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目的:采用常用的电子表格处理系统Microsoft Excel解决药学实验过程中遇到的数据分析问题。方法:应用工作表函数中内置的统计函数,以线性回归为例说明源数据的输入与结果返回的具体操作过程;对数据分析工具中的"描述统计"工具、t检验与方差分析,结合具体实例对药学实践中遇到的药学统计实际问题进行综合探讨。结果:用Excel表中内置的统计函数工具进行线性回归分析,方法简单、结果可靠;Excel表中的数据分析工具适用于日常药学实验数据分析过程中遇到的描述统计分析、t检验与方差分析。Excel与其它数据处理软件相比具有操作快捷、使用方便、计算精确、易于学习与掌握等优点。结论:Excel友好的界面,清晰的统计分析结果,使医药工作者在使用Excel的数据分析软件时会感到非常的方便快捷,灵活实用,值得在药学实践中应用推广。  相似文献   

SPSS方差分析在生物统计的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
方差分析是生物统计中常采用的一种方法。如何使用统计分析软件进行方差分析来实现对研究结果的快速和科学的处理,获得正确的结论,是生物学研究中重要的一环。本文通过实例介绍了如何使用SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science or Statistic Products and Service Solution)数据分析工具进行方差分析的方法;实现了数据分析和处理的快捷、准确和直观;与Excel相比,SPSS的统计分析功能更为强大,既有利于提高数据处理效率,又降低了实验成本。  相似文献   

常用统计软件在生物统计中的应用比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物统计分析方法通过对数据的科学分析从而排除误差,找出研究对象的内在联系以求获得正确的结论,在生物医学研究中具有不可替代的地位.随着21世纪"后基因组时代"的到来,以及系统生物学研究的兴起,海量的生物学数据愈来愈需要统计软件的辅助.本文结合相关分析实例就Excel、SPSS和SAS三种目前常用的统计软件的优缺点及其局限性进行综述.  相似文献   

该文就生态学论文“材料和方法”部分中“数据分析”的写作规范进行讨论, 希望对论文写作有所帮助。还讨论了在生态学论文数据分析部分常遇到的几个统计问题, 如采用更有效的统计方法、相关因变量、方差不齐性、统计显著性与生物学/生态学显著性、伪重复问题。  相似文献   

每次考试结束以后,我校生物组教师都要统一评分标准、认真集体阅卷,对学生试卷进行抽样调查并对答题情况进行数据分析,统计数据中反应出,学生在学习过程中存在“四不”问题。笔者结合自己的教学实践并经过深刻反思认为:在教学中只有教师做到“四注意:学生做到“四学会:才能真正解决学生存在的“四不”问题,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

《科研中的统计方法》(生物统计杂志)系国内唯一公开发行的一份专业生物统计杂志,每年出两期,安徽省科协主办,安徽医学院编辑发行(该院财务科负责业务联系).该刊发表我国在生物统计研究和应用的学术论文,另辟“问题讨论”、“意见”等栏,活跃学术讨论气氛并普及统计知识,因而它是生物学、医学、农学等  相似文献   


目的 明确“十五”期间山东省在卫生科技经费投入中存在的问题及对策。方法 采用调查表进行定量调查,运用Excel 2000和SPSS 13.0进行数据录入和分析。结果 2001—2005年山东省卫生科技计划立项数量、相应经费和匹配经费基本呈现逐年递增的趋势,但与卫生科技可持续发展的整体需求比较,卫生科技总经费投入力度较小,与全省国民生产总值以及“经济大省”的称号不相称。结论 建议多渠道筹集资金,加大卫生科技资金投入力度,促进卫生科技发展。


为了解湖北省医院信息系统的安全状况,分析医院信息安全存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,由湖北省卫生厅统一组织,对湖北省288家二级及以上医院的信息安全现状进行全面调查,通过SPSS 14.0和Excel 2003统计软件对数据进行了分析。结果表明:湖北省二级以上医院信息系统普遍采用了安全措施,但安全级别较低;信息安全制度和应急预案制定情况较好,但完善率不高;二级医院和三级医院在信息安全措施的采用方面存在差异。  相似文献   

生物多样性与稳定性机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张景慧  黄永梅 《生态学报》2016,36(13):3859-3870
随着全球生物多样性的迅速丧失,生物多样性与生态系统稳定性的关系已成为人类面临的重要科学问题。许多研究表明生物多样性与稳定性存在正相互关系,但其内在机制尚不能被很好地理解并且存在争议。对生物多样性与稳定性的研究历史做简短的回顾,然后根据时间稳定性的计算方法将时间稳定性分为平均值、方差之和以及协方差之和3个统计组成部分,在此基础上对现在常见的生物多样性-稳定性机制进行分类和详细介绍。并对现在生物多样性和稳定研究的争论进行总结。建议未来生物多样性稳定性关系的研究应该建立更加综合的理论,增加实验时间,应用整合分析(meta-analysis)对已发表实验结果进行综合分析,此外,应多关注非生物量/多度的属性,控制物种属性而不是仅仅控制物种的数量。  相似文献   

生物医学数据的积累速度史无前例,为生物医学研究带来机遇的同时,也让传统数据分析技术面临巨大挑战.本文综述了深度学习方法应用在生物医学数据分析中的最新研究进展.首先阐述了深度学习方法,列举深度学习方法的主要实现模型,随后总结了目前生物医学数据分析中的深度学习方法应用情况,分析了在数据处理、模型构建和训练方法等方面共有问题的解决方法,最后给出了深度学习方法应用于生物医学数据分析时可能存在的问题及建议.  相似文献   

Feng R  Zhou G  Zhang M  Zhang H 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):584-589
Summary .  Twin studies are essential for assessing disease inheritance. Data generated from twin studies are traditionally analyzed using specialized computational programs. For many researchers, especially those who are new to twin studies, understanding and using those specialized computational programs can be a daunting task. Given that SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) is the most popular software for statistical analysis, we suggest that the use of SAS procedures for twin data may be a helpful alternative and demonstrate that we can obtain similar results from SAS to those produced by specialized computational programs. This numerical validation is practically useful, because a natural concern with general statistical software is whether it can deal with data that are generated from special study designs such as twin studies and if it can test a particular hypothesis. We concluded through our extensive simulation that SAS procedures can be used easily as a very convenient alternative to specialized programs for twin data analysis.  相似文献   

I present a new software that links a program for image analysis (SigmaScan), one for spreadsheets (Excel) and one for statistical analysis (R) for applications of tree-ring analysis. The first macro measures ring width marked by the user on scanned images, stores raw and detrended data in Excel and calculates the distance to the pith and inter-series correlations. A second macro measures darkness along a defined path to identify latewood–earlywood transition in conifers, and a third shows the potential for automatic detection of boundaries. Written in Visual Basic for Applications, the code makes use of the advantages of existing programs and is consequently very economic and relatively simple to adjust to the requirements of specific projects or to expand making use of already available code.  相似文献   

The SAS system provides biologists with a flexible, easy touse software package for data analysis. Through a combinationof data management tools, a wide variety of pre-programmed proceduresfor sorting, graphing, and statistical analysis and a sophisticatedprogramming language, SAS software can perform all analyticalneeds for most problems. The recent availability of SAS softwareon mainframes other than IBM, and more recently on the microcomputer,means that most scientists can have access to the software.In this review we discuss the structure of the SAS languageand demonstrate its power in the analysis of biological problems.Although to a lesser extent now than originally, the SAS systemis statistically oriented and a working knowledge of statisticsis recommended before using its statistical capabilities. However,all biologists will find its data management and summarizationcapabilities very useful. Received on September 9, 1987; accepted on September 17, 1987  相似文献   

SUMMARY: This paper presents ClassMaker, a macro of MS Excel able to classify continuous data of molecular weight data as binary (1/0) values. The output is represented by a binary matrix, which can be introduced in every software application for phylogenetics or multivariate statistics. This application is designed in order to be a link between image analysis programs and statistical or phylogenetic applications, in order to produce a complete series of free programs able to carry out the complete analysis from the gel to the dendrogram. AVAILABILITY: ClassMaker is freely available from http://www.agr.unipg.it/cardinali/index.html, where a list of the URLs from which programs of image analysis, statistics and phylogenetics can be freely downloaded.  相似文献   

Abstract A comprehensive but simple‐to‐use software package called DPS (Data Processing System) has been developed to execute a range of standard numerical analyses and operations used in experimental design, statistics and data mining. This program runs on standard Windows computers. Many of the functions are specific to entomological and other biological research and are not found in standard statistical software. This paper presents applications of DPS to experimental design, statistical analysis and data mining in entomology.  相似文献   

A user-friendly graphical data analysis to perform stability analysis of genotype x environmental interactions, using Tai's stability model and additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) biplots, are presented here. This practical approach integrates statistical and graphical analysis tools available in SAS systems and provides user-friendly applications to perform complete stability analyses without writing SAS program statements or using pull-down menu interfaces by running the SAS macros in the background. By using this macro approach, the agronomists and plant breeders can effectively perform stability analysis and spend more time in data exploration, interpretation of graphs, and output, rather than debugging their program errors. The necessary MACRO-CALL files can be downloaded from the author's home page at http://www.ag.unr.edu/gf. The nature and the distinctive features of the graphics produced by these applications are illustrated by using published data.  相似文献   

We present an all-inclusive software tool for dealing with the essential core of mathematical and statistical calculations in plant growth analysis. The tool calculates up to six of the most fundamental growth parameters according to a purely 'classical' approach across one harvest-interval. All of the estimates carry standard errors and 95 % confidence limits. The tool is written in Microsoft Excel 2000 and is available free of charge for use in teaching and research from www.aob.oupjournals.org article supplementary data.  相似文献   

To address data management and data exchange problems in the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) community, the Collaborative Computing Project for the NMR community (CCPN) created a "Data Model" that describes all the different types of information needed in an NMR structural study, from molecular structure and NMR parameters to coordinates. This paper describes the development of a set of software applications that use the Data Model and its associated libraries, thus validating the approach. These applications are freely available and provide a pipeline for high-throughput analysis of NMR data. Three programs work directly with the Data Model: CcpNmr Analysis, an entirely new analysis and interactive display program, the CcpNmr FormatConverter, which allows transfer of data from programs commonly used in NMR to and from the Data Model, and the CLOUDS software for automated structure calculation and assignment (Carnegie Mellon University), which was rewritten to interact directly with the Data Model. The ARIA 2.0 software for structure calculation (Institut Pasteur) and the QUEEN program for validation of restraints (University of Nijmegen) were extended to provide conversion of their data to the Data Model. During these developments the Data Model has been thoroughly tested and used, demonstrating that applications can successfully exchange data via the Data Model. The software architecture developed by CCPN is now ready for new developments, such as integration with additional software applications and extensions of the Data Model into other areas of research.  相似文献   

通过响应面Box-Behnken设计分析法,以黄酮含量为考察指标,运用微波提取滇桂艾纳香总黄酮成分,数据通过SAS软件分析处理,得出了总黄酮含量与因素的内在关系,最佳条件为乙醇体积分数:42%,固液比:1:20,温度:60℃,提取次数为3次,提取时间:7 min,通过验证实验,结果与计算机回归预测值相当,且略高.  相似文献   

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