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The vestibulo-ocular reflex is the system of compensatory ocular movements in response to stimulation of the kinetic labyrinth seen in all vertebrates. It allows maintenance of a stable gaze even when the head is moving. Perhaps the simplest influence on the VOR is the spatial orientation of the planes of the semicircular canals relative to the extraocular muscles. It is hypothesized that the extraocular muscles are in parallel alignment with their corresponding semicircular canals in order to reduce the amount of neural processing needed and hence keep reflex times to a minimum. However, despite its obvious importance, little is known of this spatial arrangement. Moreover, nothing is known about any ontogenetic changes in the relative orientations of the extraocular muscles and semicircular canals. The morphologies of fetal and adult specimens of Homo sapiens were examined using magnetic resonance (MR) images. Three-dimensional co-ordinate data were taken from the images and used to calculate vector equations of the extraocular muscles and planes of best fit for the semicircular canals. The relative orientations of the muscles and canals were then calculated from the vectors and planes. It was shown that there are significant correlations between both the anterior and lateral semicircular canals and their corresponding extraocular muscles during ontogeny. In the case of the lateral canal with the medial rectus, the lateral canal with the lateral rectus, and the anterior canal with the inferior oblique, the trend is towards, though never reaching, alignment, whereas the anterior canal and the superior rectus muscle move out of alignment as age increases. Furthermore, it was noted that none of the six muscle-canal pairs is in perfect alignment, either during ontogeny or in adulthood. It was also shown that the three semicircular canals are not precisely orthogonal, but that the anterior and posterior canals form an angle of about 85 degrees , while the anterior and lateral canals diverge by approximately 100 degrees . Overall, it was shown that there is significant reorientation of the extraocular muscles and semicircular canals during ontogeny, but that, in most cases, there is little realignment beyond the fetal period.  相似文献   

The spatial transformation of semicircular canal signals to extraocular motor signals was studied by recording abducens nerve responses in grass and water frogs. Both species have similar vestibular canal coordinates but dissimilar orientations of their optic axes. Before sinusoidal oscillation in darkness the static head position was systematically altered to determine the planes of head oscillation in pitch and roll associated with minimal abducens nerve responses. Measured data and known canal plane vectors were used to calculate the abducens response vector in canal coordinates. The abducens vector deviated from the horizontal canal plane vector in grass frogs by 15° and in water frogs by 34° but was aligned with the pulling direction of the lateral rectus muscle in each of the two species. Lesion experiments demonstrated the importance of convergent inputs from the contralateral horizontal and anterior semicircular canals for the orientation of the abducens response vector. Thus, the orientation of the optic axis and the pulling directions of extraocular muscles are taken into account by the central organization of vestibulo-ocular reflexes. Horizontal and vertical canal signals are combined species-specifically to transform the spatial coordinates of sensory signals into appropriate extraocular motor signals. Accepted: 16 November 1997  相似文献   

SUMMARY The horizontal semicircular canal of the inner ear is a unique feature of gnathostomes and is predated by the two vertical semicircular canals, which are already present in lampreys and some fossil, armored jawless vertebrates regarded as close relatives of gnathostomes. Inactivation in mice of the orthodenticle -related gene Otx1 results in the absence of this structure. In bony fishes and tetrapods (osteichthyans), this gene belongs to a small multigene family comprising at least two orthology classes, Otx1 and Otx2 . We report that, as in the mouse, xenopus and zebrafish, Otx1- and Otx2 -related genes are present in a chondrichthyan, the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula , with an Otx1 expression domain in the otocyst very similar to those observed in osteichthyans. A strong correlation is thus observed in extant vertebrates between the distribution of the horizontal semicircular canal and the presence of an Otx1 ortholog expressed in the inner ear, which supports the hypothesis that the absence of this characteristic in Otx1 -/- mice may correspond to an atavism. The same conclusion applies to two other gnathostome-specific characteristics also deleted in Otx1 -/- mice, the utriculosaccular duct and the ciliary process. Together with functional analyses of Otx1 and Otx2 genes in mice and comparative analyses of the Otx gene families characterized in chordates, these discoveries lead to the hypothesis that some of the anatomic characteristics of gnathostomes have appeared quite suddenly and almost simultaneously in vertebrate evolution, possibly as a consequence of gene functional diversifications following duplications of an ancestral chordate gene.  相似文献   

Living vertebrate diversity comprises hagfishes and lampreys (Cyclostomata), elasmobranchs and holocephalans (Chondrichthyes), and bony fish which include tetrapods (Osteichthyes). Based on dissections and an extensive comparative analysis, we provide an updated overview of the anatomy, homologies and evolution of cyclostome and chondrichthyan cephalic muscles, with osteichthyans as primary comparative taxa. The analysis also infers plesiomorphic conditions for vertebrates and gnathostomes. We follow a uniform myological terminology for the Gnathostomata to demonstrate that the last common ancestor of extant vertebrates probably had a single intermandibularis and other mandibular muscles (labial muscles), some constrictores hyoidei and branchiales, and epibranchial and hypobranchial muscle sheets. The division of the cucullaris into levatores arcuum branchialium and protractor pectoralis is an osteichthyan synapomorphy and reflects an evolutionary trend towards a greater separation between the head and pectoral girdle that culminated in the formation of the tetrapod neck. Hence, this paper addresses a long‐standing, central issue regarding vertebrate comparative anatomy. It thus provides a valuable basis for future evolutionary, developmental and functional studies of vertebrates and/or of specific vertebrate subgroups/model organisms. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The knowledge of intraspecific variation is important to make assumptions on an interspecific level. To study intraspecific variation in the bony labyrinth morphology of the domestic cat, eleven specimens of Felis silvestris catus and two additional subspecies (F. s. lybica, F. s. ornata) were investigated. The sample comprises skulls of adult males and females, as well as juvenile cats. Each bony labyrinth endocast was virtually reconstructed based on µCT scans. To estimate the radius of curvature of each inner ear semicircular canal, three different approaches were tested. The comparison of the different methods resulted in different absolute values for the measured radii. The assumed best structure to precisely characterize the size of a semicircular canal is the inner perimeter. Within the tested sample, the anterior semicircular canal is always the largest, while the posterior semicircular canal is the second largest and the lateral semicircular canal the smallest in most cases. The coefficient of variation lies below 10% for all bony labyrinth measurements within the sample. The inner perimeter values of each semicircular canal are similar within all investigated specimens, even though the skull length of adult cats is twice as long as that of juvenile cats. Thus, inner ear biometry of the domestic cat seems stable throughout growth series and can therefore be used for systematic and ecological studies and the inclusion of juvenile individuals is reasonable. It is noteworthy that the inner perimeter values of the semicircular canals do not vary as much as the values of the angles spanned between the three canals within the sample. The inner ear within the cat skull is oriented about 25° to 31° to the palate (angle between the plane anchored to the lateral semicircular canals (SC) and the plane anchored to the palate). The cochlea coils between 3.00 and 3.25 turns in the investigated sample.  相似文献   

The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) produces compensatory eye movements by utilizing head rotational velocity signals from the semicircular canals to control contractions of the extraocular muscles. In mammals, the time course of horizontal VOR is longer than that of the canal signals driving it, revealing the presence of a central integrator known as velocity storage. Although the neurons mediating VOR have been described neurophysiologically, their properties, and the mechanism of velocity storage itself, remain unexplained. Recent models of integration in VOR are based on systems of linear elements, interconnected in arbitrary ways. The present study extends this work by modeling horizontal VOR as a learning network composed of nonlinear model neurons. Network architectures are based on the VOR arc (canal afferents, vestibular nucleus (VN) neurons and extraocular motoneurons) and have both forward and lateral connections. The networks learn to produce velocity storage integration by forming lateral (commissural) inhibitory feedback loops between VN neurons. These loops overlap and interact in a complex way, forming both fast and slow VN pathways. The networks exhibit some of the nonlinear properties of the actual VOR, such as dependency of decay rate and phase lag upon input magnitude, and skewing of the response to higher magnitude sinusoidal inputs. Model VN neurons resemble their real counterparts. Both have increased time constant and gain, and decreased spontaneous rate as compared to canal afferents. Also, both model and real VN neurons exhibit rectification and skew. The results suggest that lateral inhibitory interactions produce velocity storage and also determine the properties of neurons mediating VOR. The neural network models demonstrate how commissural inhibition may be organized along the VOR pathway.  相似文献   

The vertebrate inner ear consists of a complex labyrinth of epithelial cells that is surrounded by a bony capsule. The molecular mechanisms coordinating the development of the membranous and bony labyrinths are largely unknown. Previously, using avian retrovirus encoding Noggin (RCAS-Noggin) or beads soaked with Noggin protein, we have shown that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are important for the development of the otic epithelium in the chicken inner ear. Here, using two additional recombinant avian retroviruses, dominant negative and constitutively active forms of BMP receptors IB (BMPRIB), we show that BMPs, possibly acting through BMPRIB, are important for otic capsule formation. We also show that Bmp2 is strongly expressed in the prospective semicircular canals starting from the canal outpouch stage, suggesting that BMP2 plays an important role in canal formation. In addition, by correlating expression patterns of Bmps, their receptors, and localization of phosphorylated R-Smad (phospho R-Smad) immunoreactivity, an indicator of BMP activation, we show that BMPs emanating from the otic epithelium influence chondrogenesis of the otic capsule including the cartilage surrounding the semicircular canals.  相似文献   

Meeting the challenge of sampling an ancient aquatic landscape by the early vertebrates was crucial to their survival and would establish a retinal bauplan to be used by all subsequent vertebrate descendents. Image-forming eyes were under tremendous selection pressure and the ability to identify suitable prey and detect potential predators was thought to be one of the major drivers of speciation in the Early Cambrian. Based on the fossil record, we know that hagfishes, lampreys, holocephalans, elasmobranchs and lungfishes occupy critical stages in vertebrate evolution, having remained relatively unchanged over hundreds of millions of years. Now using extant representatives of these ‘living fossils’, we are able to piece together the evolution of vertebrate photoreception. While photoreception in hagfishes appears to be based on light detection and controlling circadian rhythms, rather than image formation, the photoreceptors of lampreys fall into five distinct classes and represent a critical stage in the dichotomy of rods and cones. At least four types of retinal cones sample the visual environment in lampreys mediating photopic (and potentially colour) vision, a sampling strategy retained by lungfishes, some modern teleosts, reptiles and birds. Trichromacy is retained in cartilaginous fishes (at least in batoids and holocephalans), where it is predicted that true scotopic (dim light) vision evolved in the common ancestor of all living gnathostomes. The capacity to discriminate colour and balance the tradeoff between resolution and sensitivity in the early vertebrates was an important driver of eye evolution, where many of the ocular features evolved were retained as vertebrates progressed on to land.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate inner ear, the ability to detect angular head movements lies in the three semicircular canals and their sensory tissues, the cristae. The molecular mechanisms underlying the formation of the three canals are largely unknown. Malformations of this vestibular apparatus found in zebrafish and mice usually involve both canals and cristae. Although there are examples of mutants with only defective canals, few mutants have normal canals without some prior sensory tissue specification, suggesting that the sensory tissues, cristae, might induce the formation of their non-sensory components, the semicircular canals. We fate-mapped the vertical canal pouch in chicken that gives rise to the anterior and posterior canals, using a fluorescent, lipophilic dye (DiI), and identified a canal genesis zone adjacent to each prospective crista that corresponds to the Bone morphogenetic protein 2 (Bmp2)-positive domain in the canal pouch. Using retroviruses or beads to increase Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs) for gain-of-function and beads soaked with the FGF inhibitor SU5402 for loss-of-function experiments, we show that FGFs in the crista promote canal development by upregulating Bmp2. We postulate that FGFs in the cristae induce a canal genesis zone by inducing/upregulating Bmp2 expression. Ectopic FGF treatments convert some of the cells in the canal pouch from the prospective common crus to a canal-like fate. Thus, we provide the first molecular evidence whereby sensory organs direct the development of the associated non-sensory components, the semicircular canals, in vertebrate inner ears.  相似文献   

A review is presented on the three-dimensional aspects of the vestibulo-oculomotor system and the current functional tests for unilateral examination of the individual receptors in the vestibular labyrinth. In the presentation, attention is directed towards the recently developed vestibular tests, which promise a more comprehensive examination of labyrinth function. More explicitly, unilateral tests for the utricle, saccule and the individual semicircular canals are discussed. Caloric irrigation and rotatory testing are widely used as tests for the integrity of the (horizontal) semicircular canals. Little useful diagnosis is made however on the vertical canals, not to mention the otolith organs. A promising approach to the examination of individual semicircular canal function has been described. This involves the perception of self-rotation in each of the planes of the semicircular canals. The patient/subject is rotated by an arbitrary amount on a standard Barany chair and then required to return the chair to its original position, by joystick control of the chair velocity. In order to test the vertical canals, the head of the subject/patient is positioned so that the plane of each canal lies in the plane of rotation. A promising unilateral test of saccular function involves the use of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Here it has been demonstrated that the saccules can be activated using brief, high-intensity acoustic clicks. The myogenic potential is measured using surface electrodes over the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Initial data from patients has indicated that the test is specific for unilateral saccule disorders. The unilateral test of utricle function is based on the eccentric displacement profile. Thus, eccentric displacement of the head to 3.5 cm during constant velocity rotation about the earth-vertical axis generates an adequate unilateral stimulation of the otolith organ, without involving the semicircular canals. This paradigm has also proved efficient in localizing peripheral otolith dysfunction by means of SVV estimation. This represents a novel test of otolith function that can be easily integrated into routine clinical testing. In contrast to the otolith-ocular response, the subjective visual vertical also reflects the processing of otolithic information in the higher brain centres (thalamus, vestibular cortex). Exploitation of the two complementary approaches therefore provides useful information for both experimental and clinical scientists. Of direct interest is the finding that testing with the subject rotating on-centre is sufficient to localize peripheral otolith dysfunction by means of SVV estimation. This represents a novel test of otolith function that can be easily integrated into routine clinical testing. In addition to caloric testing, which has remained the classical unilateral test of vestibular function, the newly developed tests should improve the differential diagnosis of vestibular disorders.  相似文献   

The mechanical sensitivity of vertebrate semicircular canals is directly influenced by the canal dimensions. Three key canal parameters, whose dimensions have been shown to be critical in determining the mechanical sensitivity of semicircular canals, are the streamline length, the cross-sectional area of the canal lumen and the plane area. These parameters were measured in ten specimens of adult T. europaea and compared with the dimensions of the same parameters in R. norvegicus. The major determinant of sensitivity, canal lumen area, is significantly larger in T. europaea.  相似文献   

Researchers studied the convergence of the vertical posterior semicircular canal (PC), saccular nerves (SAC), utricular nerves (UT), and horizontal semicircular canal nerves (HC) on single vestibular neurons. The vestibular neurons were categorized by their innervating targets. Vestibular neurons were classified as vestibulospinal proper neurons (VS), vestibulo-ocular proper neurons (VO), vestibulo-oculo-spinal neurons sending axon collaterals to the extraocular motoneuron pools and spinal cord (VOS), and vestibular nucleus neurons without axons to the oculomotor nuclei or the spinal cord (V). Results indicate that the percentage of convergence of VS neurons was higher that that of neurons sending axons to the oculomotor nuclei (VO and VOS). They conclude that the convergence of canal and otolith inputs likely contributes mainly to vestibulospinal reflexes by sending inputs to the neck and other muscles during head inclination, which creates the combined stimuli of angular and linear acceleration.  相似文献   

The radii of curvature (R) of the horizontal (Rh), anterior (Ra) and posterior (Rp) semicircular canals were measured by a new technique (called ROTA) for cat, guinea pig and man. For each canal, data points from the ossecus canal were rotated and plotted by computer such that the plane of the sheet of computer plot corresponded to the plane best fitting that canal. The radius of each osseous canal was determined and where necessary, the radius of the are of data points was corrected for thickness of the absent tissue. For cat, guinea pig and man there are differences in R between canals within a labyrinth suggesting that if other things are equal there could be differences in the average mechanical sensitivity of the canals, which is consistent with physiological recordings from primary vestibular neurons in the cat, The Rs determined by ROTA are compared with Rs determined by conventional histological means.  相似文献   

Mosasaurs were among the last marine reptiles that lived before the Cretacesous–Paleogene extinction. Little is known about the sensory evolution of mosasaurs in relation to their aquatic lifestyle. In this study, the braincase of Platecarpus was CT-scanned and virtual models were constructed showing the bony labyrinth — or the inner ear — a sensory apparatus for balance and hearing. The virtual inner ear consists of the semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea. Compared with extant squamates, Platecarpus resembles sea snakes in having a small vestibule with a flat dorsal surface, but it differs from non-mosasaurian squamates in having rounded semicircular canals. Phylogenetic linear regression analysis supports a linear relationship, independent from phylogeny, between the length of the three semicircular canals and the length of the skull. The semicircular canals of Platecarpus are shorter than predicted, but the fossil data fell within the 95% prediction interval calculated from the extant data and the skull length of Platecarpus. Although size reduction of the bony labyrinth has been associated with aquatic adaptions in mammals, our results suggest that in squamates, semicircular canal size is related to skull size rather than habitat preference.  相似文献   

The gross development of the trout inner ear between embryonic and juvenile stages was studied by light microscopy. The otocyst has already formed in 3–4 mm embryos. The semicircular canals begin to separate from the utriculo-saccular cavity in 6 mm embryos, the anterior canal first, then the posterior and the horizontal canal later. The formation of the saccular cavity begins in 7 mm embryos, whereas that of the lagena occurs in 18 mm fry. The first macular primordia appear before the separation of cavities. The anterior and horizontal crests arise from the primordium of the utricular macula, and the posterior crest, macula lagena, and macula neglecta arise from that of the saccular macula. The macula lagena and macula neglecta appear later. The sensory areas of the labyrinth and the number of receptor cells grow continuously between the embryonic and juvenile stages. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previous studies comparing bony labyrinth morphology in geographically‐dispersed samples of Neandertals and modern Homo sapiens (H. sapiens) showed that Neandertals generally have smaller semicircular canals than modern H. sapiens (Hublin et al., 1996 ; Spoor et al., 2003 ; Glantz et al., 2008 ). Here we analyze the morphology of a single group of Neandertal specimens from one locale, the Krapina site, to determine the intraspecific variation in Neandertal semicircular canal sizes. Dimensions of the semicircular canals were collected from computed tomography scans of nine temporal bones. With the rare exception, the dimensions of the semicircular canals in the Krapina sample are similar to those previously reported across a geographically‐dispersed sample of Neandertals, further supporting previous studies that suggest low levels of variation in the semicircular canals for Neandertals. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:302–306, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of the Neanderthal bony labyrinth, a structure located inside the petrous temporal bone. Fifteen Neanderthal specimens are compared with a Holocene human sample, as well as with a small number of European Middle Pleistocene hominins, and early anatomically modern and European Upper Palaeolithic humans. Compared with Holocene humans the bony labyrinth of Neanderthals can be characterized by an anterior semicircular canal arc which is smaller in absolute and relative size, is relatively narrow, and shows more torsion. The posterior semicircular canal arc is smaller in absolute and relative size as well, it is more circular in shape, and is positioned more inferiorly relative to the lateral canal plane. The lateral semicircular canal arc is absolutely and relatively larger. Finally, the Neanderthal ampullar line is more vertically inclined relative to the planar orientation of the lateral canal. The European Upper Palaeolithic and early modern humans are most similar, although not fully identical to Holocene humans in labyrinthine morphology. The European Middle Pleistocene hominins show the typical semicircular canal morphology of Neanderthals, with the exception of the arc shape and inferiorly position of the posterior canal and the strongly inclined ampullar line. The marked difference between the labyrinths of Neanderthals and modern humans can be used to assess the phylogenetic affinities of fragmentary temporal bone fossils. However, this application is limited by a degree of overlap between the morphologies. The typical shape of the Neanderthal labyrinth appears to mirror aspects of the surrounding petrous pyramid, and both may follow from the phylogenetic impact of Neanderthal brain morphology moulding the shape of the posterior cranial fossa. The functionally important arc sizes of the Neanderthal semicircular canals may reflect a pattern of head movements different from that of modern humans, possibly related to aspects of locomotor behaviour and the kinematic properties of their head and neck.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the craniate inner ear is reviewed, with 33 apomorphic characters of the membranous labyrinth and associated structures identified in craniates, gnathostomes, and elasmobranchs. Elasmobranchs are capable of low-frequency semi-directional phonoreception, even in the absence of any pressure-to-displacement transducer such as ear ossicles. The endolymphatic (parietal) fossa, semicircular canals, and crista (macula) neglecta are all adapted toward phonoreception. Some (but not all) of the morphological features associated with phonoreception can be inferred from the elasmobranch skeletal labyrinth. Endocranial spaces such as the skeletal labyrinth also provide suites of morphological characters that may be incorporated into phylogenetic analyses, irrespective of how closely these spaces reflect underlying soft anatomy. The skeletal labyrinths of Squalus and Notorynchus are compared using silicone endocasts and high-resolution CT-scanning. The latter procedure offers several advantages over other techniques; it is more informative, nondestructive, preserves relationships of surrounding structures, and it can be applied both to modern and fossil material.  相似文献   

Young GC 《Biology letters》2008,4(1):110-114
Exceptional braincase preservation in some Devonian placoderm fishes permits interpretation of muscles and cranial nerves controlling eye movement. Placoderms are the only jawed vertebrates with anterior/posterior obliques as in the jawless lamprey, but with the same function as the superior/inferior obliques of other gnathostomes. Evidence of up to seven extraocular muscles suggests that this may be the primitive number for jawed vertebrates. Two muscles innervated by cranial nerve 6 suggest homologies with lampreys and tetrapods. If the extra muscle acquired by gnathostomes was the internal rectus, Devonian fossils show that it had a similar insertion above and behind the eyestalk in both placoderms and basal osteichthyans.  相似文献   

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