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Diverse stimuli initiate the activation of apoptotic signaling pathways that often causes nuclear DNA fragmentation. Here, we report a new antiapoptotic protein, a caspase-activated DNase (CAD) inhibitor that interacts with ASK1 (CIIA). CIIA, by binding to apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1), inhibits oligomerization-induced ASK1 activation. CIIA also associates with CAD and inhibits the nuclease activity of CAD without affecting caspase-3-mediated ICAD cleavage. Overexpressed CIIA reduces H2O2- and tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced apoptosis. CIIA antisense oligonucleotides, which abolish expression of endogenous CIIA in murine L929 cells, block the inhibitory effect of CIIA on ASK1 activation, deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation, and apoptosis. These findings suggest that CIIA is an endogenous antagonist of both ASK1- and CAD-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Several blood groups, including the LW-blood group were discovered in the first part of last century, but their biochemical characteristics and cellular functions have only more recently been elucidated. The LW-blood group, renamed ICAM-4 (CD242), is red cell specific and belongs to the intercellular adhesion molecule family. ICAM-4 binds to several integrin receptors on blood and endothelial cells and is thus able to form large cellular complexes containing red cells. Its physiological function(s) has remained incompletely understood, but recent work shows that macrophage integrins can bind red cells through this ligand. In this article we discuss molecular properties of major blood group antigens, describe ICAM-4 in more detail, and show that phagocytosis of senescent red cells is in part ICAM-4/β2-integrin dependent.  相似文献   

Microsomal prostaglandin synthetase-1 (mPGES-1) is an inducible terminal enzyme required for prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) biosynthesis. In this study, we examined the role of mPGES-1 in the inflammation and demyelination observed in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). We induced EAE with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein35–55 peptide in mPGES-1-deficient (mPGES-1−/−) and wild-type (WT) mice. First, we examined the histopathology in the early and late phases of EAE progression. Next, we measured the concentration of PGE2 in the spinal cord and investigated the expression of mPGES-1 using immunohistochemistry. In addition, we examined the progression of the severity of EAE using an EAE score to investigate a correlation between pathological features and paralysis. In this paper, we demonstrate that WT mice showed extensive inflammation and demyelination, whereas mPGES-1−/− mice exhibited significantly smaller and more localized changes in the perivascular area. The mPGES-1 protein was induced in vascular endothelial cells and microglia around inflammatory foci, and PGE2 production was increased in WT mice but not mPGES-1−/− mice. Furthermore, mPGES-1−/− mice showed a significant reduction in the maximum EAE score and improved locomotor activity. These results suggest that central PGE2 derived from non-neuronal mPGES-1 aggravates the disruption of the vessel structure, leading to the spread of inflammation and local demyelination in the spinal cord, which corresponds to the symptoms of EAE. The inhibition of mPGES-1 may be useful for the treatment of human MS.  相似文献   

Glucomannans belong to yeast and fungal cell wall polysaccharides with known immunostimulatory and radioprotective effects. However, glucomannan protective effects against pathological consequences of skin exposure to short wavelength solar light, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, are unclear. Herein, a highly branched glucomannan (GM) isolated from the cell wall of Candida utilis, a member of the alpha-(1-->6)-D-mannan group, was tested for its photoprotective effects in an in vitro model of UVB-irradiated human keratinocytes and an in vivo model of UV-induced erythema formation in human volunteers. GM suppressed the UVB-induced decrease of keratinocyte viability, which was connected with the suppression of UVB-induced keratinocyte apoptosis. GM reduced UVB-mediated caspase activation together with suppression of DNA fragment release into the cytoplasm. Furthermore, GM suppressed UVB-induced gene expression of pro-inflammatory markers including nuclear factor kappa B, inducible nitric oxide synthase, interleukins 8 and 1, together with suppression of prostaglandin E2 and interleukin 1alpha protein release. In vivo, GM decreased UV-induced skin erythema formation, which was correlated with a decrease of phosholipase A(2) activity within the stratum corneum. It could be concluded that GM isolated from C. utilis possesses significant photoprotective effects on human keratinocytes in vitro as well as in vivo.  相似文献   

The involvement of vesicular formation processes in the membrane transduction and nuclear transport of oligoarginine is currently a subject of controversy. In this report, a novel quantitative method which allows for the selective measurement of membrane transduction excluding concurrent endocytosis was used to determine the effects of temperature, endosomal acidification, endosomolysis, and several known inhibitors of endocytic pathways on the internalization of oligoarginine. The results show that, unlike endocytosis, transduction of oligoarginine was not affected by incubation at 16 degrees C as compared to the 37 degrees C control, and was only partially inhibited at 4 degrees C incubation. Additionally, membrane transduction was not inhibited to the same extent as endocytosis following treatment with ammonium chloride, hypertonic medium, amiloride, or filipin. The endosomolytic activity of oligoarginine was investigated by examining the leakage of FITC-dextran into the cytosolic compartment, which was not higher in the presence of oligoarginine. Furthermore, ammonium chloride showed no effect on the nuclear transport of oligoarginine. The data presented in this report indicate that membrane transduction is likely to occur at the plasma membrane without the formation of membrane vesicles, and the nuclear localization involves membrane transduction, rather than endocytosis of oligoarginine.  相似文献   

Mechanical loading can counteract inflammatory pathways induced by IL-1beta by inhibiting *NO and PGE2, catabolic mediators known to be involved in cartilage degradation. The current study investigates the potential of dynamic compression, in combination with the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-4, to further abrogate the IL-1beta induced effects. The data presented demonstrate that IL-4 alone can inhibit nitrite release in the presence and absence of IL-1beta and partially reverse the IL-1beta induced PGE2 release. When provided in combination, IL-4 and dynamic compression could further abrogate the IL-1beta induced nitrite and PGE2 release. IL-1beta inhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation and this effect could be reversed by IL-4 or dynamic strain alone or both in combination. By contrast, 35SO4 incorporation was not influenced by IL-4 and/or dynamic strain in IL-1beta stimulated constructs. IL-4 and mechanical loading may therefore provide a potential protective mechanism for cartilage destruction as observed in OA.  相似文献   

Previously, we described conserved protein clusters including MHC I and II glycoproteins, ICAM-1 adhesion molecules, and interleukin-2 and -15 receptors in lipid rafts of several human cell types. Differential protein-protein interactions can modulate function, thus influence cell fate. Therefore, we analyzed supramolecular clusters of CD4(+) T cells from draining lymph nodes and peripheral blood of colorectal carcinoma patients, and compared these to healthy controls. Superclusters of MHC I and II with IL-2/15 receptors were identified by confocal microscopy on all cell types. Flow-cytometric FRET revealed molecular associations of these proteins with each other and with ICAM-1 as well. In draining lymph nodes expression levels of all these proteins were lower, and interactions, particularly between IL-2/15 receptors and MHC molecules weakened or disappeared as compared to the control. Stimuli/local conditions can rearrange cell surface protein patterns on the same cell type in the same patient, having important implications on further function and cell fate.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)-induced cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) formation in renal mesangial cells may provide potential therapeutic targets to treat inflammatory glomerular diseases. Thus, we evaluated the S1P-dependent signaling mechanisms which are responsible for enhanced COX-2 expression and PGE2 formation in rat mesangial cells under basal conditions. Furthermore, we investigated whether these mechanisms are operative in the presence of angiotensin II (Ang II) and of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β).  相似文献   

During past years inhibition of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme has been proven as an effective strategy to suppress pain and inflammation. Based on this and other mechanistic findings, interest has also renewed in the molecular pathways underlying the anti-inflammatory effects of herbal drugs. The present study addressed this issue and investigated the impact of several polyunsaturated alkamides isolated from a CO2 extract of the roots of Echinacea angustifolia DC. on both activity and expression of COX-2. A 48-h treatment of H4 human neuroglioma cells with the CO2 extract led to a significant suppression of prostaglandin (PG) E2 formation. Analysis of eight different alkamides revealed a contribution of undeca-2Z-ene-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide (A5), dodeca-2E-ene-8,10-diynoic acid isobutylamide (A7), and dodeca-2E,4Z-diene-8,10-diynoic acid 2-methylbutylamide (A8) to this response. Using an established short-term COX-2 activity assay, all three alkamides were shown to interfere with COX-2 activity. In contrast, none of the COX-2-suppressing nor any other tested alkamide was found to inhibit COX-2 mRNA and protein expression. Instead, increased COX-2 mRNA and protein levels were registered in the presence of the CO2 extract and most of the analyzed alkamides which caused, however, no stimulation of PG formation. Overall, our results suggest that certain alkamides derived from E. angustifolia roots may contribute to the pharmacological action of the herbal extract by inhibiting COX-2-dependent PGE2 formation at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

It has been well-established that many epiphytic bromeliads of the atmospheric-type morphology, i.e., with leaf surfaces completely covered by large, overlapping, multicellular trichomes, are capable of absorbing water vapor from the atmosphere when air humidity increases. It is much less clear, however, whether this absorption of water vapor can hydrate the living cells of the leaves and, as a consequence, enhance physiological processes in such cells. The goal of this research was to determine if the absorption of atmospheric water vapor by the atmospheric epiphyte Tillandsia usneoides results in an increase in turgor pressure in leaf epidermal cells that subtend the large trichomes, and, by using chlorophyll fluorescence techniques, to determine if the absorption of atmospheric water vapor by leaves of this epiphyte results in increased photosynthetic activity. Results of measurements on living cells of attached leaves of this epiphytic bromeliad, using a pressure probe and of whole-shoot fluorescence imaging analyses clearly illustrated that the turgor pressure of leaf epidermal cells did not increase, and the photosynthetic activity of leaves did not increase, following exposure of the leaves to high humidity air. These results experimentally demonstrate, for the first time, that the absorption of water vapor following increases in atmospheric humidity in atmospheric epiphytic bromeliads is mostly likely a physical phenomenon resulting from hydration of non-living leaf structures, e.g., trichomes, and has no physiological significance for the plant's living tissues.  相似文献   

Three series of 22-residue peptides derived from the transmembrane M2 segment of the glycine receptor alpha1-subunit (M2GlyR) have been designed, synthesized, and tested to determine the plasticity of a channel-forming sequence and to define whether channel pores with enhanced conductive properties could be created. Sixteen sequences were examined for aqueous solubility, solution-association tendency, secondary structure, and half-maximal concentration for supramolecular assembly, channel activity, and ion transport properties across epithelial monolayers. All peptides interact strongly with membranes: associating with, inserting across, and assembling to form homooligomeric bundles when in micromolar concentrations. Single and double amino acid replacements involving arginine and/or aromatic amino acids within the final five C-terminal residues of the peptide cause dramatic effects on the concentration dependence, yielding a range of K1/2 values from 36 +/- 5 to 390 +/- 220 microM for transport activity. New water/lipid interfacial boundaries were established for the transmembrane segment using charged or aromatic amino acids, thus limiting the peptides' ability to move perpendicularly to the plane of the bilayer. Formation of discrete water/lipid interfacial boundaries appears to be necessary for efficient supramolecular assembly and high anion transport activity. A peptide sequence is identified that may show efficacy in channel replacement therapy for channelopathies such as cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignancy of bone and patients often develop pulmonary metastases. Despite the advances in surgical and medical management, the mechanisms underlying human osteosarcoma progression and metastasis remain to be elucidated. Gene expression profiles were compared by the cDNA microarray technique between two different human osteosarcoma sublines, MNNG/HOS and 143B, which differ greatly in spontaneous pulmonary metastatic potential. Here we report an enhanced expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 in the highly metastatic human osteosarcoma cell line 143B. Moreover, the in vitro invasion activity of 143B cells was MMP-1-dependent. The activator protein (AP)-1 binding site in the MMP-1 gene promoter was required for the constitutive expression of MMP-1 in 143B cells. Two AP-1 components, c-Jun and Fra-1, were phosphorylated, and bound to the AP-1 binding site of the MMP-1 promoter in 143B cells. Activated c-Jun and Fra-1 were essential for MMP-1 gene expression in 143B cells. Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways including the c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase activate c-Jun and Fra-1 and thereby regulate c-Jun/Fra-1 mediated events, establishing the mitogen-activated protein kinase/AP-1/MMP-1 axis as important in 143B cells. These data suggest that MMP-1 plays a central role in osteosarcoma invasion. Accordingly, MMP-1 might be a biomarker and therapeutic target for invasive osteosarcomas and pulmonary metastases.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), the most prominent lysoglycerophospholipids, are emerging as a novel class of inflammatory lipids, joining thromboxanes, leukotrienes and prostaglandins with which they share metabolic pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Enzymes that participate in LPC and LPA metabolism, such as the phospholipase A2 superfamily (PLA2) and autotaxin (ATX, ENPP2), play central roles in regulating LPC and LPA levels and consequently their actions. LPC/LPA biosynthetic pathways will be briefly presented and LPC/LPA signaling properties and their possible functions in the regulation of the immune system and chronic inflammation will be reviewed. Furthermore, implications of exacerbated LPC and/or LPA signaling in the context of chronic inflammatory diseases, namely rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis and hepatitis, will be discussed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Advances in Lysophospholipid Research.  相似文献   

For decades, studies have been focusing on the neuronal abnormalities that accompany neurodegenerative disorders. Yet, glial cells are emerging as important players in numerous neurological diseases. Astrocytes, the main type of glia in the central nervous system , form extensive networks that physically and functionally connect neuronal synapses with cerebral blood vessels. Normal brain functioning strictly depends on highly specialized cellular cross-talk between these different partners to which Ca2 +, as a signaling ion, largely contributes. Altered intracellular Ca2 + levels are associated with neurodegenerative disorders and play a crucial role in the glial responses to injury. Intracellular Ca2 + increases in single astrocytes can be propagated toward neighboring cells as intercellular Ca2 + waves, thereby recruiting a larger group of cells. Intercellular Ca2+ wave propagation depends on two, parallel, connexin (Cx) channel-based mechanisms: i) the diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate through gap junction channels that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells, and ii) the release of paracrine messengers such as glutamate and ATP through hemichannels (‘half of a gap junction channel’). This review gives an overview of the current knowledge on Cx-mediated Ca2 + communication among astrocytes as well as between astrocytes and other brain cell types in physiology and pathology, with a focus on the processes of neurodegeneration and reactive gliosis. Research on Cx-mediated astroglial Ca2 + communication may ultimately shed light on the development of targeted therapies for neurodegenerative disorders in which astrocytes participate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Calcium signaling in health and disease. Guest Editors: Geert Bultynck, Jacques Haiech, Claus W. Heizmann, Joachim Krebs, and Marc Moreau.  相似文献   

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