扩增了348 bp的带3蛋白C端基因,将其克隆到酵母双杂交AD端表达质粒.经酵母双杂交营养缺陷培养选择和β半乳糖苷酶检测证实GPA与带3蛋白之间存在相互作用.GPA表达产物分别经抗带3蛋白和抗GPA抗体进行蛋白质印迹分析,表明二者具有免疫交叉反应.上述结果表明带3蛋白与GPA在结构与功能上存在着密切联系.  相似文献   

Cuthbertson JM  Bond PJ  Sansom MS 《Biochemistry》2006,45(48):14298-14310
The glycophorin helix dimer is a paradigm for the exploration of helix-helix interactions in integral membrane proteins. Two NMR structures of the dimer are known, one in a detergent micelle and one in a lipid bilayer. Multiple (4 x 50 ns) molecular dynamics simulations starting from each of the two NMR structures, with each structure in either a dodecyl phosphocholine (DPC) micelle or a dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer, have been used to explore the conformational dynamics of the helix dimer. Analysis of the helix-helix interaction, mediated by the GxxxG sequence motif, suggests convergence of the simulations to a common model. This is closer to the NMR structure determined in a bilayer than to micelle structure. The stable dimer interface in the final simulation model is characterized by (i) Gly/Gly packing and (ii) Thr/Thr interhelix H-bonds. These results demonstrate the ability of extended molecular dynamics simulations in a lipid bilayer environment to refine membrane protein structures or models derived from experimental data obtained in protein/detergent micelles.  相似文献   

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