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Developmental instability shown by increased fluctuating asymmetry can be caused by either genetic or environmental stress. Genomic coadaptation and heterozygosity are the genetic factors that are commonly assumed to increase the level of developmental stability. Therefore, in hybrid populations the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) can be lower due to higher heterozygosity or higher due to disruption of coadapted gene complexes, depending on the degree of divergence between hybridizing taxa. Here I present data on FA in petals from hybrids between Lychnis viscaria (Caryophyllaceae) and Lychnis alpina and from parental species grown in a common garden environment. Petal asymmetry of hybrids was clearly higher than that of either parental species grown in common environment. Between the two parental species petal asymmetry did not differ. The mean size of the petals in hybrids was about the same as in L. viscaria, thus indicating no heterotic effect. Therefore, it seems that hybrids between L. viscaria and L. alpina do suffer from the disruption of coadapted gene complexes as indicated by higher developmental instability.  相似文献   

The relationship between developmental stability and morphological asymmetry is derived under the standard view that structures on each side of an individual develop independently and are normally distributed. I use developmental variance of sizes of parts, VD, as the converse of developmental stability, and assume that VD follows a gamma distribution. Repeatability of asymmetry, a measure of how informative asymmetry is about VD, is quite insensitive to the variance in VD, for example only reaching 20% when the coefficient of variation of VD is 100%. The coefficient of variation of asymmetry, CVFA, also increases very slowly with increasing population variation in VD. CVFA values from empirical data are sometimes over 100%, implying that developmental stability is sometimes more variable than any previously studied type of trait. This result suggests that alternatives to this model may be needed.  相似文献   

Plants of the partially self-incompatible perennial herb Brassica cretica, derived from controlled cross- and self-pollinations within each of seven populations, were raised under uniform conditions and scored for two measures of developmental stability, flower asymmetry (quantified as the difference in length and width between opposite petals) and cotyledon asymmetry (quantified as the difference in the area of the two lobes of each cotyledon). The primary goals were to assess the level of heritable variation in asymmetry, the effect of selfing on mean asymmetry, and the relationship between asymmetry and components of fitness. A paternal half-sibling analysis of data on flower asymmetry failed to detect significant levels of genetic variation at the within-population level, whereas the between-population component reached significance for all measures of asymmetry. Analysis of family-structured data from another crossing experiment revealed significant between-population variation in cotyledon asymmetry and a tendency for inbred progeny to produce more asymmetric cotyledons than outbred progeny. However, the response to inbreeding was weak and differed in magnitude between populations. Judging from the ranking of populations, we found no support for the hypothesis that the mean expression of developmental stability is controlled by genomewide characteristics such as the level of inbreeding. Correlations between measures of asymmetry and fitness were too low to be declared statistically or biologically significant. The present study provides little evidence that flower and cotyledon asymmetry serve as more appropriate predictors of genetic health than conventional (direct) measures of fitness.  相似文献   

Both strong directional selection and faster development are thought to destabilize development, giving rise to greater fluctuating asymmetry (FA), although there is no strong empirical evidence supporting this assertion. We compared FA in sternopleural bristle number in four populations ofDrosophila melanogaster successfully selected for faster development from egg to adult, and in four control populations. The fraction of perfectly symmetric individuals was higher in the selected populations, whereas the FA levels did not differ significantly between selected and control populations, clearly indicating that directional selection for faster development has not led to increased FA in sternopleural bristle number in these populations. This may be because: (i) development time and FA are uncorrelated, (ii) faster development does result in FA, but selection has favoured developmentally stable individuals that can develop fast and still be symmetrical, or (iii) the increased fraction of symmetric individuals in the selected populations is an artifact of reduced body size. Although we cannot discriminate among these explanations, our results suggest that the relationship between development time, FA and fitness may be far more subtle than often thought.  相似文献   

Nonlinear growth dynamics and the origin of fluctuating asymmetry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In many studies, fluctuating asymmetry (FA) has been used as a measure of individual differences in developmental imprecision. A model of how variation in developmental imprecision is associated with variation in asymmetry is described and applied to important issues about FA. If individual differences in developmental imprecision exist, asymmetry due to developmental error should be leptokurtically distributed. Moreover, the greater the magnitude of individual differences, the greater the leptokurtosis. Asymmetry purportedly due to developmental error in a variety of species is indeed leptokurtically distributed. The level of leptokurtosis suggests that the CV in individual differences in underlying developmental imprecision is generally 20–25, consistent with it being a fitness trait. In addition, data suggest that: (1) the individual differences that underlie the developmental imprecision of different traits are largely shared across traits and not trait-specific; (2) the heritability of these individual differences may average between 35 and 55%, despite small heritabilities of individual trait FAs; and (3) correlations between FA and fitness traits or components suggest high correlations between underlying variation in developmental precision and fitness in many species. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters have been hypothesized to demonstrate increased phenotypic variation between and within individuals as compared to ordinary morphological traits. We tested whether this was the case by studying phenotypic variation, expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV), and developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), in ornamental and non-ornamental traits of 70 bird species with feather ornamentation while controlling for similarity among species due to common descent. Secondary sexual characters differed from ordinary morphological traits by showing large phenotypic CV and FA. This difference can be explained by the different mode of selection operating on each kind of trait: a history of intense directional (ornaments) and stabilizing selection (non-ornaments). Phenotypic variation is reduced in the sex with more intense sexual selection (males), but does not differ among species with different mating systems. The strength of stabilizing selection arising from natural selection is associated with decreased CV (wing CV is smaller than tarsus or tail CVs). We found evidence of FA being reduced in ornamental feathers strongly affected by aerodynamics (tail feathers) compared to other ornaments, but only in females. In conclusion, CV and FA were not related, suggesting mat phenotypic plasticity and developmental instability are independent components of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Although developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to stress and negatively to fitness, empirical evidence is often lacking or contradictory when patterns are compared at the population level. We demonstrate that two important properties of stressed populations may mask such relationships: (i) a stronger relationship between FA and fitness, resulting in stronger selection against low quality (i.e. developmental unstable) individuals and (ii) the evolution of adaptive responses to environmental stress. In an earlier study, we found female wolf spiders Pirata piraticus from metal exposed populations to be characterized by both reduced clutch masses and increased egg sizes, the latter indicating an adaptive response to stress. By studying the relationship between these two fitness related traits and levels of FA at individual level, we here show a significant negative correlation between FA and clutch mass in metal stressed populations but not in unstressed reference populations. As a result, levels of population FA may be biased downward under stressful conditions because of the selective removal of developmentally unstable (low quality) individuals. We further show that females that produced larger eggs in stressed populations exhibited lower individual FA levels. Such interaction between individual FA and fitness with stress may confound the effect of metal stress on FA, resulting in an absence of relationships between FA, fitness and stress at the population level.  相似文献   

The idea that symmetry in facial traits is associated with attractiveness because it reliably indicates good physiological health, particularly to potential sexual partners, has generated an extensive literature on the evolution of human mate choice. However, large-scale tests of this hypothesis using direct or longitudinal assessments of physiological health are lacking. Here, we investigate relationships between facial fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and detailed individual health histories in a sample (n = 4732) derived from a large longitudinal study (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) in South West England. Facial FA was assessed using geometric morphometric analysis of facial landmark configurations derived from three-dimensional facial scans taken at 15 years of age. Facial FA was not associated with longitudinal measures of childhood health. However, there was a very small negative association between facial FA and IQ that remained significant after correcting for a positive allometric relationship between FA and face size. Overall, this study does not support the idea that facial symmetry acts as a reliable cue to physiological health. Consequently, if preferences for facial symmetry do represent an evolved adaptation, then they probably function not to provide marginal fitness benefits by choosing between relatively healthy individuals on the basis of small differences in FA, but rather evolved to motivate avoidance of markers of substantial developmental disturbance and significant pathology.  相似文献   

Theoretical links between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and fitness have led many to use FA as a proxy for average fitness. However, studies examining whether asymmetry actually correlates with individual fitness in wild populations are relatively rare and often use simple measures of association (e.g., correlation coefficients). Consequently, the pattern of selection on asymmetry in the wild is seldom clear. We examined selection on FA of pectoral fin morphology in two wild populations of a marine fish (the kelp perch; Brachyistius frenatus). As expected, variance in signed FA in each initial sample was significantly greater than that found in the surviving population, indicating selection against FA. Our estimate of the fitness surface confirmed perfect symmetry as the phenotypic optimum and indicated strong, nonlinear selection against asymmetry. No difference in the form of selection was detected between populations. However, the level of FA in the initial samples varied among populations, leading to an overall difference in the level of selective mortality. Our results suggest that selection on asymmetry in wild populations may be strongly nonlinear, and indicate that the demographic costs of asymmetry may play a substantial role in the dynamics of populations.  相似文献   

This study measures the correlation between within- and among-individual variance to gain a greater understanding of the relationship of the underlying mechanisms governing developmental stability and canalization. Twenty-six landmarks were digitized in three dimensions from the crania of 228 adult macaques from Cayo Santiago. The phenotypic variance between individuals was measured and divided into its genetic and environmental components using matriline information. Within-individual variance was measured as the fluctuating asymmetry between bilateral landmarks. We found positive and significant correlations between the phenotypic, environmental, and fluctuating asymmetry variances for interlandmark distances. We also found low but significant correspondences between the covariation structures of the three variability components using both Procrustes and interlandmark distance data. Therefore, we find that in macaque skulls traits that exhibit greater levels of asymmetry deviations also exhibit greater levels of environmental variance, and that the covariances of absolute symmetry deviations partly correspond to covariances of mean deviations at the individual level. These results suggest that the underlying processes that determine canalization and developmental stability are at least partly overlapping. However, the low correlations reported here are also evidence for a degree of independence between these variability components.  相似文献   


Although developmental instability (DI), measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to environmental stress and negatively to habitat quality, the pattern found here was the reverse. Developmental instability of leaf traits (leaf width and vein distances within a leaf) was estimated (using two indices of FA: FA4 and σi 2) and compared between three populations of Plantago major L. (Plantaginaceae) from northern Serbia. Two of the populations are from chronically polluted areas (Karaburma & Zemun), while Crni Lug is from an unpolluted, natural area. Results obtained using both FA indices were the same; higher asymmetry levels in the unpolluted area than in the polluted sites, were found for both traits. Between the two polluted sites, FA values were significantly higher in Karaburma site for vein distances within a leaf. Concerning differences in FA4 values between samples, in two cases, results are similar to those found for σi 2 values, for vein distances within leaf. These are the first quantitative data on P. major indicating that (i) plants living in the stressful sites are more symmetrical and (ii) leaf FA for plant species with wide ecological distribution such as P. major should be considered as an ‘index of habitat quality.’  相似文献   

In bilateral characters, two kinds of asymmetries are common: fluctuating asymmetry (FA), or nondirectional variation between left and right sides, and directional asymmetry (DA), in which one side is consistently larger than the other. FA has been extensively used as a measure of developmental stability because of its presumed environmental basis whereas DA has not typically been recommended because it has been presumed to have at least some genetic basis. To test these two hypotheses, heritabilities were calculated via parent–offspring regression for both DA and FA in 10 triply measured mandible characters in random-bred mice. Midparent estimates of heritabilities of DA in the 10 characters were quite low (mean = 0.06), but significant for one character as well as the sum of the DA values over all characters (0.21). Midparent estimates of heritability of FA in the 10 characters also were low (mean = 0.03), but not significant for any individual character or the sum of the FA values over all characters. Heritabilities of developmental stability calculated from heritabilities and repeatabilities of FA in the mandible characters were higher in magnitude (mean of midparent estimates = 0.45), but all still were not statistically significant. It was concluded that both hypotheses were supported, but that genetic variation in DA was so small that the potential for DA as an indicator of developmental stability should be explored.  相似文献   

We tested whether directional selection on an index-based wing character in Drosophila melanogaster affected developmental stability and patterns of directional asymmetry. We selected for both an increase (up selection) and a decrease (down selection) of the index value on the left wing and compared patterns of fluctuating and directional asymmetry in the selection index and other wing traits across selection lines. Changes in fluctuating asymmetry across selection lines were predominantly small, but we observed a tendency for fluctuating asymmetry to decrease in the up-selected lines in both replicates. Because changes in fluctuating asymmetry depended on the direction of selection, and were not related to changes in trait size, these results fail to support existing hypotheses linking directional selection and developmental stability. Selection also produced a pattern of directional asymmetry that was similar in all selected lines whatever the direction of selection. This result may be interpreted as a release of genetic variance in directional asymmetry under selection.  相似文献   

Haploid male and diploid female honey bees, Apis mellifera, from colonies headed by queens polymorphic at the malate dehydrogenase (MDH) locus were examined for the influence of MDH genotype and heterozygosity on the size and asymmetry of six morphological characters. Although there were significant differences among MDH genotypes for mean character size within colonies, these effects were inconsistent between colonies. There were no significant relationships between MDH genotype or heterozygosity and asymmetry, indicating that genetic variation at this locus has no impact on developmental stability in this species.  相似文献   

The degree of fluctuating asymmetry of bilateral traits provides a measure of developmental instability, which can be influenced by genetic as well as environmental stress. We studied genetic variation between and within two populations of the mustard Brassica campestris for asymmetry of foliar (cotyledon width) and floral (petal length and width) traits as well as for phenological (germination and flowering) and performance (biomass and flowering) traits. The two populations differed in mean expression of most traits, including asymmetry. However, within-population estimates of genetic variability tended to be lower for asymmetry than other traits. Asymmetry was greater in the population that had lower biomass accumulation and flower production, which supports the idea that population-level asymmetry may be indicative of population-level performance. However, within each population, evidence that performance was negatively correlated with asymmetry was equivocal. Within populations there was little or no concordance among estimates of asymmetry based on different structures, i.e., plants that had highly asymmetrical cotyledons did not tend to have highly asymmetrical petals. The lack of a general buffering capacity at the individual level may be explained by developmental processes (e.g., action of different genes or morphogens) as well as evolutionary processes (e.g., selection on asymmetry of different traits).  相似文献   

We studied fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in two generations of the bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini . We used Procrustes analyses, which allow the comparison of dimensionless shapes of body sides. We found little (<4%) directional asymmetry in either sex. Of the two morphs occurring in this species, fighters, which possess a thickened third pair of legs, exhibited higher FA than did scramblers, the morph with unmodified legs; this may reflect the costliness of the fighter developmental pathway. There was a negative relationship between FA and female fecundity, but the regression slope of mid-offspring on mid-parent FA was not significantly greater than zero. We propose that heritability estimates can be biased downwards if highly asymmetric individuals produce fewer viable offspring. However, we found no significant association between parental FA and the proportion of viable embryos in their broods. Furthermore, we hypothesized that parental FA might indicate the presence of largely recessive mutations deleterious to developmental homeostasis that would cause increased embryo mortality under inbreeding. However, we found no significant association between FA of parents that were mated to their full sibs and the proportion of viable embryos in their inbred progeny.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 499–505.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry is used as an indicator of developmental stability to assess the effect of exposure to Avermectin B1 on normal developmental processes in the bush fly, Musca vetustissima Walker (Diptera: Muscidae). Flies breeding in dung from cattle treated with Avermectin B1 were found to be significantly more asymmetric for two morphometric characters (wing vein lengths), than those breeding in dung from either untreated cattle or cattle treated with Levamisole-HCl at times when fly survival was not affected by the treatments. Fluctuating asymmetry is shown to be a valuable means of defining developmental stress in situations where conventional estimates such as survival show no response.
Résumé La fluctuation de l'asymétrie a été utilisée comme indice de la stabilité du développement pour mettre en évidence l'effet de l'exposition à l'avermectine B1 au cours du développement de M. vetustissima. Les mouches élevées sur bouses de vaches traitées à l'avermectine B1 sont devenues significativement plus asymétriques pour 2 caractères morphométriques (longueurs des veines de l'aile) que celles élevées sur bouses de vaches témoins ou de vaches traitées au Levamisole-HCl, même quand la survie des mouches n'était pas affectée par le traitement. La fluctuation de l'asymétrie s'est avérée un bon critère pour définir des stress pendant le développement, alors que des critères conventionnels comme la survie ne permettent pas de déceler quoi que ce soit.

Fluctuating asymmetry was determined for six cranial measurements in an age-diverse sample of 138 individuals ofMacaca fascicularis. These data were used to choose among four hypotheses concerning the etiology of developmental noise. The hypotheses considered are (1) that developmental noise represents asymmetry in the causal history of a developing organism's interaction with the environment, (2) that it represents stochasticity in the mechanics of growth and induction, (3) that it reflects variation in the initial conditions of a developmental process, and (4) that it represents the random accumulation of noise at a level below that of morphogenetic mechanism. These hypotheses were tested against predictions concerning the intraspecific patterning of fluctuating asymmetry against age and size and the covariation of asymmetry values. Only the predictions of the fourth hypothesis were confirmed by results of this study. These results provide evidence for the view that developmental noise, as reflected by fluctuating asymmetry, is an intrinsic property of developmental systems, and not merely produced by the complexity of the organism's interaction with the environment.  相似文献   

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