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In continuation of our efforts to study the solution structure and conformational dynamics of insulin by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, we have synthesized and examined the biological activity of five insulin analogues in which selected naturally occurring residues in the A-chain have been replaced with the strongly fluorescent tryptophan residue. The potency of these analogues was evaluated in lipogenesis assays in isolated rat adipocytes, in receptor binding assays using rat liver plasma membranes, and in two cases, in receptor binding assays using adipocytes. [A3 Trp]insulin displays a potency of 3% in receptor binding assays in both liver membranes and in adipocytes, but only 0.06% in lipogenesis assays as compared to porcine insulin. [A10 Trp] insulin displays a potency ofca. 40% andca. 25% in rat liver receptor binding and lipogenesis assays, respectively. [A13 Trp]insulin displays a potency ofca. 39% in rat liver receptor binding assays, but onlyca. 9% in receptor binding in adipocytes; in lipogenesis assays, [A13 Trp] insulin displays a potency ofca. 12%, comparable to its potency in adipocyte receptor binding assays. [A15 Trp]insulin exhibits a potency of 18% and 9% in rat liver receptor binding and lipogenesis assays, respectively. The doubly substituted analogue, [A14 Trp, A19 Trp] insulin, displays a potency ofca. 0.7% in both rat liver receptor binding assays and lipogenesis assays. These data suggest two major conclusions: (1) the A3 and A15 residues lie in sensitive regions in the insulin molecule, and structural modifications at these positions have deleterious effects on biological activity of the hormone; and (2) [A13 Trp]insulin appears to be a unique case in which an insulin analogue exhibits a higher potency when assayed in liver tissue than when assayed in fat cells.  相似文献   

An analog of human insulin, which differs from the parent molecule in that the histidine residue at position 10 of the B chain (B10) is replaced by lysine, has been synthesized and isolated in purified form. This analog, [10-lysine-B] insulin ([Lys10-B] insulin), in stimulating lipogenesis and in radioimmunoassays, exhibited potencies of 14.2% and 14.7%, respectively, as compared to the natural hormone. In insulin receptor binding in rat liver membranes, [Lys10-B] insulin was found to possess a potency of 17% compared to insulin. We have shown previously that substitution of the B10 polar residue histidine with the nonpolar leucine results in an analog exhibiting inin vivo assays 50% of the activity of the parent molecule. It is speculated that in insulin the relative size of the amino acid residue at B10, rather than its polarity, is the most important factor in maintaining a structure commensurate with high biological activity.For the previous paper in this series see Schwartzet al. (1981).  相似文献   

Summary Solid phase syntheses of analogues of the opioid heptapeptide dermorphin (H-Tyr-dAla-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH2) containing in the first position 3-aminotyrosine, 3-nitrotyrosine, 4-aminophenylalanine, or nucleoamino acids, 3-(uracilyl-1)alanine, 3-(thyminyl-1)alanine and 3-(6-methyluracilyl-1)alanine are described. The receptor binding properties and analgesic activity of the analogues were examined in comparison with dermorphin. All analogues showed low opioid activity in the binding assays with respect to μ- and δ-receptors. The peptide containing 3-(thyminyl-1)alanine demonstrated a high analgesic activity in different tests when administered intracisternally in mice.  相似文献   

Solid phase syntheses of analogues of the opioidheptapeptide dermorphin(H-Tyr-dAla-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH2) containingin the first position 3-aminotyrosine, 3-nitrotyrosine,4-aminophenylalanine, or nucleoamino acids,3-(uracilyl-1)alanine, 3-(thyminyl-1)alanine and3-(6-methyluracilyl-1)alanine are described. Thereceptor binding properties and analgesic activity ofthe analogues were examined in comparison withdermorphin. All analogues showed low opioid activityin the binding assays with respect to µ- and-receptors. The peptide containing3-(thyminyl-1)alanine demonstrated a high analgesicactivity in different tests when administeredintracisternally in mice.  相似文献   

Summary Phospholamban (PLB), a 52-residue integral membrane protein of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, is known as the regulator of the Ca2+-ATPase pump via its phosphorylation-dephosphorylation at Ser16. In order to investigate the structural effects of the phosphorylation on the cytoplasmic domain of PLB, we synthesized PLB 2–33 in its nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms using Fmoc chemistry. PLB 2–33 was phosphorylated using the global phosphorylation method. Phosphorylation with di-t-butyl-N,N-diisopropylphosphoramidite led to an incomplete reaction (nonphosphorylated peptide was recovered) and to the formation of an H-phosphonate. In contrast, the use of dibenzyl-N,N-diisopropylphosphoramidite yielded the desired phosphorylated peptide quantitatively and did not give rise to the H-phosphonate. Our results show the effectiveness of the dibenzyl-protected phosphoramidite when the site to be phosphorylated is particularly hindered.  相似文献   

Edeines are pentapeptide amide antibiotics composed of four nonprotein amino acids, glycine, and polyamine. They exhibit antimicrobial and immunosuppressive activities and are universal inhibitors of translation. Moreover, it was proven that the free ionizable carboxy group in the (2R, 6S, 7R)-2,6-diamino-7-hydroxyazelaic acid moiety is not essential for biological activity of these compounds. In this paper we describe the synthesis of four novel edeine A and D analogues in which the above-mentioned acid residue was replaced with the (3R, 4S)- or (3S, 4S)-4,5-diamino-3-hydroxypentanoic acid moiety. In one compound we also introduced into molecule the 3-N,N-dimethyl derivative of (S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid to prevent the transpeptidation process, which results in the loss of biological activity of alpha-isomers of edeines. All peptides were synthesized applying the active ester and azide methods and on the basis of the coupling of suitable N-terminal tripeptides with proper C-terminal dipeptide amides. The activities of the newly obtained edeine analogues against selected strains of bacteria and fungi are also presented.  相似文献   

CD studies on tetrazole analogues of opioid peptides show that peptides sharing the same N-terminal sequence, H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Gly-, give very large Cotton effects of the Tyr side chain in the near-UV region. CD spectra of five such peptides: H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Gly-Gly-Phe-Leu-OH (I), H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Gly-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro-Ile-NH(2) (II), H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Gly-Phe-Pro-NH(2) (III), H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Gly-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH(2) (IV), and H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Gly-Phe-Asp-Val-Val-Gly-NH(2) (V), and two others for comparison: H-Tyr-GlyPsi[CN(4)]Gly-Phe-Leu-OH (VI) and H-TyrPsi[CN(4)]Ala-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH(2) (VII), were measured in methanol, 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, and water at different pH values. The spectra show that the conformations of the Tyr(1) residue in peptides I-V are very similar in all solvents used but differ distinctly from those observed for VI and VII. Strong Tyr bands in the aromatic region result probably from the rigid structure of the common N-terminal part of peptides I-V. These bands are weaker for IV, which maybe due to the presence of a second Tyr residue in that peptide, giving an opposite contribution to the CD spectrum as that arising from Tyr1. It seems that the rigid structure of the N-terminal part of I-V results from the interaction of the Tyr(1) side chain and the tetrazole ring. The CD bands of the Tyr residues of VI and VII are much smaller than those of I-V in all solvents, except VII in trifluoroethanol (TFE) where Tyr bands comparable in intensity to those of I-V are observed. This spectral property may derive from the same sign contribution of both Tyr residues of VII to the CD spectrum.  相似文献   

To further investigate on the structure-activity relationships of immunosuppressive Astin C, seventeen analogues 117 were designed and synthetized via amino acid substitution strategy by the solid-phase peptide synthesis method for the first time. In comparison with Astin C (IC50?=?12.6?±?3.3?μM), only compounds 2 (IC50?=?38.4?±?16.2?μM), 4 (IC50?=?51.8?±?12.7?μM), 5 (IC50?=?65.2?±?15.6?μM), and 8 (IC50?=?61.8?±?12.4?μM) exhibited immunosuppressive activity in the Lymph node cells of mice. These results showed that the Astin C analogues containing D-amino acid residues, hydrophobic long-chain alkyl substituents, and aryl substituents performed better than those carrying hydrophilic amino acid residues and short-chain alkyl substituents. Moreover compounds 15, 16, and 17 had no immunosuppressive activity, which suggested that cis-3,4-dichlorinated proline played an important role in the immunosuppressive activity of Astin C.  相似文献   

将化学合成的RGD肽(Arg-Gly-Asp)编码寡核苷酸与尿激酶B链cDNA相连成为融合基因后,克隆至原核表达质粒pBV220中,在PRPL自动子的作用下,经42℃热诱导,在大肠杆菌DH5α中获得了融合基因的表达,其表达量占菌体总蛋白的9.2%,表达产物以无活性的包含体形式存在。经变复性处理得到纯化的融合基因的表达产物,经Western-blotting分析表明产物具有与天然尿激酶相似的抗原性,  相似文献   

The serine/threonine kinase activity of the Raf-1 proto-oncogene product is stimulated by the activation of many tyrosine kinases, including growth factor receptors and pp60v-src. Recent studies of growth factor signal transduction pathways demonstrate that Raf-1 functions downstream of activated tyrosine kinases and p21ras and upstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase. However, coexpression of both activated tyrosine kinases and p21ras is required for maximal activation of Raf-1 in the baculovirus-Sf9 expression system. In this study, we investigated the role of tyrosine kinases and tyrosine phosphorylation in the regulation of Raf-1 activity. Using the baculovirus-Sf9 expression system, we identified Tyr-340 and Tyr-341 as the major tyrosine phosphorylation sites of Raf-1 when coexpressed with activated tyrosine kinases. Introduction of a negatively charged residue that may mimic the effect of phosphorylation at these sites activated the catalytic activity of Raf-1 and generated proteins that could transform BALB/3T3 cells and induce the meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes. In contrast, substitution of noncharged residues that were unable to be phosphorylated produced a protein that could not be enzymatically activated by tyrosine kinases and that could block the meiotic maturation of oocytes induced by components of the receptor tyrosine kinase pathway. These findings demonstrate that maturation of the tyrosine phosphorylation sites can dramatically alter the function of Raf-1. In addition, this is the first report that a transforming Raf-1 protein can be generated by a single amino acid substitution.  相似文献   

Insulin dissolved in aqueous or methanolic buffer was iodinated to give preparations containing an average of between one and five iodine atoms per insulin monomer. The resultant preparations were fragmented in various ways and the ratio of tyrosine to monoiodotyrosine and di-iodotyrosine was determined in each fragment. This has allowed the distribution of iodine between the combined A-chain tyrosine residues and the individual B-chain tyrosine residues to be determined. The hormonal activity of each of these iodinated insulin preparations was measured from their effect on the production of (14)CO(2) from [1-(14)C]glucose by isolated adipose cells. The results were interpreted as meaning that the iodination of tyrosine residue A19 or B16 leads to the inactivation of insulin. Speculations are made about the nature of an interaction between insulin and a receptor site on the target tissue.  相似文献   

Series of methyl esters of stereoisomeric dipeptides of the sequences Tyr-Arg and Arg-Tyr has been synthesized by classic methods of the peptide chemistry. The study of their reactivity towards thrombin and trypsin has shown that the kinetic parameters of enzyme-catalyzed hydrolyses of stereoisomeric compounds differ in values essentially. Testing the synthetic peptides on analgic effect, on inhibition of the reaction fibrinogen with thrombin or on influence upon the process of fibrin-monomer polymerization has shown that these biological effects depend on peptide structure and on configuration of amino acid residues forming the peptides.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) is a single chain polypeptide hormone of 50 amino acids that stimulates growth of some human cancer cells via an autocrine mechanism. The domain(s) of TGF-alpha that bind and activate its receptor have not been reported. Hydrophilicity plots of TGF-alpha indicate three discrete sequences that are theoretically exposed on the hormone's surface and thus potentially able to interact with the TGF-alpha receptor. Fragments of TGF-alpha encompassing these hydrophilic domains were prepared by using solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) techniques and purified by use of high performance liquid chromotography (HPLC). Assessment of biological activity of the TGF-alpha fragments indicated that none of the fragments significantly inhibited binding of EGF to the receptor, stimulated DNA synthesis of cells, inhibited EGF-induced DNA synthesis of cells, stimulated growth of cells in soft agar, or induced phosphorylation of the receptor or p35 protein. These results indicate that the receptor binding domain of TGF-alpha is not totally encompassed by any of the separate fragments tested and probably is formed by multiple separate regions of TGF-alpha.  相似文献   

Recently several peptides with natriuretic and diuretic potencies were isolated from human and rat atrial extract, and the precursors of the peptides were sequenced. Of the peptides, -human and rat atrial natriuretic polypeptides (-hANP, -rANP), consisting of 28 amino acids, are thought to be essential to the potency and to play an important role in the blood pressure regulation system. The amino acid sequence of -hANP is different from that of -rANP only at the position 12 (isoleucine in -rANP). In the present study, we synthesized ANPs and their analogs using a new deprotection procedure based on the concept of push-pull mechanism. Using the synthetic ANP analog, we also developed a radioimmunoassay for -ANP and examined the structure-activity relationship. Synthetic -hANP caused potent, rapid, and short-acting increases in Na+ and Cl excretion, and also an increase in urine flow and K+ excretion of lesser magnitude, when injected into rat. Also, we synthesized a cyclic part of -hANP, -ANP(7–23)-NH2. Since this peptide had a little diuretic and natriuretic potency, we attempted to synthesize a chemically stable -hANP analog. We considered that the disulfide bond would be equivalent to propylene with regard to interatomic distance and employed 8-aminocaprylic acid instead of cystine. This cyclic peptide, named cyclonatrin-54, had a somewhat higher potency than -hANP(7–23)-NH2 for diuresis and natriuresis, as expected. Furthermore, using a synthetic intermediate of cyclonatrin-54, we prepared a linear ANP analog, -hANP(8–22), Phe-Gly-Gly-Arg-Met-Asp-Arg-Ile-Gly-Ala-Gln-Ser-Gly-Leu-Gly. This linear 15-amino acid peptide had a dose-dependent natriuretic and diuretic activity, but no hypotensive effect. It was surprising that a linear peptide exhibited a potent natriuretic activity. For the first time, a linear peptide has been prepared that has substantial natriuretic and diuretic potency. We synthesized some analogs of this 15-amino acid peptide and investigated the structure-activity relationship.This article was presented during the proceedings of the International Conference on Macromolecular Structure and Function, held at the National Defence Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan, December 1985.  相似文献   

Blood glucose lowering assay proved that [B16Ala]insulin and [B26Ala]insulin exhibit potency of acute blood glucose lowering in normal pigs, which demonstrates that they are fast- acting insulin. Single-chain precursor of [B16Ala]insulin and [B26Ala]insulin is [B16Ala]PIP and [B26Ala]PIP, respectively, which are suitable for gene expression. Secretory expression level of the precursors in methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris was quite high, 650 mg/L and 130 mg/L, respectively. In vivo biological assay showed that the two fast-acting insulins have full or nearly full biological activity. So both [B16Ala]insulin and [B26Ala]insulin can be well developed as fast-acting insulin for clinic use.  相似文献   

As part of our aim to investigate the contribution of the tyrosine residue found in the 14 position of the A-chain to the biological activity of insulin, we have synthesized six insulin analogues in which the A14 Tyr has been substituted by a variety of amino acid residues. We have selected three hydrophilic and charged residues—glutamic acid, histidine, and lysine—as well as three hydrophobic residues—cycloleucine, cyclohexylalanine, and naphthyl-(1)-alanine—to replace the A14 Tyr. All six analogues exhibit full agonist activity, reaching the same maximum stimulation of lipogenesis as is achieved with procine insulin. The potency for five of the six analogues, [A14 Glu]-, [A14 His]-, [A14 Lys]-, [A14 cycloleucine]-, and [A14 naphthyl-(1)-alanine]-insulins in receptor binding assays ranges from 40–71% and in stimulation of lipogenesis ranges from 35-120% relative to porcine insulin. In contrast, the potency of the sixth analogue, [A14 cyclohexylalanine]insulin, in both types of assays is less than 1% of the natural hormone. The retention time on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography for the first five analogues is similar to that of bovine insulin, whereas for the sixth analogue, [A14 cyclohexylalanine]insulin, it is approximately 11 min longer than that of the natural hormone. This suggests a profound change in conformation of the latter analogue. Apparently, the A14 position of insulin can tolerate a wide latitude of structural alterations without substantial decrease in potency. This suggests that the A14 position does not participate directly in insulin receptor interaction. Only when a substitution which has the potential to disrupt the conformation of the molecule is made at this position, is the affinity for the receptor, and hence the biological potency, greatly reduced.  相似文献   

Insulin has been successfully used in clinic treatment of diabetes for more than 80 years. However, the clinic practice has shown that regular insulin preparation used in clinic exhibits several intrinsic problems that have existed for a long time. One of the major problems is that insulin has a potency of self-association when its concentration is higher than physiological concentration (10-8—10-10 mol/L)[1,2]. The concentration of the regular insulin is higher than 10-4 mol/L. At such a hi…  相似文献   

Several conjugates of muramyl dipeptide (MDP) or nor-muramyl dipeptide (nor-MDP) with tuftsin were synthesized. Conjugates 8a-f were prepared by acylation of protected tuftsin with the isoglutamine carboxyl group of MDP or nor-MDP 2a-f. Also tuftsin analogue 6 (H-Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg(NO2)-OH) was obtained. All synthesized compounds were investigated at the Medical University of Gdansk. The biological activity of the examined compounds was estimated using in vitro cultures of human monocytes and lymphocytes. The substances displayed cytotoxic effects, as was revealed in the viability tests performed. The effects were most probably mediated by the induction of an oxidative burst in monocytes and the stimulation of redox enzymes in lymphocytes. In addition, the analogues turned out to be efficient stimulators of TNFalpha and IL6 secretion by monocytes and lymphocytes. Nevertheless, the secretion of cytokines did not affect the viability of the leukocyte population used in the experiments.The beneficial properties of the compounds examined (mainly 6, 3, 8a and 8c), which implies their usefulness as potential therapeutic agents, are connected with their rapid start of action and more efficient effects compared with tuftsin alone. An in vivo assay on animal models will be performed.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we showed that a synthetic human insulin 1‐chain analog, named analog ( 3 ) was capable of mimicking in vitro effects of native insulin, including stimulation of cell proliferation, glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis. Here, we have synthesized three new analogs ( 6, 9, 12 ) of the human A‐chain, bearing or not their N‐ or C‐terminal residue, to determine the structural features which are responsible for their biological properties. In vitro experiments clearly demonstrated that the N‐terminal part of the peptides is required for the biological activity of the molecules, suggesting its crucial role in the mechanism underlying the cellular effect. Our findings may help to better understand the mechanism of interaction between insulin and its receptor. In addition, the present data demonstrate that some mini‐insulin derived from the A‐chain can exert similar effects as native insulin. These small peptides may offer specific advantages over insulin in the definition of new strategies for diabetes treatment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article was published online on 17 July 2009. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected 4 August 2009.  相似文献   

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