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Comprehensive analysis of the changes in gene expression during liver regeneration was carried out by using an in-house microarray composed of 2,304 distinct mouse liver cDNA clones. Mice were subjected to partial two-thirds hepatectomy, and changes in mRNA levels were monitored up to 48 h. Of the 2,304 genes analyzed, 496 genes showed expression levels measurable at all time points after the partial hepatectomy. 317 genes were up- or down-regulated 2-fold or more at least at one time point during liver regeneration and were classified into eight clusters based on their expression patterns. With a more stringent cut-off value of +/-2 S.D., 68 genes were listed and were classified into five clusters. In these two analyses with different clustering criteria, functionally categorized genes showed similar cluster distributions. Genes involved in protein synthesis and posttranslational processing were significantly enriched in the cluster characterized by rapid gene activation and subsequent persistence. This suggests the importance of modulating the efficiency of protein supply and/or altering the composition of protein population from the early phase of hepatocyte proliferation. Genes for two major liver functions, i.e. plasma protein secretion and intermediate metabolism were enriched in distinct clusters exhibiting the features of gradual gene activation and sustained repression, respectively. Therefore, these genes are differentially regulated during the regeneration, possibly leading to changes in the flow of amino acids and energy from enzyme proteins to plasma proteins in their synthesis. Thus, clustering analysis of expression patterns of functionally classified genes gave insights into mechanism and pathophysiology of liver regeneration.  相似文献   

Aggregation of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells cultivated in perfusion mode for manufacturing recombinant proteins was characterized. The potential impact of cultivation time on cell aggregation for an aggregating culture (cell line A) was studied by comparing expression profiles of 84 genes in the extracellular adhesion molecules (ECM) pathway by qRT‐PCR from 9 and 25 day shake flask samples and 80 and 94 day bioreactor samples. Significant up‐regulation of THBS2 (4.4‐ to 6.9‐fold) was seen in both the 25 day shake flask and 80 and 94 day bioreactor samples compared to the 9 day shake flask while NCAM1 was down‐regulated 5.1‐ to 8.9‐fold in the 80 and 94 day bioreactor samples. Subsequent comparisons were made between cell line A and a non‐aggregating culture (cell line B). A 65 day perfusion bioreactor sample from cell line B served as the control for 80 and 94 day samples from four different perfusion bioreactors for cell line A. Of the 84 genes in the ECM pathway, four (COL1A1, COL4A1, THBS2, and VCAN) were consistently up‐regulated in cell line A while two (NCAM1 and THBS1) were consistently down‐regulated. The magnitudes of differential gene expression were much higher when cell lines were compared (4.1‐ to 44.6‐fold) than when early and late cell line B samples were compared (4.4‐ to 6.9‐fold) indicating greater variability between aggregating and non‐aggregating cell lines. Based on the differential gene expression results, two mechanistic models were proposed for aggregation of BHK cells in perfusion cultures. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 483–490. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Microarray technology continues to gain increased acceptance in the drug development process, particularly at the stage of toxicology and safety assessment. In the current study, microarrays were used to investigate gene expression changes associated with hepatotoxicity, the most commonly reported clinical liability with pharmaceutical agents. Acetaminophen, methotrexate, methapyrilene, furan and phenytoin were used as benchmark compounds capable of inducing specific but different types of hepatotoxicity. The goal of the work was to define gene expression profiles capable of distinguishing the different subtypes of hepatotoxicity. Sprague-Dawley rats were orally dosed with acetaminophen (single dose, 4500 mg/kg for 6, 24 and 72 h), methotrexate (1mg/kg per day for 1, 7 and 14 days), methapyrilene (100mg/kg per day for 3 and 7 days), furan (40 mg/kg per day for 1, 3, 7 and 14 days) or phenytoin (300 mg/kg per day for 14 days). Hepatic gene expression was assessed using toxicology-specific gene arrays containing 684 target genes or expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Principal component analysis (PCA) of gene expression data was able to provide a clear distinction of each compound, suggesting that gene expression data can be used to discern different hepatotoxic agents and toxicity endpoints. Gene expression data were applied to the multiplicity-adjusted permutation test and significantly changed genes were categorized and correlated to hepatotoxic endpoints. Repression of enzymes involved in lipid oxidation (acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, medium chain, enoyl CoA hydratase, very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase) were associated with microvesicular lipidosis. Likewise, subsets of genes associated with hepatotocellular necrosis, inflammation, hepatitis, bile duct hyperplasia and fibrosis have been identified. The current study illustrates that expression profiling can be used to: (1) distinguish different hepatotoxic endpoints; (2) predict the development of toxic endpoints; and (3) develop hypotheses regarding mechanisms of toxicity.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) is expressed in the fetal testis; however, the role of AR in fetal testicular development is poorly understood. Disrupted AR activity and subsequent gene expression alterations may disturb developmental programming of the fetal testis and result in testicular abnormalities later in life. The present study was performed to examine global gene expression patterns in rat fetal testis following in utero exposure to various AR antagonists. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with flutamide (50 mg/kg/day), linuron (50 mg/kg/day), vinclozolin (200 mg/kg/day), p,p'-DDE (100 mg/kg/day) or corn oil vehicle by gavage daily from gestation day (GD) 12-19. Testes were isolated on GD 19, and AR immunostaining, histology, and global changes in gene expression were determined. There were no alterations in the pattern or expression level of AR and no apparent histological changes in the fetal testes in any treatment group. Microarray analysis using Dunnett's test with multiple testing correction revealed no significant gene expression alterations following exposure to flutamide, linuron, vinclozolin, and p,p'-DDE. A less stringent analysis yielded some chemical specific effects on gene expression, and these effects were further evaluated by real-time RT-PCR. Vinclozolin treatment reduced the expression of several genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis, though the testosterone levels were unchanged in the fetal testes in any treatment group. In flutamide, linuron, and p,p'-DDE treatment groups, the expression of hemoglobin Y, beta-like embryonic chain (Hbb-y) was reduced. Myomesin 2 (Myom2) expression was increased following linuron treatment. Given the lack of a common set of genes and the absence of overt histopathology, we conclude that the fetal testis is not a major target for AR activity at this stage of development although some cell-type specific gene expression changes cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   



In the Western world, endometrial cancers are the most common gynaecological neoplastic disorders among women. Initial symptoms are often vague and may be confused with several other conditions or disorders. Thus, there is a need for an easy and reliable diagnostic tool. The objective of this work was to identify a gene expression signature specific for endometrial adenocarcinomas to be used for testing potential endometrial biomarkers.  相似文献   

The murine model of Lyme disease provides a unique opportunity to study the localized host response to similar stimulus, Borrelia burgdorferi, in the joints of mice destined to develop severe arthritis (C3H) or mild disease (C57BL/6). Pathways associated with the response to infection and the development of Lyme arthritis were identified by global gene expression patterns using oligonucleotide microarrays. A robust induction of IFN-responsive genes was observed in severely arthritic C3H mice at 1 wk of infection, which was absent from mildly arthritic C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, infected C57BL/6 mice displayed a novel expression profile characterized by genes involved in epidermal differentiation and wound repair, which were decreased in the joints of C3H mice. These expression patterns were associated with disease state rather than inherent differences between C3H and C57BL/6 mice, because C57BL/6-IL-10(-/-) mice infected with B. burgdorferi develop more severe arthritis than C57BL/6 mice and displayed an early gene expression profile similar to C3H mice. Gene expression profiles at 2 and 4 wk postinfection revealed a common response of all strains that was likely to be important for the host defense to B. burgdorferi and mediated by NF-kappaB-dependent signaling. The gene expression profiles identified in this study add to the current understanding of the host response to B. burgdorferi and identify two novel pathways that may be involved in regulating the severity of Lyme arthritis.  相似文献   

Chronic alcohol exposure induces lasting behavioral changes, tolerance, and dependence. This results, at least partially, from neural adaptations at a cellular level. Previous genome-wide gene expression studies using pooled human brain samples showed that alcohol abuse causes widespread changes in the pattern of gene expression in the frontal and motor cortices of human brain. Because these studies used pooled samples, they could not determine variability between different individuals. In the present study, we profiled gene expression levels of 14 postmortem human brains (seven controls and seven alcoholic cases) using cDNA microarrays (46,448 clones per array). Both frontal cortex and motor cortex brain regions were studied. The list of genes differentially expressed confirms and extends previous studies of alcohol responsive genes. Genes identified as differentially expressed in two brain regions fell generally into similar functional groups, including metabolism, immune response, cell survival, cell communication, signal transduction and energy production. Importantly, hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes accurately distinguished between control and alcoholic cases, particularly in the frontal cortex.  相似文献   

The level of apoptosis in rectal carcinomas of patients treated by surgery only predicts local failure; patients with intrinsically high-apoptotic tumors develop less local recurrences than patients with low levels of apoptosis. To identify genes involved in this intrinsic apoptotic process in vivo, 47 rectal tumors with known apoptotic phenotype (24 low- and 23 high-apoptotic) were analyzed by oligonucleotide microarray technology. We identified several genes differentially expressed between low- and high-apoptotic tumors. Unsupervised clustering of the tumors based on expression levels of these genes separated the low-apoptotic from the high-apoptotic tumors, indicating a gene expression-dependent regulation. In addition, this clustering revealed two subgroups of high-apoptotic tumors. One high-apoptotic subgroup showed subtle differences in mRNA and protein expression of the known apoptotic regulators BAX, cIAP2 and ARC compared to the low-apoptotic tumors. The other subgroup of high-apoptotic tumors showed high expression of immune-related genes; predominantly HLA class II and chemokines, but also HLA class I and interferon-inducible genes were highly expressed. Immunohistochemistry revealed HLA-DR expression in epithelial tumor cells in 70% of these high-apoptotic tumors. The expression data suggest that high levels of apoptosis in rectal carcinoma patients can be the result of either slightly altered expression of known pro- and anti-apoptotic genes or high expression of immune-related genes.  相似文献   

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