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The length‐weight relationships (LWRs) of three fish species; Toxotes chatareus (Hamilton, 1822), Datnioides polota (Hamilton, 1822), and Chela cachius (Hamilton, 1822) collected between September 2016 and August 2017 from Tentulia estuary of Bangladesh were analyzed. Fish were caught seasonally using set bag net and cast net with mesh size of 0.5 cm and < 0.5 cm, respectively. LWRs of Toxotes chatareus, Datnioides polota and Chela cachius were calculated as W = 0.0154L2.926 (r2 = .962), W = 0.0149L3.106 (r2 = .992) and W = 0.0109L2.968 (r2 = .981), respectively. The study provides a new maximum total length for Chela cachius.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for five most abundant fish species occurring in the Utinga State Park within the metropolitan area of Belém, State of Pará, Northern Brazil. Data were obtained from specimens of Curimata knerii (n = 75), Gasteropelecus levis (n = 54), Hemigrammus rodwayi (n = 82), Hyphessobrycon bentosi (n = 69), and Pristobrycon calmoni (n = 76) collected in July 2013 with seines (1.5 mm mesh), sieves (1 mm mesh), and gill nets (40–120 mm mesh) in the main waterbodies. All LWRs are novel for science, increasing knowledge on biological information of the Neotropical freshwater fish.  相似文献   

Evaluated were the length–weight relationships of six freshwater fish species caught in the Santa Cruz Reservoir in the semiarid region of Brazil: one Characidae, one Prochilodontidae, one Anostomidae, two Loricariidae and one Cichlidae, providing the first references of length–weight relationships and new maximum lengths for these species.  相似文献   

The present study describes the length‐weight relationships (LWRs) of 28 species captured in Santa Virgínia Bay, in the Pantanal of the Negro River, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, over 3 years (1999 to 2001). The study provides the first references on LWRs for thirteen of these species.  相似文献   

Parameters of the length‐weight relationship (LWR) were estimated for seven fish species from Amazonian Equatorial coast of Maranhão, Brazil. Samplings were carried out in three sample points of the lower stretch of the Itapecuru River (2°57'6.2"S and 44°14'26.5"W; 3°0'33.0"S and 44°15'54.7"W; 3°3'42.9"S and 44°15'1"W). The specimens were caught quarterly from June 2012 to August 2014 using monofilament gillnets (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 mm between knots) from 10 m to 30 m long and 4 m to 6 m high. This study provides the LWR parameters for Schizodon dissimilis, Curimata macrops, Prochilodus lacustris, Geophagus surinamensis, Hassar affinis, Platydoras brachylecis and Hypostomus plecostomus.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for three cyprinid fish species [Acrossocheilus yunnanensis (Regan, 1904), Onychostoma simum (Sauvage & Dabry de Thiersant, 1874) and Spinibarbus sinensis (Bleeker, 1871)] from southwestern China. Samples were obtained with various fishing gear (set nets, drift gill nets, fish cages, hook and electrofishing). Prior to this study, the LWRs for these three species (A. yunnanensis, O. simum and S. sinensis) were unknown.  相似文献   

The present study reports length‐weight relationships for seven native freshwater fish species (Triportheus angulatus, Psectrogaster rhomboides, Prochilodus brevis, Leporinus piau, Cichlasoma orientale, Crenicichla menezesi, and Pimelodella gracilis) captured in a semiarid Brazilian reservoir located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.  相似文献   

The present study established the length‐weight relationships (LWR) for seven fish species from Jequitinhonha River basin, a Brazilian coastal drainage, collected with gillnets (3 to 16 cm) between 2011 and 2016. For the LWR, standard length and total weight were used. The allometric coefficient b varied from 2.66 to 3.26. These results provide biological data for a region of extreme biogeographical importance that is suffering serious environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships of 23 fish species from the Guaratiba mangrove area in southeastern Brazil were estimated. The value of the parameter b ranged from 2.63 to 3.39 (median = 2.97). This study presents the first estimation of LWR for two species (Ctenogobius stomatus and Ctenogobius boleosoma). New maximum length records were obtained for two species (Poecilla vivipara and Ctenogobius stomatus).  相似文献   

This study presents length‐weight relationships (LWR) for 19 species captured in the Jacuí Delta in southern Brazil. Most of the species had no previous LWR estimates.  相似文献   

This study reports the length‐weight relationship estimatives (LWRs) for 55 fish species caught in the Iguatemi River drainage, Upper Paraná River Basin, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The LWRs of 15 of the species are provided for the first time.  相似文献   

The length‐weight relationships were determined for three fish species [Glyptothorax dorsalis Vinciguerra, 1890, Glyptothorax zanaensis Wu, He & Chu, 1981, and Percocypris tchangi (Pellegrin & Chevey, 1936)]. All fish were collected using drift gillnet (stretched mesh size: 4 cm) and castnet (mesh size: 1 cm) from Gongshan mountain, China. Samples were collected quarterly from July 2014 to August 2016. The parameter b of length‐weight relationship varied from 2.51 for Glyptothorax dorsalis to 3.30 for Percocypris tchangi. And the new standard length recorded for Glyptothorax dorsalis and Percocypris tchangi.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) were analyzed for three fish species collected from Beibu Gulf between October 2012 and March 2013. The study used bottom trawl with 40 mm mesh size. The values of parameter b varied from 2.8495 to 3.0277.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships for 10 freshwater fish species from an intermittent river basin in a semi‐arid region of Brazil were analyzed. Specimens were caught using a dragnet (3.5 × 2.5; stretched mesh size 5 mm) during running and pool phases from January to November 2015. The specimens were measured for total length and weight. Previously unavailable in FishBase, the detailed length–weight relationships of Compsura heterura, Phenacogaster calverti, and Serrapinnus piaba are reported for the first time. All fish collected presented total lengths (TL) lower than the maximum reported in FishBase.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the relationship between length and weight for 25 fish species belonging to 15 families in three mixohaline/hypersaline coastal lagoons in Southeastern Brazil. The study presents the first estimation of L–WRs for six species (Anchoa tricolor, Brevoortia aurea, Jenynsia multidentata, Ctenogobius boleosoma, Microgobius meeki and Bathygobius soporator) and maximum lengths for four species (Atherinella brasiliensis, Jenynsia multidentata, Poecilia vivipara and Microgobius meeki) that are greater than previously recorded.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships were determined for three freshwater fish species from the northeastern China. Fish specimens were sampled quarterly across the Songhua River and Nen River from October 2016 to September 2017 using multiple gears. Relationships between length and weight were fitted very well for all species (all R2 > .95), with b values ranging from 2.931 for Perccottus glenii to 3.044 for Parabotia mantschurica. The relationships for three species (P. mantschurica, P. glenii and Tachysurus brashnikowi) were new to FishBase database.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships (LRWs) were determined for three fish species from the Hainan Island, China. Fish specimens were sampled across the Nandu River and Changhua River from May 2017 to June 2018 with benthic fyke‐nets (stretched mesh size: 0.4 cm), multi‐mesh gillnets (stretched mesh size ranging from 1.0 to 12.5 cm) and electrofishing. Relationships between length and weight were fitted very well for all species (all R2>0.95). The b values of the LRW equations ranging from 2.938 for Liniparhomaloptera qiongzhongensis to 3.259 for Toxabramis houdemeri.  相似文献   

Length‐weight relationships were determined for 15 fish species from the tributary Atlantic rain forest steams that drain into Sepetiba Bay, southeastern Brazil. This is the first record of length‐weight relationships for 12 of these species and new maximum lengths for four species. These results will be useful for management and conservation of this area of the Atlantic rain forest drainages.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for four fish species from two drainage areas, those of the Itapemirim and Jucu River, in the state of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Fishes were collected between May 2015 and November 2016, with gill nets, casting net, dip net, and sieve. Herein are presented LWRs for Astyanax lacustris, Astyanax taeniatus, Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus and Oligosarcus acutirostris.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships were determined for three fish species (Cynoglossus macrolepidotus (Bleeker, 1851), Liparis tanakae (Gilbert & Burke, 1912), Zoarces elongatus (Kner, 1868)) from Bohai Sea (38°38′–40°28′N; 119°42′–121°10′E), China. Fish specimens were sampled monthly between May 1982 to May 1983 using pair bottom trawlers (150.5 × 96.5 m, mesh size: 30–200 mm) with a cod end (mesh size: 30 mm), which were towed at a ship's speed of two knots for 1 hr at a maximum depth of about 80 m. Relationships between length and weight were fitted very well for all species (all R2 > .90).  相似文献   

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