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The study of endothelial development has been intertwined with hematopoiesis since the early 20th century when a bi-potential cell (hemangioblast) was noted to produce both endothelial and hematopoietic cells. Since then, ideas regarding the nature of connection between the vascular and hematopoietic systems have ranged from a tenuous association to direct lineage origination. In this review, historical data that spans hematopoietic development is examined within the context of hemogenic endothelium. Hemogenic endothelium, a specialized endothelial population capable of hematopoiesis, is an emerging theory that has recently gained momentum. Evidence across species and decades are reviewed, as are the possible modulators of the phenomenon, which include pathways that specify definitive hematopoiesis (Runx1), arterial identity (Notch1), as well as physiological and developmental factors.  相似文献   

Hughes M  Weir A  Leschen R  Judd C  Gillen B 《Mycologia》2004,96(6):1355-1369
Until now Rhachomyces kenodactyli Balazuc & W. Rossi has been the only species of Laboulbeniales known to occur on Coleoptera in the Bounty, Antipodes, Auckland, Campbell and Snares Islands, which lie 48° to 35° S. Four new species (Diphymyces depressus, Diphymyces leschenii, Laboulbenia subantarctica and Laboulbenia loxomeri) and five new records for the subantarctic (Cucujomyces phycophilus, Diphymyces penicillifer, Laboulbenia sp. 1, Rhachomyces sp. 1 and Teratomyces sp. 1) are reported, increasing the known number of taxa tenfold. An expanded geographic range for Rhachomyces kenodactyli is reported. A relatively high percentage (12%) of known beetle species in the subantarctic serve as hosts for Laboulbeniales. This host utilization rate is higher than that in tropical and north temperate regions. The high proportion of intertidal coleopteran taxa in the subantarctic fauna probably accounts for the greater number of host species utilized. Fungi on intertidal beetles (Omaliinae [Staphylinidae], Oopterus [Carabidae] and Kenodactylus audouini [Carabidae]) are known from many host individuals and collections, while those on terrestrial species are known from few, and in some cases, a single collection or host. The sporadic occurrence of some species encountered increases the likelihood that a few species of Laboulbeniales on Coleoptera probably remain undiscovered in the region.  相似文献   

Eudonia mawsoni, the only moth breeding on subantarctic Macquarie Island, was sampled to measure density and sex ratios in different habitats and at different altitudes, and to investigate the distribution of colour morphs. Sites sampled ranged in altitude from 20 to 433 m above sea level, and included mire, short grassland, herbfield, feldmark and moss. Adult moths were widespread, occurring from sea level to the highest mountain (433 m a.s.l.). Mean density ranged from 0 to 2.3 m–2. Frequencies of males and females differed significantly for only 6 of the 24 sampling events, with males predominant at 5 of those 6. Females predominated only in collections from a pure moss site, where they appeared to gather to oviposit. In some vegetation types, moth sex proportions differed significantlly from average proportions, with the proportion of females elevated in feldmark and moss, and depressed in mire. Colour morph distribution was significantly affected by both sex and altitude, with females darker than males and both sexes with a greater proportion of darker individuals at higher altitudes. Larvae occurred at sites ranging from sea level to 370 m a.s.l., usually in mosses. Their diet included mosses and some non-moss plant material.  相似文献   

The present study compares the bat faunas of the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. Species composition. endemism and hypothetical origins are discussed. All families present in the mainland region are found in Bioko, a typical landbridge island. Foliage gleaning guild species (Nycteridae) show limited colonization abilities. This is also true of the family Rhinolophidae, but not for the closely related family Hipposideridae. The majority of the oceanic island species are African bats which show a widespread distribution and, therefore, have a high ecological plasticity. The continental relatives of the two endemic species Myonycteris brachycephala and Chaerephon tomensis are restricted to relatively small forested areas. Bioko's bat fauna is the result of the recent isolation from a formerly land-connected community. The oceanic bat faunas originated from the establishment of incomers from other areas. Nevertheless, extinction appears in both vicariant and dispersal processes, as an important factor in modelling the current bat communities of the Gulf of Guinea islands.  相似文献   

Bohr, Delbrück and Schrödinger were physicists who had important influences on biology in the second half of the twentieth century. They thought that future studies of the gene might reveal new principles or paradoxes, analogous to the wave/particle paradox of light propagation, or even new physical laws. This stimulated several physicists to enter the field of biology. Delbrück founded the bacteriophage group which provided one of the roots of molecular biology. Another was X-ray crystallography which led to the discovery of DNA structure. The strength and success of molecular biology came from the many interactions between geneticists, physicists, chemists and biochemists. It was also characterized by a powerful combination of theoretical and experimental approaches.  相似文献   

Greig D 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(7):R251-R253
Yeast is a superb laboratory model organism, but little is known about its natural lifestyle. Recent studies of wild yeast are beginning to reveal details of Saccharomyces population structure and evolution that challenge assumptions about speciation and dispersal in microbes.  相似文献   

Aim Exotic species pose one of the most significant threats to biodiversity, especially on islands. The impacts of exotic species vary in severity among islands, yet little is known about what makes some islands more susceptible than others. Here we determine which characteristics of an island influence how severely exotic species affect its native biota. Location We studied 65 islands and archipelagos from around the world, ranging from latitude 65° N to 54° S. Methods We compiled a global database of 10 island characteristics for 65 islands and determined the relative importance of each characteristic in predicting the impact of exotic species using multivariate modelling and hierarchical partitioning. We defined the impact of exotic species as the number of bird, amphibian and mammal (BAM) species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as threatened by exotics, relative to the total number of BAM species on that island. Results We found that the impact of exotic species is more severe on islands with more exotic species and a greater proportion of native species that are endemic. Unexpectedly, the level of anthropogenic disturbance did not influence an island's susceptibility to the impacts of exotic species. Main conclusions By coupling our results with studies on the introduction and establishment of exotic species, we conclude that colonization pressure, or invasion opportunities, influences all stages of the invasion process. However, species endemism, the other important factor determining the impact of exotic species, is not known to contribute to introduction and establishment success on islands. This demonstrates that different factors correlate with the initial stages of the invasion process and the subsequent impacts of those invaders, highlighting the importance of studying the impacts of exotic species directly. Our study helps identify islands that are at risk of impact by exotics and where investment should focus on preventing further invasions.  相似文献   

Highly diversified colorations among springtails (Collembola) have been widely used for species diagnosis, but their phylogenetic significance is poorly known. We addressed this issue in the largest Entomobryinae genus Entomobrya, which possesses variable color patterns among species. The relationships within the genus and to other genera have also rarely been studied. Based on material mainly from China, we have conducted a multilocus phylogeny and topology tests with likelihood and Bayesian algorithms, and accordingly demonstrated the non-monophyly of Chinese Entomobrya. The division of five clades, including Entomobrya and several related genera, coincided well with five types of colorations, respectively. Further analyses of divergence time and historical biogeography revealed that Chinese Entomobrya originated mainly from Palearctic (northern and western) China in the Paleocene and Eocene. This study highlights the great phylo? genetic values as well as taxonomic uses of coloration in Chinese Entomobrya. Multiple phylogenetic and biogeographic origins of Entomobrya imply its complicated relationships with both scaled and unsealed genera of Entomobryinae.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed the (re)emergence of a debate as to whether handedness is apomorphic within hominins. There are both qualitative and quantitative arguments, some which draw non-human primates into the handed sphere and others which exclude them. Ultimate questions concern origins of structural asymmetry of both brain and body and lateralized behaviours with implications for tool use and language. Lateralization is thus an important realm of phylogenetic study, and archaeologists and psychologists alike have sought to identify handedness within material culture. However, hand preference for tool manufacture and use among extant non-human primates, such as Cebus and Pan, suggests that the archaeological record may well be mute regarding the origins of laterality. In this paper, an argument is put forward positioning skeletal biology as a viable approach to the handedness origins issue. Behaviour is a mediator of the complementary processes of geometric modelling (change in size and shape) and histological remodelling (disuse osteopenia; microfracture repair); therefore, directional asymmetry in the pattern of skeletal modelling and remodelling is a putative signal of lateralized activity.  相似文献   

(1) Two groups of individually cultured Isotoma viridis were studied. They were given a diet of Tetramin fishfood and Pleurococcus algae respectively, in order to monitor individual changes in oxygen uptake during culture. (2) Growth rate, moulting frequency and the maximal live weight reached were higher when fed on Tetramin. (3) Egg production in the culture fed Pleurococcus was twice that fed on Tetramin, due to the more fertile intermoult periods without oviposition in animals fed Tetramin. The egg quality seemed to be lowered in the algae-fed animals rather less than in those fed with fishfood. (4) In both cultures, an increase of 35–40% of the metabolic rate at the start of the experiment was observed. This increase was maintained with a Tetramin diet, whilst it disappeared in cultures fed Pleurococcus. The F1 generation of both groups showed an increased metabolic rate, that from Tetramin-fed being significantly higher than that from Pleurococcus-fed animals. (5) It is suggested that the initial increase in metabolism is a result of excess food, and the increased level of oxygen uptake in animals on a Tetramin diet the result of inadequacy of the composition of the fishfood for egg production, thus channelling the energy uptake mainly into growth and metabolism. (6) Neither Tetramin nor Pleurococcus are considered to provide an adequate diet for I. viridis, as reproductive success differed considerably from field conditions.  相似文献   

It has been suggested previously that the presence and abundance of indigenous species have a marked influence on the likelihood of invasion of a community. It has also been suggested that such biotic resistance has a negligible influence on the outcome of an invasion, but that the abiotic characteristics of the environment being invaded are more important. The latter has been claimed to be especially important on the islands of the Southern Ocean. In order to test these competing hypotheses we examined the distribution and abundance of indigenous and introduced springtails across 13 habitats, which differ considerably in the properties of their soils, and soil temperature, on the eastern quarter of sub‐Antarctic Marion Island. There was no evidence of negative abundance covariation or species associations within habitats, nor were there significant relationships between species richness or abundance of the indigenous as opposed to the introduced collembolans across habitats. Interspecific interactions thus seem to have played no readily identifiable role in the outcome of invasions by Collembola on Marion island. In contrast, the indigenous and introduced species responded very differently to abiotic variables. The indigenous Collembola prefer drier, more mineral soils with a low organic carbon content, and species richness tends to be highest in cold, fellfield areas. On the other hand, the introduced springtails prefer moist, warm sites, with organically enriched soils, introduced species richness was negligible in cold, fellfield areas. Disturbance also appeared to influence positively the species richness and abundance of introduced species at a site. These results provide independent support for the idea that abiotic factors, especially temperature, significantly influence the likelihood of biological invasions on Southern Ocean islands. They also suggest that predicting the outcome of climate change on community structure in this region is likely to be problematic, especially in the case of the Collembola.  相似文献   

David G. Frey 《Hydrobiologia》1993,262(3):145-188
Whereas previously all populations of Pleuroxus (now P.) known from the subantarctic islands and southernmost South America were considered to belong to a subspecies of P. aduncus (described from France), now there are five distinct species, only one of which resembles P. aduncus to any significant extent, but even it is a good species. Thus, the taxa are all distinctly different, and none of them could possibly be considered an infraspecies of P. aduncus sens. str. P. macquariensis from Macquarie Island and P. paroplesius and P. varidentatus from South America are new. Of the five species, P. varidentatus resembles P. aduncus most closely, but is separated from it by a number of significant characters. P. wittsteini is presently known from five islands in the south Indian Ocean, but there is considerable uncertainty as to whether all these populations really are the same taxon, because they differ somewhat in the shape of the labrum and in the intensity of sculpturing of the carapace and head. P. scopuliferus from South America is the most distinctive species of the group, having 9 gnathobasic filter setae on trunklimb III instead of the usual 8, a weak ridge on the shell, and a recurved rostrum extending beyond the tip of the labrum. No species of Pleuroxus (or of P., another subgenus of animals formerly assigned simply to Pleuroxus are known from the islands in the Scotia Arc between South America and Antarctica. The patterns of distribution cannot be explained by an on-going passive dispersal of resting eggs. No populations of species on the subantarctic islands are known from any of the southern land masses. Conditions on these islands intuitively must have been more severe during the glacial ages than during the present interglacial, suggesting that any anomopods present were eliminated during the severe glacial periods. Yet, the presence of isolated populations of endemic species on some islands and the complete lack of Pleuroxus on others (e.g. those in the Scotia Arc) argues that conditions, although more severe, still provided opportunities for the maintenance of active populations. Moreover, the morphological differences between populations of P. wittsteini on islands from a few hundred to several thousand kilometers apart likewise argue for genetic isolation over a very long period of time. Deceased  相似文献   

Genes for the degradation of organic pollutants have usually been allocated to plasmid DNAs in bacteria or considered non-mobile when detected in the chromosome. New discoveries have shown that catabolic genes can also be part of so-called integrative and conjugative elements (ICElands), a group of mobile DNA elements also known as genomic islands and conjugative transposons. One such ICEland is the clc element for chlorobenzoate and chlorocatechol degradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Genome comparisons and genetic data on integrase functioning reveal that the clc element and several other unclassified ICElands belong to a group of elements with conserved features. The clc element is unique among them in carrying the genetic information for several degradation pathways, whereas the others give evidence for pathogenicity functions. Many more such elements may exist, bridging the gap between pathogenicity and degradation functions.  相似文献   

What biological traits distinguish taxa susceptible to extinction from less susceptible taxa? Substantiated island biogeographic theory suggests that after insularization, small islands lose more species than do large islands. Thus, susceptible taxa are those now found on only large islands. The traits of susceptible taxa can thus be found by comparing the biology of species found only on large islands with those also found on small islands. The islands examined here are those of the Sunda Shelf, created as a result of the Holocene rise in sea levels of 120 m. We use four statistical comparisons: comparative analysis by (phylogenetically) independent contrasts (N = 8 contrasts at the subgeneric or deeper level), Spearman correlations, stepwise regression, and principle components analysis (N = 9 subgenera/genera). The genera and one subgenus considered are: Hylobates, Macaca, Nasalis, Nycticebus, Pongo, Presbytis, Symphalangus, Tarsius, and Trachypithecus. Traits of risk appear to be large body mass, low density, large annual home range, and low maximum latitude. Expected traits that did not correlate with susceptibility were low interbirth interval, high percent frugivory, high group mass, low altitudinal range, and small geographic range. The risky traits also apply to just the anthropoids (i.e., prosimians excluded). The risky traits are explained if susceptibility is induced by requirements for a large extent of habitat, a small population size, and specialization. These findings, which indicate that efficiency and plasticity of use of the environment separate susceptible from successful primate taxa, might be relevant to an understanding of hominoid evolution.  相似文献   

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