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Oxygen protection of nitrogenase in Frankia sp. HFPArI3   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
O2 protection of nitrogenase in a cultured Frankia isolate from Alnus rubra (HFPArI3) was studied in vivo. Evidence for a passive gas diffusion barrier in the vesicles was obtained by kinetic analysis of in vivo O2 uptake and acetylene reduction rates in response to substrate concentration. O2 of NH 4 + -grown cells showed an apparent K m O2 of approximately 1M O2. In N2-fixing cultures a second K m O2 of about 215 M O2 was observed. Thus, respiration remained unsaturated by O2 at air-saturation levels. In vivo, the apparent K m for acetylene was more than 10-fold greater than reported in vitro values. These data were inter oreted as evidence for a gas diffusion barrier in the vesicles but not vegetative filaments of Frankia sp. HFPArI3.  相似文献   

Summary Frankia sp. LDAgpl, an isolate from spore positive nodules ofAlnus glutinosa, only slowly infects its host plant. Reisolates obtained from occasional nodules caused by infection with LDAgpl, are capable of infecting the alder much more rapidly. A variability analysis of LDAgpl has been performed to obtain more insight into the question whether these reisolates constitute a different genotype within LDAgpl and if the plant is exerting an influence during plant passage. High dilutions of mildly sonicatedFrankia suspensions were plated to obtain genetically homogeneous colonies. Clones thus generated showed differences in growth pattern, sporulation and C2H2-reduction on media containing propionic acid as sole C-source (P-medium). Differences in sporulation on P-medium indicate that LDAgpl was a highly heterogeneous strain. Comparisons of sporulation on several different media gave evidence that the differences in sporulation between LDAgpl clones are the result of differences in efficiency of propionic acid utilization.The differences observed between the reisolates and LDAgpl clones indicate that the reisolates constitute a different genotype, which could be selected for by the plant during the infection process. Comparison with similar changes in phenotype occuring in a spore negative type strain fromA. glutinosa is discussed.  相似文献   

Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) stands in the Pacific Northwest are the common first stage in succession following disturbance. These stands are highly productive and contribute a large amount of N to the soils as a result of their N2-fixing symbiosis with Frankia. As these alder stands age, the soils not only increase in total N, but concentrations of NO 3 increase and pH decreases as a result of nitrification. The objective of this study was to determine how the nodulation capacity of Frankia varies as red alder stands age and if differences in nodulation capacity are related to changes in soil properties. Nodulation capacity was determined by a red alder seedling bioassay for soils from red alder stands in the Oregon coast range covering a wide range of ages. Six chronosequences were sampled, each containing a young, an intermediate, and an older alder stand. Soil total N, total C, NO 3, NH+ 4, and pH were measured on the same soil samples. These factors as well as alder stand characteristics were compared with nodulation capacity in an attempt to identify soil characteristics typical in developing alder stands that most strongly affect nodulation capacity. Soil pH and NO 3 concentration were highly correlated with nodulation capacity and with each other. Cluster analysis of the sites using these two variables identified two groups with distinctly different nodulation capacities. The cluster with the higher nodulation capacity was lower in NO 3 and higher in pH than the other cluster, which included the majority of sites. There was substantial overlap in the age ranges for the two clusters and there was no significant correlation between age and nodulation capacity. Thus nodulation capacity appears to be most closely related to soil properties than to stand age.  相似文献   

Summary Alnus species are used widely in Britain for land reclamation, forestry and other purposes. Rapid juvenile growth of the AmericanAlnus rubra makes it an attractive species for planting on N-deficient soils, particularly those of low organic content. In small plot trials, this species is nodulated by indigenous soil frankiae as effectively asAlnus glutinosa. Over a three year period both species return similar amounts of N to the ecosystem, estimated at up to 10–12 kg N ha–1. Several strains ofFrankia have been isolated from local (Lennox Forest)A. rubra nodules. These differ morphologically and in their growth on different culture media, both from each other and fromA. glutinosa nodule isolates. AllAlnus isolates, however, have a total cellular fatty acid composition qualitatively similar to some other Group B frankiae. Glasshouse tests in N free culture suggest thatA. rubra nodules formed after inoculation of seedlings with American spore (–) isolates are three times more effective in N fixation than those inoculated with LennoxA. rubra spore (+) nodule homogenates. By contrast, the early growth of seedlings inoculated with spore (–)Frankia strains suggests at best a 35% improvement in N fixing activity over seedlings inoculated with LennoxA. rubra nodule isolates. Nevertheless, this improvement in activity, together with the better performance of seedlings inoculated with isolates compared with those treated with crushed nodule preparations, suggest that it would be worthwhile commercially to inoculate nursery stock with a spore (–)Frankia strain.  相似文献   

Two alder species,Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. andAlnus incana (L) Moench, were inoculated with a Sp+ Frankia homogenate obtained fromA. incana root nodules. This inoculum formed effective nodules on the original host plant and ineffective nodules onA. glutinosa. Grafts between the two alder species were made to determine which part of the plant is involved in this phenomenon. The results obtained indicate that the compatibility between Alnus andFrankia is restricted to the root system.  相似文献   

Nodules collected from Alnus nepalensis growing in mixed forest stands at three different sites around Shillong, were crushed in various culture media to obtain isolates of Frankia. The isolates were found to have typical Frankia morphology as revealed by the scanning electron microscope. Seedlings inoculated with isolates or crushed nodules formed nitrogen fixing nodules. Frankia specific DNA probes amplified the DNA of the tested isolate AnpUS4. Partial nucleotide sequence of the 16S rRNA gene indicated that AnpUS4 was phylogenetically distinct from all other Frankia strains characterized so far.  相似文献   

Diversity of Frankia isolates originating from lobes of single nodules collected on Alnus glutinosa root systems has been analyzed using isozyme electrophoresis method. Analysis of isozyme patterns showed no divergence among strains isolated from the same nodule. Each nodule (among 10 assayed) was inhabited by a single Frankia strain.  相似文献   

Five strains of Frankia isolated from actinorhizae of 3 alder species were cultivated with various concentrations of neomycin in the medium. For one strain, resistance to neomycin was associated with lost of effectiveness. The ineffective strain was as infective as the parent strain. Protein and isoenzymes patterns showed that the ineffective and the parent strains were quite similar. The ineffective strain differentiated vesicles inside the infected host-cells.  相似文献   

Summary The inoculation ofAlnus rubra (red alder) withFrankia sp. can lead to a highly efficient symbiosis. Several factors contribute to the successful establishment of nitrogenfixing nodules: (1) quantity and quality ofFrankia inoculant; (2) time and method of inoculation; (3) nutritional status of the host plant.Frankia isolates were screened for their ability to nodulate and promote plant growth of container-grown red alder. Inoculations were performed on seedlings and seeds. Apparent differences in symbiotic performance could be seen when seeds or seedlings were inoculated. Plants inoculated at planting performed significantly better than those inoculated four weeks later in terms of shoot height, nodule number and shoot dry weight. If inoculation was delayed further, reduction in shoot height, nodule number and shoot dry weight resulted. The effect of fertilizer was also investigated with regard to providing optimal plant growth after inoculation. Plants receiving 1/5 Hoagland's solution minus nitrogen showed maximal plant growth with abundant nodulation. Plants receiving 1/5 Hoagland's solution with nitrogen showed excellent plant growth with significantly reduced nodulation.  相似文献   

Summary Two different strains, An 1 and An 2, were obtained from root nodules ofAlnus nitida Endl., collected from one locality in the area of its natural habitat near Bahrin, District Swat, Pakistan. The light and electron microscopy of the isolates revealed the occurrence of septate and branched hyphae bearing sporangia and vesicles. The strains differed in their growth requirements, nitrogen-fixing ability and production of extracellular pigments, thus indicating the existence of more than oneFrankia strain in the same locality. In the absence of combined nitrogen in the medium strain An 1 formed vesicles and fixed N2 (up to 200 nmol C2H4. mg protein–1.h–1), while strain An 2 under the experimental conditions formed only few vesicles and fixed N2 at a very low rate (ca 10 nmol C2H4. mg protein–1 .h–1). The nitrogenase activity of strain An 1 was strongly affected by the O2 concentration.Frankia An 1 and An 2 were infective and effective onA. nitida andA. glutinosa but not onDatisca cannabina andElaeagnus umbellata. Both An 1 and An 2 strains were more infective and effective onA. glutinosa thanFrankia strains AvcIl and CpI1.  相似文献   

The effects of soil type (an acid peat and 2 acid brown earths) andFrankia source (3 spore-positive crushed nodule inocula and spore-negative crushed nodules containing the singleFrankia ArI5) on nodulation, N content and growth ofAlnus glutinosa andA. rubra were determined in a glasshouse pot experiment of two years duration. Plants on all soils required additional P for growth. Growth of both species was very poor on peat withA. glutinosa superior toA. rubra. The former species was also superior toA. rubra on an acid brown earth with low pH and low P content. Some plant-inoculum combinations were of notable effectivity on particular soils but soil type was the major source of variation in plant weight. Inoculation with crushed nodules containingFrankia ArI5 only gave poor infection of the host plant, suggesting that inoculation with locally-collected crushed nodules can be a preferred alternative to inoculation withFrankia isolates of untested effectivity. Evidence of adaptation ofFrankia to particular soils was obtained. Thus, while the growth of all strains was stimulated by mineral soil extracts, inhibitory effects of peat extracts were more apparent with isolates from nodules from mineral soils than from peat, suggesting that survival ofFrankia on peat may be improved by strain selection.  相似文献   

From anoxic marine sediment samples, new anaerobic, microaerotolerant, Gram-negative, non-sporeforming bacteria were isolated which grew in mineral medium with malonate as sole source of carbon and energy. Cells were motile thin rods, often forming large aggregates. Malonate was decarboxylated to acetate with concomitant growth yields of 1.9–2.1 g dry cell matter per mol malonate degraded. Fumarate and malate were fermented to succinate and CO2. No other substrates were used. No inorganic electron acceptors were reduced. At least 150 mM NaCl was required for growth with either substrate. High amounts of a periplasmic cytochrome c were detected, as well as small amounts of a membrane-bound cytochrome b. All enzymes of the citric acid cycle were found to be present. The DNA base ratio was 48.3 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Since this new bacterium cannot be affiliated with any of the known genera and species, a new genus and species, Malonomonas rubra is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Using a root nodule cuvette and a continuous flow gas exchange system, we simultaneously measured the rates of carbon dioxide evolution, oxygen uptake and acetylene reduction by nodules ofAlnus rubra. This system allowed us to measure the respiration rates of single nodules and to determine the effects of oxygen concentration and temperature on the energy cost of nitrogen fixation. Energy cost was virtually unchanged (2.8–3.5 moles of carbon dioxide or oxygen per mole of ethylene) from 16 to 26°C (pO2=20 kPa) while respiration and nitrogenase activity were highly temperature dependent. At temperatures below 16°C, nitrogenase activity decreased more than did respiration and as a result, energy cost rose sharply. Acetylene reduction ceased below 8°C. Inhibition of nitrogenase activity at low temperatures was rapidly reversed upon return to higher temperatures. At high temperatures (above 30°C) nitrogenase activity declined irreversibly, while respiration and energy cost increased.Energy cost was nearly unchanged at oxygen partial pressures of 5 to 20 kPa (temperature of 20°C). Respiration and nitrogenase activity were strongly correlated with oxygen tension. Below 5 kPa, acetylene reduction and oxygen uptake decreased sharply while production of carbon dioxide increased, indicating fermentation. Fermentation alone was unable to support nitrogenase activity. Acetylene reduction was independent of oxygen concentration from 15 to 30 kPa. Nitrogenase activity decreased and energy cost rose above 30 kPa until nearly complete inactivation of nitrogenase at 70–80 kPa. Activity declined gradually, such that acetylene reduction at a constant oxygen concentration was stable, but showed further inactivation when oxygen concentration was once again increased. Alder nodules appear to consist of a large number of compartments that differ in the degree to which nitrogenase is protected from excess oxygen.Supported by United States Department of Agriculture Grant 78-59-2252-0-1-005-1  相似文献   

Nodule samples from 90A. nepalensis individuals were collected at five sites in the Hengduan Mountains. PCR-RFLP analysis of IGS betweennifD andnifK genes was directly applied to unculturedFrankia strains in the nodules. Sizes of thenifD-nifK IGS amplicons and genetic distance between the RFLP patterns from these samples were noticeably different, indicating significant genetic variation in theFrankia population. There were some nodule samples, which produced more than one PCR fragment, and compound RFLP patterns, indicating thatFrankia strains with different PCR-RFLP patterns coexisted in the same host plant under natural conditions. Among the 29 restriction patterns obtained, 5 patterns were found in more than one population and occurred in the majority of samples, while each of the other 24 patterns were represented by only one or two samples and were endemic to a particular population. From the calculatedGst and UPGMA cluster analysis, genetic diversity ofFrankia strains was inferred to be related to climate and glaciation history in the Hengduan Mountains.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio strain JJ isolated from estuarine sediment differed from all other described Desulfovibrio species by the ability to degrade fructose. The oxidation was incomplete, leading to acetate production. Fructose, malate and fumarate were fermented mainly to succinate and acetate in the absence of an external electron acceptor. The pH and temperature optima for growth were 7.0 and 35° C respectively. Strain JJ was motile by means of a single polar flagellum. The DNA base composition was 64.13% G+C. Cytochrome c 3 and desulfoviridin were present. These characteristics established the isolate as a new species of the genus Desulfovibrio, and the name Desulfovibrio fructosovorans is proposed.  相似文献   

Methods for production of containerized seedlings ofAlnus species were developed which permit nitrogen-fixing nodules to form on the root systems prior to outplanting, in order to provide an early nitrogen input during seedling establishment. The methods are based on procedures for inoculating root systems with suspensions ofFrankia (Actinomycetales), applied either directly in the container cell as a soil drench at the time of seeding, or as a root dip for seedlings transplanted into the containers. Germination of dried, stored seed was enhanced by light and by presoaking for 16 h in water. Pretreatments to overcome seed dormancy or to eliminate fungal pathogens did not further enhance germination. Some loss of seedlings was recorded in the early stages of growth shortly after germination, which is a factor in calculating projected seedling yield. Nodulation and seedling growth were evaluated in terms of growth media characteristics. Seedlings performed well in peat-vermiculite, at soil pH between 5.5 and 8.0.  相似文献   

Summary TwoFrankia spp., isolated from the nodules of the plant hostComptonia peregrina, were found to fall into two previously described physiological groups (A and B). Of five frankia isolates fromCeanothus americanus plants of the same provenance, three belonged to physiological group A and two to a novel group whose final disposition remains to be decided. The diversity in whole cell sugar chemistry, morphology and other growth characteristics of these strains is discussed.  相似文献   

The osmotolerance, rather than the halotolerance, of the endosymbiont predicted the xerotolerance of acetylene reduction by Alnus nodulated withFrankia ARgP5 AG . Cloned plants ofAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. AG8022-16 were subjected to water stress under controlled conditions in an environmental growth chamber. Transpiration, stomatal conductance, and leaf water potential had decreased after successive 10 day periods of moderate (75% of water demand) and severe (50% of water demand) water stress. After severe stress had wilted the plants, reducing leaf water potential to –2.10 MPa, nitrogenase activity had fallen to 2.51 M per plant per hour. The reported rapid turnover of nitrogenase implies thatFrankia mycelium was metabolically active at this low water potential, a water potential at which no Alnus-derivedFrankia has been reported active. Although ARgP5 AG was similar to other such strains in halotolerance (lower limitca.–1.25 MPa), the low water potential limit for growth with glucose (a non-assimilated osmoticum) wasca.–2.53 MPa. Nitrogenase activity was apparently more limited by host xerotolerance than by endophyte xerotolerance.Journal article J-5400 of the Oklahoma Agriculture Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA.  相似文献   

Nodulation of Alnus rubra seedlings after inoculation with soil from under A. rubra, Betula papyrifera. Rubus lacianutus, R. spectabilis, and R.ursinus on 2 recently harvested sites was compared. Nodulation capacity was low compared to other published reports, ranging from 0 to 18.9 infective units cm-3 of soil and was significantly affected by the site and plant species. Nodulation capacity of soil under alder was significantly higher than under all other species except R. spectabilis, regardless of site. The lowest nodulation capacity was found in soil under B. papyrifera.Joint appointment with Dept. of Soil Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences  相似文献   

Nine nativeFrankia strains were isolated from root nodules of four chilean actinorhizal plants (Rhamnaceae). The strains were designated as ChI1, ChI2, ChI3 and ChI4 fromColletia hystrix; ReI4 and ReI6 fromRetanilla ephedra; TqI12 and TqI15 fromTalguenea quinquinervis and TtI42 fromTrevoa trinervis. By scanning electron microscopy, all the strains exhibited similar actinomycetal structures: hyphae, sporangia and vesicles. The growth patterns of the isolates in BAP medium were similar. All showed a lag phase of approximately 6–7 days, then exhibited a logarithmic phase, except the ReI4 strain which seems to follow a linear growth pattern. A common feature of all the strains was a rapid loss of biomass at the end of the growth phase. All native strains grew on BAP medium supplemented with glucose. In six out of nine strains, the glucose was the best of the carbon sources tested. However, the strains differed in their ability to use other carbon sources such as arabinose, mannitol, maltose, succinate, sucrose, pyruvate, propionate and galactose. The isolates were sensitive to six antibiotics assayed (ampicillin, penicillin G, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin and kanamycin). Using the acetylene reduction assay, the nitrogenase activity of the strains was determined. All strains grown in BAP medium lacking a combined nitrogen source were able to reduce acetylene ‘in vitro’.  相似文献   

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