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Ninety-nine samples of common Chinese medicines were purchased from Chinese medical shops in Singapore and Malaysia and analyzed for mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, cobalt, iron, and nickel. The majority of these medicines were manufactured in China, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. A few of them were of Singapore and Taiwan origin. Atomic absorption method (both flame and flameless) was used for the analyses. Mercury was found to be present in high concentrations in several of the medicines that were for oral consumption.  相似文献   

The bacterial communities of three aquatic systems were analyzed in order to compare the influence of heavy metals. The first system was a sedimentation pond in a zinc-copper factory. The second was the bank of the Belgian river Meuse covered by the mossPlatyhypnidium riparioides (Hedw.) Dix. contaminated with heavy metals. The third was the bank of the same river covered by the same uncontaminated moss.The study was focused mainly on cadmium.The reciprocal averaging method showed that some bacterial strains could develop in very high concentrations of cadmium, but their physiological characteristics were not the same as those of the sensitive strains. In addition, the characteristics of the resistant strains depended on the environment. Correlation between resistance to heavy metals and to antibiotics was observed but was not the same in all communities. The density of resistant strains was roughly related to the level of toxicity in the environment.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate how selected natural compounds (naringin, caffeic acid, and limonene) induce shifts in both bacterial community structure and degradative activity in long-term polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated soil and how these changes correlate with changes in chlorobiphenyl degradation capacity. In order to address this issue, we have integrated analytical methods of determining PCB degradation with pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene tag-encoded amplicons and DNA-stable isotope probing (SIP). Our model system was set in laboratory microcosms with PCB-contaminated soil, which was enriched for 8 weeks with the suspensions of flavonoid naringin, terpene limonene, and phenolic caffeic acid. Our results show that application of selected plant secondary metabolites resulted in bacterial community structure far different from the control one (no natural compound amendment). The community in soil treated with caffeic acid is almost solely represented by Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia (together over 99 %). Treatment with naringin resulted in an enrichment of Firmicutes to the exclusion of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. SIP was applied in order to identify populations actively participating in 4-chlorobiphenyl catabolism. We observed that naringin and limonene in soil foster mainly populations of Hydrogenophaga spp., caffeic acid Burkholderia spp. and Pseudoxanthomonas spp. None of these populations were detected among 4-chlorobiphenyl utilizers in non-amended soil. Similarly, the degradation of individual PCB congeners was influenced by the addition of different plant compounds. Residual content of PCBs was lowest after treating the soil with naringin. Addition of caffeic acid resulted in comparable decrease of total PCBs with non-amended soil; however, higher substituted congeners were more degraded after caffeic acid treatment compared to all other treatments. Finally, it appears that plant secondary metabolites have a strong effect on the bacterial community structure, activity, and associated degradative ability.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展, 生态环境污染日趋严重, 其中土壤重金属污染成为一个突出问题。利用植物修复土壤重金属污染是当前环境科学和生态学领域的研究热点之一。采用根瘤菌-豆科植物共生体系修复土壤重金属污染是一种有效的植物修复方法, 它不仅可以利用根瘤菌与豆科植物互利共生的优势来抵抗重金属胁迫, 而且其固氮作用有助于提高土壤养分。通过文献检索分析, 收集整理了我国现已发现的具有土壤重金属污染修复潜力的豆科植物, 并对根瘤菌修复土壤重金属污染的机理以及根瘤菌-豆科植物共生体系修复土壤重金属污染的研究进展进行了综述, 以期为今后利用根瘤菌-豆科植物共生体系修复土壤重金属污染的研究和实践提供参考。  相似文献   

A correlative study was performed to determine if variation in streambed microbial community structure in low-order forested streams can be directly or indirectly linked to the chemical nature of the parental bedrock of the environments through which the streams flow. Total microbial and photosynthetic biomass (phospholipid phosphate [PLP] and chlorophyll a), community structure (phospholipid fatty acid analysis), and physical and chemical parameters were measured in six streams, three located in sandstone and three in limestone regions of the Bankhead National Forest in northern Alabama. Although stream water flowing through the two different bedrock types differed significantly in chemical composition, there were no significant differences in total microbial and photosynthetic biomass in the sediments. In contrast, sedimentary microbial community structure differed between the bedrock types and was significantly correlated with stream water ion concentrations. A pattern of seasonal variation in microbial community structure was also observed. Further statistical analysis indicated dissolved organic matter (DOM) quality, which was previously shown to be influenced by geological variation, correlated with variation in bacterial community structure. These results indicate that the geology of underlying bedrock influences benthic microbial communities directly via changes in water chemistry and also indirectly via stream water DOM quality.  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of four Hong Kong streams with similar water chemistry but differing riparian conditions were investigated. Differences in chlorophylls and detritus standing stocks reflected the degree of shading by riparian vegetation; Tai Po Kau Forest Stream (TPKFS) and Bride's Pool (BP) had an allochthonous food base while autochthonous energy sources were relatively more important in Lam Tsuen River (LTR) and Pui O Stream (POS). The macrobenthos was dominated by aquatic insects and morphospecies richness (excluding Chironomidac) ranged from 70 (POS) to 94 (TPKFS). Differences in total macroinvertebrate abundance across sites were not related to chlorophylls or detritus.
Highly significant differences in the morphospecies comprising the most numerous taxa at each site were observed, and TPKS and BP were more similar to each other than to the LTR-POS pair with respect to top-ranked taxa. Intraspecific comparisons of the abundance of these taxa revealed significant differences for 23 out of 30 morphospecies. Multiple regression of the abundance of key morphospecies against independent variables (chlorophylls a , b and c , total chlorophyll and detritus) yielded significant best-fit models for all taxa showing intersite differences in abundance. These data can be interpreted as reflecting the influence of riparian vegetation on stream community structure via an effect on food supply. The results were discussed with reference to the applicability of the River Continuum Concept in the tropics.  相似文献   

Transfer of metal resistance plasmids into two pseudomonad recipients, Pseudomonas aureofaciens and Ps. putida , from soil bacteria donor populations, was investigated in agricultural soil contaminated predominantly with Zn and Cu. The putative donor and recipient numbers on selective agar were not affected by the concentration of metals in the soils, nor were the number of transconjugants. However, there were differences in transfer frequencies of Hg and Cu resistance from the different soil samples. This is the first time that transfer of Cu resistance has been observed from native bacteria present in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

In the present study, the conditions of analysis by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) were investigated. Twenty-six elements (Mg: 25 ppm; Sc: 10 ppm; Ti: 50 ppm; others: 100 ppm) were used as the elements interfering with selected 24 wavelengths. Consequently, the background values in 19 elements were subjected to some influences. However, all of these effects disappeared at low concentrations—less than 1 ppm of interfering elements. Next, the values from the ordinary calibration method were compared with those from the standard addition method using several biological samples. There was a discrepancy in the results obtained from both methods because of the sample, and three patterns were observed. However, no discrepancy was observed in the values for the standard reference materials using both methods. There was no significant difference between the certified values of the standard reference materials and the obtained ones by ICP. Therefore, the analytical wavelengths and the methods in the present study were suggested to be useful for ICP-AES analysis for environmental and/or biological samples.  相似文献   

The species diversity and community structure of heterotrophic flagellates in watercourses from different geographical regions were investigated. Forty-one species have been identified. The species diversity of cercomonads, kinetoplastids, choanoflagellates, and flagellates is the highest. Bodo saltans, B. designis and Goniomonas truncata are the most common species. Planktonic communities in different streams are most similar in terms of species composition. The highest similarity within benthic cenoses was noted between geographically distant communities. Communities of heterotrophic flagellates seem to be highly heterogenous systems; species distribution depends mainly on the type of habitat and not on geographical factors.  相似文献   

Interactions were studied between oat (Avena sativa) and two bacterial species, Bacillus subtilis and Pantoea agglomerans, in soils contaminated with heavy metals (HM), cadmium (50 mg/kg), and lead (200 mg/kg). Exposure to HM resulted in decreased (by 30–50%) length, mass, and ratio of shoot to root dimensions. Inoculation with bacteria lead to restoration and further enhancement of plant productivity, raising it above the level achieved via inoculation of oat in uncontaminated soils. It also reduced HM accumulation by plants. Pure cultures of P. agglomerans accumulate HM more intensively than those of B. subtilis (adsorbing activity was studied for both cells and extracellular metabolites). After the introduction of bacteria, lead, and cadmium content in soil decreased four- to fivefold and two- to threefold, respectively. Protection from HM is attributable to reorganizations in the populations of root-associated bacteria: cell number increases in the rhizoplane while decreasing in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Information on the ecology of New Guinea streams is meagre, and data are needed on the trophic basis of aquatic production in rivers such as the Sepik in Papua New Guinea which have low fish yields. This study investigates the relationship between riparian shading (from savanna grassland to primary rainforest), algal and detrital food, and macroinvertebrate abundance and community structure in 6 Sepik River tributary streams. A particular aim was to elucidate macroinvertebrate community responses to changes in riparian conditions. All streams supported diverse benthic communities, but morphospecies richness (overall total 64) was less than in streams on the tropical Asian mainland; population densities of benthic invertebrates, by contrast, were similar to those recorded elsewhere. Low diversity could reflect limited taxonomic penetration, but may result from the absence of major groups (Plecoptera, Heptageniidae, Ephemerellidae, Psephenidae, Megaloptera, etc.) which occur on the Asian mainland. Population densities of all 19 of the most abundant macroinvertebrate taxa varied significantly among the 6 study streams, but community composition in each was broadly similar with dominance by Baetidae and (in order of decreasing importance), Leptophlebiidae, Orthocladiinae, Elmidae and Hydropsychidae. Principal components analysis (PCA) undertaken on counts of abundant macroinvertebrate taxa clearly separated samples taken in two streams from the rest. Both streams contained high detrital standing stocks and one was completely shaded by rainforest. Stepwise multiple-regression analysis indicated that population densities of the majority of abundant taxa (11 out of 19) across streams (10 samples per stream; n = 60) were influenced by algae and/or detritus, although standing stocks of these variables were not clearly related to riparian conditions. When regression analysis was repeated on mean counts of taxa per stream (dependent variables) versus features of each stream as a whole (thus n = 6), % shading and detritus were the independent variables yielding significant regression models most frequently, but pH, total-nitrogen loads and algae were also significant predictors of faunal abundance. Further regression analysis, undertaken separately on samples (n = 10) from each stream, confirmed the ability of algae and detritus to account for significant portions of the variance in macroinvertebrate abundance, but the significance of these variables varied among streams with the consequence that responses of individual taxa to algae or detritus was site-specific.Community functional organization — revealed by investigation of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups (FFGs) — was rather conservative, and streams were codominated by collector-gatherers (mean across 6 streams = 43%) and grazers (36%), followed by filter-feeders (15%) and predators (7%). The shredder FFG was species-poor and comprised only 0.4% of total macroinvertebrate populations; shredders did not exceed 2% of benthic populations in any stream. PCA of FFG abundance data was characterized by poor separation among streams, although there was some evidence of clustering of samples from unshaded sites. The first 2 PCA axes accounted for 84% of the variation in the data suggesting that the poor separation resulted from the general similarity of FFG representation among streams. Although stepwise multiple-regression analysis indicated that algae and detritus accounted for significant proportions of the variations in population density and relative abundance of some FFGs, the response of community functional organization to changes in riparian conditions and algal and detrital food base was weak — unlike the deterministic responses that may be typical of north-temperate streams.  相似文献   

蚯蚓在重金属污染土壤生物修复中的应用潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈旭飞  张池  高云华  戴军 《生态学杂志》2012,31(11):2950-2957
综述了不同生态类型的蚯蚓的特性及其土壤生态功能;总结了其对土壤重金属富集和有效性的作用及影响重金属活化的机理,并指出目前相关的生物化学机理研究的不足及其未来研究方向.同时,文章针对蚯蚓在农业和环境领域的应用现状,提出其应用于重金属污染土壤的植物提取技术的可能性,在未来工作中应加强真实污染土壤室内模拟和田间试验研究,进一步探索筛选和繁育本地蚯蚓品种以及添加有机物等相关技术.  相似文献   

重金属污染对土壤动物群落结构及空间分布的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2002年6月,通过对淮南煤矿和发电厂灰场周围等8个样地采样调查,共获得大型及中小型土壤动物3859个,计22类,隶属4门9纲,优势类群为弹尾类、螨类、线虫类,占全部捕获土壤动物的74%;其余为常见类群和稀有类群.重金属污染对土壤动物的影响非常明显.在洛河发电厂灰场大坝外围,土壤动物群落的个体数和类群数随着距灰场水平距离的缩小和污染的加重而减少.土壤动物群落个体数和类群数在土层的垂直分布出现了逆分布或变化和缓现象,在土壤表层的聚集性消失.随着重金属污染的加重,土壤动物群落多样性指数、均匀性指数、密度-类群指数均趋于减小,优势度指数趋于增大.  相似文献   

【目的】以16S rRNA为分子标记,探讨克拉玛依油田石油污染土壤中细菌群落多样性和系统发育,并分析环境因子对群落分布的影响,为生物降解石油污染物提供理论基础。【方法】在克拉玛依油田分别采集深度为5、20、50 cm的石油污染土壤样品,测定环境参数;提取石油污染土壤细菌群落基因组DNA,分别构建3个土层细菌16S rRNA基因文库,利用限制性片段长度多态性分析(Restriction fragment length polymorphisms RFLP)技术初步分群,确定各文库中的代表菌株并测定16S rRNA基因序列;利用软件Biodap计算各群落多样性和丰富度指数,以Neighbor-Joining法构建3个土层细菌的系统发育树;运用软件CANOCO 4.5结合不同样品环境因子的差异进行典型对应分析(CCA),并探讨了环境因子对细菌多样性的影响。【结果】环境参数结果表明20 cm土层总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)含量最低,50 cm含量最高;5 cm土层中有机碳(TOC)含量最高,50 cm含量最低。基于16S rRNA序列的生物多样性和物种丰富度指数表明20 cm土层生物多样性和丰富度指数较高,而50 cm土层各项指数均较低。各土层供试序列RFLP聚类分析表明,克拉玛依油田石油污染土壤细菌种群具有丰富的多样性。Neighbor-Joining构建的系统发育分析表明,石油污染土壤被分为5个类群(I–V),分别为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicute)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、浮霉状菌门(Planctomycetes),其中群Ⅰ占78.57%,广泛分布于不同的生态环境;其中来自5 cm土层代表菌的69.23%分布于群Ⅰ。CCA分析结果显示TN、TP和TOC对大部分细菌影响较大;TOC含量对Pseudomonas影响明显。【结论】克拉玛依油田石油污染土壤细菌群落具有丰富的多样性;环境因子是影响石油污染土壤细菌群落空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   


This study evaluated the effect of inorganic mercury (Hg) on bacterial community and diversity in different soils. Three soils—neutral, alkaline and acidic—were spiked with six different concentrations of Hg ranging from 0 to 200 mg kg−1 and aged for 90 days. At the end of the ageing period, 18 samples from three different soils were investigated for bacterial community structure and soil physicochemical properties. Illumina MiSeq-based 16s ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplicon sequencing revealed the alteration in the bacterial community between un-spiked control soils and Hg-spiked soils. Among the bacterial groups, Actinobacteria (22.65%) were the most abundant phyla in all samples followed by Proteobacteria (21.95%), Bacteroidetes (4.15%), Firmicutes (2.9%) and Acidobacteria (2.04%). However, the largest group showing increased abundance with higher Hg doses was the unclassified group (45.86%), followed by Proteobacteria. Mercury had a considerable negative impact on key soil functional bacteria such as ammonium oxidizers and nitrifiers. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that among the measured soil properties, Hg had a major influence on bacterial community structure. Furthermore, nonlinear regression analysis confirmed that Hg significantly decreased soil bacterial alpha diversity in lower organic carbon containing neutral and alkaline soils, whereas in acidic soil with higher organic carbon there was no significant correlation. EC20 values obtained by a nonlinear regression analysis indicated that Hg significantly decreased soil bacterial diversity in concentrations lower than several guideline values.


铅锌矿区土壤和植物重金属污染调查分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
对有色金属矿区土壤和植物重金属污染状况调查结果表明,由于遭受尾矿砂及矿毒水污染,矿区土壤极端贫瘠,土壤中Pb、Cd、Zn和Cu含量分别达764.74、4.10、372.75和95.57 mg.kg-1,重金属污染较为严重。在矿区周边有9种优势植物能够在污染土壤上定居,对Cu、Cd、Pb和Zn 4种重金属元素均有不同程度的积累,积累量均未达到超累积植物所规定的临界含量。其中的野菊花〔Dendranthema indicum(L.)Des Mou l.〕、旋鳞莎草〔Cyperusm ichelianus(L.)L ink〕、五节芒〔M iscanthus floridulus(Lab ill.)W arb.ex Schum.et Laut.〕3种植物地上部生物量较大且对某些重金属向地上部转运能力较强,对重金属污染土壤有一定的修复潜力。  相似文献   

The community structure of two confluent streams in southern Sweden was investigated, one stream was spring-fed and the other lake-fed. There was a downstream decrease in the number of species present in the lake outlet stream, no such change being discernible in the spring-fed stream. Taking the sampling site nearest the source of the spring-fed stream as the reference point, there was a downstream increase in dissimilarity and this increase was maintained upstream from the confluence in the lake-fed stream. Apart from generalists, all functional feeding groups showed decreased numbers from the lake outlet to the confluence in the lake-fed stream. In the spring-fed stream, densities of functional groups increased downstream, with the exception of grazers and generalists. There were indications of more predictable changes along the lake-fed stream compared to the spring-fed one, which seemed more influenced by site-specific factors.  相似文献   

重金属与农药污染的农业土壤脱毒过程研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于颖  周启星 《生态科学》2005,24(1):84-89
农业土壤环境自身脱毒过程是极其复杂的生态化学过程,对于土壤健康质量的维持和改善具有重要意义。然而,一直以来,人们对污染物的致毒过程研究得较多,对农业土壤自身脱毒能力及机制未给予足够重视。本文就农业土壤环境中,重金属与农药污染物的吸附脱毒、非生物降解(水解、光解)脱毒、微生物降解脱毒、土壤酶学脱毒、根际环境中的降解和转化脱毒以及植物富集固定进行了综述,并分析了各脱毒过程中所涉及到的反应机理。  相似文献   

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