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The zebrafish has been used as an animal model for studies of several human diseases. It can serve as a powerful preclinical platform for studies of molecular events and therapeutic strategies as well as for evaluating the physiological mechanisms of some pathologies. There are relatively few publications related to adult zebrafish physiology of organs and systems, which may lead researchers to infer that the basic techniques needed to allow the exploration of zebrafish systems are lacking. Hematologic biochemical values of zebrafish were first reported in 2003 by Murtha and colleagues who employed a blood collection technique first described by Jagadeeswaran and colleagues in 1999. Briefly, blood was collected via a micropipette tip through a lateral incision, approximately 0.3 cm in length, in the region of the dorsal aorta. Because of the minute dimensions involved, this is a high-precision technique requiring a highly skilled practitioner. The same technique was used by the same group in another publication in that same year. In 2010, Eames and colleagues assessed whole blood glucose levels in zebrafish. They gained access to the blood by performing decapitations with scissors and then inserting a heparinized microcapillary collection tube into the pectoral articulation. They mention difficulties with hemolysis that were solved with an appropriate storage temperature based on the work Kilpatrick et al. When attempting to use Jagadeeswaran's technique in our laboratory, we found that it was difficult to make the incision in precisely the right place as not to allow a significant amount of blood to be lost before collection could be started. Recently, Gupta et al. described how to dissect adult zebrafish organs, Kinkle et al. described how to perform intraperitoneal injections, and Pugach et al. described how to perform retro-orbital injections. However, more work is needed to more fully explore basic techniques for research in zebrafish. The small size of zebrafish presents challenges for researchers using it as an experimental model. Furthermore, given this smallness of scale, it is important that simple techniques are developed to enable researchers to explore the advantages of the zebrafish model.  相似文献   

Retinal degenerations are the commonest cause of blindness in the Western world, affecting 5% of the population, yet remain largely untreatable. A better understanding of the mechanisms of disease is needed. Zebrafish fill a gap in the current repertoire of models, offering genetic tractability in a vertebrate. Their retina has many similarities with a human retina. Importantly, unlike rodents, they have rich colour vision, offering the potential to model the macular degenerations. A variety of physiological assays, genetic manipulations and histological tools have been developed and useful models of human disease created.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the zebrafish has become an increasingly popular animal model for the study of human cardiovascular disease. Because zebrafish embryos are transparent and their genetic manipulation is straightforward, the zebrafish has been used to recapitulate a number of cardiovascular disease processes ranging from congenital heart defects to arrhythmia to cardiomyopathy. The use of fluorescent reporters has been essential to identify two discrete phases of cardiomyocyte differentiation necessary for normal cardiac development in the zebrafish. These phases are analogous to the differentiation of the two progenitor heart cell populations in mammals, termed the first and second heart fields. The small size of zebrafish embryos has enabled high-throughput chemical screening to identify small-molecule suppressors of fundamental pathways in vasculogenesis, such as the BMP axis, as well as of common vascular defects, such as aortic coarctation. The optical clarity of zebrafish has facilitated studies of valvulogenesis as well as detailed electrophysiological mapping to characterize the early cardiac conduction system. One unique aspect of zebrafish larvae is their ability to oxygenate through diffusion alone, permitting the study of mutations that cause severe cardiomyopathy phenotypes such as silent heart and pickwickm171, which mimic titin mutations observed in human dilated cardiomyopathy. Above all, the regenerative capacity of zebrafish presents a particularly exciting opportunity to discover new therapies for cardiac injury, including scar formation following myocardial infarction. This Review will summarize the current state of the field and describe future directions to advance our understanding of human cardiovascular disease.KEY WORDS: Cardiovascular, Drug discovery, Zebrafish  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation by kinases controls a plethora of processes essential for the proper development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms. One main obstacle in studying the role of a defined kinase–substrate interaction is that kinases form complex signaling networks and most often phosphorylate multiple substrates involved in various cellular processes. In recent years, several new approaches have been developed to control the activity of a given kinase. However, most of them fail to regulate a single protein target, likely hiding the effect of a unique kinase–substrate interaction by pleiotropic effects. To overcome this limitation, we have created protein binder-based engineered kinases that permit a direct, robust, and tissue-specific phosphorylation of fluorescent fusion proteins in vivo. We show the detailed characterization of two engineered kinases based on Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) and Src. Expression of synthetic kinases in the developing fly embryo resulted in phosphorylation of their respective GFP-fusion targets, providing for the first time a means to direct the phosphorylation to a chosen and tagged target in vivo. We presume that after careful optimization, the novel approach we describe here can be adapted to other kinases and targets in various eukaryotic genetic systems to regulate specific downstream effectors.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has become a powerful vertebrate model for genetic studies of embryonic development and organogenesis and increasingly for studies in cancer biology. Zebrafish facilitate the performance of reverse and forward genetic approaches, including mutagenesis and small molecule screens. Moreover, several studies report the feasibility of xenotransplanting human cells into zebrafish embryos and adult fish. This model provides a unique opportunity to monitor tumor-induced angiogenesis, invasiveness, and response to a range of treatments in vivo and in real time. Despite the high conservation of gene function between fish and humans, concern remains that potential differences in zebrafish tissue niches and/or missing microenvironmental cues could limit the relevance and translational utility of data obtained from zebrafish human cancer cell xenograft models. Here, we summarize current data on xenotransplantation of human cells into zebrafish, highlighting the advantages and limitations of this model in comparison to classical murine models of xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

The zebrafish/tumor xenograft angiogenesis assay is used to approach tumor angiogenesis, a pivotal step in cancer progression and target for anti-tumor therapies. Here, we evaluated whether the assay could allow the identification of microRNAs having an anti-angiogenic potential. For that, we transfected DU-145 prostate cancer cells with four microRNAs (miR-125a, miR-320, miR-487b, miR-492) responsive to both anti- and pro-angiogenic stimuli applied to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. After transfection, DU-145 cells were injected close to the developing subintestinal vessels of transgenic Tg(Kdrl:eGFP)s843 zebrafish embryos that express green fluorescent protein under the control of Kdrl promoter. At 72 h post-fertilization, we observed that green fluorescent protein–positive neo-vessels infiltrated the graft of DU-145 transfected with miR-125a, miR-320, and miR-487b. Vice versa, neo-vessel formation and tumor cell infiltration were inhibited when DU-145 cells transfected with miR-492 were used. These results indicated that the zebrafish/tumor xenograft assay was adequate to identify microRNAs able to suppress the release of angiogenic growth factors by angiogenic tumor cells.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10616-014-9735-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA) is a multivariate technique that involves transformations of data matrices to provide optimal comparability. We propose GPA to quantify the concordance among sets of variables that characterize natural, human and productive subsystems. When the land use fits in with the physical support of agricultural production, people's well-being should be evident in a high concordance between the land use and the social conditions. In a situation of instability each set of variables operates in diverse directions resulting in lower resilience and sustainability. Two GPA were performed, between physical support and land use data sets (concordance = 67.4%), and between land use and social conditions data sets (concordance = 65.3%). The interplay between the pair of concordance values constitutes a bi-dimensional index which serves as an ecological indicator. Based on bootstrap confidence interval, the 49 counties of the Pampa Ecoregion, Argentina, were classified in medium, high or low concordance. The lack of concordance is an indicator of imbalances which may contribute to guide environmental management.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutations in inbred strains provide valuable resources for new disease models. Unfortunately, these mutations may affect reproduction, which require considerable efforts in breeding management. We transplanted ovaries of such mutant rat strains orthotopically into ovariectomized premature coisogenic recipients. A reproductive cycle was established in each of the recipients within 5 to 6 weeks after transplantation. Moreover, one-third became pregnant and had litters an average of 3 months after transplantation. These experiments demonstrate that orthotopic transplantation of ovaries can be used in the management of subfertile rat colonies.  相似文献   

Many devastating inherited eye diseases result in progressive and irreversible blindness because humans cannot regenerate dying or diseased retinal neurons. In contrast, the adult zebrafish retina possesses the robust ability to spontaneously regenerate any neuronal class that is lost in a variety of different retinal damage models, including retinal puncture, chemical ablation, concentrated high temperature, and intense light treatment. Our lab extensively characterized regeneration of photoreceptors following constant intense light treatment and inner retinal neurons after intravitreal ouabain injection. In all cases, resident Müller glia re-enter the cell cycle to produce neuronal progenitors, which continue to proliferate and migrate to the proper retinal layer, where they differentiate into the deficient neurons. We characterized five different stages during regeneration of the light-damaged retina that were highlighted by specific cellular responses. We identified several differentially expressed genes at each stage of retinal regeneration by mRNA microarray analysis. Many of these genes are also critical for ocular development. To test the role of each candidate gene/protein during retinal regeneration, we needed to develop a method to conditionally limit the expression of a candidate protein only at times during regeneration of the adult retina. Morpholino oligos are widely used to study loss of function of specific proteins during the development of zebrafish, Xenopus, chick, mouse, and tumors in human xenografts. These modified oligos basepair with complementary RNA sequence to either block the splicing or translation of the target RNA. Morpholinos are stable in the cell and can eliminate or "knockdown" protein expression for three to five days. Here, we describe a method to efficiently knockdown target protein expression in the adult zebrafish retina. This method employs lissamine-tagged antisense morpholinos that are injected into the vitreous of the adult zebrafish eye. Using electrode forceps, the morpholino is then electroporated into all the cell types of the dorsal and central retina. Lissamine provides the charge on the morpholino for electroporation and can be visualized to assess the presence of the morpholino in the retinal cells. Conditional knockdown in the retina can be used to examine the role of specific proteins at different times during regeneration. Additionally, this approach can be used to study the role of specific proteins in the undamaged retina, in such processes as visual transduction and visual processing in second order neurons.  相似文献   

The analysis of known protein structures is a very valuable and indispensable tool for deciphering the complex rules relating sequence to structure in proteins. On the other hand, the design of novel proteins is certainly the most severe test of our understanding of such rules. In this report we describe our own attempt to develop appropriate tools for the investigation of known protein structure properties and their applications to the design of a novel, all β protein. The success of the design project is a demonstration of the usefulness of careful analysis of the data base of known protein structures. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   



The choroid plexus (ChP), a component of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), produces the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and as a result plays a role in (i) protecting and nurturing the brain as well as (ii) in coordinating neuronal migration during neurodevelopment. Until now ChP development was not analyzed in living vertebrates due to technical problems.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have analyzed the formation of the fourth ventricle ChP of zebrafish in the GFP-tagged enhancer trap transgenic line SqET33-E20 (Gateways) by a combination of in vivo imaging, histology and mutant analysis. This process includes the formation of the tela choroidea (TC), the recruitment of cells from rhombic lips and, finally, the coalescence of TC resulting in formation of ChP. In Notch-deficient mib mutants the first phase of this process is affected with premature GFP expression, deficient cell recruitment into TC and abnormal patterning of ChP. In Hedgehog-deficient smu mutants the second phase of the ChP morphogenesis lacks cell recruitment and TC cells undergo apoptosis.


This study is the first to demonstrate the formation of ChP in vivo revealing a role of Notch and Hedgehog signalling pathways during different developmental phases of this process.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of nutritionally complementary strains of Cephalosporium acremonium were fused and plated onto media which supressed the growth of both parents. The regenerating colonies were used for genetic analysis and were found to be of two types, stable haploid recombinants and unstable heterozygotes (aneuploids and/or diploids). Analysis of these colonies provided evidence for eight linkage groups and a relatively high rate of mitotic crossing-over. The gene order for three of the markers on one linkage group was also determined.  相似文献   

In looking for novel factors involved in the regulation of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling pathway, we have isolated a zebrafish sprouty4 gene, based on its extensive similarities with the expression patterns of both fgf8 and fgf3. Through gain- and loss-of-function experiments, we demonstrate that Fgf8 and Fgf3 act in vivo to induce the expression of Spry4, which in turn can inhibit activity of these growth factors. When overexpressed at low doses, Spry4 induces loss of cerebellum and reduction in size of the otic vesicle, thereby mimicking the fgf8/acerebellar mutant phenotype. Injections of high doses of Spry4 cause ventralization of the embryo, an opposite phenotype to the dorsalisation induced by overexpression of Fgf8 or Fgf3. Conversely we have shown that inhibition of Spry4 function through injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotide leads to a weak dorsalization of the embryo, the phenotype expected for an upregulation of Fgf8 or Fgf3 signaling pathway. Finally, we show that Spry4 interferes with FGF signaling downstream of the FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1). In addition, our analysis reveals that signaling through FGFR1/Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is involved, not in mesoderm induction, but in the control of the dorsoventral patterning via the regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) expression.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel method for creating exact DNA fusions between any two points in a plasmid carried in Bacillus subtilis. It exploits the homologous in vivo recombination between directly repeated sequences that can be established by insertion of a synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotide. The method was used to enhance the productivity in B. subtilis of a cloned alpha-amylase (Amy)-encoding gene originating from Bacillus stearothermophilus. Thus, an exact fusion between nucleotide sequences encoding the expression signals, including the signal peptide, of a Bacillus licheniformis Amy-encoding gene and the mature Amy of B. stearothermophilus, was created. The resulting hybrid translational product was processed correctly in B. subtilis during secretion, giving rise to an Amy identical to the mature Amy secreted by B. stearothermophilus.  相似文献   

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