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The objective of this study was to estimate a prey body size from the hard parts (e.g. otoliths) of a fish species frequently found in the guts of predators. Length–weight relationships between otolith size (length, height, weight and aspect ratio) and fish size (total length and weight) were determined for four fish species captured in the Arabian Sea by bottom trawl (2015 survey on‐board FORV Sagar Sampada, 200–300 m depth), off the west coast of India: Psenopsis cyanea, Pterygotrigla hemisticta, Bembrops caudimacula and Hoplostethus rubellopterus. No significant differences were noted between the size of the left and right otoliths (t test) in any of the four species. The length–weight relationship of the otolith in all four species showed a negative allometric growth pattern (t test, p < .05). The data fitted well to the regression model for otolith length (OL), otolith height (OH) and otolith weight (OW) to total length (TL) and total weight (TW). Results showed that these relationships are a helpful tool in predicting fish size from the otoliths and in calculating the biomass of these less‐studied fish species during feeding studies and palaentology.  相似文献   

Sagittal otoliths are widely used to determine taxon, age and size of the teleost fishes, and are useful tools for studies of prey-predator relationships, population dynamics and ichthyo-archaeology. They can also be used to estimate the size of the prey. We examined the relationships between otolith measurements (length, height and weight) and fish size (total length and weight) for two species of Argentinidae (Argentina sphyraena and Glossanodon leioglossus) from the Southern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Length, height and mass of sagittae were shown to be good indicators for the length and weight of fish in both species. Glossanodon leioglossus has relatively larger sagittae than Argentina sphyraena. Linear and exponential functions provided the best fit for relations between otolith and fish measurements. No significant differences were found between left and right otolith sizes.  相似文献   

Little is known about possible differences in sagitta otolith size and shape between sexes of the shi drum, Umbrina cirrosa, and relationships between their body and otolith size. Thus, this study aimed to fill this knowledge gap via examination of 414 sagittal otoliths from 108 male (total length 13.8–26.8 cm) and 99 female (13.5–26.7 cm) U. cirrosa caught between May 2017 and April 2018 in gillnets set at a depth of ~15 m in Mersin Bay, Eastern Mediterranean Sea. No statistical differences were observed between the shape indices of the left-sided and right-sided sagitta. However, there were significant differences in the size and shape of otoliths between males and females. The slopes of allometric power functions from otolith width × fish sizes gave significant differences between males and females (ANCOVA, P < 0.05). The relationship for length × weight of otoliths from both males and females showed isometric growth, whereas the relationship of otolith width × otolith weight showed positive allometry. Negative allometric growth was observed for the relationship otolith length × otolith width. In summary, this study revealed the presence of sexual dimorphism in the otolith shape of U. cirrosa, and the data on regression relationships of fish-otolith sizes can be used to estimate fish size from U. cirrosa otolith sizes.  相似文献   

Given the importance and applicability of these biometric relations, the present work aimed to verify the existence of correlations between the length of saggitae otoliths and the body size of seven south‐western Atlantic marine fish species and to generate equations to estimate the body size of these species through otolith measurements. Fifty otoliths of Centropomus parallelus, Centropomus undecimalis, Lutjanus analis, Lutjanus jocu, Lutjanus synagris, Chaetodipterus faber and Mugil curema were collected for analysis. Significant relations between otolith length and total length and otolith width and total length were found for all the species. The highest coefficient of determination was observed for Centropomus undecimalis and Lutjanus synagris, for both relations, and the lowest was observed for Mugil curema. The results show that estimates of body size of the species through biometric analyses of otoliths are reliable. Based on this, the equations generated to obtain the total length of the fish using biometric otolith data can be used in dietary studies of top predators and in paleontological recostructions of modern fish.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the morphometry of otoliths for Sciades proops juveniles by testing the hypothesis of equality in morphometric relationships for the right and left otoliths, which could then be interchangeably used to estimate fish size or weight. Samples were obtained monthly directly from anglers after each event that took place off the state of Sergipe from March/2014 to April/2015. Anglers used rod and reel during these events, with no restriction on hook size or line thickness. Each fish specimen sampled had their total weight (W, g) and total length (TL, cm) measured and their lapillus otoliths removed and stored separately. Each otolith had its length (OL), width (OWi), and thickness (OT) measured (all in mm) under a stereomicroscope. Otoliths were weighed using a precision scale (OW, g). A total of 883 specimens were sampled: TL = 12.0–60.5 cm and W = 9.8–1880 g. The weight‐length relationship for the juvenile fishes was W = 0.0052TL3.086 and for their otoliths was OW = 0.0002OL3.177. The weight‐length and length‐length relationships fitted for each otolith (right and left) were not statistically different and thus all relations were estimated for grouped otoliths. The length‐length relationships for the otoliths were: OWi = 0.947OL?0.205 and OT = O.484OL?0.698. The relationship estimated for juvenile fish and otolith weight was Wj = 1076.1OW?9.120. For juvenile fish total length and otolith length, width and thickness, the following relationships were estimated: TLj = 4.028OL?3.199, TLj = 4.208OWi?2.091, and TLj = 7.824OT + 3.659, respectively. Relationships between fish and otolith size, and between fish and otolith weight indicated a change in slope close to Lm50, which should be better explored when more adult specimens are available.  相似文献   

In this study the relationships between somatic growth and otolith dimensions of Mediterranean horse mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus) were investigated from samples obtained in the southeastern Black Sea area. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between fish size and otolith dimensions. Therefore, age of Mediterranean horse mackerel can be estimated from otolith length and weight with sufficient certainty. This research was the first study of these relationships for T. mediterraneus from the Black Sea.  相似文献   

The relationships between fish total length and otolith measurements (OL, OW and OR) were described by means of allometric power equation for 36 fish species from Gokceada Island, Turkey. Regressions were also estimated at genus level. A total of 14364 specimens were collected monthly using beach seine (0–2 m) and beam trawl (5–20 m) from June 2013 to June 2014. Generally, the otolith length showed the highest correlation for predicting fish total length. This paper represents the first relationships between otolith morphometrics and fish total length for 12 species. These relationships can be useful for researchers who examining stomach contents of piscivorous predators.  相似文献   

Relationships between otolith major axis length (mm) and fish size (total length, cm) were described by means of linear regression analysis for six demersal fish species from the NW Mediterranean: blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), poor cod (Trisopetus minutus capelanus), horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), and Mediterranean mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus). Results show that reconstruction of body size from otolith measurement is possible by applying this approach based on the relationship of otolith length – fish length.  相似文献   

The study presents for the first time the otolith morphology of nine species of deep‐sea fishes. This study was based on sampling carried out on‐board FORV Sagar Sampada (Cruise No 349) during March‐April 2016, along the continental margin of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal using high speed demersal trawl. Unbroken (complete) otoliths from Polymixia fusca Kotthaus, 1970, Neoepinnula orientalis (Gilchrist & von Bonde 1924), Chlorophthalmus nigromarginatus (Kamohara, 1953), Cubiceps baxteri (McCulloch, 1923), Bembrops caudimacula (Steindachner, 1876), Neoscopelus microchir (Matsubara, 1943), Ostracoberyx dorygenis Fowler, 1934, Synagrops japonicus (Döderlein, 1883), and Bathyclupea hoskynii Alcock 1891) were used for this study. Length–weight relationships (LWR) and the regression between otolith size (width, weight, area and perimeter) and fish length (TL) of nine deep‐sea Fishes were considered. Numerical relationships derived from the relationship between otolith size and the fish can be used as predictors to estimate the prey size as well as to understand trophic relations and food web dynamics of these hitherto unexamined deep‐sea ichthyofauna. LWR showed negative allometric otolith growth in five species; four species showed positive allometric growth. Otolith size to fish size (TL) relation is explained by a simple linear regression considering otolith width (OW), otolith weight (OWe), otolith area (OA) and otolith perimeter (OP). Stronger r2 values (>.76) indicate robustness, except for Cubiceps baxteri (r2 = .65), and give better estimates for the TL of the fish.  相似文献   

The use of morphological characters and otolith weight as predictors of fish age has proven to be an efficient, objective and precise method, but studies were heretofore focused primarily on fast‐growing fish species. In the present study, Belanger's croaker, Johnius belangerii (Cuvier, 1830), is presented as a model species for slow‐growing fish where it is hypothesized that age has a significant effect on the otolith shape, and that the otolith weight has the potential to predict individual fish age as an alternative and objective method. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) of shape variables and cross‐validation were applied to a total of 359 sagittal otoliths in the age groups 0, 1 and 2. The shape variables demonstrated 64.1% correct age classification, and a 93.5% correct age classification with the inclusion of otolith weight in the discriminant function. Results show that a combination of shape variables and otolith weight work well in age determination of Belanger's croaker, and demonstrate its application potential for sciaenids that are distributed throughout the coastal waters of China.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements were made in the laboratory to determine the swimming capacities of settlement-stage fish larvae of several Mediterranean coastal species collected from the nearshore waters of Corsica, France. Critical swimming speed (Ucrit, cm s−1) was measured to provide a realistic laboratory estimate of in situ swimming speed. Morphometric traits were measured to assess potential predictors of a species’ swimming ability and, when possible, daily otolith increments were used to estimate age. Observed swimming speeds were consistent with other temperate species and demonstrated that the tested species are competent swimmers and not passive components of their environment. Morphological traits varied in their correlation with Ucrit across groups and species. Direct measurements of morphological traits were better predictors than calculated ratios. Pelagic larval duration had little relationship with swimming speed among species for which daily otolith increments were counted. In addition to expanding the database on swimming capacities of settlement-stage fish larvae in the Mediterranean Sea, this study also developed methods that simplify the assessment of larval fish swimming ability. Swimming speed data are essential for improving larval dispersal models and for predicting recruitment rates in coastal fish populations.  相似文献   

This study provides the total length–weight relationships (LWRs) for five fish species collected from the Nujiang River, southwest China. Samples were obtained in May 2015 and May 2016 using drift net and electroshock fishing techniques. A total of 502 specimens belonging to five fish species were analyzed; their LWRs were calculated. The five fish were Schizothorax nukiangensis, Akrokolioplax bicornis, Creteuchiloglanis kamengensis, Channa gachua and Glyptothorax trilineatus. Prior to this study, the length‐weight relationship for S. nukiangensis is unknown to FishBase and new maximum lengths are recorded for A. bicornis and C. kamengensis.These results are useful for fishery research, conservation and management in the Nujiang River.  相似文献   

In total, 240 tarek, Alburnus tarichi, specimens were caught throughout February 2008 in Lake Van, Turkey, a lake with highly salty‐alkaline conditions. Ages, lengths and weights of A. tarichi were determined to estimate length–weight relationships and age composition. Otolith dimensions were also determined. Female : male ratio was 1.47 : 1. Fork length and total weight of specimens ranged from 14.3 to 19.2 cm and 45.76 to 99.63 g, respectively. Maximum age observed was 6 years. Length–weight relationships were calculated for female, male and combined sexes as, W = 0.057FL2.582W = 0.102FL2.513 W = 0.074FL2.544, respectively. Concerning types of growth, negative allometric growth (b < 3) was observed for all tarek specimens. The lagenar otolith was large and flat and marks on otoliths were typically clear, consistent and easy to interpret. Mean otolith length, breadth and weight were determined as 2.592 mm, 2.381 mm, 0.0026 g, respectively. While the otolith weight displayed a curvilinear relationship with the fork length, otolith length and breadth were linearly related to the fork length by height correlation coefficients.  相似文献   

Fish specimens were captured by a commercial bottom trawler at a depth of 50–80 m from Iskenderun Bay (Hatay, Turkey) between December 2017 and May 2018. The bottom trawl gear used was equipped with a 44 mm stretched mesh size net at the cod-end. Blind side and eyed side otolith lengths (OL), otolith breadths (OB) and otolith weights (OW) were measured from each specimen to the nearest 0.001 mm and 0.0001g respectively. A total of 110 fish (43 females and 67 males) were collected. Total length ranged from 20.8 to 28.2 cm and 68.0 to 166.1 g (males) and 21.1 to −28.5 cm and 74.5 to 201.4 g (females). The coefficients of determination between fish weight and otolith weight, and total length and otolith weight (sexes combined) were found as R2 = .7694 (0.77) and R2 = .6274 (0.63), respectively. A moderate positive relationship between the total length-otolith dimensions, and fish weight-otolith dimensions, was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this study the length–weight relationships of five fish species belonging to four families and five genera were analyzed from the streams of Maoershan National Forest Park in China. A total of 221 specimens were used to estimate the relationship parameters. These species (Lethenteron reissneri, Cobitis granoei, Misgurnus mohoity, Rhynchocypris percnurus and Perccottus glenii) had no previous estimate in FishBase.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships were evaluated for nine fish species from the Tongjiang section of the Songhua River in China. A total of 675 fish specimens were collected from 4 May to 29 October 2014. Length–weight relationships for six fish species (Romanogobio tenuicorpus, Leuciscus waleckii, Opsariichthys bidens, Microphysogobio amurensis, Pelteobagrus ussuriensis and Misgurnus mohoity) were new to FishBase in 2015, but the length–weight relationships of Pussuriensis was studied by Ma in 2015. New data on M. mohoity is offered, and this study also shows new maximum total lengths for three fish species. The r2 values ranged from .95 to .99. Values of b varied from 2.504 to 3.471.  相似文献   

The relationships of total length (TL), fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) are presented for four fish species and the relationships between TL and wet weight for 23 fish species from the Chi River in northeastern Thailand. All length–length relationships were linear (r2 > 0.95). Slope (b) of the length–weight relationships showed values between 2.5073 and 3.4896.  相似文献   

In this study the length–weight relationships of nine fish species from Xingkai (Khanka) Lake in China belonging to three families and eight genera were analyzed. A total of 273 specimens were used to estimate the relationship parameters. Four of these species (Chanodichthys dabryi, Hemibarbus maculatus, Tachysurus fulvidraco and Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) had no previous estimations and one maximum length is new to science for inclusion in FishBase.  相似文献   

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