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Doubling of the current atmospheric CO2 concentration, and an increase in global mean annual temperatures of 1.5–6 °C, have been predicted to occur by the end of this century. Whilst the separate effects of CO2 and temperature on plant–insect interactions have been examined in a number of studies, few have investigated their combined impact. We carried out a factorial experiment to explore the effect of a doubling of CO2 concentration and a 3 °C temperature increase on the development of a complete generation of the leaf‐miner, Dialectica scalariella, in the host plant Paterson's Curse, Echium plantagineum. Elevated CO2 increased biomass, reduced leaf N and increased C:N ratios in the host plants. Leaf thickness also increased under elevated CO2, but only in the high‐temperature treatment. Female D. scalariella did not discriminate between plants grown at the different CO2 levels when ovipositing, despite the reduction in foliage quality under elevated CO2. Overall, the negative response of D. scalariella to elevated CO2 was greater than for many species of free‐living insects, presumably because of the limited mobility imposed by the leaf‐mining habit. Development was accelerated at the high temperature and slowed under elevated CO2. The net result was a reduction in development time of ~14 days in the elevated CO2/high temperature treatment, compared to the ambient CO2/low temperature treatment. Larval survivorship and adult moth weight were both affected by a significant interaction between CO2 and temperature. At the low temperature, CO2 had little effect on survivorship, but at the high temperature, survivorship was significantly reduced under elevated CO2. Similarly, elevated CO2 had a stronger negative effect on adult moth weight when combined with the high‐temperature treatment. A possible explanation for these results is that the high temperature accelerated insect development to such an extent that the larvae did not have sufficient feeding time to compensate for the poorer quality of the foliage. The frequency with which interactions between CO2 and temperature affected both plant and insect performance in this study highlights the need for caution when predicting the effects of future climate change on plant–insect interactions from single‐factor experiments.  相似文献   

Acrocercops Wallengren (Gracillariidae) is recorded for the first time from Chile. The little known Acrocercops serrigera serrigera Meyrick is reported from the Azapa Valley, Arica Province, northern Chilean coastal desert. Specimens were reared from Malva nicaeensis and Waltheria ovata (both Malvaceae). Specimen identification is based on comparisons of the male genitalia with that of the lectotype of the species originated from Peru. Sequences of a fragment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit I of specimens reared on both plants indicate that there is only one Acrocercops species involved as only one substitution site was found over the 524-bp sequenced.  相似文献   

记述红展足蛾属2新种,其中济源红展足蛾Oedematopoda jiyuanica Wang,sp.nov.采自河南济源,与红展足蛾O.ignipicta(Butler)相似,但新种前翅翅面上有2条几乎平行的黑色纵条纹,雄性抱器瓣中部不扩大,末端平截,而后者前翅无黑色纵条纹,雄性抱器瓣中部膨大,末端圆。双突红展足蛾Oedematopoda furcata Wang,sp.nov.采自福建武夷山,可通过其爪形突后缘分叉形成2个大尖突与其它已知种区别。新种模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国模尖蛾属Meleonoma Meyrick三新种:毛模尖蛾Meleomoma polychaeta,sp.nov,叶模尖蛾Meleonoma foliata,sp.nov.及刺模尖蛾Meleonoma echinata,sp.nov.。提供了成虫和雌雄外生殖器特征图。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

报道潜织蛾属Locheutis Meyrick新种,给出了分布在东洋区和古北区该属4个种的检索表。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

隐斑谷蛾属Crypsithyris全世界已知38种,其中5种分布于中国。本文记述了采自湖南、贵州和江西的1新种:锯隐斑谷蛾Crypsithyris serrata Xiao et Li,sp.nov.(Figs.1~3)。新种与分布日本的Crypsithyris japonica Petersen et Gaedike和Crypsithyris saigusai Gaedike相似,主要区别如下:新种前翅暗褐色,具1大的椭圆形透明斑以及沿后缘具1赭白色纵带;抱器瓣近矩形,末端斜直;抱器背基突大,W形;阳茎约与囊形突等长,两侧具数个锯齿。后2种前翅乳白色,具1模糊的透明斑,在透明斑外侧有1暗斑;抱器瓣基半部宽于端半部,末端尖或钝圆;抱器背基突窄并相连成桥;阳茎明显长于囊形突且两侧无锯齿。模式标本保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国细蛾科Gmcillariidae 1新记录属及新记录种:基及细蛾Dialectica geometra(Meyrick,1916);并提供了成虫及雌雄的外生殖器图片和DNA条形码序列.所有标本均由潜叶危害基及树Carmona microphylla的幼虫饲养所得.研究标本保存于湖南农业大学和珠海出入境检验检疫局植物检疫实验室.  相似文献   

Davis DR  Wagner DL 《ZooKeys》2011,(97):39-73
Four New World species of Phyllocnistis Zeller are described from serpentine mines in Persea (Family Lauraceae). Phyllocnistis hyperpersea,new species, mines the upper leaf surfaces of avocado, Persea americana Mill., and red bay, Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng. and ranges over much of the southeastern United States into Central America. Phyllocnistis subpersea,new species, mines the underside and occasionally upper sides of new leaves of Persea borbonia in southeastern United States. Phyllocnistis longipalpa, new species, known only from southern Florida also mines the undersides of new leaves of Persea borbonia. Phyllocnistis perseafolia,new species, mines both leaf surfaces and possibly fruits of Persea americana in Colombia, South America. As in all known species of Phyllocnistis, the early instars are subepidermal sapfeeders in young (not fully hardened) foliage, and the final instar is an extremely specialized, nonfeeding larval form, whose primary function is to spin the silken cocoon, at the mine terminus, prior to pupation. Early stages are illustrated and described for three of the species. The unusual morphology of the pupae, particularly the frontal process of the head, is shown to be one of the most useful morphological sources of diagnostic characters for species identification of Phyllocnistis. COI barcode sequence distances are provided for the four proposed species and a fifth, undescribed species from Costa Rica.  相似文献   

麻疯树柄细蛾形态和生物学特性观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
麻疯树柄细蛾Stomphastis thraustica Meyrick是在我国新发现的麻疯树Jatropha curcas L.潜叶蛾类重要害虫。通过室内饲养与野外调查相结合对该虫形态、发育习性及生活史进行了研究。本文对麻疯树柄细蛾成虫、卵、各龄幼虫和蛹的形态及大小进行了详细描述。95.54%(n=426)的老熟幼虫在10点至18点结茧。89.19%(n=111)在夜间20点至次日凌晨6点羽化。交配在清晨进行, 持续30~210 min不等。87.53%(n=441)的卵在夜间20点以后至次日6点以前产出。卵多产于叶脉边缘与叶片形成的凹陷处。66.77%(n=8 266)的卵产于叶片背面, 其余产于叶片正面。每雌产卵平均60.03粒(n=32)。麻疯树柄细蛾在攀枝花全年均可发育。以成虫在每年2月至5月越冬。一年发生10代以上, 世代重叠明显。以6月室外平均气温25.15℃条件下, 全世代发育需18~20 d。卵期3~4 d, 1龄幼虫期1 d, 2龄幼虫期1~2 d, 3龄幼虫期1~2 d, 4龄幼虫期1~2 d, 5龄幼虫期2~3 d, 预蛹期1 d, 蛹期4~6 d, 成虫产卵前期1 d。  相似文献   

单羽蛾科是鳞翅目中非常小的科,目前已记录的昆虫仅有3种,分布于中国(台湾),日本,斯里兰卡,斐济和马达加斯加。首次记述了该科在我国大陆的分布,并首次对东方单羽蛾Agdistopis sinhala (Fletcher, 1909) 的雌性进行了描述。东方单羽蛾Agdistopis sinhala (Fletcher, 1909) 翅展31.0 mm。触角背面灰黄色,少毛,腹面灰色,密被短而细的纤毛;下唇须长于复眼直径的2倍;前翅外缘线白色,近前缘4/5处具1不规则的黑灰色斑;翅面具1从顶角延伸至翅面2/3处的白色窄带。雄性外生殖器爪形突宽大;抱器瓣对称,腹基角具1小钩状突;抱器端部二分叶,形成二棒状突;基腹弧延伸成1近三角形的大突起。雌性外生殖器交配孔大而不规则;导管端片不规则球形,基部的右侧弧形内凹;交配囊卵形;具1对小型囊突。  相似文献   

The paper presents four Chinese species belonging to the genera Metriochroa Busck, Eumetriochroa Kumata, and Gibbovalva Kumata & Kuroko (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), including two new species: Metriochroa alboannulata Bai, sp. n. and Gibbovalva clavata Bai, sp. n. Eumetriochroa hiranoi Kumata, 1998, is newly recorded from China. Photographs of adults and figures of the genital structures are provided, along with keys to the Chinese species of Metriochroa, Eumetriochroa, and Gibbovalva.  相似文献   

首次报道了翼细蛾属Micrurapteryx Spuler在中国的分布,同时记述了该属3新记录种:翘须翼细蛾M.fumosella Kuznetzov&Tristan、白头翼细蛾M.gradatella(HerrichSch(a)ffer)和短须翼细蛾M.sophorivora Kuznetzov&Tristan.文中...  相似文献   



Many studies compare the population dynamics of single species within multiple habitat types, while much less is known about the differences in population dynamics in closely related species in the same habitat. Additionally, comparisons of the effect of habitat types and species are largely missing.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We estimated the importance of the habitat type and species for population dynamics of plants. Specifically, we compared the dynamics of two closely related species, the allotetraploid species Anthericum liliago and the diploid species Anthericum ramosum, occurring in the same habitat type. We also compared the dynamics of A. ramosum in two contrasting habitats. We examined three populations per species and habitat type. The results showed that single life history traits as well as the mean population dynamics of A. liliago and A. ramosum from the same habitat type were more similar than the population dynamics of A. ramosum from the two contrasting habitats.


Our findings suggest that when transferring knowledge regarding population dynamics between populations, we need to take habitat conditions into account, as these conditions appear to be more important than the species involved (ploidy level). However, the two species differ significantly in their overall population growth rates, indicating that the ploidy level has an effect on species performance. In contrast to what has been suggested by previous studies, we observed a higher population growth rate in the diploid species. This is in agreement with the wider range of habitats occupied by the diploid species.  相似文献   

Anastrepha entodonta n. sp. and Anastrepha hadropickeli n. sp. are described and illustrated. The new species belong to the spatulata group. Both species occur sympatrically with Anastrepha pickeli Lima in the semiarid region of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Anastrepha hadropickeli occurs also in the semiarid of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, where it was misidentified as A. pickeli.  相似文献   

【目的】明确金纹细蛾Lithocolletis ringoniella自身生理状态下的飞行能力,了解其飞行生物学的基础参数。【方法】利用昆虫飞行磨系统,室内测定了金纹细蛾雌雄成虫不同日龄和性别以及5日龄雌雄成虫补充营养(5%蜂蜜水)与交配状态下的飞行距离、飞行时间、飞行速度等参数。【结果】连续吊飞12 h的结果显示,金纹细蛾3-6日龄成虫飞行能力较强,5日龄成虫飞行能力最强; 5日龄雌成虫的平均 飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度分别为2.293±0.254 km, 5.341±0.617 h和0.711±0.126 km/h, 5日龄雄成虫的平均飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度分别为2.142±0.276 km, 5.132±0.628 h和0.620±0.132 km/h, 说明雌雄成虫间飞行能力差异不显著。金纹细蛾5日龄雌雄成虫取食5%蜂蜜水后其飞行能力较对照显著提高,取食5%蜂蜜水后5日龄雌成虫的飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度较对照(取食清水)的分别提高46.945%, 15.430%和15.978%;5日龄雄成虫的飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度较对照分别提高42.610%, 13.590%和6.529%。交配后5日龄雌成虫的飞行距离、飞行时间和飞行速度较未交配雌成虫的分别提高41.628%, 7.152%和39.925%,而5日龄雄成虫交配后飞行能力则较未交配雄成虫的分别降低35.823%, 17.888%和46.129%。【结论】金纹细蛾成虫具有一定的飞行能力,补充营养和雌雄交配状态对飞行能力有重要影响。  相似文献   

宽瓣头细蛾Epicephala lativalvaris Li, Wang & Zhang是最近发现在黑面神Breynia fruticosa和喙果黑面神B. rostrata上专性传粉的昆虫。通过野外观察宽瓣头细蛾的访花行为、 室内饲养宽瓣头细蛾幼虫及解剖黑面神和喙果黑面神果实, 首次对其个体发育过程中各虫态的形态特征及生活习性和生活史进行了详细研究。结果表明: 宽瓣头细蛾的生活史因气候的不同而出现差异, 其在福建厦门1年发生4~5代, 有4个羽化主要高峰期, 分别为5月上旬至中旬、 6月中旬至下旬、 8月及9月下旬至10月上旬, 11月中下旬有少数成虫羽化, 12月上旬至次年4月中旬以卵或蛹越冬; 而在海南鹦哥岭1年发生6代, 无越冬现象。成虫分别主动为黑面神或喙果黑面神传粉并将卵产于子房内, 幼虫以寄主植物种子为食, 需要消耗果实内全部6粒种子才能发育成熟, 但每个种群内留有20.37%~77.63%完好的果实, 以维持互利关系的稳定。两种植物的结实率近似, 但宽瓣头细蛾对喙果黑面神的果实危害率是黑面神的2.05倍。结果说明, 在宽瓣头细蛾 黑面神和喙果黑面神专性传粉互利共生关系中, 两种寄主植物所获得的利益近似, 但喙果黑面神为宽瓣头细蛾提供了更多的回报。研究结果为头细蛾属其他种类生物学特性的了解提供了借鉴, 并为探讨宽瓣头细蛾 黑面神和喙果黑面神专性传粉互利共生关系稳定性的维持机制提供了基本依据。  相似文献   

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