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The acclimated reproduction rates of 22 species of marine phytoplankton were measured at 0.01, 0.023, 0.1, and 0.23 ly/min in continuous light and in a 14: 10 h light: dark cycle. Three species that reproduced exponentially at all four light intensities in the 14: 10 LD regime did not reproduce at all in continuous light at any of the light intensities. One species, which reproduced at the two lowest light intensities in the 14: 10 LD regime, failed to reproduce at all in continuous light at any light intensity examined. Seven species reproduced more slowly in continuous light than in the 14: 10 LD regime at most or all light intensities. Four species reproduced at roughly the same rate in both light regimes. Five species reproduced more rapidly in continuous light.

No general phylogenetic trend could be discerned from the responses of the species to the different light intensities or to continuous light. In general, species from coastal regions can reproduce as rapidly or more rapidly in continuous light than in a 14: 10 LD cycle, while most species from oceanic regions are harmed by continuous light. A phylogenetic trend in maximum potential reproduction rate is apparent, with diatoms being the fastest, dinoflagellates the slowest, and coccolithophores somewhat intermediate.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic acclimation of phytoplankton to lower irradiation can be met by several strategies such as increasing the affinity for light or increasing antenna size and stacking of the thylakoids. The latter is reflected by a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Additionally, photosynthetic capacity (Pmax), respiratory losses, and proton leakage can be reduced under low light. Here we consider the effect of light intensity and phosphorus availability simultaneously on the photosynthetic acclimation and fatty acid composition of four phytoplankters. We studied representatives of the Chlorophyceae, Cryptophyceae and Mediophyceae, all of which are important components of plankton communities in temperate lakes. In our analysis, excluding fatty acid composition, we found different acclimation strategies in the chlorophytes Scenedesmus quadricauda, Chlamydomonas globosa, cryptophyte Cryptomonas ovata and ochrophyte Cyclotella meneghiniana. We observed interactive effects of light and phosphorus conditions on photosynthetic capacity in S. quadricauda and Cry. ovata. Cry. ovata can be characterized as a low light-acclimated species, whereas S. quadricauda and Cyc. meneghiniana can cope best with a combination of high light intensities and low phosphorus supply. Principal component analyses (PCA), including fatty acid composition, showed further species-specific patterns in their regulation of Pmax with PUFAs and light. In S. quadricauda and Cyc. meneghiniana, PUFAs negatively affected the relationship between Pmax and light. In Chl. globosa, lower light coincided with higher PUFAs and lower Pmax, but PCA also indicated that PUFAs had no direct influence on Pmax. PUFAs and Pmax were unaffected by light in Cry. ovata. We did not observe a general trend in the four species tested and concluded that, in particular, the interactive effects highlight the importance of taking into account more than one environmental factor when assessing photosynthetic acclimation to lower irradiation.  相似文献   

Dickman EM  Vanni MJ  Horgan MJ 《Oecologia》2006,149(4):676-689
The stoichiometric composition of autotrophs can vary greatly in response to variation in light and nutrient availability, and can mediate ecological processes such as C sequestration, growth of herbivores, and nutrient cycling. We investigated light and nutrient effects on phytoplankton stoichiometry, employing five experiments on intact phytoplankton assemblages from three lakes varying in productivity and species composition. Each experiment employed two nutrient and eight irradiance levels in a fully factorial design. Light and nutrients interactively affected phytoplankton stoichiometry. Thus, phytoplankton C:N, C:P, and N:P ratios increased with irradiance, and slopes of the stoichiometric ratio versus irradiance relationships were steeper with ambient nutrients than with nutrients added. Our results support the light–nutrient hypothesis, which predicts that phytoplankton C:nutrient ratios are functions of the ratio of available light and nutrients; however, we observed considerable variation among lakes in the expression of this relationship. Phytoplankton species diversity was positively correlated with the slopes of the C:N and C:P versus irradiance relationships, suggesting that diverse assemblages may exhibit greater flexibility in the response of phytoplankton nutrient stoichiometry to light and nutrients. The interactive nature of light and nutrient effects may render it difficult to generate predictive models of stoichiometric responses to these two factors. Our results point to the need for future studies that examine stoichiometric responses across a wide range of phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton preferences for light intensity and colour weredetermined in field experiments using coloured plexiglass cubessuspended at different depths in Heney Lake, Québec.Diatoms and green algae favoured intensities greater than 1%Io (surface irradiance) contrary to dinoflagellates and otherflagellates that preferred lower intensity. Red radiation usuallyincreased the relative proportion of blue-greens, diatoms andgreen algae, whereas it reduced that of dinoflageilates. Wepropose that differential utilization of the light gradientallows certain phytoplankton taxa to partition the water column,thereby reducing potential competition. This is supported bythe general agreement between our findings and the known depthdistribution of algae in lakes.  相似文献   

Dokulil  M. T.  Jagsch  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):389-394
Following restoration measures (ring canalization, treatment plant with phosphorus precipitation), phosphorus loading declined step-wise from 26.21 t year–1 to 9.18 t year–1 during the period 1979–1984 while P-retention increased from 48% to 78%. Phosphorus loading was poorely correlated with precipitation. Inorganic nitrogen load, largely NO3– N, did not decline but was significantly correlated with precipitation (r = 0.95) throughout the investigation period (1978–1989).Total phosphorus loading reached acceptable levels in 1984 when compared to critical loading calculated according to Vollenweider (1976). Phosphorus input to the lake has remained at these levels in recent years.Average annual chlorophyll-a concentrations and biovolume of phytoplankton in the top 20 m layer of the lake decreased, in correspondence with the respective phosphorus concentrations, from eutrophic to mesotrophic levels. The decline was accompanied by a drastic reduction of blue-green algal populations, and especially of Oscillatoria rubescens D.C..  相似文献   

采用温室沙培方式,对水曲柳幼苗进行了不同光强(2个水平)和氮浓度(4个水平)处理,分析了其生长、生物量和氮分配对环境变化的响应.结果表明:与全光照处理相比,低光处理下水曲柳幼苗冠根比(S/R)和净氮吸收速率(NNUR)极显著提高(P<0.01),但相对生长速率(RGR)和净同化速率(NAR)极显著下降(P<0.01);低光处理下的幼苗根、茎、叶和整株生物量分别较全光照处理降低了36.8%(P<0.01)、1.7%、12.7%(P<0.05)和24.3%(P<0.01);低光处理使幼苗分配到根系的氮比例明显下降,而叶片的分配比例增加.无论光强大小,氮对幼苗生长都具有十分明显的促进作用,而且幼苗S/R和叶片的氮分配比例都随氮供给浓度的增加而明显提高.光强和氮浓度对水曲柳幼苗的基径、S/R、RGR和生物量(根和叶)分配比例具有显著的交互作用(P<0.05).  相似文献   

光照和氮营养对水曲柳苗木光合特性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用室内沙培方式,设计不同光强(2水平)和N浓度(4水平)处理,探讨1年生水曲柳幼苗叶片光合速率和荧光参数对环境变化的生理响应.结果表明:与全光照相比,遮光处理使苗木叶片最大光合速率(Amax)、光补偿点(LCP)以及光化学猝灭系数(qP)明显下降,但使表观量子效率(AQY)、最大荧光(Fm)和最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)明显增加.同时,苗木叶片单位面积的叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素、总叶绿素含量以及叶绿素a/b在遮光条件下较低.2种光强下的Fm、Fv/Fm、ψpsⅡ和qP均随着供N浓度的增加而显著增加(P<0.05),其中ψpsⅡ在低N时增加较快而高N时较慢,甚至略有下降.光强和N浓度在水曲柳苗木叶片Fm、ψpsⅡ、Fv/Fm、qN以及qP上均具有显著的交互作用(P<0.05).  相似文献   

The understanding of environmentally induced changes in the biochemical composition of phytoplankton species is of great importance in both physiological studies and ecological food web research. In extensive laboratory experiments we tested the influence of two different temperatures (10°C and 25°C) and a phosphorus supply gradient on the sterol concentrations of the three freshwater phytoplankton species Scenedesmus quadricauda, Cryptomonas ovata and Cyclotella meneghiniana. The diatom C. meneghiniana was additionally exposed to a silicate gradient. In two separate experiments we analysed (1) possible interactive effects of temperature and phosphorus supply and (2) the effect of four phosphorus levels and three silicate levels on algal sterol concentrations. We observed that sterol concentrations were higher at 25°C than at 10°C in S. quadricauda and C. meneghiniana, but were not affected by temperature in C. ovata. Interactive effects of temperature and phosphorus supply on sterol concentrations were found in C. meneghiniana. This presumably was due to the bioconversion of one sterol (24-methylenecholesterol) into another (22-dihydrobrassicasterol). Increasing phosphorus supply resulted in species-specific effects on sterol concentrations, viz. an optimum curve response in S. quadricauda, a saturation curve response in C. meneghiniana and no change in sterol concentration in C. ovata. Effects of silicate supply on the sterols of C. meneghiniana equalled the effects of phosphorus supply. Albeit we did not observe a general trend in the three phytoplankton species tested, we conclude that sterol concentrations of phytoplankton are strongly affected by temperature and nutrient supply. Interactive effects point out the importance of taking into account more than just one environmental factor when assessing the effects of environmentally induced changes on phytoplankton sterol concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and radiation flux on the partitioningof photosynthetically fixed carbon into four intracellulai metabolicpools was investigated for natural phytoplankton assemblagesfrom an Antarctic freshwater lake. At ambient temperature, proteinsynthesis was saturated at low photon flux densities (30–40µmol m–2 s–1) and above this flux fixed carbonwas increasingly stored as lipid and polysaccharide. Increasingtemperature raised both the saturated rate of protein synthesisand the photon flux at which saturation occurred. There wasa corresponding decline in the accumulation of reserve products,particularly at low radiation fluxes. The consequences of thispattern of uptake for the phytoplankton is discussed.  相似文献   

A model of phytoplankton growth developed by analogy with chemicalkinetics (CR model) in Baird and Emsley (J. Plankton Res., 21,85–126, 1999) is explored further. The CR model parameterizesall biochemical reactions involved in phytoplankton growth byone parameter: the maximum growth rate. Phytoplankton growthrate is then calculated from an interaction of the maximum growthrate, and the physical limit to extracellular nutrient uptakerates and light capture. In this paper, the CR model was re-derived,with two corrections and a number of modifications to increaseits generality. During derivation, the model's behaviour wascompared with chemostat cultures at a variety of dilution rates,nutrient inputs and temperatures. Model output was then plottedagainst observations of a semi-continuous culture of Isochrysisgalbana. Finally, the CR model was used to predict the growthrate of phytoplankton communities extracted from two temperatelakes under varying nutrient, light and temperature regimes.The CR model explained 37% of the variability of phytoplanktongrowth rate in cultures at environmental conditions similarto those of the lakes, compared with 25% explained by a non-linearbest fit to 324 growth experiments. The following paper in thisissue develops the CR model further, using it to predict stablecarbon isotope fractionation.  相似文献   

Three major long-term effects of sterol deprivation in Caenorhabditis elegans are described. 1) The life expectancy of sterol-deprived wild-type animals is decreased by more than 40%. Similar decreases are found in animals carrying mutations in the daf-9, daf-12, daf-16, and clk-1 genes, suggesting that previously described aging pathways involving these genes are not involved in the life-extending effects of sterols. 2) There is a premature loss of motility, measured by response to mild touch. 3) There is a rapid postreproductive onset of sarcopenia (muscle wasting) as measured by total body fluorescence in a myo3::GFP-expressing strain. We also report that five sterols (the desmethylsterols cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, and lathosterol and the 4alpha-methyl sterols lophenol and 4alpha-methyl-cholesta-Delta8(14)-en-3beta-ol) are found in significant amounts at all stages of development and aging in cholesterol-fed animals. Supplying any one of these as the sole sterol confers similar protection from the long-term effects of sterol deprivation. These findings suggest that sterols are required continuously throughout the animal's life.  相似文献   

S D Stroop  P D Boyer 《Biochemistry》1987,26(5):1479-1484
The incorporation of water oxygens into ATP made by photophosphorylation is known to be increased markedly when either Pi or ADP concentration is lowered. The present studies show a similar increase in oxygen exchange when light intensity is lowered even with ample ADP and Pi present. The number of reversals of bound ATP formation prior to release increases about 1 to about 27 in the presence of dithiothreitol and to 5 in its absence. The equilibrium of the bound reactants still favors ATP at low light intensity, as shown by measurement of the amount of bound ATP rapidly labeled from [32P]Pi during steady-state photophosphorylation. Changes observed in the interconversion rate in the absence of added thiol are likely involved in the regulation of the dark ATPase activity in the chloroplast. The interconversion rate of bound ATP to bound ADP and Pi in the presence of thiol is about the same at low and high light intensities. This rate of bound ATP formation is not sufficient, however, to account for the maximum rate of photophosphorylation. Thus, when adequate protonmotive force is present, the rate of conversion of bound ADP and Pi to bound ATP, and possibly that of bound ATP to bound ADP and Pi, must be increased, with proton translocation being completed only when bound ATP is present to be released. These observations are consistent with the predictions of the binding change mechanism with sequential participation of catalytic sites and are accommodated by a simplified general scheme for the binding change mechanism that is presented here.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of various phosphorus concentrations (10, 50, 250 and 500 mg l(-1) K(2)HPO(4)) on the biomass production and composition of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis in relation to light intensity (24, 42 and 60 μE m(-2) s(-1)). The maximum biomass production was 3,592 ± 392 mg l(-1) and this was observed in 250 mg l(-1) K(2)HPO(4) at 60 μE m(-2) s(-1) light intensity after 32 days of cultivation. A maximum specific growth rate (μ(max)) of 0.55 d(-1) was obtained in 500 mg l(-1) K(2)HPO(4) at 60 μE m(-2) s(-1). The protein, lipid and chlorophyll contents of the biomass varied from 33.59 to 60.57 %, 5.34 to 13.33 % and 0.78 to 2.00 %, respectively. The most significant finding was that phosphorus limitation (10 mg l(-1) K(2)HPO(4)) caused a drastic increase of the carbohydrate content (59.64 %). The effect of phosphorus limitation on the carbohydrate content was independent of the light intensity. The accumulated carbohydrates are proposed to be used as substrate for biofuel generation via one of the appropriate biomass energy conversion technologies. Also, it was observed that phosphorus removal is a function of biomass density, phosphorus concentration and light intensity.  相似文献   

Chemical fertilizer agricultural wastewater is a typical high-strength wastewater that has dramatically triggered numerous environmental problems in China. The Chlorella vulgaris microalgae biological wastewater treatment system used in this study can effectively decontaminate the high-strength carbon and nitrogen wastewater under an optimum light wavelength and light intensity supply strategy. The descending order of both the dry weight for C. vulgaris reproduction and wastewater nutrient removal efficiency is red > white > yellow > purple > blue > green, which indicates that red light is the optimum light wavelength. Furthermore, rather than constant light, optimal light intensity is used for the incremental light intensity strategy. The phases for the optimal light intensity supply strategy are as follows: Phase 1 from 0 to 48 h at 800 μmol m?2 s?1; Phase 2 from 48 to 96 h at 1,200 μmol m?2 s?1; and Phase 3 from 96 to 144 h at 1,600 μmol m?2 s?1. Additionally, the optimal cultivation time is 144 h.  相似文献   

Regulation of phosphorus loading is considered to be the primary method of eutrophication control for many lake systems. It is therefore necessary to have accurate estimates of the forms and bioavailability of all phosphorus sources in order to develop the most cost effective load control measures. Research at Clarkson University, aimed at improving the accuracy of estimates of the form and reactivity of phosphorus loadings to Lake Erie, has revealed a significant difference between the algal-availability of allochthonous and autochthonous particulate phosphorus. This paper presents the results of modifying an existing multi-nutrient phytoplankton model by separating allochthonous phosphorus into three forms: soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) — immediately available for algal uptake; external ultimately-available phosphorus—not immediately available but converted to an available form at a specific rate; an external refractory phosphorus (ERP)—not available while in the water column. Comparisons between the original and modified models showed that the modified phosphorus dynamics proved to be a viable alternative to the concept of invoking an unexplained soluble phosphorus water column loss term, employed in the original model. The work also demonstrates that the distinction is significant for lakes receiving a significant portion of their external phosphorus load in a particulate (not immediately available) form and having a morphometry and hydrology such that this particulate phosphorus remains in the water column for longer than about two weeks.  相似文献   

The quantitative and qualitative effects of light on carotenoid production by Spirulina were studied. Maximum total carotenoid production was measured in cells grown under white light at an irradiance of 432 μmol photon m?2 s?1, the onset of light saturation for this organism as determined by growth rates. A true maximum may exist at irradiances above 1500 μmol photon m?2 s?1 under white light. Individual carotenoids responded differently to light conditions. Under white light, β-carotene and echinenone were most abundant at the lowest and highest irradiance levels tested. Myxoxanthophyll and lutein/zeaxanthin did not change over the same irradiance range. Under red and blue light, we found decreased values of myxoxanthophyll, while β-carotene increased and lutein/zeaxanthin and echinenone showed little change. In general, maximum carotenoid production requires optimization of the culture conditions that favor growth.  相似文献   

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