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Cloning full length cDNAs is a difficult task especially if mRNAs are not abundant or if tissue is only available in limited amounts. Current strategies are based on in vitro amplification of cDNAs after adding a homopolymeric tail at the 3' end of the ss-cDNA. Since subsequent amplification steps yield unspecific amplified DNA mostly due to non-specific annealing of the reverse primer containing a homopolymeric tail, we have devised a new strategy based on the ligation of single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide to the 3' end of single-stranded cDNAs. The efficiency of the strategy was assessed by analyzing the 5' ends of the rat pineal gland tryptophan hydroxylase messenger. The 5' end of the least abundant messenger (0.005% of total mRNAs) could be cloned without selection. Sixty percent of the analyzed clones correspond to TPH. This technique revealed a 5-nt stretch not apparent using dG tailing strategy. The potentiality of the method for generating cDNAs libraries was tested with 10(4) PC12 cells. In this library, the abundance of tyrosine hydroxylase clones (0.03%) correlated well with the abundance of the corresponding messenger, showing that no major distortion was introduced into the construction of the library.  相似文献   

Xu Z  Jablons DM  Gruenert DC 《Gene》2001,263(1-2):265-272
Current strategies for cDNA cloning are based on construction of cDNA libraries and colony screening. The process of obtaining a full-length cDNA clone can be highly time and labor intensive. Using the human actin gene as a model target cDNA, we have developed an RNA-capture method for rapid cloning of full-length cDNAs. The approach involves the capture of mRNA with expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived, biotin labeled antisense "capture" primers and streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Full-length cDNA is then synthesized from purified EST-specific mRNA and cloned directly into plasmid vectors. The results of using beta-actin-based capture primers on cytoplasmic RNA were the isolation of both beta- and gamma-actin cDNA clones. Of the 16 actin-specific cDNA clones analyzed, 15 (93%) were full-length. This approach for cloning full-length cDNAs from available ESTs or partial cDNA sequences will facilitate a more rapid and efficient characterization of gene structure and function.  相似文献   

Efficient cloning of full-length cDNAs based on cDNA size fractionation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to generate and obtain full-length (FL) cDNAs is of critical importance to the field of genomics. Most cDNAs in a traditional cDNA library lack the initiating 5' ATG, making it difficult to obtain a FL clone. We report here on an improved protocol for the preparation of FL enriched cDNA libraries. We demonstrate that if good quality RNA is used in the cDNA synthesis, high-quality, FL cDNA can be generated for messages upward of 7 kb. In addition, we demonstrate the utility of size fractionation as a means to produce libraries containing a high percentage of initiating 5' ATG containing clones with insert sizes greater than 4 kb. The method is simple, cost efficient, and can be performed in most laboratories equipped to perform molecular biology. Lastly, the novel methodologies used in the analysis of the cDNA and library should prove useful to others working to create high-quality cDNA libraries.  相似文献   

By differential hybridization, two auxin-inducible cDNA clones (SAR1 and SAR2) have been isolated from a cDNA library constructed to poly(A)+ mRNA from auxin-treated strawberry receptacles. Both the clones have been used as probes to study the expression of the auxin-induced genes in pollinated and unpollinated fruits of various stages of development and in different organs. A high level of auxin-induced mRNAs is found in pollinated fruits as compared to unpollinated fruits of the same age, suggesting that the expression of the auxin-induced genes is developmentally regulated and the level of auxin-induced mRNAs is regulated by endogenous auxin. Furthermore, our data on the expression of SAR1 and SAR2 genes in pollinated and unpollinated fruits revealed a positive correlation between growth of strawberry fruit and the induction of mRNA corresponding to the SAR1 and SAR2 clones. Ethylene has no effect on the expression of the auxin-induced mRNAs. SAR1 mRNA is not detected in other parts of strawberry plants whereas SAR2 mRNA is present in roots. Furthermore, mRNA corresponding to SAR1 and SAR2 is not detected in other auxin-responsive plant systems such as pea epicotyls and bean explants.  相似文献   

Here we describe the establishment of size-selected cDNA libraries for the cloning of full-length cDNAs that were initially identified by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technology as being differentially expressed. First, the SSH-cDNA fragments were used as 32P-probes to verify their level and differential pattern of expression by virtual Northern and to establish their corresponding full-length cDNA size. Second, cDNAs were separated by size on agarose gels and used to construct size-selected cDNA plasmid libraries, which were then screened by colony hybridization with the SSH-cDNA fragments. We conclude that the described approach complements SSH technology by allowing efficient cloning and characterization of the corresponding full-length cDNA from any desired cell type or species. This approach will give researchers the ability to specifically target and study differentially expressed genes in an efficient manner for functional genomic studies.  相似文献   

Two cDNA libraries were constructed, using respectively the 12S and the 16S sucrose gradient fractions of polysomal poly (A)+ RNA from mouse C243 cells induced with Newcastle disease virus. Screening of a part of both libraries by mRNA selection hybridization assays revealed the presence of two plasmids hybridizing to an mRNA, whose translation product was characterized as mouse IFN-beta. Blot analysis of RNA indicated that mRNA hybridizing to the DNA from both plasmids could be detected in induced but not in uninduced C243 cells. The two cDNA inserts did not cross hybridize and had distinct restriction maps. Sequencing revealed that both inserts represented the end of the coding region and the entire 3' non coding region of two district mRNAs. Although different, the putative 39 AA and 65 AA carboxy termini of both Mu IFN-beta s display some homology to human IFN-beta 1. Thus there are at least two different murine IFN-beta genes.  相似文献   

A modified rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) strategy has been developed for cloning highly conserved cDNA sequences. Using this modified method, the growth hormone (GH) encoding cDNA sequences ofLabeo rohita, Cirrhina mrigala andCatla catla have been cloned, characterized and overexpressed inEscherichia coli. These sequences show 96–98% homology to each other and are about 85% homologous to that of common carp. Besides, an attempt has been made for the first time to describe a 3-D model of the fish GH protein.  相似文献   

A modified rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) strategy has been developed for cloning highly conserved cDNA sequences. Using this modified method, the growth hormone (GH) encoding cDNA sequences ofLabeo rohita, Cirrhina mrigala andCatla catla have been cloned, characterized and overexpressed inEscherichia coli. These sequences show 96–98% homology to each other and are about 85% homologous to that of common carp. Besides, an attempt has been made for the first time to describe a 3-D model of the fish GH protein.  相似文献   

The sequences at the splice junctions of many early region 4 (E4) mRNAs from adenovirus 2 (Ad2) were determined by analysis of cDNA clones. The cDNAs were synthesized from poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from HeLa cells early during Ad2 infection. A standard library was constructed, in pBR322, from double stranded cDNAs initiated by oligo-dT priming. Approximately 1% of total recombinants contained E4 sequences, however among eighty clones analyzed in detail, only four contained the 5' leader sequence. A second library was prepared using a new method that led to a greatly increased representation of desired clones. This method employed oligo-dT to prime the synthesis of the first strand and an oligonucleotide ligated to pBR322, whose sequence was present in the 5' leader, to prime the synthesis of the second strand. With this method the percentage of recombinants containing E4 sequences ranged between 15 and 50% of the total colonies. Virtually all of these E4 cDNA clones contained the 5' leader sequence and several hundred were analyzed by comparing the results from single channel dideoxy sequencing reactions. Nine unique sequence patterns were identified and representative clones were completely sequenced.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA was extracted from a cadmium resistant Chinese hamster (CHO) cell line, enriched for metal-induced, abundant RNA sequences and cloned as double-stranded cDNA in the plasmid pBR322. Two cDNA clones, pCHMT1 and pCHMT2, encoding two Chinese hamster isometallothioneins were identified, and the nucleotide sequence of each insert was determined. The two Chinese hamster metallothioneins show nucleotide sequence homologies of 80% in the protein coding region and approximately 35% in both the 5' and 3' untranslated regions. Interestingly, an 8 nucleotide sequence (TGTAAATA) has been conserved in sequence and position in the 3' untranslated regions of each metallothionein mRNA sequenced thus far. Estimated nucleotide substitution rates derived from interspecies comparisons were used to calculate a metallothionein gene duplication time of 45 to 120 million years ago.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed to 10-15 S poly(A) RNA from tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-infected Samsun NN tobacco. By differential colony hybridization of 1400 transformants, 32 clones were obtained corresponding to TMV-inducible tobacco mRNAs. These clones were subdivided into six clusters on the basis of cross-hybridization of the inserts. By Northern blot hybridization it was shown that three of the corresponding mRNAs were strongly induced by spraying tobacco plants with salicylic acid, whereas one mRNA was weakly induced by this treatment. All mRNAs were systemically induced in plants in which only the lower leaves were locally infected by TMV. Hybrid-selected translation was performed, using six clones representing one cluster each, followed by immunoprecipitation using an antiserum to purified pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. Four clones yielded precipitable translation products. One of these clones represented a cluster of PR-1 clones, another clone encoded the thaumatin-like (TL) protein of tobacco which may correspond to PR-P or −Q.  相似文献   

Gotoh K  Oishi M 《Genomics》2004,84(2):435-440
In-gel competitive reassociation (IGCR) is a method for differential subtraction of polymorphic (RFLP) DNA fragments between two DNA samples of interest without probes or specific sequence information. Previously IGCR was used to enrich and isolate polymorphic genomic DNA fragments from mouse and human genomic DNA. We have modified the original IGCR procedures specifically for the isolation of polymorphic mRNAs in the form of cDNAs. Here we demonstrate that polymorphic mRNAs (cDNAs) between BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice that result from alterations at restriction sites and insertions-deletions are isolated with high efficiency by the IGCR procedure. A high proportion of the cDNAs was enriched by IGCR and 80% of the enriched clones were found to be actual RFLP fragments, indicating that the procedure is also applicable to direct screening for polymorphic mRNAs.  相似文献   

Summary Near-isogenic cultivars of Hordeum vulgare which differ for the Mlp gene for resistance to Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei were inoculated with race 3 of this pathogen and in vitro translation products of mRNA populations compared by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography. This revealed the presence of new mRNA species in infected leaves compared to non-inoculated controls. These new mRNA species were more abundant in resistant leaves than susceptible leaves. A cDNA library was prepared from poly(A)+RNA isolated from infected leaves carrying the Mlp gene for resistance (cvMlp). The library was screened by differential hybridization using [32P]-labelled cDNA prepared from poly(A)+RNA of both control and infected leaves. Six cDNA clones showing greater hybridization to cDNA prepared from infected leaves were selected. These six cDNA clones hybridized to DNA isolated from barley leaves but not to DNA from conidia of the fungus. In Northern blot analysis of RNA from infected leaves the six cDNA clones each hybridized to mRNA species of different size. Translation products for three of the cDNA clones corresponded to infection-related translation products identified on 2-dimensional fluorograms. The cDNA clones were used to study the kinetics of host mRNA induction during infection of the near-isogenic cultivars of barley. The host mRNA species corresponding to the cDNA clones were induced prior to 24 h after inoculation during the primary penetration processes. In addition the mRNAs corresponding to four of the cDNA clones increased to greater amounts in cvMlp than in the near-isogenic susceptible cultivar (cvmlp) over a 2-d period following inoculation. These results suggest that the Mlp gene has a regulatory role in host gene expression resulting in enhanced expression of several host mRNA species following infection by the powdery mildew fungus.  相似文献   

Five cDNA clones complementary to mRNAs representing different abundances and responses to wounding have been isolated from a library of Sau 3A fragments in the bacteriophage M13 mp8. These were characterised by hybrid-release translation and hybridisation to RNA blots. The levels of RNA complementary to two of the clones show a marked increase during the 24h after wounding, one shows a small increase and two show no appreciable changes except that caused by a general increase in the total amount of polyadenylated RNA per microgram of total RNA which increases 2.5-fold during the same period. The would-induced RNAs are not induced in diluted suspension-culture cells, but RNA complementary to each clone is present in varying levels in stems, leaves and roots of intact potato plants.Abbreviations cDNA complementary DNA - poly(A) polyadenosine - poly(A)+ RNA polyadenylated RNA - poly(U) polyuridine  相似文献   

We describe a method of global PCR amplification of cDNA such that the strand sense is maintained. The products of this process are random primed fragments ranging in size from 100 to 500 bp which facilitates uniform PCR amplification of total cDNA. Directional incorporation of a T7 RNA polymerase initiator/promoter sequence allows efficient synthesis of total sense RNA from this material and the use of a biotinylated primer permits the separation of single-stranded cDNA. Isolation of these products from different cell types provides a renewable source of target single-stranded cDNA and driver RNA from limited cell numbers and we demonstrate their use for subtractive hybridisation cloning of differentially expressed cDNAs.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic cells encode principally a 2.5-kilobase (kb) transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1 mRNA. However, we have found two major TGF-beta 1 RNA species, 3.5 and 2.5 kb long, in porcine tissues. The 3.5-kb species has a longer 3'-untranslated sequence generated by the selection of an alternate polyadenylation site. There is a 117-nucleotide sequence within this unique 3' region, which is similar to the PRE-1 repetitive sequence of unknown function, reported earlier in the porcine genome. We have also cloned and characterized an alternately spliced mRNA species specific for the TGF-beta 1 gene, in which exons IV and V of the corresponding human TGF-beta 1 gene are deleted. The nucleotide sequence of this cDNA clone predicts a putative precursor protein of 256 amino acids; the N-terminal 211 amino acids of this putative protein are identical to the TGF-beta 1 precursor protein (exons I, II, and III of the human TGF-beta 1 gene), but the C-terminal 45 amino acids are distinct, due to a frameshift in the translation of exons VI and VII. In addition we provide data for the existence of other mRNA species generated in a tissue-specific manner either by alternate splicing or by heterogeneous 5' leader sequences.  相似文献   

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