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Stream fish assemblages are structured by biogeographical, physical and biological factors acting on different spatial scales. We determined how physical factors, geomorphology and stream habitat, influenced fish species composition (presence–absence) in eastern Oklahoma, USA relative to the ecoregion and biogeographic effects previously reported. We sampled fish assemblages and surveyed geomorphology and habitat at 107 stream sites in the Boston Mountains, Ouachita Mountains, and Ozark Highlands ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma. Partial canonical correspondence analyses (pCCAs) and variance partitioning showed that patterns of endemism related to drainage basins and ecoregions explained important variation in fish species composition in all streams, but stream size and local channel morphology explained more variation overall. Stream size effects were most important in explaining variability in fish species composition in both northeastern and southeastern Oklahoma streams. Local channel morphology and substrate characteristics were secondarily important. Variables typically considered important as fish habitat (aquatic vegetation, etc.) had little effect on fish species composition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The patterns and drivers of species assemblages represent the core of community ecology.We focus on the assemblages of a single family of ubiquitous lotic insects, the Simuliidae(black flies), of which the larvae play a critical role in resource turnover in steams. We useMantel tests and null models to tease out the potential influence of abiotic stream conditions,species interactions, and dispersal on the assemblage patterns of larval black flies over twospatial scales (within and across ecoregions) and two seasons (spring and summer). RESULTS: When stream sites were considered across ecoregions in the spring, stream conditions anddispersal were correlated significantly with species similarity; however, within ecoregions inthe spring, dispersal was important only in the Piedmont and Sandhills and abiotic factorsonly in the Mountains. In contrast, results of the summer analyses within and acrossecoregions were congruent; assemblage similarity was significantly correlated with streamconditions both across and within ecoregions. Null models suggested that patterns of speciessegregation in the spring were consistent with a community structured by competition,whereas patterns in the summer were consistent with species assemblages influenced byabiotic factors. CONCLUSIONS: Species composition of black flies at streams sites is correlated with dispersal factors andstream conditions, but results vary over spatial and temporal scales. Communities of blackflies can be viewed within a metacommunity context; local assemblages are consistent withspecies sorting and mass effects. Given that black flies have a terrestrial stage, with femalesdeciding where to place the eggs, a full understanding of the processes that determine local aquatic assemblages will require integration of the dynamics of the aquatic immature stagesand the terrestrial adults.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the spatial-temporal distribution of preimaginal blackflies in three a priori established, adjacent areas of Brazil and Venezuela. First we tested the hypothesis that the distribution of individual simuliid species, over two geographic scales, were predictable on the basis of several habitat parameters. Secondly, we determined if local species assemblages remain constant over two spatial axes, i.e., were species assemblages predictable within and between defined regions. Finally we compared the species assemblage between Venezuelan streams sampled in both the wet (October) and dry (February) seasons. As stream conditions changed across a north–south gradient, so did the occurrence of the most common species. This change in species composition from upland to lowland areas is consistent with the patterns of faunal change seen in North American simuliid assemblages. Discriminant Function Analysis showed a strong association between regional demarcations and stream site conditions. These results were paralleled by the strong correspondence between species assemblages and these regions. Thus each region presented both distinct stream environments and species assemblages. Monte Carlo analysis suggests that some if not all species are not only present in both the wet and dry season but that they are continuing to use the same stream sites. Three broad contingent rules for blackfly species assemblages in new world streams are put forward; (i) the ubiquitous nature of simuliids; (ii) species often distribute themselves along an axis of stream size and; (iii) there is a strong and consistent correspondence between regional characteristics of streams and the species assemblage.  相似文献   

Based on vegetation composition, previous studies of the Pampa biome in southern Brazil have defined seven ecoregions within the area. Here, we test this ecoregion approach studying the semi‐aquatic insect group Odonata in five of these regions, aiming at comparing the ecoregions to the more traditional environmental predictors of water quality and land cover. Based on a data set of occupancy comprising 99 species distributed between 131 localities, a one‐way Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance was used to compare differences in the species composition between the ecoregions, followed by a Principal Component Analysis to visualize the variation. The composition varied significantly between all groups tested, and the ordination explained 61.8% of the variance. A partial redundancy analysis of ecoregions, land cover and water quality variables explained 71% of the variance in Odonata community structure. Ecoregion was the most important predictor, followed by water quality and land cover. Within these species assemblies, we could select certain species that were representative of a given ecoregion, to which their distribution within the Pampa biome was entirely or mainly confined. Of 24 representative species 41.7% were rare, while the rest were more abundant and, hence, easier to detect. We suspect that the differences found between the Pampa ecoregions might be due to geology, as such factors may be strong determinants of biodiversity. Specific ecological requirements at the family and genus levels also seemed to act selectively on the species compositions within the ecoregions. Today, the Pampa is highly fragmented due to agricultural activities such as rice cultivation, extensive cattle farming and forest plantations. We suggest that an ecoregion‐based approach to the implementation of conservation measures may be the best way to help these distinct species assemblies survive.  相似文献   

Habitat specialists are considered to be more sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance than habitat generalists. However, a number of studies have shown that habitat specialists can be tolerant to or even benefit from environmental degradation, suggesting that the effect of disturbance on distributions and abundances of habitat generalists and specialists can be unpredictable. In this study, we assessed the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on the degree of specialization of stream macroinvertebrates in boreal streams. We first measured the niche width for each macroinvertebrate species using the Outlying Mean Index (OMI) analysis and then, using independent data sets of near-pristine and anthropogenically altered streams, we examined the effects of human disturbances on stream macroinvertebrates with different tolerances to environmental conditions. As expected, human disturbance significantly decreased the level of the specialization in stream macroinvertebrate assemblages, and taxa with narrow environmental tolerances were more sensitive to disturbance than taxa with wide tolerances. Despite being more sensitive to disturbance, taxa with narrow environmental tolerances were locally more abundant than tolerant taxa in near-pristine streams, indicating their better performance in their optimal environments. However, many tolerant taxa decreased in their occurrence in disturbed streams, suggesting that habitat generalists also tend to negatively respond to disturbance. Species-rich assemblages harboured more taxa with narrow tolerances compared with species poor assemblages, suggesting a high conservation value of streams with diverse macroinvertebrate assemblages. Consistent with findings for many biological groups, our results indicate that macroinvertebrate species specialised in certain habitats are more sensitive to environmental degradation than habitat generalists. However, contrary to many previous studies, our results suggest that only a few species are likely to benefit from anthropogenic disturbance and, therefore, environmental degradation does not necessary result in macroinvertebrate assemblages composed of a few tolerant taxa.  相似文献   

Although localized effects of individual dams on stream fish assemblages have been relatively well-studied, less is known about the effects of multiple dams within a stream network on fishes and the patterns that emerge when the combined effects of individual and multiple dams are viewed across entire river basins, ecoregions, and states. This study evaluated multiple stream network fragmentation metrics representing localized (e.g., distance-to-dams) and cumulative (e.g., total upstream reservoir storage) dam influences on streams in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, developing an approach for identifying suitable fish indicators of dam effects. We used change point and correlation analyses to determine associations of stream fish catch per unit effort and various stream network fragmentation metrics with data from more than 2000 fish survey sites stratified by stream size, thermal regime, and ecoregion. Of the identified indicator species, predominantly warmwater, large river, and/or lentic species were positively associated with stream network fragmentation, whereas cold and coolwater lotic species were negatively associated with fragmentation. These results suggest a combination of downstream thermal effects and upstream influences from impoundments generated by dams. Variance partitioning analyses based on identified indicator species revealed greater upstream-dominated dam influences in headwaters than mid-sized streams, and a greater relative influence of dams vs. other non-dam anthropogenic influences in cold streams than warm streams. Overall, a combination of localized and cumulative fragmentation metrics, as well as upstream and downstream-oriented measures, were influential in indicator species responses, emphasizing the importance of selecting a diversity of fragmentation metrics when assessing effects of dams on stream fishes. Understanding multiple dam influences on stream fishes, including localized effects from individual dams and cumulative effects from all dams within a river basin, would provide useful information for a variety of management activities, including dam operation and dam removal prioritization. Dams significantly affect conservation and management options for stream fishes, with identification of multi-scale dam influences on fishes being critical to restoration and maintenance of aquatic biodiversity throughout the world.  相似文献   

1. The European Water Framework Directive provides a framework for improving the ecological quality of stream ecosystems, with deviation from reference used as a measure of ecological status.
2. Here we examine the possibility of using less impacted stream sites from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland to establish a Danish reference network for macrophyte assemblages, and as a guiding image for identification of possible references sites within Denmark. Both approaches were evaluated using historical Danish records.
3. Four different macrophyte assemblages were identified for mid-sized streams in the Central and Eastern Lowland ecoregions. Macrophyte assemblages could not be delineated using physical stream site characteristics; however a gradual change in assemblage composition was attributed to differences in alkalinity and human impact.
4. Assemblages of contemporary vegetation in Denmark were quite similar to those found in Polish, Latvian and Lithuanian streams (26–35%). However, more importantly, from species-based predictions we noted higher similarity, particularly with Latvian and Lithuanian streams, before intensive land use commenced in Denmark ( c. 1900). These results show that stream sites from these three countries can be considered in a Danish reference network.
5. Two of the four macrophyte assemblages comprised species such as Fontinalis antipyretica, Myriophyllum spicatum , Nuphar lutea , Potamogeton alpinus and P. perfoliatus that have a very scattered occurrence in the contemporary vegetation in Denmark. These groups were closely associated with the predictions from historic records, thereby lending support the conjecture that these assemblages could be part of the guiding image for the identification of potential reference sites within Denmark.  相似文献   

1. Although many studies have focussed on the effects of catchment land use on lotic systems, the importance of broad (catchment) and fine (segment/reach) scale effects on stream assemblages remain poorly understood. 2. Nine biological metrics for macrophytes (498 sites), benthic macroinvertebrates (491) and fish (478) of lowland and mountain streams in four ecoregions of France and Germany were related to catchment and riparian buffer land use using partial Redundancy Analysis and Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs). 3. Lotic fauna was better correlated (mean max., r = 0.450) than flora (r = 0.277) to both scales of land use: the strongest correlations were noted for mountain streams. BRTs revealed strong non‐linear relationships between mountain assemblage metrics and land use. Correlations increased with increasing buffer lengths, suggesting the importance of near‐stream land use on biotic assemblages. 4. Several metrics changed markedly between 10–20% (mountain ecoregions) and 40–45% (lowland) of arable land use, irrespective of the buffer size. At mountain sites with >10% catchment arable land use, metric values differed between sites with <30% and sites with >30% forest in the near‐stream riparian area. 5. These findings support the role of riparian land use in catchment management; however, differences between mountain and lowland ecoregions support the need for ecoregion‐specific management.  相似文献   

Shifts in biodiversity and ecological processes in stream ecosystems in response to rapid climate change will depend on how numerically and functionally dominant aquatic insect species respond to changes in stream temperature and hydrology. Across 253 minimally perturbed streams in eight ecoregions in the western USA, we modeled the distribution of 88 individual insect taxa in relation to existing combinations of maximum summer temperature, mean annual streamflow, and their interaction. We used a heat map approach along with downscaled general circulation model (GCM) projections of warming and streamflow change to estimate site‐specific extirpation likelihood for each taxon, allowing estimation of whole‐community change in streams across these ecoregions. Conservative climate change projections indicate a 30–40% loss of taxa in warmer, drier ecoregions and 10–20% loss in cooler, wetter ecoregions where taxa are relatively buffered from projected warming and hydrologic change. Differential vulnerability of taxa with key functional foraging roles in processing basal resources suggests that climate change has the potential to modify stream trophic structure and function (e.g., alter rates of detrital decomposition and algal consumption), particularly in warmer and drier ecoregions. We show that streamflow change is equally as important as warming in projected risk to stream community composition and that the relative threat posed by these two fundamental drivers varies across ecoregions according to projected gradients of temperature and hydrologic change. Results also suggest that direct human modification of streams through actions such as water abstraction is likely to further exacerbate loss of taxa and ecosystem alteration, especially in drying climates. Management actions to mitigate climate change impacts on stream ecosystems or to proactively adapt to them will require regional calibration, due to geographic variation in insect sensitivity and in exposure to projected thermal warming and hydrologic change.  相似文献   

Many studies have tested the performance of terrestrial vertebrates as surrogates for overall species diversity, because these are commonly used in priority‐setting conservation appraisals. Using a database of 3663 vertebrate species in 38 Brazilian ecoregions, we evaluated the effectiveness of various subsets for representing diversity of the entire vertebrate assemblage. Because ecoregions are established incorporating information on biotic assemblages, they are potentially more amenable to regional comparison than are national or state lists. We used 10 potential indicator groups (all species; all mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians; all endemic species; and endemic species within each class) to find priority sets of ecoregions that best represent the entire terrestrial vertebrate fauna. This is the first time such tests are employed to assess the effectiveness of indicator groups at the ecoregion level in Brazil. We show that patterns of species richness are highly correlated among mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ecoregion sets selected according to endemic species richness captured more vertebrate species per unit area than sets based on overall vertebrate richness itself, or than those selected at random. Ecoregion sets based on endemic bird, endemic reptile, or endemic amphibian richness also performed well, capturing more species overall than random sets, or than those selected based on species richness of one or all vertebrate classes within ecoregions. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating biodiversity concordance and the use of indicator groups as well as aggregate species richness. We conclude that priority sets based on indicator groups provide a basis for a first assessment of priorities for conservation at an infracontinental scale. Areas with high endemism have long been highlighted for conservation of species. Our findings provide evidence that endemism is not only a worthwhile conservation goal, but also an effective surrogate for the conservation of all terrestrial vertebrates in Brazil.  相似文献   

Aim The scale of observation is important in detecting the spatial variation of biological assemblages, which should be taken into consideration for an appropriate plan of biogeographical conservation. We investigated whether (1) World Wildlife Fund’s ecoregion units are the appropriate scale for conserving ant diversity in Iran, (2) each ecoregion represents a distinct ant community composition and (3) patterns of diversity partitioning differ among four ecoregions. Location Iran, a sampling transect along four arid and semi‐arid ecoregions. Methods We applied hierarchical partitioning to data collected from a nested sampling design including four hierarchical levels: ‘local’, ‘landscape’, ‘ecoregional’ and ‘whole‐region’. Observed alpha and beta diversity components were compared with values of null distributions. Hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to evaluate similarity of ant species composition among ecoregions. Results Partitioning of whole‐region species richness showed that 85% of the species richness was generated by beta diversity among ecoregions and landscapes. The highest value of diversity was generated by beta diversity among ecoregions. Unlike whole‐region partitioning, separate partitioning within each ecoregion revealed that beta component among localities contributed to species richness of each ecoregion. Ecoregions showed different patterns of diversity partitioning. The alpha component contributed largely to the total diversity of two ecoregions, but for two other ecoregions, beta component contributed more than alpha component. Cluster analysis identified four discrete ant species compositions; however, it split landscapes of one ecoregion into two distinct groups. Main conclusions Whole‐region diversity partitioning indicates that ecoregions represent the appropriate scale for conserving ant diversity and that each ecoregion has a distinct ant fauna. However, different conservation strategies should be considered for different ecoregions owing to the differing scales of variation within them. Boundaries of ecoregions remain a subject for further studies. The influence of climate change on ecoregional boundaries should be considered and should be predicted with respect to future conservation maps.  相似文献   

Beard CE  McCreadie JW  Adler PH 《Mycologia》2003,95(4):577-583
A total of 2063 mid- to late-instar larval black flies were collected from 64 stream sites in South Carolina and screened for the presence of the trichomycete fungus Harpella melusinae. Sixteen of 18 host species were colonized by H. melusinae on at least one occasion. Prevalence of H. melusinae in larvae of Simulium tuberosum cytospecies "A" was highest in acidic streams with low conductivity, whereas H. melusinae colonized larvae of Simulium verecundum most frequently in slower-moving streams. Ecological conditions, therefore, can serve as predictors of the prevalence of H. melusinae. Prevalence in host larvae was significantly lower in the Piedmont ecoregion than in the Mountain ecoregion. Prevalence did not differ in the host species S. verecundum across ecoregions, suggesting that different prevalences among host species might indicate some host preference. The prevalence of H. melusinae differed significantly between two univoltine host species (Simulium venustum and Prosimulium magnum) at the same site but not between two multivoltine host species (S. tuberosum cytospecies "FG" and S. tuberosum cytospecies "CDE"), suggesting that host life history could be important in determining fungal prevalence.  相似文献   

Synopsis To better understand patterns of fish assemblage composition in Wisconsin streams in relation to major environmental gradients, I carried out multivariate direct gradient analysis (canonical correspondence analysis) of two large independent datasets on fish species abundance in Wisconsin streams. Analysis of the two datasets yielded similar results, suggesting that observed patterns and relationships were real. Stream sites were distributed along fish species-environment gradients, but segregation into distinct stream temperature and geographic groups was also evident. The strongest gradient in both datasets was related to summer water temperature patterns, and encompassed a transition from small, coldwater streams dominated by salmonids, cottids, certain cyprinids, and few other species, to both small and large, warmwater streams dominated by a high diversity of different cyprinids, catostomids, ictalurids, centrarchids, and percids. A second gradient in both datasets was complex but largely geographic. Within it, sites from each of the four ecoregions that occupy Wisconsin formed fairly discrete groups. The strongest differences were between sites in the two southern Wisconsin ecoregions, the Driftless Area and the Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains, that were dominated by certain cyprinids, ictalurids, and centrarchids, and sites in the two northern Wisconsin ecoregions, the North Central Hardwood Forests and the Northern Lakes and Forests, that were dominated by a different set of cyprinids and ictalurids, plus some petromyzontids, salmonids, catostomids, and percids. Sites from the Driftless Area that were mostly higher-gradient (steep stream slope) and had many riffle-dwelling species could also be distinguished from sites in the Southeastern Wisconsin Till Plains that were mostly lower-gradient and had many pool-dwelling species. The patterns of fish assemblage composition among sites and the associated fish species-environment relationships that were revealed by the analyses provided a framework for developing an ecologically meaningful hierarchical classification of Wisconsin stream sites based on stream thermal regime, ecoregion, stream size, and stream gradient.  相似文献   

The development of biomonitoring tools is increasingly appealing in light of the increasing degradation of aquatic ecosystems. In this context, we investigated the responses of stream fish communities to the gradient of environmental degradation in different basins using a variety of indices based on functional diversity, functional composition, and taxonomic diversity. We used datasets from three Brazilian ecoregions. In order to describe the gradient of environmental degradation we scored streams based on local and landscape variables. The functional structure of the assemblages was described in relation to seven functional traits related to habitat use, swimming capacity, and maneuverability. We described assemblages in each ecoregion separately in relation to 20 potential indicators, grouped in four families: indices of functional diversity based on presence/absence (FDp/a); indices of functional diversity weighted by abundance (FDabund); indices of functional composition (mT); and, indices based on taxonomic diversity (TDiv). The relationship between the indicators and the gradient of environmental degradation were evaluated using linear regression. We found a significant interaction effect (ANOVA, p = 0.006) between group of indices and ecoregions for the performance of indicators, suggesting a context-dependent response. The indices, on an individual basis, had variable performance and consistency among ecoregions. Four mT indicators demonstrated the highest average performance and consistency. Taxonomic diversity indicators consistently had the lowest average performance, while FDp/a and FDabund indicators had low average performance and variable inter-regional consistency. The differential inter-regional performance of indicators was due to the differences in the lengths of the gradients of environmental degradation. Our results indicate that functional traits have greater predictive power compared to taxonomic indicators for fish responses to a gradient of environmental degradation. Although indicators of functional composition are the most promising, we emphasize that caution is needed when generalizing functional diversity indicators across ecoregions because most of them are context-dependent.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Patterns of simuliid species richness were examined over a variety of scales at 532 stream sites in the Nearctic (394) and Neotropical (138) regions. In Nearctic streams, species richness of immature blackflies both within and across ecoregions and over two seasons was examined. Stream variables at each site included seston, width, depth, velocity, discharge, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, dominant streambed-particle size, canopy cover, and riparian vegetation. These variables were subjected to a principal component analysis and derived principal components were related back to richness, using regression analysis. At the level of the stream reach, richness was not highly correlated with single-point measurements of stream conditions.
2. Using data from both Nearctic and Neotropical sites, the effect of regional richness on local richness was examined. As regional richness increased, local diversity reached an asymptote in which further increases in regional richness were not matched by increases in local richness. Hence, simuliid communities are best described as saturated (type II) communities, consistent with the current view of lotic communities as non-equilibrium systems.
3. The well-established pattern of greater species richness in tropical regions was not observed in this study. To the contrary, blackfly richness is higher in temperate streams than in tropical streams at both local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Variables for predicting assemblage differences change as the geographic extent of studies change, hindering development of useful predictive models where study data are limited, or where the chief predictive variables available are fish zones, river size, physiographic regions, ecoregions, hydrologic units, and river basins. In addition, some studies have shown that site-scale predictor metrics have accounted for more of the variation in fish assemblage response metrics than catchment-scale metrics and other studies have shown the reverse. We used cluster analysis on a 780-site database to determine 12–15 aquatic vertebrate clusters at three geographic extents (all 12 conterminous western U.S. states, all western mountain ecoregions, Pacific Northwest mountain ecoregions). Next, we determined predictor variables for those assemblage clusters through use of stepwise discriminant function analysis. Site longitude, site latitude, and catchment dam count were the most significant predictors at the three geographic extents. Site-scale variables represented most of the significant predictors for all three geographic extents, but explained only slightly more aquatic vertebrate assemblage variance than catchment or pure spatial variables. Catchment- and site-scale classification variables accounted for less than half the mean within-cluster similarity demonstrated by the aquatic vertebrate assemblage clusters. We conclude that (a) the large geographic extent of the analysis did not result in catchment-scale predictor variables being more important than site-scale predictors, (b) both catchment- and site-scale variables are important predictors, and (c) existing river basin and ecoregion classifications are useful but insufficient predictors of aquatic vertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   

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