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The effect of atmospheric change on birch aphid ( Euceraphis betulae Koch) oviposition preference was examined and plant characteristics that are possibly responsible for the observed effects were investigated. It was hypothesized that the increasing concentrations of CO2 and O3 affect singly or in combination the oviposition of birch aphids via changes in host plant characteristics. Two genotypes of field-growing silver birch ( Betula pendula Roth) trees (clones 4 and 80), which were exposed to doubled ambient concentration of CO2 and O3, singly and in combination, in a 3-year open-top chamber experiment, were used in an aphid oviposition preference test. It was found that elevated CO2, irrespective of ozone concentration, increased the number of aphid eggs laid on clone 4, but not in clone 80. Several flavonoid aglycones were identified from the exudate coating of birch buds. Although elevated CO2 and O3 affected these phenolic compounds in clone 4, the effects did not correlate with the observed changes in aphid oviposition. It is suggested that neither bud length, which was not affected by the treatments, nor surface exudate phenolics mediate birch aphid oviposition preference.  相似文献   

Impacts of ozone and CO2 enrichment, alone and in combination, on leaf anatomical and ultrastructural characteristics, nutrient status and cell wall chemistry in two European silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) clones were studied. The young soil‐growing trees were exposed in open‐top chambers over three growing seasons to 2 × ambient CO2 and/or ozone concentrations in central Finland. The trees were measured for changes in altogether 35 variables of leaf structure, nutrients and cell wall chemistry of green leaves, and 20 of the measured variables were affected by CO2 and/or O3. Elevated CO2 increased the size of chloroplasts and starch grains, number of mitochondria, P : N ratio, and contents of cell wall hemicellulose. Elevated CO2 decreased the total leaf thickness, specific leaf area, concentrations of N, K, Cu, S and Fe, and contents of cell wall α‐cellulose, uronic acids, acid‐soluble lignin and acetone‐soluble extractives. Elevated ozone led to thinner leaves, higher palisade to spongy ratio, increased number of peroxisomes and mitochondria, reduced content of Mn, Zn, Cu, hemicellulose and uronic acids, and lower Mn : N and Zn : N ratios. In the combined exposure, interactions were antagonistic. Ultrastructural changes became more evident towards the end of the exposure. Young leaves were tolerant against ozone‐caused oxidative stress, whereas oxidative H2O2 accumulation was found in older leaves. CO2 enrichment improved ozone tolerance not only through increased photosynthesis rates, but also through changes in cell wall chemistry (hemicellulose, in particular). However, nutrient imbalances due to ozone and/or CO2 may predispose the trees to other biotic and abiotic stresses. Down‐regulation and up‐regulation of photosynthesis under elevated CO2 through anatomical changes is discussed.  相似文献   

李德文  史奕  何兴元 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2454-2458
对流层大气中CO2和O3浓度变化可对植物挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的排放产生一定影响,而植物VOCs具有很高的化学活性,可影响低层大气的化学组成,促进光化学污染的形成,对温室效应和全球变化具有潜在的影响.文中总结了大气CO2和O3浓度单独及复合作用对植物VOCs排放规律的影响,并对今后植物VOCs排放规律及多重环境胁迫下城市树木VOCs释放机制的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

Small birch plants (Betula pendula Roth.) were grown from seed for periods of up to 70d in a climate chamber at optimal nutrition and at present (350 μmol mol?1) or elevated (700 μmol mol?1) concentrations of atmospheric CO2. Nutrients were sprayed over the roots in Ingestad-type units. Relative growth rate and net assimilation rate were slightly higher at elevated CO2, whereas leaf area ratio was slightly lower. Smaller leaf area ratio was associated with lower values of specific leaf area. Leaves grown at elevated CO2 had higher starch concentrations (dry weight basis) than leaves grown at present levels of CO2. Biomass allocation showed no change with CO2, and no large effects on stem height, number of side shoots and number of leaves were found. However, the specific root length of fine roots was higher at elevated CO2. No large difference in the response of carbon assimilation to intercellular CO2 concentration (A/Ci curves) were found between CO2 treatments. When measured at the growth environments, the rates of photosynthesis were higher in plants grown at elevated CO2 than in plants grown at present CO2. Water use efficiency of single leaves was higher in the elevated treatment. This was mainly attributable to higher carbon assimilation rate at elevated CO2. The difference in water use efficiency diminished with leaf age. The small treatment difference in relative growth rate was maintained throughout the experiment, which meant that the difference in plant size became progressively greater. Thus, where plant nutrition is sufficient to maintain maximum growth, small birch plants may potentially increase in size more rapidly at elevated CO2.  相似文献   

In the present open‐top chamber experiment, two silver birch clones (Betula pendula Roth, clone 4 and clone 80) were exposed to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3), singly and in combination, and soil CO2 efflux was measured 14 times during three consecutive growing seasons (1999–2001). In the beginning of the experiment, all experimental trees were 7 years old and during the experiment the trees were growing in sandy field soil and fertilized regularly. In general, elevated O3 caused soil CO2 efflux stimulation during most measurement days and this stimulation enhanced towards the end of the experiment. The overall soil respiration response to CO2 was dependent on the genotype, as the soil CO2 efflux below clone 80 trees was enhanced and below clone 4 trees was decreased under elevated CO2 treatments. Like the O3 impact, this clonal difference in soil respiration response to CO2 increased as the experiment progressed. Although the O3 impact did not differ significantly between clones, a significant time × clone × CO2× O3 interaction revealed that the O3‐induced stimulation of soil respiration was counteracted by elevated CO2 in clone 4 on most measurement days, whereas in clone 80, the effect of elevated CO2 and O3 in combination was almost constantly additive during the 3‐year experiment. Altogether, the root or above‐ground biomass results were only partly parallel with the observed soil CO2 efflux responses. In conclusion, our data show that O3 impacts may appear first in the below‐ground processes and that relatively long‐term O3 exposure had a cumulative effect on soil CO2 efflux. Although the soil respiration response to elevated CO2 depended on the tree genotype as a result of which the O3 stress response might vary considerably within a single tree species under elevated CO2, the present experiment nonetheless indicates that O3 stress is a significant factor affecting the carbon cycling in northern forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv DPL 5415) plants were grown in naturally lit environment chambers at day/night temperature regimes of 26/18 (T-26/18), 31/23 (T-31/23) and 36/28 °C (T-36/28) and CO2 concentrations of 350 (C-350), 450 (C-450) and 700 L L-1 (C-700). Net photosynthesis rates, stomatal conductance, transpiration, RuBP carboxylase activity and the foliar contents of starch and sucrose were measured during different growth stages. Net CO2 assimilation rates increased with increasing CO2 and temperature regimes. The enhancement of photosynthesis was from 24 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 (with C-350 and T-26/18) to 41 mol m-2 s-1 (with C-700 and T-36/28). Stomatal conductance decreased with increasing CO2 while it increased up to T-31/23 and then declined. The interactive effects of CO2 and temperature resulted in a 30% decrease in transpiration. Although the leaves grown in elevated CO2 had high starch and sucrose concentrations, their content decreased with increasing temperature. Increasing temperature from T-26/18 to 36/28 increased RuBP carboxylase activity in the order of 121, 172 and 190 mol mg-1 chl h-1 at C-350, C-450 and C-700 respectively. Our data suggest that leaf photosynthesis in cotton benefited more from CO_2 enrichment at warm temperatures than at low growth temperature regimes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test whether elevated [CO2], [O3] and nitrogen (N) fertility altered leaf mass per area (LMPA), non‐structural carbohydrate (TNC), N, lignin (LTGA) and proanthocyanidin (PA) concentrations in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves and roots. Cotton was grown in 14 dm3 pots with either sufficient (0·8 g N dm ? 3) or deficient (0·4 and 0·2 g N dm ? 3) N fertilization, and treated in open‐top chambers with either ambient or elevated ( + 175 and + 350 μ mol mol ? 1) [CO2] in combination with either charcoal‐filtered air (CF) or non‐filtered air plus 1·5 times ambient [O3]. At about 50 d after planting, LMPA, starch and PA concentrations in canopy leaves were as much as 51–72% higher in plants treated with elevated [CO2] compared with plants treated with ambient [CO2], whereas leaf N concentration was 29% lower in elevated [CO2]‐treated plants compared with controls. None of the treatments had a major effect on LTGA concentrations on a TNC‐free mass basis. LMPA and starch levels were up to 48% lower in plants treated with elevated [O3] and ambient [CO2] compared with CF controls, although the elevated [O3] effect was diminished when plants were treated concurrently with elevated [CO2]. On a total mass basis, leaf N and PA concentrations were higher in samples treated with elevated [O3] in ambient [CO2], but the difference was much reduced by elevated [CO2]. On a TNC‐free basis, however, elevated [O3] had little effect on tissue N and PA concentrations. Fertilization treatments resulted in higher PA and lower N concentrations in tissues from the deficient N fertility treatments. The experiment showed that suppression by elevated [O3] of LMPA and starch was largely prevented by elevated [CO2], and that interpretation of [CO2] and [O3] effects should include comparisons on a TNC‐free basis. Overall, the experiment indicated that allocation to starch and PA may be related to how environmental factors affect source–sink relationships in plants, although the effects of elevated [O3] on secondary metabolites differed in this respect.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (eCO2) has been shown to have a variety of ecosystem‐level effects in terrestrial systems, but few studies have examined how eCO2 might affect aquatic habitats. This limits broad generalizations about the effects of a changing climate across biomes. To broaden this generalization, we used free air CO2 enrichment to compare effects of eCO2 (i.e., double ambient ~720 ppm) relative to ambient CO2 (aCO2~360 ppm) on several ecosystem properties and functions in large, outdoor, experimental mesocosms that mimicked shallow sand‐bottom prairie streams. In general, we showed that eCO2 had strong bottom‐up effects on stream autotrophs, which moved through the food web and indirectly affected consumer trophic levels. These general effects were likely mediated by differential CO2 limitation between the eCO2 and aCO2 treatments. For example, we found that eCO2 decreased water‐column pH and increased dissolved CO2 in the mesocosms, reducing CO2‐limitation at times of intense primary production (PP). At these times, PP of benthic algae was about two times greater in the eCO2 treatment than aCO2 treatment. Elevated PP enhanced the rate of carbon assimilation relative to nutrient uptake, which reduced algae quality in the eCO2 treatment. We predicted that reduced algae quality would negatively affect benthic invertebrates. However, density, biomass and average individual size of benthic invertebrates increased in the eCO2 treatment relative to aCO2 treatment. This suggested that total PP was a more important regulator of secondary production than food quality in our experiment. This study broadens generalizations about ecosystem‐level effects of a changing climate by providing some of the first evidence that the global increase in atmospheric CO2 might affect autotrophs and consumers in small stream ecosystems throughout the southern Great Plains and Gulf Coastal slope of North America.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change may substantially alter soil carbon (C) dynamics, which in turn may impact future climate through feedback cycles. However, only very few field experiments worldwide have combined elevated CO2 (eCO2) with both warming and changes in precipitation in order to study the potential combined effects of changes in these fundamental drivers of C cycling in ecosystems. We exposed a temperate heath/grassland to eCO2, warming, and drought, in all combinations for 8 years. At the end of the study, soil C stocks were on average 0.927 kg C/m2 higher across all treatment combinations with eCO2 compared to ambient CO2 treatments (equal to an increase of 0.120 ± 0.043 kg C m?2 year?1), and showed no sign of slowed accumulation over time. However, if observed pretreatment differences in soil C are taken into account, the annual rate of increase caused by eCO2 may be as high as 0.177 ± 0.070 kg C m?2 year?1. Furthermore, the response to eCO2 was not affected by simultaneous exposure to warming and drought. The robust increase in soil C under eCO2 observed here, even when combined with other climate change factors, suggests that there is continued and strong potential for enhanced soil carbon sequestration in some ecosystems to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations under future climate conditions. The feedback between land C and climate remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in future climate projections, yet experimental data under simulated future climate, and especially including combined changes, are still scarce. Globally coordinated and distributed experiments with long‐term measurements of changes in soil C in response to the three major climate change‐related global changes, eCO2, warming, and changes in precipitation patterns, are, therefore, urgently needed.  相似文献   

Field‐growing silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) clones (clone 4 and 80) were exposed to elevated CO2 and O3 in open‐top chambers for three consecutive growing seasons (1999–2001). At the beginning of the OTC experiment, all trees were 7 years old. We studied the single and interaction effects of CO2 and O3 on silver birch below‐ground carbon pools (i.e. effects on fine roots and mycorrhizas, soil microbial communities and sporocarp production) and also assessed whether there are any clonal differences in these below‐ground CO2 and O3 responses. The total mycorrhizal infection level of both clones was stimulated by elevated CO2 alone and elevated O3 alone, but not when elevated CO2 was used in fumigation in combination with elevated O3. In both clones, elevated CO2 affected negatively light brown/orange mycorrhizas, while its effect on other mycorrhizal morphotypes was negligible. Elevated O3, instead, clearly decreased the proportions of black and liver‐brown mycorrhizas and increased that of light brown/orange mycorrhizas. Elevated O3 had a tendency to decrease standing fine root mass and sporocarp production as well, both of these O3 effects mainly manifesting in clone 4 trees. CO2 and O3 treatment effects on soil microbial community composition (PLFA, 2‐ and 3‐OH‐FA profiles) were negligible, but quantitative PLFA data showed that in 2001 the PLFA fungi : bacteria‐ratio of clone 80 trees was marginally increased because of elevated CO2 treatments. This study shows that O3 effects were most clearly visible at the mycorrhizal root level and that some clonal differences in CO2 and O3 responses were observable in the below‐ground carbon pools. In conclusion, the present data suggests that CO2 effects were minor, whereas increasing tropospheric O3 levels can be an important stress factor in northern birch forests, as they might alter mycorrhizal morphotype assemblages, mycorrhizal infection rates and sporocarp production.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of tree seedlings to respond to two environmental factors, elevated ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation and availability of nitrogen (N), at the beginning of their development. Seeds of two birch species, Betula pubescens Ehrh. (common white birch) and B. pendula Roth (silver birch), were germinated and the seedlings grown in an experimental field in eastern Finland. The experimental design consisted of a constant 50% increase in UVB radiation (including a slight increase in UVA), a UVA control (a slight increase in UVA) and a control. The seedlings were fertilized with three levels of N. The experiment lasted for 2 months; aboveground biomass was measured and the most mature leaf of each seedling was taken for the analyses of phenolics. Growth of the seedlings was not significantly affected by enhanced UVB, but was increased by increasing N. Elevated UVB induced significant changes in phenolic compounds. Quercetin glycosides were accumulated in the leaves of both species in response to UVB; this is considered to be a protective response. However, the direction of the responses of individual phenolics to different N regimens differed. In addition, concentration of soluble condensed tannins was lower at moderate N than that at lower levels of N in both species; on the contrary, in B. pubescens the concentration of insoluble condensed tannins was highest at moderate N. No significant interaction between UV and N was detected, and the responses of the two species were highly similar to UVB, while the responses to N regimens varied slightly more between species.  相似文献   

Human activities result in a wide array of pollutants being released to the atmosphere. A number of these pollutants have direct effects on plants, including carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the substrate for photosynthesis, and ozone (O3), a damaging oxidant. How plants respond to changes in these atmospheric air pollutants, both directly and indirectly, feeds back on atmospheric composition and climate, global net primary productivity and ecosystem service provisioning. Here we discuss the past, current and future trends in emissions of CO2 and O3 and synthesise the current atmospheric CO2 and O3 budgets, describing the important role of vegetation in determining the atmospheric burden of those pollutants. While increased atmospheric CO2 concentration over the past 150 years has been accompanied by greater CO2 assimilation and storage in terrestrial ecosystems, there is evidence that rising temperatures and increased drought stress may limit the ability of future terrestrial ecosystems to buffer against atmospheric emissions. Long‐term Free Air CO2 or O3 Enrichment (FACE) experiments provide critical experimentation about the effects of future CO2 and O3 on ecosystems, and highlight the important interactive effects of temperature, nutrients and water supply in determining ecosystem responses to air pollution. Long‐term experimentation in both natural and cropping systems is needed to provide critical empirical data for modelling the effects of air pollutants on plant productivity in the decades to come.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration is increasingly affecting food production but how plant diseases will influence production and quality of food under rising CO2 is not well understood. With increased plant biomass at high CO2 the stubble‐borne fungal pathogen Fusarium pseudograminearum causing crown rot (CR) of wheat may become more severe. We have studied inoculum production by Fusarium using fungal biomass per unit wheat stubble, stem browning from CR and the saprophytic fitness of Fusarium strains isolated from two wheat varieties grown in 2007 and 2008 at ambient and elevated CO2 in free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) with or without irrigation and once in a controlled environment. Fungal biomass, determined using primers for fungal ribosomal 18s and the TRI5 gene, increased significantly at elevated CO2 in two of the three studies. Stem browning increased significantly at elevated CO2 in the 2007 FACE study. At elevated CO2 increased stem browning was not influenced by irrigation in a susceptible variety but in a resistant variety stem browning increased by 68% without irrigation. Wheat variety was significant in regression models explaining stem browning and Fusarium biomass but pathogen biomass at the two CO2 levels was not significantly linked to stem browning. Fusarium isolates from ambient and elevated CO2 did not differ significantly in their saprophytic fitness measured by the rate of colonization of wheat straw. We show that under elevated CO2Fusarium inoculum in stubbles will be amplified from increased crop and pathogen biomass while unimpeded saprophytic fitness will retain its effectiveness. If resistant varieties cannot completely stop infection, Fusarium will rapidly colonize stubble to further increase inoculum once the crop is harvested. Research should move beyond documenting the influence of elevated CO2 to developing disease management strategies from improved knowledge of pathogen biology and host resistance under rising CO2.  相似文献   

Seedlings of European white birch (Betula pendula Roth) were grown in growth chambers for one growth season under four carbon dioxide regimes (350, 700, 1050 and 1400 ppm) and at three fertilization levels (0, 100 and 500 kg ha–1 monthly). The soluble carbohydrates and secondary phenolics in the leaves and stems were analysed. It was found that fertilizer addition reduced the amounts of glucose and fructose while sucrose remained almost unaffected. The sugar content of leaves increased at 700 ppm and 1050 ppm of CO2 and decreased at the highest CO2 concentration (1400 ppm). The amounts of proanthocyanidins and flavonoids in leaves decreased with fertilization addition and increased with CO2 enrichment. The production of simple phenolic glucosides varied according to the fertilization and CO2 treatments. The triterpenoid content of stems seemed to increase with fertilization and CO2-addition. Our results indicate that the production of phytochemicals in the birch seedlings is very sensitive to both fertilization and CO2 addition, which is in agreement with earlier studies, and thus provide some support for the hypothesis of carbon allocation to plant defence when there is an excess of carbon and nutrient. The considerable variation in the production of secondary components may indicate that the synthesis of these defensive metabolites can be regulated by a plant to certain extent, depending on the ability of the plant to acclimate to changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

A catalase-deficient mutant (RPr 79/4) and the wild-type (cv. Maris Mink) barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) counterpart, were grown for 3 weeks in high CO2 (0.7%) and then transferred to air and ozone (120 nl 1?1) in the light and shade for a period of 4 days. Leaves and roots were analysed for catalase (CAT, EC, superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC activities. CAT activity in the leaves of the RPr 79/4 catalase-deficient mutant was around 5-10% of that determined in Maris Mink, but in the roots, both genotypes contained approximately the same levels of activity. CAT activity in Maris Mink increased in the leaves after transferring plants from 0.7% CO2 to air or ozone, reaching a maximum of 5-fold, after 4 days in shade and ozone. For the catalase-deficient mutant, only small increases in CAT activity were observed in light/air and light/ozone treatments. In the roots, CAT activity decreased consistently in both genotypes, after plants were transferred from 0.7% CO2. The total soluble SOD activity in the leaves and roots of both genotypes increased after plants were transferred from 0.7% CO2. The analysis of SOD isolated from leaves following non-denaturing PAGE, revealed the presence of up to eight SOD isoenzymes classified as Mn-SOD or Cu/Zn-SODs; Fe-SOD was not detected. Significant changes in Mn- and Cu/Zn-SOD isoenzymes were observed; however, they could not account for the increase in total SOD activity. In leaves, GR activity also increased in Maris Mink and RPr 79/4, following transfer from 0.7% CO2; however, no constant pattern could be established, while in roots, GR activity was reduced after 4 days of the treatments. The data suggest that elevated CO2 decreases oxidative stress in barley leaves and that soluble CAT and SOD activities increased rapidly after plants were transferred from elevated CO2, irrespective of the treatment (light, shade, air or ozone).  相似文献   

We tested the main and interactive effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]), nitrogen (N), and light availability on leaf photosynthesis, and plant growth and survival in understory seedlings grown in an N‐limited northern hardwood forest. For two growing seasons, we exposed six species of tree seedlings (Betula papyrifera, Populus tremuloides, Acer saccharum, Fagus grandifolia, Pinus strobus, and Prunus serotina) to a factorial combination of atmospheric CO2 (ambient, and elevated CO2 at 658 μmol CO2 mol−1) and N deposition (ambient and ambient +30 kg N ha−1 yr−1) in open‐top chambers placed in an understory light gradient. Elevated CO2 exposure significantly increased apparent quantum efficiency of electron transport by 41% (P<0.0001), light‐limited photosynthesis by 47% (P<0.0001), and light‐saturated photosynthesis by 60% (P<0.003) compared with seedlings grown in ambient [CO2]. Experimental N deposition significantly increased light‐limited photosynthesis as light availability increased (P<0.037). Species differed in the magnitude of light‐saturated photosynthetic response to elevated N and light treatments (P<0.016). Elevated CO2 exposure and high N availability did not affect seedling growth; however, growth increased slightly with light availability (R2=0.26, P<0.0001). Experimental N deposition significantly increased average survival of all species by 48% (P<0.012). However, seedling survival was greatest (85%) under conditions of both high [CO2] and N deposition (P<0.009). Path analysis determined that the greatest predictor for seedling survival in the understory was total biomass (R2=0.39, P<0.001), and that carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) was a better predictor for seedling growth and survival than maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax). Our results suggest that increasing [CO2] and N deposition from fossil fuel combustion could alter understory tree species recruitment dynamics through changes in seedling survival, and this has the potential to alter future forest species composition.  相似文献   

The atmospheric [CO2] in which crops grow today is greater than at any point in their domestication history and represents an opportunity for positive effects on seed yield that can counteract the negative effects of greater heat and drought this century. In order to maximize yields under future atmospheric [CO2], we need to identify and study crop cultivars that respond most favorably to elevated [CO2] and understand the mechanisms contributing to their responsiveness. Soybean (Glycine max Merr.) is a widely grown oilseed crop and shows genetic variation in response to elevated [CO2]. However, few studies have studied the physiological basis for this variation. Here, we examined canopy light interception, photosynthesis, respiration and radiation use efficiency along with yield and yield parameters in two cultivars of soybean (Loda and HS93‐4118) previously reported to have similar seed yield at ambient [CO2], but contrasting responses to elevated [CO2]. Seed yield increased by 26% at elevated [CO2] (600 μmol/mol) in the responsive cultivar Loda, but only by 11% in HS93‐4118. Canopy light interception and leaf area index were greater in HS93‐4118 in ambient [CO2], but increased more in response to elevated [CO2] in Loda. Radiation use efficiency and harvest index were also greater in Loda than HS93‐4118 at both ambient and elevated [CO2]. Daily C assimilation was greater at elevated [CO2] in both cultivars, while stomatal conductance was lower. Electron transport capacity was also greater in Loda than HS93‐4118, but there was no difference in the response of photosynthetic traits to elevated [CO2] in the two cultivars. Overall, this greater understanding of leaf‐ and canopy‐level photosynthetic traits provides a strong conceptual basis for modeling genotypic variation in response to elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

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