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Rather than acting by modifying van der Waals or electrostatic double layer interactions or by directly bridging neighboring molecules, polyvalent ligands bound to DNA double helices appear to act by reconfiguring the water between macromolecular surfaces to create attractive long range hydration forces. We have reached this conclusion by directly measuring the repulsive forces between parallel B-form DNA double helices pushed together from the separations at which they have self organized into hexagonal arrays of parallel rods. For all of the wide variety of "condensing agents" from divalent Mn to polymeric protamines, the resulting intermolecular force varies exponentially with a decay rate of 1.4-1.5 A, exactly one-half that seen previously for hydration repulsion. Such behavior qualitatively contradicts the predictions of all electrostatic double layer and van der Waals force potentials previously suggested. It fits remarkably well with the idea, developed and tested here, that multivalent counterion adsorption reorganizes the water at discrete sites complementary to unadsorbed sites on the apposing surface. The measured strength and range of these attractive forces together with their apparent specificity suggest the presence of a previously unexpected force in molecular organization.  相似文献   

By combining single-molecule magnetic tweezers and osmotic stress on DNA assemblies, we separate attractive and repulsive components of the total intermolecular interaction between multivalent cation condensed DNA. Based on measurements of several different cations, we identify two invariant properties of multivalent cation-mediated DNA interactions: repulsive forces decay exponentially with a 2.3 ± 0.1 Å characteristic decay length and the attractive component of the free energy is always 2.3 ± 0.2 times larger than the repulsive component of the free energy at force-balance equilibrium. These empirical constraints are not consistent with current theories that attribute DNA-DNA attractions to a correlated lattice of counterions. The empirical constraints are consistent with theories for Debye-Hückel interactions between helical line charges and with the order-parameter formalism for hydration forces. Each of these theories posits exponentially decaying attractions and, if we assume this form, our measurements indicate a cation-independent, 4.8 ± 0.5 Å characteristic decay length for intermolecular attractions between condensed DNA molecules.  相似文献   

Native DNA duplexes in fibers exist usually in one of three well-known (A, B and C) forms depending on relative humidity, type of cations and the amount of retained salt. To determine the precise influence of these factors and the effect of base composition, as well as base sequence, on DNA secondary structure, X-ray diffraction methods have been used to study all four synthetic DNA duplexes with repeated dinucleotide sequences, eight of the 12 with repeated trinucleotide sequences and seven analogues in which guanine was replaced with hypoxanthine. The results indicate that there are at least six additional allomorphs denoted by B′, C′, C″, D, E and S.The B′ form (h = 0.329 nm) observed for poly(dA) · poly(dT), poly(dI) · poly(dC) and poly[d(A-I)] · poly[d(C-T)] is a minor variant of the traditional B form (h = 0.338 nm) of native DNA. The two C-like forms C′ for poly[d(A-G-C)] · poly-[d(G-C-T)] and poly[d(G-G-T)] · poly[d(A-C-C)] and C″ for poly[d(A-G)] · poly-[d(C-T)] have, respectively, 91 and 92 symmetries which reflect repetition of trinucleotide and dinucleotide sequences, respectively. Although isocompositional with poly(dA) · poly(dT), the existence of the rather different D form (81) for poly[d(A-T)] · poly[d(A-T)] or for poly[d(A-A-T)] · poly[d(A-T-T)] is a clear demonstration of the sequence effect. The I · C pair generally mimics an A · T pair, but poly[d(I-I-T)] · poly[d(A-C-C)] provides a new (E) form with approximately 152 screw symmetry and with 〈h〉 = 0.325 nm and 〈t〉 = 48 dg per nucleotide. The S form (65) observed for poly[d(G-C)] · poly[d(G-C)] and poly[d(A-C)] · poly[d(G-T)] is an unusual left-handed polydinucleotide helix and is accessible to any alternating purine-pyrimidine sequence. In it the two nucleotides have quite different conformations and involve syn purine and anti pyrimidine nucleosides.  相似文献   

The interaction forces between a platinum dichloride complex and DNA molecules have been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The platinum dichloride complex, di-dimethylsulfoxide-dichloroplatinum (II) (Pt(DMSO)2Cl2), was immobilized on an AFM probe by coordinating the platinum to two amino groups to form a complex similar to Pt(en)Cl2, which is structurally similar to cisplatin. The retraction forces were measured between the platinum complex and DNA molecules immobilized on mica plates using force curve measurements. The histogram of the retraction force for λ-DNA showed several peaks; the unit retraction force was estimated to be 130 pN for a pulling rate of 60 nm/s. The retraction forces were also measured separately for four single-base DNA oligomers (adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine). Retraction forces were frequently observed in the force curves for the DNA oligomers of guanine and adenine. For the guanine DNA oligomer, the most frequent retraction force was slightly lower than but very similar to the retraction force for λ-DNA. A higher retraction force was obtained for the adenine DNA oligomer than for the guanine oligomer. This result is consistent with a higher retraction activation energy of adenine with the Pt complex being than that of guanine because the kinetic rate constant for retraction correlates to exp(FΔx – ΔE) where ΔE is an activation energy, F is an applied force, and Δx is a displacement of distance.  相似文献   

The deoxyguanosine-5'-monophosphate in aqueous solution self-associates into stable structures, which include hexagonal and cholesteric columnar phases. The structural unit is a four-stranded helix, composed of a stacked array of Hoogsteen-bonded guanosine quartets. We have measured by osmotic stress method the force per unit length versus interaxial distance between helices in the hexagonal phase under various ionic conditions. Two contributions have been recognized: the first one is purely electrostatic, is effective at large distances, and shows a strong dependence on the salt concentration of the solution. The second contribution is short range, dominates at interaxial separations smaller than about 30-32 A, and rises steeply as the columns approach each other, preventing the coalescence of the helices. This repulsion has an exponential nature and shows a magnitude and a decay length insensitive to the ionic strength of the medium. Because these features are distinctive of the hydration force detected between phospholipid bilayers or between several linear macromolecules (DNA, polysaccharides, collagen), we conclude that the dominant force experienced by deoxyguanosine helices approaching contact is hydration repulsion. The observed decay length of about 0.7 A has been rationalized to emerge from the coupling between the 3-A decay length of water solvent and the helically ordered structure of the hydrophilic groups on the opposing surfaces. The present results agree with recent measurements, also showing the dependence of the hydration force decay on the structure of interacting surfaces and confirm the correlations between force and structure.  相似文献   

We have performed a conformational analysis of DNA double helices with parallel directed backbone strands connected with the second order symmetry axis being at the same time the helix axis. The calculations were made for homopolymers poly(dA).poly(dA), poly(dC).poly(dC), poly(dG) poly(dG), and poly(dT).poly(dT). All possible variants of hydrogen bonding of base pairs of the same name were studied for each polymer. The maps of backbone chain geometrical existence were constructed. Conformational and helical parameters corresponding to local minima of conformational energy of "parallel" DNA helices, calculated at atom-atom approximation, were determined. The dependence of conformational energy on the base pair and on the hydrogen bond type was analysed. Two major conformational advantageous for "parallel" DNA's do not depend much on the hydrogen-bonded base pair type were indicated. One of them coincided with the conformational region typical for "antiparallel" DNA, in particular for the B-form DNA. Conformational energy of "parallel" DNA depends on the base pair type and for the most part is similar to the conformational energy of "antiparallel" B-DNA.  相似文献   

Conformational analysis of double helices of DNA with parallel arranged sugar-phosphate chains connected by twofold symmetry has been performed. Homopolymers poly(dA).poly(dA), poly(dC).poly(dC), poly(dG).poly(dG) and poly(dT).poly(dT) were studied. For each of the homopolymers all variants of H-bond pairing were checked. The maps of closing of sugar-phosphate backbone were previously computed. By the optimization of potential energy the dihedral angles and helix parameters of relatively stable conformations of parallel stranded polynucleotides were calculated. The dependence of conformational energy on the nucleic base character and the base pair type were studied. Two main conformational regions for favourable "parallel" helix of polynucleotides were found. The former of these two regions coincide with the region of typical conformational parameters of B-DNA. On an average the conformational energy of "parallel" DNA is close to the energy of canonic "antiparallel" B-DNA.  相似文献   

Although the transition from the B-DNA double helix to the A-form is essential for biological function, as shown by the existence of the A-form in many protein–DNA complexes, the dynamics of this transition has not been resolved yet. According to molecular dynamics simulations the transition is expected in the time range of a few nanoseconds. The B–A transition induced by mixing of DNA samples with ethanol in stopped flow experiments is complete within the deadtime, showing that the reaction is faster than ~0.2 ms. The reaction was resolved by an electric field jump technique with induction of the transition by a dipole stretching force driving the A- to the B-form. Poly[d(A-T)] was established as a favourable model system, because of a particularly high cooperativity of the transition and because of a spectral signature allowing separation of potential side reactions. The time constants observed in the case of poly[d(A-T)] with ~1600 bp are in the range around 10 µs. An additional process with time constants of ~100 µs is probably due to nucleation. The same time constants (within experimental accuracy ±10%) were observed for a poly[d(A-T)] sample with ~70 bp. Under low salt conditions commonly used for studies of the B–A transition, the time constants are almost independent of the ionic strength. The experimental data show that a significant activation barrier exists in the B–A transition and that the helical states are clearly separated from each other, in contrast to predictions by molecular dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

The mechanism of ion polarisation along DNA double helices   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The orientation curves of short DNA fragments induced by electric field pulses are measured with high time resolution and analysed by efficient deconvolution techniques. A small, but clearly detectable delay of the 'on-field' orientation can be described accurately by the superposition of two exponential processes with opposite amplitudes. The time constant of the faster process is around 10 ns and the slower one in the range 50-1000 ns depending upon the electric field strength and chain length of the DNA fragment. The relation between amplitudes and time constants observed for each curve corresponds exactly to that expected for a convolution of two processes, where the first process is without optical response and becomes detectable only via the optical response of the second process. These results indicate that the first process reflects the polarisation of the ion atmosphere required for the second process of the orientation. Measurements at different ion concentrations c demonstrate that the reciprocal time constant of the fast process is a linear function of c and thus is consistent with an association reaction. The association rate constant evaluated from this dependence according to a simple bimolecular reaction model is 8 X 10(9) M-1 s-1 for a 95 base-pair fragment and is consistent with binding of Na+ to the helix, a reaction close to the limit of diffusion control. The association rate constant is almost independent of the electric field strength E, while the dissociation rate constant k- strongly increases with E, indicating dissociation of ions at high E values. The data suggest a linear correlation between log(k-) and E2 corresponding to a reaction driven by a dipole change. The apparent dipole change evaluated from this dependence is in the order of magnitude estimated for an elementary step of ion dissociation at one end of the helices. The combined results obtained from the polarisation and the orientation mechanism can be explained by dissociation of surprisingly few counterions biased towards one end of the helices. The experimental data obtained for a 76 base-pair fragment are analogous to those for the 95 base-pair fragment, whereas the 'slow' ion polarisation has not been detected for a fragment with 27 base-pairs. This result together with those obtained for the longer fragments at low field strengths indicate that there is a fast polarisation mechanism without 'ion dissociation' at low chain lengths and for low electric field strengths. This mechanism is replaced at high chain lengths and/or high electric field strengths by the ion dissociation mechanism.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Excited states and energy transfer among DNA bases in double helices.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of excited states and energy transfer in DNA double helices has recently gained new interest connected to the development of computational techniques and that of femtosecond spectroscopy. The present article points out contentious questions regarding the nature of the excited states and the occurrence of energy transfer and shows how they are currently approached. Using as example the polymer poly(dA) . poly(dT), composed of about 2000 adenine-thymine pairs, a model is proposed on the basis of time-resolved measurements (fluorescence decays, fluorescence anisotropy decays and fluorescence spectra, obtained with femtosecond resolution), associated to steady-state spectra. According to this qualitative model, excitation at 267 nm populates excited states that are delocalized over a few bases (excitons). Ultrafast internal conversion directs the excited state population to the lower part of the exciton band giving rise to fluorescence. Questions needing further investigations, both theoretical and experimental, are underlined with particular emphasis on delicate points related to the complexity and the plasticity of these systems.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis has been carried out to examine all the stereochemically possible bifurcated hydrogen bonds including those of cross strand type between propeller twisted base pairs in DNA double helices by stereochemical considerations involving base pairs alone and by molecular mechanics studies on dimer and trimer duplexes. The results show that there are limited number of combinations of adjacent base pairs that would facilitate bifurcated cross-strand hydrogen bond (CSH). B-type helices concomitant with negative propeller twist seem to be more favored for the occurrence of CSH than canonical A-type helices because of slide in the latter. The results also demonstrate that helices with appropriate sequences may possess continuous run of these propeller twist driven cross strand hydrogen bonds indicating that they may in fact be considered as yet another general structural feature of DNA helices.  相似文献   

Analysis of available B-DNA type oligomeric crystal structures as well as protein-bound DNA fragments (solved using data with resolution <2.6 A) indicates that in both data sets, a majority of the (3'-Ade) H2..O2(3'-Thy/Cyt) distances in AA.TT and GA.TC dinucleotide steps, are considerably shorter than their values in a uniform fibre model, and are smaller than their optimum separation distance. Since the electropositive C2-H2 group of adenine is in close proximity of the electronegative keto oxygen atoms of both pyrimidine bases in the antiparallel strand of the double-helical DNA structures, it suggests the possibility of intra-base-pair as well as cross-strand C-H..O hydrogen bonds in the minor groove. The C2-H2..O2 hydrogen bonds within the A.T base-pairs could be a natural consequence of Watson-Crick pairing. However, the close cross-strand interactions between the bases at the 3'-ends of the AA.TT and GA.TC steps arise due to the local sequence-dependent geometry of these steps. While the base-pair propeller twist in these steps is comparable to the fibre model, some of the other local parameters such as base-pair opening angle and inter-base-pair slide show coordinated changes, leading to these shorter C2-H2..O2 distances. Hence, in addition to the well-known minor groove hydration, it appears that favourable C2-H2..O2 cross-strand interactions may play a role in imparting a characteristic geometry to AA.TT and GA.TC steps, as well as An.Tn and GAn.TnC tracts, which leads to a narrow minor groove in these regions.  相似文献   

The static geometry of the phosphodiesters in oriented fibers of DNA and a variety of polynucleotides was investigated by solid-state 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The structural parameters of the phosphodiester backbone expressed by two Euler angles beta and gamma were estimated on the basis of the NMR spectra of natural DNA, poly(dA).poly(dT), poly(rA).poly(dT), and poly-(rA).poly(rU). The Euler angles were calculated by using the known single crystal structures of a decamer, r(GCG)d(TATACGC), and a dodecamer, d(CGCGAATTCGCG). The distribution pattern of the Euler angles was quite different between these two oligonucleotides due to the different types of conformation, and it was fully consistent with the 31P NMR results, showing that the conformation of the B form DNA is very heterogeneous while that of the A or A' form is much more invariable with regard to the base composition. The structural parameters were also calculated by using various structures determined by the X-ray fiber diffraction studies, and they were evaluated on the basis of the 31P NMR data. Notably, poly(dA).poly(dT) fibers exhibited abnormal 31P NMR spectra which were very broad in line width and were not appreciably perturbed by hydration; a coiled double-helical structure is proposed as the most plausible model for this polymer.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the electrostatic stretch-and-positioning method is useful for the analysis of a long DNA molecule by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM). DNA molecules were stretched parallel to the field line, and immobilized onto the aluminum electrodes patterned on a glass plate. Through AFM observation, we confirmed the immobilization of individual DNA molecules, not aggregate.  相似文献   

Structure and dynamics of double helices in solution: modes of DNA bending   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The long range structure of DNA restriction fragments has been analysed by electro-optical measurements. The overall rotation time constants observed in a low salt buffer with monovalent ions is shown to decrease upon addition of Mg2+ or spermine. Since the circular dichroism and also the limiting value of the linear dichroism remain almost constant under these conditions, the effect is attributed to a change of the long range structure. According to a weakly bending rod model, the persistence length decreases from about 600 A in the absence of Mg2+ or spermine to about 350 A in the presence of these ions. The persistence length measured in the presence of Mg2+ is almost independent of temperature in the range of 10 to 40 degrees C. The nature of DNA bending is analysed by measurements of bending amplitudes and time constants from dichroism decay curves. The observed absence of changes in the bending amplitudes upon addition of Mg2+ or spermine, even though addition induces changes of the persistence length by a factor of 2, is hardly consistent with simple thermal bending. The combined results, including the remarkably small temperature dependence of persistence length and bending amplitude, can be explained by the existence of two bending effects: inherent curvature of DNA dominates at low temperature, whereas thermal bending prevails at high temperature. Analysis of bending amplitudes from dichroism decay curves according to an arc model provides an approximate measure for the degree of bending in restriction fragments. The model is consistent with the observed chain length dependence of bending amplitudes and provides an approximate curvature corresponding to a radius of about 400 A. Thus the curvature observed in restriction fragments is similar to that observed for high molecular DNA condensed into toroids by addition of ions like spermine. Particularly strong bending of DNA is induced by [Co(NH3)6]3+, indicated by an apparent persistence length of 200 A and an increased bending amplitude together with a reduced limit value of the linear dichroism. This effect is attributed to the high charge density of this ion and potential site binding.  相似文献   

The dinucleoside phosphates ApU and GpC form right-handed anti-parallel double helical fragments within their crystal lattices. Using a least squares procedure, we have generated the extended double helices which these fragments represent. ApU corresponds to a double helix with 11.9 residues per turn and a pitch of 28. 1Å. The GpC double helix has 10.4 residues per turn and a pitch of 26. 9Å.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mechanical properties of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is essential to understand the role of dsDNA looping in gene regulation and the mechanochemistry of molecular machines that operate on dsDNA. Here, we use a newly developed tool, force sensors with optical readout, to measure the forces inside short, strained loops composed of both dsDNA and single-stranded DNA. By varying the length of the loops and their proportion of dsDNA, it was possible to vary their internal forces from 1 pN to >20 pN. Surprisingly, internal loop forces changed erratically as the amount of dsDNA was increased for a given loop length, with the effect most notable in the smallest loop (57 nucleotides). Monte Carlo simulations based on the helical wormlike chain model accurately predict internal forces when more than half of the loop is dsDNA but fail otherwise. Mismatches engineered into the double-stranded regions increased flexibility, suggesting that Watson-Crick basepaired dsDNA can withstand high compressive forces without recourse to multibase melts. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy further excluded transient melting (microsecond to millisecond duration) as a mechanism for relief of compressive forces in the tested dsDNAs. DNA loops with integrated force sensors may allow the comprehensive mapping of the elasticity of short dsDNAs as a function of both sequence and salt.  相似文献   

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