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面积与植物群落结构对城市公园气温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市公园对城市热岛的缓解作用广为人知,但是对公园面积和结构如何影响其降温作用却缺乏足够的了解.选择上海市15个公园,研究公园面积和植物群落结构对秋季公园气温和公园冷岛强度的影响,结果表明:秋季城市公园的温度比周边商住区的温度低,公园有明显的冷岛效应,公园的位置影响公园的降温效果,市区公园的气温和冷岛强度与公园面积之间存在显著的定量关系,市区公园的气温随公园面积的增加而增加,冷岛强度则随公园面积增加而降低.公园内不同植物群落类型的降温效果存在差异,其中乔-灌-草类型降温效果最好.  相似文献   

不同干扰类型对高寒草甸群落结构和植物多样性的影响   总被引:45,自引:6,他引:45  
对高寒草甸天然草地进行了施肥、围栏和放牧 中牧和重牧 处理,研究不同干扰类型对草地植物多样性的影响.结果表明,施肥使草地植物群落物种组成贫乏,群落结构趋于简单,物种多样性减少;中等程度放牧增加了群落结构的复杂性,丰富度指数和多样性指数均最高,支持 中度干扰理论 ;重度放牧,由于干扰过于剧烈而减少了物种优势度和多样性;而轻度干扰的围栏草地,群落由少数优势种所统治,多样性也不高.物种数 S 、丰富度指数 Ma 、Shannon-Wiener指数 H' 、Simpson指数 D 的排列顺序均为:施肥草地<围栏草地<重牧草地<中牧草地;均匀度指数 Jsw 的变化趋势与上述各指数相同;优势度指数的变化趋势则相反,为施肥草地>围栏草地>重牧草地>中牧草地.4种干扰类型草地群落的生活型功能群基本一致,均由多年生禾草、多年生杂类草和莎草类组成,但各功能群在群落中所占比重及各功能群内所含物种数则大不相同.说明不同干扰类型对草地植物群落的物种组成、多样性格局及系统功能等方面产生不同的影响.  相似文献   

Leaf size and inflorescence size may be allometrically related traits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Corner's rules for plant form relate the degree of branching to branch diameter, and branch diameter to leaf or inflorescence size. We report the first interspecific test of these rules for inflorescence size and branch diameter. We derived a simple corollary of Corner's rules; since leaf size and inflorescence size are both correlated to branch thickness, they may be correlated to each other. This corollary holds for Leucadendron and Protea (Proteaceae), and in certain other taxa in the Asteraceae, Bruniaceae and Pinaceae which also have leaves and reproductive structures on the same shoot. For such taxa this implies that selection for aspects of floral display (inflorescence size, pollination type) may also be expressed at the level of leaf size and vice versa. This has implications for many aspects of botany and also points to the importance of the co-ordinating role of plant architecture for aspects of plant form.  相似文献   

Diversity of an early successional plant community as influenced by ozone   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
An early successional plant community was exposed to various ozone concentrations for two growing seasons (1994–1995) in open-top chambers in Auburn, Alabama, USA. The ozone treatments were: AA, ambient air (open plots); CF, carbon-filtered air ( c . 0·5×ambient air), 1×, non-filtered air, and 2×, twice ambient air. Vegetative canopy cover exhibited a pattern of accumulation in the spring, with maximum canopy cover attained in summer, then senescence of foliage in the autumn 1994. This pattern was not observed in 1995 as a result of a drought during the spring and summer. Varying ozone exposures caused shifts in the competitive interactions between plants, thereby altering community structure. Higher canopy cover, vertical canopy density (layers of foliage), species richness, diversity, and evenness existed in the CF treatments than in the other treatments. In addition, winged sumac ( Rhus copallina L.) became a major component of the CF treatments only during 1995. Surprisingly, blackberry ( Rubus cuneifolius Pursh.), a species considered ozone-sensitive, based on visible injury, dominated canopy cover within the 2× treatments, 41 and 33% of total canopy cover in 1994 and 1995, respectively. From these results it is concluded that plant communities existing in areas where lower ozone concentrations are prevalent might be more complex and diverse than those existing in areas with higher ozone concentrations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Height gain plays an important role in plant life-history strategies and species coexistence. Here main-stem costs of height gain of saplings across species within a rainforest community are compared.


Scaling relationships of height to diameter at the sapling stage were compared among 75 woody rainforest plant species in subtropical eastern Australia using standardized major axis regression. Main-stem costs of height gain were then related to other functional traits that reflect aspects of species ecological strategies.

Key Results

Slopes (β) for the height–diameter (H–D) scaling relationship were close to 1·3, in line with previous reports and with theory. Main-stem volume to achieve 5 m in height varied substantially between species, including between species within groups based on adult height and successional status. The variation was largely independent of other species traits, being uncorrelated with mature plant height (Hmax) and with leaf size, and weakly negatively correlated with wood density and seed size. The relationship between volume to reach 5 m and wood density was too weak to be regarded as a trade-off. Estimated main-stem dry mass to achieve 5 m height varied almost three-fold across species, with wood density and stem volume contributing roughly equally to the variation.


The wide range in economy of sapling height gain reported here is presumed to be associated with a trade-off between faster growth and higher mortality rates. It is suggested that wide diameters would have a stronger effect in preventing main-stem breakage in the short term, while high wood density would have a stronger effect in sustaining stem strength over time.  相似文献   

刘瑞雪  陈龙清 《生态学报》2021,41(16):6566-6579
受城市化与人类活动等因素影响而退化的水滨带植被的恢复与重建是近年来生态环境的热点问题。植物群落的种间关系直接影响植被的演替与恢复。以南水北调中线一期工程通水前的丹江口水库原有水滨带植被为研究对象,对年均多于9个月(海拔142 m以下)、6-9个月(海拔142-147 m)、3-6个月(海拔147-151 m)和少于3个月(海拔151-157 m)的4种不同强度水淹干扰的水滨带植物群落的稳定性和种间关系进行分析,探讨不同水淹干扰强度对水库水滨带植物群落稳定性及种间关系的影响。采用M.Godron稳定性测定法对植物群落稳定性进行分析,通过方差比率(VR)、χ2检验、联结系数(AC)以及Spearman秩相关检验对不同水淹干扰强度下的植物群落优势种进行种间关联分析。结果表明:(1)水库水滨带植物群落稳定性从高到低依次为水淹时长3-6个月、水淹时长6-9个月、水淹时长少于3个月和水淹时长多于9个月。中度水淹干扰下的植物群落稳定性要好于重度和轻度水淹干扰的植物群落;(2)不同水淹干扰强度下水滨带植物群落总体性关联表现为显著正相关。随着水淹时间增加,群落中正联结种对占总对数的比例呈下降趋势,负联结种对比例呈增加趋势,正负联结比值降低,群落内种间联结强度逐渐降低,说明水淹干扰强度增加会导致水滨带植物群落种群间相互依存关系减弱或竞争关系加剧。在此基础上,探讨不同水淹干扰强度下物种的空间分布和生态习性,并提出针对不同水淹干扰强度的水滨带植被恢复的物种选择建议。  相似文献   

Effects of organism size and community composition on ecosystem functioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested (1) if the size of dominant species influenced ecosystem functioning in food webs consisting of bacteria, algae, and protozoa; (2) whether those effects changed in importance through time; and (3) how those effects compared with differences in diversity among experimental food webs. We constructed food webs using two size fractions of organisms that differed in individual mass by approximately two orders of magnitude. We measured total biomass and respiration (total CO2 production) as two aspects of ecosystem functioning. We also compared these size‐dependent patterns in functioning across two levels of species richness. Initially, organism size strongly influenced total community biomass. With time, however, biomass and respiration eventually converged in communities dominated by large or small species. We conclude that after sufficient time for community development any differences in ecosystem functioning resulted from differences in community composition, including species richness, but not the size of the dominant organisms.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual size dimorphism, body-weight and different reproductive traits (e.g. clutch size, egg weight and incubation period) in relation to mating system and forms of parental care was studied in waders. Two hypotheses were examined. (1) Sexual size dimorphism is correlated with the intensity of sexual selection. (2) The degree of sexual size dimorphism is the result of an interrelationship between the reproductive strategy of the female and her body size. In the polygynous species the male was significantly larger than the female. This is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis. However, among waders, a positive correlation exists between egg weight, clutch mass and body-weight. Selection for small eggs or a short incubation period may therefore have an influence on female body-weight. If the lack of paternal care reduces the female's possibility for producing large eggs or incubating a large clutch mass, we would expect a selection pressure for small female size among polygynous species. Thus, large sexual size dimorphism among polygynous waders may be a result of selection for small female size to lack of paternal care, or selection for large male size due to intramale competition or a female preference for large-sized males. In multiple-clutch species (viz. species in which the female regularly lays more than one clutch during the season) egg weight was low both for a given female and male body-weight. The low egg weight of multiple-clutch species is assumed to be a result of the constraints placed on the female from producing several clutches during a single breeding season.  相似文献   

Aim Body size often plays a significant role in community assembly through its impacts on the life history and ecological attributes of species. Insight into the importance of size in structuring communities can be gained by examining the distribution of sizes of individuals [i.e. the individual size distribution (ISD) or size spectrum] in a community. ISDs have been studied extensively in aquatic and tree communities, but have received little attention in terrestrial animal communities. Here, we conduct the first macroecological analysis of ISDs in terrestrial animal communities to determine whether they show broad‐scale consistency in shape. Location North America, north of Mexico. Methods Using likelihood‐based methods and Gaussian mixture modelling, coupled with data from the Breeding Bird Survey and Christmas Bird Count, we determine whether the ISDs for thousands of breeding and wintering North American bird communities are: (1) monotonically decreasing, (2) unimodal or (3) multimodal. Results We find that avian ISDs are consistently multimodal, with most characterized by more than five modes in both breeding and wintering communities from local to continental scales. In addition, the positions of these modes along the size axis are remarkably consistent. Main conclusions The striking consistency in the ISD within bird communities, as with tree and aquatic communities, indicates that the ISD is an important and informative characterization of resource utilization within an ecological assemblage. The differences in shape of the ISD among these groups also suggest that differences in body size‐related constraints affect interactions within a group and with the environment. Our results confirm that avian assemblages do exhibit structure along the body size axis, and therefore it will be fruitful to explore this pattern in greater detail.  相似文献   

土壤微生物是湿地生态系统中土壤-植物系统生源要素迁移转化的引擎.探究湿地生态系统地上植物群落、土壤理化性质和空间结构与土壤细菌间的相互关系是维护湿地生态系统健康和稳定的关键.本研究运用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)对碧塔海湿地采集的35个样方中的植物群落进行分类,并采用高通量测序技术对样方的表层土壤细菌进行测序,...  相似文献   

孙玉真  王志泰  包玉  魏文飞  杨兴艺 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4632-4650
快速城市化发展对城市内植被和生物多样性产生了显著的影响,研究植物群落特征对人为干扰的响应规律可为城市残余生境生态恢复、生物多样性保护及植被的合理开发利用提供科学依据。以典型的喀斯特多山城市贵阳市为研究区域,城市遗存山体为研究对象,基于遥感解译与群落生态学调查和分析等方法,探讨了不同人为干扰方式及强度对城市遗存山体植被特征、群落物种组成和多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)中度人为干扰强度下城市遗存山体植被覆盖度(FVC)和植被净初级生产力(NPP)数值最高;复垦干扰下FVC和NPP值相一致且为最高,中小型公园化利用山体FVC和NPP值完全不一致且NPP最低。(2)不同人为干扰强度和方式下城市遗存山体间的平均物种数和生活型构成均存在显著性差异。整体上城市遗存山体的平均物种数在不同干扰强度下表现为轻度人为干扰 > 中度人为干扰 > 重度人为干扰;不同干扰方式下的平均物种数呈现为人为踩踏 > 构筑物 > 工程建设 > 公园化利用 > 复垦 > 工程开挖的趋势;重度干扰下城市遗存山体的落叶乔木、灌木占比最高,中度干扰下常绿灌木和多年生草本为主。(3)不同干扰强度下城市遗存山体植物群落垂直结构各层次物种多样性指数均偏低且存在显著性差异,乔木层、灌木层Shannon-Wiener (H'')、Simpson (D)、Margelf (R)指数在中度干扰强度最大,而在草本层均最小;均匀度Pielou (Jh)指数在乔木层和草本层中表现为轻度人为干扰 > 中度人为干扰 > 重度人为干扰,而在灌木层完全相反。(4)乔木层4种多样性指数在不同干扰方式下的差异较大;灌木层和草本层的多样性指数在人为踩踏和构筑物建设干扰方式下显著高于其它干扰方式,工程开挖为主的干扰方式下灌木层和草本层多样性各指数均偏低且存在显著性差异。总体而言,轻中度人为干扰对城市遗存山体植物群落物种组成和多样性的影响不突出,且中度干扰对植物群落物种多样性具有一定的促进作用,但重度干扰对城市遗存山体植物群落特征存在明显的负面影响。  相似文献   

Seasonal shifts in rhizosphere microbial populations were investigated to follow the influence of plant developmental stage. A field study of indigenous microbial rhizosphere communities was undertaken on pea (Pisum satvium var. quincy), wheat (Triticum aestivum var. pena wawa) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. amythyst). Rhizosphere community diversity and substrate utilization patterns were followed throughout a growing season, by culturing, rRNA gene density gradient gel electrophoresis and BIOLOG. Culturable bacterial and fungal rhizosphere community densities were stable in pea and wheat rhizospheres, with dynamic shifts observed in the sugar beet rhizosphere. Successional shifts in bacterial and fungal diversity as plants mature demonstrated that different plants select and define their own functional rhizosphere communities. Assessment of metabolic activity and resource utilization by bacterial community-level physiological profiling demonstrated greater similarities between different plant species rhizosphere communities at the same than at different developmental stages. Marked temporal shifts in diversity and relative activity were observed in rhizosphere bacterial communities with developmental stage for all plant species studied. Shifts in the diversity of fungal and bacterial communities were more pronounced in maturing pea and sugar beet plants. This detailed study demonstrates that plant species select for specialized microbial communities that change in response to plant growth and plant inputs.  相似文献   

The experimental study of the ecology of natural plant communities is necessary to demonstrate the effects of environmental factors on plant growth. It allows one to make predictions of the likely effects of environmental changes on plant communities. Manipulating an entire ecosystem is complicated, and is rarely attempted. An alternative method is applied here for the submerged plant communities of the seasonally-flooded oligohaline marshes of the Camargue. It consists of collecting undisturbed sediment samples with their contained intact seed bank, and submitting them to different salinities. The study of total biomass and of the biomass of the more frequent species was carried out using parametric tests. The precision of the results depended on the frequency of the species in the replicates. When the frequency was low, non-parametric statistics were necessary. The method seems to be particularly suitable for the study of communities of annual species in aquatic environments.
Résumé L'étude expérimentale de l'écologie des communautés naturelles de plantes est nécessaire pour démontrer les relations de cause à effet entre les facteurs environnementaux et l'abondance des plantes. Elle l'est également pour faire des prédictions réalistes sur les effets de modifications envisagées de l'environnement sur des communautés de plantes. La manipulation de l'écosystème complet est complexe, ce qui rend son utilisation rare. Une méthode alternative a été utilisée pour l'étude de la composition spécifique des communautés de plantes submergées des marais temporaires de Camargue. Elle consiste à prélever des échantillons non perturbés de sédiment, avec leur stock de semences intact, et à les soumettre à des conditions de salinité. L'étude de la biomasse totale et de la biomasse des espèces les plus fréquentes est faite au moyen de test paramétriques. La précision attendue des résultats dépend de la fréquence de l'espèce dans les réplicats. Lorsque la fréquence n'est pas élevée l'emploi de statistiques non paramétriques est indispensable. La méthode se révéle particulièrement bien adaptée à l'étude des communautés d'annuelles en milieu aquatique.

Abstract.  1. To investigate the influence of plant size and the presence of resident ants on the arthropod community associated with the ant-plant Hirtella myrmecophila , ants ( Allomerus octoarticulatus ) were experimentally removed from plants of various sizes, with a second group of similar-sized plants remaining as controls. The abundance and diversity of arthropods on these plants were determined at 45-day intervals for 7 months. Collected arthropods were assigned into one of three predetermined groups: herbivores, spiders (mostly web-building spiders), or 'tourists' (mostly non-resident ants, hemipterans, dipterans, or scarabeid beetles).
2. Ant removal had a positive influence on the abundance and diversity of herbivores, but no measurable effects on the abundance and diversity of 'tourists', while the effect on spider abundance was significant only when data from Dipoena sp. nov. were removed from the analysis. While A. octoarticulatus had a negative effect on most spiders, it favoured Dipoena sp. nov., which was found to be a specialist predator of A. octoarticulatus .
3. Plant size positively affected the abundance and diversity of 'tourists' in plants with and without ants, but for herbivores and spiders this effect was dependent on ant treatment. In ant-maintained plants the per-plant abundance of herbivores and spiders was independent of plant size, whereas in ant-removed plants it was not.
4. These results suggest that A. octoarticulatus affects all arthropods found on its host plant, except those presenting an occasional and temporary association with the plant, and that the magnitude of ant effects on the susceptible guilds increases as plant size increases.  相似文献   

Many studies of individual sites have revealed biotic changes consistent with climate warming (e.g., upward elevational distribution shifts), but our understanding of the tremendous variation among studies in the magnitude of such biotic changes is minimal. In this study, we resurveyed forest vegetation plots 40 years after the initial surveys in three protected areas along a west‐to‐east gradient of increasingly steep recent warming trends in eastern Canada (Québec). Consistent with the hypothesis that climate warming has been an important driver of vegetation change, we found an increasing magnitude of changes in species richness and composition from west to east among the three parks. For the two mountainous parks, we found no significant changes in elevational species’ distributions in the easternmost park (raw mean = +11.4 m at Forillon Park) where warming has been minimal, and significant upward distribution shifts in the centrally located park (+38.9 m at Mont‐Mégantic), where the recent warming trend has been marked. Community Temperature Indices (CTI), reflecting the average affinities of locally co‐occurring species to temperature conditions across their geographic ranges (“Species Temperature Indices”), did not change over time as predicted. However, close examination of the underpinnings of CTI values suggested a high sensitivity to uncertainty in individual species’ temperature indices, and so a potentially limited responsiveness to warming. Overall, by testing a priori predictions concerning variation among parks in the direction and magnitude of vegetation changes, we have provided stronger evidence for a link between climate warming and biotic responses than otherwise possible and provided a potential explanation for large variation among studies in warming‐related biotic changes.  相似文献   

植物群落清查的主要内容、方法和技术规范   总被引:66,自引:1,他引:66  
植物群落是不同植物在长期环境变化中相互作用、相互适应而形成的组合。它提供着人类赖以生存的主要物质资源, 维系着地球生态系统的健康和功能, 也为各种动物和其他生物提供食物来源和栖息地, 是人类生存和发展不可或缺的物质基础, 具有不可替代的作用。我国植物群落类型多样, 在世界上首屈一指, 但我国至今尚没有一次全面和系统的植物群落清查, 不仅影响了人们对我国植物资源的了解、利用和保护, 也不利于我国生态学、环境科学和地理学等相关学科的发展。采用统一的方法体系和技术规范开展我国植物群落的清查工作势在必行, 并具有紧迫性。本文基于作者长期的野外工作实践和国内外的群落调查方法, 首先简要定义了与植物群落清查有关的重要概念, 在此基础上, 论述了调查样地的设置原则和体系、群落清查的技术指标和方法、主要优势种生态属性的测定方法和规范, 并介绍了大样地调查的主要步骤。通过本文的介绍、归纳和总结, 试图为制定我国植物群落清查的技术规范提供基础材料和技术储备。  相似文献   

1. Although many vector‐borne pathogens are transmitted by an array of vector species, most studies do not account for the potential effects of species interactions. 2. By manipulating conspecific and heterospecific vector density in small experimental mesocosms, this study disentangled the impact of vector density and community composition on vector movement and plant virus transmission in the potato virus Y system. 3. The following predictions were tested: (i) increasing aphid density will increase aphid movement and virus transmission; (ii) adding low‐efficiency vectors and thereby decreasing the average transmission efficiency of the vector assemblage will decrease virus transmission; and (iii) aphid movement and the average vector transmission efficiency will mediate the effect of aphid density and community composition on virus transmission. 4. It was found that initial density positively affected aphid movement, but had no effect on virus transmission, and that conspecific density was more important than heterospecific density. Conversely, community composition affected both aphid movement and virus transmission. These effects were driven by species identity, rather than species richness per se. 5. The results of this study emphasise the importance of accounting for vector behaviour, and analysing it within the context of the wider vector assemblage.  相似文献   

刘瑞雪  林小龙  陈龙清 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4700-4711
群落谱系结构将物种系统发育信息整合到群落中,给生物多样性研究提供了全新视角。为探讨水淹干扰下水库水滨带植物群落物种多样性维持机制,以丹江口水库水滨带为研究区域,以南水北调中线一期工程运行前的原有水滨带植被为研究对象,分析不同水淹干扰强度下群落谱系结构和物种多样性及其与环境因素的关系。结果表明:(1)随着水淹干扰强度增加,群落物种丰富度、物种多样性和谱系多样性显著降低。谱系结构指数虽无显著差异,但随着水淹干扰强度增加呈现由发散到聚集的变化趋势。表明水滨带植物群落物种多样性维持机制是生境过滤和生态位分化共同驱动的结果,并且随着水淹干扰强度增加呈现生境过滤作用增加、物种间竞争排斥作用减弱的生态过程影响规律。(2)坡度、土壤质地、速效氮和全氮含量对整个水滨带植物群落物种丰富度、物种多样性和谱系多样性影响显著。此外,土层厚度和速效磷对物种丰富度和土层厚度对谱系多样性也影响显著。而仅有速效氮含量对谱系结构指数影响显著;轻度水淹干扰下坡向、速效磷含量与多样性指数显著相关;中度水淹干扰下坡度、土层厚度、土壤质地、土壤总氮含量与多样性指数显著相关,土壤pH、全氮和全磷含量与谱系结构指数显著相关;重度水淹...  相似文献   

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