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We purified specific 31/36 kDa antigenic molecules from sparganum in different intermediate hosts (snakes and mice) and analyzed their monosaccharide compositions. Compositional analysis showed that glucose and mannose concentrations were 2-3 fold higher in the 31/36 kDa molecule purified from snakes than those from mice. This result implies that antigenic glycoproteins of sparganum from snakes might be modified in mammalian sparganosis with respect to their carbohydrate composition.  相似文献   

Rat physiologic urinary proteins were immunohistochemically localized. In male Wistar rats, urinary protein antigens were present in both hepatic and epithelial cells of the salivary ducts, the coagulating gland, and the prostate gland. In female rats, urinary protein antigens were present in the same proportion of the salivary glands as in males and in the uterine glands, but to a lesser extent than in salivary glands. The results of this study indicate multiple origins of rat urinary proteins. It remains to be determined if female uterine glands contribute to urinary proteins.  相似文献   

Spirometra mansoni plerocercoid (sparganum) was incubated in saline at 4 degrees C or 37 degrees C up to 100 hours. Protein contents in the excretory-secretory product (ESP) were rather constant (mean 7.7 mg of protein/gram of sparganum) in the preparations. Reducing SDS-PAGE of ESP showed similar protein subunit compositions with those in crude extract. Antigenic 36 and 31 kDa proteins were major bands in ESP. ESP exhibited specific activities of protease (2.9-5.3 units/mg) at pH 6.0 and pH 7.5. Presence of protease activity in ESP may be a supporting evidence that hitherto known cysteine protease of sparganum is possibly secreted.  相似文献   

The 37 kDa/67 kDa laminin receptor LRP/LR acts as a receptor for both PrPc and PrPSc at the cell surface. Here, we further analyzed the subcellular localization of fluorescent labeled prion protein (PrP) and laminin receptor (LRP/LR) molecules. We show that EGFP-PrP is localized at the cell surface and in a perinuclear compartment, respectively. In contrast, a DsRed-DeltaSP-PrP mutant lacking the signal peptide is almost exclusively found in the nucleus but does not colocalize with heterochromatin. Interestingly, LRP-DsRed efficiently colocalizes with EGFP-PrP in the perinuclear compartment and LRP-ECFP partly colocalizes with DsRed-DeltaSP-PrP in the nucleus, respectively. We conclude that the interactions of PrP and LRP/LR are not restricted to the cell surface but occur also in intracellular compartments suggesting a putative role of LRP/LR in the trafficking of PrP molecules.  相似文献   

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex disease. Genetic studies have found strong associations between AMD and variants of several complement pathway-associated genes. The regulation of the complement cascade seems to be critical in the pathogenesis of AMD. In 45 human donor eyes immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies directed against major regulators of the complement system: complement factor H (CFH), decay accelerating factor (DAF/CD55), complement receptor 1 (CR1/CD35), and membrane cofactor protein (MCP/CD46). All eyes were classified in AMD and controls. 11 eyes were graded as early AMD. 34 eyes were controls. In all eyes staining was found in intercapillary pillars of choroid adjacent to Bruch's membrane for CFH, at the basal surface of RPE cells for MCP, and at the apical side of the retinal pigment epithelium for CR1. DAF immunoreactivity was increased along the inner segments of rod and cone photoreceptor cells at the level of the external limiting membrane Labeling of soft drusen was found for CFH and CR1. In addition, DAF and CR1 showed staining of ganglion cells in all eyes. CFH and particularly MCP showed decreased or absent staining in eyes with early AMD adjacent to Bruch's membrane. The overlapping expression of regulators at the level of Bruch's membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium shows the importance of this site for control of the complement system. Decreased and therefore unbalanced expression of regulators, as shown in this study for CFH and MCP, may ultimately lead to AMD.  相似文献   

Summary Proteins of uterine fluid and lung homogenates of the rabbit were separated by gel and ion exchange chromatography. Purified protein fractions were used for immunisation and antiserum production. By means of several absorptions, six monospecific antisera against uteroglobin and five other proteins were obtained. Using immunohistochemistry, four of them could be localised in the uterine epithelium from oestrus and the first and the seventh day post coitum, and also in the blastocyst. The present study indicates the involvement of different endometrial cells in the synthesis and release of the various proteins of uterine secretion.Supported by grant Ki 154/6-7 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Localization and characterization of the antigenic components of sparganum which induced IgG and IgM antibodies in the host were studied by immunohistochemical techniques and SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. The antigen recognized by IgG antibody of rats or mice which were immunized by infection or injection of crude extracts of metacestodes of Spirometra erinacei, was located in the parenchyma of sparganum, especially at the cortex and around the calcareous corpuscles. The immunoreaction was demonstrated not only in the encysted fibrous wall of host but around the arterioles or venules in the connective tissue of host. The antigen recognized by IgM antibody of rats or mice was also observed in the parenchyma of sparganum and in the connective tissue of host. By 5-20% gradient SDS-PAGE and EIBT, we detected antigenic components by IgG and IgM antibodies of the rat or mouse immunized by infection or injection of crude extract of spargana. Twenty-three antigenic bands from crude extracts of spargana were recognized by IgG antibody and 15 components by IgM antibody of immunized rats. Out of the bands recognized by IgG and IgM antibodies, 15 were cross-reacted each other. Twenty components of excretory-secretory proteins from spargana were recognized by IgG, and 5 components by IgM antibody of immunized rats. By IgG and IgM antibodies of immunized mice, 16 components of crude extracts were recognized by IgG antibody and 9 components by IgM antibody. Twenty components of excretory-secretory preparation were recognized by IgG antibody and 5 components by IgM antibody. Thirteen components of crude extracts were cross-reacted by IgG antibody of rats and mice.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of follistatin in rat tissues.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have used immunohistochemistry to localize follistatin/activin-binding protein in adult male and female rats. A polyclonal antibody directed against a follistatin peptide (residues 123-134) was used as a specific immunologic probe. Intense and specific follistatin immunoreactivity was evident in spermatogenic cells of seminiferous tubules in the testis. The predominant staining was in nuclei of spermatocytes and spermatids, but no immune reaction was observed in spermatogonia or spermatozoa. Moderate immunoreactivity was detected in Leydig cells. Sertoli cells were follistatin-negative. Significant immunoreactivity was evident in ovarian granulosa cells. The intensity of the staining changed with follicle development: no immunoreactivity was observed in granulosa cells of primordial to primary follicles, but the cells of secondary to Graafian follicles displayed moderate to strong staining and finally luteal cells of the corpus luteum became negative. The epithelial lining of the oviduct and the smooth muscle of the myometrium of the uterus were intensely immunoreactive. Immunoreactive follistatin staining was present in the pituitary: a group of round-shaped cells were specifically stained. Immunostainable follistatin was visible in the epithelial layers of renal tubules with moderate to strong staining reactivity. Hepatic cells in the liver demonstrated homogeneous immunoreactivity from moderate to strong. The cortex of the adrenal gland, white pulp of the spleen and the brain cortex were also stained weakly but distinctly with the antiserum. In conclusion, immunoreactive follistatin is widespread in rat tissues, suggesting that follistatin/activin-binding protein is a ubiquitous protein, regulating a wide variety of activin actions.  相似文献   

Pax2 has been identified as a key regulatory protein associated with renal developmental malformations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Pax2 protein expression, and that of other proteins important for normal renal development, is abnormally distributed in the prenatal kidney of the Brachyrrhine (Br) mouse that displays heritable renal hypoplasia. Embryonic 3H1 +/+ and Br/Br mice were collected between E11.0 and E18.0. Routine light microscopy and immunohistochemical analysis using antibodies to Pax2, E-cadherin, fibronectin, laminin, and Type IV collagen were applied to sequential tissue sections. E-cadherin stained consistently in the renal tubules of both normal and mutant animals. Whereas the initial expression of Pax2 corresponded between normal and mutant kidneys, it became progressively limited to the nephrogenic zone in +/+ animals, while distributing erratically in the Br/Br kidney. Fibronectin was not expressed in the normal nephrogenic zone but remained abundantly distributed throughout the Br/Br kidney. Luminin and Type IV collagen staining revealed a deficiency in renal vasculature formation in Br/Br kidneys. Results suggest that initial morphological differentiation occurs normally in the Br kidney but that subsequent nephric formation is associated with abnormal distribution of Pax2 and ECM proteins. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:1081-1097, 2001)  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,221(2):381-386
A 36 kDa fibronectin-binding protein was identified from electrophoretically separated proteins of the deoxycholate-soluble fraction of cultured fibroblasts by blotting with fibronectin and using poly- or monoclonal antibodies and immunoperoxidase staining to detect the bound fibronectin. The 36 kDa protein was purified by preparative electrophoresis and used to raise specific antibodies. Solid-phase 36 kDa protein bound plasma and fibroblast fibronectins equally well. The 36 kDa protein is an amphipathic protein with pI 5.9. It is monomeric with a tendency to dimerize and appears to be distinct from the cell surface fibronectin receptors which interact with the Arg-Gly-Asp recognition site in the fibronectin molecule.  相似文献   

Carbonyl reductase, an NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase of broad specificity, is present in many human tissues. Its precise localization, however, has remained unclear, as well as its physiological and possible pathophysiological significance. The present study reports the immunohistochemical localization of the enzyme in normal human tissues. Immunostaining was detectable in all organs investigated. The highest concentrations were found in the parenchymal cells of the liver, the epithelial cells of the stomach and small intestine, the epidermis, the proximal tubules of the kidney, neuronal and glial cells of the central nervous system, and certain cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Consistently pronounced staining was also observed in smooth muscle fibers and the endothelium of blood vessels. The results are in agreement with a housekeeping function of carbonyl reductase in the elimination of reactive carbonyl compounds.  相似文献   

The technique of cyclic nucleotide fluorescence immunohistochemistry has been applied for the specific localization of cyclic GMP in rat cerebellum. We report immunofluorescence associated with fibres and membranes, contrasting with previously reported cytoplasmic localization of cyclic AMP in different cell populations, using a similar technique. We have been unable to detect changes in cyclic GMP staining in response to post-mortem changes, harmaline and pentobarbitone administration. A role of cyclic GMP is suggested in membrane ion transport.  相似文献   

In order to establish the presence of β-LPH and to clearly identify the nervous structures containing β-LPH in the human hypothalamus, an immunohistochemical localization of β-LPH was performed in this tissue. The immunohistochemical technique involved use of a specific antiserum to human β-LPH and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex. Immunostained neuronal cell bodies were observed in the arcuate nucleus whereas β-LPH-positive nervous fibers could be detected in a large area extending rostro-caudally from the anterior part of the paraventricular nucleus up to the mammillary bodies. Staining was completely abolished by previous immunoabsorption with β-LPH while β-endorphin and ovine γ-LPH1–47 only partially prevented immunostaining. Although it cannot be excluded that the precursor 31K molecule, β-LPH1–58 and/or β-endorphin are detected by the immunostaining, it is likely that β-LPH is at least partly responsible for the positive reaction.  相似文献   

Several members of the 70 kDa heat shock protein group are known to be phosphorylated in vivo and have recently been found to undergo a Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation. The characteristics of the autophosphorylation reaction with Escherichia coli DnaK the mitochondrial and chloroplast homologs, and the endoplasmic reticulum Bip/Grp78 are discussed. Some common features are a requirement for Ca2+, inhibition by Mg2+ and phosphorylation solely on a threonine residue. Although the role of autophosphorylation of these proteins is not clear, it is known that the level of phosphorylation of some Hsp70 proteins in vivo is responsive to stress and other cellular conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The role of rhodanese in the detoxication of acute cyanide exposure is controversial. The debate involves questions of the availability of rhodanese to cyanide in the peripheral circulation. Blood-borne cyanide will distribute to the brain and may induce lesions or even death. The present study addresses the dispute by determining the distribution of rhodanese in tissues considered to have the highest rhodanese activity and thought to serve as major detoxication sites. The results indicate that rhodanese levels are highest in (1) hepatocytes that are in close proximity to the blood supply of the liver (2) epithelial cells surrounding the bronchioles (a major entry route for gaseous cyanide) and (3) proximal tubule cells of the kidney (serving to facilitate cyanide detoxication and elimination as thiocyanate). Rhodanese activity in the brain is low compared with liver and kidney (Mimoriet al., 1984; Drawbaugh & Marrs, 1987); the brain is not considered to be a major site of cyanide detoxication. The brain, however, is the target for cyanide toxicity. In this study our goal was also to differentiate the distribution of rhodanese in an area of the brain. We found that the enzyme level is highest in fibrous astrocytes of the white matter. Cyanide-induced brain lesions may thus occur in areas of the brain lacking sufficient sites for detoxication.  相似文献   

An immunogold staining method was used in combination with epipolarization microscopic detection to demonstrate the presence of bovine placental retinol-binding protein in bovine extraembryonic membranes. Amnion, chorion and allantois were fixed in Bouin fixation fluid and embedded in polyethylene glycol 1500. Sections (5 mm) were cut and transferred onto Digene silanated slides and immunostained using rabbit antiserum raised against bovine placental retinol-binding protein followed by goat anti-rabbit IgG labeled with 1 nm gold. Gold particles after silver enhancement were viewed and photographed under epipolarization microscopy. Epithelial cells of all three membranes (i.e. amniotic ectoderm, chorionic trophectoderm, and allantoic endoderm) were immunoreactive, while mesodermal cells, collagen, and blood cells were not. These data, together with our previous observation that these three placental membranes synthesize and secrete retinol-binding protein, indicate that epithelial cells lining the amnion, chorion and allantois are the major sources of this protein. The presence of retinol-binding protein in placental membranes and their fluids may be indicative of an important role for retinol in placental differentiation and development.  相似文献   

Membranes prepared from calf brain were solubilized and chromatographed on a column containing 5'-amino-5'-deoxyadenosine covalently linked to agarose through the 5'-amino group. When the column was eluted with adenosine, a pure protein emerged with subunit molecular mass of 28 kDa. The protein was extracted from the membranes with sodium cholate, but not with 100 microM-adenosine or 0.5 M-NaCl. A similar 28 kDa protein was isolated from the soluble fraction of calf brain. The yield of membrane-bound and soluble 28 kDa protein per gram of tissue was about the same. The 28 kDa protein was also found in membrane and soluble fractions of rabbit heart, rat liver and vascular smooth muscle from calf aorta. The yield per gram of tissue fell into the order brain greater than heart approximately vascular smooth muscle greater than liver for the 28 kDa protein from the membrane fraction, and brain approximately heart greater than vascular smooth muscle greater than liver for the 28 kDa protein from the soluble fraction. Polyclonal antibodies to pure 28 kDa protein from calf brain membranes cross-reacted with the 28 kDa protein from calf brain soluble fraction and with 28 kDa proteins isolated from other tissues. The 28 kDa protein from calf brain membranes was also eluted from the affinity column by AMP and 2',5'-dideoxyadenosine, but at a concentration higher than that at which adenosine eluted the protein, but N6-(R-phenylisopropyl)adenosine, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine, ADP, ATP, GTP, NAD+, cyclic AMP and inosine failed to elute the protein at concentrations up to 1 mM. The 28 kDa protein from the soluble fraction was not eluted by 3 mM-AMP or 1 mM-N6-(R-phenylisopropyl)adenosine,-5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine or -cyclic AMP. Unexpectedly, the soluble 28 kDa protein was eluted by AMP in the presence of sodium cholate. Soluble 28 kDa protein from calf brain had a KD for adenosine of 12 microM. Membrane 28 kDa protein from calf brain had a KD of 14 microM in the presence of 0.1% sodium cholate. Amino acid compositions of the 28 kDa proteins were similar, but not identical.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect immunofluorescence techniques were used to localize the thyroid hormones triidothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in adult rat thyroid gland. Optimum dilutions of the antisera were established and four tissue fixatives were investigated for usefulness in this technique. Use of antibodies specific for either T3 or T4 resulted in brilliant fluorescence in the colloid pools and apical cytoplasm of follicular cells. In all cases, the adjacent parathyroid gland was devoid of fluorescence. This report demonstrates that these dipeptide hormones can be localized by using immunofluorescence techniques.  相似文献   

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