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Functional analysis of the polypyrimidine tract in pre-mRNA splicing.   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
The polypyrimidine tract is one of the important cis-acting sequence elements directing intron removal in pre-mRNA splicing. Progressive deletions of the polypyrimidine tract have been found to abolish correct lariat formation, spliceosome assembly and splicing. In addition, the polypyrimidine tract can alter 3'-splice site selection by promoting alternative branch site selection. However, there appears to be great flexibility in the specific sequence of a given tract. Not only the optimal composition of the polypyrimidine tract, but also the role of the tract in introns with no apparent polypyrimidine tracts or where changes in the tract are apparently harmless are uncertain. Accordingly, we have designed a series of cis-competition splicing constructs to test the functional competitive efficiency of a variety of systematically mutated polypyrimidine tracts. An RT/PCR assay was used to detect spliced product formation as a result of differential branch point selection dependent on direct competition between two opposing polypyrimidine tracts. We found that pyrimidine tracts containing 11 continuous uridines are the strongest pyrimidine tracts. In such cases, the position of the uridine stretch between the branch point and 3'-splice site AG is unimportant. In contrast, decreasing the continuous uridine stretch to five or six residues requires that the tract be located immediately adjacent to the AG for optimal competitive efficiency. The block to splicing with decreasing polypyrimidine tract strength is primarily prior to the first step of splicing. While lengthy continuous uridine tracts are the most competitive, tracts with decreased numbers of consecutive uridines and even tracts with alternating purine/pyrimidine residues can still function to promote branch point selection, but are far less effective competitors in 3'-splice site selection assays.  相似文献   

Intron lariat formation between the 5' end of an intron and a branchpoint adenosine is a fundamental aspect of the first step in animal and yeast nuclear pre-mRNA splicing. Despite similarities in intron sequence requirements and the components of splicing, differences exist between the splicing of plant and vertebrate introns. The identification of AU-rich sequences as major functional elements in plant introns and the demonstration that a branchpoint consensus sequence was not required for splicing have led to the suggestion that the transition from AU-rich intron to GC-rich exon is a major potential signal by which plant pre-mRNA splice sites are recognized. The role of putative branchpoint sequences as an internal signal in plant intron recognition/definition has been re-examined. Single nucleotide mutations in putative branchpoint adenosines contained within CUNAN sequences in four different plant introns all significantly reduced splicing efficiency. These results provide the most direct evidence to date for preferred branchpoint sequences being required for the efficient splicing of at least some plant introns in addition to the important role played by AU sequences in dicot intron recognition. The observed patterns of 3' splice site selection in the introns studied are consistent with the scanning model described for animal intron 3' splice site selection. It is suggested that, despite the clear importance of AU sequences for plant intron splicing, the fundamental processes of splice site selection and splicing in plants are similar to those in animals.  相似文献   

The Δ6 desaturase, encoded by FADS2, plays a crucial role in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid synthesis. These fatty acids are essential components of the central nervous system, and they act as precursors for eicosanoid signaling molecules and as direct modulators of gene expression. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB or hnRNP I) is a splicing factor that regulates alternative pre-mRNA splicing. Here, PTB is shown to bind an exonic splicing silencer element and repress alternative splicing of FADS2 into FADS2 AT1. PTB and FADS2AT1 were inversely correlated in neonatal baboon tissues, implicating PTB as a major regulator of tissue-specific FADS2 splicing. In HepG2 cells, PTB knockdown modulated alternative splicing of FADS2, as well as FADS3, a putative desaturase of unknown function. Omega-3 fatty acids decreased by nearly one half relative to omega-6 fatty acids in PTB knockdown cells compared with controls, with a particularly strong decrease in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) concentration and its ratio to arachidonic acid (ARA). This is a rare demonstration of a mechanism specifically altering the cellular omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio without any change in diet/media. These findings reveal a novel role for PTB, regulating availability of membrane components and eicosanoid precursors for cell signaling.  相似文献   

Mammalian host factors required for efficient viral gene expression and propagation have been often recalcitrant to genetic analysis. A case in point is the function of cellular factors that trans-activate internal ribosomal entry site (IRES)-driven translation, which is operative in many positive-stranded RNA viruses, including all picornaviruses. These IRES trans-acting factors have been elegantly studied in vitro, but their in vivo importance for viral gene expression and propagation has not been widely confirmed experimentally. Here we use RNA interference to deplete mammalian cells of one such factor, the polypyrimidine tract binding protein, and test its requirement in picornavirus gene expression and propagation. Depletion of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein resulted in a marked delay of particle propagation and significantly decreased synthesis and accumulation of viral proteins of poliovirus and encephalomyocarditis virus. These effects could be partially restored by expression of an RNA interference-resistant exogenous polypyrimidine tract binding protein. These data indicate a critical role for the polypyrimidine tract binding protein in picornavirus gene expression and strongly suggest a requirement for efficient IRES-dependent translation.  相似文献   

The alpha-actinin gene has a pair of alternatively spliced exons. The smooth muscle (SM) exon is repressed in most cell types by polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB). CELF (CUG-BP and ETR3-like factors) family proteins, splicing regulators whose activities are altered in myotonic dystrophy, were found to coordinately regulate selection of the two alpha-actinin exons. CUG-BP and ETR3 activated the SM exon, and along with CELF4 they were also able to repress splicing of the NM (nonmuscle) exon both in vivo and in vitro. Activation of SM exon splicing was associated with displacement of PTB from the polypyrimidine tract by binding of CUG-BP at adjacent sites. Our data provides direct evidence for the activity of CELF proteins as both activators and repressors of splicing within a single-model system of alternative splicing, and suggests a model whereby alpha-actinin alternative splicing is regulated by synergistic and antagonistic interactions between members of the CELF and PTB families.  相似文献   

Polypyrimdine tract binding protein (PTB) is a regulator of alternative splicing, mRNA 3' end formation, mRNA stability and localization, and IRES-mediated translation. Transient overexpression of PTB can influence alternative splicing, sometimes resulting in nonphysiological splicing patterns. Here, we show that alternative skipping of PTB exon 11 leads to an mRNA that is removed by NMD and that this pathway consumes at least 20% of the PTB mRNA in HeLa cells. We also show that exon 11 skipping is itself promoted by PTB in a negative feedback loop. This autoregulation may serve both to prevent disruptively high levels of PTB expression and to restore nuclear levels when PTB is mobilized to the cytoplasm. Our findings suggest that alternative splicing can act not only to generate protein isoform diversity but also to quantitatively control gene expression and complement recent bioinformatic analyses, indicating a high prevalence of human alternative splicing leading to NMD.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) is an RNA-binding protein that regulates splicing by repressing specific splicing events. It also has roles in 3'-end processing, internal initiation of translation, and RNA localization. PTB exists in three alternatively spliced isoforms, PTB1, PTB2, and PTB4, which differ by the insertion of 19 or 26 amino acids, respectively, between the second and third RNA recognition motif domains. Here we show that the PTB isoforms have distinct activities upon alpha-tropomyosin (TM) alternative splicing. PTB1 reduced the repression of TM exon 3 in transfected smooth muscle cells, whereas PTB4 enhanced TM exon 3 skipping in vivo and in vitro. PTB2 had an intermediate effect. The PTB4 > PTB2 > PTB1 repressive hierarchy was observed in all in vivo and in vitro assays with TM, but the isoforms were equally active in inducing skipping of alpha-actinin exons and showed the opposite hierarchy of activity when tested for activation of IRES-driven translation. These findings establish that the ratio of PTB isoforms could form part of a cellular code that in turn controls the splicing of various other pre-mRNAs.  相似文献   

The essential pre-mRNA splicing factor, U2AF(65), guides the early stages of splice site choice by recognizing a polypyrimidine (Py) tract consensus sequence near the 3' splice site. Since Py tracts are relatively poorly conserved in higher eukaryotes, U2AF(65) is faced with the problem of specifying uridine-rich sequences, yet tolerating a variety of nucleotide substitutions found in natural Py tracts. To better understand these apparently contradictory RNA binding characteristics, the X-ray structure of the U2AF(65) RNA binding domain bound to a Py tract composed of seven uridines has been determined at 2.5 A resolution. Specific hydrogen bonds between U2AF(65) and the uracil bases provide an explanation for polyuridine recognition. Flexible side chains and bound water molecules form the majority of the base contacts and potentially could rearrange when the U2AF(65) structure adapts to different Py tract sequences. The energetic importance of conserved residues for Py tract binding is established by analysis of site-directed mutant U2AF(65) proteins using surface plasmon resonance.  相似文献   

Exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) sequences are important for the recognition of adjacent splice sites in pre-mRNA and for the regulation of splice site selection. It has been proposed that ESEs function by associating with one or more serine/arginine-repeat (SR) proteins which stabilize the binding of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) auxiliary factor (U2AF) to the polypyrimidine tract upstream of the 3' splice site. We have tested this model by analyzing the composition of splicing complexes assembled on an ESE-dependent pre-mRNA derived from the doublesex gene of Drosophila. Several SR proteins and hTra2beta, a human homolog of the Drosophila alternative splicing regulator Transformer-2, associate with this pre-mRNA in the presence, but not in the absence, of a purine-rich ESE. By contrast, the 65-kDa subunit of U2AF (U2AF-65 kDa) bound equally to the pre-mRNA in the presence and absence of the ESE. Time course experiments revealed differences in the levels and kinetics of association of individual SR proteins with the ESE-containing pre-mRNA, whereas U2AF-65 kDa bound prior to most SR proteins and hTra2beta and its level of binding did not change significantly during the course of the splicing reaction. Binding of U2AF-65 kDa to the ESE-dependent pre-mRNA was, however, dependent on U1 snRNP. The results indicate that an ESE promotes spliceosome formation through interactions that are distinct from those required for the binding of U2AF-65 kDa to the polypyrimidine tract.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing patterns are regulated by RNA binding proteins that assemble onto each pre-mRNA to form a complex RNP structure. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein, PTB, has served as an informative model for understanding how RNA binding proteins affect spliceosome assembly and how changes in the expression of these proteins can control complex programs of splicing in tissues. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of splicing regulation by PTB and its function, along with its paralog PTBP2, in neuronal development.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing patterns are regulated by RNA binding proteins that assemble onto each pre-mRNA to form a complex RNP structure. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein, PTB, has served as an informative model for understanding how RNA binding proteins affect spliceosome assembly and how changes in the expression of these proteins can control complex programs of splicing in tissues. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of splicing regulation by PTB and its function, along with its paralog PTBP2, in neuronal development.  相似文献   

We studied the role of polypyrimidine tract binding protein in repressing splicing of the c-src neuron-specific N1 exon. Immunodepletion/add-back experiments demonstrate that PTB is essential for splicing repression in HeLa extract. When splicing is repressed, PTB cross-links to intronic CUCUCU elements flanking the N1 exon. Mutation of the downstream CU elements causes dissociation of PTB from the intact upstream CU elements and allows splicing. Thus, PTB molecules bound to multiple elements cooperate to repress splicing. Interestingly, in neuronal WERI-1 cell extract where N1 is spliced, PTB also binds to the upstream CU elements but is dissociated in the presence of ATP. We conclude that splicing repression by PTB is modulated in different cells by a combination of cooperative binding and ATP-dependent dissociation.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB, or hnRNP I) contains four RNA-binding domains of the ribonucleoprotein fold type (RRMs 1, 2, 3, and 4), and mediates the negative regulation of alternative splicing through sequence-specific binding to intronic splicing repressor elements. To assess the roles of individual RRM domains in splicing repression, a neural-specific splicing extract was used to screen for loss-of-function mutations that fail to switch splicing from the neural to nonneural pathway. These results show that three RRMs are sufficient for wild-type RNA binding and splicing repression activity, provided that RRM4 is intact. Surprisingly, the deletion of RRM4, or as few as 12 RRM4 residues, effectively uncouples these functions. Such an uncoupling phenotype is unique to RRM4, and suggests a possible regulatory role for this domain either in mediating specific RNA contacts, and/or contacts with putative splicing corepressors. Evidence of a role for RRM4 in anchoring PTB binding adjacent to the branch site is shown by mobility shift and RNA footprinting assays.  相似文献   

Xu S  Zhang Z  Jing B  Gannon P  Ding J  Xu F  Li X  Zhang Y 《PLoS genetics》2011,7(6):e1002159
Transportin-SR (TRN-SR) is a member of the importin-β super-family that functions as the nuclear import receptor for serine-arginine rich (SR) proteins, which play diverse roles in RNA metabolism. Here we report the identification and cloning of mos14 (modifier of snc1-1, 14), a mutation that suppresses the immune responses conditioned by the auto-activated Resistance (R) protein snc1 (suppressor of npr1-1, constitutive 1). MOS14 encodes a nuclear protein with high similarity to previously characterized TRN-SR proteins in animals. Yeast two-hybrid assays showed that MOS14 interacts with AtRAN1 via its N-terminus and SR proteins via its C-terminus. In mos14-1, localization of several SR proteins to the nucleus was impaired, confirming that MOS14 functions as a TRN-SR. The mos14-1 mutation results in altered splicing patterns of SNC1 and another R gene RPS4 and compromised resistance mediated by snc1 and RPS4, suggesting that nuclear import of SR proteins by MOS14 is required for proper splicing of these two R genes and is important for their functions in plant immunity.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) acts as a regulatory repressor of a large number of alternatively spliced exons, often requiring multiple binding sites in order to repress splicing. In one case, cooperative binding of PTB has been shown to accompany repression. The SM exon of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA is also repressed by PTB, leading to inclusion of the alternative upstream NM exon. The SM exon has a distant branch point located 386 nt upstream of the exon with an adjacent 26 nucleotide pyrimidine tract. Here we have analyzed PTB binding to the NM and SM exon region of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA. We find that three regions of the intron bind PTB, including the 3' end of the polypyrimidine tract (PPT) and two additional regions between the PPT and the SM exon. The downstream PTB binding sites are essential for full repression and promote binding of PTB to the PPT with a consequent reduction in U2AF(65) binding. Our results are consistent with a repressive mechanism in which cooperative binding of PTB to the PPT competes with binding of U2AF(65), thereby specifically blocking splicing of the SM exon.  相似文献   

Among eukaryotes, the major spliceosomal pathway is highly conserved. While long introns may contain additional regulatory sequences, the ones in short introns seem to be nearly exclusively related to splicing. Although these regulatory sequences involved in splicing are well-characterized, little is known about their evolution. At the 3′ end of introns, the splice signal nearly universally contains the dimer AG, which consists of purines, and the polypyrimidine tract upstream of this 3′ splice signal is characterized by over-representation of pyrimidines. If the over-representation of pyrimidines in the polypyrimidine tract is also due to avoidance of a premature splicing signal, we hypothesize that AG should be the most under-represented dimer. Through the use of DNA-strand asymmetry patterns, we confirm this prediction in fruit flies of the genus Drosophila and by comparing the asymmetry patterns to a presumably neutrally evolving region, we quantify the selection strength acting on each motif. Moreover, our inference and simulation method revealed that the best explanation for the base composition evolution of the polypyrimidine tract is the joint action of purifying selection against a spurious 3′ splice signal and the selection for pyrimidines. Patterns of asymmetry in other eukaryotes indicate that avoidance of premature splicing similarly affects the nucleotide composition in their polypyrimidine tracts.  相似文献   

Using the proteomic tandem affinity purification (TAP) method, we have purified the Saccharomyces cerevisie U2 snRNP-associated splicing factors SF3a and SF3b. While SF3a purification revealed only the expected subunits Prp9p, Prp11p and Prp21p, yeast SF3b was found to contain only six subunits, including previously known components (Rse1p, Hsh155p, Cus1p, Hsh49p), the recently identified Rds3p factor and a new small essential protein (Ysf3p) encoded by an unpredicted split ORF in the yeast genome. Surprisingly, Snu17p, the proposed yeast orthologue of the seventh human SF3b subunit, p14, was not found in the yeast complex. TAP purification revealed that Snu17p, together with Bud13p and a newly identified factor, Pml1p/Ylr016c, form a novel trimeric complex. Subunits of this complex were not essential for viability. However, they are required for efficient splicing in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, inactivation of this complex causes pre-mRNA leakage from the nucleus. The corresponding complex was named pre-mRNA REtention and Splicing (RES). The presence of RES subunit homologues in numerous eukaryotes suggests that its function is evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) is an important regulator of alternative splicing. PTB-regulated splicing of α-tropomyosin is enhanced by Raver1, a protein with four PTB-Raver1 interacting motifs (PRIs) that bind to the helical face of the second RNA recognition motif (RRM2) in PTB. We present the crystal structures of RRM2 in complex with PRI3 and PRI4 from Raver1, which--along with structure-based mutagenesis--reveal the molecular basis of their differential binding. High-affinity binding by Raver1 PRI3 involves shape-matched apolar contacts complemented by specific hydrogen bonds, a new variant of an established mode of peptide-RRM interaction. Our results refine the sequence of the PRI motif and place important structural constraints on functional models of PTB-Raver1 interactions. Our analysis indicates that the observed Raver1-PTB interaction is a general mode of binding that applies to Raver1 complexes with PTB paralogues such as nPTB and to complexes of Raver2 with PTB.  相似文献   

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