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The grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus (L.) has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the NE Atlantic with recommendations made to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes. However, data on the population biology of this species is limited. In this study, data on the age, growth and maturity of grey gurnard were collected by otter trawling in the coastal waters of northwest Wales and Eastern Anglesey. Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 2.1–33.0 cm (male) and 1.9–36.9 cm (female) with the majority of female (70.8%) fish between 11 and 20 cm TL and male fish (70.5%) between 11 and 18 cm TL. The percentage of fish >20 cm TL was larger for females (30.4%) compared to males (17.6%). Total weight (TW) for female and male grey gurnard in the stratified subsample ranged from 1.9 to 499.9 g for females and 2.1–390.0 g for males, with the majority of female (66.3%) and male (76.1%) fish between 10 and 60 g. TL/TW relations for male and female fish and both sexes combined were: TW = 0.006TL3.07, TW = 0.007TL3.03 and TW = 0.007TL3.05 respectively. Age structure (based on otolith reading) ranged between 0.5 and 7.5 years old for females and 0.5 to 5.5 years old for male with the majority of female (41.7%) and male (46.0%) fish aged as 1.5 years old. The age structure of female and male grey gurnards was significantly different with the majority of older fish (>2.5 years) being female. The von Bertalanffy growth functions were calculated as Lt = 32.4[1 ? e?0.24(t + 1.41)] for males, Lt = 45.9[1 ? e?0.16(t + 1.37)] for females and Lt = 44.0[1 ? e?0.18(t + 1.20)] for both sexes combined. Instantaneous rates of total mortality were similar for males and females and the combined Z value 1.00 year?1 with the natural mortality rate estimated as 0.33 year?1. The size at 50% maturity (L50) was estimated to be 25.3 cm TL for males, females and for both sexes combined. Age at 50% maturity (A50) was 3.2 years for both males and females. The results of this study provide the first information on the population biology of E. gurnardus in the Irish Sea, the first detailed study in the NE Atlantic since 1985 and helps to address the data gap identified by ICES in knowledge of the population biology of this species.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that Capoeta antalyensis (Battalgil, 1943) and Pseudophoxinus antalyae (Bogutskaya, 1992) might display specific growth characteristics that differ from other species of their genus. Age and growth were described for species from Duden Creek (Antalya, Turkey) from February 2008 to January 2009. The length–weight relationship for all individuals were described by the parameters: a = 0.0143 and b = 2.946 for C. antalyensis and a = 0.0084 and b = 3.251 for P. antalyae. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters based on data from scales were L∞ = 35.78 cm, k = 0.251 year?1 and t0 = ?0.30 for C. antalyensis and L∞ = 22.59 cm, k = 0.232 year?1 and t0 = ?0.78 for P. antalyae. The growth characteristics for these two species are not much different from those of closely related species from the same genus.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the population dynamics of the hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha, fishery in Sindh, the key population parameters of growth, mortalities, recruitment pattern, exploitation and maximum sustainable yield are discussed. Length frequency data were collected from April to October 2004 from the main commercial (hilsa) landings at Thatta, Sindh. Estimated parameters of the von Bertalanffy (Hum. Biol. 10, 181–213) growth model were L = 31.5 cm, = 1.5 year?1, t0 = ?0.10 year as obtained by the electronic length frequency analysis (ELEFAN I). Estimated natural, fishing, and total mortalities were 2.21, 0.673, 2.89 year?1, respectively. The relative biomass per recruit (B′/R) was 0.95 and yield per recruit (Y′/R) was 0.06 using the knife‐edge selection. The exploitation ratio at the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was Emax = 1.0 year?1, fishing mortality at MSY was Fmax = 2.89 year?1, average target Fopt = 0.5 year?1 and Flimit = 1.47 year?1. The catch and effort data from 1981 to 2004 (MFD, Karachi) were analyzed using the catch and effort data analysis (CEDA) computer programme. Estimated biological reference point of MSY for the Fox model was 891 tonnes (t), R2 = 0.75; for the Schaefer and Pella‐Tomlinson models MSY = 744 t, R2 = 0.49, the outputs of which appeared to be more conservative than the Fox model which indicated a better fit. The overall situation of hilsa fishery is in severe stress and appears vulnerable to overexploitation. On the basis of the present findings, serious attention is required to provide appropriate access of the fish to the Indus River during the spawning period as well as to impose a ban on fishing during upstream migration and on undersized catch to prevent this traditional fishery in this area.  相似文献   

Elasmobranchs are an important catch component in Tunisian artisanal fisheries. Generally, species‐specific information is largely unavailable for artisanal fisheries; an increase in knowledge thereof is essential to ensure proper management of these species. The study analyzed the gillnet fishery elasmobranch catches in the Gulf of Gabès, whereby 45 fishing trips were conducted from April to June 2007 and 2008 for the capture of a total of six species: three Rajiformes and three Carchariniformes. Rhinobatos cemiculus was the most important species (52%; 4.588 ind km?2 net per day). Among shark species, Mustelus mustelus was the most important (66.8%; 2.21 ind km?2 net per day). Discards represented 6.87% of total catch in weight and 14.28% in number of specimens caught. Size composition of captures varied by species, but usually mature, mainly gravid females were abundant. Further investigations are needed to obtain more information on such fragile species for the development of protective measures.  相似文献   

The overall goal of this study was to characterize the age, growth, condition, and total catch of lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens in a remnant population associated with a Lake Michigan, USA tributary. Lake sturgeon were captured (2008–2013) using large‐mesh (25.4 and 30.5 cm) and small‐mesh (6.4 and 7.6 cm) gill netting in Muskegon Lake (which connects the Muskegon River to Lake Michigan), and adults were captured with boat electrofishing in the Muskegon River. A total of 268 unique lake sturgeon (24.8–191.0 cm total length; <0.1–59.5 kg weight) were captured. Of these, 180 fish were aged using pectoral fin rays, representing 27 age cohorts and a mean age of 7.6 years. The weight–length relationship for lake sturgeon was log10 (W) = 3.446·log10 (L) ? 6.163 and the von Bertalanffy growth model was = 180.719 [1?e?0.093(+ 0.902)], where W was wet weight (kg), L was total length (cm), and t was age (years). Mean growth rate of juveniles (ages 3–6) recaptured in successive years was 8.6 cm/year and 558 g/year. Annual catch of adults during the spawning migration suggested that the number of spawners each year was low (i.e., probably <50 individuals in most years). Natural reproduction appeared to be occurring given the catch of juvenile lake sturgeon in Muskegon Lake. However, recovery of this remnant population is uncertain given the population age structure and low rate of adult recruitment during the study.  相似文献   

Age structure and growth parameters were determined for a population of small spotted grunt, Pomadasys commersonnii in the Arabian Sea. Small spotted grunt samples were collected monthly between September 2007 and August 2008 by beam trawl [40 mm cod‐end mesh size] surveys conducted along the Arabian Sea coast of Oman from Ras Al‐Had in the north to the Oman‐Yemen border in the south west of Salalah between latitudes 16o 33′N and 22o 21′N and longitude 53o 09′ and 59o 55′ E and from depths of 20 to 250 m respectively. Marginal increment analysis of the sagittal otolith confirmed the deposition of annual increments on transverse sections, validating this technique for age and growth studies. Fish size (Fork Length, FL) ranged between 33–78 cm and age of fish ranged between 2 and 14 years with 5–9 years old fish comprising the majority of the catch. Both males and female exhibited asymptotic patterns of growth and the combined growth curve for both sexes provided von Bertalanffy growth (VBG) parameters of L = 77.2 cm FL (≡83.8 cm Total Length), = 0.232/y and t0 = ?0.058 y. VBG parameters, derived from Length‐Frequency Distribution Analysis (LFA) using ELEFAN1, PROJMAT and SLCA, obtained similar values (average values for the 3 methods: L = 78.8 cm FL,= 0.35/y and t0 = ?0.64 y) to those obtained from otolith analysis. A strong linear relationship was observed between otolith weight and age, and although age residuals ±4 years was observed between sagittal otolith age and estimated age (depending on sex and otolith weight), the results indicated that otolith weight could be used as a rapid proxy to estimate age and derive VBG parameters. In conclusion, both otolith ageing and LFA methods provided similar L and k values and the average values derived from all 4 methods lies within the auximetric plot for the species providing confidence in the VBG parameters obtained for small spotted grunt in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the age and size composition, growth, reproductive biology and mortality of Sillago ciliata Cuvier, 1829 in one of the largest estuarine commercial fisheries in south‐eastern Australia. The study also aimed to present a qualitative comparison of latitudinal variations in some of these characteristics along the eastern Australian coastline. The sampled population contained fish aged up to 10 years with a maximum size of 39.2 cm fork length (LF), and was dominated by 1–5 year olds. Sexual divergence in both the age and size structure of the population was recorded. Female S. ciliata grew slightly faster and attained a greater maximum size (L = 33.79 cm LF, = 0.50 year?1 and t0 = ?0.57 years) than males (L = 29.73 cm LF, = 0.49 year?1 and t0 = ?0.67 years). Females also matured at a significantly larger size (19.13 cm) and older age (1.63 years) than males (size: 17.07 cm, age: 1.10 years). Reproductive activity was highest between September and March. There were no differences between males and females in terms of mortality rate; the estimated total population, natural and fishing mortality rates were = 0.64, = 0.42 and = 0.22, respectively. Although these mortality rates suggest that S. ciliata in the Clarence River are relatively resilient to current rates of exploitation, regular monitoring of their commercial and recreational catch as well as their population structure is recommended in order to maintain sustainable fisheries. Potential latitudinal shifts in the spawning period, age structure and growth of S. ciliata along eastern Australia were also revealed.  相似文献   

The garfish Belone belone euxini (Günther, 1866) is a commercially important pelagic fish species in Sinop artisanal fishery, which is showing a decreasing trend in catch results. As a basis for fisheries management a sampling program was carried out between October 2000 and September 2001 along the Turkish coast of the Black Sea, to study the population structure, growth, and reproduction cycle of garfish in the area, and to achieve a rough estimate of exploitation. The length–weight relationship and von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated as W = 0.00076 L3.137, L = 74.64 cm, K = 0.13 year?1, to = ?3.67, respectively. First sexual maturity was estimated at age 2 and at a total length of 38.8 cm for females. The spawning period was from May to September. The total fecundity–length relationship was estimated as F = 0.0041 L4.1086 (r2 = 0.92). Mortality rates were Z = 1.24 year?1, M = 0.23 year?1and F = 1.01 year?1 for total, natural, and fishing mortality, respectively. The exploitation ratio E = 0.81 indicates that the population is heavily exploited.  相似文献   

This study describes the reproductive biology of the Chinese minnow Hemiculterella sauvagei. The length‐weight relationship, sex ratio, spawning season, size at first maturity, and fecundity were analyzed based on 685 specimens collected from the Chishui River between July 2011 and July 2012. The relationship between standard length (SL) and body weight (BW) were estimated as BW = 2.14 × 10?4 × SL2.801 (R2 = 0.839; N = 413; P < 0.05) for females and BW = 1.31 × 10?4 × SL3.001 (R= 0.868; N = 272; P < 0.05) for males. The female to male sex ratio, 1.52 : 1, differed significantly from a 1 : 1 ratio. Females predominated in standard lengths >12 cm. Analyses of the monthly variation in the gonadosomatic index (GSI), the monthly proportions of macroscopic gonadal maturity, and the size distribution of oocytes consistently suggested a prolonged spawning season of H. sauvagei from March to August, with a peak from April to May. Logistic curves describing the relationship between proportion of maturity (Pr) at each length interval and standard length were estimated as Pr = 1/(1 + e26.867–0.306SL) (R= 0.999; N = 413; P < 0.05) for females and Pr = 1/(1 + e10.522–0.142SL) (R= 0.999; N = 272; P < 0.05) for males. Size at first maturity was estimated as 7.4 cm for males and 8.8 cm SL for females. Absolute fecundity varied from 563 to 5052, with a mean of 2413 ± 874 oocytes per ovary. The relative fecundity was estimated to be 41–299, with a mean of 171 ± 55 oocytes per ovary. The present study provides useful information for fishery management and resources conservation.  相似文献   

Global soil carbon (C) stocks account for approximately three times that found in the atmosphere. In the Aso mountain region of Southern Japan, seminatural grasslands have been maintained by annual harvests and/or burning for more than 1000 years. Quantification of soil C stocks and C sequestration rates in Aso mountain ecosystem is needed to make well‐informed, land‐use decisions to maximize C sinks while minimizing C emissions. Soil cores were collected from six sites within 200 km2 (767–937 m asl.) from the surface down to the k‐Ah layer established 7300 years ago by a volcanic eruption. The biological sources of the C stored in the Aso mountain ecosystem were investigated by combining C content at a number of sampling depths with age (using 14C dating) and δ13C isotopic fractionation. Quantification of plant phytoliths at several depths was used to make basic reconstructions of past vegetation and was linked with C‐sequestration rates. The mean total C stock of all six sites was 232 Mg C ha?1 (28–417 Mg C ha?1), which equates to a soil C sequestration rate of 32 kg C ha?1 yr?1 over 7300 years. Mean soil C sequestration rates over 34, 50 and 100 years were estimated by an equation regressing soil C sequestration rate against soil C accumulation interval, which was modeled to be 618, 483 and 332 kg C ha?1 yr?1, respectively. Such data allows for a deeper understanding in how much C could be sequestered in Miscanthus grasslands at different time scales. In Aso, tribe Andropogoneae (especially Miscanthus and Schizoachyrium genera) and tribe Paniceae contributed between 64% and 100% of soil C based on δ13C abundance. We conclude that the seminatural, C4‐dominated grassland system serves as an important C sink, and worthy of future conservation.  相似文献   

The declining trend in the catches of santer seabream, Cheimerius nufar (Val. 1830), and sizable capture of immature and mature fish from the Arabian Sea at the coast of Oman have led to questioning the hypothesis that the fishery is in a state of decline due to inappropriate management. The lack of data on the basic biology and landing statistics for exploited fish species have made the management of fish resources in western Indian Ocean complicated. This paper presents data on the population biology of C. nufar in the Arabian Sea, with a view to contributing towards the development of management plans for a sustainable exploitation. A total of 4132 fish were obtained from the artisanal hand‐line fishery catch at the Lakbi and Salalah landing sites from April 2005 to March 2007. Size distribution ranged from 16 to 64 cm [total length (TL)]. About 67.5% of the catch was composed of fish measuring <32 cm TL. Neither sex dominated the population nor were there significant differences in the monthly and annual sex‐ratios tested by chi‐squared. Spawning is from May to October. The declining trend in the hepatosomatic indice (HPI) values from September to February was almost identical to the declining trend in the gonado‐somatic indice (GSI) values. The rise and fall in the condition factor (CF) values could not be related to the spawning period. Females and males mature at 31.9 and 33.7 cm TL, respectively. Otolith readings indicated the life span to be about 13 years. The instantaneous rate of natural mortality was estimated with M  = 0.62 year?1.  相似文献   

Plant essential oils are potential sources of insecticidal compounds, but have rarely been explored for their effect on termites. In the present study, we assessed the chemical composition of essential oils of Lippia sidoides Cham. (pepper‐rosmarin; Verbenaceae) and Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. (patchouli; Lamiacaeae) and evaluated their toxicity, behavioral impairment, and repellence to termite species of the genera Amitermes and Microcerotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae). The main components of essential oils of L. sidoides and P. cablin were thymol (44.6%) and patchouli alcohol (36.6%), respectively. The essential oil of P. cablin was most potent against Amitermes cf. amifer Silvestri and had the lowest LD50 (0.63 μg mg?1). There was no difference in toxicity for Microcerotermes indistinctus Mathews between the essential oils of L. sidoides (LD50 = 1.49 μg mg?1) and P. cablin (LD50 = 1.67 μg mg?1). Pogostemon cablin essential oil was the most toxic to M. indistinctus (LC50 = 0.32 μl ml?1) and A. cf. amifer (LC50 = 0.29 μl ml?1). The essential oils analyzed exhibited high toxicity and repellence to the termites, in addition to reducing behavioral interactions among individuals, thus constituting potential termiticides.  相似文献   

The age, growth, reproduction, sexual maturity and stomach content of John Dory (Zeus faber), caught in the Bay of Saros (North Aegean Sea) between September 2006 and September 2008, were investigated. The female‐male ratio was 1.6 : 1. The total length of females ranged from 13.8 cm to 52.8 cm, and of males from 12.2 cm to 42.9 cm. The length‐weight relationship was W = 0.0174*L2.936. Age data derived from vertebral centra readings were used to estimate the growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy equation. Growth parameters for females were L = 58.50 cm K = 0.11 year?1, t0 = ?0.99 year and for males L = 45.01 cm, K = 0.13 year?1, t0 = ?1.17 year. Maximum age was 18 years for females and 17 years for males. Length at first maturity for both females and males was 25.4 cm. Monthly values of the gonadosomatic index indicated that spawning occurred mainly in two peaks: one between January and June, and the other from August to September. Stomach content analysis showed the most‐preferred prey to be Pisces (IRI% 97.3).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the basic population‐specific parameters necessary for fish stock assessment in the Gulf of Annaba and to compare these with data from other Mediterranean regions. Black sea bream Spondyliosoma cantharus (Linnaeus, 1758) (N = 501) were collected monthly from January to December 2008 along the Algerian eastern coasts. More than 22 fish were collected each month and ranged in size from 13.4 to 40 cm total length, weighing from 36 to 1080 g eviscerated weight. Biological sampling included weighing and measuring the fish, gonad weighing, sex and maturity stage determination, and age estimation through otolith readings. Validity of the otolith readings for estimating age and growth was supported using the back‐calculation method. Estimated parameters of the von Bertalanffy model are: L = 33.54 cm, W = 633.46 g, = 0.52 year?1 and to = ?0.04 year. The growth performance index (φ) is: 2.76. The length‐weight relationship is: EW = 4.4.10?6 TL3.23. The spawning period occurred from February to May, while the gamete emission peaked in April. Females reached sexual maturity at 19.3 cm (2 years) and males at 21.3 cm (3 years). Sexual inversion occurs at approximately 24.3 cm. Spondyliosoma cantharus was characterized as being a protogynic hermaphrodite.  相似文献   

The eelpout Lycodes soldatovi was found at depths of 153 to 1005 m in the Sea of Okhotsk; however, it usually inhabits the depth range of 400 to 800. The mean and maximum abundance and the biomass of this species were 198.5 and 1037 individuals per km2 and 173.7 and 1275 kg/km2, respectively. In view of the data on the distribution of young fish (up to 30 cm in total body length) and the reports on the absence of Lycodes larvae, a hypothesis was developed that this species spawns predominantly in the waters off western Kamchatka and eastern Sakhalin at the depth range of 700 to 900 m. Large individuals (>50 cm) exhibit higher migratory activity and are more tolerant of environmental conditions. That is why they are encountered throughout the distribution area of this species, even in subzero temperature areas. Lycodes soldatovi seems to be a typical inhabitant of the Sea of Okhotsk, except for the waters off the South and Central Kuril Islands and the Pacific waters off the North Kuril Islands.  相似文献   

The toxigenic diatom Pseudo‐nitzschia cuspidata, isolated from the U.S. Pacific Northwest, was examined in unialgal batch cultures to evaluate domoic acid (DA) toxicity and growth as a function of light, N substrate, and growth phase. Experiments conducted at saturating (120 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1) and subsaturating (40 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1) photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), demonstrate that P. cuspidata grows significantly faster at the higher PPFD on all three N substrates tested [nitrate (NO3?), ammonium (NH4+), and urea], but neither cellular toxicity nor exponential growth rates were strongly associated with one N source over the other at high PPFD. However, at the lower PPFD, the exponential growth rates were approximately halved, and the cells were significantly more toxic regardless of N substrate. Urea supported significantly faster growth rates, and cellular toxicity varied as a function of N substrate with NO3?‐supported cells being significantly more toxic than both NH4+‐ and urea‐supported cells at the low PPFD. Kinetic uptake parameters were determined for another member of the P. pseudodelicatissima complex, P. fryxelliana. After growth of these cells on NO3? they exhibited maximum specific uptake rates (Vmax) of 22.7, 29.9, 8.98 × 10?3 · h?1, half‐saturation constants (Ks) of 1.34, 2.14, 0.28 μg‐at N · L?1, and affinity values (α) of 17.0, 14.7, 32.5 × 10?3 · h?1/(μg‐at N · L?1) for NO3?, NH4+ and urea, respectively. These labo‐ratory results demonstrate the capability of P. cuspidata to grow and produce DA on both oxidized and reduced N substrates during both exponential and stationary growth phases, and the uptake kinetic results for the pseudo‐cryptic species, P. fryxelliana suggest that reduced N sources from coastal runoff could be important for maintenance of these small pennate diatoms in U.S. west coast blooms, especially during times of low ambient N concentrations.  相似文献   

Deep‐water fish in the tropical and sub‐tropical Pacific Ocean have supported important fisheries for many generations. Observations of localised depletions in some fisheries have raised concerns about the sustainability of current fishing rates. However, quantitative assessments of deep‐water stocks in the Pacific region have been limited by the lack of adequate biological and fisheries data. Estimates are provided of age‐based demographic parameters for two important deep‐water snapper species in the Pacific, Etelis carbunculus and E. coruscans. A spawner biomass‐per‐recruit (SPR) model was applied to determine fishing mortality rates for each species that would achieve specified biological targets (40% unexploited levels, SPR40) and limit (30% unexploited levels, SPR30) reference points, and examine the sensitivity of the model to variation in natural mortality and age at first capture. The maximum observed age, based on increment counts from sectioned otoliths, was 21 years for E. carbunculus and 18 years for E. coruscans. Total mortality (Z), estimated from the Hoenig regression, was 0.21 year?1 for E. carbunculus and 0.25 year?1 for E. coruscans. The best approximating growth models were the von Bertalanffy model (L = 896 mm fork length, = 0.28, t0 = 0.51) for E. carbunculus and the logistic model (L = 879 mm fork length, = 0.32 year?1, t0 = 3.42) for E. coruscans. The spawner biomass‐per‐recruit analysis demonstrated that lower rates of fishing mortality were required for E. coruscans than for E. carbunculus to maintain spawning biomass above estimated biological reference points. Estimates of spawner biomass‐per‐recruit were more sensitive to variation in natural mortality than in the age at first capture, suggesting that regulating fishing mortality rather than gear selectivity would be a more effective management measure for both species. Maintaining fishing mortality <0.1 for both species is recommended as a cautious approach to management, given the uncertainty in estimates of natural mortality and mixed fishery considerations.  相似文献   

Coastal salt marshes are sensitive to global climate change and may play an important role in mitigating global warming. To evaluate the impacts of Spartina alterniflora invasion on global warming potential (GWP) in Chinese coastal areas, we measured CH4 and N2O fluxes and soil organic carbon sequestration rates along a transect of coastal wetlands in Jiangsu province, China, including open water; bare tidal flat; and invasive S. alterniflora, native Suaeda salsa, and Phragmites australis marshes. Annual CH4 emissions were estimated as 2.81, 4.16, 4.88, 10.79, and 16.98 kg CH4 ha?1 for open water, bare tidal flat, and P. australis, S. salsa, and S. alterniflora marshes, respectively, indicating that S. alterniflora invasion increased CH4 emissions by 57–505%. In contrast, negative N2O fluxes were found to be significantly and negatively correlated (< 0.001) with net ecosystem CO2 exchange during the growing season in S. alterniflora and P. australis marshes. Annual N2O emissions were 0.24, 0.38, and 0.56 kg N2O ha?1 in open water, bare tidal flat and S. salsa marsh, respectively, compared with ‐0.51 kg N2O ha?1 for S. alterniflora marsh and ?0.25 kg N2O ha?1 for P. australis marsh. The carbon sequestration rate of S. alterniflora marsh amounted to 3.16 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 in the top 100 cm soil profile, a value that was 2.63‐ to 8.78‐fold higher than in native plant marshes. The estimated GWP was 1.78, ?0.60, ?4.09, and ?1.14 Mg CO2eq ha?1 yr?1 in open water, bare tidal flat, P. australis marsh and S. salsa marsh, respectively, but dropped to ?11.30 Mg CO2eq ha?1 yr?1 in S. alterniflora marsh. Our results indicate that although S. alterniflora invasion stimulates CH4 emissions, it can efficiently mitigate increases in atmospheric CO2 and N2O along the coast of China.  相似文献   

With the human intensification of agricultural and industrial activities, large amount of reduced nitrogen enter into the biosphere, which consequently results in the development of global eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms. However, no research had reported the effect of ammonia toxicity on the algal succession. In this study, we investigated the ammonia toxicity to 19 algal species or strains to test the hypothesis that ammonia may regulate the succession of cyanobacterial blooms and the distribution of common algal species in freshwater lakes. The bloom‐forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 suffered from ammonia toxicity at high pH value and light intensity conditions. Low NH4Cl concentration (0.06 mmol L?1) resulted in the decrease of operational PSII quantum yield by 50% compared with the control exposed to 1000 μmol photons m?2 s?1 for 1 h at pH 9.0 ± 0.2, which can be reached in freshwater lakes. Furthermore, the tolerant abilities to NH3 toxicity of 18 freshwater algal species or strains were as follows: hypertrophication species > eutrophication species > mesotrophication species > oligotrophication species. The different sensitivities of NH3 toxicity in this study could well explain the distributing rule of common algal species in the freshwater lakes of different trophic states. Meanwhile, the cyanobacterial bloom (e.g. M. aeruginosa) always happened at the low concentration of ammonia in summer, and disappeared with the decrease of ammonia. This may be attributed to the toxic effect of ammonia to M. aeruginosa in spring (the average and maximum ammonia concentration were 0.08 and 0.72 mmol L?1 in 33 Chinese lakes), and the low level of NH3‐N in summer and fall in the lakes might be used as preferred nitrogen nutrition by M. aeruginosa, rather than with toxicity. Therefore, ammonia could be a key factor to determine the distribution of common algal species and cyanobacterial bloom in the freshwater systems.  相似文献   

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