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We compared variability in catch per unit effort (CPUE) and size structure of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus collected in 2003 and 2004 with stationary winter gill nets, drifted trammel nets, hoop nets, and otter trawls in the Lower Missouri River, USA to determine the most precise types of gear to collect all sizes of sturgeon so that refinements of long‐term monitoring protocols can be made. A total of 1947 net sets or trawls collected 8743 shovelnose sturgeon, with 67% of the fish collected during winter gill netting (16% of total samples). Mean coefficient of variation (CV) among all months for juvenile (age 3 and younger; <250 mm fork length) sturgeon was highest for gill nets and lowest for otter trawls (P = 0.0008). Mean CV of subadult and adult shovelnose sturgeon (≥250 mm) was highest in hoop nets compared to other gear types (P = 0.0002). All gear and mesh sizes collected the most common sizes of shovelnose sturgeon (500–600 mm), but only otter trawls and trammel nets collected fish <150 mm. The higher precision of winter gill nets and summer otter trawls led to fewer samples needed to detect changes in CPUE as compared to hoop and trammel nets. Sampling only with types of gear that do not collect younger shovelnose sturgeon may hinder management decisions that rely on recruitment trends to determine the effects of management actions (e.g. channel modifications).  相似文献   

Fishing gear and methods, catch composition, annual catch numbers and the monetary value of fisheries based in the mangroves of Pak Phanang, Nakhon Si Thamarat province, Thailand, were studied from September 2004 to February 2005. The fishing gear and methods were surveyed by visual observation and interviews. Sample catches were taken for each type of fishing gear and method. Semi-closed questionnaire surveys were conducted among fishers, local traders, local administrative officers and related organizations to derive information on utilized species, gear and methods, fisher and fishery status, and trading and catch price. The Pak Phanang mangrove fishery has three types of multi-species capture gear: channel traps, gill nets and lift nets. It also has three kinds of single-species (group) gear/methods: crab traps, catfish hooks and hand capture using a long tail fishing boat. A total of 57 fish species in 27 families, and 23 shell fish species in 8 families were recorded from the catch samples. Penaeid shrimp (25%), and ambassid (31%) and mugilid (24%) fishes were the abundant groups in the channel traps, while ariid (36%) and mugilid (19%) fishes were abundant in the lift net catches. Ambassid (42%) fish dominated the gill net catches. Species richness (number of species) varied depending on sampling month and type of fishing gear. The total annual catch and its monetary value were estimated to be 442–551 tons and US $368,038–733,973, respectively. The estimated annual catch per unit area of mangrove was 63–79 kg ha−1, which generated a market value of US $368,038–733,973, respectively. The estimated annual catch per unit area of mangrove was 63–79 kg ha−1, which generated a market value of US 52–105.  相似文献   

We estimated the effect of the gill‐net fisheries targeted at whitefish (Coregonus sp.) on anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta, in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea using separate data for fish species. The analysis of sea trout captures was based on tagging and recapture data collected in 1998–2011, while whitefish data were derived from individual samples of commercial fisheries from the same period. The mesh sizes used in gill‐net fishing and the seasonal and temporal distributions of recaptured sea trout and sampled whitefish were compared in the northern and southern Gulf of Bothnia. The trout had typically spent 1–2 years at sea, and they were mainly immature with a median body length of 40–43 cm at the time of recapture in gill nets. Despite the increase in the minimum permitted landing size from 40 to 50 cm in 2008, the median length of recaptured trout remained unchanged during the study period. Most (59%) of the gillnetted trout were caught in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in gill nets with mesh sizes of 40–45 mm, which were also used in the whitefish fishery (72%). In the northern Gulf of Bothnia, nets with a smaller mesh size of 25–39 mm took 83% of the whitefish catch and 39% from recaptured trout. In both areas, the overlap in mesh sizes used to gill‐net catch whitefish and sea trout increased during the study period. There were clear seasonal and areal differences in the relative probability of sea trout being captured in gill nets, suggesting that carefully tailored spatial and temporal restrictions on gill‐net fisheries could provide a tool to protect young sea trout without causing intolerable difficulties for the fisheries targeting other species.  相似文献   

In this study the effects on the discard reduction of guarding net rigged prawn trammel nets were examined with the focus on catch composition and income of fishermen for the Mersin Bay small‐scale prawn fishery. A total of 15 fishing trips were carried out between September and December 2011, using the commercial net and the alternative experimental net for comparison. The results revealed that catches of the main target species, green tiger prawn (Penaeus semisulcatus), in the alternative nets were only 1.5% smaller than those of the commercial nets, and with a statistically insignificant difference (P > 0.05). However, the catch of the main discarded species, the invasive swimming crab (Charybdes longicollis), mantis shrimp (Rissoides desmaresti), and the blue crab (Portunus pelagicus) were captured 85%, 66%, 75% less often in the alternative nets, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). Also reduced was the labour needed to remove the catch from the alternative gear as well as a reduction in the number of tears in the net. An 8% loss of revenue from landings was estimated when using the alternative gear, however, this difference was statistically not significant (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Gillnets are the primary fishing gear used in tropical multi-species fisheries along the Iranian southern coastal waters. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the catch composition and performance of fishing gear for the possible negative effects on the stocks. Catch data and length frequency distribution (just for Kingfish, S. commerson) were examined for three kinds of drift gillnets: 1) small-meshed nets, 2) medium-meshed nets, and 3) nets with a single mesh size of 165 mm. This study was conducted in the northern part of the Persian Gulf from 2014 to 2015. Overall, 60 species of 32 families from four fish groups (i.e., Pelagic, Demersal, Benthopelagic, and Reef-associated) were recorded. Each net-type was used to target more than one species, with most species being considered as bycatch. Commercial fish species were caught the most, accounting for around 83% of the total catches. S. commerson is targeted by all kinds of nets, with medium-meshed nets being most efficient. The majority of S. commerson caught by the nets were immature. Overall, the total ban of gillnets with small mesh sizes is recommended to protect young S. commerson and prevent the possible risk of growth overfishing. Studies on gillnet selectivity are needed to set minimum mesh regulations for S. commerson and other commercial species if the potential impacts of gillnet are known.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for six native fish species from the Chapala Lake, Mexico, are described in this paper. The fish were caught monthly with the support of local fishermen from different landing sites. The daily catch is obtained using the nasa charalera (pot) and the gill net. Each fisherman can operate 20 pots daily at each fishing site for approximately six or seven months; this pot is a 2 m long cylinder, 0.5 m in diameter, with a mesh opening of 0.5 to 1 cm. Also, each fisherman can set between 10 and 20 gill nets each day at sunset and recover them in the morning, again for six or seven months. The length of the gill net is 30 m or more with a 2 m drop, with a 1 cm mesh size. The study provides basic data, morphometric data on length and weight of native species belonging to the genus Chirostoma. These species are of great importance for the local fishery with the Mesa Central of Mexico.  相似文献   

The artisanal fishery of Metangula, on the remote Mozambique coast of Lake Malawi/Niassa, was studied for four months during the rainy season from December 1998 to March 1999. Catch, catch composition and fishing effort were determined for the most important gear types. The different gears exploited different stocks of fish. Copadichromis spp. were caught mostly in deep-water seine (chirimila) nets and accounted for >50% of the total catch. Oreochromis spp. were the major catch in the beach seine fishery. Labeo mesops and Opsaridium microcephalus were the most important catches in gill nets. The catfishes Bathyclarias spp. and Bagrus meridionalis dominated the long line fishery. Since 1983 there has been a considerable increase in fishing effort. The number of beach seines, chirimila nets and long lines increased 2.8 times, 2.9 times and 2.5 times, respectively, and there was a fourfold increase in the number of gear owners and fishing assistants. Comparison with data for Chembe Village in Malawi indicates that the fish populations at Metangula are not yet as impacted as they are on the populous and accessible Malawi coast. Some constraints on the fishery include the lack of management and financial support, poor gear and infrastructure, and the lack of access to markets.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the catch rates, species composition and reproductive biology of flotsam‐associated fishes targeted by ring nets off the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. Catch and number of multiday boats operating with ring nets were collected at Beruwala fishery harbor on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, March to October 2013, by making fortnightly field visits. Fish samples were collected randomly from the unloaded ring net catches to analyze reproductive biology. Twelve fish species belonging to four major families: Scombridae, Carangidae, Coryphaenidae and Balistidae were identified in the ring net catches and five species, Decapterus russelli, Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares, Elagatis bipinnulata and Canthidermis maculatus were predominant. An average of 25 ± 12% multiday boats landing at the Beruwala fishery harbor operated with ring nets each month, with an average monthly catch rate fluctuating from 730 ± 101 to 3924 ± 1094 kg per boat per trip. Catch rates of tunas and carangids were significantly higher than the other fish groups (anova ; d.f. = 3, P < 0.05). Total fish landed by ring nets at the Beruwala fishery harbor during the study period was 1456 tonnes. Species belonging to the family carangidae had the highest percentage contribution (46.6%) to the ring net landings followed by tuna (34%). Similar‐size individuals ranging from 24 to 31 cm were landed by ring nets, with all landed individuals belonging to K. pelamis, T. albacares and E. bipinnulata having immature gonads. The findings of this study will be useful locally as well as regionally to manage the ring net fishery and to aid in implementing measures to manage the highly migratory tuna species.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the length-weight relationships (LWRs) for three teleost fish species sampled from the Stung Russei Chrum River basin, Kingdom of Cambodia. The fish were collected during two dry seasons (April 2019 and November 2019) and one rainy season (October 2018) using monofilament trammel nets (2–12 cm mesh size), cast net (mesh size 2 cm) and scoop-nets (mesh size with 0.3 cm). Results showed that all fitted regressions were highly significant and the coefficients of determination (r2) were high. This study expanded the value of maximum total length for Cyclocheilichthys apogon and Poropuntius laoensis while reported the wider ranges of total mass for Poropuntius laoensis. Moreover, our present study also provided the novel LWRs records for Hemibagrus filamemtus.  相似文献   


Lake Liambezi, situated in the Linyanti Swamp, Caprivi, is inhabited by 43 fish species. Population estimates with seine nets, rotenone and explosives gave values of 74 to 157 kg ha?1. The composition of seine net catches differed markedly from gill net catches where non-Cichlids form a majority. Results of a fleet of gill nets show that best catches of 25 kg 50 m?1 net night?1 can be made with 60 mm mesh nets, catching predominantly non-Cichlids (Marcusenius macrolepidotus, Schilbe mystus, Synodontis spp.). A small commercial fishery is established on the lake, with 60 active fishermen using large mesh (100–150 mm) gill nets. Their catch consists mainly of cichlids (Sarotherodon andersoni and S. macrochir) and Clarias spp. Production figures dropped from 637 ton in 1973–74 to 115 ton in 1975–76. This drop is ascribed to reduced effort as well as a reduction in catch per unit effort. Recommendations are made to utilise the fishery potential of Lake Liambezi in a more balanced way by introducing small mesh gill nets to harvest non-Cichlid populations.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for estimating gill net selectivity which estimates the probabilities leading to retention by analyzing both the fish morphology and the mesh geometry. This method estimates the number of fish approaching and contacting gill nets of different mesh sizes as an intermediate step towards computing the selectivity. Instead of assuming an underlying probability distribution as in indirect methods, we split the entire interaction between a fish and the gill net into several stages, each with its own probability. All the necessary parameters to compute these probabilities can be obtained from measurements of the fish, knowledge of the mesh geometry, and catch data from different mesh sizes. The framework offers three pathways for computing the total number of fish contacting the gill nets and has the capability to use both wedged and entangled fish in the analysis. As a proof of concept, the method is applied to catch data for cod (G. morhua) and Dolly Varden (S. malma) to estimate the number of fish contacting the gill nets in both cases. By estimating the number of fish contacting the gill net in addition to the selectivity, this method provides an important step towards deriving estimates of fish density in a particular fishery from gill net measurement.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for three small fish species, Glaridoglanis andersonii (Day, 1870), Glyptosternum maculatum (Regan, 1905) and Pseudecheneis sulcatus (Mc‐Clelland, 1842) from the Yarlung Zangbo River basin, China. A total of 285 specimens were collected from the Yarlung Zangbo River in May and October 2017(frequency of sampling during the study period: once per month).The specimens were caught with fishing gear including drifting gillnets (nets: 10 × 1.0 m; mesh size: 3.0 cm) and shrimp cages (nets: 4.0 × 0.5 × 0.4 m; mesh size: 0.5 cm).  相似文献   

Fishing gear losses remain a serious problem for marine life; these losses are also the source of an invisible fishing mortality. This study is an analysis of this problem within the artisanal fisheries of Istanbul. From September 2009 through May 2010, face‐to‐face interviews were conducted in 27 fishing ports for a total of 282 questionnaires. Estimates of lost fishing gear were 229.48 km of set nets, 2700 m of longlines, and 14 fish traps. Turbot nets had the highest loss ratio (54.73%), followed by bonito nets (16%), red mullet nets (7.36%), and encircling trammel nets (4.83%). The four major causes of net loss were: conflicts with other gear types (trawl and purse seine), conflicts with cargo vessels, bottom structure hindrances, and bad weather conditions. Bottom structures were the single factor in net losses for longlines and fish traps. The study observed that large quantities of nets had been lost, and that each net type showed a positive relationship between the number of nets used and the number of nets lost. Separate zones for artisanal and industrial fisheries are recommended as a realistic approach to reduce the losses of fishing gear and the impact of ‘ghost fishing’.  相似文献   

Using gillnets and trap nets, we examined the spatial distribution, diel movements, and environmental tolerances of pygmy whitefish, Prosopium coulterii, in a small boreal lake in north-central British Columbia. Most gillnets were set below the thermocline but we also fished a shore net in the littoral zone. During the ice-free season (May to November) there was a strong diel onshore–offshore movement: during the day pygmy whitefish were offshore and below the thermocline (water temperatures of 4–6°C) but at night they were inshore and above the thermocline (water temperatures of 12–18°C). This onshore–offshore movement occurred close to the bottom and, regardless of where they were caught, most fish were <4 m off the bottom. Oxygen concentrations in most of the hypolimnion dropped to <5.0 mg l−1 in June and by late August to <1.0 mg l−1; indicating pygmy whitefish can tolerate low oxygen conditions. The catch of pygmy whitefish in gillnets set below the thermocline was highly skewed: 53% of the nets were empty, 37% caught 18 or less fish, and 10% caught 70% of the total catch (742 fish). Trap nets produced similarly skewed results: most trap net sets caught no pygmy whitefish but one set caught over 2,000 individuals. Our catch data suggest that in Dina Lake #1 some pygmy whitefish aggregate.  相似文献   

Length–weight (LWR) and length–length (LLR) relationships were estimated for 20 species of fish from the upper Yangtze River, southwest China. Samples were collected using multiple types of gear (2–6 cm mesh trammel nets, 2 cm mesh trap nets, and baited hooks) in Jiangjin and Yibin sections from 2007 to 2009. New maximum lengths for 16 species were recorded for FishBase. LWRs were significant for all species. Standard length–total length equations for converting size measurements for these 20 species are also presented. The results provide primary data for future fish research and conservation.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken with the objective to estimate the length‐weight Relationships (LWRs) for four species collected from the Brahmaputra River, Assam, India. The fish samples were collected quarterly from different sampling sites using gill net (mesh size ranges 1–1.5 cm, locally called Mola lungi jal), cast net (mesh size ranges 1.0–2.0 cm, locally called Kevalijal) and triangular dip nets (mesh size ranges 0.75–1.25 cm locally called khorajal) during the time period between May, 2016 to April, 2018 (2 years). The b value of the LWR ranged from 3.028 (for Parambasis lala) to 3.196 (for Psilorynchus balitora). In this study the relationship between length‐weight were highly correlated (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for seven fish species belonging to five families in the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent waters are presented. Cynoglossus gracilis, Cynoglossus macrolepidotus, Ctenotrypauchen chinensis, Collichthys niveatus, Ophichthus apicalis and Erisphex potti were collected monthly in 2009 using trammel nets (the size of smaller mesh net was 1.5 m × 15 m × 4 panels with mesh sizes of 2.5, 3.4, 4.3 and 5.8 cm; the size of larger-mesh net was 2.4 m × 30 m × 4 panels with mesh sizes of 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0 cm; soaking overnight). Lophiogobius ocellicauda were collected December in 2020 using shrimp trawl nets (mesh size 2.0 cm). The precision of measurement for the fish specimens is 0.1 cm total length and 0.1 g total weight. The estimated ranges of the parameters a and b for the seven fish species were from 0.0001 to 0.0289 and 2.718 to 3.541, respectively. Two new maximum total length were recorded for Ctenotrypauchen chinensis and Ophichthus apicalis.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for 15 fish species from the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) were described in this paper. Specimens were collected using gill nets (mesh size: 6, 8, 10, 12 cm), cage net (mesh size: 1 cm), benthic fyke net (mesh size: 1 cm), hook longlines (80 m long, 3 barbless hooks per meter line) and electrofishing (power: 1,500 w; distance of electrodes: 1–2 m; water depth: 0.2–1.0 m; water area: 1–2 m2; catch by dip net [mesh size: 0.4 cm]) at four sections of the TGR, monthly in June–August and October–November in 2017 and 2018. The first LWR reference for Zacco acutipinnis (Bleeker, 1871), Discogobio brachyphysallidos Huang, 1989, Squalidus nitens (Günther, 1873), Leptobotia pellegrini Fang, 1936, Sinibotia reevesae (Chang, 1944), Pseudobagrus tenuifurcatus (Nichols, 1931), Pseudobagrus medianalis (Regan, 1904), Liobagrus marginatoides (Wu, 1930), Glyptothorax fokiensis (Rendahl, 1925), and Ctenogobius szechuanensis (Liu, 1940) and new maximum total length for 12 species are provided.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) for 19 freshwater fish species in Upo Wetland, South Korea, were analyzed. Fish samples were collected quarterly using scoop‐nets (5 mm mesh), casting nets (7 mm mesh) and a fixed shore net (15 mm mesh) from 2007 to 2014. LWRs data for three species have not yet been listed in FishBase.  相似文献   

Performance of two larval fish samplers, a hand–towed net and a dropbox enclosure, was similar when tested in shallow (x water depth, 20 cm) upper littoral–zone habitats. There was no significant difference between means of larval fish density (by total catch and by species) estimated from the catch in each gear, during the day and at night. Mean length of larvae (total catch) from the tow net was significantly longer than that from the dropbox during the day, but mean length did not differ between gear at night. Mean lengths of larvae of each species between gear were not significantly different within each period. Both gears collected significantly longer larvae (total catch and by species) during the day than at night probably because of diel movements of larvae of different sizes and species.  相似文献   

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