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Stands of groundnut were grown in computer-controlled glasshouseson water stored in an undisturbed soil profile. The maximumsaturation vapour pressure deficit (D) of the air was either1.0, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 kPa, and the mean air temperature was27 °C. Transpiration (E), determined from the soil water balance, wasstrongly dependent on D, because D influenced both the fractionof incident solar radiation intercepted by foliage (f) and thetranspiration rate per unit f (E/f). When D exceeded 2 kPa,canopy expansion was restricted and f reduced during early growth,but differences in f diminished as the canopies closed. E/fincreased with D, implying that any restriction of transpirationthrough stomatal closure at large D was outweighted by a steeperhumidity gradient from leaf to air. In all treatments E/f decreased as the soil profile dried. Saturationdeficit per se had little influence on the proportional reductionin E/f with time, even though soil water deficit was considerablygreater at large D. This lack of response occurred because plantscompensated for the greater evaporative demand by extractinglarger amounts of water from deep in the profile. Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L., humidity, rooting depth, transpiration  相似文献   

The rate/temperature relation of several developmental processesin groundnut was examined in a suite of temperature-controlledglasshouses maintained at mean air temperatures of 19, 22, 25,28 and 31 °C. The sensitivity of the various processes tosoil water deficit was also examined. When the relation between rate and temperature was linear, measurementswere analysed in terms of thermal time (°Cd) and an extrapolatedbase temperature (Tb) at which the rate was zero. Tb was conservative(10 °C) for leaf appearance, branching, flowering, peggingand podding. A higher value of Tb for seedling emergence (16°C) was probably an artifact caused by soil pathogens. Leafappearance and branching were more sensitive to soil water deficitthan the other processes examined. Key words: Temperature, Soil water deficit, Development, Groundnut  相似文献   

A timing-of-irrigation experiment was conducted in controlled-environmentglasshouses, in which a finite quantity of water was appliedto four stands of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) at differentstages of the growing season. Irrigation schedules were broadlydivided into two periods; sowing to pod initiation and pod initiationto final harvest. Within these periods two levels of soil moisturedeficit were imposed by withholding or applying limited amountsof irrigation at regular intervals. Shoot dry matter yields were hardly affected but pod yieldswere more than 4-fold lower in early- than in late-irrigatedstands. Thermal time was used to separate the effects of temperatureand water stress on developmental processes. The degree-dayrequirement for peg initiation was similar in all treatmentsbut late-irrigation delayed pod development by about 200 °Cd.The effect of timing of irrigation on pod yield operated mainlythrough its influence on the duration of pod production, whichwas closely linked to the rate and duration of canopy expansionlate in the season. The insensitivity of pod yield to earlymoisture deficits reflected the extreme plasticity of growthand development in groundnut, since most processes resumed ratessimilar to the pre-stress levels in early-irrigated stands oncestress was released. Key words: Groundnut, irrigation, growth, development  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to investigate the influence ofatmospheric saturation deficit on the stomatal conductancesof millet and groundnut plants grown in undisturbed soil incontrolled environment glasshouses. Environmental conditionsduring growth were maintained close to those experienced inthe semi-arid tropics. The results demonstrated that the stomatal conductances of well-wateredplants of both species were affected strongly by changes insaturation deficit. The response was stronger at higher irradianceswhen variations in saturation deficit between 1.5 and 3.0 kPacaused 3–4-fold changes in leaf conductance. However,the stomatal response was greatly reduced or absent in unirrigatedplants in which stomatal conductances were reduced. Reduction of the transpiring leaf area by covering some of theleaves increased the leaf conductances of the remaining leavesand partially restored the stomatal response to saturation deficitin unirrigated plants. Leaf conductance was sensitive to thetranspiring area per plant and declined as the transpiring areaincreased. However, the reduction in mean leaf conductance wasinsufficient to prevent an increase in canopy conductance owingto the increased transpiring area: The results are compared to earlier field data for millet, andthe possible origin of the stomatal response is discussed.  相似文献   

Stands of groundnut were grown in four glasshouses with themaximum saturation deficit (D) of the air limited to 1.0, 2.0,2.5 or 3.0 kPa. The soil was near field capacity when plantsemerged and no water was applied thereafter. In a fifth glasshouse,a stand was grown at low D on soil irrigated to field capacityevery few days. Developmental processes such as timing of flowering, peggingand pod formation were unaffected by D, but the numbers of branches,flowers and pegs were reduced in the drier treatments. Measurementsduring the first 30 d showed that in the drier treatments leafgrowth was reduced, and the partitioning of dry matter intoroots was enhanced. In the unirrigated stands, dry matter production in shoots wasreduced by 40 per cent as the maximum D increased from 1.0 to3.0 kPa. Growth was affected through reductions both in leafarea (and therefore light interception) and in the productivityper unit of light intercepted. These responses to D and soilwater were linked to changes in bulk water potential of leaves. Productivity per unit of water transpired (q) decreased withincreasing D. The product of q and the mean daytime value ofthe difference in vapour pressure between leaf and air was moreconservative than q, and ranged from 3.1 to 5.6 g kPa kg–1. Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L., saturation deficit, growth, development, light interception, water use efficiency  相似文献   

Multiple shoots in Arachis hypogaea L. could be induced from the de-embryonated cotyledons (DC), embryo-axes (EA) and mature whole seeds (MWS) in MS medium supplemented with different levels of benzylaminopurine (BAP). DC was the most suitable explant with 57.9 % induction and more than 40 shoots per explant in 31.6 % of cases. Though EA and MWS had high percent induction at or above 30 mg dm–3 BAP, only 10 – 14 shoots per explant were observed. In DC, multiple shoots were confined to the proximal end and in EA they originated from the axillary bud region. Histological studies on DC confirmed the origin of shoots from the region of attachment with the embryo. Shoots could be rooted in MS medium containing 2 g dm–3 charcoal and 200 mg dm–3 casein hydrolysate. Sixty percent of the rooted plantlets could be established in the field.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity in morphological, anatomical and physiological traits of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) leaves was tested at four different concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn under greenhouse conditions. Among 18 characteristics tested, nine were found to be the most sensitive and demonstrate the greatest phenotypic plasticity. These were: the leaf area (LA), the leaf mass per area (LMA), chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a), chlorophyll b concentration (Chl b), total chlorophyll concentration (Chl t), the effective quantum yield of photosystem II (ΦPS II), stomatal density of upper epidermis (SDU), palisade thickness (PT), and palisade to spongy thickness ratio (P/S). The plasticity of chlorophyll concentration and fluorescence parameters may be maladaptive and reflects metal toxicity to leaves, whereas the anatomical plasticity is adaptive, indicative of a tradeoff between the physiological and anatomic plasticity. The anatomical plasticity resulted in a xerophyte feature of leaves (i.e. small leaflets, thick lamina, upper epidermis, palisade mesophyll, as well as abundant and small stomata), which enhanced the capacity to resist drought caused by heavy metals via a decrease in root growth.  相似文献   

Summary An 8 × 8 full diallel experiment based on 4 bunch plus 4 spreading types of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) was conducted over three environments. For both number of pods and pod yield, additive, nonadditive and reciprocal cross effects were detected and these were also influenced by changes in environments. For number of pods additive genetic variance was predominant whereas it was approximately equal to non-additive genetic variance for pod yield. Graphical analysis revealed the presence of strong non-allelic interaction for number of pods whereas for pod yield absence of dominance and/or presence of non-allelic interaction was evident.Part of Ph.D. Thesis of the first author  相似文献   

Seeni S  Gnanam A 《Plant physiology》1982,70(3):823-826
The relative transport of photosynthetic and dark carboxylation products in photoheterotrophic cells of Arachis hypogaea L. var. TMV-3 at varied phases of growth were determined. Despite the presence of an equally competent photosynthetic apparatus as determined from 14CO2 incorporation rates in the dark and light, pulse-chase experiments revealed little or no change in the radioactivity of the C3 intermediates but rapid disappearance of label from the dark carbon assimilates (malate and other tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates) with a simultaneous increase in the aminoacid pool in early log-phase (10 days old) cells. However, significant flow of carbon through the photosynthetic intermediates resulting in the accumulation of sugars occurred in the late log-phase (34 days old) cells. Limitation of exogenous sugar in the nutrient milieu and depletion of reserve carbohydrates stored in starch of the chloroplasts of the cells were considered as the decisive factors in promoting transport of C3 cycle intermediates through the reductive pentose phosphate pathway in photoheterotrophic cells. The observed drain of radioactivity even from the small amounts of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates synthesized during photosynthesis into glutamate indicated that the transport of carbon through the nonautotrophic pathway is not controlled by these factors.  相似文献   

In most plant families, boron (B) is phloem immobile. For plants such as peanut which bury their fruit, the mechanism for B delivery and the B source for fruit and seed growth remains enigmatic. Therefore, this study aimed to establish evidence of B retranslocation in peanut and to identify its importance in plant development. In a sand culture experiment, the increase in B contents in new organs after B withdrawal and the corresponding decline in B contents in older organs was evidence of B redistribution. In a foliar 10B experiment, the 10B abundance of treated-leaves decreased and 10B was detected in leaves and flowers formed after the application of foliar B. Application of 10B to the roots for a period also provided evidence for the retranslocation of 10B accumulated during the first growth period. The 10B abundance in older plant parts declined and 10B appeared in new organs (flowers, pegs, leaves) that had developed after the 10B supply had been replaced by 11B. In the fourth experiment, foliar application of B reduced hollow heart, a symptom of B deficiency in seeds, in cv. TAG 24 from 39 to 8% and in Tainan 9 from 63 to 18%. These experiments all provide evidence for B retranslocation in peanut, but further work on the relative importance of the xylem and phloem pathways for B loading into the fruit is needed.  相似文献   

Fertile transgenic plants of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. cv. New Mexico Valencia A) were produced using an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system. Leaf section explants were inoculated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring the binary vector pBI121 containing the genes for -glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPTII). Approximately 10% of the shoots regenerated on selection medium were GUS-positive. Five independent transformation events resulted in the production of 52 fertile transgenic peanut plants. On average, 240 d were required between seed germination for explant preparation and the production of mature t1 seed by T0 plants. Molecular analysis of transgenic plants confirmed the stable integration of the transgenes into the peanut genome. GUS expression segregated in a 31 Mendelian ratio in most T1 generation plants.Abbreviations GUS -glucuronidase - NPTII neomycin-phosphotransferase II - MS medium, Murashige and Skoog medium (1962) - BA N6, enzyladenine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

光对花生不同叶龄的磷酸丙糖、3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶、丙酮酸激酶和丙酮酸含量的影响不同。成长叶片光合速率大于暗呼吸,在光下,TP增高,细胞质G3PDh活性受抑制,PK活性和Pyr含量下降;DCMU处理则消除光的影响,TP下降,细胞质G3PDh和PK活性升高。花生成长叶在光下糖酵解(EMP)途径受抑制,抑制位点是G3PDh和PK。幼叶光合微弱,呼吸作用强,TP和Pyr及细胞质酶活均不受光、暗条件和DCMU处理影响,其EMP途径和在暗中同样速率运转。老叶光合和暗呼吸均较弱,TP和两种酶活不论在光和暗中均无差异,Pyr少,EMP途径运转也慢。  相似文献   

Greenhouse nutrient solution studies demonstrated that diniconazole will decrease peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) shoot growth when either root or shoot applied. Root growth and development were decreased by root and, to a lesser extent, by shoot uptake of diniconazole. Diniconazole is apparently xylem translocated, but not phloem translocated. Concentrations of 200 ppb ES isomer of diniconazole in nutrient solution (root uptake) increased specific leaf weight and starch deposits in the leaf. Field applications of 193 g ES isomer ha–1 of diniconazole reduced main stem height by 33%, leaf area index by 16%, and total vegetative dry weight by 19%, but had no effect on average leaf size. Decreased germination of seeds from plants treated with 1435 g ha–1 diaminozide was associated with increased seed dormancy. Seed dormancy was counteracted by either ethylene gas or storage for 150 days after harvest. Soil applications of diniconazole were more effective than foliar appliations in reducing vine growth. Diniconazole's ER isomer is a broad spectrum fungicide that reduced damage (when compared to the control) bySclerotium rolfsii andRhizoctonia solani. The reduced damage by these diseases was thought to be the primary reason for the significant pod yield increase (when compared to the control) observed with the diniconazole treatments. In drought-stressed plots, populations of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) were increased by diniconazole.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee by the University of Georgia or the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply UGA or USDA approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that also may be suitable.  相似文献   



Lack of sufficient molecular markers hinders current genetic research in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). It is necessary to develop more molecular markers for potential use in peanut genetic research. With the development of peanut EST projects, a vast amount of available EST sequence data has been generated. These data offered an opportunity to identify SSR in ESTs by data mining.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of incubation experiments showed that the phosphorus turnover under aerobic decomposition in soil starts with a non-biological process, which is rapid and probably due to chemical fixation. The present study allowed a distinction to be made between chemical fixation and biological immobilisation of added phosphorus with special reference to the effects of addition of energy material in the process of biological turnover. Invariably, both glucose and cellulose additions resulted in an increase in phosphorus immobilisation. Comparatively, cellulose acted slowly on phosphorus turnover, with the prospect of more immobilisation in long term experiments. re]19730416  相似文献   

Five groundnut cultivars were grown in transparent tubes of pasteurized loam compost in growth-chamber conditions. Weekly tracings were made of all the roots visible through the walls of the tubes. White roots were assessed as living, and brown or decayed roots as dead; this correlated with microscopical assessments of root viability based on cytoplasmic staining with neutral red followed by plasmolysis.For all five cultivars, root laterals began to die 3–4 weeks after plants were sown. Death of root laterals progressed down the soil profile with time, while new roots were produced successively deeper from the extending taproot. The half-life of individual roots was calculated as 3.7–4.4 weeks for all cultivars, based on assessments of the roots that died up to plant maturity (14–20 weeks, depending on cultivar). At maturity, 73–83% of the cumulative length of root systems had died. The onset and rate of root death were not related to onset of flowering or pod-filling; instead, the peak times of root death at different distances down the root system were related to earlier (3–5 week) peak times of root production in those regions. The net result of root turnover was that, despite continued new root production, the maximum length of living (white) roots of each cultivar was recorded at 2–4 weeks after sowing. Death of the earliest formed root laterals was also observed in the first five weeks after sowing of groundnut in an experimental field plot in Malawi. Progressive root turnover is considered to be a normal feature of groundnut, perhaps representing an energy-economy strategy.  相似文献   

花生根部性状的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用花生RIL群体,分析了11个花生根部性状的遗传力,估算基因对数及性状间的相互关系,根据偏度系数(g1)和峰度系数(g2)估算控制性状的基因互作情况。结果表明:11个性状都是受多基因控制的数量性状,在RIL群体中基因型间的差异均表现为连续变异和明显的超亲分离。侧根干重的遗传力最高达0.60,其次是侧根鲜重,为0.58,而其他性状的遗传力均较低。控制主根长性状的多基因间存在互作,互作方式为重叠作用;控制主根粗(3cm)性状的基因间也存在一定的重叠作用,但是作用不明显;控制其他性状的基因都存在互作,表现为互补作用,但互补作用的强弱有差异。主根粗(1cm)、主根粗(3cm)、主根干重、主根鲜重、侧根干重和侧根鲜重之间都显著或极显著相关;根体积与主根粗(1cm)、主根粗(3cm)、侧根干重和侧根鲜重显著或极显著相关。  相似文献   

花生转基因研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
花生是世界上重要的油料和经济作物之一,是人们生活的植物脂肪和蛋白质来源。现代生物技术的不断发展为花生育种和种质创新提供了新的技术手段, 它可以直接将来自不同种属的异源目的基因插人到花生基因组, 使花生表达目标性状, 实现花生品种的遗传改良。近年来, 国内外花生转基因研究取得了重大进展。文章综述了花生转基因在抗虫、抗病、抗非生物逆境和品质改良等方面的最新进展,并总结了近年来人们对农杆菌介导法、基因枪法和不依赖组织培养的转化法等主要的花生遗传转化方法的改进和探索。  相似文献   

A. S. Rao 《Plant and Soil》1962,17(2):260-266
Summary A comparison of fungal populations in the rhizospheres of eight varieties of peanut grown in a red lateritic soil amended with farmyard manure was made by the dilution-plate technique. There was a marked increase in fungi in the rhizospheres of TMV 2, TMV 4, Pollachi Red and EC 1698, the increase was smaller in Spanish Improved and RS 1 while very little rhizosphere effect was shown by TMV 3 and Pondicherry 8. Age of the plant had a significant influence on numbers of fungi in the rhizosphere. High R/S ratios were obtained when the plants were 30 days old, at which time attained maximum vegetative growth and started to flower. The ratios gradually decreased after that age until the plants were three months old when there was again a small increase. This later rise in fungal populations is interpreted to be due to an increase in microbial activity around dead or senescent roots. No correlation could be established between numbers of root nodules produced by a variety and its rhizosphere effect. Preferential stimulation of certain fungi in the rhizosphere of some of the varieties was noticed.  相似文献   

Zharare  G. E.  Asher  C. J.  Blamey  F. P. C.  Dart  P. J. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):355-358
Normal pods (containing seed) of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (cv. TMV-2) were successfully raised in darkened, aerated, nutrient solution, but not in the light. The onset of podding was evident 7 to 8 d after gynophores were submerged in the darkened nutrient solution. An examination of pods and submerged portions of gynophore surfaces by scanning electron microscopy showed the presence of two distinctly different protuberances: unicellular root-hair-like structures that first developed from epidermal cells of the gynophores and developing pods; and branched septate hairs that developed later from cells below the epidermal layer. The septate hairs became visible only after the epidermal and associated unicellular structures had been shed by the expanding gynophore and pods. Omission of Mn and Mg from the podding environment increased pod and seed weight, whilst omission of Zn reduced pod and seed weight.  相似文献   

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