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Stephanodscus invisitatus Hohn and Hellerman, studied by means of light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy, shows a range of frustule diameters from 6.4 to 13.3 μ. Variation in valve ornamentation can be correlated with specimen diameter. The striae number ranges from 16 to 20 in 10 μ. Various processes difficult to observe by light microscopy alone are described which arise from the inside and outside of the frustules. 2 2 Note added in proof . The authors endorse the terminology of G. R. Hasle (1972, Beih. Nova Hedw., 39 :55–78.) in which the designation strutted tubulus has been employed for the structure referred herein as tube or tube-like process.

Two species of blue-green algae Anabaena flosaquae and Oscillatoria sp. were shown to assimilate glycolic acid. In the presence of DCMU in light, approximately 50% of it wax oxidized to carbon dioxide; 90% was oxidized in the dark. Glycolate assimilation was increased fivefold by lowering the pH of the medium from 9.0 to 5.0, and the rate of uptake increased with increasing concentration of exogenous glycolate up to a saturation concentration of 12–14 mM. α-Hydroxysulfonates markedly inhibited glycolate uptake and oxidation but iso-nicotinyl hydrazide had little effect. These results indicate that glycolate oxidation occurs in vivo, but that the glycolate pathway in these algae differs some-what from that of higher plants.  相似文献   

Flagellar scales were found in seven out of eleven fresh-water cryptophytes investigated by shadowing whole cells. All scales examined were 140 to 170 nm in diameter and had a basic seven-sided rosette pattern with delicate interlacing. The results of this study indicate that flagellar scales are common in cryptophytes .  相似文献   

The genus Durvillaea currently has four recognized species found along many exposed, rocky coastlines of the temperate to sub-Antarctic regions in the Southern Hemisphere. We propose that the current species distributions are related primarily to vicariance events and subsequent speciation associated with the breakup of Gondwana between 40 and 100 Ma. From an ancestral species, a stipitate species developed in the Tasman basin, with separation and speciation resulting in the D. potatorum/ D. willana complex in southeastern Australia and New Zealand. A second line of evolution led to D. chathamensis and D. antarctica characterized by a honeycombed medulla. The extensive distribution of D. antarctica throughout the Southern Hemisphere is related to both vicariance and dispersal events. The status of D. chathamensis as a species distinct from D. antarctica is questioned. The affinities of an as yet undescribed taxon from the Antipodes Islands are thought to be with the D. potatorum complex but require further study before they can be defined more precisely .  相似文献   

Abstract— Crude or purified rat brain choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) is activated by anions. Among anions, Cl is the most effective and may promote an up to 60 fold increase in V max. In the absence of Cl, at low ionic strength, acetylcholine (ACh) is a good ChAc inhibitor ( K i= 0.310 m m ). The ACh inhibition becomes negligible when Cl is increased to 145 m m (ACh K i= 45 m m ). These results are discussed in terms of regulation of ACh synthesis by nerve terminals. It is proposed that ChAc is part of a presynaptic membrane bound multienzymatic complex under direct control of the ion fluxes promoted by nerve impulses.  相似文献   

  • 1 Upon incubation, slices of brain tissue took up fluid; the degree of swelling increased with increasing age. No sweiling occurred in slices from foetal brain. Since this swelling was associated with increases in the inulin space, the percentage of inulin space in slices at the end of incubation increased during brain development.
  • 2 Most of the capacity for ion transport seemed to be absent from foetal brain. In vivo and in slices, Na+ was very high and K+ was very low in comparison to levels at other ages. There was a rapid change around birth, but no significant change at later ages. Upon incubation, Na+ levels increased in other slices, but not in slices of foetal brain.
  • 3 Upon incubation of the slices, ATP levels were restored to levels close to those in the living brain; there were no significant alterations in available energy during development to explain changes in amino acid transport.
  • 4 The composition of the free pool of cerebral amino acids in vivo changed with development, with some compounds (glutamic acid and related compounds) increasing, others (mostly‘essential’amino acids) decreasing, with age. These changes were not linear with time, and the level of a compound might exhibit several peaks during development.
  • 5 The uptake (influx) of taurine, glutamate and glycine into brain slices increased rapidly during the foetal and early neonatal periods, reached a maximum between 2 and 3 weeks of postnatal age and then declined to adult levels. The levels of steady-state uptake with glycine also exhibited a maximal peak at 2-3 weeks of postnatal age. Steady-state uptake of taurine and glutamate reached adult levels by about 3 weeks of age.
  • 6 The pattern of inhibition of amino acid transport by two specific amino acid analogues changed during development for some amino acids (GABA, glycine and glutamate), indicating an alteration in substrate specificity.
  • 7 The results demonstrate complex changes in cerebral amino acid transport during development, with several maxima or minima and with changes in specificity for at least some compounds.

—The effect of tissue damage on the uptake of amino acids by brain slices was investigated by measuring uptake in slices of different thickness and measuring the distribution of [14C]-labelled amino acid on the surface and in the centre of incubated slices. The uptake of glutamate, aspartate, and GABA was greater in 0.1 mm-thick slices than in 0.42 mm-thick slices in short and in long (up to 120 min) incubations; the uptake of other amino acids was equal or greater in the 0.42 mm-thick slices. The water content of incubated slices did not change greatly from surface to centre; inulin space was greater at the surface, and in slices from cortex, especially higher at the cut surface. Na+ and K+ concentrations were also higher at the surface. In the rest of the slice space, inulin, Na+ and K+ distribution was quite uniform. The distribution of ATP was inhomogeneous: in thinner slices the centre concentration was higher; in thicker slices the centre concentration was lower. Amino acid uptake initially (at 5 min) was higher at the surface, especially in the thicker slices; after longer time (30 min) incubation, the distribution of lysine and leucine was uniform, and glutamate uptake was greater at the surface. The inhomogeneity of distribution increased with increasing thickness of the slices. We concluded that the uptake of some amino acids (perhaps those for which, beside a low affinity transport, also a higher affinity transport system exists) is greater in thinner slices and greater on the surface of slices, and there is an initially inhomogeneous distribution during amino acid uptake. The uptake on the surface constitutes only a small portion of the total uptake, and tissue damage does not explain the greater uptake of amino acids by slices in comparison to the brain in vivo. This shows the higher transport capacity of cells in the brain and emphasizes the importance of mechanisms controlling the metabolite composition of the extracellular fluid in finally influencing the metabolite composition of the brain itself.  相似文献   

—Some basic kinetic properties of adenylate cyclase in cell free preparations of mouse neuroblastoma were investigated. Production of cAMP from ATP by the enzyme requires the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+ in addition to ATP. In the presence of Mg2+, the Km for ATP is 120 ± 15 μM and the interaction of ATP and adenylate cyclase appears to be non-cooperative (Hill coefficient of 1). Magnesium ion concentrations in excess of the ATP concentration cause stimulation although similar excess concentrations of Mn2+ cause inhibition. Prostaglandin E1 and 2-chloroadenosine activate the enzyme. The Km of the cyclase for 2-chloroadenosine is 6 μm . Activation by 2-chloroadenosine leads to an increase in Vmax but does not effect the Km for ATP. At a fixed ATP concentration, the extent of activation caused by prostaglandin E1 and 2-chloroadenosine is inversely related to the Mg2+ concentration. Calcium ion causes inhibition of adenylate cyclase from 0.1 to 4mM with a Ki of 5 ± 10?4m . Ca2+ interaction with the enzyme in the absence or presence of either 2-chloroadenosine or prostaglandin E1 appears cooperative (i.e. Hill coefficients of ?2). Ca2+ inhibition is non-competitive with respect to either ATP or 2-chloroadenosine but is progressively diminished by increasing Mn2+ concentrations. Divalent cation effects and activation by 2-chloroadenosine and prostaglandin E1 of the neuroblastoma adenylate cyclase are compared with ion effects and hormone activation of the enzyme obtained from non-neuronal tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of brief exposures of a number of depolarizing agents on 24Na+ influx and on the Na+, K+ and ATP contents of synaptosomes were studied using a Millipore filtration technique to terminate the reaction. When synaptosomes were incubated in normal medium, there was a rapid influx of 24Na+ and a gain in Na’contents; neither the 24Na+ influx nor the Na+ gain were blocked by tetrodotoxin suggesting that this Na+ entry did not involve Na+-channels. Veratridine markedly increased the rate of 24Na+ influx into synaptosomes and also increased the Na+ content and decreased the K+ content of synaptosomes within the first 10s of exposure. The normal ion contents were reversed by 1 min. The effects of veratridine on Na+ influx and on synaptosomal ion contents were prevented by tetrodotoxin and required Na+ in the medium. The ionophores gramicidin D and valinomycin also rapidly reversed the Na+ and K+ contents of synaptosomes, but these effects could not be blocked by tetrodotoxin. The reducing effect of gramicidin D on synaptosomal K+ content required Na’in the medium, whereas valinomycin caused a fall in the K+ content of synaptosomes in a Na+-free medium. Veratridine and gramicidin D, at concentrations known to reverse the synaptosomal ion contents, did not affect synaptosomal ATP levels. In contrast, valinomycin and NaCN caused an abrupt fall in synaptosomal ATP levels. The above findings suggest that veratridine quickly alters synaptosomal Na+ and K+ contents by opening Na +-channels in the presynaptic membrane, and provide direct evidence for the existence of Na+-channels in synaptosomes. In contrast, gramicidin D and valinomycin appear to act independently of Na +-channels, possibly by their ionophoric effects and, in the case of valinomycin, by diminishing synaptosomal ATP contents and hence diminishing Na+-pump activity. The rapid reversals of Na+ and K+ contents by these drugs could affect the resting membrane potentials, Na+-Ca2+ exchange across the synaptosomal membrane, and the release, synthesis and uptake of neurotransmitters by synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Whole homogenates of mouse brain and nerve-ending fractions of mouse and human brain were obtained at various age levels representative of maturity and old age. The mice were 3, 8 and 26–29 months old and the humans ranged in age from 19 to 84 y. Measurements of (Na++ K+)-ATPase in whole brain homogenate of mouse did not reveal any significant differences in relation to age. However, the ability of ethanol at various concentrations to inhibit membrane-bound synaptosomal (Na++ K+)-ATPase was significantly greater in older mice and humans. The data are interpreted as indicating a change in the property of synaptic membranes as a consequence of advancing age.  相似文献   

Abstract— Increasing the HCO3 concentration of incubation media containing raised K+ concentrations (18-71 mm) caused increased swelling of monkey cerebral cortex slices. This swelling was mainly associated with increased intracellular levels of Na+ and Cl ions. It was independent of the type of buffer used and was not a result of the increased Na+ concentration in the media due to added HCO3 or the increased osmolarity. The levels also were unaffected by alteration of the pH in the range of 6·9- 7·8 or pCO2 in the range of 3–81 mm Hg.
The anatomical locus of this HCO3 stimulated swelling appeared in electron micrographs to be an expanded glial compartment. The significance of these findings is discussed in terms of the transport processes involved and the role of glial cells in maintaining correct cerebro-cortical ion balances under normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of phenothiazines either alone or in combination with physostigmine on whole brain acetylcholine concn and cholinesterase activity has been investigated in male rats. Phenothiazines (chlorpromazine, trifluperazine and thioridazine) when injected alone had no significant effect on brain acetylcholine concentration. Pretreatment with chlorpromazine and thioridazine significantly enhanced the physostigmine-induced increase in brain acetylcholine concn and inhibition of cholinesterase activity. However, trifluperazine had no significant effect on the physostigmine-induced increase in brain acetylcholine concentration and inhibition of cholinesterase activity. The potentiation of the physostigmine-induced increase in brain acetylcholine concn by phenothiazines may be due to (1) increased acetylcholine turnover secondary to the blockade of dopamine receptors by neuroleptic drugs and.  相似文献   

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