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Endocytosis is an essential process by which eukaryotic cells internalize exogenous material or regulate signaling at the cell surface [1]. Different endocytic pathways are well established in yeast and animals; prominent among them is clathrin-dependent endocytosis [2, 3]. In plants, endocytosis is poorly defined, and no molecular mechanism for cargo internalization has been demonstrated so far [4, 5], although the internalization of receptor-ligand complexes at the plant plasma membrane has recently been shown [6]. Here we demonstrate by means of a green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent reporter, EosFP [7], the constitutive endocytosis of PIN auxin efflux carriers [8] and their recycling to the plasma membrane. Using a plant clathrin-specific antibody, we show the presence of clathrin at different stages of coated-vesicle formation at the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis. Genetic interference with clathrin function inhibits PIN internalization and endocytosis in general. Furthermore, pharmacological interference with cargo recruitment into the clathrin pathway blocks internalization of PINs and other plasma-membrane proteins. Our data demonstrate that clathrin-dependent endocytosis is operational in plants and constitutes the predominant pathway for the internalization of numerous plasma-membrane-resident proteins including PIN auxin efflux carriers.  相似文献   

Endocytosis is a crucial mechanism by which eukaryotic cells internalize extracellular and plasma membrane material, and it is required for a multitude of cellular and developmental processes in unicellular and multicellular organisms. In animals and yeast, the best characterized pathway for endocytosis depends on the function of the vesicle coat protein clathrin. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis has recently been demonstrated also in plant cells, but its physiological and developmental roles remain unclear. Here, we assessed the roles of the clathrin-mediated mechanism of endocytosis in plants by genetic means. We interfered with clathrin heavy chain (CHC) function through mutants and dominant-negative approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana and established tools to manipulate clathrin function in a cell type-specific manner. The chc2 single mutants and dominant-negative CHC1 (HUB) transgenic lines were defective in bulk endocytosis as well as in internalization of prominent plasma membrane proteins. Interference with clathrin-mediated endocytosis led to defects in constitutive endocytic recycling of PIN auxin transporters and their polar distribution in embryos and roots. Consistent with this, these lines had altered auxin distribution patterns and associated auxin transport-related phenotypes, such as aberrant embryo patterning, imperfect cotyledon specification, agravitropic growth, and impaired lateral root organogenesis. Together, these data demonstrate a fundamental role for clathrin function in cell polarity, growth, patterning, and organogenesis in plants.  相似文献   

In land plants polar auxin transport is one of the substantial processes guiding whole plant polarity and morphogenesis. Directional auxin fluxes are mediated by PIN auxin efflux carriers, polarly localized at the plasma membrane. The polarization of exocytosis in yeast and animals is assisted by the exocyst: an octameric vesicle‐tethering complex and an effector of Rab and Rho GTPases. Here we show that rootward polar auxin transport is compromised in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana loss‐of‐function mutants in the EXO70A1 exocyst subunit. The recycling of PIN1 and PIN2 proteins from brefeldin–A compartments is delayed after the brefeldin‐A washout in exo70A1 and sec8 exocyst mutants. Relocalization of PIN1 and PIN2 proteins after prolonged brefeldin‐A treatment is largely impaired in these mutants. At the same time, however, plasma membrane localization of GFP:EXO70A1, and the other exocyst subunits studied (GFP:SEC8 and YFP:SEC10), is resistant to brefeldin‐A treatment. In root cells of the exo70A1 mutant, a portion of PIN2 is internalized and retained in specific, abnormally enlarged, endomembrane compartments that are distinct from VHA‐a1‐labelled early endosomes or the trans‐Golgi network, but are RAB‐A5d positive. We conclude that the exocyst is involved in PIN1 and PIN2 recycling, and thus in polar auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

The directional transport of the plant hormone auxin is a unique process mediating a wide variety of developmental processes. Auxin movement between cells depends on AUX1/LAX, PGP and PIN protein families that mediate auxin transport across the plasma membrane. The directionality of auxin flow within tissues is largely determined by polar, subcellular localization of PIN auxin efflux carriers. PIN proteins undergo rapid subcellular dynamics that is important for the process of auxin transport and its directionality. Furthermore, various environmental and endogenous signals can modulate trafficking and polarity of PIN proteins and by this mechanism change auxin distribution. Thus, the subcellular dynamics of auxin transport proteins represents an important interface between cellular processes and development of the whole plant. This review summarizes our recent contributions to the field of PIN trafficking and auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell communication is absolutely essential for multicellular organisms. Both animals and plants use chemicals called hormones for intercellular signaling. However, multicellularity of plants and animals has evolved independently, which led to establishment of distinct strategies in order to cope with variations in an ever-changing environment.The phytohormone auxin is crucial to plant development and patterning. PIN auxin efflux carrier-driven polar auxin transport regulates plant development as it controls asymmetric auxin distribution (auxin gradients), which in turn modulates a wide range of developmental processes. Internal and external cues trigger a number of posttranslational PIN auxin carrier modifications that were demonstrated to decisively influence variations in adaptive growth responses. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the analysis of posttranslational modification of PIN auxin efflux carriers, such as phosphorylation and ubiquitylation, and discuss their eminent role in directional vesicle trafficking, PIN protein de-/stabilization and auxin transport activity. We conclude with updated models, in which we attempt to integrate the mechanistic relevance of posttranslational modifications of PIN auxin carriers for the dynamic nature of plant development.  相似文献   

Na X  Hu Y  Yue K  Lu H  Jia P  Wang H  Wang X  Bi Y 《Journal of plant physiology》2011,168(11):1149-1156
Plant development displays an exceptional plasticity and adaptability that involves the dynamic, asymmetric distribution of the phytohormone auxin. Polar auxin flow, which requires transport facilitators of the PIN family, largely contributes to the establishment and maintenance of auxin gradients and mediates multiple developmental processes. Here, we report the effects of narciclasine (NCS), an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid isolated from Narcissus tazetta bulbs, on postembryonic development of Arabidopsis roots. Arabidopsis seedlings grown on NCS showed defects in root gravitropism which correlates with a reduction in auxin transport in roots. Expressions of auxin transport genes were affected and the polar localization of PIN2 protein was altered under NCS treatment. Taken together, we propose that NCS modulates auxin transport gene expression and PIN2 localization, and thus affects auxin transport and auxin distribution necessary for postembryonic development of Arabidopsis roots.  相似文献   

Plant tropisms are decisively influenced by dynamic adjustments in spatiotemporal distribution of the growth regulators auxin. Polar auxin transport requires activity of PIN-type auxin carrier proteins, with their distribution at the plasma membrane significantly contributing to the directionality of auxin flow. Control of PIN protein distribution involves regulation of their endocytosis and further sorting into the lytic vacuole for degradation and recently, protein ubiquitylation has been demonstrated to control degradative sorting of plasma membrane proteins in plants.1-6 Here we show dynamic adjustments in PIN2 ubiquitylation in gravity-stimulated roots, a response that coincides with establishment of a lateral PIN2 expression gradient. Our results imply that perception and transduction of gravity signals triggers differential ubiquitylation of PIN2, which might feed back on the coordination of auxin distribution in root meristems.  相似文献   

Under blue light (BL) illumination, Arabidopsis thaliana roots grow away from the light source, showing a negative phototropic response. However, the mechanism of root phototropism is still unclear. Using a noninvasive microelectrode system, we showed that the BL sensor phototropin1 (phot1), the signal transducer NONPHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3 (NPH3), and the auxin efflux transporter PIN2 were essential for BL-induced auxin flux in the root apex transition zone. We also found that PIN2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) localized to vacuole-like compartments (VLCs) in dark-grown root epidermal and cortical cells, and phot1/NPH3 mediated a BL-initiated pathway that caused PIN2 redistribution to the plasma membrane. When dark-grown roots were exposed to brefeldin A (BFA), PIN2-GFP remained in VLCs in darkness, and BL caused PIN2-GFP disappearance from VLCs and induced PIN2-GFP-FM4-64 colocalization within enlarged compartments. In the nph3 mutant, both dark and BL BFA treatments caused the disappearance of PIN2-GFP from VLCs. However, in the phot1 mutant, PIN2-GFP remained within VLCs under both dark and BL BFA treatments, suggesting that phot1 and NPH3 play different roles in PIN2 localization. In conclusion, BL-induced root phototropism is based on the phot1/NPH3 signaling pathway, which stimulates the shootward auxin flux by modifying the subcellular targeting of PIN2 in the root apex transition zone.  相似文献   

The transport of auxin controls the rate, direction and localization of plant growth and development. The course of auxin transport is defined by the polar subcellular localization of the PIN proteins, a family of auxin efflux transporters. However, little is known about the composition and regulation of the PIN protein complex. Here, using blue‐native PAGE and quantitative mass spectrometry, we identify native PIN core transport units as homo‐ and heteromers assembled from PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, PIN4 and PIN7 subunits only. Furthermore, we show that endogenous flavonols stabilize PIN dimers to regulate auxin efflux in the same way as does the auxin transport inhibitor 1‐naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). This inhibitory mechanism is counteracted both by the natural auxin indole‐3‐acetic acid and by phosphomimetic amino acids introduced into the PIN1 cytoplasmic domain. Our results lend mechanistic insights into an endogenous control mechanism which regulates PIN function and opens the way for a deeper understanding of the protein environment and regulation of the polar auxin transport complex.  相似文献   

Alteration of auxin polar transport in the Arabidopsis ifl1 mutants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhong R  Ye ZH 《Plant physiology》2001,126(2):549-563
The INTERFASCICULAR FIBERLESS/REVOLUTA (IFL1/REV) gene is essential for the normal differentiation of interfascicular fibers and secondary xylem in the inflorescence stems of Arabidopsis. It has been proposed that IFL1/REV influences auxin polar flow or the transduction of auxin signal, which is required for fiber and vascular differentiation. Assay of auxin polar transport showed that the ifl1 mutations dramatically reduced auxin polar flow along the inflorescence stems and in the hypocotyls. The null mutant allele ifl1-2 was accompanied by a significant decrease in the expression level of two putative auxin efflux carriers. The ifl1 mutants remained sensitive to auxin and an auxin transport inhibitor. The ifl1-2 mutant exhibited visible phenotypes associated with defects in auxin polar transport such as pin-like inflorescence, reduced numbers of cauline branches, reduced numbers of secondary rosette inflorescence, and dark green leaves with delayed senescence. The visible phenotypes displayed by the ifl1 mutants could be mimicked by treatment of wild-type plants with an auxin polar transport inhibitor. In addition, the auxin polar transport inhibitor altered the normal differentiation of interfascicular fibers in the inflorescence stems of wild-type Arabidopsis. Taken together, these results suggest a correlation between the reduced auxin polar transport and the alteration of cell differentiation and morphology in the ifl1 mutants.  相似文献   

Gravitropism aligns plant growth with gravity. It involves gravity perception and the asymmetric distribution of the phytohormone auxin. Here we provide insights into the mechanism for hypocotyl gravitropic growth. We show that the Arabidopsis thaliana PIN3 auxin transporter is required for the asymmetric auxin distribution for the gravitropic response. Gravistimulation polarizes PIN3 to the bottom side of hypocotyl endodermal cells, which correlates with an increased auxin response at the lower hypocotyl side. Both PIN3 polarization and hypocotyl bending require the activity of the trafficking regulator GNOM and the protein kinase PINOID. Our data suggest that gravity-induced PIN3 polarization diverts the auxin flow to mediate the asymmetric distribution of auxin for gravitropic shoot bending.  相似文献   

Mei Y  Jia WJ  Chu YJ  Xue HW 《Cell research》2012,22(3):581-597
Phosphatidylinositol monophosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) catalyzes the synthesis of PI-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P(2)) by phosphorylation of PI-4-phosphate at the 5 position of the inositol ring, and is involved in regulating multiple developmental processes and stress responses. We here report on the functional characterization of Arabidopsis PIP5K2, which is expressed during lateral root initiation and elongation, and whose expression is enhanced by exogenous auxin. The knockout mutant pip5k2 shows reduced lateral root formation, which could be recovered with exogenous auxin, and interestingly, delayed root gravity response that could not be recovered with exogenous auxin. Crossing with the DR5-GUS marker line and measurement of free IAA content confirmed the reduced auxin accumulation in pip5k2. In addition, analysis using the membrane-selective dye FM4-64 revealed the decelerated vesicle trafficking caused by PtdIns(4,5)P(2) reduction, which hence results in suppressed cycling of PIN proteins (PIN2 and 3), and delayed redistribution of PIN2 and auxin under gravistimulation in pip5k2 roots. On the contrary, PtdIns(4,5)P(2) significantly enhanced the vesicle trafficking and cycling of PIN proteins. These results demonstrate that PIP5K2 is involved in regulating lateral root formation and root gravity response, and reveal a critical role of PIP5K2/PtdIns(4,5)P(2) in root development through regulation of PIN proteins, providing direct evidence of crosstalk between the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway and auxin response, and new insights into the control of polar auxin transport.  相似文献   

Dai M  Zhang C  Kania U  Chen F  Xue Q  McCray T  Li G  Qin G  Wakeley M  Terzaghi W  Wan J  Zhao Y  Xu J  Friml J  Deng XW  Wang H 《The Plant cell》2012,24(6):2497-2514
The directional transport of the phytohormone auxin depends on the phosphorylation status and polar localization of PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux proteins. While PINIOD (PID) kinase is directly involved in the phosphorylation of PIN proteins, the phosphatase holoenzyme complexes that dephosphorylate PIN proteins remain elusive. Here, we demonstrate that mutations simultaneously disrupting the function of Arabidopsis thaliana FyPP1 (for Phytochrome-associated serine/threonine protein phosphatase1) and FyPP3, two homologous genes encoding the catalytic subunits of protein phosphatase6 (PP6), cause elevated accumulation of phosphorylated PIN proteins, correlating with a basal-to-apical shift in subcellular PIN localization. The changes in PIN polarity result in increased root basipetal auxin transport and severe defects, including shorter roots, fewer lateral roots, defective columella cells, root meristem collapse, abnormal cotyledons (small, cup-shaped, or fused cotyledons), and altered leaf venation. Our molecular, biochemical, and genetic data support the notion that FyPP1/3, SAL (for SAPS DOMAIN-LIKE), and PP2AA proteins (RCN1 [for ROOTS CURL IN NAPHTHYLPHTHALAMIC ACID1] or PP2AA1, PP2AA2, and PP2AA3) physically interact to form a novel PP6-type heterotrimeric holoenzyme complex. We also show that FyPP1/3, SAL, and PP2AA interact with a subset of PIN proteins and that for SAL the strength of the interaction depends on the PIN phosphorylation status. Thus, an Arabidopsis PP6-type phosphatase holoenzyme acts antagonistically with PID to direct auxin transport polarity and plant development by directly regulating PIN phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Auxin transport at least correlates to the three gene families: efflux carriers PIN-formed (PIN), p-glycoprotein (PGP), and influx carrier auxin resistant 1/like aux1(AUX/LAX) in Arabidopsis thaliana. In monocotyledon Sorghum bicolor, the biological function of these genes retains unclear. Our previous study reported that the member analysis, organ-specific expression and expression profiles of the auxin transporter PIN, PGP and AUX/LAX gene families in Sorghum bicolor under IAA, brassinosteroid, polar auxin transport inhibitors and abiotic stresses. Here we further supply the prediction of subcellular localization of SbPIN, SbLAX and SbPGP proteins and discuss the potential relationship between the subcellular localization and stress response. The predicted results showed that the most of SbPIN, SbLAX and SbPGP proteins are localized to the plasma membrane, except few localized to vacuolar membrane and endoplasmic reticulum. This data set provides novel information for investigation of auxin transporters in Sorghum bicolor.  相似文献   

Heterologous expression systems based on tobacco BY‐2 cells, Arabidopsis cell cultures, Xenopus oocytes, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and human HeLa cells have been used to express and characterize PIN, ABCB (PGP), and AUX/LAX auxin transporters from Arabidopsis. However, no single system has been identified that can be used for effective comparative analyses of these proteins. We have developed an accessible Schizosaccharomyces pombe system for comparative studies of plant transport proteins. The system includes knockout mutants in all ABC and putative auxin transport genes and Gateway®‐compatible expression vectors for functional analysis and subcellular localization of recombinant proteins. We expressed Arabidopsis ABCB1 and ABCB19 in mam1pdr1 host lines under the inducible nmt41 promoter. ABCB19 showed a higher 3H‐IAA export activity than ABCB1. Arabidopsis PIN proteins were expressed in a mutant lacking the auxin effluxer like 1 (AEL1) gene. PIN1 showed higher activity than PIN2 with similar protein expression levels. Expression of AUX1 in a permease‐deficient vat3 mutant resulted in increased net auxin uptake activity. Finally, ABCB4 expressed in mam1pdr1 displayed a concentration‐dependent reversal of 3H‐IAA transport that is consistent with its observed activity in planta. Structural modelling suggests that ABCB4 has three substrate interaction sites rather than the two found in ABCB19, thus providing a rationale for the observed substrate activation. Taken together, these results suggest that the S. pombe system described here can be employed for comparative analyses and subsequent structural characterizations of plant transport proteins.  相似文献   

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