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The vertebrate A-P axis is a time axis. The head is made first and more and more posterior levels are made at later and later stages. This is different to the situation in most other animals, for example, in Drosophila. Central to this timing is Hox temporal collinearity (see below). This occurs rarely in the animal kingdom but is characteristic of vertebrates and is used to generate the primary axial Hox pattern using time space translation and to integrate successive derived patterns (see below). This is thus a different situation than in Drosophila, where the primary pattern guiding Hox spatial collinearity is generated externally, by the gap and segmentation genes.  相似文献   

Using double immunofluorescence experiments, we described the expression of the leech Hox genes, Lox1 and Lox2 by central neurons that stained for either serotonin or the leech-specific neuronal marker, Laz1-1. The goal is to determine whether the segmental boundaries of Lox1 and Lox2 expression in identified neurons coincide with segmental and regional differences in the differentiation of these cells. A number of neurons described here have been previously identified. The anteromedial serotonergic neurons are restricted to rostral ganglion 1 (R1) to midbody ganglion 3 (M3), but only express Lox1 in M2 and M3. The posteromedial serotonergic neurons which are situated in all segments as bilateral pairs early in development, but later become unpaired starting at M3, expressed Lox1 only in M2 and M3, and Lox2 in M8 to M21, in all paired and unpaired stages. The Retzius neurons, which stain for serotonin, express Lox2 in M7 to M21 where they exhibit different morphologies from their segmental homologs of the sex ganglia in M5 and M6. The Laz1-1 immunoreactive (Laz1-1+) heart accessory-like neurons express Lox1 in M4 and Lox2 in M7 to M17, but not in their segmental homologs of the heart accessory (HA) neurons located exclusively in M5 and M6. Also, Laz1-1+ neurons, which we named Lz3 expressed Lox1 in M4 to M8 where they are unpaired, but express Lox2 in M9 to M16 where they are bilaterally paired. Other Laz1-1 cells show more restricted and isolated Lox1 and Lox2 expression patterns. These results suggest a role of Lox1 and/or Lox2 in defining the anteroposterior boundaries of segmentally iterated neurons.  相似文献   

During central nervous system (CNS) development neural stem cells (Neuroblasts, NBs) have to acquire an identity appropriate to their location. In thoracic and abdominal segments of Drosophila, the expression pattern of Bithorax-Complex Hox genes is known to specify the segmental identity of NBs prior to their delamination from the neuroectoderm. Compared to the thoracic, ground state segmental units in the head region are derived to different degrees, and the precise mechanism of segmental specification of NBs in this region is still unclear. We identified and characterized a set of serially homologous NB-lineages in the gnathal segments and used one of them (NB6-4 lineage) as a model to investigate the mechanism conferring segment-specific identities to gnathal NBs. We show that NB6-4 is primarily determined by the cell-autonomous function of the Hox gene Deformed (Dfd). Interestingly, however, it also requires a non-cell-autonomous function of labial and Antennapedia that are expressed in adjacent anterior or posterior compartments. We identify the secreted molecule Amalgam (Ama) as a downstream target of the Antennapedia-Complex Hox genes labial, Dfd, Sex combs reduced and Antennapedia. In conjunction with its receptor Neurotactin (Nrt) and the effector kinase Abelson tyrosine kinase (Abl), Ama is necessary in parallel to the cell-autonomous Dfd pathway for the correct specification of the maxillary identity of NB6-4. Both pathways repress CyclinE (CycE) and loss of function of either of these pathways leads to a partial transformation (40%), whereas simultaneous mutation of both pathways leads to a complete transformation (100%) of NB6-4 segmental identity. Finally, we provide genetic evidences, that the Ama-Nrt-Abl-pathway regulates CycE expression by altering the function of the Hippo effector Yorkie in embryonic NBs. The disclosure of a non-cell-autonomous influence of Hox genes on neural stem cells provides new insight into the process of segmental patterning in the developing CNS.  相似文献   

Hox 基因与昆虫体躯决定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本综述了Hox基因的组成与功能,及Hox基因决定昆虫形态进化的作用机制。  相似文献   

Circadian clock genes are remarkably conserved between eucoelomates. Although Drosophila has one copy of each major component, vertebrates have two or (in the case of the Period genes) three paralogs (Per1-3). We investigated the possibility that the vertebrate Per genes arose through two genome duplications during the emergence of vertebrates. Phylogenetic trees have placed zebrafish and mammalian Per1 and 2 together in a separate branch from Per3. The positions of four coding region splice sites were conserved between Drosophila per and the human paralogs, the fifth one being unique to Drosophila. The human PER genes shared the positions of all coding region splice sites, except the first two in PER1 and PER2 (which PER3 lacks). The phases of all splice sites were conserved between all four genes with two exceptions. Analysis of all genes within 10 Mb of the human PER1-3 genes, which are located 7.8—8.8 Mb from the telomeres on chromosomes 17, 2, and 1, identified several orthologous neighbors shared by at least two PER genes. Two gene families, HES (hairy and Enhancer of Split) and KIF1 (kinesin-like protein 1), were represented in all three of these paralogons. Although no functional fourth human PER paralog exists, five representatives from the same gene families were found close to the telomer of chromosome 3. We conclude that the ancestral chordate Per gene underwent two duplication events, giving rise to Per13 and a lost fourth paralog. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. John Onkeshott]  相似文献   

Zebrafish Hox genes are arranged in at least seven clusters, rather than the four clusters typical of vertebrates. This suggests that an additional genome duplication occurred on the fish lineage and explains why many gene families are typically about half the size in land vertebrates than they are in fish.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterning mechanisms that control head development--particularly the neural crest and its contribution to bones, nerves and connective tissue--is an important problem, as craniofacial anomalies account for one-third of all human congenital defects. Classical models for craniofacial patterning argue that the morphogenic program and Hox gene identity of the neural crest is pre-patterned, carrying positional information acquired in the hindbrain to the peripheral nervous system and the branchial arches. Recently, however, plasticity of Hox gene expression has been observed in the hindbrain and cranial neural crest of chick, mouse and zebrafish embryos. Hence, craniofacial development is not dependent on neural crest prepatterning, but is regulated by a more complex integration of cell and tissue interactions.  相似文献   

A review of literature on tissue-specific proteins of the vertebrate eye lens and genes coding for these proteins is presented. Particular attention is paid to the most heterogeneous family of crystallins: - and -crystallins, their nomenclature, and the structure of their genes. It is pointed out that mutations in gene coding for ubiquitous crystallins may be related to some forms of cataracts.  相似文献   

The colinear, anterior to posterior expression domains of theHox genes in vertebrate embryos is strongly correlated withregional changes in vertebral morphology. The limbs of tetrapodsare consistently aligned with specific areas of the vertebralcolumn. However, control of limb development is apparently situatedin the lateral plate mesoderm, and has been experimentally shownto be independent of an axial Hox code (Cohn et al., 1997, Nature387:97–101). We have used experimental manipulation ofchick embryos to test the causal role of Hox genes in patterningderivatives of the paraxial mesoderm. Hox expression in heterotopicallytransplanted segmental plate responds in a manner consistentwith a patterning role for these genes in the morphologicalbehavior of the transplants. Expression is maintained in dorsalparaxial regions where patterning is also intrinsic to the donorsite of the graft. However, expression is apparently lost insomite cells that migrate into the host lateral plate environmentand form appropriate host-level muscles. This arrangement couldenable increased plasticity in the evolution of transpositionalvariation in the vertebrate body plan.  相似文献   

PcG蛋白广泛参与到生长、发育、增殖、分化以及肿瘤发生等重要过程.而目前为止对PcG蛋白的靶基因研究最透彻的就是Hox家族. Hox基因存在于一个高度保守的基因簇内,在调控维持正常发育及肿瘤发生中有重要作用.一般认为,PcG蛋白复合物对Hox基因进行以组蛋白表观修饰为主的沉默作用,指导Hox基因适时适地发挥功能. 同时,这个过程还需要DNA连接蛋白、ncRNA等分子的辅助.本文对Hox基因和PcG蛋白的组成和功能进行介绍,并重点归纳总结了对二者关系的经典和最新认识.  相似文献   

Determination of paired fin or limb number, identity and positionare key issues in vertebrate development and evolution. Phylogeniesincluding fossil data show that paired appendages are uniqueto jawed vertebrates and their immediate ancestry; that suchfins evolved first as a single pair in an anterior location;that appendicular endoskeletons are primitively AP asymmetric;and that pectoral and pelvic fins primitively differ. It isconjectured that Hox gene expression patterns along the lateralplate mesoderm establish boundaries that contribute to localisationof AP levels at which signals initiate outgrowth from the bodywall. Such regionalisation may be regulated independently ofthat in the paraxial mesoderm and axial skeleton. When combinedwith current hypotheses of Hox gene phylogenetic and functionaldiversity, these data suggest a new model of fin/limb developmentalevolution. This coordinates body wall outgrowth regions withprimitive boundaries established in the gut, and the fundamentalnon-equivalence of pectoral and pelvic structures.  相似文献   

Homology, Hox Genes, and Developmental Integration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The establishment and inheritance of individualized structuralunits is a key feature of morphological evolution, embodiedin the concept of homology. In current debates, homology isoften equated with identical genetic encoding. The empiricalevidence for this assumption is ambiguous. Genetic identitycan indicate morphological identity in some cases, but severalexamples show that gene expression patterns and regulatory systemsof development may be highly conserved while morphological charactersundergo dramatic evolutionary innovation. This indicates someindependence of structural homology from its genetic and developmentalmakeup. It is proposed that phenotypic evolution depends stronglyon the epigenetic context in which genetic redundancy becomesavailable for the control of new developmental interactions.The integrated character of developmental systems may representan important factor in the origin and identity of morphologicalcharacters and can stabilize incipient structures before theirfull genetic integration. The origin of the autopod sectionof the tetrapod limb is an example which suggests that novelhomologues can arise in evolution as a consequence of changingthe epigenetic context of conserved gene function.  相似文献   

Molecular Evolution of Vertebrate Goose-Type Lysozyme Genes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have found that mammalian genomes contain two lysozyme g genes. To better understand the function of the lysozyme g genes we have examined the evolution of this small gene family. The lysozyme g gene structure has been largely conserved during vertebrate evolution, except at the 5' end of the gene, which varies in number of exons. The expression pattern of the lysozyme g gene varies between species. The fish lysozyme g sequences, unlike bird and mammalian lysozyme g sequences, do not predict a signal peptide, suggesting that the encoded proteins are not secreted. The fish sequences also do not conserve cysteine residues that generate disulfide bridges in the secreted bird enzymes, supporting the hypothesis that the fish enzymes have an intracellular function. The signal peptide found in bird and mammalian lysozyme g genes may have been acquired as an exon in the ancestor of birds and mammals, or, alternatively, an exon encoding the signal peptide has been lost in fish. Both explanations account for the change in gene structure between fish and tetrapods. The mammalian lysozyme g sequences were found to have evolved at an accelerated rate, and to have not perfectly conserved the known active site catalytic triad of the bird enzymes. This observation suggests that the mammalian enzymes may have altered their biological function, as well.  相似文献   

Highly homologous DNA elements were found to be shared by the upstream regions of the mouse tyrosinase and tyrosinase related protein (TRP-1) genes. Several nuclear proteins were shown to bind to both of these upstream regions. Shared homologous DNA elements were also found in the 5’ flanking sequences of Japanese quail and snapping turtle tyrosinase genes. Shared homologous nucleotide sequences were found to be scattered like an archipelago in the 5’ upstream regions of mouse and human tyrosinase genes. Comparisons between Japanese quail and snapping turtle tyrosinase genes gave similar results. On the contrary, mammalian (mouse and human) and nonmammalian (quail and snapping turtle) tyrosinase genes did not show significant homology in their 5’ upstream regions. In contrast, coding sequences in the first exons of vertebrate tyrosinase genes and their deduced amino acid sequences were found to be highly conserved except for their putative leader sequence-coding regions.  相似文献   

The cell surface receptor Notch is required during Drosophila embryogenesis for production of epidermal precursor cells. The secreted factor Wingless is required for specifying different types of cells during differentiation of tissues from these epidermal precursor cells. The results reported here show that the full-length Notch and a form of Notch truncated in the amino terminus associate with Wingless in S2 cells and in embryos. In S2 cells, Wingless and the two different forms of Notch regulate expression of Dfrizzled 2, a receptor of Wg; hairy, a negative regulator of achaete expression; shaggy, a negative regulator of engrailed expression; and patched, a negative regulator of wingless expression. Analyses of expression of the same genes in mutant N embryos indicate that the pattern of gene regulations observed in vitro reflects regulations in vivo. These results suggest that the strong genetic interactions observed between Notch and wingless genes during development of Drosophila is at least partly due to regulation of expression of cuticle patterning genes by Wingless and the two forms of Notch.  相似文献   

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