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We investigated the association between late blight resistance and foliage maturity type in potato by means of molecular markers. Two QTLs were detected for foliage resistance against Phytophthora infestans (on chromosomes 3 and 5) and one for foliage maturity type (on chromosome 5). The QTL for resistance to late blight and the QTL for foliage maturity type on chromosome 5 appeared to be mapped on indistinguishable positions. We were interested whether this genetic linkage was due to closely linked but different genes, or due to one (or more) gene(s) with pleiotropic effects. We therefore developed an approach to detect QTLs, in which resistance to late blight was adjusted for foliage maturity type. This analysis revealed the same two QTLs for resistance against P. infestans, but the effect of the locus on chromosome 5 was reduced to only half the original effect. This is a strong indication that the two indistinguishable QTLs for foliage maturity type and for late blight resistance on chromosome 5 may actually be one gene with a pleiotropic effect on both traits. However, there was still a significant effect on resistance against P. infestans on the locus on chromosome 5 after adjusting for foliage maturity type. Therefore we cannot rule out the presence of two closely linked QTLs on chromosome 5: one with a pleiotropic effect on both late blight resistance and foliage maturity type, and another with merely an effect on resistance. In addition, the two QTLs for resistance to late blight showed an important epistatic interaction, suggesting that QTLs for resistance affect each other's expression.  相似文献   

Transgenic (DesA-LicBM3) potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Desnitsa) plants expressing gene encoding Δ12 acyl-lipid desaturase from Synechosystis sp. PCC 6803 were obtained. A significant increase in the relative content of polyunsaturated (linoleic and linolenic) fatty acids in transformants as compared with original genotype was demonstrated. The improved resistance of transgenic plants to late blight causal agent (Phytophthora infestans) as compared with original cultivar was observed.  相似文献   

Field resistance to Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, the causal agent of late blight in potatoes, has been characterized in a potato segregating family of 230 full-sib progenies derived from a cross between two hybrid Solanum phureja × S. stenotomum clones. The distribution of area under the disease progress curve values, measured in different years and locations, was consistent with the inheritance of multigenic resistance. Relatively high levels of resistance and transgressive segregations were also observed within this family. A genetic linkage map of this population was constructed with the intent of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with this late blight field resistance. A total of 132 clones from this family were genotyped based on 162 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The genome coverage by the map (855.2 cM) is estimated to be at least 70% and includes 112 segregating RFLP markers and two phenotypic markers, with an average distance of 7.7 cM between two markers. Two methods were employed to determine trait–marker association, the non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis test and interval mapping analysis. Three major QTLs were detected on linkage group III, V, and XI, explaining 23, 17, and 10%, respectively, of the total phenotypic variation. The present study revealed the presence of potentially new genetic loci in this diploid potato family contributing to general resistance against late blight. The identification of these QTLs represents the first step toward their introgression into cultivated tetraploid potato cultivars through marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   


Key message

Phytophthora infestans resistant somatic hybrids of S. × michoacanum (+) S. tuberosum and autofused 4 x S. × michoacanum were obtained. Our material is promising to introgress resistance from S. × michoacanum into cultivated potato background.


Solanum × michoacanum (Bitter.) Rydb. (mch) is a wild diploid (2n = 2x = 24) potato species derived from spontaneous cross of S. bulbocastanum and S. pinnatisectum. This hybrid is a 1 EBN (endosperm balance number) species and can cross effectively only with other 1 EBN species. Plants of mch are resistant to Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary. To introgress late blight resistance genes from mch into S. tuberosum (tbr), genepool somatic hybridization between mch and susceptible diploid potato clones (2n = 2x = 24) or potato cultivar Rywal (2n = 4x = 48) was performed. In total 18,775 calli were obtained from postfusion products from which 1,482 formed shoots. The Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR), Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequences (CAPS) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses confirmed hybrid nature of 228 plants and 116 autofused 4x mch. After evaluation of morphological features, flowering, pollen stainability, tuberization and ploidy level, 118 somatic hybrids and 116 autofused 4x mch were tested for late blight resistance using the detached leaf assay. After two seasons of testing three somatic hybrids and 109 4x mch were resistant. Resistant forms have adequate pollen stainability for use in crossing programme and are a promising material useful for introgression resistance from mch into the cultivated potato background.  相似文献   

Ghosal hemato-diaphyseal dysplasia is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a progressive sclerosing diaphyseal dysplasia and refractory anemia. The pathogenesis and genetic bases of this syndrome remain hitherto unknown. We have performed a genome wide search in two inbred families originating from Algeria and Tunisia. Here, we report on the mapping of a disease gene to chromosome 7q33–34 (Z max = 4.21 at θ = 0 at locus D7S2513) in a 3.4 Mb defined by loci D7S2560 and AC091742. Ongoing studies will hopefully lead to identification of the disease-causing gene.  相似文献   

Human receptors for IgG (FcR) play important roles in the immune response. Expression of the human FcRII gene may be relevant in immune complex related disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjogren's syndrome. We have used spot blot analysis of dual laser-sorted human chromosomes to localize the FcRII gene to human chromosome 1. Spot blot analysis of sorted derivative chromosomes sublocalized the gene to the chromosome 1 long arm (1q1225.1). This subchromosomal localization involved reassigning a reciprocal chromosome translocation breakpoint. We also identified Xmn I and Taq I FcRII polymorphic restriction sites that arose before the races diverged. These common Xmn I and Taq I polymorphisms are predicted to be informative for segregation analysis with human diseases in 85% of all matings.  相似文献   

The potato cultivar ’Shepody’ is susceptible to a number of potato viruses including potato virus Y (PVY, potyvirus) but was found to possess extreme resistance to another potyvirus, potato virus A (PVA). ’Shepody’ plants were resistant to PVA infection in manual and graft inoculations. PVA replication was not detected in any of the inoculated plants by ELISA, an infectivity assay and RT-PCR. However, ’Shepody’ plants grafted with shoots containing PVA developed a novel symptomology which resembled a virus infection in appearance and in rate of translocation to the entire plant. Efforts to transmit the symptom-inducing agent manually failed. Graft-inoculation to potato virus indicator plants and PVA-susceptible potato plants showed that the symptom inducer was PVA at an extremely low concentration, detected using RT-PCR followed by Southern blot assay. Tubers from grafted but resistant ’Shepody’ plants had necrotic surfaces and internal spots. PVA was detected from necrotic areas but not from the non-necrotic ones. However, plants resulting from necrotic tubers were free from aerial leaf symptoms observed in grafted plants and produced non-necrotic normal tubers. A trace-back of the parental lineage of ’Shepody’ indicated that the resistance had been introgressed from the cultivar ’Bake King’. Analysis of progeny of a cross of resistant ’Shepody’ to the susceptible ’Goldrus’ indicated that this resistance is controlled by two independent dominant complementary genes in contrast to monogenic resistance reported for other potato viruses. Received: 6 April 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

Members of the NBS-LRR gene family impart resistance to a wide variety of pathogens and are often found clustered within a plant genome. This clustering of homologous sequences can complicate PCR-based characterizations, especially the study of transgenes. We have developed allele-specific PCR and RT–PCR assays for the potato late blight resistance gene RB. Our assay utilizes two approaches toward primer design, allowing discrimination between the RB transgene and both the endogenous RB gene and numerous RB homeologs. First, a reverse primer was designed to take advantage of an indel present in the RB transgene but absent in rb susceptibility alleles, enhancing specificity for the transgene, though not fully discriminating against RB homeologs. Second, a forward primer was designed according to the principles of mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA) PCR, targeting SNPs introduced during the cloning of RB. Together, the indel reverse primer and the MAMA forward primer provide an assay that is highly specific for the RB transgene, being capable of distinguishing the transgene from all RB endogenous gene copies and from all RB paralogs in a diverse collection of wild and cultivated potato genotypes. These primers have been successfully multiplexed with primers of an internal control. The multiplexed assay is useful for both PCR and RT–PCR applications. Double MAMA-PCR, in which both PCR primers target separate transgene-specific SNPs, was also tested and shown to be equally specific for the RB transgene. We propose extending the use of MAMA for the characterization of resistance transgenes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The human NK-2 receptor gene has been mapped to chromosome 10 using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify specifically the human NK-2 receptor sequence in hamster/human hybrid DNA and also in mouse/human monochromosome hybrids. The assignment to chromosome 10 was confirmed by in situ hybridisation to human metaphase chromosomes, giving a regional localisation of 10q11–21.  相似文献   

Summary The gene encoding the -subunit of the human platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFRA) maps to band q11–q12 of chromosome 4 by in situ hybridization, which was confirmed by Southern analysis of a Chinese hamster × human cell hybrid that retains only human chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Fire blight is the most important bacterial disease in apple (Malus?×? domestica) and pear (Pyrus communis) production. Today, the causal bacterium Erwinia amylovora is present in many apple- and pear-growing areas. We investigated the natural resistance of the wild apple Malus?×? robusta 5 against E. amylovora, previously mapped to linkage group 3. With a fine-mapping approach on a population of 2,133 individuals followed by phenotyping of the recombinants from the region of interest, we developed flanking markers useful for marker-assisted selection. Open reading frames were predicted on the sequence of a BAC spanning the resistance locus. One open reading frame coded for a protein belonging to the NBS–LRR family. The in silico investigation of the structure of the candidate resistance gene against fire blight of M.?×? robusta 5, FB_MR5, led us hypothesize the presence of a coiled-coil region followed by an NBS and an LRR-like structure with the consensus ‘LxxLx[IL]xxCxxLxxL’. The function of FB_MR5 was predicted in agreement with the decoy/guard model, that FB_MR5 monitors the transcribed RIN4_MR5, a homolog of RIN4 of Arabidopsis thaliana that could interact with the previously described effector AvrRpt2EA of E. amylovora.  相似文献   

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Eastern filbert blight (EFB), caused by the pyrenomycete Anisogramma anomala, is a serious threat to the hazelnut industry in the Pacific Northwest. EFB is endemic in eastern North America where it occasionally produces small cankers on the wild American hazelnut (Corylus americana). In contrast, most cultivars of European hazelnut (Corylus avellana) are susceptible. Genetic resistance is the most promising disease control method and is an objective of the Oregon State University hazelnut breeding program. ‘Gasaway’ resistance, which is governed by a dominant allele at a single locus, has been extensively used in the program. However, ‘Gasaway’ and some of its offspring have been infected by EFB isolates from New Jersey, Minnesota, and Michigan. Efforts to create new cultivars with durable EFB resistance include identifying and studying new resistance sources. In this study, resistant accessions C. americana ‘Rush’ and interspecific hybrid selection ‘Yoder #5’ were crossed with susceptible C. avellana selections and the resulting segregating seedling populations were inoculated by either exposure of potted trees under a structure topped with diseased branches or field exposure supplemented by tying diseased branches to each tree. Disease response was scored when cankers were visible 20 months after inoculation. Resistance from both sources segregated in a 1:1 ratio, indicating control by a single locus and a dominant allele for resistance. DNA extracted from the seedlings was amplified with previously mapped microsatellite markers. Resistance from both C. americana ‘Rush’ and ‘Yoder #5’ was placed on linkage group 7 in the same position as resistance from C. avellana ‘Ratoli.’ Linked microsatellite markers B753, GB372, and B509 will be useful for marker-assisted selection and the pyramiding of genes for durable EFB resistance. Assessing response to EFB is challenging, whether the plants are inoculated under a structure topped with diseased wood or in a humidity chamber in the greenhouse, or by exposure in the field. The pathogen has a 2-year life cycle, and there is a 15-month wait between inoculation and symptom expression. A small number of escapes is commonly encountered, and resistant plants occasionally develop small cankers. Our approach of studying segregation ratios and then mapping with microsatellite markers should be a useful approach for disease resistance studies in many tree crops.  相似文献   

Honey  N. K.  Sakaguchi  A. Y.  Lalley  P. A.  Quinto  C.  Rutter  W. J.  Naylor  S. L. 《Human genetics》1986,72(1):27-31
Summary A rat cDNA probe for preprocarboxypeptidase A was used to follow the segregation of the human gene for carboxypeptidase A (CPA) in 49 human x mouse somatic cell hybrids using Southern filter hybridization techniques. CPA was assigned to human chromosome 7q22qter. Similarly, the probe was used to follow the segregation of the mouse gene for carboxypeptidase A (Cpa) in 19 mouse x Chinese hamster somatic cell hybrids. Cpa was assigned to mouse chromosome 6. The gene for carboxypeptidase A forms part of a syntenic group that is conserved in man and mouse.Preliminary chromosomal assignments of carboxypeptidase A in man and mouse have been made in abstract (Honey et al. 1983a, b)  相似文献   

Scab, caused by the ascomycete fungus Venturia pirina, leads to severe damage on European pear varieties resulting in a loss of commercial value and requiring frequent use of fungicides. Identifying scab resistance genes, developing molecular markers linked to these genes and establishing marker-assisted selection would be an effective way to improve European pear breeding for scab resistance. Most of the European pear cultivars (Pyrus communis) are currently reported to be sensitive. The pear cultivar ‘Navara’ was shown to carry a major scab resistance gene whose phenotypic expression in seedling progenies was a typical stellate necrosis symptom. The resistance gene was called Rvp1, for resistance to V. pirina, and was mapped on linkage group 2 of the pear genome close to microsatellite marker CH02b10. This genomic region is known to carry a cluster of scab resistance genes in apple indicating a first functional synteny for scab resistance between apple and pear.  相似文献   

Summary The human gene encoding the -polypeptide of propionyl-CoA carboxylase (PCC) has hitherto been localized to the distal half of the long arm of chromosome 13, segment 13q22q34. We studied the enzyme activities of mitochondrial carboxylases in cell cultures obtained from patients with different deletions of chromosome 13. By setting the PCC activity in normal diploid cell cultures (control group) at 100%, cell cultures with trisomy 13 showed 150% activity. In contrast, one of four patients with partial monosomy 13 had an enzyme activity of only 50%. Thus, by comparative deletion mapping, combined with studies of the gene-dosage effect, we have been able to assign the PCCA gene locus to chromosome band 13q32.  相似文献   

A major scab resistance gene called Va1 was identified in the Russian apple cultivar ‘Antonovka’ (accession APF22) conferring scab resistance under conditions of natural scab infection in the field. After scab scorings over a period of 3 years, a 1:1 segregation was observed in the mapping population 04/214 (‘Golden Delicious’ × ‘Antonovka’). The Va1 resistance gene provides sufficient broad spectrum resistance that is of use in apple resistance breeding and has been assigned Rvi17 according the proposal for a new scab nomenclature (Bus et al., Acta Horticulturae 814:739–746, 2009). Analysis of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) located on the apple linkage group (LG) 1 showed that the Va1 locus is closely linked (1 cM) to SSR CH-Vf1 known to cosegregate with the Vf locus. A tight genetic association was also observed between a specific cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence marker (ARD-CAPS) developed from the HcrVf paralog Vf2ARD present in ‘Antonovka’, but there is no indication yet for a causal relationship with Vf2ARD. Although the whole race spectrum of Va1 is still unknown, it was obvious that it acts against the scab races 6 and 7 which are able to overcome the resistance of Malus floribunda 821. A second resistance factor (named Va2) was studied by race 1-specific scab tests based on grafted 04/214 clones. A 1:1-segregation ratio was observed, too, but 18 “phenotypic recombinants” were found after comparisons with the field scab data of the same genotypes. Va2 was mapped on LG 1 with a genetic distance of about 15 cM above CH-Vf1. The positions of the newly identified ‘Antonovka’ scab resistance factors are compared with previously reported Va mapping approaches and published results from quantitative trait loci analyses performed with different ‘Antonovka’ genotypes.  相似文献   

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