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Hindlimb unloading rodent model: technical aspects.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Establishing, maintaining, and modifying the phase relationships between extensor and flexor muscle groups is essential for central pattern generators in the spinal cord to coordinate the hindlimbs well enough to produce the basic walking rhythm. This paper investigates a simplified computational model for the spinal hindlimb central pattern generator (CPG) that is abstracted from experimental data from the rodent spinal cord. This model produces locomotor-like activity with appropriate phase relationships in which right and left muscle groups alternate while extensor and flexor muscle groups alternate. Convergence to this locomotor pattern is slow, however, and the range of parameter values for which the model produces appropriate output is relatively narrow. We examine these aspects of the model’s coordination of left-right activity through investigation of successively more complicated subnetworks, focusing on the role of the synaptic architecture in shaping motoneuron phasing. We find unexpected sensitivity in the phase response properties of individual neurons in response to stimulation and a need for high levels of both inhibition and excitation to achieve the walking rhythm. In the absence of cross-cord excitation, equal levels of ipsilateral and contralateral inhibition result in a strong preference for hopping over walking. Inhibition alone can produce the walking rhythm, but contralateral inhibition must be much stronger than ipsilateral inhibition. Cross-cord excitatory connections significantly enhance convergence to the walking rhythm, which is achieved most rapidly with strong crossed excitation and greater contralateral than ipsilateral inhibition. We discuss the implications of these results for CPG architectures based on unit burst generators.  相似文献   

The hindlimb-unloading model was used to study the ability of muscle injured in a weightless environment to recover after reloading. Satellite cell mitotic activity and DNA unit size were determined in injured and intact soleus muscles from hindlimb-unloaded and age-matched weight-bearing rats at the conclusion of 28 days of hindlimb unloading, 2 wk after reloading, and 9 wk after reloading. The body weights of hindlimb-unloaded rats were significantly (P < 0.05) less than those of weight-bearing rats at the conclusion of hindlimb unloading, but they were the same (P > 0.05) as those of weight-bearing rats 2 and 9 wk after reloading. The soleus muscle weight, soleus muscle weight-to-body weight ratio, myofiber diameter, number of nuclei per millimeter, and DNA unit size were significantly (P < 0.05) smaller for the injured soleus muscles from hindlimb-unloaded rats than for the soleus muscles from weight-bearing rats at each recovery time. Satellite cell mitotic activity was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the injured soleus muscles from hindlimb-unloaded rats than from weight-bearing rats 2 wk after reloading, but it was the same (P > 0.05) as in the injured soleus muscles from weight-bearing rats 9 wk after reloading. The injured soleus muscles from hindlimb-unloaded rats failed to achieve weight-bearing muscle size 9 wk after reloading, because incomplete compensation for the decrease in myonuclear accretion and DNA unit size expansion occurred during the unloading period.  相似文献   

Limb muscles from rats flown in space and after hindlimb unloading (HU) show an increased fatigability, and spaceflight has been shown to result in a reduced ability to oxidize fatty acids. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of HU on the substrate content in fast- and slow-twitch fibers and to assess the substrate utilization patterns in single slow type I fibers isolated from control and HU animals. A second objective was to assess whether HU altered the ability of the heart or limb muscle to oxidize pyruvate or palmitate. After 2 wk of HU, single fibers were isolated from the freeze-dried soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. HU increased the glycogen content in all fiber types, and it increased lactate, ATP, and phosphocreatine in the slow type I fiber. After HU, the type I fiber substrate profile was shifted toward that observed in fast fibers. For example, fiber glycogen increased from 179 +/- 16 to 285 +/- 25 mmol/kg dry wt, which approached the 308 +/- 23 mmol/kg dry wt content observed in the post-HU type IIa fiber. With contractile activity, the type I fiber from the HU animal showed a greater utilization of glycogen and accumulation of lactate compared with the control type I fiber. HU had no effect on the ability of crude homogenate or mitochondria fractions from the soleus or gastrocnemius to oxidize pyruvate or palmitate. The increased fatigability after HU may have resulted from an elevated glycolysis producing an increased cell lactate and a decreased pH.  相似文献   

Female rats(7-8 mo old, n = 40) wererandomly placed into the intact control (Int) and ovariectomizedcontrol (Ovx) groups. Two weeks after ovariectomy, animals were furtherdivided into intact 2-wk hindlimb unloaded (Int-HU) and ovariectomizedhindlimb unloaded (Ovx-HU). We hypothesized that there would be greater hindlimb unloading-related atrophy in Ovx than in Int rats. In situcontractile tests were performed on soleus (Sol), plantaris (Plan),peroneus longus (Per), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles.Body weight and Sol mass were ~22% larger in Ovx than in Int groupand ~18% smaller in both HU groups than in Int rats (Ovx × HUinteraction, P < 0.05), and therewas a similar trend in Plan muscle (P < 0.07). There were main effects (P < 0.05) for both ovariectomy (growth) and hindlimb unloading(atrophy) on gastrocnemius mass. Mass of the Per and EDL muscles wasunaffected by either ovariectomy or hindlimb unloading. Time to peaktwitch tension for EDL and one-half relaxation times for Sol, Plan,Per, and EDL muscles were faster (P < 0.05) in Ovx than in Int animals. The results suggest that1) ovariectomy led to similarincreases of ~20% in body weight and plantar flexor mass;2) hindlimb unloading may haveprevented ovariectomy-related muscle growth;3) greater atrophy may have occurredin Sol and Plan of Ovx animals compared with controls; and4) removal of ovarian hormonalinfluence decreased skeletal muscle contraction times.


Disuse can induce numerous adaptive alterations in skeletal muscle. In the present study the effects of hindlimb unloading on muscle mass and biochemical responses were examined and compared in adult (450 g) and juvenile (200 g) rats after 1, 7, or 14 days of whole body suspension. Quantitatively and qualitatively the soleus (S), gastrocnemius (G), plantaris (P), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of the hindlimb exhibited a differential sensitivity to suspension and weightlessness unloading in both adults and juveniles. The red slow-twitch soleus exhibited the most pronounced atrophy under both conditions, with juvenile responses being greater than adult. In contrast, the fast-twitch EDL hypertrophied during suspension and atrophied during weightlessness, with no significant difference between adults and juveniles. Determination of biochemical parameters (total protein, RNA, and DNA) indicated a less rapid rate of response in adult muscles. This was corroborated by assessment of muscle alpha-actin mRNA levels, which indicated a rapid (within 1 day) and significant (P less than 0.05) effect in juveniles but not in adults. The results of this investigation indicate 1) a qualitatively similar differential effect of unloading on muscles of adults and juveniles, 2) a quantitatively reduced and less rapid effect of suspension on adult muscles, and 3) a close similarity of adult and juvenile muscle responses during suspension and spaceflight, suggesting that this ground-based model simulates many of the unloading effects of weightlessness.  相似文献   

Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is a phenomenon of protection in various tissues from normothermic ischemic injury by previous exposure to short cycles of ischemia-reperfusion. The ability of IPC to protect hepatocytes from a model of hypothermic transplant preservation injury was tested in this study. Rat hepatocytes were subjected to 30min of warm ischemia (37 degrees C) followed by 24 or 48h of hypothermic (4 degrees C) storage in UW solution and subsequent re-oxygenation at normothermia for 1h. Studies were performed with untreated control cells and cells treated with IPC (10min anoxia followed by 10min re-oxygenation, 1 cycle). Hepatocytes exposed to IPC prior to warm ischemia released significantly less LDH and had higher ATP concentrations, relative to untreated ischemic hepatocytes. IPC significantly reduced LDH release after 24h of cold storage before reperfusion and after 48h of cold storage and after 60min of warm re-oxygenation, relative to the corresponding untreated hepatocytes. ATP levels were also significantly higher when IPC was used prior to the warm and cold ischemia-re-oxygenation protocols. In parallel studies, IPC increased new protein synthesis and lactate after cold storage and reperfusion compared to untreated cells but no differences in the patterns of protein banding were detected on electrophoresis between the groups. In conclusion, IPC significantly improves hepatocyte viability and energy metabolism in a model of hypothermic preservation injury preceded by normothermic ischemia. These protective effects on viability may be related to enhanced protein and ATP synthesis at reperfusion.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether hindlimb unloading of rats alters vasoconstrictor and myogenic responsiveness of skeletal muscle arterioles. After either 2 wk of hindlimb unloading (HU) or cage control (C), second-order arterioles were isolated from the white portion of gastrocnemius (WG; C: n = 9, HU: n = 10) or soleus (Sol; C: n = 9, HU: n = 10) muscles and cannulated with two micropipettes connected to reservoir systems for in vitro study. Intraluminal pressure was set at 60 cmH2O. The arterioles were exposed to step changes in intraluminal pressure ranging from 20 to 140 cmH2O to determine myogenic responsiveness and to KCl (10-100 mM) and norepinephrine (10(-9)-10(-4) M) to determine vasoconstrictor responsiveness. Although maximal diameter of WG arterioles was not different between C (185 +/- 12 microm) and HU (191 +/- 14 microm) rats, WG arterioles from HU rats developed less spontaneous tone (C: 33 +/- 5%, HU 20 +/-3%), were unable to maintain myogenic tone at pressures from 140 to 100 cmH2O, and were less sensitive to the vasoconstrictor effects of KCl and norepinephrine (as indicated by a higher agonist concentration that produced 50% of maximal vasoconstrictor response). In contrast, maximal diameter of Sol arterioles from HU rats (117 +/- 12 microm) was smaller than that in C rats (148 +/- 14 microm). However, the development of spontaneous tone (C: 30 +/- 4%, HU: 36 +/- 5%), myogenic activity, and the responsiveness to vasoconstrictor agonists were not different between Sol arterioles from C and HU rats. These results indicate that hindlimb unloading diminishes the myogenic autoregulatory and contractile responsiveness of arterioles from muscle composed of type IIB fibers and suggest that the compromised ability to elevate vascular resistance after exposure to microgravity may be related to these vascular alterations. In addition, hindlimb unloading appears to induce vascular remodeling of arterioles from muscle composed of type I fibers, as indicated by the decrease in maximal diameter of arterioles from Sol muscle.  相似文献   

Bioassayable growth hormone (BGH) in rats is released in large quantities from the pituitary in response to the activation of large, proprioceptive afferent fibers from fast and mixed fiber-type hindlimb musculature. We hypothesized that hindlimb unloading (HU) of adult male rats would 1) reduce the basal levels of plasma BGH, and 2) abolish stimulus-induced BGH release. Rats were exposed to HU for 1, 4, or 8 wk. Plasma and pituitaries were collected under isoflurane anesthesia for hormone analyses. Additionally, at 4 and 8 wk, a subset of rats underwent an in situ electrical stimulation (Stim) of tibial nerve proprioceptive afferents. Basal plasma BGH levels were significantly reduced (-51 and -23%) after 1 and 8 wk of HU compared with ambulatory controls (Amb). Although Amb-Stim rats exhibited increased plasma BGH levels (88 and 143%) and decreased pituitary BGH levels (-27 and -22%) at 4 and 8 wk, respectively, stimulation in HU rats had the opposite effect, reducing plasma BGH (-25 and -33%) and increasing pituitary BGH levels (47 and 10%) relative to HU alone at 4 and 8 wk. The 22-kDa form of GH measured by immunoassay and the plasma corticosterone, T3, T4, and testosterone levels were unchanged by HU or Stim at all time points. These data suggest that BGH synthesis and release from the pituitary are sensitive both to chronically reduced neuromuscular loading and to acute changes in neuromuscular activation, independent of changes in other circulating hormones. Thus BGH may play a role in muscle, bone, and metabolic adaptations that occur in response to chronically unloaded states.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether stimulation of the cutaneous mechanoreceptors of the rat foot sole could partially or totally prevent the soleus muscle atrophy developed after 14 days in hindlimb unloading conditions. Final experiments were achieved under deep anesthesia using pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg, ip injection). Atrophy was characterized by a significant decrease in muscle wet weight, fiber size, maximal twitch and tetanic tensions, contraction kinetics, and histochemical and electrophoretical changes. Our data demonstrate that the stimulation of these mechanoreceptors partially prevents the decrease in muscle weight (53%) and cross-sectional area of the soleus muscle (36%) and in all fiber types (type I: 31%; type Ic: 40%; type IIc: 49%; and type IIa: 44%) and also prevented the reductions in strength (peak twitch tension: 31%; peak tetanic tension: 25%). However, the decrease in contraction kinetics was not counteracted. Moreover, histochemical and electrophoretical changes were partially slowed. Thus our results suggest that stimulation of the sole mechanoreceptors can be used, in part, as a countermeasure to the muscular atrophy observed after a period of hindlimb unloading.  相似文献   

Intravital fluorescence microscopy was applied to the livers of male Wistar rats to test the hypothesis that complement mobilization stimulates Kupffer cells and subsequently initiates hepatic injury after hindlimb ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Following 3 h of limb reperfusion, hepatocellular viability (serum levels of alanine transaminase and cell death via propidium iodide labeling) decreased significantly from levels in sham-operated animals. Inhibition of complement mobilization with soluble complement receptor type 1 (20 mg/kg body wt) and interruption of Kupffer cell function with GdCl(3) (1 mg/100g body wt) resulted in significant hepatocellular protection. Although the effects of hindlimb I/R on hepatic microvascular perfusion were manifest as increased heterogeneity, both complement inhibition and suppression of Kupffer cell function resulted in marked improvements. No additional hepatocellular protection and microvascular improvements were provided by combining the interventions. Furthermore, inhibition of complement mobilization significantly depressed Kupffer cell phagocytosis by 42% following limb reperfusion. These results suggest that the stimulation of Kupffer cells via complement mobilization is necessary but is not the only factor contributing to the early pathogenesis of hepatic injury following hindlimb I/R.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether altered intracellular Ca(2+) handling contributes to the specific force loss in the soleus muscle after unloading and/or subsequent reloading of mouse hindlimbs. Three groups of female ICR mice were studied: 1) unloaded mice (n = 11) that were hindlimb suspended for 14 days, 2) reloaded mice (n = 10) that were returned to their cages for 1 day after 14 days of hindlimb suspension, and 3) control mice (n = 10) that had normal cage activity. Maximum isometric tetanic force (P(o)) was determined in the soleus muscle from the left hindlimb, and resting free cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), tetanic [Ca(2+)](i), and 4-chloro-m-cresol-induced [Ca(2+)](i) were measured in the contralateral soleus muscle by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Unloading and reloading increased resting [Ca(2+)](i) above control by 36% and 24%, respectively. Although unloading reduced P(o) and specific force by 58% and 24%, respectively, compared with control mice, there was no difference in tetanic [Ca(2+)](i). P(o), specific force, and tetanic [Ca(2+)](i) were reduced by 58%, 23%, and 23%, respectively, in the reloaded animals compared with control mice; however, tetanic [Ca(2+)](i) was not different between unloaded and reloaded mice. These data indicate that although hindlimb suspension results in disturbed intracellular Ca(2+) homeostasis, changes in tetanic [Ca(2+)](i) do not contribute to force deficits. Compared with unloading, 24 h of physiological reloading in the mouse do not result in further changes in maximal strength or tetanic [Ca(2+)](i).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that exposure to short-term microgravity or long-term hindlimb unloading induces cardiac atrophy in male Sprague-Dawley rats. For the microgravity study, rats were subdivided into four groups: preflight (PF, n = 12); flight (Fl, n = 7); flight cage simulation (Sim, n = 6), and vivarium control (Viv, n = 7). Animals in the Fl group were exposed to 7 days of microgravity during the Spacelab 3 mission. Animals in the hindlimb-unloading study were subdivided into three groups: control (Con, n = 20), 7-day hindlimb-unloaded (7HU, n = 10), and 28-day hindlimb-unloaded (28HU, n = 19). Heart mass was unchanged in adult animals exposed to 7 days of actual microgravity (PF 1.33 +/- 0.03 g; Fl 1.32 +/- 0.02 g; Sim 1.28 +/- 0.04 g; Viv 1.35 +/- 0.04 g). Similarly, heart mass was unaltered with hindlimb unloading (Con 1.40 +/- 0.04 g; 7HU 1.35 +/- 0.06 g; 28HU 1.42 +/- 0.03 g). Hindlimb unloading also had no effect on the peak rate of rise in left ventricular pressure, an estimate of myocardial contractility (Con 8,055 +/- 385 mmHg/s; 28HU 8,545 +/- 755 mmHg/s). These data suggest that cardiac atrophy does not occur after short-term exposure to microgravity and that neither short- nor long-term simulated microgravity alters cardiac mass or function.  相似文献   

Rodent hindlimb suspension is widely used to induce inflammation and muscle impairment. We set out to define the role of mast cells in neutrophil and macrophage recruitment and muscle recovery after unloading-reloading. We hypothesized that mechanical perturbation would stimulate release of proinflammatory substances by mast cells, which would influence leukocyte recruitment and muscle function. Rats were suspended for 10 days and injected with a mast cell inhibitor (cromolyn) or stimulator (compound 48/80) or a placebo before reloading. Leukocyte accumulation and muscle function were assessed using immunohistological staining and measurements of contractile properties in vitro. Our results showed that mechanical loading activated mast cells, thereby influencing leukocyte recruitment in the early reloading periods. Indeed, the inhibition of mast cell degranulation significantly reduced the number of neutrophil cell profiles in reloaded soleus muscle, whereas mast cell activation provoked a significant increase in the number of neutrophil cell profiles in uninjured muscle. However, the inhibition of mast cell degranulation also led to a significant increase in the number of ED1+ macrophage cell profiles. These perturbations in the inflammatory response caused by mast cell inhibition induced a short protective effect on the loss of muscle force after 1 day of reloading but delayed the return to the normal contractile properties of muscles after 14 days of reloading. These results indicate that mechanical loading can induce mast cell degranulation, which can influence leukocyte influx and muscle function, and also highlighted the possibility that leukocytes may play a dual role in skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

Previous data from spaceflight studies indicate that injured muscle and bone heal slowly and abnormally compared with ground controls, strongly suggesting that ligaments or tendons may not repair optimally as well. Thus the objective of this study was to investigate the biochemical and molecular gene expression of the collagen extracellular matrix in response to medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury repair in hindlimb unloaded (HLU) rodents. Male rats were assigned to 3- and 7-wk treatment groups with three subgroups each: sham control, ambulatory healing (Amb-healing), and HLU-healing groups. Amb- and HLU-healing animals underwent bilateral surgical transection of their MCLs, whereas control animals were subjected to sham surgeries. All surgeries were performed under isoflurane anesthesia. After 3 wk or 7 wk of HLU, rats were euthanized and MCLs were surgically isolated and prepared for molecular or biochemical analyses. Hydroxyproline concentration and hydroxylysylpyridinoline collagen cross-link contents were measured by HPLC and showed a substantial decrement in surgical groups. MCL tissue cellularity, quantified by DNA content, remained significantly elevated in all HLU-healing groups vs. Amb-healing groups. MCL gene expression of collagen type I, collagen type III, collagen type V, fibronectin, decorin, biglycan, lysyl oxidase, matrix metalloproteinase-2, and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1, measured by real-time quantitative PCR, demonstrated differential expression in the HLU-healing groups compared with Amb-healing groups at both the 3- and 7-wk time points. Together, these data suggest that HLU affects dense fibrous connective tissue wound healing and confirms previous morphological and biomechanical data that HLU inhibits the ligament repair processes.  相似文献   

Sex differences in susceptibility to alcohol-induced liver injury have been observed in both humans and experimental animal models. Using a standard model of alcohol-induced fatty liver injury and microarray analysis, we have identified differential expression of hepatic genes in both sexes. The genes that exhibit differential expression are of three types: those that are changed only in male rats fed alcohol, those that change in only female rats fed alcohol, and those that change in both sexes, although not always in the same manner. Certain of the differentially expressed genes have previously been identified as participants in the induction of alcohol-induced liver injury. However, this analysis has identified a number of genes that heretofore have not been implicated in alcoholic liver injury; such genes may provide new areas of investigation into the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

Troponin C (TnC) plays a key role in the regulation of muscle contraction, thereby modulating the Ca(2+)-activation characteristics of skinned muscle fibers. This study was performed to assess the effects of a 15-day hindlimb unloading (HU) period on TnC expression and its functional behavior in the slow postural muscles of the rat. We investigated the TnC isoform expression in whole soleus muscles and in single fibers. The latter were also checked for their Ca(2+) activation characteristics and sensitivity to bepridil, a Ca(2+) sensitizer molecule. This drug has been described as exerting a differential effect on slow and fast fibers, depending on the TnC isoform. With regard to TnC expression, three populations were found in control muscle fibers: slow, hybrid slow, and hybrid fast fibers, with the TnC fast being always coexpressed with TnC slow. In the whole muscle, TnC fast expression increased after HU because of the increase in the proportion of hybrid fast fibers. The HU hybrid fast fibers had properties similar to those of control hybrid fast fibers. The fibers that remained slow after HU exhibited similar bepridil and Sr(2+) properties as control slow fibers. Therefore, in these fibers, the changes could not be related to the TnC molecule.  相似文献   

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