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The evolution of obligate interspecific brood parasitism in birds   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We present a simple analytical model to investigate the conditionsfor the evolution of obligate interspecific brood parasitismin birds, based on clutch size optimization, when birds canlay more eggs than their optimal clutch size. The results showthat once intraspecific parasitism has appeared (i.e., femalesstart to spread their eggs over their own and other nests) the evolutionarily stable number of eggs laid in its own nest decreases.Two possible ESSs exist: (1) either the evolutionarily stablenumber of eggs laid in its own nest is larger than zero, anda fraction of the total number of eggs is laid parasitically(i.e., intraspecific parasitism); and (2) either the evolutionarilystable number of eggs laid in its own nest is zero and all eggs are laid parasitically. Since all females lay parasitically,this could favor the evolution of obligate interspecific broodparasitism. The key parameter allowing the shift from intraspecificto obligate interspecific parasitism is the intensity of density-dependentmortality within broods (i.e., nestling competition). Strongnestling competition, as in altricial species, can lead toan ESS where all eggs are laid parasitically. Altricial speciesare, therefore, predicted to evolve more easily toward obligate interspecific parasitism than precocial species. These predictionsfit the observed distribution of brood parasitism in birds,where only one species out of 95 obligate interspecific parasitesexhibits a precocial mode of development. Different nestlingsurvival functions provided similar findings (i.e., obligatebrood parasitism is more likely to evolve in altricial species),suggesting that these results are robust with respect to themain assumption of the model.  相似文献   

On the origin of brood parasitism in altricial birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probability that obligate interspecific brood parasitism(OP), among altricial birds evolved directly from the normalbreeding (no parasitism, NP) mode or indirectly through intraspecificnest parasitism (INP) was examined by using maximum-likelihoodand parsimony approaches. We examined the probability of ancestralstates at 24 key nodes in order to test our hypotheses. Thestate of the most basal node in a tree of 565 genera of altricialbirds is equivocal; however, the state probability of NP atthis node is about 5.5-fold more likely than the state of obligateparasite. A similar trend was observed for basal nodes of mostfamilies examined. The INP state was supported only in the Hirundinidae.The high incidence of INP among martins and swallows explainsthis finding. Contrary to our predictions, even in other groupswhere there is a high incidence of INP and OP, such as in thetribe Icteri and the Old World finches, the probability of NPbeing ancestral was very high. We conclude that in all casesbut one (Hirundinidae) obligate, and probably facultative, broodparasitism evolved directly from normal breeding mode ratherthan indirectly through some other form of parasitism.  相似文献   

Following nest destruction, the laying of physiologically committed eggs (eggs that are ovulated, yolked, and making their way through the oviduct) in the nests of other birds is considered a viable pathway for the evolution of obligate interspecific brood parasitism. While intraspecific brood parasitism in response to nest predation has been experimentally demonstrated, this pathway has yet to be evaluated in an interspecific context. We studied patterns of egg laying following experimental nest destruction in captive zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, a frequent intraspecific brood parasite. We found that zebra finches laid physiologically committed eggs indiscriminately between nests containing conspecific eggs and nests containing heterospecific eggs (of Bengalese finches, Lonchura striata vars. domestica), despite the con‐ and heterospecific eggs differing in both size and coloration. This is the first experimental evidence that nest destruction may provide a pathway for the evolution of interspecific brood parasitism in birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   High rates of brood parasitism are generally associated with agricultural landscapes, but recent evidence suggests that urbanization may also increase the likelihood of brood parasitism. I evaluated the extent to which brood parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds ( Molothrus ater ) was explained by differences in (1) body size of adult hosts, presumably relating to the ability to defend nest from cowbirds, (2) nest placement in substrate and relative to habitat edges, (3) habitat structure surrounding nests, (4) host density, (5) cowbird abundance, both absolute and relative to host numbers, (6) landscape composition, and (7) Julian date. From 2001 to 2006, I monitored nest fate and measured vegetation characteristics surrounding nests of Acadian Flycatcher ( Empidonax virescens ) breeding in mature riparian forests in central Ohio, USA. The likelihood that a nest would be parasitized was best explained by the number of understory stems surrounding the nest and, to a lesser extent, by the amount of urbanization in the surrounding 1-km-radius landscape. Parasitized nests were surrounded by 1.6 times more stems and nearly twice the amount of urbanization than nonparasitized nests. Numbers of understory stems were positively associated with increasing urbanization, primarily due to invasion of urban forests by Amur honeysuckle ( Lonicera maackii ). Thus, urban-associated changes in habitat characteristics around nests may be important contributors to the greater vulnerability of urban nests to brood parasitism than nests in more rural landscapes. This pattern suggests that ecological restoration, such as removing exotic shrubs, may be an effective strategy to ameliorate certain negative consequences of urbanization near wooded reserves.  相似文献   

In 1965, Hamilton and Orians (HO) hypothesized that the starting point for the evolution of obligate interspecific brood parasitism in birds was the facultative laying of physiologically committed eggs in neighbouring active nests of con‐ and heterospecifics, following predation of a bird’s own nest during the laying stage. We tested this prediction of the HO hypothesis by using captive pairs of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), a species with evidence for intraspecific parasitism both in the wild and in captivity. As predicted, in response to experimental nest removal, subjects laid eggs parasitically in simulated active conspecific nests above chance levels. Across subsequent trials, we detected both repeatability and directional change in laying patterns, with some subjects switching from parasitism to depositing eggs in the empty nest. Taken together, these results support the assumptions and predictions of the HO hypothesis, and indicate that the zebra finch is a potential model species for future behavioural and genetic studies in captive brood parasite research.  相似文献   

A cost associated with the evolution of antiparasite strategies is the failure to recognize parasitic eggs, leading the host to evict its own eggs. However, there is evidence that birds recognize their own eggs through imprinting. This leads to the question of why birds accept parasitic eggs if such eggs can be identified. Here, we tested whether egg ejection per se can be costly due to increased predation risk to the remaining clutch and whether olfactory or visual cues of egg ejection increase predation. We carried out three field experiments to answer the following questions: (a) Does ejecting an egg increase nest predation risk? (b) Does the presence of olfactory cues, such as the smell of a broken egg, increase nest predation risk? And (c) Does the presence of visual cues, such as an egg shell below the nest, increase nest predation risk? We found evidence that egg ejection increases nest predation and that olfactory cues alone also increase nest predation. The presence of visual cues did not change predation rates. These data indicate that egg ejection is costly for both host and parasitic eggs that may remain in the nest. Our results suggest why host and parasite eggs are commonly found within the same nests, despite the possibility that hosts recognize and could possibly eject the parasite’s egg.  相似文献   

中国鸟类的种内巢寄生:基于超常窝卵数的证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贡国鸿  卢欣 《动物学报》2003,49(6):851-853
鸟类种内巢寄生(Intraspecific nest parasitism,INP)是近年来行为生态学和进化生物学理论遇到的新问题。自1980年以来,国外学者就开始搜集总结具有INP的鸟种,迄今的列表已达236种。然而,由于语言的障碍,中国鸟类学者所发现的例子未能归入列表中。本文以超常窝卵数为标准,查阅所发表的中文鸟类学文献,发现18种发生于中国的鸟类具有INF,其中14种未被国际学者收录。随着研究的深入,预计将在更多种类、特别是雉类中发现:INP现象;建议在进行INP综合评价研究时,应当以种或种群INP发生的几率,而不是它的有或无,作为分析的标准[动物学报49(6):851~853,2003]。  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism: the role of facultative parasitism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hypothesis that facultative brood parasitism may serve asan intermediate step in the evolutionary transition from purelyparental reproduction to obligate parasitism was investigated.The population dynamics of a host-parasite complex were computer-simulatedin a model that incorporated different intensities of parasitismand host defense and considered a simplified semelparous birdspecies living in a homogeneous habitat The individuals usetwo different breeding strategies: provide parental care orparasitize the nest of those providing parental care. Underobligate parasitism, the parasites appeared unsuccessful, drovethe host population to extinction, or coexisted with the hostin stable or oscillating proportions. The behavior of the systemdepended on both the effectiveness of the parasite and the defenseof the host. Under facultative parasitism (making the best ofa bad job), the parasites reduced host numbers but did not reducethe population size below the number of breeding sites. Thus,facultative parasitism provides a better opportunity for thedevelopment of defense in the host. The population of a hostthat shows a certain level of defense can be more successfullyinvaded by obligate parasites so that stable coexistence ofhosts and parasites is possible.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism allows females to exploit other females' nests and enhance their reproductive output. Here, we test a recent theoretical model of how host females gain inclusive fitness from brood parasitism. High levels of relatedness between host and parasitizer can be maintained either by: (a) kin recognizing and parasitizing each other as a form of cooperative breeding or (b) natal philopatry and nest site fidelity facilitating the formation of kin groups, thereby increasing the probability of parasitism between relatives nesting in close proximity. To address these two hypotheses we genotyped feathers and hatch membranes of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) from western Hudson Bay, Canada, using a noninvasive sampling methodology. We found that most instances of brood parasitism do result in inclusive fitness gains. Furthermore, females with failed nests moved an average of 492 m from their previous year's nest site, while successful females only moved an average of 13 m. Therefore, we observed host–parasite relatedness can occur at levels higher than would be expected by chance even in the absence of kin grouping, suggesting that closely related females nesting near one another is not essential to maintain high host–parasitizer relatedness. In addition, kin grouping is only a transient phenomenon that cannot occur every year due to the propensity for females of failed nests to nest farther away from their nest site in subsequent years than females with successful nests, which provides support for kin recognition as a more likely mechanism to maintain high host–parasitizer relatedness over time.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in biology is how diversity evolves and why some clades are more diverse than others. Phenotypic diversity has often been shown to result from morphological adaptation to different habitats. The role of behavioral interactions as a driver of broadscale phenotypic diversity has received comparatively less attention. Behavioral interactions, however, are a key agent of natural selection. Antagonistic behavioral interactions with predators or with parasites can have significant fitness consequences, and hence act as strong evolutionary forces on the phenotype of species, ultimately generating diversity between species of both victims and exploiters. Avian obligate brood parasites lay their eggs in the nests of other species, their hosts, and this behavioral interaction between hosts and parasites is often considered one of the best examples of coevolution in the natural world. In this review, we use the coevolution between brood parasites and their hosts to illustrate the potential of behavioral interactions to drive evolution of phenotypic diversity at different taxonomic scales. We provide a bridge between behavioral ecology and macroevolution by describing how this interaction has increased avian phenotypic diversity not only in the brood parasitic clades but also in their hosts.  相似文献   

Jesús M. Avils 《Oikos》2019,128(3):338-346
Avian brood parasitism is a potent selective agent modulating host behaviors and morphology, although its role in determining diversification of avian breeding strategies remains elusive. Hitherto, the study of selection of brood parasites on host breeding strategies has been based on single reproductive trait approaches, which neglect that evolutionary responses to brood parasites may involve co‐ordinated changes in several aspects of reproduction. Here I consider covariation among reproductive traits to test whether parental breeding strategies of hosts of brown headed cowbird (BHC hereafter) in North America and the common cuckoo (CC hereafter) in Europe, two parasites with contrasting level of virulence, have evolved in response to brood parasitism. The effect of parasitism on avian breeding strategies differed between continents. Long term exposure to BHC parasitism selected for a lower breeding investment in North America, but not so CC parasitism in Europe. These results suggest a key role of parasite virulence on the evolution of avian breeding strategies and that brood parasitism has selected for a co‐ordinated breeding strategy of reducing parasitism costs by shortening and fractioning reproductive events within a single season in North America.  相似文献   

Sibling competition was proposed as an important selective agent in the evolution of growth and development. Brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) intensifies sibling competition in the nests of its hosts by increasing host chick mortality and exposing them to a genetically unrelated nestmate. Intranest sibling competition for resources supplied by parents is size dependent. Thus, it should select for high development rates and short nestling periods, which would alleviate negative impacts of brood parasitic chicks on host young. I tested these predictions on 134 North American passerines by comparative analyses. After controlling for covariates and phylogeny, I showed that high parasitism rate was associated with higher nestling growth rate, lower mass at fledging, and shorter nestling periods. These effects were most pronounced in species in which sibling competition is most intense (i.e., weighing over about 30 g). When species were categorized as nonhosts versus old hosts (parasitized for thousands of years) versus new hosts (parasitized the last 100-200 years), there was a clear effect of this parasitism category on growth strategies. Nestling growth rate was the most evolutionarily flexible trait, followed by mass at fledging and nestling period duration. Adjustments during incubation (incubation period length, egg volume) were less pronounced and generally disappeared after controlling for phylogeny. I show that sibling competition caused by brood parasites can have strong effects on the evolution of host growth strategies and that the evolution of developmental traits can take place very rapidly. Human alteration of habitats causing spread of brood parasites to new areas thus cascades into affecting the evolution of life-history traits in host species.  相似文献   

杨灿朝  蔡燕  梁伟 《生物学杂志》2010,27(1):76-79,60
鸟类巢寄生的寄主无论是成乌还是雏鸟,对宿主都是极具伤害性的,因为它们降低了宿主的生育力,然而,无论是在寄主种内还是种间,其伤害性的差异变化很大。综述了以往对这种伤害性差异的各种解释,以往的解释在很大程度上集中在伤害性所带来的利益。认为寄主的伤害性行为可以像病原体的伤害性一样进行分类,伤害性在为寄主带来利益的同时,也伴随着代价,所以,由病原体伤害性进化研究衍生而来的平衡假说,适用于解释鸟类巢寄生伤害理论的进化。  相似文献   

Previous research on social parasitism has largely ignored allodapine social parasites, which is surprising given the huge potential of these bees to provide a better understanding of social parasitism. Macrogalea berentyensis, a species that was previously suggested to be a social parasite, was collected in nests of M. ellioti, and also in nests consisting of only M. berentyensis. These f'mdings, along with morphological and phylogenetic evidence, show that this species is a facultative social parasite. In the independently living M. berentyensis nests, brood were present that had been reared to an advanced stage, suggesting that: (i) these parasites may be effective at foraging and caring for their brood; or (ii) these nests may be colonies where all the hosts had died, and these parasites had yet to disperse. Macrogalea berentyensis is the closest relative of the facultative social parasite, M. antanosy, and both these species represent the most recent evolutionary origin of social parasitism within the allodapines. Further behavioral research on both these parasitic species would therefore have important implications for the understanding of the evolution of social parasitism.  相似文献   

Ossification sequences are poorly known for birds in general, even for common domestic and experimental species. Such sequences constitute a rich source of data on character evolution, and may even provide phylogenetic information. It is not clear, however, what factors influence ossification sequences and what the relative importance of phylogeny is to the sequences. Galliformes constitute a good group to examine these variables. These birds are osteologically conservative, have precocial young, but have a broad spectrum of body sizes and incubation periods. Here, I describe the embryonic ossification of the skeleton in the domestic turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), and compare it to the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus) and the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix). Ossification sequences in this group are not affected by egg size or incubation period. They also appear to be independent of both the spatial location and the embryonic tissue from which the osteogenic cells originated. Accumulation of a wider sample of ossification sequences from more morphologically variable avian taxa will be necessary in order to test functional and phylogenetic effects.  相似文献   

Modelling the arms race in avian brood parasitism   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Takasu  Fugo 《Evolutionary ecology》1998,12(8):969-987
In brood parasitism, interactions between a parasite and its host lead to a co-evolutionary process called an arms race, in which evolutionary progress on one side provokes a further response on the other side. The host evolves defensive means to reduce the impact of parasitism, while the parasite evolves means to counter the host's defence. To gain insights into the co-evolutionary process of the arms race, a model is developed and analysed, in which the host's defence and the parasite's counterdefence are assumed to be genetically determined. First, the effect of parasite counterdefence on host defence is analysed. I show that parasite counterdefence can critically affect the establishment of host defence, giving rise to three situations in the equilibrium state: The host shows (1) no defence, (2) an intermediate level of defence or (3) perfect defence. Based on these results, the evolution of parasite counterdefence is considered in connection with host defence. It is suggested that the parasite can evolve counterdefence to a certain degree, but once it has established counterdefence beyond this, the host gives up its defence against parasitism provided the defence entails some cost to perform. Dynamic aspects of selection pressure are crucial for these results. Based on these results, I propose a hypothetical evolutionary sequence in the arms race, along which interactions between the host and parasite proceed.  相似文献   

Despite the notoriety, phylogenetic significance, and large number of available specimens of Presbyornis, its cranial anatomy has never been studied in detail, and its quadrate has been partly misinterpreted. We studied five quadrates of Presbyornis that reveal features hitherto unknown in the anseriforms but otherwise present in galliforms. As a result, we analyzed the variable quadrate characters among all extant galloanserine families and identified synapomorphies and other morphological variation among the major galloanserine clades. In terms of quadrate morphology, Presbyornis is more plesiomorphic than any extant anseriform (including the Anhimidae) and shares ancestral galloanserine characters with the Megapodiidae, the earliest branch of extant galliforms. The quadrate's morphology is inconsistent with the currently accepted anseriform phylogeny that nests Presbyornis within the crown‐group as a close relative of the Anatidae. The presbyornithid quadrates exhibit an unusual variation in the presence of a caudomedial pneumatic foramen, which we interpret as a result of a discontinuous change in the growth path of the pneumatic diverticulum. Another episode of morphogenetic imbalance in the growth path of the pneumatic diverticulum may have accompanied the disappearance of the basiorbital pneumatic foramen (along with the pneumatization of the pterygoid) at the origin of the crown‐group anseriforms. This episode is marked by the striking individual variation in the presence and location of pneumatic foramina in the mandibular part of the quadrate in the Anhimidae. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In a population of moorhens (Gallinula chloropus), at least27% of netting females laid one or more eggs in a neighbor'snest Females laid parasitically under three conditions: 56%of parasitic eggs were from nesting females that preceded layinga dutch in their own nest by a parasitic laying bout, 19% werefrom females whose nests were depredated before clutch completionand that laid the following egg parasiticaDy, and 25% were froma small number of females without territories, "non-nesting"parasites, that each laid a series of parasitic eggs. Clutchsizes varied greatly between females, but nesting females eachlaid a consistent clutch size both within and between seasonsfor a given mate and territory. Nesting females that employeda dual strategy of brood parasitism and parental care producedextra eggs that they laid in the nests of neighbors before layinga dutch in their own nests. Two out of ten females whose dutchesI experimentally removed during the laying period were successfullyinduced to lay their next egg in the nest of a neighbor. Nestingfemales that laid parasitically selected their hosts opportunisticallyfrom among the nests dosest to their territories. An experimentin which parasitic eggs were removed and hosts left to rearonly their own young showed that parasites did not choose hoststhat were better parents than pairs with contemporary neststhat were not parasitized. Females that only laid parasiticaDywithin a given season timed their parasitic laying bouts poorlyand achieved no reproductive success. Parasitic young rarelyfledged, and the mean seasonal reproductive success of nestingbrood parasites did not differ from that of nonparasitic females.However, the variance in reproductive success of nesting broodparasites was significantly higher than that of nonparasiticfemales.  相似文献   

  1. Brood parasitism is a breeding strategy adopted by many species of cuckoos across the world. This breeding strategy influences the evolution of life histories of brood parasite species.
  2. In this study, we tested whether the degree on diet specialization is related to the breeding strategy in cuckoo species, by comparing brood parasite and nonparasite species. We measured the gradient of diet specialization of cuckoos, by calculating the Gini coefficient, an index of inequality, on the multiple traits describing the diet of species. The Gini coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion on a scale between 0 and 1, reflecting a gradient from low to high specialization, respectively. First, we tested the strength of the phylogenetic signal of diet specialization index among cuckoo species worldwide. Then, we ran phylogenetic generalized least square (PGLS) models to compare diet specialization, distribution range, and body mass of parasitic and nonparasitic cuckoo species, considering the phylogenetic signal of data.
  3. After adjusting for the phylogenetic signal of the data and considering both, species distribution range and species body mass, brood parasitic cuckoos were characterized by higher diet specialization than nonbrood parasitic species. Brood parasitic species were also characterized by a larger breeding distribution range than nonparasitic species.
  4. The findings of this study provide an additional understanding of the cuckoos’ ecology, relating diet and breeding strategies, information that could be important in conservation ecology.

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