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The DNMT1 target recognition domain resides in the N terminus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
DNA-cytosine-5-methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) is the enzyme believed to be responsible for maintaining the epigenetic information encoded by DNA methylation patterns. The target recognition domain of DNMT1, the domain responsible for recognizing hemimethylated CGs, is unknown. However, based on homology with bacterial cytosine DNA methyltransferases it has been postulated that the entire catalytic domain, including the target recognition domain, is localized to 500 amino acids at the C terminus of the protein. The N-terminal domain has been postulated to have a regulatory role, and it has been suggested that the mammalian DNMT1 is a fusion of a prokaryotic methyltransferase and a mammalian DNA-binding protein. Using a combination of in vitro translation of different DNMT1 deletion mutant peptides and a solid-state hemimethylated substrate, we show that the target recognition domain of DNMT1 resides in the N terminus (amino acids 122-417) in proximity to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen binding site. Hemimethylated CGs were not recognized specifically by the postulated catalytic domain. We have previously shown that the hemimethylated substrates utilized here act as DNMT1 antagonists and inhibit DNA replication. Our results now indicate that the DNMT1-PCNA interaction can be disrupted by substrate binding to the DNMT1 N terminus. These results point toward new directions in our understanding of the structure-function of DNMT1.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the 13 kDa amino terminus of the 70 kDa bacteriophage D108 transposase protein (A gene product) contains a two-component, sequence-specific DNA-binding domain which specifically binds to the related bacteriophage Mu's right end (attR) in vitro. To extend these studies, we examined the ability of the 13 kDa amino terminus of the Mu transposase protein to bind specifically to Mu attR in crude extracts. Here we report that the Mu transposase protein also contains a Mu attR specific DNA-binding domain, located in a putative alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix region, in the amino terminal 13 kDa portion of the 70 kDa transposase protein as part of a 23 kDa fusion protein with beta-lactamase. We purified for this attR-specific DNA-binding activity and ultimately obtained a single polypeptide of the predicted molecular weight for the A'--'bla fusion protein. We found that the pure protein bound to the Mu attR site in a different manner compared with the entire Mu transposase protein as determined by DNase I-footprinting. Our results may suggest the presence of a potential primordial DNA-binding site (5'-PuCGAAA-3') located several times within attR, at the ends of Mu and D108 DNA, and at the extremities of other prokaryotic class II elements that catalyze 5 base pair duplications at the site of element insertion. The dissection of the functional domains of the related phage Mu and D108 transposase proteins will provide clues to the mechanisms and evolution of DNA transposition as a mode of mobile genetic element propagation.  相似文献   

Purified yeast copper-metallothionein lacks 8 amino-terminal residues that are predicted from the DNA sequence of its gene. The removed sequence is unusual for metallothionein in its high content of hydrophobic and aromatic residues and its similarity to mitochondrial leader sequences. To study the significance of this amino-terminal cleavage, several mutations were introduced into the metallothionein coding gene, CUP1. One mutant, which deletes amino acid residues 2-8, had a minor effect on the ability of the molecule to confer copper resistance to yeast but did not affect CUP1 gene regulation. A second mutation, which changes two amino acids adjacent to the cleavage site, blocked removal of the extension peptide but had no effect on copper detoxification or gene regulation. Immunofluorescence studies showed that both the wild-type and these two mutant proteins are predominantly cytoplasmic with no evidence for mitochondrial localization. The cleavage site mutation allowed isolation and structural characterization of a full length metallothionein polypeptide. The copper content and luminescent properties of this molecule were identical to those of the truncated wild-type protein indicating a homologous cluster structure. Moreover, the amino-terminal peptide was selectively removed by various endopeptidases and an exopeptidase suggesting that it does not participate in the tertiary fold. These results argue that the amino-terminal peptide is not required for either the structural integrity or biological function of yeast metallothionein.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 (MRP1) is a member of the ATP-binding cassette membrane transport superfamily and is responsible for multidrug resistance in cancer cells. Currently, there are nine known human MRPs. Distinct from many other members of the ATP-binding cassette superfamily, human MRP1 and four other MRPs have an additional membrane-spanning domain (MSD) with a putative extracellular amino terminus. The functional significance of this additional MSD (MSD1) is currently unknown. To understand the role of MSD1 in human MRP1 structure and function, we studied the amino-terminal 33 amino acids. We found that the amino terminus of human MRP1 has two cysteine residues (Cys(7) and Cys(32)) that are conserved among the five human MRPs that have MSD1. Mutation analyses of the two cysteines in human MRP1 revealed that the Cys(7) residue is critical for the MRP1-mediated drug resistance and leukotriene C(4) transport activity. On the other hand, mutation of Cys(32) reduced only moderately the MRP1 function. The effect of Cys(7) mutation on MRP1 activity appears to be due to the 5-7-fold decrease in the maximal transport rate V(max). We also found that mutation of Cys(7) changed the amino-terminal conformation of MRP1. This conformational change is likely responsible for the decrease in V(max) of LTC(4) transport mediated by the mutant MRP1. Based on these studies, we conclude that the amino terminus of human MRP1 is important and that the Cys(7) residue plays a critical role in maintaining the proper structure and function of human MRP1.  相似文献   

Three naturally occurring variants of myosin light chain 1, type I, II, and III from avian fast-twitch muscle, have been analyzed by reverse-phase HPLC peptide mapping and amino acid sequencing. Difference peptides were absent from accompanying digests of the related protein, myosin light chain 3, indicating that the heterogeneity was located in the N-terminal 50 residues unique to light chain 1. The type II variant possessed the previous published sequence for the protein [Nabeshima Y., Fujii-Kuriyama, Y., Muramatsu, M., & Ogata, K. (1984) Nature (London) 308, 333-338]. The type I variant, which migrates faster than the type II on SDS gene electrophoresis, contained a Pro----Ala substitution at residue 15, turning the Lys-Pro-(Ala)5(Pro-Ala)7 stretch in this region into Lys-Pro-(Ala)7(Pro-Ala)6. The type III variant, which migrates just faster than the type I, had an (Ala)2 deletion in the (Ala)5 run, yielding Lys-Pro-(Ala)3-(Pro-Ala)7. As indicated by the SDS gel migration rates, the type I and III variants are significantly shorter in length than the type II. The benign nature of the changes is consistent with a flexible arm function for the N-terminal region of light chain 1, with the structural changes in the variants occurring in the spacer region of the arm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Calcium-replete thrombospondin has been purified from outdated platelets using heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography, gelatin-Sepharose to remove fibronectin, and gel filtration to eliminate low-molecular-weight heparin-binding proteins. Edman degradation of six different preparations revealed the amino-terminal sequence of thrombospondin (TSP) to be Asn-Arg-Ile-Pro-Glu-Ser-Gly-Gly-Asp-Asn-Ser-Val-Phe-. This sequence was obtained in initial yields as high as 85%, indicating that no blocked chains are present. Cleavage of calcium-replete TSP with thermolysin or plasmin results in the production of relatively stable fragments. Chromatography of these digests on heparin-Sepharose followed by elution with 0.6 M NaCl affords purification of an Mr 25,000 fragment from the thermolysin digest and an Mr 35,000 fragment from the plasmin digest. The binding of these fragments to heparin-Sepharose does not require divalent metal ions. Neither fragment is disulfide-bonded to other fragments present in the digests. The heparin-binding domains from both digests have similar amino acid compositions and their tryptic peptide maps on high performance liquid chromatography are identical with the exception of one peptide unique to each fragment. Automated Edman degradation in a vapor-phase sequenator of the thermolytic heparin-binding domain electroeluted from sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels indicates that the heparin-binding domain resides at the amino terminus of the Mr 180,000 TSP peptide chain.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VACV) L1 is a myristoylated envelope protein which is required for cell entry and the fusion of infected cells. L1 associates with members of the entry-fusion complex (EFC), but its specific role in entry has not been delineated. We recently demonstrated (Foo CH, et al., Virology 385:368-382, 2009) that soluble L1 binds to cells and blocks entry, suggesting that L1 serves as the receptor-binding protein for entry. Our goal is to identify the structural domains of L1 which are essential for its functions in VACV entry. We hypothesized that the myristate and the conserved residues at the N terminus of L1 are critical for entry. To test our hypothesis, we generated mutants in the N terminus of L1 and used a complementation assay to evaluate their ability to rescue infectivity. We also assessed the myristoylation efficiency of the mutants and their ability to interact with the EFC. We found that the N terminus of L1 constitutes a region that is critical for the infectivity of VACV and for myristoylation. At the same time, the nonmyristoylated mutants were incorporated into mature virions, suggesting that the myristate is not required for the association of L1 with the viral membrane. Although some of the mutants exhibited altered structural conformations, two mutants with impaired infectivity were similar in conformation to wild-type L1. Importantly, these two mutants, with changes at A4 and A5, undergo myristoylation. Overall, our results imply dual differential roles for myristate and the amino acids at the N terminus of L1. We propose a myristoyl switch model to describe how L1 functions.  相似文献   

Relatively limited information is available on the processing and function of the normal cellular prion protein, PrP(C). Here it is reported for the first time that PrP(C) undergoes a site-specific cleavage of the octapeptide repeat region of the amino terminus on exposure to reactive oxygen species. This cleavage was both copper- and pH-dependent and was retarded by the presence of other divalent metal ions. The oxidative state of the cell also decreased detection of full-length PrP(C) and increased detection of amino-terminally fragmented PrP(C) within cells. Such a post-translational modification has vast implications for PrP(C), in its processing, because such cleavage could alter further proteolysis, and in the formation of the scrapie isoform of the prion protein, PrP(Sc), because abnormal cleavage of PrP(Sc) occurs into the octapeptide repeat region.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects B lymphocytes and epithelial cells. While the glycoproteins required for entry into these two cell types differ, the gH/gL glycoprotein complex is essential for entry into both epithelial and B cells. Analysis of gH protein sequences from three gammaherpesviruses (EBV, marmoset, and rhesus) revealed a potential coiled-coil domain in the N terminus. Four leucines located in this region in EBV gH were replaced by alanines by site-directed mutagenesis and analyzed for cell-cell membrane fusion with B cells and epithelial cells. Reduction in fusion activity was observed for mutants containing L65A and/or L69A mutations, while substitutions in L55 and L74 enhanced the fusion activity of the mutant gH/gL complexes with both cell types. All of the mutants displayed levels of cell surface expression similar to those of wild-type gH and interacted with gL and gp42. The observation that a conservative mutation of leucine to alanine in the N terminus of EBV gH results in fusion-defective mutant gH/gL complexes is striking and points to an important role for this region in EBV-mediated membrane fusion with B lymphocytes and epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The SecA nanomotor promotes protein translocation in eubacteria by binding both protein cargo and the protein-conducting channel and by undergoing ATP-driven conformation cycles that drive this process. There are conflicting reports about whether SecA functions as a monomer or dimer during this dynamic process. Here we reexamined the roles of the amino and carboxyl termini of SecA in promoting its dimerization and functional state by examining three secA mutants and the corresponding proteins: SecAΔ8 lacking residues 2 to 8, SecAΔ11 lacking residues 2 to 11, and SecAΔ11/N95 lacking both residues 2 to 11 and the carboxyl-terminal 70 residues. We demonstrated that whether SecAΔ11 or SecAΔ11/N95 was functional for promoting cell growth depended solely on the vivo level of the protein, which appeared to govern residual dimerization. All three SecA mutant proteins were defective for promoting cell growth unless they were highly overproduced. Cell fractionation revealed that SecAΔ11 and SecAΔ11/N95 were proficient in membrane association, although the formation of integral membrane SecA was reduced. The presence of a modestly higher level of SecAΔ11/N95 in the membrane and the ability of this protein to form dimers, as detected by chemical cross-linking, were consistent with the higher level of secA expression and better growth of the SecAΔ11/N95 mutant than of the SecAΔ11 mutant. Biochemical studies showed that SecAΔ11 and SecAΔ11/N95 had identical dimerization defects, while SecAΔ8 was intermediate between these proteins and wild-type SecA in terms of dimer formation. Furthermore, both SecAΔ11 and SecAΔ11/N95 were equally defective in translocation ATPase specific activity. Our studies showed that the nonessential carboxyl-terminal 70 residues of SecA play no role in its dimerization, while increasing the truncation of the amino-terminal region of SecA from 8 to 11 residues results in increased defects in SecA dimerization and poor in vivo function unless the protein is highly overexpressed. They also clarified a number of conflicting previous reports and support the essential nature of the SecA dimer.  相似文献   

Campylobacter fetus cells can produce multiple S-layer proteins ranging from 97 to 149 kDa, with a single form predominating in cultured cells. We have cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli a sapA homolog, sapA2, which encodes a full-length 1,109-amino-acid (112-kDa) S-layer protein. Comparison with the two previously cloned sapA homologs has demonstrated two regions of identity, approximately 70 bp before the open reading frame (ORF) and proceeding 550 bp into the ORF and immediately downstream of the ORF. The entire genome contains eight copies of each of these conserved regions. Southern analyses has demonstrated that sapA2 existed as a complete copy within the genome in all strains examined, although Northern (RNA) analysis has demonstrated that sapA2 was not expressed in the C. fetus strain from which it was cloned. Further Southern analyses revealed increasing sapA diversity as probes increasingly 3' within the ORF were used. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and then Southern blotting with the conserved N-terminal region of the sapA homologs as a probe showed that these genes were tightly clustered on the chromosome. Deletion mutagenesis revealed that the S-layer protein bound serospecifically to the C. fetus lipopolysaccharide via its conserved N-terminal region. These data indicated that the S-layer proteins shared functional activity in the conserved N terminus but diverged in a semiconservative manner for the remainder of the molecule. Variation in S-layer protein expression may involve rearrangement of complete gene copies from a single large locus containing multiple sapA homologs.  相似文献   

The amino terminus of the aspartate chemoreceptor is formylmethionine   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amino terminus of the Salmonella typhimurium aspartate receptor has been identified as formylmethionine by mass spectral analysis of the amino-terminal tryptic peptide. Purification and analysis of the blocked amino-terminal peptide was facilitated by the use of a mutant aspartate receptor which has a cysteine residue at position 3. The sequence of this peptide confirms the translational start site predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the tar gene. Furthermore, in vivo labeling experiments reveal that the formyl group is present on chemotaxis receptors produced at wild-type levels in Escherichia coli, indicating that the presence of the formyl group is not a consequence of over-production of the receptor. The stability of the amino-terminal formyl group on the receptor may be a consequence of the membrane localization of the receptor and the dependence of this localization on the membrane transport machinery of the cell.  相似文献   

Redox regulation of signaling molecules contributes critically to propagation of intracellular signals. The main source providing reactive oxygen species (ROS) for these physiological processes are activated NADPH oxidases (Nox/Duox family). In a pathophysiological context, some NADPH oxidase complexes produce large amounts of ROS either as part of the antimicrobial immune defense or as pathologic oxidative stress in many chronic diseases. Thus, understanding the switch from a dormant, inactive conformation to the active state of these enzymes will aid the development of inhibitors. As exogenously expressed Nox4 represents the only constitutively active enzyme in this family, analysis of structural determinants that permit this active conformation was undertaken. Our focus was directed toward a cell-based analysis of the first intracellular loop, the B-loop, and the C-terminus, two regions of Nox family enzymes that are essential for electron transfer. Mutagenesis of the B-loop identified several unique residues and a polybasic motif that contribute to the catalytic activity of Nox4. By using a multifaceted approach, including Nox4-Nox2 chimeras, mutagenesis, and insertion of Nox2 domains, we show here that the penultimate 22 amino acids of Nox4 are involved in constitutive ROS generation. The appropriate spacing of the C-terminal Nox4 sequence may cooperate with a discrete arginine-based interaction site in the B-loop, providing an intrinsically active interface that could not be disrupted by peptides derived from the Nox4 C-terminus. These results indicate that accessibility for a Nox4-specific peptide inhibitor might be difficult to achieve in vivo.  相似文献   

We have identified a Factor VIII (FVIII) binding domain residing within the amino-terminal 272 amino acid residues of the mature von Willebrand Factor (vWF) subunit. Two-dimensional crossed immunoelectrophoresis showed direct binding of purified human FVIII to purified human vWF. After proteolytic digestion of vWF with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease (SP), FVIII binding was seen only with the amino-terminal SP fragment III and not with the carboxyl-terminal SP fragment II. A monoclonal anti-vWF antibody (C3) partially blocked FVIII binding to vWF and SP fragment III. FVIII also bound to vWF which had been adsorbed to polystyrene beads. This binding was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by whole vWF, SP fragment III, and by monoclonal antibody C3. Binding could not be inhibited by SP fragment I, which contains the middle portion of the vWF molecule, or by reduced and alkylated whole vWF. SP fragment II caused only minimal inhibition. Trypsin cleavage of SP fragment III produced a monomeric 35-kDa fragment containing the amino-terminal 272 amino acid residues of vWF. This fragment reacted with monoclonal antibody C3 and inhibited the binding of FVIII to vWF in a dose-dependent manner. These studies demonstrate that a major FVIII binding site resides within the amino-terminal 272 amino acid residues of vWF.  相似文献   

Pacemaker channels are formed by co-assembly of hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) subunits. Previously, we suggested that the NH(2) termini of the mouse HCN2 isoform were important for subunit co-assembly and functional channel expression. Using an alignment strategy together with yeast two-hybrid assays, patch clamp electrophysiology, and confocal imaging, we have now identified a domain within the NH(2) terminus of the HCN2 subunit that is responsible for interactions between NH(2) termini and promoting the trafficking of functional channels to the plasma membrane. This domain is composed of 52 amino acids, is located adjacent to the putative first transmembrane segment, and is highly conserved among the mammalian HCN isoforms. This conserved domain, but not the remaining unconserved NH(2)-terminal regions of HCN2, specifically interacted with itself in yeast two-hybrid assays. Moreover, the conserved domain was important for expression of currents. Whereas relatively normal whole cell HCN2 currents were produced by channels containing only the conserved domain, further deletion of this region, leaving only a more polar and putative coiled-coil segment, eliminated HCN2 currents and resulted in proteins that localized predominantly in perinuclear compartments. Thus, we suggest that this conserved domain is the critical NH(2)-terminal determinant of subunit co-assembly and trafficking of pacemaker channels.  相似文献   

We previously identified a 10-amino acid region from the Y domain of phospholipase Cbeta2 (PLCbeta2) that associates with G-protein betagamma subunits (Sankaran, B., Osterhout, J., Wu, D., and Smrcka, A. V. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 7148-7154). We mapped the site for cross-linking of a synthetic peptide (N20K) corresponding to this Y domain region to Cys(25) within the amino-terminal coiled-coil domain of Gbetagamma (Yoshikawa, D. M., Bresciano, K., Hatwar, M., and Smrcka, A. V. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 11246-11251). Here, further experiments with a series of variable length cross-linking agents refined the site of N20K binding to within 4.4-6.7 angstroms of Cys(25). A mutant within the amino terminus of the Gbeta subunit, Gbeta(1)(23-27)gamma(2), activated PLCbeta2 more effectively than wild type, with no significant change in the EC(50), indicating that this region is directly involved in the catalytic regulation of PLCbeta2. This mutant was deficient in cross-linking to N20K, suggesting that a binding site for the peptide had been eliminated. Surprisingly, N20K could still inhibit Gbeta(1)(23-27)gamma(2)-dependent activation of PLC, suggesting a second N20K binding site. Competition analysis with a peptide that binds to the Galpha subunit switch II binding surface of Gbetagamma indicates a second N20K binding site at this surface. Furthermore, mutations to the N20K region within the Y-domain of full-length PLCbeta2 inhibited Gbetagamma-dependent regulation of the enzyme, providing further evidence for aGbetagamma binding site within the catalytic domain of PLCbeta2. The data support a model with two modes of PLC binding to Gbetagamma through the catalytic domain, where interactions with the amino-terminal coiled-coil domain are inhibitory, and interactions with the Galpha subunit switch II binding surface are stimulatory.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL42 protein was synthesized in reticulocyte lysates and assayed for activity in vitro. Three functional assays were used to examine the properties of in vitro-synthesized UL42: (i) coimmunoprecipitation to detect stable complex formation with purified herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA polymerase (Pol), (ii) a simple gel-based assay for DNA binding, and (iii) a sensitive assay for the stimulation of Pol activity. UL42 synthesized in reticulocyte lysates formed a stable coimmunoprecipitable complex with Pol, bound to double-stranded DNA, and stimulated the activity of Pol in vitro. Carboxy-terminal truncations of the UL42 protein were synthesized from restriction enzyme-digested UL42 gene templates and gene templates made by polymerase chain reaction and assayed for in vitro activity. Truncations of the 488-amino-acid (aa) UL42 protein to aa 315 did not abolish its ability to bind to Pol and DNA or to stimulate Pol activity. Proteins terminating at aas 314 and 313 showed reduced levels of binding to Pol, but these and shorter proteins were unable to bind to DNA or to stimulate Pol activity. These results suggest that all three of the biochemical functions of UL42 colocalize entirely within the N-terminal 315 aas of the UL42 protein. Amino acid sequence alignment of alpha herpesvirus UL42 homologs revealed that the N-terminal functional domain corresponds to the most highly conserved region of the protein, while the dispensable C terminus is not conserved. Conservative aa changes at the C terminus of the 315-aa truncated protein were used to show that conserved residues were important for activity. These results suggest that 173 aa of UL42 can be deleted without a loss of activity and that DNA-binding and Pol-binding activities are correlated with the ability of UL42 to stimulate Pol activity.  相似文献   

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